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Reverend Davenport


The Reverend James Davenport, M.A., F.S.A., was born 26th January 1857, died 2nd March 1930, and was buried in the churchyard, see the section on Churchyard for his family background. He was Rector of St. James's from 1908 and Honourable Canon of Worcester Cathedral until his death in 1930. Keenly interested in history he became a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries an honour usually obtained through services to historical study. During his time in Harvington he worked on the contents of the Parish Chest and made a schedule of the material therein. The records then in the Parish Chest are now lodged in the Record Office at Worcester. He also studied the Parish Registers and Bishop's Transcripts and made a full transcription of them up to the year 1812, with marriages up to 1837. His work on the registers and BTs is contained within three foolscap volumes. The first two deal with the Registers while the third, dated 1920, is concerned with the Bishop's Transcripts (BT's). The Record Office reference to the three volumes is: 850, 8698, 3.

Permission was granted by both the Record Office and the Rector of Harvington Rev. Richard Thornley, to copy and publish the three volumes. Much of the resulting work has been carried out by my colleague Bryant Bayliffe of Brockworth, Glos.
Julian André Rawes, Crooked Walls, 2014.

Civil War and Commonwealth
During the Civil War and subsequent Commonwealth 1643-60, there was major upheaval in the country both religious and civil. To the parish church and its parishioners this was a time of change both in their officials and the way things were done. This manifested itself in record keeping, particularly with the Registering of baptisms, marriages and burials. In a large number of cases events were simply not recorded.

There is a major gap in Davenport's copy of both the Registers and Bishop's Transcripts between the year's 1638 and 1653. This was during the time of Rectors Thomas Archbold and William Bridges. There is a section about them in Marjorie Bailey's History.

IMPORTANT - In 1752 Britain changed from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. The process resulted in a loss of 11 days. The days chosen were the 3rd to 13th of September 1752 inclusive. The commencement of the year also changed from the 25th of March (Lady Day) to the 1st of January. When studying documents dated earlier than 1753 it is important to remember that the period between the 31st of December and the 25th of March refers to the subsequent year, for example 31st December 1751 = 31st December 1751 and 1st January 1751 = 1st January 1752. The dates in the following text are as they were written.

  • Page numbers in Rev. Davenport's work refer back to the original Parish Registers.
  • ( ) = comments by the Rev. Davenport.
  • [ ] = comments by Julian Rawes & Bryant Bayliffe.
  • T. = Bishop's Transcripts. From the time when it was a requirement for Registers to be kept in a church, a copy had to be sent to the Diocese. Reverend Davenport checked the Registers against the BT's for Harvington and noted any differences, or omissions, in the documents.
  • Ætatis suæ means in the -- of (their) age. Aged 78 = in (their) 77th year.
  • The order of the Register entries have been altered slightly from Rev. Davenport's work to accommodate ease of reading. The original positioning and wording can be viewed in the images on the right.
  • The term 'sent to Court' indicates that the Curate had made a copy of the Registers and sent them to the Bishop of Worcester.
  • In the image, a small line above a word indicates that the word has been shortened, this custom is used extensively in Latin. In most cases the word has been written in full in the transcript.

SURNAME INDEX including all variants
RECTORS from 1207
CHURCHWARDENS from 1573 to 1726
BOOK 1 - BAPTISMS 1573-1733
BOOK 1- MARRIAGES 1572-1733
BOOK 1 - BURIALS 1570-1733
BOOK 1 - RECTORS a short list
BOOK 1 - DONATORS a short list of donators
BOOK 1 - TERRIER a listing of land on the Leys
BOOK 1 - MORE BAPTISMS/MARRIAGES/BURIALS mostly duplicating previous
BOOK 2 - BAPTISMS 1789-1812
BOOK 2 - BURIALS 1789-1812
BOOK 2 - MARRIAGES 1755-1812
BOOK 2 - MARRIAGES 1814-1837

of surnames and their variants.

The Reader can use 'search' for all varients of a given name.

Abel(l), Able, Adam(e)(s), Adkin(e)s, Aichbolde, Ainge, Allchurch, Al(l)cock(s), Allen, Allison, Ancer, Anchor, Andrews, Ange, Anker, Applebee, Archardes, Archbold, Archer, Archibold, Arnold, Ash, Ashborn, Ashfield, Ashmead, Ashwin(e), Atkins, Atwood, Ayres,

Bache, Badger, Badsey, Bagg, Bagget, Bagotte, Bailyes, Bal(l)ard(e), Bamford, Bann, Baning, Barber, Barkesdale, Barnet(t), Barnit, Barringe, Bartley, Barwell, Bate, Baxter, Bayles, Baylis, Bay(n)ton, Beard(e), Bearn(e), Beck(e), Bellingham, Ben(n)et(t), Benit, Bery, Bevin, Bickerstaf(f), Biddle, Bigge, Bignell, Birch, Bishop, Black, Bla(c)k(e)ford(e), Blakfield, Blalocke, Blissarde, Blizard, Blomer, Blondell, Bloxham, Blundel(l), Bodilee, Bohun, Bollard, Bose, Boseley, Boston, Bounde, Bourchier, Bourton, Boyce, Bradlie, Bradl(i)(e)y(e), Braughton, Brewer, Bridger, Bridge(s), Bromly, Brook(e)(s), Broughton, Brown, Bruer, Bruton, Bryenton, Buckingham, Buckle, Bullingham, Bullock, Bunne, Burch, Bury, Bushel(l), Buttle, But(t)ler, Byarde,

Caddick, Cale, Campden, Cannen, Cannin, Canning, Car(e)less, Carliss, Carpenter, Cart(h)wright, Cassy, Chamberlain(e), Chambers, Chare, Chere, Charlet, Cha(u)nce, Chase, Cicell, Clark(e, Clements, Clerk(e), Clifford, Clifton, Coates, Cocks, Cod(d)el, Coger, Coign(e)y, Coldicott, Collet, Combe, Compton, Cooper, Coore, Cornock, Corte, Cotton, Coudle, Court(e), Cowley, Cownley, Cox, Coxson, Creed, Cropper, Crosbie, Crosse, Currier,

Daniel, Darby, Davi(e)s(e), Davyes, Day(e), Deaves, Deeves, Deiguse, Demetrius, Derrick, Dier, Digby, Dingeley, Distone, Doegood, Donne, Doogood(e), Dor(r)ell, Doutal, Doughty, Douty, Dove, Dudley, Dun(n)(e), Duram, Dyer, Dyson,

Eades, Edgeocke, Edwin, Eletes, Ellins, Ellit(s), Elliots, Ellnor, Emm(e)s, Enterbery, Enterbury(e), Eteall, Evatts, Eveets, Evet(te)s, Evetts, Evitts, Ewans, Ewins

Farl(e)y, Farmer, Feeld(e), Feild, Felper, Fereman, Ferriman, Feryman, Fe(a)therston(e), Field, Figgot, Fisher, Fletcher, Fluck, Forrest, Forester, Fort, Fox, Francis, Freeman, Furnifull,

Gander, Ganner, Gard(e)ner, Gardiner, Garness, Garret, George, Gervace, Gib(b)(e)s, Gill(s), Goddard, Godfr(e)y, Gold, Goodwin, Goren, Goring, Gould, Graham, Graunge, Green, Gregson, Griffin, Grimmet, Grove, Gunn, Gyles, Gyll,

Hain(e)s, Hale, Halford, Hall, Hampton, Hancock(s), Hainge, Halford, Hancsele, Handley, Hansen, Harbidge, Harbo(r)ne, Harford, Harly, Harper, Harris, Harris(s)on, Hartridge, Harward(e), Harwood, Hawker, Hawk(e)s, Hay, Haydon, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Heath, Heines, Hem(m)ing(e), Heritage, Hetherton, Heynes, Hibbet, Hibbott, Higham, Hignet, Hile(s), Hill, Hi(e)ron, Hobbin(e)s, Hobday, Hodges, Ho(l)lbro(o)k(e), Holdbrooke, Holtham, Homfray, Hoods, Hooman, Hope, Hopkins, Hornsby, Horton, Houghton, Howbrook, Howman, Huband, Hubert, Hubond, Huborne, Hubun, Hucksley, Hues, Hughborn, Hughes, Hughon, Hugon, Hunett, Hunt(e), Hurst(e), Hurtle, Hutchinson, Huxly, Hyame, Hyan, Hyatul, Hyerne, Hyet, Hyron,

Ibbins, Ibles, Ingles, Inglis, Ingram, Insoll, Iron,

James, Jane(s), Jarret(t), Jenks, Jephcott, Jo(h)nson(s), Joiner, Jones, Jopson, Jordin, Jowling,

Kelley, Kempe, Kente, Kighteley, Kilsbey, Kinching, Kesterton, King, Kinnian, Knight, Knowles,

Lacket, Lacy, Lamb, Lampet(t), Lampit, Lanton, Leaden, Leadon, Leanerd, Lechmore, Lee, Lench, Leonard, Lette, Leydon, Leyland(e), Linard, Lock, Lovel(l), Loveman, Lovet, Lucas, Lunn, Lushbarne,

Mainner, Mainor, Mander, Marchall, Marshal(l), Marges, Mari(e)s, Mariman, Marshal(l), Marston, Martine, Mason, Masse, Mathewes, Matthews, Maunder, Mawnder, Maynard, Mayner, Mayris, Mead(e)s, Mealin, Mealing(e), Melen, Mence, Merimon, Merryman, Mew, Millard, Miller, Milner, Millinerior, Mil(l)s, Mil(l)ward, Mitchel, Moore, Morris, Morton, Multon,

Neale, Negus, Newman, Newton, Neddal, Nichols, Niddal, Norris, Nylame[?],

Odkins, Ollams, Osberson, Osbiston, Osborson, Osbo(u)rn(e), Osburn, Osel(e)y, Owen, Ous(e)ley, Ows(e)l(e)y,

Packston, Paddock, Page, Paine, Painter, Panter, Pardoe, Pardway, Parker, Parrott, Parson(s), P[ar]sons, Partenton, Partington, Partridge, Payne, Pearce, Pearse, Peares, Pearson, Pedder, Peeters, Peirce, Pelford(e), Pence, Pennell, Perke, Pe(a)rk(e)s, Peirce, Perkin(e)s, Perkins(s)on, Perrot(t)(e), Perry, Person(s), Pescot, Pester, Pestridg(e), Petforde, Phelps, Phil(l)ips, Pigeon, Piggeon, Pigion, Pilkington, Pirkins, Pitt(s), Pler, Poole, Powel(l), Poydross, Prat(t)(e), Prestage, Prestidge, Prosser, Price, Prichet, Pugh,

Quarrel, Quin(e)y,

Ramel(l), Ranford, Ratter, Rea, Read, Reeve, Reive, Reinoldes, Reynold(e)s, Richard(e)(s), Richardson, Richman, Riddle, Riland, Rimal(l), Roberts, Robins, Roff, Rogers, Rommel(l), Rose, Round, Rowney, Rowse, Rudge, Rutter, Ryland,

Sale, Sal(l)owaye, Salter(e), Sa(l)m(m)on(s), Samuell, Sanders, Sarrill, Sa(u)nders, Sava(d)ge, Savi(d)ge, Sayer, Scryven, Seale, Sekief(?), Sermon, Shayler, Sheaf(f), Shacle, Shakel, Shekel(l), Shakle, Shelton, Shephearde, Sherard, Shewell, Shrop, Sissell, Skin(n)er, Skrivene, Smal(l)man, Smith, Sorrell, Sorril, Southall, Sperry, Spragge, Squire(,) Stanford, Stanl(e)y, Ste(e)vens, Stephens, Stevens, Stiles, Stokes, Stower, Stowre, Strelley, Strickland, Strik(e)land(e), Stukelande, Sturle, Sturley, Surman, Swat(e)man,

Tailor, Tand(e)y, Tanir, Tarran, Tarra(n)t, Tar(r)in, Taylor, Theyer, Thompson, Thorelsoe, Tim(m)s, Tiso, Titus, Thomas, Thornhill, Thornton, Tomkins, Tomlin[e]s, Tomlinson, Tom(me)s, Tovie, Tovey, Trenfield, Trent, Trigge, Trotman, Turner, Tustin, Twittie, Tysoe,

Vale, Vernam, Vicaridge,

Wagstaff(e), Walford, Walker, Wall, Ward(e), Warener, Waring, Warner, Warren, Waters, Watkins, Watts, Webb(e), Wheateeraste, Weedhouse, Weethley, Wells, Whe(e)ler, Whight, White, Whitford, Whitworth, Widdens, Widhouse, Wid(d)ows, Wight, Wilkes, Will(e)s, Williets, Williams, Wilson, Wincote, Wingfield, Winn, Winter, Whitegifte, Whitehouse, Wilkinson, Williams, Winfield, Wisdome, Witte, Wollams, Wormington, Worral, Wood(s), Wooderd, Woodhouse, Woodroff, Woodward, Wo(o)llans, Woosly, Wormington, Wright, Wynn(e),

Yardly, Yearnold, Y(e)arnall, Yarnold, Yarnoll, Yate, Yonge


A list of Rectors taken from Margery Bailey's History of Harvington.
1207 Robert de Clypston
1252 Sampson de Bremesgrave
1280 Robert de Belne
1281 Stephen de Clone (Stephanus de Clare)
1309 John de Bradewas (Prattington's list but not on Nash's or the Church list)
1313 John de Walecote
1316 Clemens de Paston
1317 William de Lodelawe
1318 Simon de Prewes
1320 John de Brannesford
1339 Robert de Waresley
1395 Hugh Pontesbury
1396 Thomas Berntest
1396 John Hook
1397 John Bathe
1399 William Gernown
1404 John de Bekynton?
1404 Henry Beset
1405 John Hurlegh (in Prattington & Nash)
1421 John Palmere
1424 William Longfeld
1433 Hugh Crobbnyng
1435 William Mortimer
1440 Richard Pope
1457 Walter Aston
1468 William Ayston
1475 William Ketley
1494 Richard Baker
1499 Thomas Dene
1513 Thomas Long (not in Nash's list)
1551 Thomas Hobbyns
1559 John Coxetur
1569 Thomas Ferryman Snr.
1618 Thomas Ferryman Jnr.
1623 William Bridges
1656 Stephen Baxter
1662 Nathaniel Tompkins
1667 William Hopkins Snr.
1682 William Hopkins Jnr.
1684 John Jephcott
1690 Moses Hodges
1725 Benjamin Woodroffe
1726 Matthew Forester
1746 Benjamin Mence
1750 John Arnold
1771 David Carpenter
1784 Matthew Lamb
1797 Thomas James
1805 Richard Kilver
1813 James Meakin
1814 William Digby
1818 Henry Anthony Pye
1841 E. Winnington-Ingram
1845 Arthur Henry Winnington-Ingram
1887 Theophilus Sharp
1895 James Hay Waugh
1908 James Davenport (Mrs Davenport gave the
inscribed vellum in his memory in 1934)
1930 H.T. Boultbee
1949 E.H. Downey
1957 Christopher P. Johnson
1969 Bernard J. Palmer
1978 Cedric Eve
---- Jonathan Crane

The following list of Churchwardens have been extrated from the Registers and Bishop's Transcrpts.

