Photograph of Thatchways Cottage dated to 1900. Alongside the photograph is written: "Mr Cresswell at door, he was a hedger and ditcher and lived here with six children 1900". From Cook Family collection.
This is a painting of Thatchways, the first cottage on the right as one enters Harvington from Norton. Note that it does not have the timber-framed extension. The picture was copied from a book called Rural England by P H Ditchfield, titled 'Lilac and Apple Blossoms, Harvington, Worcester, the artist was A R Quinton'. Written alongside the painting is "Thatchways Cottage by A R Quinton 1900". Another copy is to be found in a little cookery book titled Favourite Country Soups. From the Cook Family collection.
Painting of Thatchways by the artist A R Quinton, 1853-1934. He travelled the Country painting hundreds of scenes which he then produced as postcards.
Photograph of Thatchways and Thatchholm. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of Thatchways and Thatchholm in 1920. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of Thatchways and Thatchholm. From the Almonry.
Print depicting Thatchways taken from the Kings England series - Worcestershire, first published in 1938.
A lovely photograph taken in the winter of 2012 by Michael Baxter of Hughes Close, Harvington.
A Christmas card of Harvington by 'Powell'.
A fine painting by artist Peter Hemming of Durham, Peter grew up in Harvington.
Postcard dated from circa 1925. The card depicts the first two houses (Thatchways & Thatchholm) on the right upon entering Harvington from Norton.
Postcard of Thatchways and Thatchholm. Note that Thatchways has its extension. The timbers on the end gable are now arranged differently. From Cook Family collection.
A framed drawing of Thatchways and Thatchholm. On the reverse is a label: Framed by Wills Art Emporium, Ada M. Woodhead, Frame Makers, Print sellers, Artists Colourmen. 20 Morgan Arcade, Cardiff. The artist is unkown. Originally from Geoff North but now (2018) in the possession of Julian & Joy Rawes.
Postcard dated from the early 1930's. The card depicts the first two houses (Thatchways & Thatchholm) on the right upon entering Harvington from Norton. Note that Thatchways has its extension. The timbers on the end gable are now arranged differently.
Postcard dated from circa 1930. The card is identical to the one above but is a blown-up version of the other. It shews Thatchholm on the right.
From a publication, below photograph is written: "Motorists on the main Evesham - Stratford pass this fine Tudor period house". From the Cook Family collection.
Another view of Thatchways. From the Coach and Horses collection.
A photograph from an unusual angle of Thatchholm and Thatchways dated to 1958. Title was "from Rog Field". From the Cook Family collection.
A rare photograph of The Orchard opposite Thatchways and Thatchholm. From the Cook Family collection.
Painting of Thatchholm by Samuel Towers. Painted between 1912 and 1940 from the artist's home at Firbank. Taken from the Internet.
Painting of Thatchways and Thatchholm by Barbara Butcher 2015. From calendar.
Wonderful photograph dated to 1880 of Firbank. Original in Worcestershire Record Office.
Another wonderful old photograph dated to 1880 of Firbank. Original in Worcestershire Record Office.
Photograph of Firbank. Written alongside is "1900". From the Cook Family collection.
Large Painting of Firbank by the then owner Samuel Towers. From Joanne Poole who kindly donated a copy of this beautiful painting.
Photograph dated in 1900's of Firbank. Photograph extracted from 'The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington' by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph of Firbank. Written alongside is "Unknown 1907", but this is Firbank. Note that since the time of this photograph the thatched overhang has been added. From the Cook Family collection.
Painting by A R Quinton 1853-1934, of Firbank the home of the artist Samuel Towers depicting Mrs Towers and her two daughters. It is to be noted that this is different to a similar painting of Firbank. Taken from a note.
Photograph of Firbank. Written alongside is "Firbank Mrs Towers 1929". From the Cook Family collection.
Painting by A R Quinton 1853-1934, of Firbank, the home of the artist Samuel Towers. Taken from Rural England by P H Ditchfield. It is very likely that A R Quinton stayed with and was a friend of Samuel Towers at Firbank.
Photograph of the garden at Firbank. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of Firbank. From the Almonry.
Photograph dated from the 1958 of Firbank. Extracted from 'The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington' by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Postcard of the Laurels. From the Cook Family collection.
Postcard dated to 1880 of the Limes in Shakespeare Lane, in a rather delapidated state. From the Worcestershire Record Office.
Painting of The Limes by the painter Ernest Albert Chadwick, 1876-1955, from Colin Jones of the Limes.
