A personal rendering

Coach & Horses
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Harvington Sports Ground is situated in Anchor Lane tucked in just beyond the bypass, it has both a cricket and football pitch. It is not at known when it was first established on its present site.

The old pavilion stood near to the entrance in the north western corner and was demolished in 1997. The new pavilion was built in the same year and stands much further into the ground and is approached by a metelled drive. Harvington cricked club was established in 1893. Harvington Harriers Football Club no longer exists.

There used to be a sports field directly behind Oldfield in Village Street. The sports field then moved to a field above the Sewage works and then to the present site.

Harvington has also had for many years two skittles teams and a darts team. The Old Shakespeare was a good venue for darts and the actor Clive Dunn was known to play during the time when he was living nearby.
Julian Rawes, Crooked Walls, Harvington, 2018.

The old pavilian in 1997 - where the old pavilian stood near to the entrance.

The new pavilian under construction - the pavilion in 2018.

The pavilian in 2018 - the sports field in 2018 looking east.

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Coach and Horses Darts Team

Photograph of the Coach and Horses Darts Team in the early 1950's. Placed on Facebook Harvington memories by Tom Cook.

Front - Left to right: Mick Beasley, Cyril Brotheridge, ?, Frank Brazier, ?, Doug Marshall
Back - Left to right: Ray Addis, Jeff Parriss, John Robbins, Norman Finch, Mr Troughton, Mr Bromley

Photograph of the Coach and Horses Darts Team from the Baylis Family Collection.

Front - Left to right: ?, ?, ?, Frank Brazier, ?
Back - Left to right: Cyril Blotheridge, Doug Marshall, Mr Bromley, ?, ?