1573 - 1574 = John Kempe, Nic. Prichet
1574 - 1575 = John Kempe, Richard Haynes
1576 - 1584 = John Kempe, G. Strikelande
1585 - 1586 = W. Chaunce, Jo. Wilkes
1587 - 1589 = Peter Haines, Jo. Wilkes
1590 - 1595 = Jo. Kempe, Philip Perkes
1596 - 1596 = Ro. Harward, Phil Perke
1597 - 1597 = William Abell, Roger Maunder
1598 - 1600 = Wm Abell, Roger Maunder
1601 - 1602 = Wm Parsons, Wm Walker
1603 - 1605 = Jo. Willes, W. Chaunce
1605 - 1606 = To. Willes, W. Willes
1607 - 1609 = Peter Haines, John Wilkes
1610 - 1613 = Fraunces Oseley, Wm Abell
1614 - 1615 = W. Willes, H. Perkes
1616 - 1617 = W. Wilkes, H. Perke
1618 - 1619 = Philip Parkes, Tho. Haines
1620 - 1621 = Roberte Harward, Tho Abell
(Sidesmen) = Phillip Pearkes, Thomas Haines
1621 - 1621 = Tho Bicknell, Franc. Oeslye
1622 - 1622 = Frances Oeslye, Tho Bicknell
1623 - 1623 = Tho Bicknell, Francis Osely
1624 - 1624 = Will Blackford, Martin Godfree
1625 - 1625 = Tho. Heynes, Tho. Courte
1628 - 1628 = Thomas Heynes, Richard Ewens
1630 - 1630 = Kemp Harward, Thomas Wagstaffe
1631 - 1631 = John Wills, Thomas Abell blank
1633 - 1633 = Henry Perks, Ed. Holbroke
1634 - 1634 = Henry Perks, name decayed
1662 - 1662 = Kemp Harward, Richard Haines
1663 - 1664 = John Wills, George Ewans
1665 - 1665 = Richard Salmon, Henry Perkes
1670 - 1670 = Thomas Clarke, Thomas Tisoe

During the 1660-80's John Clarke served as
churchwarden. Maybe Thomas Clarke in 1670 was meant.

1672 - 1672 = Thomas Holbrooke, John Smith
1674 - 1674 = Valentine Abell, John Holbrooke
1676 - 1676 = John Holbrooke, Vallentine Abell
1678 - 1678 = John Holbrooke, Thomas George
1679 - 1679 = Richard Haines, Henry Perks
1680 - 1680 = Henry Pyrks, Richard Haines
1681 - 1682 = Thomas Pilkington, William Holbrooke
1683 - 1683 = Tho: Tysoe, Matthew Holbrook
1684 - 1684 = Tho. Tysoe, Matt: Holbrook
1685 - 1685 = Tho: Maris, Tho: Perks
1686 - 1686 = Thomas Perks, Tho: Maris
1687 - 1687 = John Wills, George Ewans
1688 - 1688 = John Wills, George Ewans
1689 - 1689 = Thomas Pilkington, Thomas Hains
1690 - 1690 = Thomas Pilkington, Thos Hains
1692 - 1692 = Tho Pearks, Ed Howbrook
1693 - 1693 = Tho: Haines, Wm Blackford
1694 - 1694 = Edw Holbooke, Tho. T. Perks
1695 - 1695 = Tho. Haines, Will. Blackford
1696 - 1696 = John Emes, William Abell
1697 - 1699 = Thomas Pilkington, Thomas Haines
1700 - 1700 = Richard Walker, Henry Perkes
1703 - 1703 = Mr. Blackford, Jo. Godfrey
1704 - 1705 = Thomas Perkes, John Holbrook
1706 - 1707 = Hen. Clarke, Tho. Maris
1708 - 1709 = Wm Blackford, Hen. Clarke
1710 - 1711 = Tho. Haines, Will. Blackford
1712 - 1713 = Nich. Marshall, Will. Abell
1714 - 1715 = Tho. Haines, George Biddle
1716 - 1717 = Wm Blackford, Henry Perkes
1718 - 1718 = Wm Gould, Martin Godfrey
1719 - 1721 = John Holbrooke, Tho. Maris
1724 - 1725 = Will. Blackford, Martin Godfrey
1726 - 1726 = Jopn Chamberlain, Thomas Blackford
Book one:           Reverend Davenport's front cover.
VOL 1, 1570-1733

Image d0001
Book one:           Reverend Davenport's introduction.
With the exception of one baptism in 1638 no entries were made between 1634 and 1690 in this book which seems to have been carefully put aside, the entries from 1653 onwards being made in the Churchwardens' oblong book. In 1690 Moses Hodges became Rector, and he copied into the old register most of the entries from the oblong book, but not all e.g. the 17 baptisms for the period 1653 - 1660. Anyone therefore searching the period 1653 - 90 should consult the oblong book as well as the original register.

The pages in the oblong book 1653 - 90 are here given verbatim et literatim on pages [space] following.
James Davenport, Rector, 5 March 1912.

1627, part of 1628, 1672, 1674, 1675, 1676 are not given in the Register or oblong book, but are given in the Transcripts at Worcester.
J.D. 3 Dec 1920.

Image d0002
Book one:           First page of first Register.
Page 1

[In margin:] Mors Elizethæ Reginæ
Ao Dni 1602: Comput: Aug: 24o die Martii the most famous and Renowned Soveraigne Queene Elisabeth departed this life: after Shee had governed this Kingdome in peace & much happines 44 yeares compleate & fower monethes.

[In margin:] Initimn Regui Ja sobi Regis
Eodem die et Ao James the Sixt of Scotlande was proclaymed in London Kinge of England and wth all posithe[?] expedition the same was Likewise proclaymed in all partes of the Lande without resistance. Blessed be god who vouchsched[?] to graunte him so peacable an entraunce into his righful inheritaunce, and longe and many yeares maie he raigne and rule in this llande to gods glorie.

[In margin:] Coronaco Jacobi
Julii 25 James aforesaide was crowned in the minster at Westmister by John Whitegifte Archbishop of Canterbury.

[In margin:] Mors Jo Whitegift ArchiEpi Cantuar:
Februarii 29o Ao Dni Comput Aug. 1603 John Whitegifte The above named Archbishop of Canterbuye after he had satte on that Sea 25 yeares & upwards in favor wth 2 mightie princes Elizabeth and James and reverence of the people for his wisdome learninge and great humilitie yelded his sowle to god.

[In margin:] Premum Parliam enta[?] Fa.[?] Cobi[?]
Eodem Anno Martii 19th the first parliament of Kinge James Began at Westminster

Image d0003
Book one:           Second page.
Page 2

A perfecte Register of Christeninges, Marriages and funerals: whch have hapned in the pishe of Harvington, in and vithence the 28th day of March in the yeere of our Lord god: 1570 being the day and yeere wherein Mr Thomas Fereman was Inducted into the Parsonage there.

Ao Dni 1575: Junii 11o: The abovenamed Mr Thomas Feryman came to Harvington to reside: after that he had served the Revende Father Nicholas the then Bishop of Worcester as ordinarie Chaplin in his howse by the space of 4 yeares and upwardes. All whch tyme he had of the sayde Revende Father Hyet for him selfe his wife his man his wives maybe and keeping for 2 geldings.

Ao pdco Aug 8o Elizabeth the renowned Queene of England came to the Citie of Worcester and there continued in the Bishop's Palace one whole weeke.

Ao Dni 1576 April 18o Nicholas the abovenamed Bishop of Worcester Departed this life in the Castle of Hartleburie, and lyeth buryed in the qyer of the Cathedrall Churche there as by a seemely monment it is to be seene.

Ao Dni 1577. Comp. Ang. Jan. 13o William Feryman Citizen of London and father of the above named Thomas departed this life and lyeth buryed in St Katharin Cree Churche in London in whch parishe he then inhabited. Mr Dr Lewis then Reader in Partes churche
Pr chinge his funeral.

A leaf seems here to have followed & to have been cut out.
March 11. 1801.

T. James Rector

Image d0004
Book one:           Baptisms, first page starting in 1573.
Page 3

Jo. Kempe, Nic. Prichet - Churchwardens

1573 – John Prichet was baptized the 6th day of April. Wittnesses: John Perke, Anthony Pler & Mary Kempe.
1573 – Richard Warner was baptized the X1th day of May. Wittnesses: Richard Wooderd, John Kempe & Elizabeth Sturlye.
1573 – Edwarde Perke the sonne of John was baptized the 20th of May. Witnesses: Humphery Evets Edward Kempe & Margaret Kempe.
1573 – John Cager was baptized the 20th of September. Wittnesses: John Hill, John Perke & Marye Warner.
1573 - Judith Stricklande was baptyzed the 21st day of September. Wittnesses: James Michell, Betteridge Dingeley & Judith Wilson.
1573 – Elizabeth Abell was baptized the 29th of November. Wittnesses: G. Stricklande, Elsabeth Hignet and Joane Prichet.
1573 – Elizabeth Kempe the daughter of John Kempe was baptized the 18th day of March. Wittnesses: Thomas Kempe, Magdalen Feriman & Joane Prichet.
1574 – George Distone was baptized the 11th day of May. Wittnesses: John Kempe, George Distone & Joane Prichet.
1574 – Joane Marshall was baptized the thirde day of Auguste. Witnesses: John Hill, Gillian Mealin and Joane Enterbury.

Tho: Feriman: Parson, Jo. Kempe, Nic. Prichet - Chuchwardens

Image d0005
Book one:           Baptisms.
Page 4

1574 - George Smalman was baptized the 15th day of August. Witnesses G: Strikelande, W: Perke & Joane Prichet.
1574 - Anne Abell was baptized the 12th day of Januarye. Witnesses: Thomas Heminge, Margery Haynes and Elizabeth Wheateeraste.

Jo. Kempe & Ric Haines - Churchwardens.

1575 - Margaret Haynes the daughter of Thomas, was baptized the first day of May. Witnesses: John Perke, Margaret Kempe & Jane Haynes.
1575 - Margaret Mealinge was baptized the 26th of June. Witnesses: Peter Heines, Margaret Perke & Betridge Perke.
1575 - John Feelde was baptized the 29th of June. Wittnesses: John Rowse, Thomas Ferriman & Marg: Kempe
1575 - Thomas Strikelande was baptized the thirde day of July. Witnesses: Thomas Feriman, John Kempe & Joane Perke.
1575 - Anne Hunte the daughter of Richarde was baptized the 7th day of Auguste. Wittnesses: John Perke, Anne Willes & Ann Haynes.
1575 - Magdalen Prichet was baptized the 14th day of August. Wittnesses: Thomas Kempe, Magdalen Feriman and Margaret Perke.
1575 - Anne Davis was baptized the 23rd of October. Wittnesses: George Strikelande, Anne Dingeley & Margaret Perke.
1575 - Edward Enterbury was baptized the 20th of November. Wittnesses: Henry Hunte, George Kempe & Anne Willes.

Tho: Feriman: Parson Jo. Kempe & Ric Haines - Churchwardens.

Image d0006
Book one:           Baptisms.
Page 5

1576 - Em. Panter was baptized the 25th of March. Wittnesses: William Perkes Em. Panter & Dorathe Abell.
1576 - Magdalen Kempe the daughter of John was baptized the 30th day of March, Wittnesses: Walter Harris, Magdalen Ferriman & Marie Warner.
1576 - W. Massie was baptized the 4th day of November. Wittnesses: W. Warde, John Perkinsson & Joane Prichet.
1576 - Anne Abell was baptized the 18th of November. Wittnesses: Roger Hope, Anne Abell & Michaeline Abell.
1576 - Ursula Ferriman was baptized the 27th of January. Wittnesses: Thomas Dingeley, Ursula Bigge and Anne Bushell.

Jo. Kempe & G. Strikelande - Churchwardens

1577 - Frances Blissarde was baptized the Second day of June. Wittnesses: Richard Blissarde, John Perke & Marie Hodges.
1577 - George Strikelande was baptized the 8th day of July. Wittnesses: Thomas Wilson, Robert Crosbie & Margaret Kempe.
1577 - Rebecca Clerke was baptized the 6th day of October. Wittnesses: William Jane, Rebecca Kempe and Margery Perkes.
1577 - Joane Coger was baptized the 24th day of December. Wittnesses: William Jane, Rebecca Kempe & Margery Prichet.
1578 - Thomas Kempe the Sonne of John was baptized the 27th of Marche. Wittnesses: Thomas Ferriman, Jo Kempe and Elsabeth Morris.

Tho. Ferriman, Parson Jo. Kempe & G. Strikeland - Churchwardens

Image d0007
Book one:           Baptisms.
Page 6

1578 - Luce Ferriman was baptized the 28th day of Septembr. Wittnesses: Phillip Bigge, Ursula Tomlinson & Margaret Kempe.
1578 - Margaret Abell was baptized the firste day of Novembr. Wittnesses: Thomas Perke, Margaret Perke and Anne Haynes.
1578 - John Strikelande was baptized the Seconde day of Novembr. Wittnesses: Thomas Byarde, John Perkinson and Annis Perkes.
1578 - Marye Clarke was baptized the thirde day of February. Wittnesses: Robert Hignet, Alice Hope & Joane Harborne.
1578 - Willm Walker was baptized the 22th of February: Witnes– John Wilkes, Jo Perkes & Anne Kempe.
1578 - Rebecca Tomlins was baptized the thirde day of March. Wittnesses: Robert Richardes, Rebecca Kempe and Margaret Bennett.
1579 - John Enterbury was baptized the 8th day of Aprill. Wittnesses: John Perkes, John Kempe the younger and Magdalen Ferriman.
1579 - John Chaunce was baptized the 12th day of Aprill. Wittnesses: John Harrisson, Thomas Chaunce and Magdalen Ferriman.
1579 - Thomas Kempe the Sonne of John was baptized the 14th day of June. Wittnesses: Thomas Ferriman, John Perkes and Anne Kighteley.
1579 - Elsabeth Haynes the daughter of Thomas was baptized the 26th day of July. Wittnesses: John Haynes, Elsabeth Wilkes and Anne Haynes.

Tho: Ferriman: Parson, Jo Kempe & G Strikelande - Churchwardens.

(1580 & 1581 found wanting in 1801 by T. James, Rector.)

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1582 - John Tomlins was baptized the 9th day of November. Wittnesses: Jo Kempe, Rich Wilkes & Elinor Chaunce.
1582 - Peter Enterbury was baptized the Seconde day of Febro. Wittnesses Peter Haynes, Jo: Wilkes & Ursula Ferriman.
1582 - John Haines the Sonne of Peter was baptized the 21th of Marche. Wittnesses: John Kempe, Nicholas Haynes & Margery Haynes.

Jo. Kempe & G. Strikeland - Churchwardens.

1583 - John Persons was baptized the 7th day of September. Wittnesses: Phillip Perkes, Jo: Willes & Elinor Chaunce.
1583 - Marye Walker was baptized the 22th day of September. Wittnesses: Willm Persons, Marie Hodges & Elinor Chaunce.
1583 - Thomas Bruer was baptised the [-]th day of Marche. Wittnesses: Tho: Ferriman, Tho: Newton & Marg: Kempe.

