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Julian Rawes and
James Woodward


After publishing Rev. Davenport's copy of the Registers it was decided, when time allowed, to continue with his work. Rev. Davenport transcribed the registers and bishop's transcripts up to 1812 with an extension for marriages to 1837. This is only a transcription of the Parish Registers.

The transcript has been taken from a microfilm copy of the registers lodged at Worcestershire Record Office. There are no images here, simply the transcripion arranged by event and date.

  • [ ] = comments by Julian Rawes.
  • The term 'sent to Court' indicates that the Curate had made a copy of the Registers and sent them to the Bishop of Worcester to be incerted into the Bishop's Transcripts.

Rectors & Officials from 1813-1935
Baptisms from 1813-1935
Marriages from 1838-1935
Burials from 1813 to 1935

There were always occasions such as interregnums, illness, special requests from families, when Officiating Ministers, Canons, and other individuals would stand in and perform the ceremony. These individuals would be recorded in the Registers alongside the entry of the event taking place.

1805 Richard Kilver
1813 James Meakin
1814 William Digby
1818 Henry Anthony Pye
1841 E. Winnington-Ingram
1845 Arthur Henry Winnington-Ingram
1887 Theophilus Sharp
1895 James Hay Waugh
1908 James Davenport (Mrs Davenport gave the
inscribed vellum in his memory in 1934)
1930 Horace Townsend Boultbee

Curates, Officiating Ministers and visiting Clerics.
T Thomas, Curate, 1813-1814
Thos Eades, Harvington 1813-1838
James Malin, Rector, 1814
John Shaw, Officiating Minister, 1814
William Wormington, Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick 1814
John Eades, Rector of Abbots Morton 1816-1828
T. R. Medwin, Officiating Minister, 1837
M Medwyn, Dorsington, Gloucestershire, 1837
G. Shute, Curate, 1838
William Preedy, Curate, 1838-1840
Frederic Forbes, Officiating Minister, 1840
H B Whiting, Officiating Minister, 1840-41
Brian Faussett, Officiating Minister, 1842
Matthew Lunn, Vicar of Kempsey, 1842
Charles Hodgson, Officiating Minister, 1843
William Brown, Officiating Minister, 1843-1848
Slade Baker, Curate, 1849-1850
Samuel Garrard, Vicar of Salford Priors, 1851-1893
William Brown, 1853/4
Thomas Richards, 1855/6
John Clarke Lewis[?] 1856
Narcissus George Batt, Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick, 1859, 1884
John Charles Lewis, 1956-1857
W Bond, Rector of Beauchamp Roding, Essex, 1857
John Levien, Officiating Minister, 1858
John Kaye, 1858-1866
J R Tucker, Curate, 1860
J or S Charles, 1865
Joseph Stephenson, Curate, 1867-1881, lived at Langton House and at Harvington Lodge.
Richard M Perkes, Curate, 1883-4
S J Walker, Officiating Minister, 1884-1885
John Caswall, R C Priest, 1886
A H Bartholomew, Curate in charge, 1886-1887
Robert Barrett, Curate of Evesham, 1887
William Bentley, Officiating Minister, 1889 and Curate in charge at Abbots Morton 1890

G O Cos---, 1889
M H Beaumont, Officiating Minister, 1889
T J Whitehead BA, Officiating Minister, 1890
James Walker, Officiting Minister, 1890-91
Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister, 1889-1892
R H Davies, Officiating Minister, 1892
J W Richards, Curate, 1892-1994
C L Whatley, [Curate], 1895
Walter Consitt Boulter, Vic. of Norton and Lenchwick, 1892-1900
S Adney[?], Curate ------ nr -----[?], 1897
Henry W Cooper, Officiating Minister, 1898
Charles C Bell, Officiating Minister, 1899
F - Sutherland, R C Priest, 1900
F H Barrett, Officiating Minister, 1900
H Alington, Officiating Officer, 1901
Ernest Hatchings, Officiating [Officer], 1902
N J Scrivens[?], 1902
George W Downton, Officiating Minister, 1903
S K M Green, Rector of Norton & Lenchwick and Vicar of Exhall, 1902-1905
Francis Welch, Officiating Minister, 1905-6
Charles Barr, Rector of Acryse [Acrise], Kent, 1904 [Charles George Barr]
George Herbert Johnson MA, Officiating Minister, 1905
David J. Jones, Assistant Priest, St Luke, Gloucester, 1906
Thomas Price, Officiating Minister, 1907
Herbert Edward Champion Marshall, Curate in Charge of Old Shoreham, Sussex, 1907
Samuel Thedin[?], Catholic Priest, Abbots Salford, 1907
Arthur George Brooke, Officiating Minister, 1909
Robert Henry Bigg, Officiating Minister, 1909
Herbert W Wood, Vicar of Norton and Lenchwick, 1907-1910
H. Beaumont Jones, Officiating Minister, 1910
J.H. Waugh, Vicar of [St] John's, Worcester 1910-23
Gilbert Clive Binyon, of Evesham, 1911
David John Johnson, Rev of Acocks Green, 1817-1929
Arthur Compton Auchmuty of Birmingham, 1913
Walter William Boulton, Officiating Minister, 1911-17
William Carmont Allsebrook, Vicar of Badsey, 1919
W W Vevers, Vicar of Norton, 1921-1923
E.T.S. Jones of Nantwich, 1924
John H Hamilton, Vicar, St Serges[?], Wolverhampton, 1924
J D McCready, Vicar of Weedon Beck, 1926
J H Wright[?], Vicar of Bretforton, 1926
Gerald M Isaac, Hon Canon of Worcester, 1927-28
G T Savage, 1924-1927
R P Ridsdale, Vicar of Salford Priors, 1908-1930
Charles B Woolley, Rector of Church Lench, 1916-1928
A D Mozley, Officiating Minister, 1929

1813 - 1935

Baptised - April 11th Joseph Cale, Son of William & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - April 12th Ann, Daughter of Jacob & Ann Ryland, privately Baptised, of Harvington, Carpenter, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - July 4th Thomas, Son of Thomas & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Carpenter, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - Sep 12th Thomas, Son of John & Mary Devile, Paper Mill Littleton, paper maker, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - Oct 24th Richard, Son of Benjamin & Mary Stevens, of Harvington, Labourer, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - Dec 25th Hanah, Daughter of John & Mary Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, T Thomas, Curate.

1814, sent to Court January 1st
Baptised - March 23rd Clarina, Daughter of Elizth & Samuel, Barber, of Woolwich Kent, Painter, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - April 22nd Jane Daughter of Sophie & Thomas Matthews, privately Baptised, of Harvington, Labourer, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - April 24th Charles, Son of Elizabeth (Baseborn) Hoaghton, privately Baptised, of Harvington, Spinster, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - April 26th Thomas, Son of John & Ann Halford, of Harvington, Labourer, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - April 26th Frederlakon, Son of James & Caroline Pester, privately Baptised, of Harvington, Maltster, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - May 6th William, Son of William & Elizth Sorel, privately Baptised, of Harvington, Labourer, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - June 14th James Samuel, Son of William & Priscilla Skiner, of Harvington, Shoemaker, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - June 14th David, Son of William & Priscilla Skiner, of Harvington, Shoemaker, T Thomas, Curate.
Baptised - June 25th Lydia, Daughter of William & Mary Bullock, Harvington, Farmer, Jas Malin, Rector.
Baptised - July 3rd George, Son of Jotham & Elizabeth Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, Wm Wormington, Officiating Minr.
Baptised - Novr 20th John, Son of John & Catherine Horban, of Harvington, Day Labourer, Wm Wormington, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Decr 25th Henrietta, Daughter of John & Mary Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, John Shaw, Officiating Minister.

Baptised - Mar 19th Charles, Son of John & Sarah Paddock, of Harvington, Labourer, William Digby.
Baptised - April 9th Dinah, Daughter of Jacob & Ann Ryland, of Harvington, Carpenter, William Digby.
Baptised - June 8th Jane, Daughter of William & Mary Prestage, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Sent to Court from this place Jun 4.
Baptised - Octr 15th Thomas, Son of Richard & Mary White, of Harvington, Labourer, John Shaw, Vicar of Bengeworth.
Baptised - Octr 22 John, Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 25th Thomas, Son of William & Priscilla Skinner, of Harvington, Shoemaker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 31st Richard, Son of Thomas & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Blacksmith, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 4th Esther, Daughter of John & Esther Newman, of Cubbington, Warwickshire, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Jany 28th Sarah, Daughter of Rodah Jones, Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 7th William, Son of John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 28th Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Ann Halford, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 13th May.

Baptised - June 30th Sarah, Daughter of Benjamin & Mary Stephens, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Augst 9th Ann, Daughter of James & Alice Prestage, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptixed - Octr 19th Jotham, Son of Jotham & Elizabeth Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 20th Ann, Daughter of Thomas & Sophia Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 12th John, Son of Richard & Mary White, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 12th Joseph, Son of William & Elizabeth Sorel, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 19th May.

Baptised - June 4th Maria, Daughter of William & Elizabeth Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Augst 9th Sarah, Daughter of William & Ann Bouston, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 23rd Henry, Son of John and Catherine Harban, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 20th William Israel, Son of Jacob & Anne Ryland, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 20th Sarah, Daughter of William & Marge Prestage, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Feby 15th Mary Ann, Daughter of Thomas & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Blacksmith, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 24th John, Son of William & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - May 26th Mary Anne, Daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Hodgkins, of Tanworth, Warwickshire, Traveller, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 2nd George, Son of William & Priscilla Skinner, of Harvington, Shoemaker, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 22nd May.

Baptised - August 4th William, Son of Sarah Carless, of Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 4th Mary, Daughter of James & Alice Prestage, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 9th Charlotte, Daughter of John & Ann Halford, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Nov 1st Ann, Daughter of Rhoda Jones, of Harvington, Thos Eaves.
Baptised - Nov 1st Martha Jane Marshall, Daughter of Pheobe Jones, of Harvington, Thos Eaves.
Baptised - Novr 19th Thomas Brach, Son of Thomas & Ann Eades, of Harvington, Clerk, J. Eades, Rector of Abbots Norton.

Baptised - Jany 28th Josiah, Son of Samuel & Alice Tomes, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - April 2nd Elizabeth, Daughter of William & Elizabeth Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 8th Charles, Son of Thomas & Sophia Matthews, of Harvngton, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 11th Sarah Maria, Daughter of, Thomas & Sarah Pettaway, of Harvington, Paper-maker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 11th Ann, Daughter of Benjamin & Mary Stephens, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 2nd Matthew Henry, Son of Jothan & Elizabeth Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Septr 14th William, Son of Michael & Sarah Houghton, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 4th Thomas, Son of John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 6th James, Son of William & Sarah Adams, Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Feby 14th Alice, Daughter of Joseph & Hannah Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 5th Esther, Daughter of Thomas & Mary Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 8th Mary, Daughter of John & Ann Walker, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 9th Catherine, Daughter of John & Ann Halford, Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 21st John, Son of Benjamin and Charlotte Sele, of Harvington, Papermaker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 21st Caroline, Daughter of John & Catherine Harban, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 5th Lucy, Daughter of William & Ann Paddock, of Salford, Warwickshire, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 16th Susannah, Daughter of John & Ann Harris, of Cockshorn, Gloucestershire, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 21st Ann, Daughter of John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 16th Ann, Daughter of John & Ann Squires, of Harvington, Carpenter, W.A. Barker, officiating Minister.

Baptised - Jany 1st Ellen, Daughter of Jacob & Anne Ryland, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Jany 4th Mary, Daughter of William & Pheobe Marshall, of Harvington, Baker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Jany 8th Sarah, Daughter of Sarah Carless, of Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Feby 5th Thomas, Son of William & Sarah Adams, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 29th Maria, Daughter of William & Ann Prestage, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - April 1st John, Son of Samuel & Alice Tomes, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 8th William, Son of Thomas & Rhoda Paddock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 19th John, Son of Thomas & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Blacksmith, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 19th June.

Baptised - July 8th Maria, Daughter of Joseph & Mary Broomfield, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 27th George, Son of William & Sarah Adams, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - March 3rd Pheobe, Daughter of John & Catherine Harbon, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 3rd Joseph, Son of Job & Elizabeth Osborne, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 10th William, Son of Anthony & Elizabeth Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - March 16th Ann, Daughter of Joseph & Hannah Mathews, of Harvington, Labourer, W.A. Barker.
Baptised - April 20th Eliza Sophia, Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Pittaway, of South Littleton, Paper-Maker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 7th Ann, Daughter of John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 14th Caroline, Daughter of John & Catherine Harban, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 2nd Sohpia, Daughter of Thomas & Rhoda Paddock, Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 8th Jane, Daughter of Jacob & Anne Ryland, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Feby 24th Sarah, Daughter of John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 27th William. Son of Abel & Elizabeth Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - April 28th Henry, Son of Samuel & Alice Tomes, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 19th Ann, Daughter of William & Sarah Adams, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 15th Elizabeth, Daughter of William & Hannah Bolton, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 31st Ann, Daughter of William & Sarah Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - March 14th William, Son of Joseph & Hannah Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 18th Ann Sanders, Daughter of Thomas & Mary Bivin, of Harvington, Baker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 18th Mary, Daughter of Thomas & Mary Martin, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 2nd Alice, Daughter of James & Alice Prestage, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - May 2nd William, Son of John & Catherine Harban, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 6th Emma, Daughter of John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 3rd Lucy, Daughter of Thomas & Mary Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 19th George Ebenezer, Son [of] George & Ann Knight, of Evesham, Gardener, Thos Eades. [In margin: Born 11 April 1757]
Baptised - July 25th Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Ann Squires, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 1st Ann, Daughter of William & Elizabeth Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - March 27th Elizabeth, Daughter of William & Sarah Adams, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 3rd Esther, Daughter of Richard & Mary Squires, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - April 10th, Matilda, Daughter of Thomas & Rhoda Paddock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 5th Thomas, Son of John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 6th Isabella, Daughter of George Ebenezer & Hannah Knight, of Harrington, Seedsman, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 4th Harriett, Daughter of Thomas & Sophia Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 2nd Julia, Daughtero f Patrick & Mary Trajeant, of North Littleton, Paper Manufacturer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 6th Henry, Son of William & Mary Basket, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 21st Thomas, Son of Samuel & Alice Tomes, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 19th Elizabeth, Daughter of George & Elizabeth Brooks, of Harvington, Wheelright, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - Novr 6th Thomas, Son of William & Sarah Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 30th John Tiff, Son of John & Mary Cole, of Harvington, Farmer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - April 23rd Thomas, Son of Thomas & Mary Martin, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 23rd Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Ann Squires, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 20th Emma, Daughter of Joseph & Emma Jelfs, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Sept 26th August Thomas, Son of William & Hannah Bolton, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 27th George, Son of Joseph & Hannah Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Septr 15th Mary Matilda, Daughter of John & Maria Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Revd William Wormington, Norton.
Baptised - Octr 8th Maria, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Davis, of Harvington, Shoemaker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 22nd Charles, Son of William & Sarah Adams, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - May 20th James, Son of James & Sarah Woods, of Salford, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Septr 30th Elizabeth, Daughter of Henry & Mary Mander, of Harvington, Papermaker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 4th Sophia, Daughter of Hebe Carless, of Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 6th Kesiah, Daughter of Richard & Mary Squires, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 3rd George Ebenezer, Son of George Ebenezer & Hannah Knight, of Harvington, Seedsman, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Feby 16th George, Son of William & Sarah Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - March 2nd Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 19th Hannah, Daughter of William & Hannah Bolton, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 13th Ann, Daughter of George & Elizabeth Brooks, of Harvington, Wheelright, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Sept 6th Charles, Son of Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Septr 30th John, Son of Thomas & Mary Martin, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Oct 26th Ann, Daughter of William & Pheobe Reeves, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 25th Ann, Daughter of George & Betsy Jelfs, of Harvington, Gardener?, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Feby 1st Thomas, Son of Thomas & Rhoda Paddock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - Feby 15th Louisa, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Davis, of Harvington, Shoemaker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 15th Edward, Son of Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 1st June.

Baptised - July 5th Thomas, Son of Joseph & Hannah Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 6th Henry, Sn of William & Mary Basket, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 6th Eliza, Daughter of John & Ann Squires, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 31st George Edward, Son of John & Mary Ashborn, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 18th Emma, Daughter of George & Betsy Jelfs, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 28th Josiah, Son of John & Mary Pestridge, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - May 16th Catherine, Daughter of Sarah Knight, of Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 31st William, Henry Thomas Lee, Son of John & Mary Cole, of Harvington, Farmer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 27th Agnes, Daughter of James & Sarah Woods, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Septr 29th Agnes Daughter of Hebe Carless, of Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 10th George, Son of Thomas & Mary Martin, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 19th Thomas, Son of William & Hannah Bolton, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 13th John, Son of George & Sophia Widows, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 21st Elizabeth, Daughter of William & Sarah Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 18th Ann, Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 8th Pheobe, Daughter of Thomas & Rhoda Paddock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 5th Charles, Son of George & Betsy Jelfs, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 5th George, Son of George & Elizabeth Brooks, of Harvington, Wheelright, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 10th Lydia, Daughter of John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 17th Sarah, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 21st Elizabeth Beaufey, Daughter of Richard & ----- Reynolds, Great Alne, Warwickshire, Miller, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 24th Ann, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Davis, of Harvington, Shoemaker, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - Octr 23rd Charles, Son of John & Mary Stanford, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 4th Sarah, Daughterof John & Mary Pestridge, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades.

Baptised - May 6th Richard, Son of Thomas & Mary Bevin, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 4th June.

Baptised - Septr 30th Richard Charlette, Son of John & Ann Squires, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 7th Sarah, Daughter of William & Sarah Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 14th Sophia, Daughter of John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 21st Thomas, Son of John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 18th Winifred, Daughter of John & Hannah Walker, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades. Baptised -

Baptised - Feby 25th Mary Ann, Daughter of Joseph & Hannah Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 10th Mary, Daughter of Henry & Sarah Brookes, of Harvington, Blacksmith, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 24th William, Son of Wiliam & Hannah Sparkes, of Hrvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 14th William George, Son of George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 18th Thomas, Son of Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 22nd Mary Ann, Daughter of John & Mary Cole, of Harvington, Farmer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 25th Elizabeth, Daughter of George & Betsy Jelfs, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 27th Jesse, Son of Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - June 15th George, Son of James & Lucy Shayler, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 16th Francis, Son of George & Sophia Widows, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 30th June.

Baptised - August 4th Julia, Daughter of Richard & Mary Squires, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Septr 20th Charles, Son of Thomas & Mary Martin, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 8th Ann, Daughter of Joseph & Sarah Tovey, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 21st Mary, Daughter of John & Mary Stanford, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 6th Sarah Ann, Daughter of John & Mary Pestridge, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades.
Baptised - June 1st Harriett, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Davis, of Harvington, Shoemaker, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - Octr 13th Eliza, Daughter of George & Betsy Jelfs, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 23rd Hannah, Daughter of Eilliam & Lucy Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 1st Jane, Daughter of William & Sarah Neal, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Jany 18th William, Son of Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Jany 25th John, Son of Henry & Sarah Brookes, of Harvington, Blacksmith, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Feby 16th Thomas, Son of John & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - March 15th Henry Redford, Son of William & Mary Jones, of Harvington, Miller, Thos Eades.

[A letter in Register written, probably responding to a letter from Rev Davenport. The letter may have been referring to two entries in the Registers relating to the Brewer Family. Was the Rector querying why the two entries by the same parents are so close together? Thomas, son of John & Mary Brewer, was baptised on 16th February 1835 and another Thomas, son of John & Mary Brewer, baptised on 14th June 1835. The letter is from Thomas Brewer in 1908, who is confirming that he was born on 8th January 1835.]

Berrow Hill,
Nov 23rd 1908

Will you please
send me my Birth
or Baptism certificate
to enable me to obtain
my pension.

Thomas Brewer
Littleworth Lane
Berror Hill
Nr Redditch


Berrow Hill,
Nov 26 1908

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your letter
my Father's name was
John & Mother's name
Mary. I was born
January 8th 1835
which brings me
73 years of age
next January.
I am a general
labourer but I am
able to to do much
work now.

Yours respectively
Thomas Brewer

Thomas Brewer
Littleworth Lane
Berrow Hill
nr Redditch


Berrow Hill,
Nov 29 1908

My name & age
is quite right
it was my Brother
Thomas that was
born in 1835 &
he died before I
was born & I was
named after him,
my Father's name was
John & Mother's name
was Mary.

Please send me the
certificate by return of
Post as the Officer wants
it to send in & oblige.

Thomas Brewer
Littleworth Lane
Berrow Hill
nr Redditch

Baptised - April 22nd James John, Son of George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - June 14th Thomas, Son of John & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - July 12th Emma, Daughter of John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - August 2nd Joseph, Son of William & Pheobe Reeves, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Septr 11th Harriett, DAughter of Thomas & Jane Tale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 18th Susanna, Daughter of John & Elizabeth Borton, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Feby 7th Thomas, Son of Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades
Baptised - Feby 7th Harriett, Daughter of John & Ann Squires, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Feby 14th Charles, Son of Joshua & Mary Ann Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - March 26th Elizabeth, Daughter of William & Lucy Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 26th Joseph, Son of William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelright, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 29th Ann, Daughter of Thomas & Mary Martin, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 7th June.

Baptised - August 28th Mary Ann, Daughter of Amos & Hannah Matthews, of Harvington, Miller, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 13th George, Son of Henry & Ann Farley, of Harvington, Wheelright, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 11th Mary, Daughter of Thomas & Rhoda Paddock, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Decr 26th Charles, Son of Richard & Mary Squires, of Harvington, Gardener, Thos Eades.

Baptised - Jany 11th Selina Maria, Daughter of George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - Jany 16th Ann, Daughter of Harriett Matthews, of Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Jany 29th George, Son of Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Feby 11th William, Son of John & Sophia Emms, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Feby 26th Ann, Daughter of Henry & Sarah Brooks, of Harvington, Blacksmith, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 25th Thomas, Son of Edward & Elizabeth Davis, of Harvington, Shoemaker, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 28th Emma, Daughter of Richard & Ann Hampton, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - May 28th Frances, Daughter of William & Sarah Neal, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.

Sent to Court [copies of registers] 1st June.

Baptised - July 2nd Rosena Mary Jane, Daughter of George & Ann Hatton, of Harvington, Gentn, Thos Eades, Curate.
Baptised - July 3rd Marina, Daughter of John & Elizabeth Stanton, of Harvington, Miller, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Augst 31st Henry, Son of George & Esther Farr, of Dunnington, Innkeeper, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Sept 19th Ann, Daughter of Joseph & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Labourer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Sept 23rd Sarah Jane, Daughter of George & Elizabeth Brookes, of Harvington, Wheelwright, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 5th William James, Son of John & Harriet Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Octr 22nd Edwin, Son of Ann Prestage, of Harvington, Thos Eades.
Baptised - Novr 12th/19th Frederick, Son of (Privately) William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Ploughright, T.R. Medwin, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Novr 21st (Privately) Ann, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Borton, of Harvington, Labourer, T.R. Medwin, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Novr 21st (Privately) Mary, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Borton, of Harvington, Labourer, T.R. Medwin, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Decr 10th Mary Ann, [Daughter of] Joshua & Mary Ann Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, T.R. Medwin, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Decr 25th John, [Son of] Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, T.R. Medwin, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Decr 25th Mary Ann, [Daughter of} Edward & Elizabeth Skinner,of Harvington,Tailor, T.R. Medwin, Officiating Minister.

Transcripts [copies of registers] sent 25th December.

Baptised - Jany 14th Thomas, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Needman, of Harvington, Labourer, T.R. Medwin, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - March 29th Thomas Trenfield, Son of Joseph & Mary Williams, of Harvington, Tailor, Thos Eades.
Baptised - April 22nd Jesse, Son of Thomas & Jane Tale, of Harvington, Labourer, W. Preedy, Officiating Officers.
Baptised - May 27 Thomas, Son of William & Lucy Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, G Shute, Curate.
Baptised - June 3 Charles Sidney, Son of William & Mary Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, G Shute, Curate.
Baptised - June 10 Jane, Daughter of Henry & Ann Farley, of Harvington, Labourer, G Shute, Curate.
Baptised - June 22 Jane, Daughter of Benjamin & Sarah Gallett, of Harvington, Wheelwright, G Shute, Curate.
Baptised - Septr 2 Henry, Son of Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailer, G Shute, Curate.

Baptised - Febry 3rd Margaret Ellen, Daughter of George & Elizabeth Brookes, of Harvington, Wheelwright, W Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - Febry 10 Jane, Daughter of Joseph & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Labourer, W Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - April 10 Dinah, illagitimate Daughter of Sarah Pestridge, of Harvington, Labourer, W. Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - May 26th James, Son of Joseph & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, W. Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - May 26th John, Son of John & Sophia Emms, of Harvington, Labourer, W. Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - May 26th Sarah Anne, Daughter of William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, W. Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - June 2 John, Son of Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, W. Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - June 15 George, Son of Richaed & Mary Squires, of Harvington, Gardener, William Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - August 11th Elizabeth, illegitimate Daughter of Anne Allchurch, of Harvington, Servant, William Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - August 11th John, Son of Richard & Anne Hampton, of Harvington, Labourer, William Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - Nov 24th Mary Jane, Daughter of Thomas & Anne Ballard, of Harvington, Labourer, William Preedy, Curate.

Baptised - January 28th Helen Elizabeth, Daughter of John & Harriet Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, W. Preedy, Curate.
Baptised - March 28th Charles, [Son of] George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 29th George, [Son of] William & Sarah Spires, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 5th Ellen, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Bourton, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 25th Ellen Elizabeth, [Daughter of] William & Mary Jones, of Harvington, Inn-keeper, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 27th Mary, [Daughter of] William & Sarah Neale, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 22nd Helen, [Daughter of] Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 2nd Charles Edwin, [Son of] John & Harriet Wilkes, of Harvington, Mason, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 2nd Marianne, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Pesteridge, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 18th Eliza, [Daughter of] William & Lucy Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 25th Marianne, [Daughter of] Thomas & Marianne Newman, of Harvington, Gardener, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 1st Hephzebah, [Daughter of] William & Elizabeth Smith, of Harvington, Carpenter, E.W. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - Febry 21st Anna, [Daughter of] George & Elizabeth Brookes, of Harvington, Wheelwright, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Febry 22nd Frances [Daughter of] William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 7th Flora, [Daughter of] Hebe Careless, of Harvington, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 3rd Harriet Maria, [Daughter of] John & Harriet Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 27th Charles, [Son of] Joseph & Ann Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 27th Joseph, [Son of] Thomas & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 11th Eliza, [Daughter of] Mary Martin, of Harvington, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 10th Helen Maria, [Daughter of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 22nd William, [Son of] William & Maria Court, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 29th Thomas, [Son of] George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 3rd Marianne, [Daughter of] Thomas Ann Clifford, of Pirton, Wiltshire, Tailor, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 19th Emma Gertrude, [Daughter of] Henry & Anne Jobson, of Harvington, Wheelwright, E.W. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 16th Sarah, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 13th John [Son of] John & Mary Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 24th Elizabeth Young[?], [Daughter of] William & Sarah Spires, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 2nd Robert Sorrel, [Son of] Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 4th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas & Ann Ballard, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 11th William Bourton, [Son of] Michael & Sarah Keeley, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 2nd Thomas, [Son of] Thomas & Jane Smith, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 20th William George, [Son of] William & Maria Court, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Decr 25th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas & Marianne Newman, of Harvington, Gardener, E.W. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - Jany 15th Selina, [Daughter of] William & Elizabeth Smith, of Harvington, Carpenter, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Jany 22nd Joseph, [Son of] William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Feby 5th George, William & Lucy Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, W. Brown, Officiating Officer.
Baptised - Feby 22nd Thomas Corbett, [Son of] John & Mary Beazley, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 2nd Alfred, [Son of] John & Elizabeth Pesteridge, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 16th George William, [Son of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 11th Fanny Wheat, [Daughter of] John & Hester Maria Stokes, of Harvington, Farmer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 28th Elizabeth Rabidge, [Daughter of] Harvey & Elizabeth Bennett, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 24th Emma, [Daughter of] Joseph & Ann Sorrell, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 13th Catherine Sarah, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Bourton, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Sepr 3rd Mary, [Daughter of] Benjamin & Ann Harper, of Harvington, Carpenter, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Decr 3rd Sarah, [Daughter of] Sarah Jones, of Harvington, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Decr 10th Mary Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Decr 28th Selina Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, E.W. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - Jany 14th George, [Son of] Thomas & Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Jany 18th Adelaide Amelia, [Daughter of] John & Harriet Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Jany 21st Kezia, [Daughter of] Thomas & Hester Harris, of Cow Honey Bourn, Gloucestershire, Labourer, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Feby 24th Edward, George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 4th Lucy Sarah, [Daughter of] William & Mary Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 10th Albert, [Son of] Thomas & Sarah Best, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Novr 3rd Ann, [Daughter of] William & Sarah Spiers, of Harvington, Labourer, W. Brown, Officiating Officer.

Baptised - Jany 5th Marianne, [Daughter of] Richard & Mary Squires, of Harvington, Farmer, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Jany 19th Henry, [Son of] Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Jany 19th Frances Rebecca, [Daughter of] William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 26th Alfred, [Son of] Thomas & Susannah Kings, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 27th Alfred, [Son of] William & Maria Court, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 17th Emily Caroline, [Daughter of] Alice Matthews, of Harvington, Single woman, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 27th John, [Son of] William & Lucy Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 10th William, [Son of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 15th Agnes Louisa, [Daughter of] John & Harriet Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 22nd Jane, [Daughter of] John & Mary Beazeley, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 11th Caleb, [Son of] Edward & Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, Tailor, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 16 Anne Maria, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Jones, of Harvington, Carter, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 1st Mary, [Daughter of] Henry & Anne Jobson, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 4th William, [Son of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 23rd William, [Son of] John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Septr 27th Anne, [Daughter of] George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 25th Henry, [Son of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 10th Charles, [Son of] John & Charlotte Hughes, of Harvington, Carpenter, E.W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 7th Henry, [Son of] Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 22nd Mary, [Daughter of] Henry & Anne Jobson, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 3rd Harriet, [Daughter of] John & Marianne Daniel, of Harvington, Waggoner, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 23rd Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Joseph & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 2nd George, [Son of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 18th Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 25 Sarah, [Daughter of] Thomas & Anne Ballard, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 14th William, [Son of] John & Elizabeth Bourton, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 14th Alice, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Bourton, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 29th Georege, [Son of] Edward & Hannah Gould, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 31st John, [Son of] John & Harriet Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 6th William Corbett, [Son of] John & Mary Beazeley, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 31st Thomas, [Son of] William & Emma Freeman, of Sheriffs Lench, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 24th James William, [Son of] Marianne Jones, of Harvington, Tempstress, A.H. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - April 6th Joseph, [Son of] William and Maria Court, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 2nd Charles, Alice, [Daughter of] Alice Matthews, of Harvington, Gloveress, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 28 George Henry, [Son of] George & Mary Langford, of Harvington, Blacksmith, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 9th Thomas, [Son of] Thomas & Susannah Kings, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 20th Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] Martin, of Harvington, Waggoner, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 9th John, [Son of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 21st Henry, [Son of] Henry, [Son of] George & Elizabeth Wariner, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 22nd Catherine Emma, [Daughter of] William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 25 Elizabeth, [Daughter of] John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, S [Storer] Marsh[all] Lakin, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - April 19th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 27th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] James & Sarah Tarrant, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 31st Anne, [Daughter of] Henry & Anne Jobson, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 21st Job, [Son of] John & Charlotte Hughes, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 10th John, [Son of] Langford, of Harvington, Blacksmith, A.H. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 4th Henrietta Pheobe, [Daughter of] Frederic & Elizabeth Sisam, of Harvington, Miller, Slade Baker, Curate.
Baptised - January 6th Anne, [Daughter of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, Slad Baker, Curate.
Baptised - January 13th Thomas, [Son of] William & Sarah Spiers, of Harvington, Labourer, Slade Baker, Curate.
Baptised - March 26th Arthur Rogers, [Son of] Arthur Henry & Sophie Mary Winnington Ingram, of Harvington, Clerk, A.H. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 28th Mary, [Daughter of] William & Lucy Send, of Harvington, Labourer, Slade Baker, Curate.
Baptised - June 30 Tom, [Son of] Thomas & Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, Slade Baker, Curate.
Baptised - July 21 John, [Son of] Thomas & Anne Ballard, of Harvington, Labourer, Slade Baker, Curate.
Baptised - August 11 Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, Jos O St----[?], Officiating Minister.
Baptised - August 18 Thomas, [Son of] George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, Slade Baker, Curate.
Baptised - August 25 William Henry, [Son of] William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, Slade Baker, Curate.
Baptised - November 28th Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 16th Thomas William, [Son of] George & Mary Langford, of Harvington, Blacksmith, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 22nd Emmanuel, [Son of] William & Jane Pratt, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 19th Charles Robert, [Son of] John & Elizabeth Bourton, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 5th Thomas, [Son of] John & Harriett Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 7th Agnes Anne, [Daughter of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 9th Henry, [Son of] George & Mary Spiers, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 19th Thomas, [Son of] John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 28th William, [Son of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 7th William Edwin, [Son of] James & Sarah Tarrant, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 15th George, [Son of] Joseph & Anne Collis, of Harvington, Mason, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 13th Elizabeth Mary, Born March 25th 1836, [Daughter of] John & Mary Pesteridge, of Harvington, Taylor, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 16th Elizabeth Hoare, [Daughter of] Frederic & Elizabeth Sisam, of Harvington, Miller, A.H W. Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 14th Matilda, [Daughter of] Sarah Jones, of Harvington, S.E Garrard, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - September 21st George John, [Son of] John & Caroline Crosswell, of Harvington, Bricklayer, S.E Garrard, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - October 2nd Ellen, [Daughter of] George & Charlotte Ellis, of Harvington, Miller, S.E Garrard, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - October 30th William, [Son of] John & Charlotte Hughes, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 14th Thomas, [Son of] Richard & Elizabeth Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 28th Jane Matilda, [Daughter of] Henry & Anne Jobson, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - Febry 20th William, [Son of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 7th Selina, [Daughter] George & Binah Stephens, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 28th Francis, [Son of] Edwin & Caroline Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 2nd William Crosswell, [Son of] Robert & Elizabeth Harley, of Harvington, Wheelright, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 1st Alfred George, [Son of] Alfred & Elizabeth Badger, of Harvington, Shoemaker, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 3rd Kate, [Daughter of] William & Maria Rebecca Parker, of Harvington, Malster, A.H Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 29th Anne Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Harriet Squire, of Harvington, Gloveress, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 8th Frederick William, [Son of] Ann & Shadrach Crosswell, of Harvington, Labourer, Samuel Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - August 22nd Frances, [Daughter of] William & Hannah Eden, of Harvington, Labourer, Samuel Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - August 22nd Henry, [Son of] William & Ann Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, Samuel Garrard, Curate.