Postcard taken of The Limes and in the background The Laurels. From Geoff North.
Photograph taken of The Limes. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph taken of The Limes. Written alongside is: "The Miss Stratton's The Limes". From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph taken on the sale of the property in May 1964. From the present owners Colin & Alexandra Jones.
Photograph of the snicket behind the church. Postcard from the Coach & Horses collection.
Photograph taken of the snicket alongside the old Shakespeare in 1976 with the entrance to the new churchyard on the extreme left. Photograph by Ken Davies.
Photograph taken of the snicket alongside the old Shakespeare in 2020 just before the burialground hedge was trimmed back. Photograph by Julian Rawes.
Photograph taken of the lane looking south from the new churchyard in 1976. Photograph by Ken Davies.
Photograph taken in the garden of the old Shakespeare Inn in Shakespeare Lane. Photograph extracted from The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Postcard dating from the 1930's. The card is looking up Stratford Road towards the junction with Village Street and Church Street. Bank Cottage is the first of the terrace on the left. On the right are the old Smithy and the two properties demolished in the 1930's.
An enlargement of a postcard purchased in 2023. The scene probably dates from the 1930's. The card is looking up Stratford Road towards the junction with Village Street and Church Street. Bank Cottage is the first of the terrace on the left followed by The Malthouse and then the shop.
Photograph taken of the wall of Bank Cottage in 2023. By Julian Rawes
A photograph of Bank Cottage and The Malt House from the front garden of the Limes in Shakespeare Lane. Note, apart from the cat (who looks remarkably like my late cat Merlin, Ed.), in the top right hand corner the unroofed remains of a timber framed barn adjacent to the Hop Kiln. From the Cook Family collection.
Postcard of the Malt House and Bank Cottage in Stratford Road looking south. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph probably dating from the 1930's, of the old Smithy with Mr Grimmett acting as a farrier for a horse, situated near to the junction of Stratford Road with Church Street and Village Street. The Smithy, along with the two properties, was demolished by the Council circa 1935. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph taken In Malt House Close looking towards Finch Lane. Photograph by Ken Davies.
An enlargement of a postcard purchased in 2023. The scene probably dates from the 1930's. The scene is looking down Stratford Road towards The Limes. On the left is part of the old smithy and on the right is firstly The Steps and then the shop.
Postcard of The Steps. From the Cook Family collection.
Postcard looking towards The Steps, on the extreme left is part of the old smithy. From Pamela Waldren.
Fine photograph dating from 1930, shewing the blacksmith, demolished in the 1930's along with the Smithy on the left. In the distance is the 'Limes' with the Laurels beyond. The buildings on the right are the Steps and Mrs Moss's shop. Written alongside is "The Steps 1930". From the Cook Family collection.
A Christmas greetings card of a wintery street scene in Stratford Road. Written alongside is "1905". From Cook Family collection.
Copy of a postcard looking down Stratford Road with the two old properties, demolished in the 1930's. Written to the side is: "Cottages now demolished Hopkiln Cottages now built there". From Cook Family collection.
Copy of a postcard dating from 1910. Looking down Stratford Road with the two old properties, demolished in the 1930's, on the left and the still existing properties on the right. Written alongside is"1910". From the Cook Family collection.
Postcard dating from about 1900. Looking down Stratford Road with the two old properties and smithy, demolished in the 1930's, on the left and the still existing properties on the right. Note the cruck frame on the extreme left. Photograph is from The Vale of Evesham by Josephine Jeremiah.
Old photograph of Stratford Road. From the Coach & Horses collection.
Another postcard looking down Stratford Road with the two old properties and smithy on the left-hand side. From the Cook Family collection.
Postcard dated from the early 1930's. Another impression of the two houses demolished in the 1930's. One can see the Hop Kiln with its original roof in the background. On the right is 'The Retreat'.
Postcard dating from the early 1930's. Looking down Village to the junction with Stratford Road and Church Street. The main features are the two houses that were demolished by the Council in the 1930's.
Early photograph looking towards Blacksmith Cottages. From the Coach & Horses collection.
Photograph dated to the early 1980's of the verge at the junction of Village Street and Church Street. By Ken and Joy Davies.
Photograph dated to the early 1980's of the roadside hedge where Walnut Close off Church Street was late built. By Ken and Joy Davies.
Sketch dated to before 1855 looking up Church Street and showing the old property demolished in the 1930's on the right and Crooked Walls on the left. The sketch shews the church tower prior to its spire erected in 1855. The sketch was copied from an old book by the late Steve Cook and a copy was given to Joy Davies.