Jo. Kempe & G. Strikeland - Churchwardens.

1584 - Thomas Haines the Sonne of Peter was baptized the 20th day of Aprill. Wittnesses: Thomas Ferriman, John Kempe & Rebecca Kempe.
1584 - Margaret Courte was baptized the 6th day of Auguste. Wittnesses: Tho: Ferriman, Margaret Bushell and Margaret Kempe.
1584 - Annis Perkes the daughter of Phillip was baptized the 23th of Auguste. Witnesses: John Wilkes, Annis Perkes and Margery Haynes.
1584 - Anne Abell the daughter of William was baptized the 30th day of Auguste. Wittnesses: John Hues, Anne Hemminge and Michaelin Shephearde.

Tho: Ferriman, Minister, Jo. Kempe & G Strikeland - Churchwardens.

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(faded) - Annis Hooman was baptized the 25th of October. Wittnesses: John Hooman, Joane Perkes & Joane Hooman.
1584 - Fraunces Willes was baptized the firste day of November. Wittnesses: Tho: Ferriman, Fraunces Harris and Margaret Kempe.
1584 - Christian the daughter of Margery Perkes was baptized the 5th day of Novembr filia populi.
1584 - Roase Chaunce was baptized the thirde day of Januarye. Wittnesses Willm Willes, Margaret Kempe and Elsabeth Wilkes.
1584 - Katherine Ferriman was baptized the 7th day of February. Witnesses: John Kempe, Elsabeth Dingeley & Katherine Bigge.

W. Chaunce & J. Wilkes - Churchwardens.

1585 - Henry Strikelande was baptized the 18th day of Aprill. Wittnesses: Henry Smith, John Perkes and Elinor Chaunce.
1585 - John Kempe the Sonne of George was baptized the firste day of Auguste. Wittnesses: John Kempe, Peter Haynes & Elsabeth Hignet.
1585 - William Pigeon was baptized the 8th day of Auguste. [Witnesses:] William Chaunce, Willm Swatman and Ursula Ferriman.
1585 - Ellinor Swateman was baptized the 12th day of September. Wittnesses: Peter Haynes, Ellinor Chaunce & Magdalen Kempe.

Tho: Ferriman, Parson, W. Chaunce & Jo. Wilkes - Churchwardens.

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1585 – Magdalen Haines was baptized the thirde day of October. Wittnesses: Thomas Kempe Magdalen Feriman and Joan Walker
1585 – William Willes the Sonne of John was baptized the 30th day of January. Wittnesses: William Willes senior John Kempe senior & Anne Willes
1585 – Thomas the Sonne of Margaret Martine was baptized the 24th day of February.

W. Chance, Jo. Wilks - Churchwardens

1586 – Joane the daughter of Elsabeth Hale was baptized the 25th day of Marche: filia populi.
1586 – Thomas Kempe was baptized the 24th of July. Wittnesses: Tho. Feriman, Thomas Kempe and Margaret Kempe.
1586 – Margaret Tomlines was baptized the 21st of August. Wittnesses: Robert Skrivene, Margaret Kempe and Elsabeth Wilkes.
1586 – Willm Haynes was baptized the 7th day of October. Wittnesses: Wm Chaunce, G. Kempe & Margaret Kempe.
1586 – Ursula Abell was baptized the 9th of October. Witnesses: John Kempe junior, Joane Hues & Ursula Feriman.

[number 100 in left margin]

1586 – Ursula Perkes the daughter of Phillipe was baptized the 28th October. Witnesses: John Sallowaye, Anne Willes & Ursula Feriman.
1586 – Thomas Feriman was baptized the 26th of Decembr. Witnesses: Mr Tho Bigge, Mr Richard Edgeocke and Elsabeth Perrott.

Tho. Feriman Rector. W. Chaunce Jo. Wilkes - Churchwardens (faded).

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1586 – Edwarde Willes was baptized the 20th day of Marche. Witnesses: Edwarde Bushell gent. Willm Willes senior and Anne Willes.

Peter Haines, Jo. Wilkes - Churchwardens.

1587 – John Perkes the Sonne of John was baptized the seconde day of Aprill. Wittnesses: John Wilkes, Robert Perkes & Elinor Perkes.
1587 – Thomas Bruer was baptized the 25th July. Wittnesses: Thomas Feryman [crossed out then (sic)]
1587 – Thomas Abell the Sonne of John Abell was baptized the 24th Auguste. Wittnesses: Tho. Feriman, John Kempe & Judith Kempe.
1587 – Henry Perkes the Sonne of Phillip was baptized the 28th day of October. Wittnesses: Henrye Perkes, John Willes & Alice Perkes.
1587 – Elinor Haynes the daughtr of Peter was baptized the 29th of October. Wittnesses: Thomas Kempe, Elinor Chaunce and Elinor Haynes.
1587 – Henry Stephens was baptized the 11th of December. Wittnesses: Henry (erased), John Kempe junior and Elinor Chaunce.
1587 – Robert Richardes was baptized the 17th of February. Witnesses: Robert (erased) Robert Scryven & Margaret Ballarde.

Tho Feriman Rector. Peter Haines, Jo. Wilkes - C’ward.

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Peter Haines, Jo. Wilkes - Churchwardens.

1588 – Joane Courte the daughter of Thomas was baptized the 21st of Aprill. Wittnesses: Peter Haynes, Joane Perkes and Ursula Feriman.
1588 – James Strikelande was baptized the 9th of June. Wittnesses: Thomas Kempe, T. Samuell & H: Bridge.
1588 – Elinor the daughter of William Abell was baptiz: the 11th of December. Witnesses: John Willes Elinor Chaunce and Anne Willes.
1588 – Thomas Steevens the Sonne of Raffe was baptized the 23th of Marche. Wittnesses: Tho. Feriman, John Kempe & Elinor Chaunce.
1589 – George Richardes was baptized the 15th day of June. Wittnesses: George Kempe, Tho. Courte and Rebecca Kempe.
1589 – Thomas Perkes was baptized the 7th of December. Wittnesses: Tho Feriman Willm Chaunce and Magdalen Kempe.
1589 – Edwarde Haynes was baptized the 25th of December. Witnesses: Ed: Kempe, John Salowaye & Marg. Kempe.
1589 – Thomas Coates was baptized the first day of February. Wittnesses: Thomas Feriman Willm Chaunce and Elsabeth Insoll.
1589 – George Kempe the Sonne of George was baptized the 4th day of March. Witnesses: Willm Chaunce John Willes & Anne Haynes.

Tho: Feriman. Peter Haines Jo. Wilkes.

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Jo. Kempe, Philip Perkes - Churchwardens.

1590 – John Abell the Sonne of John was baptized the 14th day of May. Wittnesses: John Willes Thomas Kempe & Anne Kempe.
1590 – Elsabeth Coates was baptized the 7th day of February. Witnesses: Tho. Savadge, Elsabeth Feriman & Magdalen Hill.
1590 – William Abell the Sonne of Willm was baptized the 21th day of February. Wittnesses: William Abell of Alcetor, Willm Chaunce & Anne Haynes.
1591 – John Richardes was baptized the 25th of Aprill. Witnesses: John Wilkes, Peter Haynes & Margaret Willes.
1591 – John Ayres was baptized the 6th day of June. Witnesses: John Wills, George Strikelande & Ann Pratt.
1591 – William Strikelande was baptized the 23th day of July. Wittnesses: John Willes, Jo. Wilkes & Anne Kempe.
1591 – William Stephens was baptized the 26th of Septembr. Wittnesses: Willm Chaunce (blank) Hayward and Ursula Feriman.
1591 - Peter Haynes the Sonne of Peter was baptized the thirde day of October. Wittnesses: John Willes, G. Kempe and Ursula Feriman.
1591 - Katherine Gregson was baptized the 28th day of October. Wittnesses: Jo Willes, Margaret Kempe & Ursula Feriman.

Tho. Feriman Rector. Jo. Kemp, Philip Perke - Guard.

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Jo Kempe, Philip Perke - Churchwardens.

1592 – Thomas Kempe the Sonne of George was baptized the 13th of Aprill. Wittnesses: Thomas Feriman John Wilkes & Rebecca Gyll.
1592 – John Gyll was baptized the 20th day of Aprill. Witness: Thomas Feriman Jo. Kempe & Elizabeth Perrotte.
1592 – Margery Perkes the daughter of John was baptiz. the 18th day of June. Wittnesses: Thos. Courte, Margery Perkes & Margery Yearnall.
1592 – William Abell the Sonne of John was baptized the 5th of Novembr. Wittnesses: Wm. Chaunce, Willm Willes & Magdalen Kempe.
1592 – Thomas Courte was baptized the 28th day of January. Wittnesses: William Willes, Thomas Feriman junior and Elsabeth Feriman.
1593 – George Abell the Sonne of William was baptized the 4th day of Aprill. Wittnesses: George Strikelande, Thomas Feriman junior & Magdalen Kempe.
1593 – John the Sonne of a vagrant huswife delivered at William Chaunces was baptized the 29th of July.
1593 – Magdalen Hemminge was baptized the 11th day of Auguste. Wittnesses: Thomas Feriman junior, Magdalen Kempe & Roase Chaunce.
1593 – Robert Richardes was baptized the 25th day of November. Wittnesses: John Sallowaye, Thomas Feriman junior and Judith Kempe.

Tho. Feriman Rector. Jo. Kempe, Phil. Perke - Guardiani.

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1593 – Ursula Salowaye was baptized the 21th day of December. Wittnesses: Thomas Hill, Ursula Feriman and Magdalen Kempe.
1593 – Peter Gill was baptized the 26th day of Decembr. Witnesses: Thomas Bigge junior, Abraham Sturley and Magdalen Feriman.
1593 – Ursula Strikelande was baptized the 13th day of January. Witnesses: Tho. Feriman junior, Magdalen Kempe & Roase Chaunce.
1593 – Ursula Ayres was baptized the 10th day of February. Witnesses: William Chaunce junior, Ursula Feriman and Magdalen Kempe.
1593 – Judith Panter the daughter of Edw was baptized the firste day of Marche. Wittnesses: Tho Feriman junior, Judith Kempe and Rose Chaunce.
1594 – Margaret Kempe the daughter of George was baptized the firste day of Aprill. Witnesses: Tho Feriman junior, Margaret Kempe & Margaret Willes.
1594 – Edwarde Abell the sonne of Willm was baptized the 9th day of June. Wittnesses: Tho Reinoldes, William Willes & Elizabeth Owseley.
1594 – Thomas Hurste was baptized the 8th day of September. Witnesses: Tho Feriman junior, Wm Chaunce junior and Magdalen Kempe.
1594 – Phillip Hemminge was baptized the 22th day of December. Wittnesses: Phillip Perkes, William Chaunce & Magdalen Kempe.

Tho Feriman Rector – Jo. Kempe, Phil. Perke – Guard.

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1594 – Margaret and Anne Haynes sister twinnes, the daughters of Peter were baptized the 26th January. Witnesses: John Wilkes, Margaret Willes & Magdalen Kempe; Phillip Perkes, Anne Kempe & Elizabeth Feriman.

Jo Kempe, Philip Perkes – Churchwardens.

1595 – William Bearde was baptized the 16th May. Wittnesses: Willm Ayres, Walter Walker & Katherine Perkines.
1595 – Phillip Perkes the sonne of Phillip was baptized the 9th day of June. Wittnesses: William Willes, Daniell Leylande & Ursula Enterburye.
1595 – William Perkes the sonne of John was baptized the 15th day of June. Wittnesses: Willm Chaunce, Thomas Haynes & Katherine Feriman.
1595 – Magdalen Richardes was baptized the 19th day of September. Witnesses: Thomas Reinoldes, Magdalen Harwarde & Rose Chaunce.
1595 – Margaret the daughter of Edwarde Panter was baptized the 5th day of November. Witnesses: Edwarde Willes, Margaret Haynes & Anne Perkes.
1595 – Elizabeth Salowaye was baptized the 18th day of Januarye. Wittnesses: Richarde Yarnall, Elizabeth Titus & Elsabeth Feriman.

Robte Harward, Philip Perke – Churchwardens.

1596 – Elizabeth Kempe the daughter of George was baptized the 5th day of September. Witnesses Tho Reynolds, Elsabeth Perrot & Elsabeth Wilkes.

Tho Feriman Rector. Ro. Harward, Phil Perke – Guard.

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1596 – Elsabeth Haynes the daughter of Peter was baptized the 20th day of September. Witnesses: Robert Harwarde, Elsabeth Ouseley & Elsabeth Feriman.
1596 – Thomas Harwarde the sonne of Robert was baptized the 21st day of November. Wittnesses: Tho Harwarde, John Kempe & Magdalen Feriman.
1596 – Robert Strikelande was baptized the 28th day of November. Wittnesses: Robert Harwarde, Roger Maunder amd Margaret Willes.
1596 – Katherine Abell was baptized the 30th day of November. Wittnesses: John Sallowaye, Rose Chaunce and Katherine Feriman.
1596 – Richarde Hemminge was baptized the firste day of January. Witnesses: Fraunces Ouseley, Thomas Reinoldes junior & Rose Chaunce.
1597 – Peter Rainoldes was baptized the 22th day of May. Witnesses: (blank).
1597 - Alice Ayres was baptized the 12th day of June. Wittnesses: Roger Maunder, Alice Hunett and Rose Chaunce.
1587 – Elsabeth Panter the daughter of Ed: was baptized the Seconde day of October. Wittnesses: Richarde Richardes, Elisabeth Prichet & Magdalen Perkinson.
1597 – Anne Doogood was baptized the 22th day of Decembr. Witnesses: (blank). [daughter of Richard Doogood.]

Tho. Feriman Rector, William Abell & Roger Maunder – Churchwardens.

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1597 – Rebecca Richardes was baptized the 24th day of Februarye. Witnesses: Willm Tandey, Rebecca Tomlins and Elsabeth Richardes.

W. Abell, Ro. Maunder: Churchwardens.

1598 – Kempe Harwarde the Sonne of Robert was baptiz the 19th day of November. Witnesses: John Kempe, John Harwarde & Elsabeth Perrotte.
1598 – William Doegoode the Sonne of Richarde was baptized the 7th day of Januarye. Witnesses: Willm Parsons, Edwarde willes & Dorathe Tandey.
1599 – Anne Panter the daughter of Edwarde was baptized the 6th day of Aprill. Witnesses: Frances Ousley, Anne Haynes & Anne Kempe.
Frances Ingles the daughter of Richarde and Joyce Ingles borne at Willm Tandes house was baptized the 17th day of Januarye. Witnesses: Robert Ingles, Jane Ingles & Elinor Haynes junior.
1600 – Dorathe Richardes the daughter of Robert was baptized the 20th day of Aprill. Wittnesses: Edward Willes, Dorathe Ousley & Elinor Haynes junior.
1600 – Elsabeth Hemminge the daughter of Richarde & Joane was baptized the 11th day of May beinge Whitesonday. Witnesses: Thomas Haynes junior, Elsabeth Parsons & Dorothe Ouseley.
1600 – Robert Abell the sonne of William was baptized the 10th day of Auguste. Wittnesses: Robert Harwarde, Thomas Courte and Elsabeth Parsons.