Baptised - January 16th Catherine Emma, [Daughter of] John & Caroline Crosswell, of Harvington, Bricklayer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 23rd William, [Son of] George & Mary Langford, of Harvington, Blacksmith, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 30th Esther, [Daughter of] William & Sarah Spiers, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 2nd Elizabeth Anne, [Daughter of] Edwin & Anne Mary Collis, of Harvington, Mason, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 28th Jane, [Daughter of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 3rd Marion, [Daughter of] Frederick & Elizabeth Sisam, of Harvington, Miller, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 22nd Selina Anne, [Daughter of] Selina Anne Baskett, of Harvington, Servant, Sam Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - May 1st Mary, [Daughter of] Joseph & Anne Collis, of Harvington, Mason, Sam Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - May 11th Rose Anne, [Daughter of] George & Charlotte Ellis, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 29th Charles, [Son of] John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 3rd Elizabeth Emily, [Daughter of] William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 3rd Wilson Henry, [Son of] George & Sarah Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 17th Sarah Ann, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Robins, of Harvington, Labourer, Wm Brown, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - August 28th Winifred Cresswell, [Daughter of] Robert & Elizabeth Harley, of Harvington, Wheelright, Samuel Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - September 11th Thomas, [Son of] James & Sarah Tarrant, of Harvington, Carpenter, S.E. Garrard, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - September 24th William, [Son of] Richard & Elizabeth Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 20th Clara, [Daughter of] William & Marie Rebecca Parker, of Harvington, Malster, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 20th Laura, [Daughter of] William & Marie Rebecca Parker, of Harvington, Malster, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 23rd William Thomas, [Son of] Charles & Sarah Pratt, of Harvington, Labourer, Wm Brown, Officiating Minister.

Baptised - February 12th Fanny, [Daughter of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 19th, born April 10th 1849, Thomas, [Son of] Joseph & Jane Vellander, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 19th, born May 25th 1850, Charles, [Son of] Joseph & Jane Vellander, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 19th, born June 8th 1853, George, [Son of] Joseph & Jane Vellander, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 12th Benjamin, [Son of] George & Binah Stephens, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 2nd William, [Son of] John & Caroline Crosswell, of Harvington, Bricklayer, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 7th Maria, [Daughter of] Alice Matthews, of Harvington, Gloveress, A.H. W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 13th Anne, [Daughter of] Henry & Lucy Baskett, of Harvington, Labourer, Samuel Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - August 18th Catherine Mary, [Daughter of] Edwin & Ann Mary Collis, of Harvington, Mason, Samuel Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - October 1st Frances, [Daughter of] Henry & Anne Jobson, of Harvington, Wheelwright, Samuel Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - October 1st Louisa, [Daughter] of Anne Dobbins, of Harvington, Samuel Garrard, Curate.
Baptised - November 7th Richard, [Son of] William & Hannah Eden, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 9th Lucy, [Daughter of] John & Marianne Davis, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 12th Sarah, [Daughter of] Edwin & Caroline Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 3rd Wilson, [Son of] James & Mary Downes, of Harvington, Bricklayer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - February 11th Charles, [Son of] Thomas & Keziah, Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 21st Sarah, [Daughter of] Robert & Elizabeth Harley, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 22nd Samuel [Son of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, Thomas Richards, Curate.
Baptised - May 23rd Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Henry & Mary Haywood, of Harvington, Labourer, Thomas Richards, Curate.
Baptised - July 14th Charles Owen, {Son of] Elizabeth Neale, of Harvington, Servant, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 23rd Mary, [Daughter of] Harriet Davis, of Harvington, Servant, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 2nd, Born Oct 1st 1849, Mary Keyte, George & Catherine Marshall Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 2nd, Born March 15th 1853, Jane, [Daughter of] George & Catherine Marshall Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 2nd Maria, [Daughter of] George & Catherine Marshall Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 2nd Mary, Mary [Daughter of] William & Mary Keyte, of Birmingham, Manufacturer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 2nd Kate Rose, [Daughter of] William & Mary Keyte, of Birmingham, Manufacturer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 1st George Henry, [Son of] John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 30th Jane, [Daughter of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 30th Mary, [Daughter of] Rivers, of Harvington, Blacksmith, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 18th Priscilla Mary, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Robins, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 16th Joseph, [Son of] Joseph & Jane Vellander, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 25th George, [Son of] John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - Febry 3rd David, [Son of] John & Charlotte Hughes, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 14th Elizabeth Adelade, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 24th Anne Caroline, [Daughter of] William & Anne Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 6th Elixa, [Daughter of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 20th Thomas, [Son of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Thatcher, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 20th James, [Son of] James & Maria Smith, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 23rd Adelaide Lydia, [Daughter of] James & Maria Bullock, of Dymock, Gloucestershire, Farmer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 27th Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] Henry & Emma Osborne, of Harvington, Miller, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 2nd Mary Ellen, [Daughter of] William & Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 17th Marianne, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 3rd Rosa, George & Catherine Marshall Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 6th Francis, [Son of] Samuel & Rebecca Quincy, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 13th William Henry, [Son of] William & Hannah Sutor, of Harvington, Shoemaker, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 13th Jane, [Daughter of] Edwin & Caroline Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, John C. Lewis, Curate.
Baptised - Septr 22nd John, [Son of] George & Dinah Stephens, of Harvington, Labourer, John C. Lewis, Curate.
Baptised - October 5th Herbert Ernest, [Son of] Isaac & Alice Pennel, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 14th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Joshua & Mary Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 14th Anne, [Daughter of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 11th Anne Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Charles & Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 11th Elizabeth Cole, [Daughter of] John & Caroline Crosswell, of Harvington, Bricklayer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 18th George William, [Son of] Thomas & Kesiah Hancocks, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 29th Ellen Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, John C. Lewis, Curate.
Baptised - April 12th Emma, [Daughter of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, John C. Lewis, Curate.
Baptised - June 14th Jane, [Daughter of] James & Louise Woods, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 21st Anne, [Daughter of] William & Hannah Eden, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 6th Charles Henry, [Son of] Elizabeth Sorrel, of Harvington, John Charles Lewis, Curate.
Baptised - October 11th Francis, [Son of] Henry & Anne Jobson, of Harvington, Wheelwright, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 14 Alfred, [Son of] Sarah Perrins, of Oldwinford, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 17th Amelia, [Daughter of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Thatcher, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 9th Fanny, [Daughter of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 21st William, [Son of] Joseph & Jane Vellender, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 14th Florence Mary, [Daughter of] Arthur Henry & Sohpia Mary Winnington Ingram, of Harvington, Clerk, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 22nd William Marshall, [Son of] George & Catherine Marshall Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 10th Maria, [Daughter of] John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 8th Charles William, [Son of] John Frederick & Jane Sollis, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 15th William, [Son of] Thomas & Charlotte Collins, of Bishampton, Bricklayer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 15th Thomas, [Son of] Anne Dobbins, of Harvington, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 5th Alfred Edward, [Son of] Isaac & Alice Pennell, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - September 5th Ellen Maria, [Daughter of] Eliza Sorrel, of Harvington, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - September 26th William James, [Son of] Hannah Tarrant, of Harvington, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - October 3rd Frederic, [Son of] John & Anne Crosswell, of Harvington, Bricklayer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - December 12th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 25th John, [Son of] Thomas & Sarah Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 9th John, [Son of] James & Louisa Woods, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 11th George, [Son of] Adam & Caroline Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 1st Thomas Mary, [Son of] Benjamin & Helen Benton, of Harvington, Servant, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 6th Amelia, [Daughter of] Charles & Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - May 15th Mary, [Daughter of] Samuel & Rebecca Quincy, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - May 22ndColin, [Son of] Robert & Elizabeth Harley, of Harvington, Carpenter, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - June 12th Helen Maria, [Daughter of] John & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H w Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 17th Agnes, [Daughter of] John & Mary Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 31st Thomas, [Son of] Thomas & Keziah Hancocks, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Septr 19th Agnes, [Daughter of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, Done by Nacissus G Batt, Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick.
Baptised - Septr 27th William Caleb, [Son of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - October 16th Charles, [Son of] David & Susan Freeman, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 6th Ellen Harriet, [Daughter of] George & Harriet Stephens, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 25th Louisa Jane, [Daughter of] Samuel & Helen Lester, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - Jany 11th Harriet, [Daughter of] Fanny Neale, of Harvington, Servant, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Jany 15th Marianne, [Daughter of] William & Marianne Rawlings, of Birmingham, Watchmaker, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 6th Herbert, [Son of] George & Catherine Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 8th Walter William, [Son of] William & Marianne, Rawlings, of Birmingham, Watchmaker, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 20th Caroline, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Heywood, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 27th Thomas Albert, [Son of] Thomas & Anne Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 27th George, [Son of] George & Anne Sherwood, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 17th Henry, [Son of] Thomas & Jane Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 30th Edith, [Daughter of] Robert & Elizabeth Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 26th Mary Anne, [Daughter of] Thomas, [Son of] Frederick & Jane Sollis, of Harvington, Labourer, J.R Tucker, Curate.
Baptised - August 26th Thomas, [Son of] Job Frederick & Jane Sollis, of Harvington, Labourer, J.R Tucker, Curate.
Baptised - August 26th Mary Anne, [Daughter of] Thomas & Elizabeth Sollis, of Oldham, Lancaster, Metal Layer, J.R Tucker, Curate.
Baptised - September 16th Walter, [Son of] John & Catherine Crosswell, of Harvington, Brick Layer, J.R Tucker, Curate.
Baptised - October 11th Joseph, [Son of] John & Marianne Davis, of Harvington, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 28th Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] James & Louisa Woods, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 18th Annie Marie, [Daughter of] Alfred & Sarah Stait, of Harvington, Policeman, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 16th Frederick, [Son of] Edwin & Caroline Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - March 8th Mary Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas William & Marianne Purver, of Harvington, Policeman, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 14th John James, [Son of] John James & Anne Ingram, of Exhall, Warwickshire, Farmer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 28th Evelyn Houghton, [Daughter of] John & Mary Anne Kaye, of Harvington, Clerk, J. Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - April 30th Jane, [Daughhter of] George & Harriet Stephens, of Harvington, Labourer, J. Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - May 12th Emily Jane [Daughter of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Atch Lench, Labourer, J. Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - June 9th Roger, [Son of] Robert & Elizabeth Harley, of Harvington, Carpenter, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 16th Walter George, [Son of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 29th James, [Son of] Charles & Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 17th Betsy, [Daughter of] Job & Hannah Harley, of Harvington, Servant, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 29th Edward John Harry, [Son of] William & Marianne Rawlings, of Birmingham, Watchmaker, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - February 9th Sarah Ellen Maria, [Daughter of ] William & Jane Layton, of Alvechurch, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 9th Emma, [Daughter of] Mary Sorrel, Great Comberton, Servant, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 11th Mary, [Daughter of] William & Fanny Hemming, of Harvington, Blacksmith, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 1st Mary Jane, [Daughter of] Charles & Sarah Aldington, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 1st Eliza, [Daughter of] James & Anne Spiers, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 12th Blanche, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Bullock, of Harvington, Farmer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Augst 24th William, Son of William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Oct 14th Dinah, [Daughter of] Joseph & Dinah Sparkes, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Oct 19th Mary Jane, [Daughter of] Job & Jane Sollis, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Octoner 21st Emily, [Daughter of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 4th Cale, [Son of] John & Sarah Williams, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 11 Charles, [Son of] George & Sarah Spiers, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 22nd Mary Anne, [Daughter of] George & Hannah Stephens, Mr J Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - March 22nd William Henry, [Son of] Job & Hannah Harley, of Harvington, Servant, Mr J Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - May 1st Hervey, Son of Robert & Elizabeth Harley, of Harvington, Carpenter, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - May 11th Ellen, [Daughter of] James & Harriet Spinks, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - September 26th Phillip Skinner, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Atch Lench, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 20th Emma, [Daughter of] Charles & Ellen Sparrow, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 15th John, {Son of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Thatcher, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 22nd Jesse, [Son of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Thatcher, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 25th Eliza, [Daughter of] William & Anne Ansell, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 29th Thomas Pardoe, [Son of] George & Elizabeth Shailer, of Harvington, Innkeeper, A.H W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 7th Amelia Maud, [Daughter of] George & Catherine Marshall Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 17th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas & Jane Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 11th Lucy, {daughter of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 16th William, [Son of] Charles & Hannah, Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Fanny, [Daughter of] John & Sarah Palmer, of Harvington, Carter, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 28th George, [Son of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 10th Anne, [Daughter of] Frederick & Jane Sollis, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 15th Henry, [Son of] Isaac & Alice Penuel, of Harvington, Labourer, A.H W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Augst 7th Sarah, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Anne Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Curate.
Baptised - October 10th John, [Son of] David & Susan Freeman, of Harvington, Labourer, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 16th Francis William, [Son of] John & Elizabeth Smith, of Harvington, Labourer, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 22nd Frank, [Son of] Hemming & Emma Crosswell, of Harvington, Labourer, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - March 20th Albert, [Son of] Job & Hannah Stanley, of Harvington, Servant, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 1st William Wallace, [Son of] George & Elizaberth Shailer, of Harvington, Innkeeper, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 1st Walter, [Son of] George & Catherine Marshall Malin, of Harvington, Landowner, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 4th Florence Rhoda, [Daughter of] Charles & Matilda Aldington, of Harvington, Coal heaver, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 4th Mable Minnie, [Daughter of] Charles & Matilda Aldinbgton, of Harvington, Coal bearer, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 11th William, [Son of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, Mr J Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - July 2 Jessie, [Daughter of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 2 Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Edwin & Caroline Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Sep 17 Mary, [Daughter of] Thos & Kezia Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, S. Charles.
Baptised - November 5 Thomas, [Son of] John & Sarah Palmer, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 19 Rosa Helen, [Daughter of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 17 William Henry, [Son of] John Maria & Martha Haines, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - February 18 William Henry, [Son of] Charles & Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 11 Thomas, [Son of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 18 Emily, [Daughter of] William & Elizabeth Mary Meade, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 15 William Walter, [Son of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Mason, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 6 Fanny [Daughter of] Robert & Elizabeth Stanley, of Harvington, Carpenter, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - June 10 Lizzie Anne [Daughter of] Thomas & Anne Neale, of Stratford on Avon, Gardener, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 29 Helena, [Daughter of] Job & Hannah Stanley, of Harvington, Servant, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Sept 9th Ann, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Ann Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, John Kaye, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - October 7th George, [Son of] Job Frederick & Jane Sollis, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 4th Jane Ellen, [Daughter of] James & Harriet Spinks, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - February 12th Joseph, [Son of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 17 Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] John & Fanny Brooks, of Harvington, Blacksmith, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 24th Alice, [Daughter of] Charles & Sarah Aldington, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 21st Charles Frederick, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 21st Walter William, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ladstone of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 17th Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 28th Thomas, [Son of] Thomas & Jane Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 28th Charles, [Son of] Thomas & Jane Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 2 William Henry, [Son of] George & Ann Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - July 28th Harriet Emma, [Daughter of] Thomas & Kezia Hancocks, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 11th Edith & Mary, [Daughter of] Joseph & Jane Stephenson, of Harvington Lodge, Clergyman, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 22nd Frederick, [Son of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.

Baptised - January 19th Minnie Clara, [Daughter of] Joshua & Marianne Hale, of Harvington, Thatcher, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 26th George William, [Son of] William & Elizabeth Mary Meade, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 13th Mary Helen, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Smith, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 1st Harriet Elizabeth, [Daughter of] William & Eliza Matthews of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - March 1st Charles, [Son of] Mary Potter, of Harvington, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - March 29th Selina, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Butcher, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - April 19th Frederick Charles, [Son of] Charles & Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - May 3 George, [Son of] Job & Hannah Stanley, of Harvington, Servant, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 17th Allen Charles, [Son of] Edward & Sarah Anne Skinner, of Harvington, Gardener, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 24th Henry Hudson, [Son of] John & Martha Haines, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 31st Henry, [Son of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 21st Marianne, [Daughter of} Thomas & Jane Mansell, of Harvington, Wheelwright, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 21st Mary Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Edward & Helen Perry, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 1st Helen, [Daughter of} Edwin & Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, Wheelwright, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 21st James Henry, [Son of] John & Fanny Brooks, of Harvington, Blacksmith, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 21st Emily Maria, [Daughter of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Mason, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 25th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas & Harriet Court, of Birmingham, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 25th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] George & Elizabeth Hunt, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 22nd Elizabeth, [Daughter of] John & Sarah Palmer, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 6th Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 3rd Ellen, [Daughter of] Thomas & Kezia Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 14th Rosa Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Joseph & Elizaeth Fowler, of Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 18th Herbert John, [Son of] Henry & Mary Spiers, of Harvington, Shoemaker, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 20th Herbert Henry, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 20th Lizzy Selina, [Daughter of] William & Marianne Rawlings, of Harvington, Jeweller, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 20th Alice Ada Ellen, [Daughter of] William & Marianne Rawlings, of Harvington, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 14th Jane Anne, [Daughter of] Obed & Hannah Jackman, of Harvington, Plate Layer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 8th Henry, [Son of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Hedger, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 8th George, [Son of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Hedger, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 22 Agnes, [Daughter of] Thomas & Mary Anne Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Septr 5th James Abiathez, [Son of] Mary Sorrel, of Harvington, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Septr 5th Charles, [Son of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - Septr 26th Anne Sophia, [Daughter of] Job & Hannah Stanley, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - October 10th Emma Florence, [Dughter of] John & Martha Haines, of Hsrvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - November 21 Ada Louisa, [Daughter of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Mason, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 21 Charles Arthur, [Son of] Chrles & Matilda Adlington, of North Littleton, Fisherman, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 26, born March 17 1861, Frederick, [Son of] George & Charlotte Ellis, of Evesham, Miller, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 26th Esther Maria, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Coal heaver, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 2nd Henry, [Son of] Mark & Susan Yeomans, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 15th William, [Son of] Charles & Mary Savage, of Harvington, Carpenter, J Stephenson.
Baptised - June 19th Alfred Watson, [Son of] Joseph & Jane Stephenson, of Harvington, Clerk, J Stephenson.
Baptised - August 21 Varina, [Daughter of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson.
Baptised - Septr 18th Mary Ann, [Daughter of] George & Elizabeth Hunt, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson.
Baptised - October 9th Laura Elizabeth Georgina, [Daughter of] George & Julia West, of Harvington, Station Master, J Stephenson.
Baptised - October 16th George, [Son of] Thomas & Jane Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 6th Adelaide Lucy, [Daughter of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 20th John, [Son of] Edward & Helen Perry, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 4th Marianne, [Daughter of] Thomas & Lucy Sarah Patience Savage, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 18th Henry, [Son of] John & Sarah Palmer of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - March 12 Edith, [Daughter of] Obed & Hannah Jackman, of Harvington, Plate layer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 23 Fanny Louise, [Daughter of] John & Martha Haines, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 30 Lea Ernest, [Son of] Giles & Eliza Woodward, of Harvington, Footman, J Stephenson.
Baptised - July 9th Sarah Anne, [Son of] Thomas & Anne Mansell, of Harvington, Wheelwright, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 23 Silas Thomas, [Son of] Charles & Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 23 Sophia, [Daughter of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Hedger, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 28th James, [Son of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson.
Baptised - Septr 17th George, [Son of] David & Susan Freeman, of Godstone, Surrey, Labourer, J Stephenson.
Baptised - Octr 15th Thomas, [Son of] William & Anne Devile, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson.
Baptised - November 26th Alma, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Coal heaver, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 21st John, [Son of] John & Emily Sparrow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 4th William Henry, [Son of] William & Eliza Matthews, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 16th Helen, [Daughter of] George & Elizabeth Shailer, of Harvington, Inn keeper, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 21st Charles, [Son of] Mark & Susan Yeomans, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 21th Emanuel George, [Son of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 15th George, [Son of] Robert & Ann Pitts, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson.
Baptised - August 18th Edith Mary, [Daughter of] William & Rebecca Nicklin, of Harvington, Builder's clerk, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 1st Job, [Son of] Job & Hannah Stanley, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - September 22nd Walter, [Son of] Benjamin & Sarah Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson.
Baptised - October 13th Sarah, [Son of] Charles & Sarah Aldington, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 17th Charles, [Son of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 1st Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Charles & Mary Savage, of Harvington, Builder's carter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 29th Maria, [Daughter of] John & Sarah Palmer, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - March 16th Edith, [Daughter of] Giles & Eliza Woodward, of Harvington, Baker, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 16th Lear Mary, [Daughter of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 13th William Richard, [Son of] Richard & Anne Salisbury, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 1st Harriet Mary Louise, [Daughter of] William Edward & Adelaide Amelia Ayliffe, of Harvington, Farmer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - June 1st Samuel Reginald, [Son of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Mason, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - June 8th Ellen, [Daughter of] George & Catherine Ann Marshall, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - June 10th James Thomas, [Son of] George & Emily Hunt, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - June 22nd William Edward, [Son of] Edward & Helen Perry, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 6th George Edwin, [Son of] George & Elizabeth Shailer, of Harvington, Inn keeper, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 6th Ernest Albert, [Son of] George & Elizabeth Shailer, of Harvington, Inn keeper, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 6th Emily Susannah, [Daughter of] John & Mary Hampton, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 20 Lucy Jane, [Daughter of] Thomas & Marianne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised, August 24 Caroline Helen, [Daughter of] William Henry & Helen Sisam, of Harvington, Miller & Corn dealer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - December 7th Lilian Adelaide, [Daughter of] Charles & Fanny Prowlin, of Harvington, Blacksmith, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 14 Walter William, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 4th Caleb, [Son of] Charles and Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 4 Annie Louisa, [Daughter of] John & Martha Haines, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 28th George Thomas, [Son of] George Lavender & Eliza White Eades, of Harvington, Solicitor, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 10th John, [Son] John & Sarah Anne Mansall, of Harvington, Catpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 15th Ruth, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Coal heaver, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 31st Bernard, Charles & Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - September 13 Herbert John, William & Elizabeth, [Son & daughter of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - September 27 Charles Hubert, [Son of] John & Emily Sparrow, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - September 27 George Henry, [Son of] Mark & Susan Yeomans, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - October 11th Herbert, [Son of] Charles & Mary Savage, of Harvington, Builder's carter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 22nd Sarah Jane, [Daughter of] Job & Hannah Stanley, of Hasrvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 25th George Frederick, [Son of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - December 27th Anne Marion, [Daughter of] William Edward & Adelaide Amelia Ayliffe, of Harvington, Farmer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 27th Edward Henry, [Son of] George & Anne Maria Gould, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - February 14th Emma Elizabeth, [Daughter of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 15th Frederick, [Son of] George & Catherine Ann Marshall, of Harvington, Plate layer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - May 19th Grace Helena Marguerite, [Daughter of] Frederick Sutherland & Edith Jennie Bidley Smith, of Harvington, Commercial traveller, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 6 William, [Son of] William Henry & Helen Sisam, of Harvington, Miller, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - June 27th Julia Mary, [Daughter of] John & Sarah Jane Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 28th Florence, {daughter of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 12th William Thomas, [Son of] George & Lucy Bradley, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - September 26th Mabel Kate, [Daughter of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Mason, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - September 26th Frederick William, [Son of] Charles & Jane Roberts, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson,
Baptised - October 18th Amelia Lucy, [Daughter of] Robert & Alice Cole, of Harvington, Wheelwright, J Stephenson, Curate.

Baptised - January 30th George William, [Son of] Thomas & Emma Williams, of Harvington, Tinter[?] loader, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 30th Thomas Alfred, [Son of] Emma Williams, of Harvington, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 31st Mary Louisa Florence, [Daughter of] Harriet Quiney, of Harvington, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 27 Frederick Thomas, [Son of] Edward & Helen Perry, of Hsarvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 5th Ralph, [Son of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 12th Herbert, [Son of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Coal heaver, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 19th Emily, [Daughter of] Charles & Mary Savage, of Harvington, Builder's carter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 19th Frank, [Son of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Hedger, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 17th Edith Agnes, [Daughter of] John & Agnes Anne Knight, of Stow in the Wold, Gloucestershire, Baker, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 2nd Richard Cecil Sutherland, [Son of] Frederick Sutherland & Edith Jeanie Biddly Smith, of Harvington, Commersial Traveller, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 30th Charles Henry, [Son of] Charles & Emma Turner, of Derby, Blacksmith, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 30th Edith Ellen, [Daughter of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 13 Arthur, [Son of] Thomas & Jane Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 13th Alfred, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 3 Sybil Ellen, [Daughter of] William Edward & Adelaide Amelia Ayliffe, of Harvington, Farmer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 10th Mary Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Benjamin & Sarah Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - 17th Albert, [Son of] Eli & Eliza Smith, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 21 Emily, [Daughter of] Eli & Eliza Smith, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 3rd Mabel Mary, [Daughter of] George & Mary Crosswell, Crosswell, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 1st Walter Thomas, [Son of] Richard & Anne Salisbury, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 1st Catherine, George & Catherine Marshall, of Harvington, Plate layer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 6th Alfred John Marshall, [Son of] William Henrey & Helen Sisam, of Harvington, Miller & Corn dealer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - July 29 Maud Amelia, [Daughter of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 12th William John, [Son of] Charles & Alice Hill, of Coleville [?]Keyglescote, Leicestershire, Engine driver, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 28 Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Charles & Emma Fustin, of Derby, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 28 Frederick James, [Son of] Henry & Anne Malin, of Offenham, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 4th Walter William, [Son of] John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 11th Fred Hubert, [Son of] George & Elizabeth Shailer, of Harvington, Market gardener, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 11th Annie Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Samuel & Maria Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 18th John Leonard, [Son of] John & Sarah Anne Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 16th Henry, [Son of] Robert & Alice Cole, of Harvington, Wheelwright, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 23rd Florence Maria, [Daughter of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Builder, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 17 Sarah, [Daughter of] James & Harriet Spinks, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - March 24 Harold Guy, [Son of] William Albert & Mary Ellen Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 14th George Thomas, [Son of] Charles & Mary Savage, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 21st John Stephens, [Son of] John & Annie Cook, of Harvington, Inn keeper, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - May 5th Ernest, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - May 5th Ellen Annie, George Henry & Annie Elizabeth Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - May 19th Edith Georgina, [Daughter of] Charles & Fanny Prowlin, of Harvington, Blacksmith, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - September 15 John Leonard, [Son of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 13th Walter Ernest, [Son of] William & Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 10 William John, [Son of] Alfred & Alice Beames, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.

Baptised - March 30th Lily Louisa, [Daughter of] Edward & Louisa Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 12th Harriet Frances, [Daughter of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Builder, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 6 Ellen, [Daughter of] William & Emma Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 3rd, born March 25th 1872 Ethel Mary, [Daughter of] George Lavender & Eliza White Eades, of Harvington, Solicitor, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 3rd, born Oct 13th 1874 Frances Anne, [Daughter of] George Lavender & Eliza White Eades, of Harvington, Soliciter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Aiugust 5 Albert, [Son of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Coal heaver, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 28th Frank, [Son of] Charles & Sarah Gardiner, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - October 5th Ada, [Daughter of] Samuel & Maria Jones, of Harvington, Plate layer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - October 26 Nancy, John & Anne Cook, of Harvington, Builder, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 25 Harry, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - February 11th Alexander Brian Tunstall, [Son of] Alexander John Bond & Ada Mary Redmayne, of Harvington, Lieutenant in militia, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - February 11th Leonard William Tunstall, [Son of] Alexander John Bond & Ada Mary Redmayne, of Harvington, Lieutenant in Militia, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - March 28 Minnie Clara, [Daughter] of Elizabeth Hale, of Harvington, Servant, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 4 Harry Norman, [Son of] William Albert & Mary Ellen Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 2nd Emily, [Daughter of] Alfred & Alice Beames, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 16th Ralph Charles, [Son of] Eli & Eliza Smith, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - August 15th Jane, [Daughter of] John & Eliza Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 29th William Cecil, [Son of] Henry & Eliza Farr, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 3rd Minnie Gertrude, [Daughter of] Charles & Emma Turner, of Chesterfield, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - October 10th Edgar, [Son of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Labourer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - December 19th Beatrice, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 26th Charles Owen, [Son of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 9th Thomas Albert, [Son of] John & Sarah Anne Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 2nd Maude Evelyn Grace Tunstall, [Daughter of] Alexander John Bond & Ada Mary Redmayne, of Harvington, Lieutenant in Militia, J Stephanson, Curate.
Baptised - Jany 28th Arthur William, [Son of] Thpomas & Mary Oliver, of Harvington, Carpenter, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - March 13 Constantine Albert, [Son of] Job & Hannah Stanley, of Harvington, Labourer, Jo Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - March 19 Frederick, [Son of] James & Harriet Spinks, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised = May 15th Laura Amy, [Daughter of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Builder, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - July 24th George Henry, [Son of] George Henry & Annie Elizabeth Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 7 Ernest John, [Son of] Robert & Alice Cole, of Harvington, Wheelwright, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Augt 9th Alice, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Coal heaver, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 21st Godfrey Dyke, [Son of] John & Annie Cook, of Harvington, Market gardener, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 28 Edith Elizabeth, [Daughter of] William Henry & Louisa Stratton, of Harvington,Farmer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 11th Anne, [Daughter of] George & Catherine Anne Marshall, of Harvington, Plate layer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 11th Elizabeth, [Daughter of] George & Catherine Anne Marshall, of Harvington, Plate layer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 16th Charles Thomas, [Son of] Samuel & Maria Jones, of Harvington, Plate layer, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - November 20th Mary Anne, [Daughter of] Richard & Anne Salisbury, of Harvington, Labourer, AH Winnington Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 18th Sarah Anne, William & Emma Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - March 12th Joseph Walter, [Son of] Ellen Elizabeth Sparkes, of Harvington, Servant, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 26 Allen, [Son of] George & Mary Crosswell, of Harvington, Hedger, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 26 Mary Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Joseph & Emily Griffiths, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 7th Eleanor Louisa, [Daughter of] James& Hannah Widdowes, of Harvington, Policeman, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 21st Cyril Raynor Eden, [Son of] Charles & Fanny Prowlin, of Harvington, Blacksmith, J Stephenson, Curate.
Baptised - June 18th Fanny Gertrude, [Daughter of] Francis & Mary Eliza Jobson, of Harvington, Blacksmith, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - July 16 Elvin, [Son of] Thomas & Fanny Robins, of Harvington, Bricklayer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - Novber 26 Ellen, [Daughter of] Ellen & Edward Perry, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 24 Thomas Lionel, [Son of] Thomas & Elizabeth Hathaway, of Harvington Mill, Miller, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 24 Marianne, [Daughter of] Henry & Jane Lock, of Harvington Mill, Waggoner, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - December 24 Frank, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 24 Florence, [Daughter of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 28, John Bezaleel, [Son of] John & Annie Cook, of Harvington, Market gardener, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 28, Bertie, [Son of] Wilson Eden & Sarah Jane Crosswell, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 4, Gertrude Fanny, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Clements, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 4, Florence Elizabeth, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Clements, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 29, William Henry, [Son of] John & Sarah Ann Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter and Joiner, Richard Perkes, Curate,
Baptised - June 3, John Francis, [Son of] Thomas Marshall & Mary Jane Sisam, of Harvington Mill, Miller, Richard M Perkes, Curate,
Baptised - August 5, Florence Mary, [Daughter of] James & Hannah Widdows, of Harvington, Policeman, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 19, Lucy, [Daughter of] Thomas & Jane Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - October 28, William Frederick, [Son of] Frank & Elizabeth Huxley, of Harvington, Painter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 11, William John, [Son of] Samuel & Maria Jones, of Harvington, Plate layer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 11, Thomas Henry Francis Thomas, [Son of] Thomas & Jane Cole, of Fladbury, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 2, Edith Mary, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Hughes, of Harvington, Coalheaver, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 2, Malvina Hilda Marsh, [Daughter of] Thomas Henry & Agnes Florence Hannah Everix, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 2, Joseph, [Son of] Richard & Jane Salisbury, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 16, Albert, [Son of] George William & Sarah Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 23, Sarah Anne, [Daughter of] Henry & Sarah Anne Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 30, Francis Gerald, [Son of] William Albert & Mary Ellen Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 20, Agnes Ellen, [Daughter of] John & Elizabeth Fowler, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 21, Willie, [Son of] William & Emma Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 9, William, [Son of] George & Catherine Anne Marshall, of Harvington, Platelayer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 8, William Henry, [Son of] Charles & Emma Rose, of Harvington, Carter, Richard M Perkes, Assistant Curate.
Baptised - July 13, Rosalind Maud, [Daughter of] William & Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Builder, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 10, William Tiff, [Son of] Robert & Alice Cole, of Harvington, Wheelwright, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 28, Howard, [Son of] Charles & Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 5, Arthur William, [Son of] Thomas & Matilda Jane Hancock, of Harvington, Platelayer, N G Batt, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - February 8, Clement George, [Son of] James & Hannah Widdows, of Harvington, Policeman, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 7, Florence Edith, [Daughter of] Thomas Albert & Matilda Elizabeth Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 22, Ellen Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Richard & Elizabeth Salisbury, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 29, William Henry, [Son of] William Henry & Louisa Stratton, of Harvington, Farmer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 5, Francis Sydney, [Son of] Charles & Fanny Prowlin, of Harvington, Blacksmith, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 5, Lucy Elizabeth, [Daughter of] George & Anne Sorrel, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - May 8, Beatrice Adelaide, [Daughter of] Thomas Henry decd* & Agnes Florence Susannah Everix, of Harvington, Carpenter, S J Walker, Officiating Minister. [*decd = deceased]
Baptised - June 7, George Henry, [Son of] Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, S J Walker, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - July 12, Beatrice Alberta Marsh, [Daughter of] Herbert William & Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 9, Frank Wilson, [Son of] Arthur Thomas & Hannah Tarrant, of Harvington, Mason, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 20, Mabel Louisa, [Daughter of] William James & Elizabeth Maxton, of Paris (France), Schoolmaster, S J Walker, Officiating Minister.
Baptised - November 8, Edmund Herbert, [Son of] Thomas Marshall & Mary Jane Sisam, of Harvington Mill, Miller, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 17, Thomas Henry, [Son of] William and Emma Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - January 31, Ellen, [Daughter of] George William and Sarah Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 7, Lilian, [Daughter of] James and Hannah Widdows, of Harvington, Policeman, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 21, William Thomas, [Son of] William Percy and Prunella Mary Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 11, Charles Henry, [Son of] Sarah Anne Hughes, of Harvington, Domestic Servant, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 25, Sarah Beatrice, [Daughter of] John and Annie Cook, of Harvington, Market Gardener, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - April 25, Mary Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Oliver and Anne Harris, of Rous Lench, Carter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 13, Georgiana, [Daughter of] Charles and Ellen Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 27, Maud Lucy Victoria, [Daughter of] Alfred John and Sarah Stenner, of Harvington, Innkeeper, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - June 27, Nellie Constance Louise, [Daughter of] William Albert and Mary Ellen Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 15, Jesse, [Daughter of] Charles and Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - August 29, Maud Elizabeth, [Daughter of] William and Anne Palmer, of Handsworth Birmingham, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - September 26, Alice, [Daughter of] George and Catherine Marshall, of Harvington, Platelayer, A H Batholomew, Curate.
Baptised - November 14, Walter Raymond Lloyd, [Son of] Arthur Thomas and Hannah Tarrant, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - November 21, Montague Henry, [Son of] Thomas Henry and Agnes Florence Susannah Everix, of Harvington, Carpenter, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - December 12, Ernest William, [Son of] Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, AH W Ingram, Rector.