A lovely photograph dated to 1880 of Crooked Walls. This is at a time when it was four tenements facing south and not as now facing north. The lady standing at number two is Lucy Sorrel. Worcestershire Record Office.
Postcard of looking up Church Street with the four tenements that made up 'Crooked Walls' on the immediate right. Written alongside is "Church Bank 1900". Note that the level of the road has been raised considerably since then. Postcard from the Cook family collection.
Old photograph of Village Street. Postcard from the Coach & Horses collection.
Lovely postcard dated circa 1908 looking up Church Street with the four tenements that made up 'Crooked Walls' on the immediate right. Note that the level of the road has risen considerably since then. Photograph published in 'The River Avon' by Josephine Jeremiah.
Postcard of Church Street looking up Church Street with the four tenements that made up 'Crooked Walls' on the immediate right. Postcard from Peter Newman.
Postcard dated to the early 1930's looking up Church Street shewing 'Crooked Walls' on the immediate right. The porch was erected in about 1930.
Sketch of Crooked Walls made about 1950 by one of the McClare's, once owners of Crooked Walls. Joy Davies was given a copy by them.
Photograph Crooked Walls. Written alongside is "Church Bank 1950". Photograph from the Cook family collection.
Photograph of Crooked Walls dating early 1950s.
Photograph of Crooked Walls dating early 1950s. This new thatch was to last until about 2013. Note the end chimney was shortly to be removed.
Postcard of Crooked Walls in Church Street (once Church Bank). Written alongside is "Church Bank 1958". From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of Crooked Walls.
Photograph of Crooked Walls probably dating after 1975.
Photograph of Crooked Walls dating after 1975.
An artist's impression of Church Street, very similar to the postcard. It inserted into what appears to have been sold as a postcard. Unknown provenance.
Photograph of the back garden at Crooked Walls dated to 1975. Photograph by Ken Davies.
Photograph of the back garden at Crooked Walls dated to 1975. Photograph by Ken Davies.
Photograph of James Cottage and Crooked Walls dated to 1975. Note the old windows of James Cottage and no little garden in front. Photograph by Ken Davies.
Painting of Crooked Walls by the artist Jago Stone dated 1981.
Painting of Crooked Walls signed by the artist but unreadable. The gentleman lived one of the houses in St James' Close and delighted in looking at Crooked Walls before it was obscured by the vegitation.
Photograph of Crooked Walls taken in the early 2000's.
Photograph taken about 2010 in the garden of Crooked Walls.
Photograph of the garden of Crooked Walls looking its best taken in 2023.
Photograph taken of workmen in the interior of the Hop Kiln. From the Cook Family collection.
The only known full photograph of the old cider mill building although a faint image of it appears in the photograph taken from The Limes with the cat when only its bare roof timbers remaining. The mill was situated where No. one & two Hopkiln cottages now stand. Its age is not known but it does appear on the 1837 plan of Harvington as a large mostly rectangular building orientated east west. It was demolished circa 1935 to make way for the Hopkiln Council houses. Written beneath is: "1930's remains of Harvington Cider Mill". From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph taken of the area at the rear of Crooked Walls in 1976. Photograph by Ken Davies.
Painting by the British Water-colour artist Samuel Towers (1862-1943) of Firbank, depicting the area now occupied by James's Close with the church and properties on Church Street in the distance. Michael Baxter photographed the original painting and produced this postcard.
Photograph taken during the development of St James's Close. Donated by Gerry Millard.
Photograph looking down Church Street. Alongside is written "Church Bank 1930". On the left is Apple Tree Cottage and James Cottage (both fairly new names), followed by the lane leading to the Hop Kilns and then Crooked Walls. In the distance one can see The Retreat. Photograph from the Cook family collection.
Photograph dating from the 1930's looking down Church Street. On the left is Apple Tree Cottage and James Cottage (both fairly new names), followed by the lane leading to the Hop Kilns and then Crooked Walls. In the distance one can see The Retreat. The gentleman standing in the doorway is the village Post Master Mr Rawlings.
Photograph possibly dating from the 1950's of Apple Tree Cottage and James Cottage. Both names are fairly new. Photograph extracted from The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph looking down Church Street. From a publication, below photograph is written: "The village post office is next to one of the oldest "black and white" cottages in the district". From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph looking down Church Street. From the Coach & Horses collection.