Tho Feriman Rector. Wm Abell, Roger Maunder – Guard.

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1600 – Ursula Panter the daughter of Edwarde Panter alias Evatts was baptized the VIIth day of Decembr. Wittnesses: Robert Woode, Ursula Enterbery and Rebecca Tomlines.

William Parsons & Wm Walker – Churchwardens.

1600 – Anthoney the sonne of Robert Harwarde was baptyzed the XXIIth of March beinge middellent Sunday. Wittnesses: Mr Anthoney Smith gent. Mr Thomas Feriman and Mrs Ursula Bigge.
1601 – Thomas the sonne of Richarde Doogood was baptized the Vth day of July. Witnesses: Thomas Haynes junior, Henry Perkes & Magdalen Abell.
1601 – Alice Wills the daughter of William Wills was baptized the XIIIth day of September. Witnesses: Edward Savige, Magdalen Harwarde & Elsabeth Feriman.
1602 – Jane Davis daughter to Simon Davis was baptized the 3th daye of October. Witnesses: Edwarde Willes, Ursula Enterbery and Magdalen Perkinson.
1602 – Joane Harwarde the daughter of Robert Harwarde was baptized the 22 day of Decembr. Witnesses: Anthony Jarret, Mrs Joane Smith and Mrs Ursula Ratter.

Tho Feriman Rector. Wm Persons, Wm Walker – Guard.

(new handwriting begins with 1602)

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1602 – Elizabeth the Daughter of Richard Hurtle was baptized the 15th of January. Witnesses: Thomas Abell, Elizabeth Woosly, Joane Courte.
1602 – Mary the daughter of Thomas Chaunce was baptized the 15th of Feb. Witnesses: George Kempe junior, Mary Walker, Ellinor Heines.
1602 – Valentine Abell the Sonne of William Abell was baptized the 21th of Febru. Witnesses: (blank), Frances Woosly and Anne Kempe.

Jacobi prima.

1603 – Dorithy the Daughter of Edward Panter was baptized the 8th of Maye. Witnesses: Richard Panter, Dorithy Woosly and Margaret Courte.
1603 – Anne the Daughter of William Willes was baptized the 15th of Maye. Witnesses: Thomas Savidge, Anne Sissell and (blank).
1603 – Magdalen the Daughter of Richard Doogood was baptized the 12th of June. Witnesses: Jhon Clifton, Magdalen Harward, Elizabeth Feriman.
1603 – Jhon the Sonne of Richard Hemminge was baptized the 9th of November. Witnesses: Jhon Kempe jun: and Anne Perke.

Tho Feriman Rector. Wm Persons, W. Walker – Guardiani.

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1603 – Jhon the sonne of Jhon Perke was baptized the 26th daye of Decembr. Witnesses: Jhon Kempe senior, Jhon Perke and Elsabeth Feriman.
1603 – Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Richards was baptized the 29th of January. Witnesses: Thomas Heines, Anne Kempe and Magdalen Harwarde.
1603 - Mary the daughter of Jhon Perkes was baptized the 20th February. Witnesses: Phillip Panter, Mary Walker and Mary Parsons.
1603 – Elisabeth the daughter of Simon Davis was baptized the 4th March. Witnesses: Roger Maunder: Magdalen Harward and Elisabeth Feriman.

Jo Willes, W. Chaunce – Churchwardens.

1604 – Magdalen the daughter of Richard Doogoode was baptized te 20 daye of January. Witneses: Richard Strelley, Ann Kempe & Elinor Chaunce.
1604 – Phillip the Sonne of John Perke was baptized the 20th day of January. Witnesses: Phillip Perke, George Perke and Magdalen Harwarde.
1604 – Thomas the Sonne of Edwarde Evets was baptized the 10th of February. Witnesses: Thomas Heines, Thomas Abell & Mary Walker.
1605 – Elsabeth the daughter of William Hill was baptized the 8th day of February [crossed out then (sic)] September. Witnesses: Robert Harwarde, Neris Moore & Elsabeth Parsons.

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1605 – Millisent the daughter of William Abell was baptized the 6th day of October. Witnesses: Henry Perkes, Millisent Packston and Marye Walker.
1605 – Alice the Daughter of Roberte Harward was baptized the 27th daye of October. Witnesses: Mr Edward Braughton, Alice Harwarde and Elizabeth Moore.
1605 – John the sonne of Richard Richardes was baptized the (blank). Witnesses: (blank).
1605 – Peter the posthume sonne Peter & Rebecca Gyll was baptized the 22 of December. Witnesses: Roberte Harward, George Kempe and Maudelin Harward.

To Willes, W. Willes – Church.

1606 – Thomas the Soonne of Simon Davies was baptized the first of June. Witnesses: Tho: Haynes, Henry Perkes and Margaret Gibbes.
1606 – Anne the daughter of John Perkes was baptized the 5th of October. Witnesses: John Blalocke, Anne Kempe and Anne Perkes.
1606 – (blank) the daughter of Edward Evettes was baptized the (blank) of November. Witnesses: (blank).
1606 – (blank) the (blank) of Richard Doegood was baptized the (blank) of December. Witnesses: (blank).

Tho Feriman, Minister. Peter Haines, John Wilkes – Churchwardens.

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1607 – Annis the daughter of one (blank) Pennell a sory huswife by chaunce brought to bed in Philip Perkes his barne was baptized XXVth daye of Maie. Witnesses: Tho Haines, Annis Perkes and (blank). [Annis is a form of Agnes].
1607 – Mary the daughter of Wm Abell was baptized at home, in regarde of weakenes, the first daye of June. Witnesses: Tho Heynes, (blank) Ballard and (blank) Willes.
1607 – Fortune the Daughter of Fraunces Oseleye was baptized the VIIth daye of June. Witnesses: Roberte Harward, Maudelin Feryman and Fortune Webbe.
1607 – William the Sonne of Richard Evetts was baptized the 25th daye of July. Witnesses: William Walker, John Wylles and Anne Haines.
1607 – Thomas the Sonne of Roberte Harward was baptized the 7th daye of October. Witnesses: Tho: Harward of bretforton, Thomas Feriman Junior and Rebecca Gyll.
1607 – Edward the Soonne of John Blalocke was baptized the (blank) of November. Witnesses: (blank).
1607 – Maudelin the Daughter of William (hasl?) was baptized the 28th of December. Witnesses: ([blank).

Tho Feriman, Minister. Peter Haines, John Wilkes – Churchwardens.

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1607 – (blank).

1608 – Thomas the Soonne of Richard Richardes was baptized the 31 of Julye. Witnesses: Tho Feriman, Tho: Haines and Margaret Willes.
1608 - William the Sonne of John Perke was baptized the XVIIIth daye of September. Witnesses: William Abell, Richard Richardes and Elinor Haines.
1608 - George the soonne of John Strikeland was baptized the 24 daie of Januarye. Witnesses: George Strikeland, Peter Haines and Annis Perke.
1608 – Ellnor the daughter of Edward Panter alias Evetts was baptized fifte daie of Marche. Witnesses: Roger Maunder, Ellnor Chaunce and Margaret Willes the younger.
1609 – Maudelin the daughter of Fraunces Oseleye was baptized the 23 daye of Aprill. Witnesses: (blank), Maudelin Harward & Anne Kempe.
1609 – Thomas the Soonne of William Abell was baptized the 28 daye of Maie. Witnesses: Thomas Feriman junior, Edward Willes and Alice Pratte.
1609 – William the Soonne of Michaell Parsons was baptized the 13th daye of Julie. Witnesses: Richard (blank), Rowlande Parsons and Anne Perkes.

Tho Feriman, Minister. Peter Haines, John Willes – Churchwardens.

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1609 - John the Soonne of Edward Willes was borne the 3 of Sept. Baptized the 6th daie. Witnesses: John Willes, Tho: Pigeon and (blank) Bignell(?).
1609 - John the Soonne of Thomas Haines was borne the 20 of October. Baptized the 23 of October. Witnesses: John Charlet, John Kempe and Margaret Courte.
1609 - John the Soonne of John Crosse (as it is sayed) (whose mother was delivered at Edwarde Panters howse) was baptized the 19th Daye of Januarie. Witnesses: John Price, John Perke and (blank) Hancocks of Campden.
[In margin] The mothers name ys Suzanna Smith: the child filio populi: there ys a bonde to Save the towne harmeles in the custodie of T.F.
1609 - Anne the Daughter of Symon Davies was baptized the 28th daye of January. Witnesses: (blank), Anne Abell and (blank).
1609 - Roberte the Soonne of Robert Harward was baptized the fourth daye of February. Witnesses: William Bushell, Richard Harward and Anne Harward.
1609 - Elner the Daughter of John Blalocke was baptized the XIth daye of Februarye. Witnesses: John Blalocke, Margaret Gibbes and Margery Walker.
1610 - Philip the Soonne of Thomas Jones the Loader was baptized the XIIth daye of Auguste. Witnesses: Philip Perkes, William Willes and Joane Abell.
1610 - John the Soonne of John Strikeland was baptized the 26th of August. Witnesses: [blank]

Tho Feriman Minister, Fraunc Oseley, W. Abel - Church.

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1610 - Robert the Soonne of Fraunces Oseleye was baptized the 28 daye of November. Witnesses: Roberte Webbe Clerke, William Willes and Joane Abell.
1610 - Robert the Soonne of John Perke was baptized the 14th daye of December. Witnesses: Robert Harward, John Price Clerke, and Margaret Willes the younger.

Fraunces Oseleye, Wm Abell - Churchmen.

1611 - Rychard the Sonne of Ed: Evets alias Panter was borne and Baptized the 5th daye of Maie. Witnesses: Richard Evets, Richard Marges and Roge Toms.
1611 - Robert the Soonne of Richard Richardes was baptized the 7th Daie of June. Witnesses: Robert Harward, William Willes and Elisabeth Wilkes.
1611 - Joane the Daughter of Wm Abell was baptized the 25th Daye of August. Witnesses: Roberte Prat, Fortune Oseleye and Margaret Wilkes the younger.
1611 - Thomas the Soonne of Thomas Haines was baptized the 22th of September. Witnesses: Tho: Ferriman Junior, Tho: Haines and Anne Abell.
1611 - William the Soonne of Simon Davies was baptized the 29th Daye of September. Witnesses: William Abell, William Wilkes and Mary Evets.
1611 - Katharin the Daughter of Roberte Harward was baptized the 22th Daye of December. Witnesses: John Price, Katherin Feriman and Judith Garret.
1611 - William the Soonne of John Strikeland was baptized the XVth daye of Marche. Witnesses: Wm Willes, Roger Tommes & Margaret Willes Widowe.

Tho Feriman minister. Fraunces Oseleye, W. Abell - Churchwardens.

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1612 - Thomas the Soonne of Thomas Williams was baptized the 21th daye of June. Witnesses Frances Oseleye, Henry Perkes & Maudelin Harward.
1612 - Thomas the Soonne of Michael Parsons was baptized the 13 daye of Julye. Witnesses: (blank).
1612 - Margaret the daughter of a Straglinge woman brought to bed in Strikelands barne was baptized the 23 of August.
1612 - Magdalen the Daughter of Thomas Feriman Junior was baptized the VIth daye of September. Witnesses: Mr Wm Barkesdale, Mrs Magdalen Feryman and Mrs Mary Charlet.
1612 - Margaret the Daughter of John Blalocke was baptized the 29th daye of November. Witnesses: William Willes, Margaret Willes widowe & Elisabeth Kempe.
1612 - William the Soonne of Roger Tom[-]s was baptized the 21th daye of Marche. Witnesses: William Willes, Thomas Abell and Elizabeth Kempe.

Frauncis Oseleye, W. Abell - Churchwardens.

1613 - Anne the Daughter of Fraunces Oseleye was baptized the 9th daye of Maye. Witnesses: Richard Richardes, Elnor Haines and Elnor (blank).
1613 - Richard Haines the Soonne of Thomas Haines was baptized the 23th Daye of Maye beinge Whitsondaye. Witnesses: Richard Bearde, John Willes.
1613 - Thomas the Soonne of Thomas Feryman the younger was baptized the XVIIth Daye of October. Witnesses Mr Thomas Feryman the eldest, Mr John Charlet by Mr John Rutter his deputie & Mrs Judith Barksedale by Mrs Rutter.

Tho. Feriman Rector. Fran. Oseleye, W. Abell - Guard.

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1613 - Sarah the Daughter of Thomas Williams was baptized the XIIth of December. Witnesses: Edmond Panter, Margaret Willes and Mary Perke.
1613 - Elizabeth the Daughter of Richarde Richardes was baptized the 26th daye of December. Witnesses: John Strikeland, Fortune Oseleye and Mary Perke.
1613 - John the Soonne of Richard Evets was baptized the 9th daye of February. Witnesses: William Willes, Danyell Leyland and Elisabeth Hiron(?)

W. Willes, H. Perks - Guard.

1614 - Mary the Daughter of Simon Davies was baptized the XVIIth daye of Aprill. Witnesses: George Kempe, Mary Lovet and Margery Yonge.
1614 - Annis the Daughter of Henry Perke was Baptized the (blank) of September. Witnesses: (blank), Annis Perke and (blank) (T. gives Agnes d 13th day).
1614 - William the soonne of Thomas Ferriman the younger was baptized November the 30th. Witnesses: Eustatius Moore by Jo. Rutter his Deputie, Thomas Twittie and Ursula Rutter by her deputie Katharin Twittie.
1615 - Thomas the Soonne of John Strikeland was baptized the 2 of Aprill. Witnesses: Thomas Heines, Thomas Courte and Elisabeth Kempe.
1615 - Humfreye the Soonne of Edward Panter alias Evets was baptized the 2th of Maie. Witnesses: Humfrey Davies, Daniell Leylande & Alice Wilkes.
1615 - Thomas the Soonne of Frances Oseleye was baptized the 14th daye of June. Witnesses: Tho: Fereman Junior, Philip Perke and Ellnor Chaunce.

Tho: Feriman Rector. W. Willes, H. Perkes - Guard.

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1615 - Mary the Daughter of Thomas Haines was baptized the 30th daye [of] July. Witnesses: Thomas Feriman junior, Mary & Ellnor Haines, baptized by my Soonne Moore.
1615 - John the Sonne of John Blalocke was baptized the VIIth Daye of November. Witnesses: John Shewell, Thomas Mason and Anne Stower, ([written in pencil afterwards] 1617).
1615 - Joane the Daughter of Wm Hobbins was baptized the XIth daye of November. Witnesses: Thomas Ferriman Junior, Joane Hobbins & Elisabeth Haines.