Baptised - January 30, William Thomas, [Son of] Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, AH W Ingram, Rector.
Baptised - March 6, Florence Elizabeth, [Daughter of] Thomas and Matilda Jane Hancock, of Harvington, Platelayer, A H Batholomew, Curate.
Baptised - April 10, Albert Victor Arthur Henry, [Son of] William and Matilda Davis, of Harvington, Builder, A H Batholomew, Curate.
Baptised - April 17, Victoria Maud, [Daughter of] Henry & Frances Elizabeth Hooper, of Harvington, Policeman, A H Batholomew, Curate.
Baptised - September 11, George Bigder[?], Son of John and Mary Jane Clarke, of Smallheath Birmingham, Warehouseman, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - September 11, Ellen Annie, Daughter of Charles William and Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Carpenter, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - October 16, Frederick John, Son of Richard and Elizabeth Salisbury, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - November 20, Elsie Jubilee, Daughter of George Harris of Fladbury, Labourer, and Lucy Cowley, single woman, of Harvington, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector

Baptised - January 14, William Marshall Eustace Arthur, Son of William Marshall and Eliza Malins, of Harvington, Farmer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - January 15, Florence May (Private Baptism - deceased March 4 1888, Daughter of Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - February 5, Charles William, Son of George William and Sarah Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - June 17, Mildred Emily, Daughter of Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Shopkeeper, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - June 24, William, Son of Charles and Ellen Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - July 22, Annie, Daughter of William and Emma Clark, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - August 5, Martha Alice, Daughter of William Giles and Mary Ann Elizabeth Ganderton, of Yarsop Hereford, Builder, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - August 19, Florence Maud, Daughter of William and Julia Bourton, of Cropthorne, Blacksmith, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - October 28, George Edward, Son of George Edward and Elizabeth Rowbery, of The Golden Cross Harvington, Licensed Victualler, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - November 11, Thomas George Henry, Son of Walter and Mary Ann Bullock, of Harvington, Market Gardener, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - December 2, Lucy Hannah, Daughter of John and Annie Cook, of Harvington, Post-Master, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector

Baptised - February 24, Arthur Athelstan, Son of William Albert and Mary Ellen Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - February 24, Charles Miller, Son of Thomas Albert and Matilda Elizabeth Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - March 4, Elizabeth Mary (private baptism - deceased), Daughter of Sam and Louisa Jane Langstone, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - March 17, Gladys Julia Mary, Daughter of Frederick and Julia Pick, of Harvington, Farmer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - April 29, Owen (private baptism), Son of George and Catherine Ann Marshall, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - November 3, Edith Annie, [Daughter of] Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, William Bentley, Officiating Minister,
Baptised - December 25, William Henry Frances, [Son of] James and Ada Louisa Rice, of Harvington, Signalman, William Bentley, Officiating Minister

Baptised - January 12, Agnes Mary, [Daughter of] Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - February 16, Doris Elizabeth Jane, Daughter of Charles William and Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Carpenter, T J Whitehead, Officiating Minister
Baptised - March 9, Harry, Son of Walter and Mary Olive Bullock, of Harvington, Market Gardener, T J Whitehead, Officiating Minister
Baptised - March 9, Alice Mary, Daughter of, William & Priscilla Mary Jones, of Harvington, Waggoner, T J Whitehead, Officiating Minister
Baptised - March 15, Nellie Isabel (private baptism), Daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Fidler, of Harvington, Policeman, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - March 15, Dorothy Jefferies, Daughter of Herbert and Beatrice Louise Malin, of Harvington, Clerk, T J Whitehead BA, Officiating Minister
Baptised - April 25, Alfred Frederick (private baptism), Son of Ellen Withers, of Harvington, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Baptised - May 18, Arthur Gordon, Son of Thomas Marshall and Mary Jane Sisam, of Harvington, Miller, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - June 22, Beatrice Alice, Daughter of John and Annie Cook, of Harvington, Postman, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - September 14, Albert Alfred George, Son of Samuel and Louisa Jane Langstone, of Harvington, Labourer, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - October 26, Egbert, Son of William Albert and Mary Ellen Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - November 2, Andrew Victor, Son of Michael Abel Andrew and Elizabeth Morrall, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - November 2, Rose Ellen, Daughter of Sarah Ann Sorrell, of Harvington, Single Woman, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - December 14, Ethel, Daughter of George and Catherine Ann Marshall, of Harvington, Labourer, James Walker, Officiating Minister

Baptised - February 14, Herbert Lloyd, Son of Herbert and Beatrice Louise Malin, of Harvington, Clerk, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - March 7, John Henry (private baptism), deceased April 25 1891, Son of Charles Henry and Mary Ellen Tyack, of Harvington, Licensed Victualler, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector.
Baptised - March 8, Harry (private baptism), deceased April 12 1891, Son of Charles and Ellen Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector.
Baptised - March 22, Louisa Jane, Daughter of Thomas and Caroline Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, James Walker
Baptised - April 12, Charles Henry, Son of Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, James Walker
Baptised - June 28, Myra Mary, Daughter of Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, James Walker
Baptised - August 9, Hilda Gertrude, Daughter of William and Eunice Clark, of Harvington, Labourer, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - August 23, Frances Mary, Daughter of Henry and Sarah Ann Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - October 18, Edith Amy, Daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Fidler, of Harvington, Police Constable, James Walker, Officiating Minister
Baptised - November 1, William Albert, Son of Walter and Mary Ann Bullock, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Walker, Officiating Minister

Baptised - February 7, Thira Mary, Daughter of Thomas Henry and Agnes Florence Susannah Everix, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - February 28, Margaret Ann, Daughter of John and Sarah Ann Elizabeth Hale, of Harvington, Labourer, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - March 9, Frank Felix, Son of John and Annie Cook, of Harvington, Postmaster, Tphus [Theophilus] Sharp, Officiating Minister
Baptised - March 27, Elizabeth, Daughter of Charles and Anne Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - May 29, Edith, Daughter of John Henry and Edith Drinkwater, of Harvington, Labourer, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - June 5, Thomas, Son of Charles and Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Carpenter, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - June 19, Alice Jane, Daughter of Thomas Albert and Matilda Elizabeth Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - September 4, Ernest William, Son of Sam and Louisa Jane Langstone, of Harvington, Labourer, R H Davies, Officiating Minister
Baptised - October 9, Frederick, [Son of] William Joseph and Bertha Widdus, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J W Richard, Officiating Minister
Baptised - October 29, Daisy Anne, [Daughter of] Herbert and Beatrice Louise Malin, of Harvington, Auctioneer Clerk, J W Richard
Baptised - October 30, Agnes, [Daughter of] Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, J W Richard

Baptised - January 1, Rosa Jane, [Daughter of] Thomas and Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - March 19, John, [Son of] Thomas and Caroline Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - May 16, Gwendoline Madge (private baptism), [Daughter of] Edwin and Ann Davis, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - June 11, Arthur Wilson, [Son of] Walter and Elizabeth Fidler, of Harvington, Police Constable, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - October 8, Hilda, [Daughter of] George and Catherine Marshall, of Harvington, Platelayer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - October 15, Maud Mary, [Daughter of] Charles and Ellen Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - October 16, Frederick John (private baptism), [Son of] Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - October 22, John Henry, [Son of] Charles and Ann Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - October 29, Frederick Claud, [Son of] Sam and Louisa Langston, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - October 29, Flora Emmeline, [Daughter of] William Henry and Louisa Stratton, of Harvington, Farmer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - November 26, Seymour Charles William, [Son of] Charles Henry and Mary Ellen Tyack, of Harvington, Innkeeper, J W Richard, Curate

Baptised - January 7, Margaret Hilda, [Daughter of] John and Annie Cook, of Harvington, Postmaster, Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Baptised - January 29, Gwendoline Daisy (private), [Daughter of] Frederick and Julia Pick, of Harvington, Farmer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - March 25, Thomas Henry, [Son of] Thomas and Sarah Ann Amos, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - March 25, John, [Son of] Walter and Mary Ann Bullock, of Kings Norton, Gardener, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - March 25, George Edward, [Son of] Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - March 25, Sarah Jane (born Jul 22 1892), [Daughter of] Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - May 27, George Henry, [Son of], William Pierey and Priscilla Mary Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - July 29, Frederick Ernest, [Son of], James and Jane Moss, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - September 16, George, [Son of], Herbert and Beatrice Louisa Malin, of Harvington, Clerk, F E Walton, Officiating Minister
Baptised - September 30, William Francis Evan, [Son of], William Henry and Sarah Ann Bishop, of Norton, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate
Baptised - December 30, Constance Mabel, [Daughter of], George Robert and Mary Ann Beasley, of Harvington, Labourer, J W Richard, Curate

Baptised - January 6, Benjamin Charles, [Son of], John and Annie Cook, of Harvington, Postmaster, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - January 27, Charles William, [Son of], Edwin and Eliza Moss, of Harvington, Labourer, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - February 24, Dora Elsie, [Daughter of], Moses and Sarah Ann Truby, of Harvington, Coachman, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - March 3, Phyllis, [Daughter of], Charles and Alice Myatt, of Harvington, Market Gardener, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - March 3, Frank William, [Son of], Charles and Alice Mary Harnell, of Harvington, Signalman, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - April 14, Grace Aldington, [Daughter of], Florence Aldington, of Harvington, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - April 14, Laura Harris, [Daughter of], Thomas and Julia Harris, of Harvington, Smith, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - May 12, Florence Mary, [Daughter of], Charles and Ann Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - June 9, Frederick Samuel, [Son of], Thomas and Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - June 9, Albert William, [Son of], William Charles and Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Labourer, C L Whatley, Curate
Baptised - September 1, Vera Mildred, [Daughter of], James and Emma Green, of Harvington, Constable, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - September 1, Victor James, [Son of], Charles Henry and Mary Ellen Tyack, of Harvington, Publican, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - September 1, Raymond Thomas, [Son of], Thomas and Fanny Robins, of Harvington, Bricklayer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - October 6, Albert Edward, [Son of], Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Carter, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 29, Charles Ernest, [Son of], Stephen Ernest and Sarah Ann Ingram, of Harvington, Farmer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - January 29, John Henry, [Son of], Stephen Ernest and Sarah Ann Ingram, of Harvington, Farmer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - February 2, Reginald, [Son of], Reginald John and Sarah Ann White, of Harvington, Groom, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - February 9, Linda, [Daughter of], Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - February 9, Iris Lenorah, [Daughter of], Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 4, Elizabeth Fanny (Eleven years), [Daughter of], Thomas and Jane Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 4, May, [Daughter of], Thomas and Jane Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 4, Arthur, [Son of], Thomas and Jane Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 3, John, [Son of], Thomas and Lydia Driver, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 19, James Edwin, [Son of], Edwin and Eliza Moss, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 26, Mary Margaret, [Daughter of], Edwin and Annie Davis, of Harvington, Bricklayer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 26, Emily Blanche, [Daughter of], Edwin and Annie Davis, of Harvington, Bricklayer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - October 18, Nell Catharine, [Daughter of], Thomas and Elizabeth Hancock, of Harvington, Police Constable, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 1, Edwin John, [Son of], Charles and Alice Mary Harnell, of Harvington, Signalman, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 11, Monica Ida Frederica, [Daughter of], Frederick and Julia Pick, of Harvington, Farmer, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 3, Evelyn Maud, [Daughter of], Wallace and Clara Denley, of Chelmsford, Fitter, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - January 3, Albert, [Son of], Harry and Edith Ellen Dennick, of Pershore, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - January 3, William Charles, [Son of], Charles and Ann Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - February 4, Edith Ethel Ada, [Daughter of], Edward Fowler and Ada Elizabeth Pope, of Harvington, Farmer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - February 7, Thomas Herbert, [Son of], Herbert Thomas and Alma Fisher, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - February 7, Elsie, [Daughter of], Charles William and Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Carpenter, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 2, Henry Walter, [Son of], Sam and Louisa Jane Langstone, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 2, Mabel Katherine, [Daughter of], William and Sophie Bromwich, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 16, Helena Victoria Mary, [Daughter of], Charles Henry and Mary Ellen Tyack, of Harvington, Publican, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 4, Helena Sarah, [Daughter of], Edwin and Alice Ann Hawker, of Harvington, Market Gardener and Fruit Dealer, H E C Marshall, Curate in Charge of Old Shoreham, Sussex
Baptised - July 11, Lillian May, [Daughter of], Walter and Mary Bullock, of Kings Norton, Gardener, H E C Marshall, Curate in Charge of Old Shoreham, Sussex
Baptised - July 18, Philip Godfey, [Son of], William Joseph and Bertha Widdus, of Harvington, Market Gardener, H E C Marshall, Curate in Charge of Old Shoreham, Sussex
Baptised - August 1, Alfred Victor, [Son of], Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, S Adney[?], Curate ------ nr -----[?]
Baptised - September 2, Florence May, [Daughter of], Thomas and Francis Fanny Robbins, of Harvington, Bricklayer, J H Waugh, Rector. [P B in margin]
Baptised - September 5, Victoria May, [Daughter of], Reginald John and Sarah Ann White, of Harvington, Groom, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - October 3, Willam Alfred Victor Richard, [Son of], William and Harriet Andrews, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 19, Charles William, [Son of], Charles and Alice Myatt, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 2, Charles William, [Son of], Charles William and Elizabeth Nicholls, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - January 21, Frederick, [Son of], Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 6, Frank Stephen, [Son of], Stephen Ernest and Sarah Ann Ingram, of Harvington, Farmer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 3, Florence May, [Daughter of], George and Edith Ellen Best, of Harvington, Soldier, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - June 5, Frederick William, [Son of], William and Sarah Esther Berry, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - June 5, Rupert James, [Son of], William and Sarah Esther Berry, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - June 12, Esmé Vera, [Daughter of], Walter and Adeline Jones, of 35 Westfield Road Edgbaston B'ham, Wine and Spirit Merchant, Francis W Holmes, Officiating Minister
Baptised - July 3, Albert Charles Alexander, [Son of], George and Mary Jane Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 3, Edith Annie, [Daughter of], Charles and Ann Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 28, Phyllis Victoria Emily, [Daughter of], Reuben and Emily Locke, of Harvington, Labourer, Henry W Cooper, Officiating Minister
Baptised - August 28, Elesmere Alan, [Son of], Frederick Charles and Emily Westbury, of Harvington, Shepherd, J H Waugh, RectorHenry W Cooper, Officiating Minister
Baptised - November 6, Lawrence Frank, [Son of], Ernest Albert and Edith Annie Shailer, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 4, Lilian May, [Daughter of], Edward and Julia Mary Fennell, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - February 19, Sidney Charles, [Son of], Henry and Edith Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 5, Margaret, [Daughter of], Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 2, Agnes Rose, [Daughter of], Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 2, Thomas Henry, [Son of], Edwin and Eliza Moss, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 18, Edith Margaret Percival, [Daughter of], Frederick and Julia Pick, of Harvington, Farmer, J K Hoyer, Officiating Minister
Baptised - May 14, Vera Maud, [Daughter of], Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 14, Hilda, [Daughter of], Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 14, Elsie Marion, [Daughter of], Charles Henry and Mary Ellen Tyack, of Harvington, Publican, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 17, George Henry (private baptism), [Son of], Clement and Elizabeth Bromley, of Harvington, Bricklayer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 6, Elsie Selina, [Daughter of], William Henry and Mary Elizabeth Wheeler, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - September 3, Geoffey Mansell, [Son of], Walter and Mary Ann Bullock, of Walkers Heath Birmingham, Gardener, Charles C Bell, Officiating Minister
Baptised - September 16, John Thomas (private baptism), [Son of], Charles and Ellen Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - September 16, George Henry (private baptism), [Son of], Charles and Ellen Maria Hancock, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - March 4, Horace Leonard, [Son of], John Leonard and Annie Mary Maria Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 1, Arthur Wallace, [Son of], Wallace and Clara Druley, of Limehouse, Fitter, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 1, Florence Annie, [Daughter of], Wallace and Clara Druley, of Limehouse, Fitter, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 2, Albert Edward (private baptism), [Son of], Charles and Anne Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, W C Boulter, Vicar of Norton
Baptised - June 24, Mary, [Daughter of], Charles and Alice Myatt, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 21, Albert Edward, [Son of], Stephen Ernest and Sarah Ann Ingram, of Harvington, Farmer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 5, Evelyn Frances, [Daughter of], George Abraham and Frances Ann Roberts, of Harvington, Butcher, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - October 7, William Seymour, [Son of], Ernest Albert and Edith Annie Shailer, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - February 3, Florence May, [Daughter of], Frederick and Florence Louisa Gaston, of Harvington, Signalman, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 17, Albert Edward, [Son of], Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 24, John Edward, [Son of], Henry and Edith Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 6, Elsie Maud, [Daughter of], Thomas and Jane Brewer, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 5, Lilian May, [Daughter of], John Leonard and Annie Mary Maria Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 18, Frank, [Son of], Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, H Alington, Officiating Minister
Baptised - August 18, Rose, [Daughter of], Edwin and Ann Davis, of Harvington, Bricklayer, H Alington, Officiating Minister
Baptised - December 15, Beatrice Lily, [Daughter of], Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 15, Kathleen Edith Elizabeth, [Daughter of] , Ernest Albert and Edith Annie Shailer, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 26, Frank Andrew Carnegie, [Son of], James and Mary Elizabeth Lilian Campbell, of Harvington, Commercial Traveller, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 26, Lilian, [Daughter of], James and Mary Elizabeth Lilian Campbell, of Harvington, Commercial Traveller, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 6, Edward Henry (private baptism), [Son of], Edward and Harriet Emma Cresswell, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 2, Agnes Violet, [Daughter of], Reginald John and Sarah Ann White, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 16, Dorothy Helen, [Daughter of], George Robert and Mary Ann Beasley, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 6, Dorothy Winifred Rose, [Daughter of], Alfred and Annie Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 6, Gladys Enid, [Daughter of], Wallace and Rose Ellen Parsons, of Harvington, Baker, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 4, James Godfrey, [Son of], Isaac and Ann Demaris Plowright, of Harvington, Signalman, Ernest Hatchings, Officiating Minister
Baptised - June 1, Alec William, [Son of], Alfred Amos and Clara Ann Knight, of Harvington, Groom, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 6, James, [Son of], Elizabeth Mary Henrey, of Manchester, Single Woman, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 13, Edward Ronald, [Son of], Charles and Alice Myatt, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - September 7, Arthur Donald, [Son of], John Leonard and Annie Mary Maria Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, N J Scrivens[?], Curate in Charge
Baptised - October 5, Arthur Reginald, [Son of], George and Annie Bartlett, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 2, Ellen Elizabeth, [Daughter of], Harry Poynter and Laura Ellen Woodward, of Bengewoth (Evesham), Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 16, Violet, [Daughter of], Herbert William and Agnes Emily Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 31, Arthur Crossley, [Son of], Alfred Inman and Alice Edith Sherwin, of Harvington, Solicitor, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 19, George Henry, [Son of], William Henry and Jane Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 2, Lilian Elizabeth, [Daughter of], Fred Hubert and Esmerelda Bessie Shailer, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - September 6, John Matthew (private baptism), [Son of], James and Mary Elizabeth Campbell, of Harvington, Merchant Tailor, G W Downton, Officiating Minister
Baptised - November 29, Amelia Daisy, [Daughter of], Edward and Harriet Emma Cresswell, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 13, Charles Ernest, [Son of], Charles Edward and Lilian Adelaide Bushell, of Harvington, Railway Signalman, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 10, Frank, [Son of], Arthur and Amelia Maud Bennett, of Derby, Railway Employee, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 20, George Edward, [Son of], Edward Charles and Winifred Howell Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 3, Annie Marion, [Daughter of], Stephen Ernest and Sarah Ann Ingram, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 3, James Valentine, [Sonr of], Stephen Ernest and Sarah Ann Ingram, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 1, Elizabeth, [Daughter of], Thomas and Anne Sorrell, of Harvington, Labourer, Francis Welch, Officiating Minister
Baptised - May 15, Agnes Evelyn, [Daughter of], Charles and Alice Myatt, of Harvington, Market Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 3, Ronald Henry, [Son of], George and Fanny Elizabeth Rouse, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 3, Dennis Walter, [Son of], William and Sarah Esther Berry, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 14, Harold Wilfred, [Son of], George Abraham and Frances Ann Roberts, of Harvington, Butcher, Charles Barr, Rector of Acryse [Acrise], Kent
Baptised - September 4, Rita, [Daughter of], John Leonard and Mary Annie Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, Charles Barr, Rector of Acryse [Acrise], Kent
Baptised - November 6, Thomas Frank, [Son of], Charles and Anne Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 6, Charles Henry, [Son of], Charles and Anne Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 6, Herbert Victor, [Son of], George and Mary Jane Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 11, Kathleen Edith, [Daughter of], Henry and Edith Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 25, George William, [Son of], Walter and Annie Maria Stevens, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 25, Kathleen Joyce, [Daughter of], Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 15, Eustace Albert, [Son of], Thomas Albert and Lily Louisa Mansell, of Harvington, Carpenter, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 7, Stanley Caleb, [Son of], Caleb and [blank] Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 7, Ruby Vera, [Daughter of], Reuben and Emily Locke, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - June 4, Alfred William, [Son of], William James and Mary Elizabeth White, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 2, Edna Gwendoline Eleanor, [Daughter of], William Henry and Sarah Ann Bishop, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 6, Frederick Arthur, [Son of], Arthur and Emily Mary Sale, of Harvington, Blacksmith, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - September 3, Elsie, [Daughter of], George and Annie Bartlett, of Harvington, Labourer, G H Johnson, Officiating Minister
Baptised - September 10, Gerald Alfred, [Son of], Alfred and Annie Ludlow, of Harvington, Gardener, G H Johnson, Officiating Minister
Baptised - September 24, Wilhemina Victoria, [Daughter of], George Robert and Mary Ann Beasley, of Harvington, Gardener, G H Johnson, Officiating Minister
Baptised - October 1, Leslie Arthur John, [Son of], Arthur William and Emma May Fowler, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 26, Edith Evelyn, [Daughter of], Charles Edward and Lilian Adelaide Bushell, of Harvington, Railway Signalman, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 7, Elsie Frances, [Daughter of], Harry and Bertha Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - January 13, Iris Ena, [Daughter of], Wallace and Rose Ellen Parsons, of Harvington, Baker, J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin: Private Baptism, Ricd ---, ------, Sunday --, March ---, 1906]
Baptised - March 13, Harriet (adult baptism), [Daughter of], Richard and Sarah Emma Nash, of Harvington, Domestic Servant, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 13, Emma Rita, (adult baptism), [Daughter of], John and Emma Watkins, of Harvington, [blank], J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 1, Dennis Frank, [Son of], Frank and Florence Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 6, Horace Clement, [Son of], Oliver and Annie Harris, of Harvington, Labourer, Francis Welch, Officiating Minister
Baptised - July 1, George Thomas, [Son of], John and Sarah Matthews, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 1, Clarence Hugh, [Son of], William and Sarah Esther Berry, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 5, Albert Edward, [Son of], Charles and Anne Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 4, Gertrude Agnes, [Daughter of], William Edward Stead and Mabel Kate Meek, of Harvington, Bailiff, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - March 9, Abbie Beatrice (private baptism), [Daughter of] , Edward Charles and Winifred Howell Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 30 (Easter Eve), William Walter, [Son of], Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 30, Lily (12 years of age), [Daughter of], John and Emma Watkins, of Harvington, now deceased, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 30, Frank Bryan (9 years of age), [Son of], John and Emma Watkins, of Harvington, now deceased, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - March 30, Gladys (8 years of age), [Daughter of], Edwin and Ann Davis, of Harvington, Bricklayer, now deceased, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - April 7, Constance Madeline, [Daughter of], Frederick Hubert and Esmeralda Bessie Shailer, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - May 19, Elizabeth Jane, [Daughter of], Caleb and Leah Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - June 2, Florence Elizabeth, [Daughter of], George Wolsely Wilson and Alice Finch, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - July 7, Beatrice Eleanor, [Daughter of], Alfred and Eleanor Westbury, of Harvington Brickyard, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 11, Cyril Geoffrey, [Son of], Ernest Albert and Edith Annie Shailer, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - August 18, Winifred Louisa Nellie, [Daughter of], William James and Mary Elizabeth White, of Harvington, Labourer, Thomas Price, Officiating Minister
Baptised - October 6, Lawrence Edward, [Son of], Harvey and Elizabeth Hunt, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - October 17, Frederick Leslie (private baptism), [Son of], Elizabeth Bennett, of Harvington, [blank], H W Wood, Vicar of Norton
Baptised - October 20, Alice Mabel, [Daughter of], Henry and Elizabeth Cowley, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - October 20, Gertude Martha, [Daughter of], George and Mary Jane Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - November 10, Reginald Henry Howard, [Son of], Harry and Grace Reid, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 1, Evelyn Dorothy, [Daughter of], William and Ann Jones, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 15, Arthur Walter, [Son of], Arthur and Laura Bishop, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 15, Irene May, [Daughter of], Geoffrey George and Annie Elizabeth Beasley, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector
Baptised - December 15, Harriet Violet Nancy, [Daughter of], Alfred and Annie Ludlow, of Harvington, Gardener, J H Waugh, Rector

Baptised - January 7, Ellen (private baptism), [Daughter of], George and Annie Bartlett, of Harvington, Labourer, J H Waugh, Officiating Minister
Baptised - March 15, Frederick William, [Son of], William Henry and Alice Maud Mary Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, James Davenport M.A., Rector
Baptised - March 22, Gladys Winifred, [Daughter of], William John and Janet Bromley, of Harvington, Carpenter, J B Hunt, Hartlebury College
Baptised - March 29, Sydney Bernard, [Son of], Frederick and Emma Cole, of Harvington, Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 7 Whitsunday, Dorothy Rose, [Daughter of], William Edward Stead and Mabel Kate Meek, of Harvington, Bailiff, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 7 Whitsunday, Beatrice May, [Daughter of], Walter and Mary Ann Ellen Kennard, of Harvington, Police Constable, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 7 Whitsunday, Roland Albert, [Son of], Henry and Flora Bertha Clarke, of Coughton, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 7 Whitsunday, Alfred Edwin, [Son of], Henry and Flora Bertha Clarke, of Coughton, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 5, Walter Frederick William, [Son of], Walter and Annie Canning, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 13, Reginald Samuel, [Son of], Samuel and Edith Eliza Coley, of The Golden Cross, Innkeeper, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 4, Lilian Gwendoline Annie, [Daughter of], Alfred John and Anne Sarah Clarke, of Harvington, Signalman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 22, Margaret Matthews, This child aged about nine was conditionally baptised: her parentage unknown, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 6, Ivy May, [Daughter of], Arthur William and Emma May Fowler, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - April 11 Easter day, William, [Son of], Steven Ernest and Sarah Ann Ingram, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 11 Easter day, William Harry, [Son of], Edward Charles and Winifred Howell Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 11 Easter day, Wilson Frederick, [Son of], Frederick Barnaby Earle and Mary Finch, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 11 Easter day, William Thomas, [Son of], William and Alice Spiers, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 11 Easter day, Alice Marjorie, [Daughter of], Ernest Albert and Edith Annie Shailer, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 11 Easter day, Dorothy Rose, [Daughter of], Henry and Elizabeth Cowley, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 6, James, [Son of], Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 4, Leslie Charles, [Son of], Charles and Anne Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 4, Edith Rosa Gwendoline, [Daughter of], Frank Ernest and Rose Ellen Coldicot, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 3, Arthur Richard, [Son of], Arthur Ernest and Harriet Gisborne, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 2, Ida Lilian, [Daughter of], Walter and Mary Ann Ellen Kennard, of Harvington, Police Constable, James Davenport, Rector, [P in margin]
Baptised - November 7, Beatrice Matilda, [Daughter of], Reginald John and Sarah Ann White, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - March 6, Eva Gwendoline, [Daughter of], Alfred and Eleanor Westbury, of (Brickyard) Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 15 Whitsunday, Josephine Beatrice, [Daughter of], Henry and Flora Bertha Clarke, of Coughton, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 15 Whitsunday, Laura Annie, [Daughter of] , Arthur and Laura Annie Bishop, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 17, Stephen John, [Son of], John Bazaleel and Alice Mary Cook, of Harvington, Assistant Grocer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 31, Kathleen Mary, [Daughter of], Thomas and Julia Mary Greygoose, of London, Butler, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 16, Sidney Charles, [Son of], Walter and Annie Maria Canning, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - Christmas Day, Christie Sarah Helen, [Daughter of], Geoffrey George and Annie Elizabeth Beasley, of Abergavenny, Bailiff, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - Christmas Day, William Reginald, [Son of], Alfred and Annie Ludlow, of Harvington, Carrier, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - March 19, Bernard George, [Son of], William Henry and Alice Maud Mary Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 23, Esther Amelia, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Helen Amelia Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 17, Alfred James, [Son of], James Arthur and Kate Elizabeth Pettifer, of Harvington, Labourer, G C Binyon, of Evesham
Baptised - May 28, Cynthia Muriel Evans, [Daughter of], George Robert and Mary Ann Beasley, of Harvington, Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 9, Elsie, [Daughter of], Charles and Annie Newman, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 9, Florence May, [Daughter of], Frank and Florence Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 13, Elizabeth Annie, [Daughter of], John Bazaleel and Alice Mary Cook, of Harvington, Assistant Grocer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 10, Alec George, [Son of], William Henry and Sarah Ann Bishop, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 1, Lucy Elizabeth Mary, [Daughter of], William George and Lucy Elizabeth Langstone, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 26, Hilda Dorothy, [Daughter of], Alfred and Eleanor Westbury, of Brickyard, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 24, Herbert Edward, [Son of], Frederick and Margaret Withers, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - February 25, Emily Sarah, [Daughter of], Albert Edward and Emma Holder, of Coughton co. Warwick, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 10, Leslie James, [Son of], Raymond Edgar and Annie Walker, of The Shakepeare Inn, Innkeeper, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 10, Elvire Annie Irene, [Daughter of], Ernest Albert and Edith Annie Shailer, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 14, Charles Henry, [Son of], Edward Charles and Winifred Ludlow, of Brickyard, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 14, Philip Walter, [Son of], Ernest and Mary Ann Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 2, Howard Cooper, [Son of], Thomas Ebenezer and Alice Lee, of Harvington, Police Constable, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 25, Winifred Mabel, [Daughter of], John William and Elizabeth Roberts, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 8, Beatrice Rene, [Daughter of], Thomas and Florence Elizabeth Garner, of Sparkbrook, Clerk, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 8, William John, [Son of], William John and Janet Bromley, of The Coach and Horses, Innkeeper, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 8, Florence Emily, [Daughter of], Stanley George and Emily Lizzie Howard, of Grove Cottages, Grocer's Assistant, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 14, Kenneth Morley, [Son of], William Morley and Jane Chatterley, of Harvington, School-master, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 6, Alice May, [Daughter of], Frederick Charles and Alice Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Labourer, The Rev. D J Johnson of Acock's Green,
Baptised - October 27, Evelyn Violet, [Daughter of], Herbert and Alice White, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 27, Leonard Louis, [Son of], Arthur Ernest and Harriet Gisborne, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 27, Francis George, [Son of], Edgar and Sarah Harriet Cresswell, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - February 2 Quinquagesima, Lenora Janet, [Daughter of], Albert and Annie Clarke, of Harvington, Engineer's assistant, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 9, Reginald Alfred, [Son of], Arthur and Laura Annie Bishop, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 27, Dorothy Marion, [Daughter of], Geoffrey George and Annie Elizabeth Beasley, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 8, Edna May, [Daughter of], Albert Victor Arthur Henry and Kate Davis, of Harvington, Builder's assistant, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 7, John Goodacre, [Son of], John Robert and Florence Edith Orton, of 19 College Avenue Leicester, Commercial Traveller, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 5, Alfred William, [Son of], Alfred and Nora Layton, of Harvington, Labourer, A C Auchmuty of Birmingham,
Baptised - November 16, Lucy Ellen, [Daughter of], Ernest and Mary Ann Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, D J Johnson of Acock's Green,