Photograph of the Coach and Horses. Written alongside is "Coach and Horses Inn around 1900". Note the old pub sign now restored and in the pub. Photograph from the Cook Family collection.
Photograph dating from the 1930's of the Coach and Horses. Photograph extracted from 'The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington' by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph probably dating from the 1950's of the Coach and Horses. Photograph extracted from 'The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington' by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph of the Coach and Horses taken in 1976. Photograph by Ken Davies.
Photograph taken in 2015 of the Coach and Horses. By Julian Rawes
Photograph taken by Brian Brazier from the church tower looking over the Coach and Horses. Photograph extracted from 'The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington' by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph taken in 1965 from the upstairs of 'The Close' looking south towards the church and the Coach & Horses. Note 'Croftlands' at the top of Anchor Lane on the extreme left. It was built Mr Bromley the village undertaker. The house was demolished in the 1990's to make way for Bromley Close. Photograph extracted from 'The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington' by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Arial photograph taken cica 1960. Extracted from Facebook, uploaded by Terry Prudden.
Photograph of the church and the new churchyard. Written beneath is "Dedication War Memorial 1919. 1st memorial in Vale of Evesham. Grandmother with Dad, Betty & others, family on right of picture". From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of the church and the new churchyard. Written alongside is "[19]20". The new churchyard was opend in 1916. The photograph was used as a frontispiece on the Arch Messenger of 1932. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of St James's dated to after 1955. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of St James's dated to after 1955 taken from the Hopkiln lane. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of St James's interior. Written alongside is "Interior of St James's 1958". From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph of St James's probably dating from the 1930's. Photograph extracted from 'The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington' by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph taken in 1961 during the construction of the vestry. Mr T. (Tommy) V. Wheeler is on the right. Photograph extracted from The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph taken prior to the construction of the vestry. From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph taken in 1961 prior to the construction of the vestry. Photograph extracted from The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Faded photograph taken from churchtower of the Coach & Horses and beyond. From the Coach & Horses collection.
Photograph taken by Bernard Hodgkinson from the church tower looking over south towards and beyond the Shakespeare Inn. Photograph extracted from The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph taken by Bernard Hodgkinson from the church tower looking over the Hop Kiln to the village beyond. Photograph extracted from The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph taken by Bernard Hodgkinson from the church tower looking down across Candle Cottage. Photograph extracted from The Church & Parish of St James the Great, Harvington by Jess Fairs and Sue Coley, 2000.
Photograph taken of a snowy Harvington from the church tower over what is now St James's Close. Written alongside is "Jan 3rd 1951 taken from church spire. The Close". From the Cook Family collection.
Photograph taken from the tower about 1985 looking down on Crooked Walls and the village beyond. Photograph taken by Steve Cook.
Postcard taken from Station Road looking towards Candle Cottage with the properties called respectively Church Cottage and Church House to the right and the church behind. Note the Medieval dovecot beyond still with its roof and louver on top. Note the extended garden to Candle Cottage and the old outbuildings of Manor Farm to be seen on the extreme left. On another copy is written: "Old Post Office Mrs Morgan's on left Chandler's Cottage". There are no commas but one should read as Church House, Church Cottage, Candle Cottage. Postcards from the Cook Family collection.
Another postcard taken from Station Road looking towards Candle Cottage with the properties called respectively Church Cottage and Church House to the right and the church behind. Note the Medieval dovecot beyond still with its roof and louver on top. Note the extended garden to Candle Cottage and the old outbuildings of Manor Farm to be seen on the extreme left. On another copy is written: "Old Post Office Mrs Morgan's on left Chandler's Cottage". There are no commas but one should read as Church House, Church Cottage, Candle Cottage. Postcard from the Coach & Horses collection.
Postcard taken of the old Post Office now Church House. Written alongside is: "1906 Old Post Office S.J. Cook born here in 1910". Postcards from the Cook Family collection.
Postcard taken from Station Road looking towards Candle Cottage with the properties called respectively Church Cottage and Church House to the right and the church behind. Postcards from the Cook Family collection.
Looking behind the Coach & Horses in 2015. Photograph by Julian Rawes.
Looking at Candle Cottage, Church Cottage & House in 2015. Photograph by Julian Rawes.
Photograph taken in 2015 of the houses on Cress Hill by Julian Rawes.
Photograph of Avonbank on Cress Hill. From the Mansell Family.
Photograph of Cress Hill before development, 2015. By Julian Rawes.
From Station Road in 2015. Photograph by Julian Rawes.