W. Willes, H. Perke - Guard.

1616 - John the Sonne of Thomas Feriman the younger was baptized the 25th Daye of Marche. Witnesses: John Rutter, Richard Hale ([written in pencil above] 1617) by his deputie Tho: Twittie & Elisabeth Moore by Katherin Twittie.
1616 - Annie (Alice) the Daughter of Simon Davies was baptized the 27 daye of March. Witnesses Thomas Mason, Alice Saunders & Mary Wisdome.
1616 - John the Sonne of John ([written in pencil above] T. he was Richard) Hunte was baptized the XXIth ([written in pencil beside] T. was XXVI) of Maye being Tuesdaie in the Whitson week. Witnesses [blank].
1616 William the Soonne of Thomas Haines was baptized the 28th Daye of June. Witnesses: William Hobbins, Thomas Courte & Mary Abell.
1616 - William the Soonne of Richard Richardes was baptized the 29th daye of June. Witnesses: Stephen Oseley, Roger Gardener & Elisabeth Horton.

Tho. Fereman Rector. W. Wilkes, H. Perke - Wardens.

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1616 – Mary the daughter of John Hunte was baptized the 23 daye of October. Witnesses: George Kempe, Elisabeth (blank) & Joane Abell.
1616 – Alice the Daughter of Thomas Abell was baptized the XVIIth daye of November. Witnesses: Thomas Lovel, Joane Haines and [blank].
1617 – Alice the Daughter of John Blalocke was baptized the VIth daye of Aprill. Witnesses: Peter Haines the younger, Alice Bradleye & Judith Panter.
1617 – Katharin the Daughter of Tho Feriman Junior was Baptized the 6 daye of Maie. Witnesses: Mr Tho Bushell, Katharin Twittie & Fraunces Barkesdale.
1617 – Henry the Soonne of Henry Perks was baptized the second Daye of July. Witnesses: John Charlet, Philip Perk & Anne Bounde.
1617 – Thomas the soonne of Nicholas Hale was baptized the 17 daye of September. Witnesses: Tho Haines, Tho Haines Wm Willes his wife.
1617 – Richard the sonne of Wm Bradley was baptized the 24 of September. Witnesses: Richard Bache, Kempe Harward & Anne Stowre.
1617 – Henry the sonne of Richard Richards was baptized Eodem Die. Witnesses: Henry Perke, Roger Tomes & Elisabeth Horten(?). (T. gives Richard.)

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1617 – Martha the daughter of Simon Davies was baptized the XVth daye of February. Witnesses: Stephen Oseleye, Mary Psons Isabell Mayner
1618 – Roberte the Soonne of Tho. Williams was baptized the Vth daye of Aprill. Witnesses: Roberte Harward, Danyell Leyland & Mary Abell.
1618 – Margaret the daughter of Wm Hobbins was baptized the 12th of Aprill. Witnesses: [blank] Wheler of Salford, [blank] Hobbins & Margery Haines.
1618 – Fraunces and Mary the daughter twinns of Fraunces Carthwright of London were baptized the thirde daye of Maie. Witnesses: Kempe Harward, Jane Strikeland and Ellnor Haines, Tho Bicknell, Anne Willes & Mary Charlet.
1618 – Alice the daughter of Thomas Feryman junior was baptized the 26 Daie of Maie. Witnesses: Mr George Wall, Alice Ellnor by her debutie Marie Charlet, and Elizabeth Moore.

[in the margin]
(Juny 3 Tho Feriman junior was Inducted into the Parsonage of Harvington.)

1618 – Peter the sonne of Thomas Haines was baptized the XIth Daie of June. Witnesses: Roberte Harwarde, John Bearde & Alice Perkes.
1618 – Marie the daughter of Willliam Hunte was baptized the 6th daie of December. Witnesses: Kempe Harwarde, Elizabeth Haines and Joane Johnsons.
1618 – Katharin the daughter of Henrie Perkes was baptized the 21 Daie of Feb. Witnesses: Robert Harward, Katharin Feryman & Joane Abell.

Tho Feryman Rector. Phillip Parkes, Tho Haines – Churchwardens.

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1618 – Kempe the sonne of William Abell was baptized the XIIIIth daie of Marche. Witnesses: Kempe Harward, Samuell Demetrius & [blank] Hunte.
1618 –Symon the sonne of Symon Davise was baptized the 21th Daie of March. Witnesses: Roger Tomes, John Tayler and Elizabeth Becke.
1619 – Sarah the daughter of John Hunte was baptized the first daie of Maie. Witnesses: William Woodward, Marye Hunte and Katharine Wright.
1619 – Thomas the sonne of Thomas Johnsons was baptized the 4th daie of Julie. Witnesses: Tho Abell, William Hunte & Elizabeth Hunte.
1619 – Roberte the sonne of Thomas Bicknell was baptized the 25 daie of Julie. Witnesses: Robert Harward, John Barringe & Isabell Marchall.
1619 – Thomas the sonne of Thomas Abell was baptized the same daie vidz July 25. Witnesses: Thomas Feryman, Thomas Bicknell and Joane Abell.
1619 – Nathan the sonne of Richarde Hunte was baptized the 7th daie of September. Witnesses: George Kempe, Roger Feilde & Ellnor Hunte (Tr. gives Katharine Write).
1619 – Joane the daughter of Thomas Courte was baptized the 10th Daie of October. Witnesses: William Savage of Norton, Joane Courte and Joane Harwarde.
1619 – William the sonne of William Bradly was baptized the 9th daie of November. Witnesses: William Willes, Thomas Abell and Elizabeth Kempe.
1619 – Roger the sonne of Thomas Dorrell was baptized the (blank - Tr. gives 14th) of November. Witnesses: Roger Tomes, John Kinman and Elizabeth Haines.

(This page is much faded & should have been compared with Transcripts for verification. Dec 1919.)

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1619 – Joane the daughter of Thomas Heines was baptized the 19th daie of December. Witnesses: Roger Tomes, Joane Courte & Anne Willes.
1619 – Barthollmewe the sonne of Thomas Feryman was baptized the 9th daie of Februearie. Witnesses: Mr Thomas Barwell, minister of Grapthorne (Cropthorne), Mr John Samon, minister of Evesham & Mrs Elizabeth Rutter of Dorsington.
1620 – Elizabeth the daughter of William Hunte was baptized the 20th daie of Auguste. Witnesses: John Johnsons of Longe Marston, Elizabeth Hunte & Elizabeth Birche.
1620 – Sarah the daughter of John Blalocke was baptized the 8th daie of October. Witnesses: Phillip Perkes, Margaret Bagget & Alice Lucas.
1620 – Marie the Daughter of Thomas Williams was baptized the XVth Daie of October. Witnesses: Richard Thornton, Marie Evets & Joane Haines.
1620 – Anne the Daughter of Thomas Haines was baptized the 27th daie of Februarie. Witnesses: Phillip Perkes, Katharine Feryman & Joane Yarnoll.

Tho Feriman Rector. Roberte Harward, Tho Abell – Guard.

1621 – Alice the daughter of Thomas Bicknell was baptized the 22nd daie of Aprill. Witnesses: Kempe Harward, Margerie Banninge & Margaret Pigeon.
1621 – Alice the daughter of Edward Johnsons was baptized the 22th daie of June. Witnesses: Thomas Lovell, Alice Mainor & Alice Bradlye.

Tho Feryman Rector. Tho Bicknell, Franc. Oeslye – Churchwardens.

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1621 –Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Feriman was baptized the 12th daie of August. Witnesses: Mr Gyles Smith, Elizab Bourchier and Margaret Samon.
1621 – William the sonne of Thomas Abell was baptized the 29th daie of August. Witnesses: William Willes, Henrie Perkes and Anne Abell.
1621 – Margaret the daughter of William Abell was baptized the 3d daie of September. Witnesses: Henrie Perkes, Marie Evetts and [blank].
1621 – Samuell the sonne of John Hunt was baptized the 4th daie of November. Witnesses: William Hunt, John Tysoe and [blank].
1621 - Alice the Daughter of William Bradlye was baptized the 24th daie of November. Witnesses: [blank].
1621 – James the Sonne of Symon Davise was baptized the 3d daie of Februarie. Witnesses: [blank].
1621 – Thomas the Sonne of William Hunte was baptized the 17th daie of Marche. Witnesses: [blank].

Tho Feryman Rector. Frances Oeslye, Tho Bicknell – Guardians.

1622 – Thomas the Sonne of Thomas Courte was baptized the 12th daie of Maie. Witnesses: Kempe Harward, John Harries and Margerie Banninge.

Tho Feryman Rector. Frances Oeslye, Tho Bicknell – Churchwardens.

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1622 - Henrie the Sonne of William Bradlie was baptized the 12th daie of Januarie. Witnesses: Henrie Perks, Henrie Mainor & Frances Surman.
1622 - Marie the daughter of Andrewe Adams Traveller and of the Pish of Bromsgrove was baptized the 17th daie of Januarie. Witnesses: Symon Davise, Anne Hill & Elizabeth Hurtle.
1622 - Marie the daughter of John Tysoe was baptized the 26th daie of Januarie. Witnesses: Richard Hyron, Marie Perks & Marie Abell.
1622 - Bridges the Sonne of [in faint pencil - Huk?] Shayler was baptized the 9th daie of Februarie. Witnesses: William Bridges Clarke, James Godfrey and Jane Strikland.
1622 - John the Sonne of Thomas Bicknell was baptized the 16th daie of Februarie. Witnesses: John Pigeon of Badsey, John Willes and Joane Harward.
1622 - Anne the daughter of Thomas Williams was baptized the 16th daie of March. Witnesses: William Bridger Curat.

Tho Bicknell, Francis Osely - Garden.

1623 - Anne the daughter of William Hunt was baptized the 29th day of October. Witnesses: WIlliam Bridges Clarke, Anne Abell and Elizabeth Kempe.
1623 - Meriall the daughter of Thomas Heynes was baptized the sixte daie of Januarie.
1623 - Richard the Sonne of Thomas Aichbolde alias Archibald Parson of this church was baptized the 18th daie of January.
1623 - John the Sonne of Edward Johnsons was baptized the same 18th daie of January.
[1623] Marie the daughter of Adam Ingram was baptized the 25th of January.

Tho: Archibald Rector. Francis Oseley, Tho. Bicknell - Gardiani.

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1624 - Thomas the Sonne of William Abell was baptized: the XXVth daie of March.
1624 - Anne the daughter of John Kempe was baptized the the thirteth daie of May.
1624 - John the Sonne of Thomas Courte freeholder was borne the eight of July & baptized the XIth of July.
1624 - Anne the daughter of Richard Dyer was baptized the ninth daie of January.
[in margin: Vide infra 1624 Anne Dyer.]
1624 - Nicholas the sonne of Thomas Archbold Rector of this church was baptized the XXIIIth of January.
1624 - Richard the sonne of Thomas Williams Loadr was baptized the XVIIIth of March ao Domini wXa computatoem ecclesæ Anglie..

Tho Archbold Rector. Tho Heynes, Tho Courte - Gard.

1624 - Marie the daughter of Richard Evetts ['alias Panther' crossed out] was baptized the XXIIIth of August.
1625 - William the Sonne of Thomas Bicknell was baptized the XXth Daie of October.
1625 - I Caroli
Joseph the sonne of John Richardes was baptized the XVth daie of May.
1625 - Thomas the sonne of William Bradley was baptized the tenth daie of July.
1625 - Joane the daughter of Stephen Oseley was baptized the XXIXth daie of July.
1625 - James the sonne of John Tysoe baptized the last daie of July.

Tho Archbold Pn[?]. Tho Heynes, Tho Courte - gard.

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1625 - Marie the daughter of Henrie Perkes was baptized the XXIth of August.
1625 - Thomas the sonne of James Godfrey was baptized the XXVIIIth of August.
1625 - Joane the daughter of William Hunte was baptized the VIIth of November.
1625 - Margaret the daughter of Thomas Leonard was baptized the XXth daie of November.
1625 - Thomas the sonne of Richard Hyarne was baptized the last daie of November.
1625 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Kempe was baptized the VIIIth of December.
1625 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Vernam was baptized the XXVIIth daie of December.
1625 - Marie the daughter of John Johnsons was baptized the VIIIth of January. Comp. Angl.
1626 - Edward the Sonne of Edward Johnsons was baptized the XXIXth of March.
1626 - Susan the daughter of Thomas Archbald was borne the eight daie of May & baptized the XIIIIth of May.
1626 - Margarett the daughter of Thomas Courte was baptized the [blank] daie of October.

(A page in 1627 & 28 apparently cut out before Dr James numbered the pages in 1801. The transcripts for those years are at Disn Registry. J.D.)

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1629 - Joane the daughter of Thomas Johnson was baptized the XIXth daie of Aprill.
1629 - William the sonne of William Hunte was baptized the XXIIIth daie of Aprill.
1629 - Rebecca the daughter of Edward Johnsons was baptized the XXVIth daie of Aprill.
1629 - John the sonne of John Willes freeholder was borne the eight of December 1629 and baptized the XIIIth of the same moneth.
1629 - John the sonne of John Williams the Smith was baptized the VIIth Daie of March.

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1630 - Christopher the sonne of Thomas Archbald was borne the XIth daie of March 1629 (Comp. Ang.) and was baptized the eight daie of Aprill.
1630 - William the sonne of Valentine Abell was baptized the XXIXth daie of March.
1630 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Johnsons was baptized the third daie of Aprill.
1630 - Richard the sonne of James Godfrey was baptized the third daie of July.
1630 - Roger base borne sonne of Elizabeth Boseley was baptized the 17th of August.
1630 - Kempe the sonne of Kempe Harward was baptized the XXIth of December.
1630 - Anne the daughter of Thomas Leonard was baptized the (blank) daie of December.

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1631 – Annys the daughter of John Tysoe was baptized the XXVth daie of March.
1631 - Samuell the sonne of Thomas Heynes the eldr was baptized the XXIIth of Maie.
1631 - Francis the sonne of Thomas Archbold was borne the XIth daie of May and baptized the IXth daie of June.
1631 - Sarah the daughter of William Bradley was [blank] the XXVIIth daie of November.
1631 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Wills was baptized the first daie of January.
1631 - Frauncis the sonne of William Abell was baptized the XXIIth daie of January.
1631 - Richard the sonne of Richard Dyer was baptized the Xth daie of February.
1631 - Marie the daughter of Thomas Johnsons was baptized the first daie of March.
1631 - John the sonne of William Hunte was baptized the first daie of March.
1631 - John the sonne of John Johnsons was baptized the XVIIIth daie March.

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1632 – John the sonne of Richard Hyarul was baptized the third daie of Aprill.
1632 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Richards was baptized the XXIIIth daie of Aprill.
1632 - John the sonne of Valentine Abell was baptized the XXIIth daie of May.
1632 - Marie the daughter of John Johnsons was baptized the VIth daie of July.
1632 - Marie the daughter of James Godfrey was baptized the XXIth daie of December.
1632 - William the sonne of Charles Bennett was baptized the VIIth daie of February.
1632 - Dorothy the daughter of Thomas Leonard was baptized the XVIIth daie of February.
1633 – Marie Magdalene the daughter of Thomas Archbolde was borne the XXIIth daie of February 1632 and baptized the XXVIII the of March.