Baptised - January 4, Ronald Aldington, [Son of], Albert Edmund and Alice Westcott, of Harvington, Storekeeper, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 1, Walter Henry Lloyd, [Son of], William Henry and Sarah Ann Bishop, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 8, Gwendoline Lilian, [Daughter of], Frank and Florence Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 12 Easter Day, Clifford James, [Son of], Thomas Ebenezer and Alice Lee, of Harvington, Police Constable, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 12 Easter Day, George Walter, [Son of], Frederick and Mary Elizabeth Finch, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 12 Easter Day, Irene Daisy, [Daughter of], Emmanuel George and Edith Ellen Best, of Harvington, Foreman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 3, Rosa Elizabeth Hilda, [Daughter of], Herbert John and Rhoda Annie Best, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 12, David Thomas, [Son of], John Bazaleel and Alice Mary Cook, of Harvington, Assistant Grocer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 23, Beatrice Margaret, [Daughter of], John and Nancy Hawker, of Welland, Manager of Stores, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 29, Doris, [Daughter of], Stanley George and Emily Lizzie Howard, of Grove Cottages Harvington, Grocer's Assistant, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - March 8, Edith Ellen [Private], [Daughter of], Ernest and Elizabeth Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 21, Benjamin Godfey, [Son of], Godfrey Dyke and Peninah Fanny Cook, of Harvington, Coach Builder, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 21, Georgina Josephine, [Daughter of] Herbert & Alice Amy Ludlow, of Harvington, Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 11, Thomas, [Son of], William Joseph and Julia Bristow Robbins, of Harvington, Mechanic, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 16, Frederick William, [Son of], Frederick Charles and Alice Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 18, Florence Mary, [Daughter of], Henry and Flora Bertha Clarke, of Oldberrow, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 15, Geoffrey Philip, [Son of], Walter and Annie Maria Canning, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 7 [born 6 October - Private], Gladys, [Daughter of], Edith Hale, of Harvington, Single woman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 17, William Edward, [Son of], Herbert Edgar and Edith Janet Sherwood, of Harvington, Baker, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 17, Arthur Victor Lionel, [Son of], Sidney Charles and Nellie Constance Loiuse Ashmead, of Harvington, Signalman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 28, Herbert George Kitchener French, [Son of], Herbert John and Rhoda Annie Best, of Harvington, Private in Worcester Regiment, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 5, Kathleen Marjorie, [Daughter of], Geoffrey George and Annie Elizabeth Beasley, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 26, Sidney Joseph Jack, [Son of], William Henry and Sarah Ann Bishop, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 26, Dorothy Maud, [Daughter of], William Henry and Alice Maud Mary Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - March 5, George Edward, [Son of], Charles Edward and Clarissa Edyvean Higginbottom, of Harvington, Trooper 1st Lifeguards, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 5, Violet Isabel Tabitha, [Daughter of], Henry William and Annie Tabitha Merrieman, of Harvington, Shepherd, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 30, Florence Emily, [Daughter of], Ernest and Mary Ann Ludlow, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 10, Christopher John, [Son of], Henry and Flora Bertha Clarke, of Ullenhall, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 10, Cyril Thomas (about 15 months old), [Son of], Henry and Grace Reid, of Evesham, Private in Worcester Regiment (now deceased), James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 19, John Frederick, [Son of], William James and Edith Amy New, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 31, Frances Mary, [Daughter of], Herbert and Alice White, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - March 11, Ernest Leslie John, [Son of], Ernest William and Florence Kate Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - Easter Day April 8, Elizabeth Ann, [Daughter of], Arthur William and Emma May Fowler, of Harvington, Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 13, Cuthbert Howard, [Son of], William Henry and Selina Amy Thould, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 24, Ernest George, [Son of], Ernest and Elizabeth Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 2, Raymond Henry (born August 1909), [Son of], Raymond and Grace Hodgkinson, of Harvington, Hop Grower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 2, Sheila (born May 1912), [Daughter of], Raymond and Grace Hodgkinson, of Harvington, Hop Grower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 2, Peter Geoffrey (born May 1914), [Son of], Raymond and Grace Hodgkinson, of Harvington, Hop Grower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 2, Bernard (born Nov 1915), [Son of], Raymond and Grace Hodgkinson, of Harvington, Hop Grower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 6, Roger Michael Hartley, [Son of], Ernest William and Grace Muriel Bunting, of Harvington, Fruit Grower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 8, Lilian Evelyn, [Daughter of], Herbert James and Elizabeth Gardner, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 19, Kathleen Mary, [Daughter of], Frederick Charles and Alice Mary Joyner, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 28, Henry Howard, [Son of], William John and Janet Bromley, of Harvington, Carpenter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 23, Elizabeth Margaret, [Daughter of], Herbert Edgar and Edith Janet Sherwood, of Harvington, Baker, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 23, Roy Egbert, [Son of], Sidney Charles and Nellie Constance Louise Ashmead, of Harvington, Signalman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 23, Francis Ronald, [Son of], Sidney James and Phyllis Evelyn Odnall, of Handsworth, Worker on Munitions, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - January 13, Josephine Eleanor, (Posthumous Daughter of), John William (killed in action in Oct 1917) and Emma Jane Brant, of Harvington, Serving in France, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 10, Eric George born 27 Dec 1913, [Son of], George Henry and Rosetta Mills, of Rous Lench, Quartermaster Sergeant killed in action in France 1917, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 10, Samuel Charles, [Son of], Charles and Chistiana Mason, of Green Street, Bailiff, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 24, Benjamin John, [Son of], John and Nancy Hawkes, of Welland, Manager of Stores, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 10, Elsie May, [Daughter of], Joseph Edwin and Lavinia Jane Holder, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 14, Bernard Douglas, [Son of], Arthur and Laura Annie Bishop, of Harvington, Private in the 8th Worcesters, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 25, Rita May, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Helen Amelia Taylor, of Harvington, Labourer now serving in the Army, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 1, Catherine Annie, [Daughter of], Ernest William and Florence Kate Ward, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 27, Arthur Leslie, [Son of], Reginald Arthur and Elsie Maud Jobson, of Harvington, Discharged Private, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 24, Dorothy Winifred, [Daughter of], Ernest and Elizabeth Clarke, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - March 2, Sylvia Joan, [Daughter of], Emmanuel George and Edith Ellen Best, of Harvington, Railway Porter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 13, Ronald Alexander, [Son of], Joseph and Clara Elizabeth Stephens, of Harvington, Corporation Official, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 13, Eileen Patricia, [Daughter of], Joseph and Clara Elizabeth Stephens, of Harvington, Corporation Official, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 8, Whitsunday, Beryl Violet, [Daughter of], Albert Edward William and Winifred Elsie Hill, of Harvington, Signalman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 8 Whitsunday, Joan Margaret, [Daughter of], Arthur James and Ethel Janet Shadbolt, of Harvington, Surveyor of Taxes, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 14, Gordon David, [Son of], Raymond and Grace Hodgkinson, of Harvington, Hop Grower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 21, Ruby Iris, [Daughter of], Herbert and Alice White, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - January 11, Olive, [Daughter of], Arthur William and Emma Blotheridge, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 8, Ronald Reginald, [Son of], Reginald Arthur and Elsie Maud Jobson, of Norton, Discharged Private, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 29, Elsie Caroline, [Daughter of], John and Elizabeth Mary Beatrice Miles, of Sedgeberrow, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 29, Doris Emily, [Daughter of], John and Elizabeth Mary Beatrice Miles, of Sedgeberrow, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 14, Florence Betty, [Daughter of], William Douglas and Florence Morgan, of Harvington, Railway Clerk, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 14, Edith Ellen, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Edith Annie Holder, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 25, Charles Harry, [Son of], Percival Harry and Florence May Carter, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 20, Margaret Lilian, [Daughter of], Robert Moore and Lilian May Hutchinson, of Rugby, Mechanic, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 22, Joan, [Daughter of], Albert Joseph and Maud Fisher, of Harvington, Platelayer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 22, Philip Maurice, [Son of], Maurice and Frances Florence Vane, of Madeley, Carpenter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 22, Elvira Mary, [Daughter of], Frederick Gordon and Florence Elvira Sherwood, of Harvington, Baker, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 3, Irene Gladys, [Daughter of], Arthur and Laura Annie Bishop, of Harvington, Platelayer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 24, Alfred, [Son of], Joseph and Clara Elizabeth Stephens, of Harvington, Corporation Officer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 7, Leonard James, [Son of], William Henry and Alice Maud Mary Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 5, Nancy Dora [Daughter of], Herbert John and Rhoda Annie Best, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - January 9, Dorothy Mary, [Daughter of], William Douglas and Florence Morgan, of Harvington, Railway Clerk, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 13, Richard Noel Goodacre, [Son of], John Robert and Florence Edith Orton, of Leicester, Contractor, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 20, Annie Hilda, [Daughter of], Walter and Annie Maria Canning, of Harvington, Ex-Serviceman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 3, Dorothy Helen, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Helen Amelia Taylor, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 31, Diana Valerie, [Daughter of], Charles Gorell and Iris Lenorah Gorell Snook, of Harvington, Lieutenant, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 18, Olive Mary, [Daughter of], Reginald Cowley and Phyllis Victoria Emily Hartiss, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 25, Jean Stratton, [Daughter of], Edward Thomas and Agnes Burdock, of London, Civil Service Servant, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 30, Sydney Wilfred, [Son of], Reginald Arthur and Elsie Maud Jobson, of Norton, Ex-service private, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 18, Kathleen Eileen (born 1st October), [Daughter of], Kathleen Joyce Harris, of Harvington, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - February 12, Trevor Frederick, [Son of], Frederick Richard and Beatrice Alice Hodgkins, of Broome, Millers Assistant, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 12, Cecil Gordon, [Son of], Walter and Rosa Jane Archer, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 26 private, Amy, [Daughter of], Arthur and Laura Annie Bishop, of Council Cottages, Labourer ex-service private, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 18, Raymond Walter, [Son of], Walter and Margaret Mary Addis, of Bournemouth, Waiter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 25, Eileen May, [Daughter of], Herman Herbert Edward and Edith Hall, of Harvington, Labourer and ex-service soldier, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 2, Evelyn Janet, [Daughter of], John Henry and Alice Newman, of Brickyard, Organ-blower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 16, Victor Norman, [Son of], Frederick Barnaby and Mary Elizabeth Finch, of Council Cottages, Market Gardener Ex-service soldier, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 1, Hugh Brian, [Son of], Ralph Leonard and Hilda Nicholson Brazier, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 16, Dorothy Barbara, [Daughter of], Charles Harold and Dorothy Charlotte Ogden, of Harvington, Secretary, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 24, Marion Daisy Joan, [Daughter of], Frank and Lily Rapley, of -, Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 5, Kenneth Gordon, [Son of], Herbert John and Rhoda Annie Best, of Harvington, Labourer and ex-service soldier, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 24, Dennis William, [Son of], Herbert Cecil and Alice Emma Smith, of Worcester, Saddler's Journeyman, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - February 4, James Edward, [Son of], Albert Edward and Florence Alice Holder, of Leys Cottages, [Council crossed out] Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 25, Neville Lloyd, [Son of], Thomas Ebenezer and Alice Lee, of Harvington, Police Constable, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 29, Frederick George, [Son of], Albert Alfred George and Lydia Mary Langston, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - April 29, Sybil Emily, [Daughter of], Reginald Cowley and Phyllis Victoria Emily Hartiss, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 20 Whitsunday, Winifred Joan (born 21 March 1922), [Daughter of], Sidney James and Phyllis Evelyn Oldnall, of Handsworth, Car Driver, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 27, Doreen Alice, [Daughter of], Frederick Richard and Beatrice Alice Hodgkins, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 27, Josephine Alice, [Daughter of], Horace and Nora Lucy Shipman, of Birmingham, Clerk, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 24, Terence Arthur, [Son of], Arthur and Kathleen Joyce Bradshaw, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 29, Winifred May, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Edith Annie Holder, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 11, Harold, [Son of], Arthur and Laura Annie Bishop, of Harvington, Plate-layer and Ex serviceman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 30, John Bernard, [Son of], Percy and Gertude Gwendoline Hughes, of Salford Lodge, Farmer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 2, Doreen Betty, [Daughter of], Herbert and Alice White, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - February 17, Joyce Grosvenor, [Daughter of], Joseph and Gertrude Cole, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 4, Margaret Elsie, [Daughter of], James Pugh and Elsie Emily Jenkins, of Harvington, Motor Engineer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 15, Frederick Joseph, [Son of], George Frederick Osborne and Christine Alice Walker, of Harvington, Innkeeper, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 15, Mary Constantine, [Daughter of], Guy Constantine and Edith Spencer, of Harvington Hill, Commercial Traveller, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 15, William George, [Son of], Percival Harry and Florence Mary Carter, of Sheriffs Lench, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 27, Madge Victoria, [Daughter of], Edwin Reginald and Agnes Violet Fryer, of Sheffield, Hairdresser, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 24, Reginald Frank, [Son of], Reginald Cowley and Phyllis Victoria Emily Hartiss, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 12, Ronald Victor, [Son of], Albert Edward and Florence Alice Holder, of Leys Road Cottages, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 12, Eric Frank, [Son of], Albert and Katherine Akerman, of Norton, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 16, Clarice Mary, [Daughter of], Raymond Edgar and Annie Walker, of Harvington, Haulier, E.T.S. Jones of Nantwich, [Officiating Minister]
Baptised - November 30, Sylvia Betty, [Daughter of], Herman Herbert Edward and Edith Hall, of Harvington, Ex Service Soldier, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - July 5, Keith Peter, [Son of], Sidney Charles and Nellie Constance Louise Ashmead, of Harvington, Railway Signalman, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 5, Stella Lillian, [Daughter of], William Robert and Beatrice Lily Hunt, of Portsmouth, In H.M. Navy, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 1, John Jeffrey, [Son of], Ralph Leonard and Hilda Nicholson Brazier, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 27, Kenneth John, [Son of], Frederick John and Edith Holder, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 27, Kenneth James, [Son of], Sidney James and Phyllis Evelyn Oldnall, of Handsworth, Cab Driver, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - May 2, Gordon Wilfred, [Son of], Georgina Ellen Knight, of Abbots Salford, -, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 2, Laurence Henry, [Son of], Reginald Cowley and Phyllis Victoria Emily Hartiss, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 16, Joan Irene, [Daughter of], Laurence Frank and Florence May Shailer, of Chadbury, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 8, Robert Barry, Son of], Percy and Gertrude Gwendoline Hughes, of Salford Lodge, Farmer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 27, Reginald Edward Mark, [Son of], Herman Herbert Edward and Edith Hale, of Harvington, Ex-service soldier, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - July 11, Margaret Mary, [Daughter of], Walter and Margaret Mary Addis, of Harvington, Waiter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 1, Herbert Reginald Arthur, [Son of], Herbert and Alice White, of Council Cottages, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 5, Sidney Eric, [Son of], Albert Edward and Florence Alice Holder, of Council Cottages, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - February 17, Derek Alfed Reginald, [Son of], Reginald Penfold and Dorothy Winifred Rose Prudden, of Harvington, Carrier, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - February 24, Peter James, [Son of], James and Grace Mary Craig, of Rushford, Fruit-Grower, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 27, Douglas Maurice, [Son of], William Henry and Alice Maud Mary Mansell, of Harvington, Painter, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - June 27, Patricia Mary Eden, [Daughter of], Claud and Nora Constance Davenport, of Nottingham, Captain in Territorial Army, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - September 11, Michael Edward, [Son of], Albert Edward and Marjorie Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - January 25, Maurice Graham, [Son of], George and Kathleen Byrd, of Harvington, Market Gardener, R P Ridsdale, Vicar of Salford Priors
Baptised - June 3, Patricia Mary, [Daughter of], Raymond and Grace Hodgkinson, of Harvington, Farmer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 5, Hilary Mary, [Daughter of], Victor James and Elsie Lithgow Tyack, of Harvington, Market Gardener, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - August 26, Jean Mary, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Gwendoline Hetty Austin, of Malvern View Harvington, Butcher, Gerald M Isaac, Hon Canon of Worcester
Baptised - October 14, John Barrie, [Son of], Albert Edward and Marjorie Marsh, of Harvington, Grocer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - November 18, Ruby Marjorie, [Daughter of], Reginald Cowley and Phyllis Victoria Emily Hartiss, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - February 10, Patricia Hazel, [Daughter of], Laurence Frank and Florence May Shailer, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - March 3, Patricia May (born 16 March 1928 at Clevedon), [Daughter of], Agnes Violet Fryer (Neé White), of Harvington, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - May 5, Dorothy Gladys, [Daughter of], Harry and Lily May Bennett, of Harvington, Labourer, A D Mozley, Officiating Minister
Baptised - May 5, Sylvia Gwendoline, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Edith Annie Holder, of Harvington, Labourer, A D Mozley, Officiating Minister
Baptised - July 14, Joan, [Daughter of], Edward Henry and Edith Cresswell, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 20, Malcolm Clifford, [Son of], Albert Edward and Marjorie Marsh, of Harvington, Garage Proprietor, D J Johnson, of Acocks Green
Baptised - October 27, Dougal John, [Son of], Donald and Gertude Evelyn McLeod, of Salford Priors, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - October 27, Harry, [Son of], Thomas and Rosa Flora Reynolds, of Harvington, Labourer, James Davenport, Rector
Baptised - December 8, Joseph, [Son of], John Bazaleel and Alice Mary Cook, of Post Office, Postmaster, James Davenport, Rector

Baptised - August 3, Gerald Ivor, [Son of], Reginald Penfold and Dorothy Winifred Rose Prudden, of Harvington, Carrier, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - August 17, Reginald, [Son of], Leonard and Elsie Louise Blotheridge, of Cress Hill Harvington, Steam Roller Driver, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - September 20, Esmé Lilian, [Daughter of], Horace Townsend and Dorothea Edith Boultbee, of The Rectory Harvington, Clerk in Holy Orders, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - October 5, Christine Ethel, [Daughter of], Christopher and Gertrude Ethel Dudfield, of Harvington, Timber Feller, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - December 28, Josephine May, [Daughter of], Francis Victor and Annie Maria Bourne, of Harvington, Carter, Horace T Boultbee, Rector

Baptised - February 8, Iris, [Daughter of], Jesse Charles and Evelyn Rose Shervington, of Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - April 5 (Easter Day), Margaret Rose, [Daughter of], Reginald Cowley and Phyllis Victoria Emily Hartiss, of Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - April 5 (Easter Day), Walter Donald, [Son of], Alec William and Ruby Vera Knight, of Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 21, Joan, [Daughter of], Harold and Annie Brazier, of Harvington, Gypsy Peddler, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - July 19, Joyce Margaret, [Daughter of], Leslie Charles and Sarah Ann Newman, of Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - August 30, Peter Cunningham, [Son of], Joseph Alec and Olive Hawkes, of Harvington, Brush Founder, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - December 6, Sidney Gordon, [Son of], Herman Herbert Edward and Edith Hall, of Council Cottages Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - December 27, Kenneth Victor, [Son of], Francis Victor and Annie Maria Bourne, of Harvington, Carter, Horace T Boultbee, Rector

Baptised - January 3, Frederick Charles, [Son of], Ivy May Foley, of Harvington, Domestic Service, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - January 31, Brenda, [Daughter of], Albert Edward and Marjorie Marsh, of Harvington, Motor Engineer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 5, Pamela Margaret, [Daughter of], William Seymour and Margaret Shailer, of Council Houses Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 19, Kathleen, [Daughter of], William James and Lily Smith, of Harvington, Vermin Destroyer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - October 23, Anne Jennifer, [Daughter of], Owen David and Mary Kathleen Leighton Ballinger, of Shipley Yorkshire, Medical Practictioner, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - November 27, George Leslie, [Son of], George Thomas and Evelyn Violet Davis, of Leys Road Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector

Baptised - February 16, Dorothy Pauleen, [Daughter of], Frederick William and Gladys Johnson, of Eversleigh Worcester Rd Malvern, Tobacconist, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - April 5, Kathleen Elsie, [Daughter of], Fred and Kathleen Beatrice Tandy, of Harvington, Electrician, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - May 28, Elizabeth Christine, [Daughter of], William Seymour and Margaret Shailer, of Council Cottages Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 11, Annie, [Daughter of], James and Caroline Lock, of Harvington, Gypsy Peddler, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 11, Charlotte Mary, [Daughter of], Eneas and Alice Smith, of Harvington, Gypsy Peddler, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 18, Peter Michael Howard (born 1930), [Son of], Alfred Howard and Sylvia Vera Bliss, of Harvington, Civil Servant, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - July 9, Gillian Laura, [Daughter of], Frederick John and Gwendoline Hetty Austin, of Malvern View Harvington, Butcher, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - October 2, Roger John, [Adopted Son of], John Henry and Elizabeth Tyack, of Fox and Hounds Inn Bredon, Licensed Victualler, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - October 8, Esme Susanne, [Daughter of], Lawrence Frank and Florence May Shailer, of Leys Road Harvington, Gardener's Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - October 29, Janet, [Daughter of], John Reginald and Wilhemina Victoria Moreton, of 447 Rednal Road Northfield, Commercial Traveller, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - November 9, Elizabeth Ann, [Daughter of], Reginald Samuel and Doris Irene Coley, of Alcester Road Harvington, Market Gardener, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - November 26, Maurice Leslie, [Son of], Leslie Charles and Sarah Ann Newman, of Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - December 10, Maurice Gordon, [Son of], Francis Victor and Annie Maria Bourne, of Church Lench, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - December 31, Wendy, [Daughter of], Ralph Percival and Kathleen Muriel Cole, of Gwynear Harvington, Fruit Merchant, Horace T Boultbee, Rector

Baptised - April 15, John, [Son of], Walter and Margaret May Addis, of Evesham Road Harvington, Hotel Waiter, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 17, Victor Roy, [Son of], Reginald Penfold and Dorothy Winifred Rose Prudden, of Harvington, Carrier, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - October 14, Peter John, [Son of], Graham John and Alice May Collett, of Leys Road Harvington, Gardeners Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - October 28, Ronald, [Son of], Alfred and Margaret Amelia Smith, of 1 Victoria Place London Road Worcester, Bricklayer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector

Baptised - January 13, Samuel John, [Son of], Reginald Samuel and Doris Irene Coley, of Alcester Road Harvington, Market Gardener, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - March 17, Shirley Ann, [Daughter of], Gertrude Martha Taylor, of Coles' Cottages Harvington, Single Woman, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - April 7, David Walter, [Son of], Water Frederick William and May Louisa Canning, of Norton Nr Evesham, Market Gardener, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - April 21, Jean Mary, [Daughter of], Owen David and Mary Kathleen Leighton Ballinger, of Shipley Yorkshire, Medical Practitioner, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - April 26, David George, [Son of], Edward George and Florence Reynolds, of Leys Road Harvington, Private in the Grenadier Guards, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - June 30, Derrick Wilfrid, [Son of], Wilfrid and Elsie May Stephens, of Leys Road Harvington, Farm Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - November 24, Kathleen Sylvia, [Daughter of], Harold Leslie and Annie Mabel Moulden, of Brickyard Harvington, Labourer, Horace T Boultbee, Rector
Baptised - November 24, Margaret Daisy, [Daughter of], Daniel Seymour John and Lilian Edith Keen, of Cress Hill Harvington, Mechanic, Horace T Boultbee, Rector

1838 - 1935

March 21st Joseph SORREL, aged 22, Bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Sorrel, Labourer and Ann TAYLOR, minor, Spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Taylor, Labourer.
[by me] Thos Eades, Curate. [signed] the mark of William Sorrel & the mark of Ann Taylor. Witnesses: the mark of John Day & the mark of Ann Hampton.

April 15th, William ATKINS, aged 30, Bachelor, Labourer, Allchurch, [son of] George Atkins, Labourer and Anne PESTRIDGE, aged 23, Spinster, [blank], Harvington, [daughter of] James Pestridge, Labourer.
[by me] William Preedy. Curate, [signed] the mark of William Atkins & the mark of Anne Pestridge. Witnesses: the mark of John Pestridge & the mark of Mary Pestridge.

July 6th, JOHN PESTRIDGE, aged 29, Widower, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] James Pestridge, Labourer and ELIZABETH IRONS, aged 20, Spinster, Campden, [daughter of] Richard Irons, Labourer.
[by me] William Preedy, Curate, [signed] the mark of John Pestridge & the mark of Elizabeth Irons. Witnesses: the mark of Joseph Knight & the mark of Edna Knight.

October 6th, CHARLES MOORE of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Elmley Castle, [son of] Charles Moore, Labourer and HANNAH COOK of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington [daughter of] Thomas Cook, Labourer
With Banns [by me] H B Whiting, Officiating Minister, [signed] the mark of Charles Moore & the mark of Hannah Cook. Witnesses: Thomas Heeks & Lucy Moore.

July 11th, JOSHUA HALE of full age, widower, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Jothem Hale, Labourer and MARIANNE SPARKES aged 20 years, spinster, Servant
[by me] E.W. Ingram, Rector [signed] Joshua Hale & the mark of Marianne Sparkes. Witnesses: the mark of Thomas Ballard & the mark of Ann Ballard.

November 13th, MICHAEL KEELEY of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Joseph Keeley, Labourer and SARAH BOURTON of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Bourton, Labourer.
[By me] E.W. Ingram, Rector [signed] the mark of Michael Keeley and the mark of Sarah Bourton. Witnesses: the mark of John Bourton & the mark of Alice Bourton.

January 4th WILLIAM BULLOCK of age, bachelor, Farmer. Besford in the parish of Radford Pershore, [son of] John Bullock,, Farmer and ELEANOR LUNN of age, spinster, Harvington, Robert Lunn, Farmer.
[By me] Matthew Lunn, Vicar of Kempsey, [signed] Wm Bullock and Eleanor Lunn. Witnesses: Elizabeth Lunn, Robt Lunn, Alan[?] Lunn and William Lunn.

May 28th THOMAS JONES aged 21 years, bachelor, Servant, Harvington, [son of] John Jones, Labourer and ELIZABETH SORREL aged 15 years, spinster, Harvington [daughter of] Thomas Sorrel, Labourer.
[By me] E.W. Ingram, Rector, [signed] the mark of Thomas Jones & the mark of Elizabeth Sorrel. Witnesses: Thomas Sorrel & Sarah Spiers.

November 16th JOHN HARBERT of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] John Harbert, Labourer, and LUCY YOUNG of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Young, Labourer.
[By me] E.W. Ingram, Rector, [signed] the mark of John Harbert and the mark of Lucy Young. Witnesses: Thomas Young & Sarah Young.

September 23rd THOMAS HARRIS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Cow Honeybourne, [son of] John Harris, Labourer and ESTER SQUIRES aged 18, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Richard Squires, Gardener.
[By me] Charles Hodgson, Officiating Minister, [signed] the mark of Thomas Harris and the mark of Ester Squires. Witnesses: the mark of James Harris and the mark of Kezia Squires.

November 16th WILLIAM CLEE of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Bidford, Warwickshire, [son of] James Clee, Labourer and SARAH STEPHENS of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Benjamin Stephens, Labourer.
[By me] E.W. Ingram, Rector, [signed] the mark of William Clee and the mark of Sarah Stephens. Witnesses: the mark of Thomas Bennett and Ann Sherrard.

December 25th WILLIAM FREEMAN of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Freeman, Labourer and EMMA TAYLOR aged 20 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] John Taylor, Labourer.
[By me] E.W. Ingram, Rector, [signed] the mark of William Freeman and the mark of Emma Taylor. Witnesses: the mark of Joseph Sorrel and the mark of Ann Sorrel.

July 14th JOHN HAWKER aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Charles Hawker, Labourer and ALICE PESTERIDGE aged 20 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] James Pesteridge, Labourer.
[By me] S.W. Ingram, Rector, [signed] the mark of John Hawker and the mark of Alice Pesteridge. Witnesses: the mark of John Pesteridge and Elizabeth Hawker.

August 28th CHARLES UPTON aged 21 years, bachelor, Sailor, Harvington, [son of] John Upton, Farmer and ELIZABETH BAYLIS aged 22 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Dance, Pastry cook.
[By me] William Brown, Officiating [title not mentioned], [signed] the mark of Charles Upton and the mark of Elizabeth Baylis. Witnesses: William Pitt & Elizabeth Pitt. Note Elizabeth Baylis and her father William Dance!

December 30th THOMAS BULLOCK of full age, bachelor, Farmer, in the parish of Great Malvern, [son of] James Bullock, Farmer and ADELAIDE BULLOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Bullock, Farmer.
[By me] William Brown Officiating [title not mentioned], [signed] Thomas Bullock and Adelaide Bullock. Witnesses: John Bullock and Elizabeth Bullock.

November 11th THOMAS MARTIN of full age, bachelor, waggoner, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Martin, Labourer and Hannah Haines of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington [daughter of] Thomas Haines, Labourer.
[By me] A. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] the mark of Thomas Martin and the mark of Hannah Haines. Witnesses: the mark of John Bourton and the mark of Harriet Haines.

June 21st JAMES BULLOCK of full age, bachelor, Farmer, Great Malvern, [son of] James Bullock, Farmer and MARIA BULLOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Bullock, Farmer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] James Bullock & Marie Bullock. Witnesses: John Bullock and Elizabeth Bullock.

July 27th WILLIAM EDEN of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Richard Eden, Labourer and Hannah OLIVER aged 20 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Oliver, Labourer.
[By me] Slade Baker, Curate, [signed] William Eden & Hannah Oliver. Witnesses: the mark of Joseph Eden & the mark of Charlotte Edwards.

July 27th JOSEPH COLLIS of full age, bachelor, Mason, Harvington, [son of] William Collis, miller and ANNE HARRIS of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Henry Harris, Labourer.
[By me] Slade Baker, [signed] the mark of Joseph Collis & Anne Harris. Witnesses: John Cresswell and the mark of Jane Harris.

September 10th RICHARD BULLOCK of full age, bachelor, Farmer, in the parish of Great Malvern, [son of] James Bullock, Farmer and ELIZABETH BULLOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Bullock, Farmer.
[By me] Slade Baker, Curate, [signed] Richard Bullock & Elizabeth Bullock. Witnesses: Thomas Bullock & Adelaide Bullock.

July 31st SHADEY CROSSWELL aged 17 years, bachelor, Carpenter, Harvington, [son of] William Crosswell, bailiff and ANNE SHERIFF of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Sheriff, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] the mark of Shadey Crosswell & Anne Sheriff. Witnesses: Robert Hailey & Elizabeth Hasley.

August 11th EDWIN WITHERS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] George Withers, Labourer and CAROLINE PALMER of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] John Palmer, Gamekeeper.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] Edwin Withers & the mark of Caroline Palmer. Witnesses Charles Skinner & Pheobe Paddock[?].

Solemnized at the parish church in Norton and Lenchwick, used as the parish church during the restoration of St James'.
July 11th CHARLES PRATT aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Edward Pratt, Labourer and SARAH NEALE aged 20 years, spinster, Labourer's daughter, Harvington, [daughter of] William Neale, Labourer.
[By me] S.E. Garrard, Officiating Minister, [signed] Charles Pratt and Sarah Neale. Witnesses: the mark of Henry Howells & Alice Matthews.

Solemnized at the parish church in Norton and Lenchwick, used as the parish church during the restoration of St James'.
August 6. THOMAS SORRELL, aged 47 years, widower, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Henry Sorrel, Labourer and MARY HAWKES, aged 40 years, widow, Labourer's daughter, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Holtham, Labourer.
[By me] Samuel Garrard, Curate, [signed] the mark of Thomas Sorrells & the mark of Mary Hawkes. Witnesses: Thomas Crosswell & the mark of Winifred Crosswell.

December 27th CHARLES SMITH of full age, bachelor, carpenter, Harvington, [son of] William Smith, Carpenter and Julia Taylor of full age, widow, School mistress, Harvington, [daughter of] Isaac William Heatley, Attorney.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] Charles Smith & Julia Taylor. Witnesses: William Knight & Rebecca Knight.

September 21st WILLIAM MEADOWS aged 25 years, bachelor, farmer's bailiff, Lenchwick, [son of] Edward Meadows, farm Labourer and SARAH HUGHES aged 24 years, spinster, builder's daughter, Harvington, [daughter of] George Hughes, Builder.
[By me] Samuel Garrard, Curate, [signed] William Meadows & Sarah Hughes. Witnesses: Richard Hughes & Ann Fare[?].

August 18th HENRY OSBORN of full age, bachelor, Miller, Harvington, [son of] Job Osborn, Miller and EMMA HANCOCK of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] John Hancock, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of Henry Osborn & Emma Hancock. Witnesses: the mark of Job Sharp & Sophia Hancock.

September 15th WILLIAM SPARKES of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington [son of] William Sparkes, Labourer and ANN HANCOCK aged 20 years, spinster, gloveress, Harvington, [daughter of] George Hancock, Labourer.
[By my] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of William Sparkes and Ann Hancock. Witnesses: the mark of William Bearcroft & the mark of Elizabeth Aces[?]

November GEORGE CROSSWELL aged 20 years, bachelor, Thatcher, Harvington [son of] William Crosswell, Farmer and MARY PADDOCK aged 19 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Paddock, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of George Crosswell & Mary Paddock. Witnesses: the mark of Shadrack Crosswell & Phebe Paddock.

March 9th ISAAC PENNEL of full age, Widower, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Pennel, Labourer and ALICE MATTHEWS of full age, spinster, Gloveress, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Matthews, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, the mark of Isaac Pennel & Alice Matthews. Witnesses: the mark of William Gould & Laura[?] Haines.

August 9th JAMES WOODS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] James Woods, Labourer and LOUISA HAYWOOD of full age, spinster, Labourer's daughter, Harvington, [daughter of] David Haywood, Labourer.
[By me] John Clarke Lewis, [signed] the mark of James Wood and the mark of Louisa Haywood. Witnesses: the mark of Henry Haywood & the mark of Mary Haywood.

November 20th WILLIAM FLOYD of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Badsey, [son of] Henry Floyd, Labourer and LOUISA DAVIS of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Edward Davis, Shoemaker.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] William Floyd and Louisa Davis. Witnesses: John Sanders & Harriett Davis.

July 27th WILLIAM RAWLINGS aged 21 years, bachelor, Jeweller, Birmingham, [son of] Henry Rawlings, Tailor and MARIANNE SKINNER aged 20 years, spinster, dressmaker, Harvington, [daughter of] Edward Skinner, Tailor.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram Witnesses: William Rawlings and Marianne Skinner. Witnesses: John Skinner & Ann Yarde[?].

December 3rd WILLIAM HEATH of full aged, bachelor, Gardener, Hanbury, [son of] Charles Heath, Labourer and MARY NEALE of full age, spinster, Nurse, Harvington, [daughter of] John Neale, Gardiner.
[By me] A.H. Winnington, [signed] William Heath & Mary Neale. Witnesses: John Neale & Sarah Heath.

December 18th GEORGE STEPHENS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Benjamin Stephens, Labourer and HARRIET SQUIRE of full age, spinster, Gloveress, Harvington, [son of] John Squire, Carpenter.
[By me] A.H. Winnington, Rector, [signed] the mark of George Stephens and Harriet Squire. Witnesses: the mark of Benjamin Stephens & Sophia A Smith.

October 1st WILLIAM MEAD of full age, bachelor, carter, Harvington, [son of] John Mead, Labourer and ELIZABETH MARY PESTERIDGE of full age, spinster, Gloveress, Harvington, John Pesteridge, Tailor.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] William Mead and Elizabeth Mary Pesteridge. Witnesses: Edward Skinner & Harriet Davis.

August 17th WILLIAM ASHMORE of full age, bachelor, Draper, Evesham, [son of] Joseph Ashmore, yeoman and ANN HUNT of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Soloman Hunt, Builder.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] William Ashmore and Ann Hunt. Witnesses: Soloman Hunt & Esther Hunt.

March 20th GEORGE SPIERS aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Spiers, Labourer and SARAH MINETT of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] James Minett, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, Rector, [signed] George Spiers and the mark of Sarah Minett. Witnesses: James Spiers & Anne Cooper.

October 20th WILLIAM ANSELL of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] John Ansell, Labourer and ANNE LOVEL, widow, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] John Taylor, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] William Ansell and the mark of Anne Lovel. Witnesses: the mark of Thomas Taylor & the mark of Emma Poker.

January 24th THOMAS TOVEY of full age, bachelor, Maltster, Church Lench, [son of] John Tovey, Farmer and EMMA HUNT of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Soloman Hunt, Builder.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Tovey and Emma Hunt. Witnesses: George Hunt & Eliza Hunt.

April 28th CHARLES ALDINGTON of full age, widower, Carpenter, North Lyttleton, [son of] George Aldington, stone mason and Matilda Paddock of full age, spinster, Semstress[sic], Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Paddock, Labourer.
[By me] John Kaye, Officiating Minister, [signed] Charles Aldington and Matilda Paddock. Witnesses the mark of George Cresswell & Sophia Ann Smith.

October 20th WILLIAM HEMMING of full age, widower, Blacksmith, Harvington, [son of] James Hemming, blacksmith and FANNY NEALE of full age, spinster, Gloveress, Harvington, [daughter of] William Neale, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] William Hemming and Fanny Neale. Witnesses: the mark of John Cole & Mary Neale.

November 16th JAMES SPIERS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Spiers, Labourer and ANNE PADBURY, of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Richard Padbury, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] James Spiers and Ann Padbury. Witnesses: George Spiers & the mark of Sarah Spiers.

May 8th JOHN BIRT of full age, bachelor, Farmer, Dymock, Gloucestershire, [son of] John Birt, Farmer and FLORA CARELESS of full age, spinster, Harvingon, [daughter of] Hebe Careless, Gloveress.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Birt and Flora Careless. Witnesses: John Marshall & Sophia Careless.