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1633 - Thomas the sonne of John Tysoe was baptized the first daie of November.
1633 - Richard the sonne of William Abell baptized the XVIIth of November.
1633 - Edward the sonne of John Willes was baptized the XXIIth of December.
1633 - John the sonne of William Evetts was baptized the first daie of November.
1633 - John the sonne of William Tomes was baptized the XXIIIIth daie of January.
1634 - 1. Frauncis the sonne of Edward Johnsons was baptized the second daie of Aprill.
1634 - 3. Thomas the sonne of Valentine Abell was baptized the XXth daie of April.
1634 - 2. Abigall the daughter of Margarett Clerk (as the said) the wieffe of John of Bartley was baptized the second daie of Aprill.
1634 - 4. Roberte the sonne of Thomas Combe was baptized the XXth daie of Aprill. (T. gives Margery.)

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1634 - 5. Martha the daughter of Thomas Archbold was baptized the XXIIIIth daie of July.
1634 - 6. Samuell the sonne of William Hunte was baptized VIIth daie of August.
1634 - 7. Richard the sonne of Charles Bennett was baptized the XXIIIth daie of November.
1634 - 8. Margarett the daughter of James Godfrey was baptized the XXIIIth daie of November.
1634 - 9. Marie the daughter of Kempe Harward was baptized the last daie of November.
1634 - 13. Elioner the daughter of William Tomes was baptized the XXIIth daie of February.
1634 - 14. Thomas the sonne of John Johnsons was baptized the XXVth daie of February.
1634 - 10. Thomas the sonne of William Evetts was baptized VIth daie of February.
1634 - 11. John the sonne of Richard Dyer was baptized the XIIth daie of February.
1634 - 12. Marie the daughter of John Holbroke was baptized the XIXth daie of February.
1638 - Thomas the sonne of Thomas Feryman was baptized (there are traces of a later line)

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[the following entries from 1653 to 1660 are copied to here from images 112 & 113 for convenience]

Page 1.

1653 - William the sonne of Tho. Abell & Katherine his wife was baptized the 23 of Aug.
1653 - Micha the sonne of John Harris & Joane his wife was baptized the 5 day of Feb.
1653 - Anne the Daughter of William Harris & Sibilla his wife was baptized the 5 day of March.
1653 - Thomas the sonne of Tho: Holbrooke & Mary his wife was baptized the 19th day of Feb.
1654 - Margaret the Daughter of John Clark & Anne his wife was baptized the 12 day of May.

Page 3.

1658 - Anne ye Daughter of Robt Matthews & Anne his wife was Baptized Stemb. 12.
1658 - John ye Sonne of Thomas Ewans & Eleanor his wife Baptized Novemb. 14th.
1658 - William ye sonne of William Ibbins & Eleanor his wife was Baptized January ye 2d.
1658 - John ye Son of Simon Knight & Joane his wife was baptized Febr. 6t.
1658 - Anne ye Daughter of Richard Figgot was baptized Febr. 6t.
1659 - Henry the sonne of Thomas Holdbrook & Mary his wife was Baptized April 24th.
1659 - John ye son of Wm Harris & Sybill his wife was Baptized July ye 24th.
1659 - Richard ye son of John Evetts & Audrey his wife was Baptiz'd January ye 8th.
1660 - Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Harris & Margaret his wife was Baptized June 28.
1660 - Richard ye son of Richard Adam & Elizabeth his wife was baptized Jane 16th. (not in Tr.)
1660 - William ye Son of Thomas Dyer & Eleanor his wife was baptized Nvember 1st.
1660 - John ye son of Thomas Harris & Anne his wife was Baptized Decemb. 14.

Page 43

The following are copied from a Parish Book covered with Parchment – beginning with the year 1653 – to 1671 from page 1 to page 11.
1661 – Mary the daughter of Thomas Abel and Katherine his wife was baptized April the 14th.
1661 – Joseph the son of John Johnsons and Mary his wife was baptized the same day being April 14th.
1661 – Mary the daughter of Francis Huband and Anne his wife was baptized the 23rd day of June. (T. oblong book gives Hibbett,)
1661 – John the son of John Taylor and Catherine his wife was baptized the 1st day of November. (T. gives 8th & May 5th.)
1661 – Margaret the daughter of John Harris and Margaret his wife was baptised the 12th day of January.
1661 - John the son of Richard Haines and Mary his wife was baptised the 6th day of February.
1662 – John the son of Edward Holbrooke and Margaret his wife was baptised the 10th day of June.
1662 – Magdalene the daughter of Thomas Peirce and Margeret his wife was baptised the 5th day of August.
1663 – Francis the son of Francis Huband and Anne his wife was baptised the 24th day of November.
1663 – Susannah the daughter of John Taylor and Catherine his wife was baptised on the said 24th day of November.
1663 – Anne the daughter of Richard Haines and Mary his wife was baptised the 25th day of November.
1664 – John the son of John Johnsons and Mary his wife was baptised the 8th day of May.
1664 – Thomas Holbrooke the son of Edward an d Margaret his wife was baptised the 5th day of October.
1664 – Anne the daughter of John Leonard and Judith his wife was baptised the 28th day of December.
1665 – John the son of John Smith and Mary his wife was baptised the 14th day of September.
1665 – Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Johnsons junior and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 28th day of September.
1665 – Elizabeth Haines the daughter of Richard Haines and Mary his wife was baptised the 6th day of January.
1665 – Mary the daughter of John Taylor and Catherine his wife was baptised the 23rd day of January.
1665 – Edward the son of Edward Holbrooke and Margaret his wife was baptised the 18th day of February.

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1666 - Elisabeth the daughter of Morris Wollams(?) and Mary his wife was baptised the 17th day of May.
1666 - Benjamin the son of John Smith and Isabel his wife was baptised the 19th day of June.
1666 - Alice the daughter of Thomas Tysoe and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 29th day of August.
1666 - John the son of John Ellits and Frances his wife was baptised the 3rd day of October.
1666 - Mary the daughter of John Tanir[?] and Sarah his wife was baptised the 1st day of November.
1666 - John the son of Francis Huband and Anne his wife was baptised the 2nd day of January.
1666 - Mary the daughter of Robert Matthews and (blank) his wife was baptised the 14th day of January. (not in T.)
1666 - John the son of William Abel and Joane his wife was baptised the 20th day of January.
1667 - Thomas the son of Thomas Tysoe and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 9th day of December.
1667 - Thomas Leonard the son of John Leonard and Ede his wife was baptised the 16th day of February.
1667 - Joane the daughter of John Tarin[?] and Sarah his wife was baptised the 24th day of March.
1668 - Andrew the son of John Taylor and Catherine (T. give Anne) his wife was baptised the 11th day of February. (T. gives 6th)
1668 - Mary the daughter of Richard Haines and Mary his wife was baptised the 1st day of November.
1668 - Edward the son of Francis Huband and Anne his wife was baptised the 14th day of February.
1668 - John the son of Thomas Pence and Martin (T. gives Margaret) his wife was baptised the 28th day of February. (T. gives 20th)
1669 - Thomas the son of John Prat and Mary his wife was baptised the 28th day of March. (T. gives 20th 1668)
1669 - Thomas the son of Thomas Pardway and Mary his wife was baptised the 10th day of June.
1669 - Anne the daughter of Robert Trigge and Anne his wife (travellers) was baptised the 17th day of October.
1669 - Jane the daughter of William Abel and Jane his wife was baptised the 24th day of March.

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Book one:           Baptisms.
1670 - Thomas the son of Edward Holbrooke and Margaret his wife was baptised the 13th day of November.
1670 - Thomas (T. William) the son of Thomas Johnsons and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 10th day of January.

Page 45

1671 - William Haines the son of Richard Haines and Mary his wife was baptised the 24th day of March.

1673 - Anne the daughter of Francis Huband and Anne his wife was baptised the 8th day of April.
1673 - Mary the daughter of Kemp Harward Gent. and Elisabeth his wife was baptised the 14th day of May.
1673 - Joyce the daughter of Edward Holbrooke and Margaret his wife was baptised the 1st day of June.
1673 - George the son of Richard Haines and Mary his wife was baptised the 11th day of June.
1673 - Mary the daughter of Thomas Johnsons and Elisabeth his wife was baptised the 15th day of February.

[The page that would have been numbered 46 appears to be a blank.]

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(The following are copied from page 5 &c. of an oblong book covered with vellum, being a Parish Register - viz. page 5 from end B.)

1678 - Thomas the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 8th day of September.
1678 - Edward the son of William Abel and Joane his wife was baptised the 22nd day of January.
1679 - Francis the son of Richard Haines and Mary his wife was baptised the 29th day of May.
1679 - Elisabeth the daughter of William Holbrooke and Esther his wife was baptised the 26th day of August.
1679 - Alice the daughter of John Evetts by Anne his wife was baptised the 26th day of October.
1679 - Thomas the son of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife was baptised the 26th day of October.
1680 - William the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 30th day of May.
1680 - Anne the daughter of Thomas Johnsons junior by Elisabeth his wife was baptised the 26th day of September.
1680 - William the son of William Abel and Jane his wife was baptised the 28th day of November. (not in T.)
1680 - Edward the son of George Rogers and Joane his wife was baptised the 16th day of January.
1681 - Alice the daughter of John Taylor and Catherine his wife was baptised the 3d day of July.
1681 - William the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 7th day of August.
1681 - Eleanor the daughter of Johnathan Maris and Mary his wife was baptised the 18th day of September. (T. gives December)
1681 - Thomas son of William Dyer and Anne his wife was baptised the 18th day of December.
1681 - Matthew the son of Francis Tustin and Frances his wife was baptised the 27th day of January.
1682 - Richard the son of John Evetts and Anne his wife was baptised the 4th day of March.
1682 - Mary the daughter of Mr Stephen Bradley Clerke and Mary his wife was baptised the 27th day of July.
1682 - Jonathan the son of Jonathan Maris and Mary his wife was baptised the 20th day of March.
1683 - Judith the daughter of Thomas Taylor and Judith his wife was baptised the 9th day of May 1683.

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1683 - Elinor the daughter of Henry Perks and Anne his wife was baptised the 1st day of June.
1683 - Margaret the daughter of Thomas Johnsons junior by Elisabeth his wife was baptised the 19th day of June.
1683 - Joseph the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 10th day of October.
1683 - Mary the daughter of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife was baptised the 20th day of October.
1683 - Thomas the son of Matthew Holbrooke and Anne his wife was baptised the 7th day of February.
1684 - George the son of George Rogers and Joane his wife was baptised the 22nd day of September.
1685 - Thomas the son of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife was baptised the 26th day of July.
1685 - Benjamin the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 9th day of August.
1685 - John the son of Francis Huband and Frances his wife was baptised the 23d day of September.
1685 - John the son of John Sanders and Abigail his wife was baptised the 3d day of January.
1686 - Eleanor and Alice the daughters of William Blackford and Alice his wife were baptised the 16th day of January.
1686 - Catherine the daughter of John Tailor and Catherine his wife was baptised the twentieth day of February, being the same day her mother was buried.
1686 - Elizabeth the daughter of Francis Huband and Frances his wife was baptised the 20th day of March.
1687 - Francis the son of Francis Ballard and Mary his wife was baptised the 26th day of February. (See page 27 of old Register from End B.)
1688 - Catherine the daughter of Thomas Haines and Alice his wife was baptised April the 15th.
1688 - Eleanor the daughter of Henry Perks by Anne his wife was baptised the 30th day of May.
1688 - Tysoe the son of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptised the 5th day of July.

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1688 - Michael the son of John Sanders and Abigail his wife was baptised the 9th day of September.
1688 - Mary the daughter of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife was baptised the 20th day of September.

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1688 - Francis the son of Thomas Wight and Mary his wife was baptised the 14th day of October.
1688 - Henry the son of Francis Huband and Frances his wife was baptised the 23d day of December.
1688 - Roger the son of Jonathan Maris and Mary his wife was baptised the 6th day of February.
1689 - John the son of George Rogers and Joane his wife was baptised the 21st day of July.
1689 - George the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was baptised the 22nd day of September.
1689 - William the son of John Evetts and Anne his wife was baptised the 8th day of December.
1689 - Thomas the son of George Ewans and Hannah his wife was baptised the 28th day of January.
1689 - Mary the daughter of Francis Ballard and Mary his wife was baptised the 27th day of February.
1690 - Eleanor Douty the daughter of Joseph Douty and Anne Fluck was baptised the 16th day of April.
1690 - Eleanor the daughter of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptised the 15th day of May.
1690 - Samuel the son of John Sanders and Abigail his wife was baptised the 1st day of June.

Moses Hodges Mr of Arts, was inducted into this Rectory August 2d 1690.

1690 - Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife was baptised on the 23d day of November.
1691 - Anne the daughter of John Huband and Elizabeth his wife was baptised upon the 18th day of October.
1692 - Mary the daughter of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptised upon the 6th day of April.
1692 - Margaret the daughter of Francis Hughes and Mary and his wife was baptised upon the 16th day of October.

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1692 – James the son of John Sanders and Abigail his wife was baptised upon the said 16th day of October.
1692 – Francis the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptised upon the 30th day of January.

Moses Hodges, Rector. Edw. Holbrooke. Tho T Perks – Churchwardens.

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1693 - Anne the daughter of Francis Huband and Frances his wife was baptised upon the ninth day of May.
1693 – Thomas the son of John Huband and Elisabeth his wife was baptised upon the thirteenth day of September.
1693 – Hannah the daughter of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of September.
1693– Joice the daughter of William Smith and Joice his wife was baptised upon the twenty fourth day of September.
1693 – John the son of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptised upon the twenty second day of October.
1693 – Frances the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptised the 17th day of December.

Moses Hodges, Rect: Tho. Haines, Will. Blackford – Churchwardens.

1694 – Martha the daughter of Moses Hodges Rector of this church and Martha his wife was baptised upon the twenty fith day of May.
1694 – John the son of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of June.
1694 – John the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptised upon the first day of July.
1694 – Mary the daughter of Henry Perkes and Anne his wife was baptised upon the seventh day of November.
1694 – Thomas the son of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was baptised upon the sixteenth day of January. Thomas Johnson the great–grandfather and Thomas Johnson the grandfather of the child being godfathers.
1694 – Elisabeth the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptised upon the thirty first day of January.
1694 – Anne the daughter of Andrew Tailor and Elisabeth his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of March.
1694 – Henry the son of Henry Clarke and Elizabeth his wife was baptised upon the nineteenth day of March.

Moses Hodges Rect. Tho. Haines, Will. Blackford - Ch. Wardens.

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1695 – Mary the daughter of Edward Hemming and Mary his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of April.
1695 – Moses the son of William Smith and Joice his wife was borne upon the twenty sixth day of July and baptised upon the fifteenth day of August.
1695 - John the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was borne upon the seventeenth day of August and was baptised upon the said day.
1695 – John the son of Thomas Pardway junior and Eleanor is wife was borne upon the eighteenth and baptised upon the nineteenth day of January.

Moses Hodges Rect. John Emes, William Abell – Churchwardens.