February 21st JOHN WARD of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] George Ward, Labourer and ELIZA SORELL, of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Sorell, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Ward and Eliza Sorrell. Witnesses: the mark of John Sorell & the mark of Elizathe[sic] Sorrell.

February 21st THOMAS SORELL of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Sorell, Labourer and MARIANNE NEWMAN of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Newman, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Sorrell and the mark of Marianne Newman. Witnesses: William Newman & the mark of Emma Crosswell.

April 30th CHARLES SPARROW aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Church Lench, [son of] James Sparrow, Labourer and ELLEN BOURTON of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] John Bourton, Labourer.
[By me] John Kaye, [signed] the mark of Charles Sparrow and Ellen Bourton. Witnesses: the mark of Samuel Clark & Ann Bourton.

September 15th CHARLES FREDERICK BICKNELL of full age, bachelor, Grocer, Evesham, [son of] James George Bicknell, Gentleman and ESTHER HUNT of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Soloman Hunt, Builder.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Charles Frederick Bicknell and Esther Hunt. Witnesses: George Hunt & Eliza Hunt.

May 18. THOMAS WESTBURY of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Westbuty, Labourer and MARIANNE BEST of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Best, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram [signed] the mark of Thomas Westbury and Marianne Best. Witnesses: the mark of George Westbury & Elizabeth Westbury.

September 17th SAMUEL CLARKE of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Hauton, [Hanton or Stanton - Hampton?], [son of] William Clarke, Labourer and ANN BOURTON of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] John Bourton, Labourer.
[By me] John Kaye, [signed] the mark of Samuel Clarke and Ann Bourton. Witnesses: the mark of Charles Sparrow & Catherine Bourton.

October 27th EDWARD SKINNER of full age, bachelor, gardener, Harvington [son of] Edward Skinner, Tailor and SARAH ANNE HIDEN of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Hiden, Postman.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Edward Skinner, and Sarah Ann Hiden. Witnesses: John Hiden & Maria Hiden.

December 29th JAMES ROSEBLADE of full age, bachelor, Miller, Broom[sic] in the parish of Bideford, [son of] Thomas Roseblade, Miller and ANN GOULD of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Edward Gould, Carpenter.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] James Roseblade, and Anne Gould. Witnesses: William Roseblade & Ann Roseblade.

February 20th WILLIAM DAVIS of full age, bachelor, Mason, Harvington, [son of] John Davis, Shoemaker and MATILDA JONES aged 17 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Sarah Jones, Gloveress.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] William Davis and Matilda Jones. Witnesses: John Brookes & Elizabeth Filgate.

July 22. WILLIAM SIMMONS of full age, bachelor, Gentleman, Harvington, [son of] William Simmons, Farmer and JANE HORTON of full age, spinster, ----- [daughter of] Thomas Horton, Farmer.
[By me] S. Charles, [signed] William Simmons and Jane Horton. Witnesses: Richard Chattaway & Sarah[?] Horton.

August 11th JOHN TIFF COLE, of full age, bachelor, Farmer, Harvington, [son of] John Cole, Farmer and FRANCES REBECCA KNIGHT of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Knight, Wheelwright.
[By me] John Kaye, [signed] John Tiff Cole and Frances Rebecca Knight. Witnesses: Charles Jilfe & Amelia Cole.

February 2nd GEORGE SORRELL of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Sorrell, Labourer and ANNE BENNETT of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Henry Bennett, sawyer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] George Sorrell and John Bennett. Witnesses: Thomas Sorrell & Mary Sorrell.

June 5th EDWARD PERRY of full age, bachelor, Carpenter, Harvington, [son of] William Collis, Labourer and HELLEN MANDEL of fully age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Mansell, Wheelwright.
[By me] Joseph Stevenson, [signed] Edward Perry and Hellen Mansell. Witnesses: Thomas Mansell & Mary Withers.

July 16th EDWARD PARKES of full age, bachelor, Papermaker, Birmingham, [son of] John Parkes, Metalsmith and ELLEN SKINNER of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edward Skinner, Tailor.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Edward Parkes and Ellen Skinner. Witnesses: Caleb Skinner & Emma Derrick.

October 12th WILLIAM MATTHEWS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Richard Matthews, Labourer and ELIZA LUCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Luck, Labourer.
[By me] J. Stephenson, [signed] William Matthews and Eliza Luck. Witnesses: the mark of Thomas Luck & Mary Ann Luck.

December 28th GEORGE HUNT aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Hunt, Labourer and Elizabeth Tarrant aged 19 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] James Tarrant, Carpenter.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of George Hunt and Elizabeth Tarrant. Witnesses: Thomas Nutting & the mark of Mary Malins.

April 18th OLIVER HUNT of full age, bachelor, Farmer, Radford, [son of] Soloman Hunt, Farmer and AGNES LOUISA BULLOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Bullock, Farmer.
[By me] John Kaye, [signed] Oliver Hunt and Agnes Louisa Bullock. Witnesses: W. F-[?] Bullock, H.E. Bullock & Robert Lunn.

December 6th WILLIAM HOPKINS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Rowington County of Warwick, [son of] John Hopkins, Labourer and ANNE SPIERS of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Spiers, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of William Hopkins and Ann Spiers. Witnesses: George Spiers & Esther Spiers.

January 20th WILLIAM ROBERTS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Roberts, Labourer and UNITY CAROLINE MATTHEWS of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington [daughter of] Alice Pennel formerly Alice Matthews, Labourer's wife.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Mansell & Susan Roberts.

February 18th JOHN THOMPSON of full age, widower, Farmer, Ticknell N Yorkshire, [son of] Nathaniel Thompson, Farmer and SOPHIA CARELESS of full age, spinster, Ladysmaid, Harvington, [daughter of] Hebe Careless.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Thompson and Sophia Careless. Witnesses: John Birt & Charlotte Privelm[?] Goodall.

August 23 HARVEY HUNT, of full age, bachelor, Builder, Harvington, [son of] Soloman Hunt, Builder and CATHERINE MARY MALIN of full age, spinster, Harvington [daughter of] George Malin, Farmer.
[By me] J. Stephenson, [signed] Harvey Hunt and Catherine Mary Malin. Witnesses: Robert Lunn & Jane Malin.

January 5th WILLIAM EMMENY of full age, widower, Farmer, Harvington, [son of] William Emmeny, Farm bailiff and SELINA SMITH of full age, spinster, Dressmaker, Harvington, [daughter of] William Smith, Carpenter.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of William Emmeny and Selina Smith. Witnesses: William Smith & Sophia Carol Smith.

July 13th GEORGE SMITH of full age, widower, Farmer, Fernhill, Cropthorne, [son of] George Smith, Farmer and HELEN ELIZABETH BULLOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Bullock, Farmer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] George Smith and Helen Elizabeth Bullock. Witnesses: Fillayson Bullock & Harriet Maria, Bullock, Rob Smith.

February 21st ROBERT PITTS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Hampton Lacey, Warwickshire, [son of] George Pitts, Labourer and MARY ANNE COLLIS aged 19 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Collis, Bricklayer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Robert Pitts and Mary Ann Collis. Witnesses: the mark of Charles Smith & Harriet Collis.

March 21st JOHN MANSELL of full age, bachelor, Carpenter, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Mansell, Public house keeper and SARAH ANNE ROBBINS aged 19 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Robbins, Sexton.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Mansell and Sarah Ann Robbins. Witnesses: William Mansell & Mary Jane Collins.

May 23td WILLIAM EDWARD AYLIFFE of full age, bachelor, Farmer, Cropthorne, [son of] William Ayliffe, Farmer and ADELAIDE AMELIA BULLOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Bullock, Farmer.
[By me] J. Stephenson, [signed] William Edward Ayliffe and Adelaide Amelia Bullock. Witnesses: John Bullock & Harriet Maria Bullock.

March 29 CHARLES PROWLIN of full age, bachelor, blacksmith, Harvington, [son of] John Prowlin, Labourer and FANNY EDEN aged 20 years, spinster, Gloveress, Harvington, [daughter of] William Eden, Shepherd.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Charles Prowlin and Fanny Eden. Witnesses: William Eden & Anne Eden.

May 1st GEORGE GOULD of full age, bachelor, carpenter, Harvington, [son of] Edward Gould, Carpenter and ANNE MARIA HOLTHAM of full age, spinster, Housemaid, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Holtham, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] George Gould & Jane Marie Holtham. Witnesses: Giles Woodward & Ann Davies.

November 15th CHARLES ROBERTS of full age, bachelor, Shepherd, Harvington. [son of] Thomas Roberts, Farm bailiffe and JANE HALLING of full age, spinster, Servant, Sedgeworth, [daughter of] William Halling, Inn keeper.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of Charles Roberts and Jane Halling. Witnesses: William Halling & Maria Halling.

September 6th WILLIAM EDWARDS HOUGHTON aged 21 years, bachelor, Baker, Bromsgrove, [son of] James Houghton, Stone mason and ESTHER SPIERS aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Spiers, Labourer.
[By me] J. Stephenson, Curate, [signed] William Edwd Houghton and Esther Spiers. Witnesses: James Jones & Mary Ann Pooles.

February 28 THOMAS WILLIAMS of full age, widower, Timber loader, Harvington, [son of] William Williams, Carpenter and EMMA HARRIS of full age, widow, Harvington, [daughter of] George Quiney, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Williams and Emma Harris. Witnesses: Thomas Quiney & Harriet Quiney.

June 30th JOHN KNIGHT of full age, bachelor, Baker, Stow on the Wold, [son of] William Knight, Bailiff and Agnes Anne Williams of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Williams, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Knight and Agnes Anne Williams. Witnesses: Samuel Williams & Jane Williams.

January 1st CHARLES HILL of full age, bachelor, Fireman, Parish of Holy Trinity, Worcester, [son of] John Hill, Gardener and ALICE BOURTON of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] John Bourton, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Charles Hill and Alice Bourton. Witnesses: William Bourton & Maria Jane Gray.

May 3rd WILLIAM ALBERT MANSELL of full age, bachelor, Painter, Birmingham, [son of] Thomas Mansell, Public Inn keeper and MARY ELLEN Knight aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Knight, Wheelwright.
[By me] J. Stephenson, Curate, [signed] William Albert Mansell and Mary Ellen Knight. Witnesses: William Henry Harben & Maria Louisa Duggins.

November 18 George Henry Hale of full age, bachelor, Timber loader, Harvington, [son of] Joshua Hale, Hedger and ANNE ELIZABETH SQUIRE of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Harriet Squire, Gloveress.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] George Henry Hale and Anne Elizabeth Squire. Witnesses: Caleb Skinner & Elizabeth Hale.

December 16th JOHN HUGHES of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] John Hughes, Carpenter and ELIZABETH DEVILLE of aged eighteen years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Deville, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of John Hughes and Elizabeth Deville. Witnesses: William Hughes & Emma Deville.

March 10th HENRY HARRIS of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Richard Harris, Labourer and ELIZABETH HAYWOOD of full age, Harvington, [daughter of] Henry Haywood, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of Henry Harris and the mark of Elizabeth Haywood. Witnesses: the mark of Frederick Cresswell & Emma Cresswell.

April 21st SAMUEL JONES of full age, bachelor, Plate layer, Harvington, [son of] Moses Jones, Labourer and MARIA HALLING of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Halling, Gardener.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Samuel Jones and Maria Halling. Witnesses: the mark of Charles Roberts & Jane Roberts.

February 13 JOHN HENRY SLATTER of full age, bachelor, Landowner, Talford, Warwickshire, [son of] Henry Brands Slatter, Landowner and JANE MALIN of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] GEORGE MALIN, Landowner.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Henry Slatter and Jane Malin. Witnesses: Albert Edward John Chatterway & Mary Keyte Malin.

April 29th JOHN CRUMP of full age, bachelor, Landowner, Bransford, [son of] Mary Clare Appleby and HARRIET MARIA BULLOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Bullock, Farmer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] John Crump and Harriet Maria Bullock. Witnesses: John Bullock & Alice Marshall.

October 11th THOMAS CRESSWELL of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] George Cresswell, Labourer and ANN SPARKES of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Sparkes, Labourer.
[By me] J Stephenson, [signed] Thomas Cresswell and Ann Sparkes. Witnesses: Thomas Mansell & Phoebe Cresswell.

February 24 THOMAS OLIVER of full age, bachelor, Carpenter, Harvington, [son of] William Oliver, Gardener and MARY POTTER of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Potter, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Oliver and Mary Potter. Witnesses: the mark of Thomas Beaman & the mark of Hannah Beaman.

October 30th THOMAS TURNER of full age, bachelor, Carpenter, Snowshill, Gloucestershire, [son of] James Turner, Carpenter and AMELIA WESTBURY of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Westbury, Shepherd.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] the mark of Thomas Turner and Amelia Westbury. Witnesses: James Westbury & Selina Anker.

June 28 THOMAS ROBBINS of full age, bachelor, Mason, Harvington, [son of] Joseph Robbins, Agricultural labourer and FANNY DEVILLE of full age, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Deville, Agricultural labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Robbins and Fanny Deville. Witnesses: the mark of William Deville & Emma Deville.

October 13th GEORGE LUDLOW of full age, bachelor, Engine man, Harvington, [son of] George Ludlow, Labourer and ELIZABETH BREWER of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Brewer, Labourer.
[By me] J. Stephenson, [signed] George Ludlow, Elizabeth Brewer. Witnesses: Thomas Brewer & Anne Sorrell.

February 20th FRANCIS JOBSON of full age, bachelor, Blacksmith, Harvington, [son of] Henry Jobson, Wheelwright and MARY ELIZA KNIGHT aged 18 years, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [daughter of] James Knight, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] James Jobson and Mary Eliza Knight. Witnesses: Thomas Heeks & Emma Knight.

November 18th GEORGE WILLIAM HANCOCK of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Hancock, Agricultural labourer and SARAH TAPLIN aged twenty years, spinster, Domestic servant, Offenham, [daughter of] Daniel Taplin, Agricultural labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed], George William Hancock and Sarah Taplin. Witnesses: the mark of Charles Hancock & Ellen Maria Sorrell.

November 29th JOSEPH STACY of full age, bachelor, Silversmith, Acton W Birmingham, [son of] Joseph Stacey, Watch hand maker and EMILY JANE LUDLOW, of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Ludlow, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram [signed] Joseph Stacey and Emily Jane Ludlow. Witnesses: Charles Ludlow, Sarah Alice Skinner & Rebecca Stacey.

December 30th GEORGE ROBERTS of full age, bachelor, Shepherd, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Roberts, Farm bailiff and ELIZABETH SARAH HOUGHTON of full age, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Houghton, labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram [signed] George Roberts and Elizabeth Sarah Houghton. Witnesses: William Houghton & Ellen Roberts.

June 13 ALBERT EDWARD FISHER CHATTERWAY of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Edgebaston, Birmingham, [son of] Joseph Chattaway, Landowner and MARY KEYTE MALIN, of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Malin, Landowner.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Albert Edward Fisher Chattaway and Mary Keyte Malin. Witnesses: Joseph Chattaway, Maria Malin & Herbert Malin.

April 9th THOMAS ALBERT MANSELL of full age, bachelor, Painter, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Mansell, Innkeeper and MATILDA ELIZABETH JACKSON of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Jackson, Painter.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Albert Mansell and Matilda Elizabeth Jackson. Witnesses: John Mansell & Mary Ann Mansell.

April 15th WILLIAM JONES of full age, bachelor, Gardener, Harvington, [son of] Percy Jones, Cowherd[er] and PRISCILLA MARY ROBINS of full age, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Robins, Gardener.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] William Jones and Priscilla Mary Robbins. Witnesses: John Carey & Sarah Ann Brookes.

April 19th THOMAS HANCOCK of full age, bachelor, Plate layer, Harvington [son of] Thomas Hancock, Labourer and MATILDA JANE PRICE of full age, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [daughter of] William Price, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Hancock and Matilda Jane Price. Witnesses: William Price & Elizabeth Albutt.

May 24th CHARLES HANCOCK of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Hancock, Labourer and ELLEN MARIA SORRELL of full age, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [father or mother not mentioned].
[By me] Richard M. Perkes, Curate in charge, [signed] the mark of Charles Hancock and Ellen Maria Sorrell. Witnesses: George Ward & Harriet Hancock.

May 31st THOMAS BISHOP of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Lenchwick, [son of] Henry Bishop, Labourer and ELIZABETH STANLEY of full age, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Job. Stanley, Engine driver.
[By me] Richard M. Perkes, Curate in charge, [signed] the mark of Thomas Bishop and Elizabeth Stanley. Witnesses: John Stanley & Sarah Ann Knight.

October 11th after Banns, RICHARD SALISBURY aged 42, widower, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Salisbury, Labourer and ELIZABETH HALE aged 27, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Joshua Hale, Labourer.
[By me] S.J. Walker, Officiating Minister, [signed] Richard Salisbury and Elizabeth Hill. Witnesses: John Hale & Minnie Hale.

October 20 WILLIAM DUTTON BALLARD aged 23, bachelor, Labourer, Sambourne, Coughton, Warwickshire, [son of] John Ballard, labourer and EMILY DEVILLE, aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Deville, Labourer.
[By me] S.J. Walker, Officiating Minister, [signed] the mark of William Dutton Ballard and Emily Deville. Witnesses: John Ballard & Emma Deville.

October 27th DAVID FACER aged 28 years, bachelor, Maltster, Claines, Worcester, [son of] William Facer, Maltster and ROSA MEADOWS, aged 27 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Meadows, Gamekeeper.
[By me] S.J. Walker, Officiating Minister, [signed] David Facer and Rosa Meadows. Witnesses: the mark of Amos Brooks & Dinah Cook.

December 24th CHARLES ALDINGTON of full age, widower, Carpenter, Harvington, [son of] Henry Aldington, Agricultural labourer and ELIZABETH SARAH WEAGER of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Samuel Weager, Agricultural.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Charles Aldington and Elizabeth Sarah Weager. Witnesses: Reuben Price & Eliza Aldington.

March 28 THOMAS WARD aged 19 years, bachelor, labourer, Harvington, [son of] John Ward, Labourer and MARY ELIZABETH WARNER aged 24 years, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Warner, Labourer.
[By me] A.H. Winnington Ingram, [signed] Thomas Ward and Mary Elizabeth Warner. Witnesses: Reuben Price & Sarah Ann Brookes.

June 3rd (after Bann) GEORGE COLLINS aged 24 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Bengeworth, [son of] James Collins (deceased), Brickmaker and EMMA DEVILLE aged 28 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Deville, Labourer.
[By me] S.J. Walker, Officiating Minister, [signed] George Collins and Emma Deville. Witnesses: Edward Collins & Sarah Ann Mansell.

October (after Banns) 14 HARRY HAWKER aged 26 years, bachelor, Stoker, 25 Ebor Street, York, [son of] Henry Hawker (deceased), Labourer and ALICE JONES aged 28 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edwin Jones, Blacksmith.
[By me] S.J. Walker, Officiating Minister, [signed] Harry Hawker and Alice Jones. Witnesses: Edwin Jones & Ann Hawker.

October 5th (by Licence) JOHN STUBBINS of full age, widower, Retail brewer, Aston, Birmingham, [son of] John Studdins, Coachman and CHARLOTTE ANNIE FOWLER of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Fowler, Pensioner.
[By me] Theophilus Sharp, Rector, [signed] John Stubbins and Charlotte Annie Fowler. Witnesses: William George Thomas Fowler, Maria Elizabeth Fowler, Sarah Keightly Stubbins, Thomas Jones.


Harvington Septr 12: 1889
Revd Sir,
You will remember the marriage
of my daughter Charlotte Annie Fowler
with John Stubbins Octr 5th 1887. I
have found only lately that his
Christian name is John Jonathan
and not John only, though accustomed
to sign it as John. I know you cannot
alter the entry in the register of
marriages but I have thought
it might be well if you have no
objection to make a note in the register.
I am
yours faithfully
William Fowler

October 12th (after Banns) WALTER BULLOCK aged 25 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Harvington, [son of] George Bullock, Blacksmith and MARY ANN MANSELL aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Mansell, Carpenter.
[By me] Theophilus Sharp B.A. Rector, [signed] Walter Bullock and Mary Ann Mansell. Witnesses: John Mansell & Lucy Mary Bullock.

October 26th FREDERICK PICK of full age, widower, Farmer, Harvington, [son of] William Pick, Grazier[?] and JULIA PENNEY, of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] G.W. Penney, Gentleman.
[By me] Theophilus Sharp, M.A. Rector, [signed] Frederick Pick and Julia Penney. Witnesses: George William Penney, Mary Pa[y]ne Penney, Edith Pick, Annie E Penney.

November 8th THOMAS WARD of full age, widower, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] John Ward, Labourer and CAROLINE LEWIS of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Carpenter.
[By me] Theophilus Sharp, Rector, [signed] Thomas Ward and the mark of Caroline Lewis. Witnesses: George Ward & Varina Ward.

October 11th WILLIAM GEAR aged 25 years, bachelor, Gardener, Ascot Heath, Berks, [son of] Henry Gear, Coachman and SARAH JANE WINTER aged 30 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Winter, Bricklayer.
[By me] Theothilus Sharp, M.A. Rector, [signed] William Gear and Sarah Jane Winter. Witnesses: John Winter & Elizabeth Godfrey.

December 25th THOMAS DAVIE, aged 21 years, bachelor, Baker, Harvington, [son of] Edward Davie, Maltster and SARAH ANNE BROOKES aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Brookes, Blacksmith.
[By me] Theophilus Sharp, M.A. Rector, [signed] Thomas Davie and Sarah Anne Brookes. Witnesses: Ernest Atkins & Fannie Spiers.

March 21st (after Banns) EDWARD BENNETT of full age, bachelor, Farmer, Harvington, [son of] Edwin Bennett, Timber merchant and SELINA EMENY of full age, widow, Licenced victualler, Harvington, [daughter of] William Smith, Carpenter.
[By me] Theophilus Sharp, M.A. Rector, [signed] Edward Bennett and Selina Emeny. Witnesses: Henry Williams & Evelyn Ada Bennett.

December 25th (by Licence) JAMES RICE aged 21 years, bachelor, Signalman, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Rice, Gardener and ADA LOUISA DAVIS aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Davis, Builder.
[By me] William Bentley, Curate in charge of Abbots Morton, Extra[?] Lenchwick[?], [signed] James Rice and Ada Louisa Davis. Witnesses: J. Cresswell & Mabel Davis.

Dec 15th (after Banns) JACOB BRACEY aged 24 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Henry Bracey, Labourer and HANNAH SIMMONS aged 25 years, spinster, Servant, Harvington, [daughter of] George Simmons, Labourer.
[By me] James Walker, Curate, [signed] Jacob Bracey and Hannah Simmons. Witnesses: George Simmons & Sarah Ann Newman.

October 17th (after Banns) FREDERICK WITHERS aged 30, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Edwin Withers, Labourer and MARGARET MORGAN aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Morgan, Blacksmith.
[By me] James Walker, Curate, [signed] Frederick Withers and the mark of Margaret Morgan. Witnesses: James Borberry & Sarah Morgan.

February 27th CHARLES NEWMAN aged 25 years, bachelor, Gardener, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Newman, Platelayer and ANN SMITH aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Smith, Coachman.
{By me] Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister, [signed] Charles Crossfield and Ann Smith. Witnesses: William Charles Smith & Sarah Jane Smith.

March 19th THOMAS HANCOCK aged 33 years, widower, Platelayer, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Hancock, Labourer and Maria Jones, aged 40 years, widow, Harvington, [daughter of] William Halling, Labourer.
[By me] Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister, [signed] Thomas Hancock and Maria Jones. Witnesses: William Weager & Jane Cole.

June 26th (after Banns) WILLIAM JOSEPH WIDDUS aged 22 years, bachelor, Gardener, Harvington, [son of] Charles Widdus (deceased), Gardener and BERTHA CANNING aged 19 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Frederick Canning (deceased), Gardener.
[By me] Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister, [signed] William Joseph Widdus and Bertha Canning. Witnesses: John Henry Drinkwater & Ellen Maria Drinkwater.

August 8th (after Banns) THOMAS WILLIAM AMOS aged 26 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Amos, Deceased and SARAH ANN MANSELL aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Mansell, Innkeeper.
[By me] Thomas William Amos and Sarah Ann Mansell. Witnesses: William Mansell & Julia Mary Mansell.

August 31st THOMAS COOK aged 29 years, bachelor, Market Gardener, Cleeve Prior, [son of] David Cook, Maltster and EMMA MARSHELL aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Marshall, Platelayer.
[By me] R.H. Davis, [signed] Thomas Cook and Emma Mansell. Witnesses: Walter Cook & Ellen Marshall.

April 22nd (after Banns) WILLIAM HENRY WESTBURY aged 26 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Charles Westbury, labourer and CAROLINE SOPHIA HOUGHTON aged 29 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Houghton, Labourer.
[By me] J.W. Richards, Curate, William Henry Westbury and Caroline Sophia Houghton. Witnesses: William Edwin Houghton & Emily Westbury.

September (after Banns) 2rd MOSES TRUBY aged 27 years, bachelor, Coachman, Harvington, [son of] William Truby, Coachman and SARAH ANN SORRELL aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Sorrell, Labourer.
[By me] Moses Truby and Sarah Ann Sorrell. Witnesses: Joseph Cole & Leah Mary Sorrell.

October 8th (after Banns) EDWIN MOSS aged 29 years, Bachelor, Labourer, Harvington [son of] Charles Moss, Labourer and ELIZA ADAMS aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Adam, Labourer.
[By me} J.W. Richards, Curate, [signed] the mark of Edwin Moss and Eliza Adams. Witnesses: Williams Adams & Miriam Edden[?]

December 24th (after Banns) December 24th STEPHEN GRANT INGRAM aged 23, bachelor, Farmer, Harvington, [son of] John James Ingram, Farmer and SARAH ANN ALDINGTON aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Aldington, Carpenter.
[By me] T.W. Richards, Curate, [signed] Stephen Grant Ingram and Sarah Ann Aldington. Witnesses: William Weager & Lucy Best.

June 8th (after Banns) REGINALD JOHN WHITE aged 21 years, bachelor, Groom, Harvington, [son of] Reginald White, Labourer and SARAH ANN MORGAN aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Morgan, Tradesman.
[By me] C.L. Whally, Curate, [signed] Reginald John White and Sarah Ann Morgan. Witnesses: Henry White & Frances Ann White.

August 26 WILLIAM MEEK aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Alexander Meek, Bailiff and MABEL DAVIS aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Davis, Builder.
[Bt me] Walter Consitt Boulter, M.A. Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick, [signed] William Meek and Mabel Davis. Witnesses: William Davis & Agnes Everis.

February 8th (after Banns), HERBERT THOMAS FISHER aged 27 years, bachelor, Carter, Harvington, [son of] John Fisher, Labourer and ALMA HUGHES aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington,[son of] Richard Hughes (deceased), Builder.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Herbert Thomas Fisher and Alma Hughes. Witnesses: Herbert Hughes & Ruth Hughes.

May 6th (after banns), ROBERT COWLEY, of full age, bachelor, Farmer, North Piddle, [son of] Robert Cowley, Farmer and ELLEN ABIGAIL MULLANY of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Mullany, School Master
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Robert Cowley and Ellen Abigail Mullany. Witnesses: John Mullany & Annie Letitia Harris.

June 23 (after Banns), HERBERT RAYMOPND ROBBINS aged 25 years, bachelor, Carter, Harvington, [son of] Richard Robbins, Labourer and RUTH HUGHES aged 22, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Richard Hughes, Butcher.
[By me W.C. Boulter, Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick, [signed] the mark of Herbert Raymond Robbins and Ruth Hughes. Witnesses: Herbert Hughes & Alma Fisher.

September 14th (after Banns), EDWIN HAWKER aged 24 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Harvington, [son of] John Hawker, Labourer and ALICE ANNE ROBERTS aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Barrett Roberts (deceased), Railway Clerk.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Edwin Hawker and Alice Anne Roberts. Witnesses: William Hawker & Harris Assinder.

September 22nd (by Licence), CHARLIE FISHER aged 29 years, bachelor [---?]eller, Harvington, [son of] Charles John Fisher (deceased), Gentleman and MAUD ETHEL MARSH aged 21 years, spinster, Wylde Green, [daughter of] Samuel March (deceased), Clerk in Holy Orders.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Charles Fisher and Maude Ethel Marsh. Witnesses: Charles Smith & Agnes M.S. Waugh.

May 31st (after Banns), ALBERT DAVIES aged 23 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Frederick Davies, Labourer and MARY JANE NASH aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Nash (deceased), Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Albert Davies and Mary Jane Nash. Witnesses: George Roberts & Fanny While.

June 21st (after Banns), ALFRED LUDLOW aged 21 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Harvington, [son of] Charles Ludlow, Market gardener and MARIE ELIZABETH ANDREWS aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Andrews, Market gardener.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Alfred Ludlow and Marie Elizabeth Andrews. Witnesses: Herbert Ludlow & Emily Staves.

October 23rd (by Licence), EDWARD FENNELL aged 20 years, bachelor, Gardener, Harvington, [son of] Ebenezer Fennell, Innkeeper and JULIA MARY MANSELL aged 22 years, spinster Salford Priors, [daughter of] John Mansell, Carpenter.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Edward Fennell and Julia Mary Mansell. Witnesses: John Mansell, John Leonard Mansell & Charlotte Fennell.

November 27th (after banns), EDWARD CRESSWELL of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] George Cresswell, Labourer and HARRIETT EMMA HANCOCK of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Hancock (deceased), Labourer.
[By me] J.W. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Edward Cresswell and Harriett Emma Hancock. Witnesses: James Hancock & Varina Ward.

April 21st (after Banns), ERNEST ALBERT SHAILER aged 25 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Harvington, [son of] George Shailer, Labourer and EDITH ANNIE SHERWOOD aged 23 years, Spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Sherwood (deceased), Labourer.
[By me] W.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Ernest Albert Shailer and Edith Annie Sherwood. Witnesses: Walter Ludlow & Kathleen Millward.

August 10th (after Banns), THOMAS GILES aged 24 years, bachelor, Maker [of what?], St Marys Brynmawr, [son of] Jesse Giles, Stoker and EMMA ELIZABETH WARD aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Ward, Labourer.
[By me Henry W Cooper, Officiating Minister, [signed] Thomas Giles and Emma Elizabeth Ward. Witnesses: Thomas Ward & Amelia Maude Ward.

June 10th GEORGE ROUSE aged 28 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Offenham, [son of] Joseph Rouse, Market gardener and FANNY ELIZABETH LOCKE aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Henry Locke, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed], George Rouse and Fanny Elizabeth Locke. Witnesses: William Rouse & Mary Locke.

October 18th JOHN LEONARD MANSELL aged 22 years, bachelor, Carpenter, Harvington, [son of] John Mansell, Carpenter and ANNIE MARY MARIA CUND aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Cund, Shoemaker.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] John Leonard Mansell and Annie Mary Maria Cund. Witnesses: William George Cund & Mary Annie Miles.

October 28th ERNEST ALBERT BUTLER aged 24 years, bachelor, Farmer, Bengeworth, [son of] Alfred Henry Butler, Farmer and VARINA WARD aged 26 years, spinster, Harvington, John Ward, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Ernest Alfred Butler and Varina Ward. Witnesses: Charles Ward, Percy James Butler, Jane Ward & Hilda Butler.

March 29th GEORGE ABRAHAM ROBERTS aged 30 years, bachelor, Butcher, Harvington, [son of] John Roberts, Shepherd and FRANCES ANN WHITE aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Reginald White, Groom.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] George Abraham Roberts and Frances Ann While. Witnesses: Charles White & Edith Sarah Roberts.

August 25th ARTHUR BENNETT aged 22 years, bachelor, Railway Employee, Derby, [son of] Deceased [not named] and AMELIA MAUD WARD aged 23 years, spinster, Domestic, Harvington, [daughter] Deceased [not named but is John].
[By me] F.H. Barrett, Officiating Minister, [signed] Arthur Bennett and Amelia Maud Ward. Witnesses: Henry Ward & Faith[?] Sarah Roberts.

September 26th (after Banns), WILLIAM HENRY CLARKE aged 22 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Hemming Clarke, Farm bailiff and JANE WARD aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Ward, Labourer.
[By me} W.C. Boulter, M.A. Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick, [signed] William Henry Clarke and Jane Ward. Witnesses: Henry Ward, Edgar Cresswell, Louisa Clarke & Bertha Walker.

October 10th (after Banns), HENRY POYNTER WOODWARD of full age, widower, Bailiff, Harvington, [son of] Robert Woodward, Farmer and LAURA ELLEN HASLUM aged 29 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Benjamin Haslum, Gardener.
[By me] Harry Poynter Woodward and Laura Ellen Haslum. Witnesses: Edward[?] Bennett & Ada Bertha Woodward.

April 5th WILLIAM CHARLES WEAGER aged 31 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] [not named], Farmer and LUCY ANN BEST aged 34 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Best, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector of Harvington, [signed] William Charles Weager, Lucy Ann Best. Witnesses: Charles Best & Sarah Ann Strickland.

June 20th SIDNEY ASHWIN SPRAGG aged 27 years, bachelor, Boatman, Bengeworth (Evesham), [son of] Ashwin Spragg, Boatman and MINNIE CLARA HALE aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] [not named].
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector of Harvington, [signed] William Charles Weager and Lucy Ann Best. Witnesses: Charles Best & Sarah Ann Strickland.

August 21st (after Banns), JOSEPH THOMAS COOPER STREET of full age, bachelor, Agent, Hayling South, [son of] Joseph Thomas Cooper Street, Naval officer and CATHERINE SPENCER of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Spencer, Gardener.
[By me] M.J. Scrivens, Curate in Charge, [signed] Joseph Thomas Cooper Street and Catherine Spencer. Witnesses: William Henry Stratton, Katherine Louisa Stratton & William John Spencer.

July 11 (after Banns), PHILIP RODWAY aged 27 years, bachelor, Theatrical manager, Harvington, [son of] Alfred Rodway, Superintendent of Parks [deceased] and ETHEL BROWN aged 25, spinster, Edgbaston, Birmingham, [daughter of] William Edwin Brown, Retired.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Philip Rodway and Ethel Brown. Witnesses: William Edwin Brown, Mary Jane Brown & H.M.[?] Rodway.

August 18th WILLIAM JAMES WHITE aged 24 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Reginald White, Groom (deceased) and MARY ELIZABETH LANGSTON aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Langston, Cow[?] keeper.
[By me] Charles Barr, Rector of Acryse, Kent, [signed] William James White and Mary Elizabeth Langston. Witnesses: Annie Maria Langston & Nellie Amelia Langston.

February 28th (after Banns), ALFRED WESTBURY aged 32 years, bachelor, Gardener, Harvington, [son of] Richard Westbury, Labourer and ELEANOR STANLEY aged 37 years, Spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Job Stanley, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rec tor, [signed] Alfred Westbury and Eleanor Stanley. Witnesses: Job Stanley & Nanny Westbury.