1696 – Thomas the son of John Osborson and Margaret his wife was borne on the twenty second day of April and baptised upon the third day of May.
1696 – Hester the daughter of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was borne upon the nineteenth day of June and baptised upon the twenty first day of June.
1696 – Thomas the son of Francis Huband and Frances his wife was borne upon the thirty first day of August and baptised upon the sixth day of September.
1696 – Robert the son of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was borne upon the seventh day and baptised upon the twelfth day of September.
1696 – Anne the daughter of Henry Clarke and Elisabeth his wife was borne upon the ninth and baptised upon the fifteenth day of September.
1696 – Frances the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was borne upon the twenty second day and baptised upon the twenty fifth day of September.
1696 – Mary the daughter of Moses Hodges Doctor of Divinity and Martha his wife was borne upon the twenty fifth and baptised upon the 26th day of September.
1696 – Eleanor the daughter of John Huband and Elisabeth his wife was borne upon the third and baptised upon the eighth day of November.
1696 – John the son of Francis Hughes and Margaret his wife was borne upon the twenty second and baptised upon the twenty ninth day of November.
1696 – Eleanor the daughter of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was borne upon the twenty fourth day of February and was baptised upon the third day of March.
1696 – Thomas the son of John Fletcher and Anne his wife was borne upon the twenty sixth day of February and baptised upon the ninth day of March.

Moses Hodges, Rect. John Emes, William Abell – Churchwardens.

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1697 – John the son of Andrew Tailor and Elisabeth his wife was borne upon the twenty seventh and baptised upon the twenty eighth day of April.
1697 – Henry the son of Henry Perkes junior and Anne his wife was borne upon the fifth and baptised upon the eighth day of July.
1697 – Edward the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptised upon the nineteenth day of December being borne on the tenth day of the same.
1697 - Anne the daughter of Edward Parsons and Sarah his wife was borne upon the seventh and baptised upon the sixteenth day of February.
1697 – Thomas the son of Thomas Winn and Mary his wife was borne upon the seventh and baptised upon the nineteenth day of February.

Moses Hodges, Rect. Thomas Pilkington, Thomas Haines – Ch: Wardens.

1698 – Thomas the son of Thomas Pardway junior and Eleanor his wife was borne upon the thirty first day of March and baptised upon the tenth day of April.
1698 – Adam the son of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was borne upon the twenty second and baptised upon the 24th day of July.
1698 – Richard the son of John Ellits and Anne his wife was born and baptised upon the seventh day of November.
1698 – Richard the son of William Smith and Joice his wife was borne upon the tenth and baptised upon the twelfth day of February.
1698 – John the son of John Fletcher and Anne his wife was borne and baptised upon the twenty first day of February.

Moses Hodges, Rect. Tho: Pilkington, Tho: Haines – Ch: Ward.

1699 – Elizabeth the daughter of John Bodilee and Anne his wife was borne upon the fourth and baptised upon the 19th day of April.
1699 – John the son of John Osborson and Margaret his wife was born upon the 19th and baptised upon the twenty first day of May.
1699 – Richard the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptised upon the third day of September.
1699 – Edward the son of Henry Clarke and Elizabeth his wife was baptised upon the twenty eighth day of October.
1699 – Anne the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptiz’d upon the 28th day of November.

Moses Hodges. Rect.

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Jan 1 1700
1699 – Mary daughter of Thomas Pardway jun and Eleanor his wife was baptiz’d upon the 14th day of January.
1699 – Thomas the son of John Huband and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz’d upon the 21st day of February.
1699 – Thomas the son of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptiz’d upon the ninth day of March.
1699 – Cornelius the son of Thomas Winn and Mary his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of March.

Moses Hodges, Rect. Richard Walker, Henry Perkes – Ch: Wardens.

1700 – Mary the daughter of Thomas White and Hannah his wife of Bromicham was baptised upon the 21st day of April.
1700 – William the son of Peter Haines, Citizen of London and Anne his wife was baptized upon the 29th day of August.
1700 – Hannah the daughter of Thomas Johnson jun. and Hannah his wife was baptiz’d upon the eighth day of September.
1700 – Anne the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptiz’d upon the ninth day of October.
1700 – Mary the daughter of Francis Hughes and Margaret his wife was baptiz’d upon the eleventh day of October.
1700 – Eleanor the daughter of Thomas Pardway Senior and Susanna his wife was baptized upon the thirteenth day of October.
1700 – Anne the daughter of John Fletcher and Anne his wife was baptized upon the eleventh day of January.
1700 – Thomas the son of Thomas Blondell and Mary his wife was baptized upon the twenty sixth day of January.
1700 – Elizabeth the daughter of Andrew Taylor and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz’d upon the eighteenth day of February.
1700 – Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Winn and Mary his wife was baptized upon the fifteenth day of March.
!701 – Mary daughter of James Currier and Alice his wife was baptiz’d upon the thirteenth day of July.
1701 – William the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptiz’d upon the third day of September.
1701 – Mary the daughter of Henry Clarke and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz’d

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upon the twentieth day of September.
1701 – William the son of Francis Huband and Frances his wife was baptiz’d upon the twenty first day of January.
1701 – Mary the daughter of John Ellits and Ann his wife was baptiz’d upon the thirty first day of January.
1701 – Mary the daughter of Thomas Blondell and Mary his wife was baptized upon the nineteenth day of February.
1701 – William the son of Andrew Taylor and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz’d upon the fifteenth day of March.

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1702 – Theodosia and Anne twin daughters of Moses Hodges D.D. and Martha his wife were born on the 7th day of March 1701. Theodosia being baptiz’d privately March 22nd was admitted into the Congregation and her sister Anne baptiz’d upon the twenty seventh day of March 1702.
1702 – Richard the son of John Fletcher and Anne his wife was baptiz’d upon the fourth day of June.
1702 – Mary the daughter of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was baptiz’d upon the fourteenth day of June.
1702 – Thomas the son of William Haines and Anne his wife was baptiz’d upon the twenty second day of July. G. Atwood, Surveyor.
1702 – Elizabeth the daughter of John Huband and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz’d upon the twenty third day of August.
1702 – Eleanor ye daughter of Edward Parsons and Sarah his wife was baptiz’d upon the fourth day of February.

Moses Hodges, Rect. - ? Blackford, Jo: Godfrey.

1703 – Anne the daughter of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptiz’d on the 17th day of September.
1703 – Martha the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptiz’d upon the eleventh day of February.
1703 – Anne the daughter of Thomas Johnson Jun and Hannah his wife was baptiz’d upon the thirteenth day of February.

Moses Hodges Rect. ? Perkes, John Holbrook – Ch Wdens.

1704 – Elizabeth the daughter of Henry Clarke and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz’d upon the twenty second day of April.

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1704 - Elizabeth the daughter of Francis Hughes and Margaret his wife was baptizd upon the thirteenth day of May.
1704 - John the son of Moses Hodges Doctor of Divinity and Martha his wife was born on the 20th and baptiz'd on the twenty third day of June.
1704 - Thomas the son of William Rogers and Elizabeth his wife was born on the 21st and baptiz'd on the twenty fourth day of July.

Moses Hodges Rect. Thomas Perkes, John Holbrook - Churchwardens.

1705 - John the son of Joseph Archer Esq. of Bevington in the Parish of Salford and County of Warwick and Anne his wife was baptiz'd in the parish church of Harvington on the fourteenth day of August.
1705 - George the son of George Ewans and Anne his wife was baptiz'd upon the eighteenth day of October.
1705 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Chance and Helen his wife was baptiz'd upon the twenty seventh day of November.
1705 - Anne the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptized upon the eighth day of December.

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1705 - Richard the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptizd upon the 1st day of January.
1705 - Anne the daughter of John Huband and Elizabeth his wife was baptized upon the said 1st day of January.

Cor. Hopkins Curate. Hen. Clarke, Tho. Maris - Ch: Wdns.

1706 - William the son of John Fletcher & Anne his wife was baptized ye 12th day of June.
1706 - Richard the son of Richard Evetts & Margaret his wife was Baptized October the ninth.
1706 - Edward the son of John Jones & Mary his Wife was baptized ye 13th of November.
1706 - Anne the Daughter of Joseph Archer Esq. of Bevington in ye Parish of Salford & County of Warwick & Anne his Wife was baptiz'd Nov: ye 7th.
1706 - Francis ye Son of Francis Huband & Frances his Wife was baptized ffebruary ye 22d.
1706 - John ye Son of John Chance & Helen his Wife was baptized ffebruary the 23d.
1707 - Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas Johnson junr & Hannah his Wife was baptized April ye sixth.
1707 - Priscilla ye Daughter of William Rogers & Elizabeth his wife was baptized July ye twentieth.

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1707 - Moses the son of Henry Clarke and Elizabeth his wife was baptized upon the fifth day of September.
1707 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Fetherston & Abigail his wife was baptized January ye twenty fifth.
1707 - William the son of John Farly & Margaret his Wife was baptized January ye 31st.
1707 - Susanna ye daughter of John Ellits & Anne his Wife was baptized February ye 8th.
1708 - Cornelius the Son of Thomas Winn & Mary his Wife was baptized upon ye 26th day of May.

Cor: Hopkins Curate. Wm Blackford & Hen. Clarke (?)- Guard.

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1708 - Anne the Daughter of George Rogers Junr & Alice his Wife was baptized on ye 28th day of July.
1708 - Thomas the Son of John Chase & Anne his Wife was baptized upon ye 29th day of September.
1708 - Thomas the Son of John Chance & Helen his Wife was baptized January ye first.
1708 - Sarah the Daughter of Samuel Reeve & Margaret his Wife was baptized February ye 4th.
1708 - John the Son of John Farly & Margaret his Wife was baptized on ye 17th of March.

Cor: Hopkins Curate W. Blackford, Henry Clarke - CWard.

1709 - Elizabeth the Daughter of Richard Evetts & Margaret his wife was baptized May 8th.
1709 - William the Son of William Rogers & Elizabeth his Wife was baptized May 18th.
1709 - John the Son of John Fetherston & Abigail his wife was baptized August the seventh.
1709 - Francis the Son of Edward Huband & Frances his Wife was baptized upon ye 18th of August.
1709 - Martha ye Daughter of Henry Clarke & Elizabeth his Wife was baptized upon ye 20th day of October.
1709 - Mary the Daughter of Mr. George Biddle & Mary his wife was

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baptized ye 24th of February.

C. Hopkins Curate. Tho: Haines, Will. Blackford - CW.

1710 - William the Son of Samuel Reeve & Margaret his Wife was baptized upon ye 15th day of October.
1710 - Thomas the Son of William Abel & Hannah his Wife was baptized November ye 9th.
1710 - Martha the Daughter of Thomas Harris of Evesham & Eleanor his Wife was baptized Feb: 15th.

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1710 - John the Son of John Jones & Mary his Wife was baptized Feb: [blank].

Cornelius Hopkins Curate. Tho: Haines, Will. Blackford - Churchwardens.

1711 - John the Son of Nicholas Marshall & Sarah his Wife was baptized privately Octob 15.
1711 - John the Son of George Biddle & Mary his Wife was baptized upon the sixteenth day of October.
1711 - Elizabeth the Daughter of Richard Farly & Catherine his wife was baptized November ye 25th.
1712 - Sarah the daughter of Martin Godfrey and Eleanor his wife was baptized Sept: 5th.
1712 - John the Son of Richard Evetts and Margaret his wife was baptized November 30th.
1712 - Mary the daughter of John Fetherston and Abigail his wife was baptized December 4th.
1712 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Salter and Mary his wife was baptized January 18th.

Will Grymet Curate. Nich: Marshall, Will: Abell - Ch: Wardens.

1713 - John the Son of Henry Clarke and Elizabeth his wife was baptized on the fourth day of June.
1713 - Thomas the son of Nicholas Marshall and Sarah his wife was baptized upon the fifteenth day of June.
1713 - Mary the daughter of George Rogers Junr and Alice his wife was baptized upon the seventh day of July.
1713 - William the son of William Abell and Hannah his wife was baptized upon the second day of October.
1713 - Fridswith the daughter of Mr George Biddle and Mary his wife was [This is all that Rev. Davenport records.]

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1713 - Francis the Son of John Chance and Helen his wife was baptized upon the twenty ninth day of November.
1713 - Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel Reeve and Margaret his wife was baptized upon the said twenty ninth of November.

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1714 - Mary the daughter of Henry Huband and Elizabeth his wife was baptised on the eighth day of July.
1714 - Nicholas the son of Nicholas Marshall and Sarah his wife was baptized on the tenth day of July.
1714 - Sarah the daughter of Thomas Johnson junr and Anne his wife was baptized on the twenty first day of July.
1714 - Thomas the son of Johnathan Maris and Mary his wife was baptised upon the twenty fifth day of July.
1714 - Mary the daughter of John Jones and Mary his wife was baptizd upon the eleventh day of August.

M. Hodges Rector. Tho: Haines, George Biddle - [blank].

1714/5 - Martha Daughter of Joseph Archer Esqr of Bevington in the parish of Salford and County of Warwick having receiv'd private baptism ffebruary the twenty sixth was receivd into the Church May the twenty fourth.
1715 - Thomas Son of Tho: & ffrances Taylor was baptised Aprill the twenty sixth.
1715 - John Son of Nicholas & Sarah Marshall receiv'd private baptism August 16 & was admitted into the Church August the thirtieth.
1715 - Joseph Reeve the Son of Samuel & Margarett Reeve revd private Baptism October the 20th and was admitted into the Church Deecemb 4th.

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1715 - William son of John Salter & Mary his wife was baptizd October the 30th.
1715 - Margarett Daugh: of Richard & Margarett Evetts was baptiz'd January the 8th.
1715 - Anne Daugh: of Johnathan & Mary Maris was baptizd January the 20th.
1715 - Eleanor Daugh: of Martin & Eleana Godfrey was baptizd March the 7th.
1715 - Mary Daugh: of William & Hanah Abell was baptiz'd the 8th.
1715 - Richard Son of Richard & Catherine Harly having been privatlye baptizd March the second was received into the Ch: March the 11th.
1715 - ffrancis Son of Henry & Elizabeth Huband having been privatly baptiz'd March the twentieth was received into the Ch: March the 31.

Tho. Taylor Curate. Wm Blackford, Henry Perkes - Ch:.

1716 - Eleanor Daugh: of John & Abigail Hetherton was bapd: March the 30th.
1716 - George the Son of Mr. George Biddle and Mary his wife was baptized upon the seventeenth day of January.
1716 - John the Son of Sanuel Reeve and Margaret his wife was baptiz'd upon the thirteenth day of January.
1716 - George the Son of John Jones and Mary his wife was baptizd on the second day of March.

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1717 - Mary Daugh: of William & Mary Webb baptizd June 25th.
1717 - Esther Daught: of William & Elizabeth Stokes bapd July ye 6th.
1717 - Mary Daughter of Richd & Catherine Farley bap: Augst ye 11th.
1717 - Thomas Son of Nicholas & Sarah Marshal baptiz'd Decbr ye 5th.
1717 - William Son of Henry & Rebecca Quiny baptiz'd August ye 4th.

Ed: Kenwicke Curate. Wm Gould, Martin Godfrey - CW.