May 15th WILLIAM BIGGS aged 22 years, bachelor, Carter, Harvington, [son of] William Biggs, Labourer and JESSIE ALICE GODFREY aged 20 years, Spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Godfrey, Labourer.
[By me Francis Welch, Officiating Minister, [signed] William Biggs and Jessie Alice Godfrey. Witnesses: Henry Clarke & Mary Biggs.

July 1st (after Banns), CHARLES HANCOCK of full age, widower, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Hancock, Labourer and SARAH SKEITH of full age, widow, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Cotterell, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] the mark of Charles Hancock and Sarah Skeith. Witnesses: Albert Henry Hyde & Annie Lavinia Hyde.

September 21st FRANK LUDLOW aged 24 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Charles Ludlow, Labourer and FLORENCE ELIZABETH HANCOCK aged 19 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Hancock, Platelayer.
[By me] G Herbert Johnson, M.A. Officiating Minister, [signed] Frank Ludlow and Florence Elizabeth Hancock. Witnessesd: Arthur William Hancock & Mary Ann Locke.

December 23rd GEOFFREY GEORGE BEASLEY aged 32 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Norton with Lenchwick, [son of] George Beasley, Market gardener and ANNIE ELIZABETH JONES aged 28 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Samuel John Lester Jones (deceased), Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Geoffrey George Beasley and Annie Elizabeth Jones. Witnesses: Jonathan Elam Beasley & Ada Jones.

February 14th ALFRED CHARLES ANKER aged 24 years, bachelor, Baker, Badsey, [son of] Alfred Anker (deceased), Needlemaker and ALICE HUGHES aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Richard Hughes (deceased), Butcher.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Alfred Charles Anker and Alice Hughes. Witnesses: Herbert Hughes & Elizabeth Anker.

May 2nd HENRY VALE aged 32 years, bachelor, Postman, Harvington, [son of] William Vale, Labourer and EDITH MARY HUGHES aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Richard Hughes (deceased), Butcher.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Henry Vale and Edith Mary Hughes. Witnesses: Herbert Hughes & Elizabeth Anker.

June 23rd GEORGE LEWIS BROOKES of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Church Lench, [son of] Septimus Brookes, Labourer and AGNES TAYLOR of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Taylor, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] George Lewis Brookes and Agnes Taylor. Witnesses: Thomas Taylor & Caroline Bache.

September 2nd WILLIAM HE NRY MANSELL aged 23 years, bachelor, Publican, [son of] John Mansell, Publican and ALICE MAUDE MARY KING aged 27 years, spinster, Star Hotel, Evesham, [daughteer of] James King (deceased), Railway inspector.
[By me] David J. Jones (assistant Priest. St. Luke, Gloucester, [signed] William Henry Mansell and Alice Maude Mary King. Witnesses: George Thomas Savage & Maggie Green.

September 20th ARTHUR BISHOP aged 24 years, bachelor, Gardener's labourer, Lenchwick (Norton), [son of] John Bishop, Labourer and LAURA ANNIE DAVIS aged 17 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edwin Davis (deceased), Bricklayer.
[By me] G.K.M. Green, Vicar of Norton ad Lenchwick, [signed] Arthur Bishop and Laura Annie Davis. Witnesses: H. Hewitt & C. Davis.

April 17th WALTER CANNING aged 24 years, bachelor, Gardener, Harvington, [son of] Frederick Canning, Gardener and ANNIE MARIA LANGSTON, aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Langston, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Walter Canning and Annie Maria Langston. Witnesses: the mark of William Langston & Ellen Amelia Langston.

October 15. FRANK SAMUEL BARRETT aged 27 years, bachelor, Clerk, Harvington, [son of] Edwin Barrett, Carpenter and AGNES ELLEN FOWLER aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Fowler, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Frank Samuel Barrett and Agnes Ellen Fowler. Witnesses: Bertie William Barker & Ethel Emily Barrett.

December 11th FRED KNIGHT aged 19 years, bachelor, Butcher's Assistant, Greenhill, Evesham, [son of] George Knight, Foreman labourer and ELIZABETH BENNETT aged 19 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Walter Bennett, Farm labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Fred Knight and Elizabeth Bennett. Witnesses: George Thomas Savage & Agnes M.G. Waugh.

January 14. EDWARD GEORGE MICKLEBURGH aged 28 years, bachelor, Platelayer, St Johns Parish, Kensal Green, London, [son of] William George Mickleburgh, Coachman and EMILY SAVAGE aged 31 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Savage, Labourer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Rector, [signed] Edward George Mucklebugh and Emily Savage. Witnesses: George Thomas Savage & Winifred Baldwin.

November eleventh (after Banns) HUGH EVANS BOMFORD aged 27 years, bachelor, Farmer, Exhall, [son of] Henry Butler Bomford, Farmer and EMILY ELIZABETH ADKINS aged 28 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Adkins, Farmer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Hugh Evans Bomford and Emily Elizabeth Adkins. Witnesses: Francis John Adkins, Mary Bomford, H.W.[?] Bomford & A.D. Wheeler.

December twenty eight (after Banns), JOHN HALLS aged 30 years, bachelor, Labourer, Fladbury, [son of] James Halls (deceased), Shepherd and ANNIE ELIZABETH CLARKE agerd 29 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Hemming Clarke, Bailiff.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] John Halls and Annie Elizabeth Clarke. Witnesses: Dora Clarke & Nellie Clarke.

June fourteenth (after Banns) HARRY UPTON aged 22 years, bachelor, Grocer, Harborne, [son of] George Upton (deceased), Labourer and ELLEN ANNIE JOYNER aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles William Joyner, Carpenter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Harry Upton and Ellen Annie Joyner. Witnesses: Doris Elizabeth Joyner & Frederick Charles Joyner.

July twenty second (after Banns) ARTHUR PAYNE aged 26 years, bachelor, Police constable, Moseley, [son of] Arthur Payne, Carpenter and DAISY ANNE WATKINS aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Watkins (deceased), Brewer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Arthur Payne and Daisy Anne Watkins. Witnesses: Walter Kennard & Annie Lydia Gillerk.

August thirtieth (after Banns) THOMAS GREYGOOSE aged 27 years, bachelor, Butler, 23 Font Street, Chelsea, London, [son of] James Greygoose (deseased), Farm labourer and JULIA MARY FENNELL aged 32 years, widow, Sunnyside, Harvington, [daughter of, John Mansell, Builder.
[By me] R.H. Bigg, Officiating Minister, [signed] Thomas Greygoose and Julia Mary Fennell. Witnesses: Constance Mansell & John Mansell.

September second JOHN BAZALEEL COOK aged 26 years, bachelor, Grocer, Harvington, [son of] John Cook, Market gardener and ALICE MARY HANCOCK aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Hancock, Retired police office.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] John Bazaleel Cook and Alice Mary Hancock. Witnesses: Thomas Hancock, George Dyke Cook & Nell Catherine Hancock.

November tenth TOM ARTHUR RICHARDSON aged 23 years, bachelor, Labourer, Salford Priors, [son of] Alfred Richardson, Shepherd and OLIVE DAVIS aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edwin Davis (deceased), Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Tom Arthur Richardson and Olive Davis. Witnesses: Frank Davis & Blanch Davis.

December thirteenth (after Banns) WILLIAM JONATHAN TRIGG aged 44 years, bachelor, Engine driver, Harvington, [son of] Richard Trigg (deceased), Waggoner and DINAH BAILEY aged 33 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Bailey, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] William Jonathan Trigg and Dinah Bailey. Witnesses: Emma Jane Bailey & John Lewis Clements.

December fifteenth (after Banns), THOMAS HANCOCK of full age, widower, Police officer (retired), Harvington, [son of] Thomas Hancock, Farmer and ANNIE JONES of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edwin Jones, Market gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Thomas Hancock and Annie Jones. Witnesses: Nancy Cook & John Cook.

December twenty fourth (after Banns), JOHN CROSS aged 28 years, bachelor, Carpenter, S. Barnabas, Birmingham, [son of] John Cross, Gardener and EDITH ANNIE HARRIS aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Oliver Harris, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] John Cross and Edith Annie Harris. Witnesses: Jane Winifred Shaw, the mark of Oliver Harris & George Thomas Savage.

April ninth (after Banns), FREDERICK JOHN TAYLOR aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Joseph Taylor, Labourer and HELEN AMELIA LANGSTON aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George William Langston, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Frederick John Taylor and Helen Amelia Langston. Witnesses: Walter William Taylor & George Thomas Savage.

June 18th (after Banns), WILLIAM GEORGE LANGSTON aged 27 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] George William Langston, Labourer and LUCY ELIZABETH SORRELL aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Sorrell, Labourer.
[By me] H. Beaumont Jones, Officiating Minister, [signed] William George Langston and Lucy Elizabeth Sorrell. Witnesses: Charles Sorrell & Lavinia Ward.

April fifteenth (after Banns), ERNEST LUDLOW aged 33 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Charles Ludlow, Labourer and MARY ANN LOCKE aged 33 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Henry Locke, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Ernest Ludlow and Mary Ann Locke. Witnesses: Florence Ludlow & George Thomas Savage.

June first (after Banns), THOMAS CHARLES WEATHERBY aged 33 years, bachelor, Mariner, South Hayling, [son of] Alfred Edward Weatherby, Schoolmaster and KATHERINE LOUISE STRATTON aged 31 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Henry Stratton, Farmer.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Vicar of [St] John's, Worcester, [signed] Thomas Charles Weatherby and Katherine Louisa Stratton. Witnesses: Stanley Weatherby & Edith Elizabeth Stratton.

July 22. (after Banns), FREDERICK WILLIAM DAY aged 34 years, bachelor, Stone sawyer, Littlemore, Oxford, [son of] David Day, Labourer and ELIZA ANN VALE aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Vale, Labourer.
[By me] W.W. Boulton, Officiating Minister, [signed] Frederick William Day & Eliza Ann Vale. Witnesses: William Davis & Gertrude Mary Mason.

August twenty eight (after Banns) STANLEY GEORGE HOWARD aged 33 years, bachelor, Grocer's assistant, Harvington, [son of] George Howard (deceased), Builder and EMILY LIZZIE CAWLEY aged 35 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Harvey Cawley (deceased), Grocer.
[By me} James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Stanley George Howard and Emily Lizzie Cawley. Witnesses: Harry Cawley & Charles Gregory.

April eighth (after Banns), GEORGE EPHRAIM PRITCHARD aged 26 years, bachelor, Coach builder, S. Andrew's, Derby, [son of] Henry Kozzutt Hazzeni Pritchard, Railway inspector and LINDA MARSH aged 18 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Herbert William Marsh, Tradesman.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] George Ephraim Pritchard and Linda Marsh,. Witnesses: H.R.M. Pritchard & Agnes Marsh.

April eighth (after Banns) RODERIC JAMES FLEMING aged 31 years, bachelor, Schoolteacher, The Lye, [son of] John Fleming, Congregational Minister and LUCY HANNAH COOK aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Cook, Postmaster.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector [signed] Roderic James Fleming and Lucy Hannah Cook. Witnesses: Berenice May Cook & Reginald Southan & John Cook.

June fifth (after Banns) FREDERICK CHARLES JOYNER aged 27 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington [son of] William Charles Joyner, Carpenter and ALICE MARY JONES aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Jones, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Frederick Charles Joyner and Alice Mary Jones. Witnesses: Doris Elizabeth Joyner & William Jones.

June sixth (after Banns), JOHN ROBERT ORTON aged 38 years, bachelor, Commersial traveller, S. Peter's, Leicester, [son of] William Hawkins Orton, Coal merchant and Florence Edith Mansell aged 27 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Mansell, Painter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, John Robert Orton and Florence Edith Mansell. Witnesses: William Hawkins Orton & Arthur Athelstone Mansell.

August tenth (after Banns), HERBERT WHITE aged 28 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Reginald White (deceased), Groom and ALICE BIRD aged 28 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Arthur Bird, Shoemaker.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Herbert White and Alice Bird. Witnesses: Henry White & May Victoria While.

October twenty sixth (after Banns), HERBERT JOHN BEST aged 37 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] William Best (deceased), Labourer and RHODA ANNIE COX aged 35 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Jessie Cox (deceased), Carpenter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Herbert John Best and Rhoda Annie Cox. Witnesses: Ethel Winfield & George Thomas Savage.

June 24 (after Banns), JOHN HAWKES aged 37 years, bachelor, Manager, Bidford on Avon, [son of] Daniel Hawkes (deceased) Farmer and NANCY COOK aged 33 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Cook, Postman.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] John Hawkes and Nancy Cook. Witnesses: Annie Cook & John Cook.

September second (after Banns), GEORGE CLARKE aged 33 years, bachelor, Groom, All Saints', Small Heath, [son of] George Clarke, Carpenter and BEATRICE MARY ANN PAGE aged 26 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Wm Thos Page, Gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] George Clarke and Beatrice Mary Ann Page. Witnesses: George Yarmer, Susan Clarke & Grace Florence Page.

February 21st (after Banns), WILLIAM JOSEPH ROBBINS aged 30 years, bachelor, Engine driver, Harvington, [son of] Thomas Robbins, Bricklayer and JULIA BRISTOW DRIVER aged 27 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Driver, Haycutter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] William Joseph Robbins and Julia Bristow Driver. Witnesses: Ethel Mary Driver & John Driver.

June fifteenth (after Banns), SEYMOUR CHARLES WILLIAM TYACK of full age, bachelor, Bootmaker, Harvington, [son of] Charles Henry Tyack, Innkeeper and ROSE ANN KATE ECCLESTON of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edwin Guy Eccleston, Bootmaker.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Seymour Charles William Tyack and Rose Ann Kate Eccleston. Witnesses: Edwin Guy Eccleston & John Henry Tyack.

June twentieth (after Banns) WILLIAM DOUGLAS MORGAN aged 33 years, bachelor, Clerk, S. Paul's, Balsall Heath, [son of] George Morgan (dead), Draper and FLORENCE LUDLOW aged 31 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Ludlow, Market gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] William Douglas Morgan and Florence Ludlow. Witnesses: Charles Ludlow & Ada Amynta[?] Branstone.

October nineteenth (after Banns), SIDNEY CHARLES ASHMEAD sged 24 years, bachelor, Signalman, Harvington, [son of] Richard Ashmead (deceased), Railway Gram---[?] and NELLIE CONSTANCE LOUISE MANSELL aged 28 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Albert Mansell (dead), Painter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Sidney Charles Ashmead and Julie Constance Louise Mansell. Witnesses: Arthur Athelstan Mansell & Victor Mansell.

October thirty first (after Banns), ERNEST CLARKE aged 29 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] [not recorded] and ELIZABETH NEWMAN aged 22, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Newman, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Ernest Clarke and Elizabeth Newman. Witnesses: Charles Newman & Edith Newman.

November twenty eighth JOSEPH EDWIN HOLDER aged 28 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Frederick Henry Holder, Labourer and LAVINIA JANE WARD aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Ward (deceased), Coal merchant.
[By me] Joseph Edwin Holder snd Lsvinis Jane Ward. Witnesses: Albert Edmund Westall & Emily May Holder.

February 23rd (after Banns), JOHN WILLIAM BRANT aged 23 years, bachelor, Machinist, S. Martin's, Worcester, [son of] William Brant, Engine driver and EMMA JANE BAILEY aged 27 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Bailey, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] John William Brant and Emma Jane Bailey. Witnesses: Alice Bailey & Frank William Bailey.

January 22nd (after Banns) WALTER ARCHER aged 26 years, bachelor, Labourer, Norton, [son of] Walter Archer (deceased) Labourer and ROSA JANE HANCOCK, aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Hancock, Platelayer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Walter Archer and Rosa Jane Hancock. Witnesses: Thomas Hancock & Ada Jones.

February second (by Licence), GEORGE WALTER RODWAY aged 45 years, Brewer, Harvington, [son of] Alfred Hadley Rodway (deceased), Corporation official and DORIS ANNIE BENJAMIN aged 21 years, spinster, S. James', Edgbaston, [daughter of] Benjamin Benjamin, Traveller.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] George Walter Rodway and Doris Annie Benjamin. Witnesses: Benjamin Benjamin, Florence May Walker & Gilbert Rodway.

June tenth (after Banns), ALBERT JOSEPH FISHER aged 25 years, bachelor, Market gardener, Harvington, [son of] John Fisher, Market gardener and MAUDE HARPLEY aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] George Harpley, Coachman.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Albert Joseph Fisher and Maude Harpley. Witnesses: Frances Florence Fisher & William Alfred Fisher.

June tenth (after Banns), ALBERT EDWARD WILLIAM HILL aged 22 years, bachelor, Station porter, Harvington, [son of] James Edward Hill, Bricklayer and WINIFRED ELSIE FISHER aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] John Fisher, Market gardener.
[By me] Albert Edward William Hill and Winifred Elsie Fisher. Witnesses: George Frederick Walker & Clarrie Emily Hill.

October 9th (by special Licence), JOHN REGINALD FOWLER aged 37 years, bachelor, Sergeant 25th Infantry Brigade, on active service, [son of] Robert Fowler (deceased), Farmer and ROSALIND MAUDE DAVIS aged 32 years, spinster, Lansdowne, Harvington, [daughter of] William Davis, Builder.
[By me] Charles B. Woolley, Rector of Church Lench, [signed] John Reginald Fowler and Rosalind Maude David. Witnesses: William Davis & Mabel Kate Meek.

February 10th (after Banns), PERCY ALFRED WAGER aged 30 years, bachelor, Soldier, All Saints', Emscote, [son of] Clement Ernest Wager, Locomotive driver and AGNES MARY MANSELL aged 30 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Albert Mansell (dead), Painter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] P.A. Wager and Agnes Mary Mansell. Witnesses: Alice Jane Mansell, Alice Maud Wager & Sarah Ann Newman.

February Sixth (after Banns), HOWARD RUDHALL aged 29 years, bachelor, Gunner, Royal Field Artillery, Harvington (serving sbroad), [son of] Joseph Rudhall, Bootmaker and DAISY HOMANS aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] [not mentioned].
James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Howard Rudhall and Daisy Homans. Witnesses: Lily Heath & Joseph Rudhall.

April twentieth REGINALD ARTHUR JOBSON aged 27 years, bachelor, Private in Royal Warwicks, Salford Priors, [son of] Francis Jobson, Blacksmith and ELSIE MAUD BREWER aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Brewer (deceased), Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Reginald Arthur Jobson and Elsie Maud Brewer. Witnesses: Arthur Brewer & Ernest Howard Jobson.

October 9th (by special Licence), CHARLES ERNEST SMITH aged 38 years, widower, Lieutenant, Canadian Army, Harvington, [son of] Charles Ernest Smith (deceased), Gentleman and PHOEBE EMELIA DANGELZER aged 26, widow, Harvington, Warworker, Harvington, [daughter of] Jesse Wass (deceased), Service merchant.
[By me] Charles B. Woolley, Rector of Church Lench, [signed] Charles Ernest Smith and Phoebe Emelia Bangelzer. Witnesses: Winifred Constance White & George Thomas Savage.

February 22nd (sfter Banns), CHARLES ELVES REBBECK aged 26 years, bachelor, Turner, Salthey, [son of] Charles George Rebbeck, Cabinet Maker and VICTORIA MAY WHITE aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Reginald John White, Gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Charles Elves Rebbeck and Victoria May White. Witnesses: Henry White & Lillian Clark.

August 21st (after Banns) FREDERICK JOHN HOLDER aged 30 years, bachelor Soldier emmobilized, Harvington, [son of] Frederick Henry Holder (deceased), Labourer and EDITH ANNIE NEWMAN aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Newman, Labourer.
[By me] Janmes Davenport, Rector, [signed] Frederick John Holder and Edith Annie Newman. Witnesses: Emily May Holder & yhor [Christopher] Henry Newman.

October seventh (after banns) JOHN HENRY BROOKES aged 28 years, bachelor, Woodcarver, Campden, [son of] Robert Henry Brookes, Technical instructor, and HELENA VICTORIA MARY TYACK aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Henry Tyack (deceased), market gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] John Henry Brookes & Helen Victoria Mary Tyack. Witnesses: Mary Ellen Tyack & Robert Henry Brookes.

September eighth (with Banns), HORACE SHIPMAN aged 23 yearas, bachelor, Clerk, Hsrvington, [son of] Edward Shipman, (dead), Soldier and NORA LUCY WALKER aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Frederick Walker (dead), Market gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Horace Shipman and Nora Lucy Walker. Witnesses: Herbert Ludlow & George Frederick Walker.

September twenty third (by Licence), GEORGE BENJAMIN LAMBERT of full sge, bachelor, Clerk, Ware, Co. Hertford, [son of] George William Lambert, Station Master and GLADYS ETHEL CLARKE of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Hemming Clarke, Bailiff.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] George Benjamin Lambert and Gladys Ethel Clarke. Witnesses:Louisa Mary Clarke & Ellen Clarke.

January first (after Banns), FRANK REGINALD MEGAINEY aged 27 years, bachelor, Dealer, Harvington, [son of] Henry Megainey, Dairyman and ETHEL DAISY HALL aged 29 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughtert of] Edward Hall, Shepherd.
[By me] James Davenport, [signed} Frank Reginald Megainey and Ethel Daisy Hall. Witnesses: Edward Hall & Edmelia Margaret Hall.

February third (after Banns) REGINALD COWLEY HARTISS aged 28 years, bachelor, Labourer, Church Lench, [son of] Frank Hartiss, Labourer and PHYLLIS VICTORIA EMILY LOCKE aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Reuben Locke, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Reginald Cowley Hartiss and Phyllis Victoria Emily Locke. Witnesses: Reuben Locke & Ruby Vera Locke.

April sixteenth (after Banns), CHARLES HILL WALLACE aged 28 years, bachelor, Slater, Stretford, [son of] Robert Wallace, Bleacher and DORIS ELIZABETH JANE JOYNER aged 31 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles William Joyner, Carpenter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, Charles Hill Wallace and Doris Elizabeth Jane Joyner. Witnesses: Florence Fernis Skinner & Daisy Upton.

April twenty eighth (after Banns) JOHN HENRY NEWMAN of full age, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Charles Newman, Labourer and ALICE BAILEY of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Joseph Bailey (dead), Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] John Henry Newman and Alia Bailey. Witnesses: Louisa Mary Clarke & Richard Bailey.

September tenth (by Licence) RALPH LEONARD BRAZIER of full age, bachelor, Market gardener, Harvington, [son of] John Brazier, Contractor and HILDA NICHOLSON TOWERS of full age, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Samuel Towers, Artist.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Ralph Leonard Brazier and Hilda Nicholson Towers. Witnesses: Esyllt Towers, John Brazier, Gregory Harold Brazier & Saml Towers.

November 24th (after Banns), ARTHUR BRADSHAW aged 20 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Arthur Bradshaw, Labourer and KATHLEEN JOYCE HARRIS aged 17 years, spinster, Domestic servant, Harvington, [daughter] Oliver Harris, Labourer.
[By me] W.W. Vevers, Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick, [signed] Archur Bradshaw and Kathleen Joyce Harris. Witnesses: Alfred James Haines & Agnes Ellen Bradshaw.

November fourth (sfter Banns), ERNEST GORDON HARMER aged 26 years, bachelor, Civil Service, Moseley, [son of] George Henry Harmer, Commercial traveller and ESYLLT TOWERS aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Samuel Towers, Artist.
[By me] Ernest Gordon Harmer and Esillt Towers. Witnesses: Robert Henry Harmer, Mary Emma Nicholson, George Henry Harmer.

November sixteenth (after Banns), JOHN FRAISER BENTON of full age, bachelor, Estate worker, Harvington, [son of] George Benton (deceased), Labourer and EMMA STANLEY of full age, spinster, Evesham, [daughter of] William Stanley (deceased), Shepherd.
[By me] James Davnport, Rector, [signed] John Fraiser Benton and Emma Stanley. Witnesses: Amelia Stanley, Sidney Ashurn[sic] Spragg & Minnie Spragg.

February third (after Banns), ARTHUR WHITTON aged 36 years, widower, Engine driver, Stratford on Avon, [son of] Richard Stephen Whitton, Gardener and ALICEA JANE MANSELL aged 31 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Albert Mansell (deceased), Painter.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Arthur Whitton and Alia Jane Mansell. Witnesses: Charles Miller Mansell, Isabel Karen Reed & Percy Alfred Wager.

February twelfth (by Licence), WALTER HUBERT KEELING of full age, widower, Railwayman, Harvington, [son of] Walter William Keeling, Retired game keeper and ELIZABETH FANNY PACKET of full age, widow, Harvington, [daughter of] Thomas Brewer (deceased), Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Elizabeth Fanny Packett. Witnesses: Harriet Laban, Joseph Laban & George Thomas Savage.

April ninth (after Banns under "The Naval Marriages Act 1908"), WILLIAM ROBERT HUNT aged 27 years, bachelor, Gunner, H.M. ship 'Queen Elizabeth', (son of) Harry Hunt, Stockman and BEATRICE LILY HARRIS, aged 22 years, spinster, Harvington, (daughter of) Oliver Harris, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] William Robert Hunt and Beatrice Lily Harris. Witnesses: Charles Henry Harris & Alfred Victor Harris.

May first (after Banns), GEORGE THOMAS SAVAGE of full age, bachelor, Parish clerk, Harvington, [son of] Charles Savage, Labourer and WINIFRED BALDWIN of full age, spinster, S. John's, Worcester, [daughter of] George Baldwin, Cab driver.
[By me] J.H. Waugh, Vicar of St. John's, Worcester, [signed] George Thomas Savage and Winifred Baldwin. Witnesses: Agnes Masdello[?] & Thomas Joseph BaCouwin[?].

December 23rd GEORGE LAWRENCE aged 39 years, bachelor, Clerk, Harvington, [son of] John Lawrence, Signalman, and DAISY ELLEN CUTLER aged 27 years, spinster, Shop assistant, Bishop Latimer, Birmingham, [daughter of] Joseph Cutler, Cutler[sic].
[By me] W.W. Vevers, Vicar of Norton, Evesham, [signed] George Lawrence and Daisy Ellen Cutler. Witnesses: Mr Arthur Cutler & Mrs Annie Cutler.

April sixteenth (after Banns), FREDERICK WILLIAM JOHNSON aged 29 years, bachelor, Holy Trinity, Bordesley, [son of] Arthur Edward Johnson, Toolmaker and GLADYS DAVIS aged 27 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edward Davis (deceased), Bricklayer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Frederick William Johnson and Gladys Davis. Witnesses: Sidney Arthur Johnson & Walter Addis.

August first (after Banns) REGINALD PENFOLD PRUDDEN aged 24 years, bachelor, Carrier, Harvington, [son of] William Prudden (deceased), photographer and DOROTHY WINIFRED ROSE LUDLOW aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Alfred Ludlow (deceased), Market gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Reginald Penfold Prudden and Dotothy Winifred Rose Ludlow. Witnesses: Annie Elizabeth Ludlow & Gilbert Charles Prudden.

November fourteenth (after Banns) ALEC WILLIAM KNIGHT aged 23 years, bachelor, Labourer, Norton, [son of] Alfred Knight, Labourer and Ruby Vera Locke aged 20 years, spinster, Harvington [daughter of] Reuben Locke, Lsbourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Alex William Knight and Ruby Vera Locke. Witnesses: Reuben Lock & Clara Ann Hartiss.

October fourth (after Banns) , ERNEST NORMAN DAVIS aged 26 years, bachelor, Roadman, Dorchester, co. Oxon, [son of] William George Davis, Builder and DAISY KATE SMITH aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edward John Smith, Farm labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, Ernest Norman Davis and Daisy Kate Smith. Witnesses: Edward John Smith & Annie Mable Smith.

April twentieth (by Licence), ARTHUR HENRY CUTLER aged 61 years, widower, Gentleman, Harvington, William Cutler (deceased), Gentleman and CAROLINE RUTH BULLOCK aged 52, widow. Harvington, [daughter of] John Fitchet Miller, Merchant.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] Arthur Henry Cutler and Caroline Ruth Bomford. Witnesses: Benjamin Carol Millar Bomford & Arthur Gordon Cutler.

May seventh (after banns) WILLIAM BARNETT aged 24 years, bachelor, Railway porter, Salford Priors, [son of] Charles Frederick Barnett, Roadman and ROSE ELLEN MAYFIELD aged 21 years, spinster, Harvington, Thomas Mayfield, Railway foreman.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] William Barnett and Rose Ellen Mayfield. Witnesses: Thomas Mayfield & Albert William Richards & Ethel Mary Faceman.

May twenty eighth (after Banns), GEORGE ALFRED THOMAS GROVE aged 25 years, bachelor, Market gardener, All Saints', Evesham, [son of] Horace Jesse Grove, Market gardener and EDITH DOROTHY BEST aged 26 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Emmanuel George Best, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] George Alfred Thomas Grove and Edith Dorothy Best. Witnesses: Emmanuel George Best & Lucy Elizabeth Best.

March 30th (after Banns), WILLIAM SEYMOUR SHAILER sged 29 years, bachelor, Gardener, Harvington, [son of] Ernest Albert Shailer (deceased), Butcher and MARGARET MASON aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Charles Mason, Bailiff.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed] William Seymour Shailer and Margaret Mason. Witnesses: Christianna Mason & Edith Annie Shailer.

November second (after Banns). WALTER CHARLES BYWATER aged 26 years, bachelor, Builder, S. Silas Lozells, Birmingham, [son of] Walter William Bywater, Toolmaker and GERTRUDE AGNES MEEK aged 23 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William Edward Stead Meek, Market Gardener.
[By me] James Davenport, Rector, [signed, William Charles Bywater and Gertrude Agnes Meek. Witnesses: William Edward Stead Meek & William George Barber.

November thirtieth (after Banns), HAROLD LESLIE MOULDEN aged 21 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] Richard Moulden, Labourer and ANNIE MABEL SMITH aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Edward John Smith, Labourer.
[By me] James Davenport, [signed] Harold Lesdlie Moulden and Annie Mabel Smith. Witnesses: Ronald M'died[?] & James Basil Brookes.

July 14th (by Licence), FREDERICK SEYMOUR LOVELL aged 26 years, Bachelor, Commercial traveller, Barton[?], [son of] Frederick Lovell, Commercial traveller and WINIFRED EDITH COLEY, aged 24 years, Harvington, [daughter of] Samuel Coley, Ditch Keeper.
[By me] R P Ridsdale, Vicar of Salford Priors & ---------[?], [signed] Frederick Seymour Lovell and Winifred Edith Coley. Witnesses: Phillip[?] Pickford & Edith Eliza Coley.

August 23rd (after Banns), OWEN DAVID BALLINGER aged 31 years, bachelor, Medical practioner, 2 Dallan Road, Shipley, Yorkshire, [son of] John Ballinger, Knight and MARY KATHLEEN LEIGHTON BOMFORD aged 24 years, spinster, The Laurels, [daughter of] Alfred William Bomford (deceased), Gent.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Owen David Ballinger and Mary Kathleen Leighton Bomford. Witnesses: Caroline Ruth Cutler, John Ballinger, Benjamin Curd[?] & Millard Bomford.

November 15th (after Banns) CYRIL DENNIS MOSS aged 21 years, bachelor, Labourer, Harvington, [son of] James Moss, Railway Porter and KATHLEEN JOYCE BRADSHAW aged 26 years, widow, Domestic service, Harvington, [daughter of] Oliver Harris (deceased), Market gardener.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Cyril Dennis Moss and Kathleen Joyce Bradshaw. Witnesses: Phyllis Sophia Moyle & Horace James Moss.

June 15th (after Banns), LEONARD FAIRBROTHER aged 24 years, bachelor, Motor driver, Cropthorne, [son of] Bertram Fairbrother, Gardener and DORIS JONES aged 22 years, spinster, Home duties, Harvington, [daughter of] Arthur Jones, R---- ----[?].
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Leonard Fairbrother and Doris Jones. Witnesses: Arthur Jones & Francis Henry Haynes.

August 28th (after Banns), CYRIL GEOFFREY SHAILER aged 24 years, bachelor, Motor driver, Harvington, [son of] Ernest Albert Shailer, Market gardener and HARRIET VIOLET NANCY LUDLOW aged 23 years, spinster, Home duties, Harvington, [daughter of] Alfred Ludlow (deceased), Market gardener.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Cyril Geoffrey Shailer and Hrriet Violet Nancy Ludlow. Witnesses: Dorothy Winifred Rose Prudden & Laurence Frank Shailer.

October 24th (after Banns), ERNEST EDWARD RAWLINGS aged 26 years, bachelor, Coke[?] blocker, Norton, [son of] Ernest Thomas Jarvis Rawlings, Fruit merchant and CONSTANCE MADELINE SHAILER aged 24 years, spinster, Domestic duties, Harvington, [daughter of] Frederick Hubert Shailer, Gardener.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Ernest Edward Rawlings and Constance Madeline Shailer. Witnesses: Frederick James Rollins & Alfred George Smith.

April 25th (after Banns), SYDNEY EDGAR CRESSWELL aged 28 years, bachelor, Gardener, 1 Evesham Road, Harvington, [son of] Edgar Cresswell, Market gardener and IRENE MAY BEASLEY aged 24 years, Grnge Lane, Harvington, [daughter of] Geoffrey George Beasley, Plate layer.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Sydney Edgar Cresswell and Irene May Beasley. Witnesses: Geoffrey George Beasley & Raymond Victor Cresswell.

July 30th (after Banns), JOHN REGINALD MORETON aged 24 years, bachelor, Commercial traveller, 297 Mary Vale Road, Bourneville, [son of] John Henry Moreton, Storekeeper and WILHELMENA VICTORIA BEASLEY aged 27 years, spinster, Bredon Grounds, Harvington, [daughter of] George Robert Beasley, Market gardener.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] John Reginal Moreton and Wilhelmena Victoria Beasley. Witnesses: F.G. Noel Moreton, M.A. Beasley, C.M. Beasley, J.H. Moreton & G.A. Moreton.

September 10th (after Banns), WILLIAM GEORGE BARBER aged 27 years, bachelor, Police constable, 17 Manor Road, Rugby, [son of] John Bailey Barber, Farmer and DOROTHY ROSE MEEK aged 24 years, Clerk, Poplar Cottage, Harvington, [daughter of] William Stead Edward Meek, Market gardener.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] William George Barber and Dorothy Rose Meek. Witnesses: Mabel Kate Meek, William Meek & Thomas Barber.

June 3rd (after Banns), VICTOR RAYMOND SIDNEY BISHOP aged 29 years, bachelor, Farm labourer Leys Road, Harvington, [son of] Walter John Bishop, Farm labourer and BEATRICE ELEANOR WESTBURY aged 26 years, spinster, Leys Road, Harvington, [daughter of] Alfred Westbury, Farm labourer.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Victor Raymond Sidney Bishop and Beatrice Eleaor Westbury. Witnesses: Alfred Westbury, Frieda Dorothy Westbury & Walter Henry Bishop.

August 5th (after Banns), ALFRED SMITH aged 30 years, bachelor, Bricklayer, 1 Victoria Place, London Road, Worcester, [son of] John Smith (deceased), -----[?] and MARGARET AMELIA HUGHES aged 25 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] Ernest Hughes (deceased), Farm----[?].
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed], Alfred Smith and Margaret Amelia Hughes. Witnesses: Walter Joseph Hughes & Horace[?] Arthur Newman.

February 17th (after Banns), GRAHAM JOHN COLLETT aged 20 years, bchelor, Market gardener, The Common, Atch Lench nr Evesham, [son of] John Henry Collett, Farm labourer and ALICE MAY JOYNER aged 21 years, spinster, Shop assistant, Coles Cottage, Harvington, [daughter of] Frederick Charles Joyner, Farm labourer.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Graham John Collett and Alice May Joyner. Witnesses: Frederick Charles Joyner & Frank Harris.

June 6th (after Banns), WILLIAM DOUGLAS YATES aged 25 years, bachelor, Seedsman, 16 Queens Road, Evesham, [son of] William Yates (deceased), Seedsman and Sheila Hodgkinson aged 22 years, spinster, Dalkeith, Harvington, [daughter of] Raymond Hodgkinson, Agricultural contractor.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] William Douglas Yates and Sheila Hodginson. Witnesses: Stanley Yates, Hilda Grace Herd-[?] Renser[?], Eleanor F. Yates, Antony Hathan.

February 9th (after Banns), WILFRED STEPHENS aged 27 years, bachelor, Farm labourer, Frogmore Cottages, Norton, [son of] Ernest Stephens. Market gardener and ELSIE MAY EDEN aged 26 years, spinster, Domestic service, 1 Council House, Leys Road, Harvington, [daughter of] John Eden (deceased), Farm labourer.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Wilfred Stephens and Elsie May Eden. Witnesses: Katherine Elizabeth Eden & Ben Stephens.

September 5th (after Banns), LAWRENCE CHARLES O'Neill aged 23 years, bachelor, Lorry driver, 35 Scholers Lane, Stratford on Avon, [son of] John Francis O'Neill (deceased), Builder[?] and DOROTHY MAUDE MANSELL aged 19 years, spinster, Domestic service, Station Bank, Harvington, [daughter of] William Henry Mansell (deceased), Painter.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] Lawrence Charles O'Neill and Dorothy Maude Mansell. Witnesses: Bernard George Mansell, William John Simpson & Amy Mildred O'Neill.

December 7th (after Banns), JAMES FREDERICK BAYLIS aged 29 years, bachelor, Baker, Harvington, [son of] Sidney Peter Baylis, Butcher ad LUCY ELIZABETH MARY LANGSTON aged 24 years, spinster, Harvington, [daughter of] William George Langston, Farm labourer.
[By me] Horace T. Boultbee, Rector, [signed] James Frederick Baylis and Luct Elizabeth Mary Langston. Witnesses: Sydney George Baylis & Phyllis Edna Best.

1813 - 1935

The Pound containing 130 square yards or thereabouts was consecrated by Bishop Philpott on July 21. 1885.

The additional grounds south-west of the churchyard containing 1 rood 38 perches or thereabouts was consecrated by Bishop Yeatman-Biggs on Sunday March 7. 1915 and a confirmation was held by him in the church the same day.

John Williams, of Harvington, Novbr 21st, aged 9. T Thomas, Curate
Thomas Clements, of Lenchwick, Decbr 7th, aged 22. T Thomas, Curate
Elizth Knight, or North Littleton, Decbr 15th, aged 32. T. Thomas, Curate
Sarah Richardson, of Harvington, Decbr 25th aged 77. T. Thomas, Curate.
Sent to Court from this place Janry 1st.

Maria Woodward, of Harvington, Janry 24th, aged 4. T. Thomas, Curate
Mary White, of Harvington, March 27th, aged 58. T. Thomas, Curate
Thomas Halford, of Harvington, April 30th, infant. T. Thomas, Curate
Frederic James Paster, of Harvington, May 1st, infant. T. Thomas, Curate
William Marchall, of Lenchwick, June 24th, aged 57. Thos Thomas, Curate
Joseph Cowley, of Harvington, October the 24th, aged 17. W. Wormington, Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick, Officiating Minister
Sent to Court from this place 28 June.

Nothing for 1815

Joseph Toovey, of Harvington, 16th Jany, aged 61. Thos Eades, Curate
Anna Canning, of Harvington, 7th March, aged 82. John Eades, Rector of Abbots Morton
William Smith, of Harvington, 1st April, aged 73. Thos Eades
Mary Perkes, of Churchlench, 6th April, aged 26. Thos Eades
John Quiney, of Sherifslench, 8th May, aged 72. Thos Eades
Sent to Court 13 May.
Ann Bennet, of Harvington, 18th August, infant. Thos Eades
Maria Blackford, of Evesham, 10th Decr, aged 17. Thos Eades, Curate

Mary Woodward, of Harvington, 6th Feby, aged 57. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sent to Court 19th May.
Charlotte Blackford, of Evesham, 30th Decr, aged 23. Ths Eades, [Curate]

Elizabeth Prestage, of Harvington, 4th April, aged 68. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Atkins, of Harvington, 13th June, aged 24. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sent to Court 22nd June.
Thomas Heeks, Evesham, 5th July, aged 43. Thos Eades, [Curate]
William Skinner, of Harvington, 19th Octr, aged 40. John Eades, Rector of Abbots Morton
Thomas White, of Evesham, 10th Novr, aged 3. Thos Eades, [Curate]

John Cale, of Harvington, 19th Jany aged 86. Thos Eades, Curate
Susanna Smith, of Evesham, 5th Feby, aged 37. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Halford, of Harvington, 22 Decr, aged 54. Thos Eades, [Curate]

William Brooks, of North Littleton, 9th March, aged 43. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Cowley, of Harvington, 10th March, aged 84. Thos Eades, [Curate]
James Adams, of Harvington, 14th March, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Ann White, of Evesham, 7th May, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Thomas Adams, of Harvington, 4th Feby, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Taylor, of Harvington, 11th Feby, infant. Thos Eades, Curate
Sarah Bennet, of Evesham, 31st May, aged 43. Thos Eades, [Curate]
William Warren, of Harvington, 7th June, aged 34. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sent to Court 19th June 1821.
Maria Broomfield, of Harvington, 17th July, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Steward, of Harvington, 30th Decr, aged 76. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Ann Matthews, of Harvington, 3rd April, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Hawkes, of Harvington, 25th April, aged 34. Thos Eades, [Curate]

John Hawkes, of Harvington, 10th Jany, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Matthews, of Harvington, 12th Jany, aged 10. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Jesse Hale, of Harvington, 16th Jany, aged 11. Thos Eades, [Curate]
George Adams, of Harvington, 10th April, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sarah Neale, of Harvington, 26th Augst, aged 2. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Hurst, of Norton, 15th Septr, aged 77. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, 27th Novr, aged 56. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Mary Walford Clements, of Harvington, 22nd Jany, aged 72. Thos Eades, [Curate]
George Savage, of Norton, 26th Feby, aged 81. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Ann Hawkes, of Harvington, 16th March, aged 84. Thos Eades, Curate
James Prestage, of Harvington, 31st March, aged 82. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Bennett, of Cropthorn, 14th March, aged 50. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Lucy Barrett, of Defford, 26th Octr, aged 77. Thos Eades, [Curate]

James Prestage, of Worcester, 12th Feby, aged 26. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Heeks, of Evesham, 26th May, aged 56. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Alice Gould, of Harvington, 16th June, aged 72. John Eades, Rector of Abbots Morton
Mary Mander, of Harvington, 25th Septr, aged 56. John Eades, [Curte]
Ann Adams, of Harvington, 5th Novr, aged 5. J Eades, Curate

Sophia Carless, of Harvington, 16th Feby, aged 19. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sarah Allen, of Harvington, 10 March, aged 5. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Ann Hale, of Harvington, 22th March, aged 24. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Pittaway, of North Littleton, 25th April, aged 11. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sent to Court 8th May.
Ann Oakes, of North Littleton, 9th May, aged 21. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Hancock, of Bengeworth, 26th June, aged 24. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Rebecca Burch, of Sheriffslench, 8th August, aged 70. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Bolton, of Harvington, 28th August, infant. Thos Eades, Curate
Thomas Walford Marshall, of Harvington, 5th Novr, aged 81. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Ann Atkins, of Harvington, 28th Decr, aged 68. Thos Eades, [Curate].

Mary Joynes, of Harvington, 21st Feby, aged 33. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Charles Adams, of Harvington, 22 Augst, infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Newman, of Harvington, 30th Sept, aged 38. Thos Eades, [Curate]
William Parry, of Harvington, 20th Novr, aged 63. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Mary Stephens, of Harvington, 30th April, aged 21. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Rammell, of Harvington, 21st June, aged 78. Thos Eades, Curate.
George Adams, of Harvington, 18th Novr, aged 75. J. Eades, Rector of Abbots Morton
Elizabeth Hughes, of Evesham, 5th Decr, aged 72. Thos Eades, {Curate]
John Rammel, of Bidford, 20th Decr, aged 80. Thos Eades, {Curate]

Henry Mander, of Harvington, 13th Feby, aged 22. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Deville, of Harvington, 12th March, Infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Samuel Knight, of Harvington, 22nd April, aged 87. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Benjamin Stephens, of Harvington, 18th June, aged 54. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Derrick, of North and Middle Littleton, 20th July, aged 49. Thos Eades, Curate
Emily Sarah Charles, of Harvington, 10th Octr, aged 7. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Sale, of North and Middle Littleton, 18th Novr, aged 9. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Henry Prestage, of Offenham, 11th Decr, Infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Job Mander, of North and Middle Littleton, 4th Jany, aged 17. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Henry Newman, of Harvington, 31st Jany, aged 70. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Sorrel, of Harvington, 16th Feby, aged 45. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Marshall, of Harvington, 8th May, aged 74. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Ann Coldicott, of Bidford, 21st June, aged 45. Thos Eades, Curate.
Anthony Newman, of Harvington, 27th July, aged 70. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Atkins, of Harvington, 6th Octr, aged 75. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sarah Cowley, of Harvington, 24th Octr, aged 57. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sarah Knight, of Harvington, 25th Octr, aged 25. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Robert Woodward, of Harvington, 4th Novr, aged 79. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sophia Baylis, of Evesham, 5th Novr, aged 1 year eight months. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Maria White, of Harvington, 3rd Decr, aged 10 months. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sarah Paddock, of Harvington, 15th Secr, aged 59. Thos Eades, Curate
Sarah Taylor, of Harvington, 20th Decr, aged 69. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Charles Sale, of North and Middle Littleton, 5th Jany, 6. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Hughes, of Norton, 8th Jany, aged 83. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Ann Pearce, of Bengeworth, 10th Jany, aged 60. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Paddock, of Harvington, 5th Feby, aged 32. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Paddock, of Harvington, 8th March, aged 60. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Jane Canning, of Harvington, 27th March, aged 58. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sent to Court 15th May.
Martha Prestage, Harvington, 12th July, aged 32. Thos Eades, Curate.
Ann Sorrel, of Harvington, 15th July, aged 15 weeks. Thos Eades, [Curate]
William Cawdell, of Harvington, 25th July, aged 35. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Brookes, of Harvington, [no day] Sept, aged 16. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Lydia Hancock, of Harvington, 18th Octr, Infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Quiney, Sheriffs Lench, 17th Novr, aged 72. Thos Eades, [Curate]

1831 [1832]
Thomas Bevan, of Harvington, 21st March, aged 5. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Ann Sanders Bevan, of Harvington, 25th March, aged 8. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Hannah Gardner, of Harvington, 28th May, aged 36. Thos Eades, Curate
Sent to Court 4th June
Benjamin Sale, of North and Middle Littleton, 15th Novr, aged 40. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Nicholas Marshall, of Lenchwick, 26th Decr, aged 72. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Lucy Cole, of Harvington, 5th April, aged 19. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Harris, of Harvington, 18th May, aged 55. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Ann Cole, of Harvington, 24th May, Infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Martin, of Harvington, 28th June, aged 5. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sent to Court 30th June 1833
Sarah Hancock, of Harvington, 3rd August, aged 10. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Chambers, of Harvington, 13th August, aged 3. Thos Eades, Curate
Sarah Pesteridge, of Harvington, 16th August, aged 1. Thos Eades, Curate
Elizabeth Sparkes, of Harvington, 27th August, aged 7. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Thomas Brewer, of Harvington, 28th August, Infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Hawkes, of North and Middle Littleton, 30th Decr, aged 28. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Moses Bennet, of Harvington, 23rd March, aged 76. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, 29th March, aged 80. Thos eades, [Curate]
John Harris, of Harvington, 22nd April, aged 19. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Joseph Knight, of Harvington, 24th August, aged 76. Thos Eades, Curate
Elizabeth Brookes, of Harvington, 18th Novr, aged 34. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Jane Brookes, of Harvington, 18th Novr, Infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Alice Bennet, [blank], 6th Decr, aged 61. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Emma Jelfs, of Harvington, 11th Jany, aged 5. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Jelfs, of Harvington, 18th Jany, aged 1 year. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Stanton, of Harvington, 24th Jany, aged 63. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Winifred Walker, of Harvington, 26th Jany, aged 2. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Sent to Court 1st June
Mary Thornhill, of Harvington, 28th Feby, aged 68. Revd Mr Dyer Vicar of Norton
Thomas Brewer, of Harvington, 15th July, Infant. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Ann Bennett, 20th Jany, aged 76. Thos Eades, [Curate]
John Smith, of Evesham, 25th March, aged 91. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Mary Knight, of Harvington, 10th Augst, aged 73. Thos Eades, [Curate]

Mary Woodward, of Harvington, 14th Feby, aged 71. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Joseph Knight, of Harvington, 15th Feby, aged 11 months. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Elizabeth Bayliss, of Evesham, 7th May, aged 40. Thos Eades, [Curate]
William Bullock, of Harvington, 25th May, aged 55. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Allen Bayliss, of Evesham, 2nd June, aged 12. M Medwyn, Dorsington, Gloucestershire
Thomas Davis, of Harvington, 15th Sept, aged 4 months. Thos Eades, [Curate]
James Ingles, of Harvington, 20th Octr, aged 38. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Selina Maria Hughes, of Harvington, 22nd Octr, aged 1 year. Thos Eades, [Curate]
Ann Hawkes, of Harvington, 21 Novr, Infant. T. R. Medwin[?], Officiating Minister
Transcript, sent, G S
Sarah Careless, of Harvington, 8th Dec, aged 17. T. R. Medwin[?], Officiating Minister

Sarah Cordle, of Harvington, 21st Feby, aged 75. William Preedy, Officiating Minister
Chas Cott[?] Halford, of Harvington, 22nd Feby, aged 19. Thos Eades, Curate
Elizabeth Squire, of Harvington, 11th March, aged 15 yrs. G Shute, Curate
Charles Woodward, Birmingham, 26th Decr, aged 37. William Preedy, Curate

Samuel Woodward, of Harvington, 11th Feby, aged 82. William Preedy, Curate
Sarah Davies, of Harvington, 1st March, aged 62. William Preedy, Curate
Joseph Finch, of Harvington, 17th April, aged 58. William Preedy, Curate
Ann Matthews, of Harvington, 4th May, aged 2. William Preedy, Curate
Mary Tovey, of Harvington, 11th July, aged 74. William Preedy, Curate
Mary Anne Hale, of Harvington, 11th July, aged 28. William Preedy, Curate
John Oliver, of Pebworth, 20th August, aged 8 months. W. Preedy, Curate
Lydia Bullock, of Harvington, 26th Decr, aged 25. W. Preedy, Curate

Sarah Ann Knight, of Harvington, 19th Jany, aged 10 months. W. Preedy, Curate
Thomas Martin, of Harvington, 27th Jany, aged 49. W Preedy, Curate
Mary Matthews, of Harvington, 14th March, aged 7. W Preedy, Curate
Sarah Goddard, of Harvington, 15th March, aged 77. W Preedy, Curate
Charles Hughes, of Harvington, 16th August, aged 4 months. Frederic Forbes, Officiating Minister
Eleanor Ewans, of Norton, 29th October, aged 53 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Hannah Ingles, of Harvington, 16th December, aged 72 years. E W Ingram, Rector

Francis Knight, of Harvington, 6th March, aged 8 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Fletcher, of Harvington, 16th July, aged 45 years. E W Ingram, Rector
William Court, of Harvington, 24th August, aged 1 day. H B Whiting, Officiating Minister
Thomas Hughes, of Harvington, 30th November, aged 5 mths. H B Whiting, Officiating Minister
George Squire, of Harvington, 11th December, aged 2 years. E W Ingram, Rector

Thomas Beasley, of Harvington, 1st February, aged 8 months. E W Ingram, Rector
Catherine Harbourn, of Feckenham, 23rd March, aged 55 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Betty Newman, of Harvington, 6th April, aged 76 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Hawkes, of Harvington, 30th May, aged 78 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Edmund Marshall, of Harvington, 3rd September, aged 45 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Jotham Hale, of Harvington, 15th November, aged 66 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Bennett, of Charlton, 19th November, aged 74 years. Brian Faussett, Officiating Minister

Alice Bourton, of Harvington, 8th February, aged 37 years. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Joseph Kinght, of Harvington, 10th February, aged 4 months. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Sarah Jones, of Harvington, 13th February, aged 84 Years. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Mary Martin, of Harvington, 7th April, aged 50 years. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Mary Woodward, of Dunnington in the Parish of Salford, 23rd August, aged 83 years. W Brown, Officiating Minister.
Ellen Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, 27th December, aged 3 yrs & 8 mths. E W Ingram, Rector

Alice Pesteridge, of Harvington, 1st February, aged 67 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Matthews, of Harvington, 29th March, aged 68 years. E W Ingram, Rector
John Taylor, of Harvington, 11th May, aged 84 years. E W Ingram, Rector
William White, of Harvington, 2nd June, aged 42 years. E W Ingram, Rector
John Avery, of Harvington, 3rd June, aged 66 years. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Elizabeth George, of Harvington, 24th June, aged 84 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Philippa Prickett, of Kings Norton, 25th June, aged 60 years. E W Ingram, Rector
Harriet Marshall, of Harvington, 13th September, aged 56 years. E W Ingram, Rector

George Matthews, of Harvington, 8th Febraury, aged 19 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Job Ingles, of Harvington, 12th March, aged 39 years. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Henry Brooks, of Harvington, 12th July, aged 42 years. A W Ingram, Rector
William Hale, of Harvington, 16th August, aged 10 days. A W Ingram, Rector
Edward George, of Hampton, 11th September, aged 75 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Squire, of Harvington, 26th October, aged 16 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Joseph Hawkes, of Harvington, 30th October, aged 29 years. William Brown, Officiating Minister
Lucy Sarah Jones, of Harvington, 13th November, aged 17 months. William Brown, Officiating Minister
Richard Charlette Squire, of Harvington, 25th November, aged 13 years. A W Ingram, Rector
John Squire, of Harvington, 2nd December, aged 54 years. A W Ingram, Rector
John Stephens, of Evesham, 28th December, aged 34 years. A W Ingram, Rector

Jane Beasley, of Harvington, 1st February, aged 16 weeks. A W Ingram, Rector
Mary Jobson, of Harvington, 22nd April, aged 3 months. A W Ingram, Rector
William Williams, of Harvington, 13th May, aged 6 weeks. W Brown, Officiating Minister
John Dobbins, of Harvington, 8th September, aged 78 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Jones, of Harvington, 26th September, aged 32 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Anne Robins, of Harvington, 18th December, aged 25 years. A W Ingram, Rector

Joseph Sorrel, of Harvington, 16th January, aged 29 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Samuel Page, of Hampton, 5th March, aged 94 years. A W Ingram, Rector
William Hawkes, of Winchcombe, Gloucester, 16th June, aged 53 years. A W Ingram, Rector
George Hawkes, of Harvington, 14th July, aged 5 years. A W Ingram, Rector
George Williams, of Harvington, 26th August, aged 3 months. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Mary Beazeley, of Harvington, 18th September, aged 33 years. W Brown, Officiating Minister
Thomas Heeks, of Lenchwick, 26th October, aged 40 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Mary Jobson, of Harvington, 27th October, aged 8 months. A W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Hill, of Harvington, 30th October, aged 76 years. A W Ingram, Rector
William Corbett Beaseley, of Norton, 21st November, aged 2½ months. A W Ingram, Rector

Joshua Careless, of Harvington, 9th January, aged 44 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Brookes, at the Infirmary Worcester, 11th January, aged 22 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Joseph Hawkes, of Harvington, 31st January, aged 81 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Joseph Court, of Harvington, 9th April, aged 4 days. A W Ingram, Rector
Mabel Parry, of Stratford, 15th May, aged 82 years. Wm Brown, Officiating Minister
William Caudle, of Kemerton, Gloucestershire, 3rd October, aged 86 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Francis Withers, of Harvington, 18th December, aged 15 years. A W Ingram, Rector
John Lewis André, of Harvington, 23rd December, aged 77 years. A W Ingram, Rector

Catherine Emma Knight, of Harvington, 21st July, aged 6 months. A W Ingram, Rector
Alice Hawker, of Atch-lench, 18 September, aged 25 years, Slade Baker, Curate

William Bourton, of Harvington, 1st March, aged 73 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Mary Stephens, of Evesham, 15th March, aged 79 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Anne Halford, in Workhouse, Hampton, 15th March, aged 91 years. A W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Taylor, of Harvington, 30th May, aged 1 year and 4 months. A W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Squire, Barton, Parish of Bidford, Cty of Warwick, 7th July, aged 86 years. Slade Baker, Curate

Jane Farley, of Harvington, 27th February, aged 12 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Sorrel, of Harvington, 5th March, aged 4 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Bullock, of Harvington, 11th March, aged one month. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Henry Knight, of Harvington, 13th March, aged 8 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Bullock, of Hsrvington, 28th June, aged 73 years. S E Garrard, Officiating Minister
Jesse Hawkes, of Harvington, 24th September, aged 5 months. S E Garrard, Officiating Minister
William Williams, of Harvington, 9th October, aged 74 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Ellen Ellis, of Harvington, 20th November, aged 2 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Parker, of Harvington, 18th December, aged 53 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Thomas Bullock, of Harvington, 3rd March, aged 5 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Hephzebah Smith, of Harvington, 30th April, aged 11 years 9 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Jane Hawkes, of Harvington, 15th May, aged 13 years. Samuel Garrard, Curate
Sarah Sorrell, of Harvington, 24th June, aged 52 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Jones, of Harvington, 23rd July, aged 8 years 11 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
James Paddock, of Harvington, 1st August, aged 58 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Alfred George Badger, of Harvington, 27th August, aged 3 months. Samuel Garrard, Curate
Mary Knight, of Haselor, Warwickshire, 4th November, aged 79 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Frederick William Crosswell, of Harvington, 13th November, aged 3 months. A H W Ingram, Rector

Sarah Anne Wormington, of Harvington, 13th April, aged 10 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Hawkes Marshall, of Harvington, 29th June, aged 62 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Butler, of Harvington, 6th November, aged 83 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Paddock, of Harvington, 15th December, aged 24 years. S Garrard, Curate

William Hook, of Harvington, 2nd February, aged 79 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Joseph Matthews, of Harvington, 28th March, aged 72 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Jemima, Pennell, of Harvington, 9th April, aged 53 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Trenfield Williams, of Harvington, 18th May, aged 16 years. Samuel Garrard, Curate
Caroline Downes, of Harvington, 8th July, aged 6 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
George Sorrell, Work House, Hampton, 30th August, aged 42 years. Samuel Garrard, Curate
Richard Eden, of Harvington, 27th November, aged one month. A H W Ingram, Rector

Joseph Davis, of Harvington, 29th March, aged 59 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Downes, of Harvington, 28th April, aged 8 years. Thomas Richards, Curate
Anne Bourton, of Norton, 16th August, aged 82 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Anthony Newman, of Harvington, 19th August, aged 62 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Robert Taylor, of Harvington, 11th October, aged 14 years. Sam Gerrard, Officiating Minister

James Ingles, of Leamington, 27th February, aged 87 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Williams, of Harvington, 28th February, aged 49 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Sparkes, of Harvington, 4th April, aged 5 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Eliza Sparkes, of Harvington, 23rd April, aged one month. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Gould Marshall, of Harvington, 19th June, aged 66 years. A H W Ingram
Jane Devile, of Harvington, 9th August, aged 1 year. John C Lewis, Curate
Sarah Trenfield, of Barton, Warwickshire, 9th October, aged 61 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Skinner, of Harvington, 22nd October, aged 25 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
James Pestridge, of Workhouse, Hampton, 1st Novber, aged 81 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Goddard, Workhouse, Hampton, 2nd Novber, aged 81 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Richard Jephcott, of Temple Grafton, Warwickshire, 15th December, aged 66 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Mary Spiers, of Harvington, 8th January, aged 6 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Sorrel, of Harvington, 10th January, aged 54 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Pestridge, of Harvington, 10th April, aged 84 years. J Clarke Lewis, Curate
Henry Brewer, of Harvington, 24th April, aged 10 years. J Clarke Lewis Curate
George Fardon, of Harvington, 25th June, aged 6 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Helen Maria Hale, of Harvington, 14th July, aged 16 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Samuel Carter, of Harvington, 8th Sept, aged 88 years. W Bond, Rector of Beauchamp Roding, Essex
Anne Sparkes, of Harvington, 14th October, aged 22 years. A H W Ingram, Curate

Alice Harbert, of Harvington, 5th March, aged 66 years. A H W Ingram, Curate
Maria Taylor, of Harvington, 5th June, aged one month. John Levien, Officiating Minister
Elizabeth Harris, Workhouse, Hampton, 7th July, aged 83 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Gould, of Harvington, 22nd July, aged 67 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William James Tarrant, of Harvington, 5th Octr, aged 5 months. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
John Walker, Workhouse, Hampton, 10th November, aged 64 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Anne Wise, of Harvington, 26th November, aged 52 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Samuel Stone Charles, of Harvington, 18th February, aged 75 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Williams, of Harvington, 17th March, aged 77 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Fanny Williams , of Harvington, 28th July, aged 18 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Agnes Sparkes, of Harvington, 22 Sep, aged 3 weeks. Narcissus G Batt, Vicar of Norton & Lenchwick
Alfred Elliss, of Evesham, 25 Sep, aged 4 years. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
Catherine Emma Elliss, of Evesham, 20th October, aged 2 years and 6 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Anne Maria Prickett, of Harvington, 23 November, aged 73 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

William Hawker, of Harvington, 9 April, aged 45 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Henry Jobson, of Harvington, 36th June, aged 40 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Joseph Davis, of Harvington, 20th October, aged 1 day. A H W Ingram, Rector
Martha Heeks, of Stratford on Avon, 26th December, aged 58 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Jane Spinks, of Harvington, 10th February, aged 7 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, 8 December, aged 71 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Thomas Henry Carpenter, of Harvington, 9th February, aged 7 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Catherine Keyte of Birminghsm, 26th February, aged 65 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Knight, of Harvington, 11th April, aged 63 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Jane Elizabeth Westbury, of Harvington, 22nd June, aged 5 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

William Stanly, Harvington, 29 January, aged 4 years, A H W Ingram, Rector
Samuel Keyte, Birmingham, 28 February, aged 67 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Ellen Spinks, of Harvington, 14th Mary, aged 6 days. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
Sarah Best, of Harvington, 30 November, aged 56 years. A H Winnington Ingram, Rector

William Westbury, of Harvington, 23 March, aged 5 weeks. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
Moses Jones, of Harvington, 25th April, aged 70 years. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
John Marshall, of Harvington, 10th June, aged 78 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Cole, of Church Lench, 11th June, aged 89 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Edward Hill, Workhouse, Hampton, 16th June, aged 74 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Skinner, of Harvington, 7th Augt, aged 89 years. John Kaye, Curate
Elizabeth Newman, of Harvington, 18th Sept, aged 22 years. John Kaye, Curate

Mary Cole, of Church Lench, 18 March, aged 79 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
George Withers, of Harvington, 1st April, aged 71 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Anne Moore, of Harvington, 23rd April, aged 63 years. A H Winnington Ingram
Marianne Marshall, of Harrington, 20th September, aged 66 years. J Charles
Mary Hancock, of Harvington, 20th September, aged 3 years. J Charles
Thomas Holland, of Harvington, 22nd October, aged 35 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Sarah Neale, of Harvington, 8th March, aged 65 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Edward Davis, of Harvington, 31st May, aged 72 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Charlotte Ellis, of Evesham, 6th June, aged 35 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Butler, of Harvington, 8th July, aged 77 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Williams, of Harvington, 9th Sept, aged 17 years. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
male unknown, [blank], 11th Sept, aged [blank]. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
Anne Sollis, of Harvington, 24th October, aged 2 years and 8 months. A H W Ingram
Elizabeth Davis, of Ripple, 4th December, aged 73 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Alfred Herbert Hazard, of Harvington, 11th December, aged 36 years. John Kaye, Officiating Minister
Charles Taylor, of Harvington, 27th December, aged 13 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

George Ellis, of Eversham, 24 March, aged 36 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Dinah, Sparkes, of Harvington, 25th June, aged 36 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Careless, of Harvington, 18 August, aged 86 years. J. StephenSon, Officiating Minister
William Henry Haines, of Harvington, 6th November, aged 2 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Hannah Heywood, of Harvington, 10th December, aged 58 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Charles Skinner, of Harvington, 20th February, aged 75 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
George Robbins, of Harvington, 24th March, aged 74 years. J StephenSon, Officiating Minister
Mary Cowley, of Harvington, 27 March, aged 60 years. J StephenSon, Officiating Minister
Emily Sarah Meade, of Harvington, 17th July, aged 2 years 5 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Hancock, of Harvington, 18th July, aged 72 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Laffy, of Foxwood, Mayo, Ireland, 26th July, aged 46 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Emily Maria Davis, of Harvington, 18th August, aged 6 months. J StephenSon
James Henry Brookes, of Harvington, 24th September, aged 4 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Newman, of Harvington, 15th October, aged 65 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sophia Paddock, of Harvington, 24th December, aged 45 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Palmer, of Harvington, 28th December, aged 3 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Albert Stanley, of Harvington, 15 March, aged 4 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Rhoda Paddock, of Harvington, 25 March, aged 79 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Charlotte Pricket, of Harvington, 29th May, aged 87 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, aged 36th May, aged 87 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Brookes, of Harvington, 17th June, aged 34 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Cowley, of Harvington, 14th July, aged 67 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Alice Aldington, of Harvington, 1st August, aged 2 years 6 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Jane Ann Jackman, of Harvington, 7th September, aged 4 months. J StephenSon, Officiating Minister

Thomas Cowley, Workhouse, Hampton, 9th February, aged 73 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Neale, of Harvington, 10th April, aged 79 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Oliver Hunt, of Radford, Rous Lench, 5th November, 5 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Emily Knight, of Harvington, 9th November, aged 17 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Best, of Workhouse, Hampton, 6th December, aged 75 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Jane Aldington, of Harvington, 71[sic] December, aged 8 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Fanny Jones, of Harvington, 15th January, aged 9 months. A H W Ingram, Rector.
Elizabeth Mary Meade, of Harvington, 5th February, aged 34 May. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Bourton, of Harvington, 23 March, aged 61 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Brewer, of Harvington, 28th April, aged 29 years. J StephenSon
Mary Robbins, of Harvington, 21st July, aged 76 years. J Garrard, Officiating Minister
Frederick Knight, of Harvington, 28th July, aged 33 years. J StephenSon
James Devile, of Harvington, 2nd September, aged 17 days. J Stephenson
William Spiers, of Harvington, 27 November, aged 66 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Mary Brewer, of Harvington, 25 February, aged 63 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Emily Catherine Roberts, of Church Lench, 14th March, aged 27 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Charles, of Harvington, 19th March, aged 83 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Helen Shailer, of Harvington, 26th April, aged 5 days. A H W Ingram
Sarah Anne Collis, of Harvington, 24th May, aged 14 years. J StephenSon
William Sorrell, of Harvington, 31st May, aged 57 years. J StephenSon
Fanny Louisa Haines, of Harvington, 19th June, aged 7 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Hunt, of Harvington, 25th June, aged 24 years. J StephenSon
Silas Thomas Westbury, of Harvington, 30th June, aged 1 year. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Aldington, of Harvington, 16th October, aged 38 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Sarah Brown, of Harvington, 27 November, aged 80 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

William Ludlow, of Harvington, 1st March, aged 6 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Selina Hughes, of Harvington, 25th March, aged 5 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Letitia Palmer, of Harvington, 13th April, aged 14 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
James Thomas Hunt, of Harvington, 14th June, aged 7 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Pesteridge, of Harvington, 28th July, aged 66 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Matilda Williams, of Harvington, 7th January, aged 23 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Alice Court, of Harvington, 13th January, aged 66 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Anne Ingram, of Harvington, 23rd January, aged 76 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
George Thomes Eades, of Harvington, 5th March, aged 9 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Mansell, of Harvington, 3rd April, aged 3 weeks. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Jephcott, of Wixford, Warwickshire, 17th August, aged 84 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Herbert Savage, of Harvington, 18th March, aged 6 months. J StephenSon, Curate
Hannah Sparkes, of Harvington, 2nd May, aged 71 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Florence Ludlow, of Harvington, 31st July, aged 12 days. A H W Ingram, Rector

John Taylor, of Harvington, 13th January, aged 63 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Baker, of Harvington, 5 April, aged 26 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Frances Jobson, of Harvington, 6th April, aged 21 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Elizabeth Newman, of Harvington, 13 January, aged 13 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Albert Deville, of Harvington, 23rd January, aged 2 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, 26th January, aged 65 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Fanny Brookes, of Harvington, 10th April, aged 31 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Palmer, of Harvington, 11th July, aged 47 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Arthur Newman, of Harvington, 24th July, 14 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Adelaide Lucy Sorrel, of Harvington, 20th October, aged 7 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Leigh Ernest Woodward, of Harvington, 1st November, aged 6 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Richard Salisbury, of Harvington, 8 November, aged 4 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Fanny Parks, of Harvington, 8 November, aged 8 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Francis Alfred Harris, of Harvington, 14th December, aged 5 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Henry Spiers, of Harvington, 18 February, aged 14 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Robert Cole, of Harvington, 11th June, aged 14 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Williams, of Harvington, 11 December, aged 60 years. J Stephenson, Curate
William Savage, of Harvington, 15 November, aged 8 years. J Stephenson, Curate
Ellen Jones, of Harvington, 24th November, aged 13 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Savage, of Harvington, 29 November, aged 6 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Charles Savage, of Harvington, 2nd December, aged 38 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William John Beames, of Harvington, 17th December, aged 3 months. A H W Ingram, Rector

William Wise, Workhouse, Hampton, 4th January, aged 76 years. A G W Ingram, Rector
Mary Ann Fowler, of Harvington, 10th March, aged 7 years. J Stephenson, urate
Walter Sparkes, of Harvington, 7th September, aged 19 years. J Stephenson, Curate
George Farley, of Harvington, 24th September, aged 43 years. J Stephenson, Curate
George Malin, of Harvington, 12th November, aged 53 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Anne Squire, of Harvington, 18th December, aged 87 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Mary Hancock, of Harvington, 1st Jany, aged 88 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Thomas Kawkes, of Harvington, 3rd Janry, aged 67 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Ellen Gertrude Hale, of Harvington, 18th March, aged 1 month. J Stephenson, Curate
Ernest Jones, of Birmingham, 22nd April, aged 6 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Skinner, of Harvington, 12 May, aged 80 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
George Henry Osborne, Harvington Mill, 9th June, aged 52 years. J Stephenson, Curate
Mary Taylor, of Harvington, 11th July, aged 86 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elizabeth Bullock, of Abbots Salford, Warwickshire, 13th December, aged 61 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Mary Anne Hathaway, of Harvington, 28th January, aged 8 months. J Stephenson, Curate
Florence Mary Winnington Ingram, of Harvington, 2nd February, aged 22 years. J Stephenson, Curate
Joshua Withers, of Harvington, 24 February, aged 75 years. J Stephenson, Curate
Thomas Brewer, of Harvington, 3rd April, aged 77 years. A H Winnington Ingram, Rector
James Ingram, of Harvington, 13th April, aged 75 years. A H Winnington Ingram, Rector

George Sherwood, of Harvington, 4th June, aged 63 years. J Stephenson, Curate
Eleanor Louisa Widdows, of Harvington, 12th April, aged 4 days. J Stephenson
Eleanor Bristow, The Lodge, Harvington, 13th April, aged 48 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Ralph Charles Smith, of Harvington, 13th April, aged 2 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Ann Davies, of Harvington, 24th April, aged 57 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Ann Hale, of Harvington, 6th May, aged 30 years. J Stephenson, Curate
John Stephens Cook, of Harvington, 10th May, aged 4 years. J Stephenson, Curate
Emma Gertrude Jobson, of Harvington, 17th May, aged 40 years. J Stephenson, Curate
George Henry Hale, of Harvington, 9th June, aged 1 year. J Stephenson, Curate
John Pestridge, Workhouse, Hampton, 28th December, aged 72 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Joshua Hale, of Harvington, 3rd March, aged 72 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Alwin Robbins, of Harvington, 18 March, aged 9 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Alice Pennel, of Harvington, 18 April, aged 63 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
James Tarrant, of Harvington, 3rd May, aged 74 years. Richard M Perkes, Curate
Thomas Lionel Hathaway, Harvington Mill, 30th August, aged 9 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Isaac Pennel, of Harvington, 5 Sept, aged 72 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Charles, Salford Lodge, Warwickshire, 23 November, aged 70 years. A H Winnington Ingram, Rector
Ann Ansell, of Harvington, 27 November, aged 61 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Joseph Salisbury, of Harvington, 7 December, aged 2 days. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Bullock, of Harvington, 26 December, aged 76 years. A H W Ingram, Rector

Ann Salisbury, of Harvington, 7 January, aged 38 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Willie Clarke, of Harvington, 25 January, aged 6 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Elsie Winifred Millward, of Harvington, 23 February, aged 3 months. A H W Ingram, Rector
Mary Keyte Hathaway, of Edgbaston, Birmingham, Warwickshire, 1st April, aged 34 years. A H W Ingram, Rector and S J Walker, of St Paul[?], Birmingham
Albert Joseph Chattaway, of Edgbaston, Birmingham, Warwickshire, 1st April, aged 6 days. A H W Ingram, Rector and S J Walker, of St Paul[?], Birmingham
Sophia Anne Smith, of Harvington, 25 October, aged 48 years. S J Walker Officiating Minister
Hebe Carless, of Twyning, Gloucestershire, 29 October, aged 75 years. S J Walker, Officiating Minister

Joseph Sparkes, of Harvington, 21 January, aged 60 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Richard Bullock, of Abbots Salford, 18 February, aged 65 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Beatrice Adelaide Everix, of Harvington, 29th May, aged 3 months. S J Walker, Officiating Minister
William Tiff Cole, of Harvington, 30th May, aged 11 months. S J Walker, Officiating Minister
George Henry Ward, of Harvington, 18th July, aged 7 weeks. A H W Ingram, Rector

Nicolas Marshall, of Harvington, 13 February, aged 81 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Sparkes, of Harvington, 4 March, aged 85 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Emmeny, of Harvington, 18 March, aged 62 years. John Caswall, R C Priest
Thomas Jones. of Harvington, 19 March, aged 81 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
John Sorrel, of Harvington, 3rd April, aged 77 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
William Thomas Marsh, of Harvington, 14 April, aged 50 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Samuel Jones, of Harvington, 10th May, aged 35 years. A H Bartholomew, Curate
Ann Sorrel, of Harvington, 3rd July, aged 38 years. A H W Ingram, Rector
Jamers Hornsby, Evesham Union / Harvington, 25th Oct, aged 72 years. A H Bartholomew, Curate
Mary Elizabeth Ward, of Harvington, 24th Dec, aged 25 years. A H Bartholomew, Curate

Arthur Henry Winnington Ingram, The Rectory, Harvington, 11th March, aged 67 years. Samuel Garrard, Vicar of Salford Priors, Officiating Officer & A H Bartholomew, Curate
John Webber, of Harvington, 23rd April, aged 56 years. A H Bartholomew, Curate in charge
Frances Osborne, of Harvington, 23rd May, aged 77 years. A H Bartholomew, Curate in charge.
Matilda Jane Hancock, of Harvington, 6th June, aged 28 years. Robert Barrett, Curate of Evesham
William Smith, of Harvington, 13th July, aged 81 years. Theophilus Sharp, MA, Rector
Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, 31st Decr, aged 25 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector

Sarah Jones, of Harvington, 16th Jany, aged 73 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
Harriet Beaman, of Harvington, 21st Feby, aged 66 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
Joanna Huband, of Harvington, 12th April, aged 80 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
Ann Sherwood, Harvington, 28th April, aged 70 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
Thomas Henry Clark, of Harvington, 23rd May, aged 2½ years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
Richard Hughes, of Harvington, 7th Novr, aged 60 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector

Thomas Robbins, of Harvington, 13th March, aged 66 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
Elizabeth Mary Langston, of Harvington, 30th March, aged 3 weeks. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, 27th July, aged 91 years. Theophls Sharp, MA, Rector
George Osborne, of Evesham, 12th October, aged 78 years. Thos Cropfield MA, Officiating Minister
Eliza Woodward, of Harvington, 30 Novr, aged 48 years. Wm Bentley, Officiating Minister
Elizabeth Anne Unitt, of Harvington, 14 Decr, aged 67 years. M H Beaumont, Officiating Minister
Elizabeth Farr, of Harvington, 28th Decr, aged 66 years. Samuel Garrard, Vicar of Salford Priors

Charles Aldington, of Harvington, 6th Feby, aged 23 years. T J Whitehead, Officiating Minister
Giles Woodward, St Margaret, London, late of Harvington, 20th March, aged 44 years. Samuel Garrard, Vicar of Salford Priors
William Caleb Cresswell, of Harvington, 11th May, aged 31 years. Thos Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Theodosia Smith, Evesham Union, 23rd Oct, aged 94 years. James Walker, Officiting Minister

Agnes Blanche Osborne, of Evesham, 27th Jany, aged 55 years. James Walker, Officating Minister
Henry Bennett, Evesham Union, 7th Feby, aged 83 years. James Walker, Officiating Minister [Written in margin:] Name and abode Lichfield[?] by me James Walker
Agnes Mary Marsh, of Harvington, 11th March, 16 months. James Walker, Officiating Minister
Harriet Winter, of Harvington, 30th May, aged 60. James Walker, Officiating Minister
Anne Clark, of Harvington, 4th July, aged 3 years. James Walker, Officiating Minister
Herbert Gladstone, Evesham Union, 18th July, aged 50 years. James Walker, Officiting Minister

George Felgate, Hampton Union, formerly of this parish, 14th January, aged 81 years. W C Boulter, Vicar of Norton
Charles Roberts Bourton, of Harvington, 28th January, aged 41 years. Samuel Garrard, Vicar of Salford Priors
Kezia Hancock, of Harvington, 28th January, aged 64 years. Samuel Garrard, Vicar of Salford Priors
Elizabeth Smith, of Harvington, 10 February, aged 88 years. W C Boulter, Vicar of Norton
Matilda Davis, of Harvington, 25th June, aged 44 years. Thomas Crossfield, Officiating Minister
Mary Ann Hale, of Harvington, 28th August, aged 70 years. R H Davies, Officiating Minister
Sarah Halling, of Harvington, 16th September, aged 77 years. R H Davies, Officiating Minister
Harriet Bullock, of Harvington, 22nd Decr, aged 83 years. J W Richard, Curate

Reuben White, of Harvington, 14 Feb, aged 10 years. J W Richard, Curate
William Mead, of Bidford, 21 Feb, aged 62 years. J W Richard, Curate
Mary Sears, of Harvington, 5 March, aged 88 years. J W Richard, Curate
Gwendoline Madge Davis, of Harvington, 23 May, aged 6 months. J W Richard, Curate
John Thomas Ingram, of Harvington, 24 May, aged 59, J W Richard, Curate
William Ansell, of Harvington, 31st May, aged 67 years. W C Boulter, Vicar of Norton
Hannah Stanley, of Harvington, 3rd June, aged 58 years. W C Boulter, Vicar of Norton
John Ward, of Harvington, 10 August, aged 61 years. J W Richard, Curate
Catherine Marshall Malin, of Salford Priors, 17th November, aged 72 years. Samuel Garrard, Vicar of Salford Priors
Ann Marshall, of Harvington, 20th November, aged 68 years. J W Richard, Curate
William Halling, of Harvington, 6th December, aged 80 years. J W Richard, Curate

Frederick Claud Langston, of Harvington, 17th March, aged 5 months. J W Richard, Curate
Frank Cresswell, of Harvington, 19th April, aged 20 years. J W Richard, Curate
Phoebe Felgate, Hampton Union, formerly of this parish, 24th August, aged 77 years. J W Richard, Curate
Rebecca Knight, of Harvington, 7th Nov, aged 79 years. J W Richard, Curate

Albert Harris, of Harvington, 19th Jan, aged 30 years. C L Whatley, Curate
John Ward, of Harvington, 6th May, aged 2 years. C L Whatley, [Curate]
William Cottrell, of Harvington, 14th August, aged 3 months. W C Boulter, Vicar of Nortom & Lenchwick

Reginald White, of Harvington, 11th February, aged six months. J H Waugh, Rector
Harry Hancox, of Harvington, 22nd February, aged 5 years. J H Waugh, Rector
William Fowler, of Harvington, 20th May, aged 72 years. J H Waugh, Rector
John Henry Ingram, of Harvington, 27th May, aged six months, J H Waugh, Rector
Mary Ann Robbins, of Harvington, 5th August, aged 73 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Thomas Sorrell, of Harvington, 28th August, aged 58 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Julia Smith, of Harvington, 10th October, aged 86 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Mary Newman, of Harvington, 2nd December, aged 93 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Richard Charles Newman, of Harvington, 20th February, aged 3 months. J H Waugh, Rector

Thomas Hancock, of Harvington, 27th February, aged 70 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Robert Newman, of Harvington, 10th May, aged 66 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Mary Jane Cherry, of Harvington, 16th May, aged 32 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Sarah Spiers, of Harvington, 18th May, aged 84 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Hannah Westbury, of Harvington, 5th August, aged 65 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Ann JobSon, of Harvington, 8th August, aged 84 years. J H Waugh, Rector
William Deville, of Harvington, 1st September, aged 78 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Thomas Beaman, of Harvington, 16th December, aged 72 years. J H Waugh, Rector

Frederick James Wheeler, of Harvington, 1st January, aged 9 months. J H Waugh, Rector
Frederick Withers, of Harvington, 27th January, aged 1 year. J H Waugh, Rector
Albert Edward Harris, of Harvington, 29th January, aged 2 years. J H Waugh, Rector
John Meade, of Harvington, 30th January, aged 65 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Edmund Jacob Byrch, of Harvington, 6th February, aged 55 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Charlotte Jones, of Harvington, 23rd February, aged 63 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Charles William Nicholls, of Harvington, 28th February, aged 3 months.J H Waugh, Rector
George Ward, Erskine Street, Birmingham, 17th March, aged 33 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Ann Maria Brooks, of Harvington, 14 May, aged 79 years. J H Waugh, Rector
John Marshall, of Harvington, 7th October, aged 84 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Florence May Robbins, of Harvington, 10th October, aged 14 months. J H Waugh, Rector
Thomas Mansell, of Harvington, 8th November, aged 75 years. J H Waugh, Rector

Edwin Withers, of Harvington, 16th January, aged 71 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Charles Aldington, of Harvington, 19th January, aged 65 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Jane Wheeler, of Harvington, 15th February, aged 43 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Edward Fennell, of Harvington, 23rd April, aged 28 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Catherine Mary Hunt, of Harvington, 13th May, aged 51 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Charlotte Matilda Fennell, of Harvington, 29th May, aged 26 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Vere Maud Marsh, of Harvington, 7th June, aged six weeks. J H Waugh, Rector
Arthur Adolphus Talbot, of Birminghsm, 2nd August, aged 27 years. J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin:] Drowned in the Avon on a visit.]
William Thomas Jones, of Harvington, 29th August, aged 13 years. Charles C Bell, Officiating Minister, [In margin:] Fell from a horse which trod upon him.
John Thomas Hancock, of Harvington, 6th October, aged 4 weeks. W C Boulter, Vic. of Norton and Lenchwick
George Henry Hancock, of Harvington, 12th October, aged 5 weeks. J H Waugh, Rector
William Sparkes, of Harvington, 30th December, aged 65 years. J H Waugh, Rector

Herbert Jones, of Harvington, 4th Jan, aged 41 years. J H Waugh, Rector [in margin:] died at Oxford
Ellen Maria Hancox or Hancock, of Harvington, 30th Jan, aged 41 years. J H Waugh, Rector
William Sorrell, of Harvington, 1st March, aged 32 years. J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin:] Died at North Camp, Aldershot
Thomas James, of Harvington, 17th April, aged 67 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Caroline Withers, of Harvington, 21st April, aged 69 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Elizabeth Charles, of Harvington, 8th June, aged 78 years. F - Sutherland, R C Priest
George Shailer, of Harvington, 12th July, aged 65 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Charles Harris, of Harvington, 11th August, aged 35 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Elizabeth Bourton, of Church Lench, 18th August, aged 87 years. F H Barrett, Officiating Minister
Sophia Mary Winnington-Ingram, Hill House, Winterbourne, Bristol, 22nd December, aged 73 years. J H Waugh, Rector

Elizabeth Fowler, of Balsall Heath, Birmingham, 1st February, aged 70 years. J H Waugh, Rector
David Haywood, of Harvington, 6th February, aged 93 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Jane Newman, of Harvington, 7th February, aged 66 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Harvey Hunt, of Harvington, 6th March, aged 55 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Albert Edward Newman, of Harvington, 18th March, aged 11 months. J H Waugh, Rector
Bertha Widdus [Widdowes], of Harvington, 3rd July, aged 28 years. J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin:] Accidentally shot with a gun
Lucy Sorrell, of Harvington, 31st July, aged 85 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Rose Davis, of Harvington, 10th December, aged 5 months. J H Waugh, Rector

George Heeks, of Harvington, 8th January, aged 62 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Mary Taylor, of Harvington, 31st March, aged 87 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Reginald White, of Harvington, 11th October, aged 54 years.J H Waugh, Rector
Sophia Jones, of Harvington, 24th October, aged 83 years. S K M Green, Rector of Exhall (Alcestor).
Mary Cresswell, of Harvington, 24th December, aged 65 years. J H Waugh, Rector

Louisa Stratton, of Harvington, 18th March, aged 58 years. J H Waugh, Rector
William Albert Mansell, of King,s Heath, Birmingham, 18th March, aged 48 years. J H Waugh, Rector [In margin:] Died at King's Heath.
Alfred Amos Knight, of Harvington, 2nd July, aged 36 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Charles Henry Tyack, of Harvington, 28th August, aged 38 years. George W Downton, Officiating Minister
Edwin Jones, of Harvington Brickyard, 28th December, aged 72 years.J H Waugh, Rector

Herbert William Marsh, of Harvington, 10th March, aged 43 years. J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin:] Died suddenly.
James Bloxham, of Harvington, 7th April, aged 74 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Edward Smith, of Harvingon, 29th April, aged 77 years. S K M Green, Officiting Minister, Vicar of Exhall. [In margin:] Died in Union at Evesham.
Ann Mansell, of Harvington, 11th May, aged 78 years. J H Waugh, Rector
John Fowler, of Harvington, 21st September, aged 63 years. S K M Green, Officiating Minister

Mary Newman, of Harvington, 14th February, aged 70 years. J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin:] Died in Evesham Union
Charles Henry Newman, of Harvington, 1st March, aged 5 months. J H Waugh, Rector
Edwin Davis, of Harvington, 26th May, aged 63 years. S K M Green, Rector of Norton & Lenchwick.
Alfred William White, Harvington, 4th July, aged 2 months. J H Waugh, Rector
Charles Smith, of Harvington, 23rd August, aged 74 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Thomas Brewer, of Harvington, 26th August, aged 62 years. G H Johnson MA, Officiating Minister.
Mary Ann Weatherby, of Harvington, 24th November, aged 52 years. J H Waugh, Rector
James Spinks, of Harvington, 29th November, aged 84 years. J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin:] Died in the train.
Thomas Ward, of Harvington, 18th December, aged 39 years. J H Waugh, Rector

William Best, of Harvington, 4th February, aged 67 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Sarah Ann Barnsley, of Harvington, 26th February, aged 59 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Agnes Rose Harris, of Harvington, 26th June, aged 7 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Matthew Grove, of Harvington, 30 July, aged 76 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Elizabeth Hancock, of Harvington, 13th October, aged 53 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Lily Jane Cowley, of Harvington, 5th December, aged 8 years. J H Waugh, Rector. [In margin:] Died at Evesham Cottage Hospital

Elizabeth Hughes, of Salford (Abbots), 7th Jan, aged 67 years. Samuel Thedin[?], Catholic Priest, Abbots Salford
Abbie Beatrice Ludlow, of Harvington, 18th April, aged 8 months. Herbert W Wood, Officiating Minister. [In margin:] J H Waugh, (in Baptism Register)
Thomas Newman, of Harvington, 9th May, aged 70 years. J H Waugh, Rector
John Pickering, of Harvington, 5th September, aged 65 years. Thomas Price, Officiating Minister
Alfred Davis, of Harvington, 26th October, aged 22 years. J H Waugh, Rector
Mary Hawkes, of Harvington, 1st November, aged 98 years. Samuel Thedin[?], Catholic Priest, Abbots Salford

Ellen Bartlett, of Harvington, 10 Jab, aged three weeks. J H Waugh, Officiating Minister
Mary Joyner, of Harvington, 3rd Feb, aged 44 years. R P Ridedal, Vicar of Salford Priors
William Eden, of Harvington, April first, aged 79 years. James Davenport MA, Rector
Harriet Spinks, of Harvington, April second, aged 73 years. James Davenport, Rector
Elizabeth Sarah Aldington, of Harvington, April twenty, aged 66 years. James Davenport, Rector. [In margin:] Died at Evesham Workhouse.
John Withers, of Harvington, May thirteith, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector. [In margin:] Died at Evesham Workhouse.
Catherine Ann Marshall, of Harvington, November fourteenth, aged 57 years. Jame Davenport, Rector

Annie Bartlett, of Harvington, 4th January, aged 33 years. A G Brooke, Officiating Minister
Edward Skinner, of Harvington, February thirteenth, aged 78 years. James Davenport, Rector
Maria Morgan, of Harvington, 15th Feby 15th, aged 48 years. James Davenport, Rector.
Daniel James Griffin, Cleeve View, Harvington, 31st Feby, aged 30 years. James Davenport, Rector
George Henry Hale, of Harvington, 16th September, aged 66 years. James Davenport, Rector
Elizabeth Jones, of Harvington, 12th October, aged 76 years. James Davenport, Rector
Ida Lilian Kennard, of Harvington, 6th November, aged 6 weeks. James Davenport, Rector

William Andrews, of Harvington, 3rd January, aged 59 years. James Davenport, Rector
Percy Jones, of Harvington, 21st January, aged 90 years. James Davenport, Rector. [In margin:] Died at Evesham Workhouse.
Elizabeth Grove, of Harvington, 26th February, aged 79 years. James Davenport, Rector
Charles Westbury, of Harvington, 3rd March, aged 78 years. James Davenport, Rector
Eustace Albert Mansell, of Harvington, 1st April, aged 5 years. Herbert W Wood, Vicar of Norton and Lenchwick
Alfred Norman Hughes, of Harvington, 31st May, aged 4 years. James Davenport, Rector
Dora Clarke, of Harvington, 28th June, aged 22 years. Herbert W Wood, Vicar of Norton and Lenchwick

John Barnsley, of Harvington, February fourth, aged 72 years. James Davenport, Rector
Esther Mary Langstone, of Lenchwick, April third, aged 61 years. James Davenport, Rector
John Irens, of Evesham Workhouse, July eleventh, aged 62 years. James Davenport, Rector
Elsie Newman, of Harvington, 29th August, aged 3 months. Jame Davenport, Rector
Murial Finch, Evesham Workhouse, 22nd September, aged 5 months. James Davenport, Rector

Thomas Jones, Evesham Workhouse, 24th January, aged 52 Years. James Davenport, Rector
William Vale, of Harvington, 21st February, aged 66 years. James Davenport, Rector
Florence May Ludlow, of Harvington, 16th March, aged 8 months. James Davenport, Rector
Jacob Morgan, of Bidford, June first, aged 48 years. James Davenport, Rector [in margin:] Coroner's order
Ann Newman, of Harvington, 28th June, aged 40 years. James Davenport, Rector
Harriet TomlinSon, of Harvington, 6th July aged 81 years. James Davenport, Rector
Ann Ingram, of Harvington, 14th November, aged 87 years. James Davenport, Rector

Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, 7th March, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector
John Fisher, of Longlands, 15th March, aged 57 years. James Davenport, Rector
George Cresswell, of Evesham, 22nd March, Aged 75 years. James Davenport, Rector
Thomas Newman, The Workhouse, Hampton, 18th June, aged 49 years. James Davenport, Rector
Thomas Albert Mansell, of Harvington, 24th July, aged 53 years. James Davenport, Rector
Selina Bennett, of Harvington, 26th August, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector
Lucy Pugh, Avon View, Harvington, 30th September, James Davenport, Rector

Jessie Drucilla Moulden, Harvington Hill, 10th January, aged 7 years. James Davenport, Rector. [In margin:] Died in Evesham Cottage Hospital.
Elizabeth Best, of Harvington, 17th January, aged 77 years. James Davenport, Rector
Hannah Eden, of Harvington, 31st January, aged 82 years. James Davenport, Rector. [In margin:] Died at Norton.
Sarah Harris, of Harvington, 11th March, aged 75 years. James Davenport, Rector
Edward Bennett, of Harvington, 2nd October, aged 59 years. James Davenport, Rector
Jane Tisdale, of Harvington, 12th October, aged 63 years. James Davenport, Rector

Elizabeth Jones, The Brickyard, Harvington, 24th March, aged 86 years. James Davenport, Rector
Elizabeth Henry Holtom, of Harvington, 14th April, aged 62 years. James Davenport, Rector. [In margin:] Coroner's order
Sarah Anne Skinner, of Harvington, 23 April, aged 79 years. James Davenport, Rector
Lydia Adams, of Harvington, 13 September, aged 56 years. James Davenport, Rector
Maria Hancock, of Harvington, 30 September, aged 64 years. James Davenport, Rector
Lilian Susan Grove, Grove Lodge, Harvington, 2nd October, aged 48 years. James Davenport, Rector
Henry Newman, of Harvington, 16th October, aged 55 years. James Davenport, Rector

James Spiers, Hampton Workhouse, 27 January, aged 77 years. James Davenport, Rector
Mary Davis, Harvington, February fifth, aged 79 years. James Davenport, Rector
Charles Wilkins, of Harvington, 21st February, aged 76 years. James Davenport, Rector
William Hurd Adams, of Harvington, 9th March, aged 57 years. James Davenport, Rector
John James Pugh, Cleeve View, Harvington, September fifth, aged 69 years. James Davenport, Rector
Charles William Myatt, of Harvington, 4th October, aged 18 years. James Davenport, Rector

This was the first burial in the new churchyard. JD.

Ernest Hughes, of Harvington, 4th November, aged 37 years. James Davenport, Rector

Elizabeth Bailey, The Brickyard, 4th January, aged 33 years. James Davenport, Rector
Mary Jane Penney, Cedar Lodge, 17th March, aged 94 years. James Davenport, Rector
William Henry Hancock, of Evesham, 21 March, aged 31 years. James Davenport, Rector
Sidney Charles Ward, of Harvington, 30 April, aged 18 years. James Davenport, Rector, [In margin:] He died at militery hospital, Chisledon, Wilts.
Charles Henry Ludlow, The Brickyard, 5th May, aged 5 years. James Davenport, Rector
Ivy Rose Reynolds, Salford Lodge, 10th May, aged 2 years. James Davenport, Rector
Elizabeth Ludlow, The Brickyard, 18th June, aged 68 years. James Davenport, Rector
George Taylor, Evesham Union Infirmary, 28th July, aged 56 years. W W Boulton, Officiating Minister

Thomas Jones, of Harvington, 20th February, aged 82 years. James Davenport, Rector
Ernest George Clarke, Council Cottages, 13th April, aged 11 months. James Davenport, Rector
Henry Hawkes, Evesham Union Infirmary, 5th September, aged 68 years. James Davenport, Rector
Roger Richards, Harvington, 21st November, aged 10 years. James Davenport, Rector

Sarah Ann Wilkins, of Harvington, 13th Februry, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector
George Williams Penney, Cedar Lodge, 11th April, aged 92 years. J H Waugh and J Davenport
Frances May Newman, Ventnor, I of Wight, 15th April, aged 27 years. James Davenport, Rector
Harold Frederick Brewer, The Brickyard, 7th May, aged 3 months. James Davenport, Rector
Under Burial Law Amendment Act 1880.
Samuel Charles Mason, Green Street, 2nd August, aged 19 months. James Davenport, Rector
Rita Mansell, Ripple Road, Stirchley, 8th September, aged 15 years. James Davenport, Rector
Alice Tyler, Council Cottages, Nov first, aged 52 years. W C Allsebrook, Vicar of Badsey
Emma Hall, of Harvington, 26th Nov, aged 61 years. James Davenport, Rector

Harriet Haden, of Harvington, 7th May, aged 60 years. James Davenport, Rector
Charles Pratt, of Harvington, 29th June, aged 67 years. James Davenport, Rector
Herbert Malin. of Evesham, July tenth, aged 60 years. James Davenport, Rector
Hannah Pratt, of Harvington, 25 Nov, aged 80 years. James Davenport, Rector
Joseph Bailey, of Harvington, 18 Decr, aged 71 years. C B Woolley

Leah Ludlow, of Harvington, 13th May, aged 49 years. James Davenport, Rector
Ann Cresswell, of Harvington, 15th June, aged 65 years. James Davenport, Rector
Sidney Peter Baylis, of Harvington, 26th July, aged 42 years. James Davenport, Rector
Penny Maria Ingram, of Harvington, 13 Dec, aged 63 years. W W Vavers, Vicar of Norton [in margin:] Coroner's order
Jane Locke, of Harvington, 27 Dec, aged 69 years. W W Vavers, Vicar of Morton

Emily Locke, of Harvington, 8th Feby, aged 45 years. James Davenport, Rector
Catherine Sarah Bourton, of Hampton, 28th April, aged 78 years. James Davenport, Rector
Frances Maggie Keeling, of Harvington, 13th June, aged 36 years. James Davenport, Rector

Sarah Clarke, Evesham Union Infirmary, 29th January, aged 89 years. W W Vevers, Vicar of Norton
George Withers, of Harvington, 1st February, aged 64 years. W W Vevers, Vicar of Norton [in margin:] Coroner's order
Norah Mabel Burton, Ivy Bank, 9th February, aged 21 years. James Davenport, Rector
William Alfred Victor Andrews, of Harvington, 7th March, aged 27 years. James Davenport, Rector
Eliza Ward, of Harvington, 29th March, aged 82 years. James Davenport, Rector
Frances Elizabeth Fisher, Powick Mental Hospital, 12th April, aged 76 65 years. James Davenport, Rector [in margin:] Coroner's order
John Mansell, of Harvington, 25th July, aged 74 years. James Davenport, Rector
Ellen Fanny Curnock, of Harvington, 6th September, aged 69 years. James Davenport, Rector
Frederick Withers, of Harvington, 15th October, aged 65 years. James Davenport, Rector

Ernest Albert Shailer, of Harvington, 2nd February, aged 51 years. R P Ridsdale, Vicar of Salford Priors
Alfred Ludlow, of Harvington, 16th February, aged 47 years. James Davenport, Rector
William Davis, of Nottingham, 29th March, aged 81 years, James Davenport, Rector
Emma Bailey, of Harvington, 8th April, aged 75 years. James Davenport, Rector
Caleb Skinner, of Harvington, 19th April, aged 78 years. James Davenport, Rector
Florence Jennie Skinner, of Wolverhampton, 22 April, aged 30 years. John H Hamilton, Vicar, St Georges, Wolverhampton
James Newman, Hampton Workhouse, 5 Aug, aged 63 years. [blank]

Certified under Burial Laws Amendment Act by G T Savage

Sheila Clayton, Hampton Workhouse, 19 Sept, aged 2 years. R P Ridsdale, Vicar of Salford
Eli Smith, of Harvington, 15th October, aged 84 years. James Davenport, Rector
John James Pugh, Liverpool, 16th October, aged 46 years. James Davenport, Rector
Florence May Harris, of Harvington, 15 Nov, aged 36 years. James Davenport, Rector
Arthur Bradshaw, of Harvington, 6 Dec, aged 23 years. James Davenport, Rector

Albert Bishop, Council Cottages, 13 January, aged 32 hours. James Davenport, Rector
Job Stanley, of Harvington, 28 March, aged 91 years. James Davenport, Rector
Rachel Clark, of Harvington, 6 April, aged 83 years. James Davenport, Rector
Rose Malin, of Harvington, 25 June, aged 69 years. James Davenport, Rector [in margin:] Coroner's order.
William Thomas Page, Longlands, Harvington, 8th August, aged 62 years. James Davenport, Rector
Thomas Pardoe Shailer, of Harvington, 13th Nov, aged 61 years. James Davenport, Rector

Charles Edward Ludlow, Brickyard, Harvington, 5th January, aged 65 years. James Davenport, Rector
Harold Guy Mansell, of Harvington, 18 February, aged 48 years. J D McCready, Vicar of Weedon Beck. [In margin:] Coroner's order.
Mary Ellen Mansell, of Harvington, 30 April, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector
Edward Hall, of Harvingtom, 12th May, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector
Charles Ludlow, of Harvington, 4th Sept, aged 86 years. James Davenport, Rector [in margin:] Coroner's order
Thomas Cresswell, of Harvington, 27th Sept, aged 70 yeasrs. James Davenport, Rector
Winifred Savage, of Harvington, 6th November, aged 53 years. J H Wright[?], Vicar of Bretforton
George Marshall, of Marshall, 21st October, aged 80 years. James Davenport, Rector

Sarah Ann Newman, of Nuneaton, late of Harvington, January fourth, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector
William George Dawson, of Harvington, 27th January, aged 79 years. James Davenport, Rector
Annie Hughes, of Harvington, 21st March, aged 80 years. James Davenport, Rector
Jane Dyer, of Harvington, 23rd June, aged 63 years. James Davenport, Rector
Harriet Smith, Balsall Heath, 29th July, aged 34 years. James Davenport, Rector
John Edward Evans, of Harvington, 18th August, aged 63 years. James Davenport, Rector
Winifred Agnes Young, of Harvington, 23 September, aged 21 years. Gerald M Isaac, Hon Canon of Worcester.
Annie Cook, Post Office, Harvington, 28th September, aged 72 years. James Davenport, Rector
Frederick Best, of Harvington, 25th Nov, aged 60 years. James Davenport, Rector
Annie Elizabeth Ludlow, of Harvington, 28th Nov, aged 50 years, James Davenport, Rector
Ernest Gordon Smith, of Harvington, 17 Dec, aged 7 months. Certified by G T Savage. Under Burial Amendment Act 1880.
Millicent Bloxham, of Harvington, 22 Dec, aged 87 years. R P Ridsdale, Vicar of Salford Priors

Thomas Hughes, of Harvington, 16th January, aged 82 years. C B Woolley
Ann Mason, of Harvington, 14th March, aged 75 years. C B Woolley
Charles Knight, of Harvington, 5th April, aged 68. James Davenport, Rector
Joseph William Langston, of Norton, 12th April, aged 70 years. James Davenport, Rector
Henry Hale, alias George Taylor, 5 Avonside, Hampton, July Seventh, aged 82 years. James Davenport, Rector
Esyllt Harmer, of Manchester, July sixteenth, aged 30 years. James Davenport, Rector
Ann Jones, The Green Harvington, August fifteenth, aged 44 years. James Davenport, Rector
*John Bullock, The Manor House, 13th October, aged 81 years. James Davenport, Rector
Benjamin Harris, of Harvington, 15th October, aged 88 years. James Davenport, Rector
Mary Hale, of Harvington, 29th December, aged 88 years. James Davenport, Rector

Charles Hancock, of Harvington, 19th February, aged 74 years. James Davenport, Rector
Florence Edith Orton, 5 Avonside, Hampton, 27th February, aged 43 years. James Davenport, Rector

* Churchwarden 1890-1928

Matilda Miller, of Harvington, 8th March, aged 91 years. James Davenport, Rector
Charles Miller Mansell, of harvington, 12th March, aged 40 years. James Davenport, Rector
Elizabeth Fowler, of Bristol, formerly of Harvington, 13th March, aged 85 years. James Davenport, Rector
Lilian May Mansell, of Hardwicke nr Tewkesbury, 25th March, aged 28 years. James Davenport, Rector
Louisa Hughes, Mona Cottage, Harvington, 3rd April, aged 69 years. James Davenport, Rector
Oliver Harris, of Harvington, 8th April, aged 69 years. James Davenport, Rector
John Cook, The Post Office, 28th August, aged 75 years. James Davenport, Rector
Emma Rose, of Harvington, 10th October, aged 68 years. James Davenport, Rector