1718 - Anne daughter of Samuel & Margaret Reeve baptized June ye 15th.
1718 - John ye Son of William Abel & Hannah his wife baptiz'd Decbr 18th.
1718 - Martin son of Martin Godfrey & Eleanor his wife was baptiz'd Jan: ye 20th.
Edward Hale Curate. John Holbrooke, Tho: Maris - Ch: Wardens.
1719 - Baptized John son of John Saltere & Mary his Wife April 26th.
1719 - William son of Nicolas Marshal & Sarah his Wife, privately August 16.

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Baptized: and received into the Church September 4th.

1719 - Baptized George the son of John Featherstone & Abigail his wife September 30th.
1719 - Catherine ye daughter of Richard Farley & Catherine his wife Baptized privately October 4th Received into ye Church October 10th.
1719 - Thomas son of Lampett & Mary his wife Baptized November 15th.
1719 - Joseph son of Martin Godfrey & Eleana his wife Baptized Feb: 3rd.
1719 - Hanah ye daughter of Samuel Reeve & Margret his wife was baptized March 20th.
1719 - Ann ye daughter of Henry & Rebecca Quiny was Baptized March 21st.
1720 – John ye son of Francis & Mary Godfrey was Baptized May 25th.
1720 – William ye son of Jonathan & Mary Maris was Baptized; August 7th.
1720 – Sarah, daughter of Henry & Mary Fletcher was privately Baptized October 9th. Received into the Communion of the Church November 9th.
1720 – Mary the Daughter of John & Ann Philips was Baptized Jan: 14.
1720 – Elizabeth ye daughter of Nicholas & Sarah Marshal recd private baptism Feb 12th & was admitted into ye Church April ye 12th.

A. William, Cur. John Holbrook, Tho: Maris.

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1721 – Mary ye daughter of William Lampet & Mary his wife was Baptized April ye 25th.
1721 – Michael ye Son of Robt Pugh & Anne his wife was privately Baptized Oct ye 6.
1721 – Mary ye daughter of Henry Fletcher & Mary his wife was Baptized Decembr ye 14th.
1721 – John ye Son of William Hughes and Elizabeth his wife was Baptized February ye 6d.
1722 – William ye Son of William Stokes and Elizabeth his wife was baptiz’d April 12th.
1722 – John the son of James Powel and Mary his wife was baptized upon the twenty third day of May.
1722 – Abigail the daughter of John Featherstone and Abigail his wife was baptiz’d on the fifteenth day of July.
1722 – William the son of William Lampit and Mary his wife was baptiz’d upon the twenty ninth day of September.
1722 – Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Walford and Mary his wife was baptiz’d upon the thirtieth day of September.
1722 – John the son of Martin Godfrey and Eleana his wife was baptiz’d upon the fifth day of October.
1722 – Elizabeth the daughter of Robert Pugh and Ann his wife was baptized upon the twenty sixth day of December.
1722 – Thomas Daniel an Adult person was baptiz’d upon ye 1st day of January.
1722 – Eleanor the daughter of Henry Quiny and Rebecca his wife was baptiz’d upon the second of January.

Moses Hodges, Rect.

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1723 – George Negus ye Son of William Huband and Hannah his wife was privately Baptized Apr 21 & received into ye Church May ye 8th.
1723 – Elizabeth ye daughter of Francis Godfrey & Mary his wife was privately Baptized Apr 28th and received into ye Church May 15th.
1723 – Jane ye daughter of John Salter & Mary his wife was Baptized June ye 2nd.
1723 – Thomas ye Son of Edward Morris & Mary his wife was Baptized August ye first.
1723 – Wilson ye Son of Nicholas Marshal & Sarah his wife was privately Baptized March ye eighth & Received into ye Church Apr. 6. 1724.
1723 – Thomas Haines ye Son of John Chamberlain and Catherine his wife was privately Baptized March ye 16th & Recd into ye Church Apr. 8. 1724.

A. Williams Cur’t. Will. Blackford, Martin Godfree – Churchwardens.

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1724 – Anne ye daughter of Hen: Fletcher & Mary his wife was Baptized November ye 20th.
1724 – Edward ye Son of Andrew Williams & Rebecca his Wife was born Novembr 24th and Baptized December ye 18th 1724.
1724 – Henry ye son of John Fetherstone & Abigail his wife was privately baptized Jan’ry 1st.
1724 – John ye Son of John Harwood & Eliz: his wife was privately Baptized Jan’ry 12 & Received into the Church Jan’ry 29th.
1724 – Eliz ye daughter of Laurence Higham & Eliz his wife was privately baptized March 24th and Received into ye Church Apr. 8th.
1725 – Elizabeth ye daughter of Wm. Lampet & Mary his wife was baptized March 25.
1725 – Thomas the Son of Thomas Sheaf & Dorothy his wife was baptized April ye 3rd.
1725 – Michael the Son of Robt. Pugh & Anne his wife was baptized July 17. 1725.
1725 – Mary ye daughter of John Chamberlain & Catherine his wife was Baptized July 20th 1725.

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1725 – George ye Son of George Rogers & Elizabeth his wife was Baptized September 19th 1725.
1725 – Hannah ye Daughter of Wm. Huband & Hannah his wife was privately Baptized Novembr 2nd & received into the Church Novembr 4th 1725.
1725 – Thomas ye Son of John Osborson Jun’r and Mary his wife was Baptized Jan’ry 20th 1725.
1725 – Mary ye Daughter of George Bennet & Joyce his wife was baptized March 13th 1725.

A. Williams, Cur’t. John Chamberlane, Thomas Blackford - C.W.

1726 – Thomas ye Son of Charles Doughty & Elizabeth his wife was baptized March 31st 1726.
1726 – John ye Son of Henry Quiney & Rebecca his wife was baptized June 17th 1726.
1726 – Mary ye Daughter of Martin Godfree & Eleanor his wife was baptized Aug’t 16. 1726.
1726 – Mary ye Daughter of Charles Ange & Martha his wife was baptized Octob’r 16th 1726.
1726 – Arthur ye Son of Henry Fletcher & Mary his wife was baptized January the 6 1726.
1726 – Joseph ye Son of John Salter & Mary his wife was privately Baptized Feb’ry 10th 1726.
1726 – Thomas ye Son of John Harwood & Eliz. his wife was privately baptized March ye 9th 1726 and received into the Church Apr. 3d 1727.

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1727 – Sarah ye Daught’r of Nicholas Marshal & Sarah his wife was privately Baptized May 8th 1727 & Received into the Church June 14th 1737.
1727 – Thomas Haines ye Son of John Chamberlain and Catherine his wife was baptized June 16th 1727.
1727 – Edward ye Son of Thomas Sheaff an d Dorothy his wife was baptized June 17th 1727.
1727 – Mary ye Daught’r of John Osborne Jun’r & Mary his wife was privately baptized July ye 22 & Rec’d into ye Church Aug’t 18th.
1727 – John ye Son of Henry Huband & Elizabeth his wife was privately baptized Aug’t 18th.


1729 – Edward ye Son of Edward Morris & Mary his wife was baptized Ap’r 8th 1729.
1729 – John ye Son of John Taylor & Margaret his wife was bap. 29 of May.
1729 – John ye Son of Thomas & Sarah Huband his wife was baptized May 25th 1729.
1729 – Edward ye Son of Edward Phillips & Mary his wife was privately baptized June 14th and Rec’d into ye Ch. June 18.
1729 – Sarah ye daughter of Nicholas Marshal & Sarah his wife was privately baptized June 26th & Rec’d into ye Ch. July 9.
1729 – John ye Son of John Osborson & Mary his wife was privately baptized Decemb’r 25.
1730 – William ye Son of John Holbrook and Anne his wife was privately baptized March 27th Rec’d into the Church Aprl. 17th 1730.

(In 1731-3 the entries are made indiscriminately J.D.)

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Book one:           Baptisms with some marriages and burials.
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1731 - Marriages
1731 - John Perkins of South Littleton & Sarah Wells of Welford were married Apr. 19th pr Banns.
1731 - Benjamin Ewans & Sarah Godfrey were married Apr. 29th pr. Lic.
1731 - John Canning and Eleanor Maris were married June 10th pr. Banns.

1731 - Thomas ye Son of Tho. Huband & Sarah his Wife was privately bapt June 30th.
1731 - William ye Son of Edward Morris & Mary his wife baptised July 15.
1731 - George ye Son of George Ewans & Mary his wife was baptized August 7.

1731 - marriage
1731 - Thomas Daniel & Mary Hughes were Married Augt. 22 pr. Banns.

1731 - Henry ye Son of Henry Fletcher & Mary his wife was baptd Septembr 29th.
1731 - John ye Son of Lawrence Higham & Eliz. his wife was baptized Octobr 3d.
1731 - Henry Perks ye Son of William Millard & Martha his wife was baptized Octobr ye 21st.
1731 - Sarah ye Daughter of John Harwood & Eliz, his wife was baptized November 28th.

1731 - Burials see page 120
1731 - Joyce Smith Widdow was buried Novembr 23d.
1731 - Eliz. ye wife of Richard Smith was buried Novembr 23d.
1731 - Margaret ye daughtr of John Holbrook & Anne his wife was baptized Decembr 14th.
1731 - John ye Son of John Osborn & Mary his wife was privately baptized Decembr 19th & rec'd into ye Church Decembr 29th.
1731 - Eleana ye daughter of Benjamin Ewans & Sarah his wife was privately baptized Decembr 25th.
1731 - John ye Son of William Huband & Hannah his wife was baptd Janry 1d.

1731 - Burials see page 120.
1731 - Thomas Haines was buried Janry 11th.
1731 - Eleana ye daughtr of Ben: & Sarah Ewans was buried Janry 11th.
1731 - Jane Abel was Buried Janry 23d.
1731 - John ye Son of John & Eliz, Harwood was buried Janry 27th.
1731 - Thomas ye Son [of] Edward Phillips & Mary his wife was privately baptized March 1d Recd into ye Church March 7d.

Page 67 begins

1732 - Burials see page 120.
1732 - Sarah Clark was Buried May 9d.
1732 - John ye Son of Thomas Daniel & Mary his wife was Baptized Augt 27th.
1732 - Thomas ye Son of Richard Merryman & Mary his wife was baptd 7br. 17th.
1732 - Eleanor ye daughter of George Ewans & Mary his wife was privately baptized Octobr 22d & Recd into ye Church Novembr 2d.

1732 - Marriages
1732 - Thomas Widens(?) & Anne Turner were married pr Banns Novembr. 16th.

Image d0066
Book one:           Baptisms, Marriages & Burials.
1732 - Marriages
1732 - William Ashmead of Alcester & Anne Caddick of Arrow in ye County of Warwick were married Decembr 1d pr Lic.
1732 - Anthony Roberts & Anne Sherard were married Decembr 13d pr. Banns.
1732 - Eleanor ye Daughtr of Richard Stephens & Mary his wife was privately baptized Decembr 17th & Recd into ye Church Feb. 22d.

1732 - Burials.
1732 - Thomas Haines was buried Janry 1d.
1732 - William Haines was buried Feb. 18.
1732 - George ye Son of George Bennett & Joyce his wife was Bapd Feb. 15.

1733 - Marriages
1733 - James Goddard of Campden & Mary Ellits were married Apr 15th.
1733 - John ye Son of Benjamin Ewans & Sarah his wife was privately baptized May 16th & Admitted into ye Church June ye 6th.
1733 - Thomas ye Son of John Osborn & Mary his wife was baptized June ye 6th.

1733 - Burials
1733 - Mrs Margaret Harward was Buried June 12th. <,br> 1733 - Elizabeth ye Daughter of William Millard & Martha his wife was privately baptized Augt 26th, brought to Church Oct. ye 16th.

Page 68 begins

1733 - Richard ye Son of Richard Merryman & Eliz. his wife was Baptized Octobr 7th.

1733 - Burials
1733 - Tho. Daniel was Buried Novembr 8th.
1733 - George Negus ye Son of Wm Huband & Hannah his wife was Buried Janry 6th.
1733 - Anne Pearks Wid. was Buried March 2nd.
1733 - William the Son of John Taylor & Margaret his wife was Bapt: March 15.

Matthew Forester Minister.

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Book one:           Marriages.
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Marriages solemnized in the parishe church of Harvington sithence the yeere of our Lorde god 1570, beinge the yeere wherein Tho: Feriman was Inducted into the parsonage there.

1572 - Mr Robte Perrot was maryed to Mrs Elisabeth Stanley the 11th day of September Anno Domini.
1573 - Richarde Coger was maryed to Elsabeth Ibles the 15th day of ffebruarye.
1574 - Richarde Hunte & Elinor Ashwine were maryed togethr the 9th of November.
1576 - John Bagotte and Joane Hunte were maryed the 7th day of July.
1577 - John Hill & Joane Perke were maryed the 10th day of October.
1577 - William Walker & Joane Prichet were maryed the 23th day of Januarye.
1579 - William Perkinson & Anne Kente were maryed the 21th day of Maie.
1579 - ffraunces Sorrell and Jane Perke were maryed the 24th day of September.
1579 - Robert Richardes & Dorothe Abell were maryed the ffirste day of October.

Page 70 begins

1579 - John Stephens & Elinor Yonge were maryed the 15th day of October.
1580 - John Sav(?)adge and Margaret Perke were maryed the 25th day of October.
1580 - John Hobbines and Margaret Willes were maryed the 8th day of November.
1581 - Thomas Paine and Elsabeth Willes were maryed the seconde day of December.
1582 - Peter Haynes and Anne Kempe were maryed the 10th day of June.
1583 - Thomas Courte and Joane Enterbury were maryed the 10th day of September.
1583 - John Willes and Margaret Kempe were maryed the 26th day of November.
1584 - George Kempe and Anne Haines were maryed the ffirste day of November.
1586 - John Abell and Joane (blank) were married the 30th day of October.
1586 - Raffe Stephens and Margaret Moore were maryed the thirde day of November.
1586 - Richarde ffeeman and Margaret Martine were maryed the 21th day of November.

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1587 - Richarde Daye and Elsabeth Haynes were maryed the 25th day of September.
1587 - Richarde Hunte & Margaret Lushbarne were maryed the 26th day of October.
1588 - Roger Maunder and Jane Haynes were maryed the 28th day of November.
1590 - John Tovie and Susanna Warener were maryed the 23th day of Auguste.
1590 - Thomas Tayler and Joane Wheeler were maryed the 14th day of October.
1590 - John Clifton and Elsabeth Parker were maryed the 24th day of Januarye.
1591 - Richarde Hemminge and Joane Pelforde were maryed the 12th day of June.
1591 - William Wood and Katherine Tomlins were maryed the 17th day of July.
1592 - John Salowaye and Alice Harris were maryed the 31th day of Januarye.
1595 - Thomas Cicill and Anne Willes were maryed the 16th day of June.
1595 - Edwarde Meades and Joane Willes were maryed the 16th day of June.
1595 - Robert Harwarde and Magdalen Kempe were maryed the 22th day of July.

Page 72

1595 - William Willes and Joane Sav(?)adge were maryed the 20th day of Januarye.
1595 - John Rutter and Ursula Feriman were maryed the 18th day of ffebruarye.
1598 - Thomas Reynoldes and Alice Salowaye were maryed the 26th day of June.
1598 - Anthonye Garret and Judith Kempe were maryed the 20th day of September.
1599 - Thomas Chaunce and Isabell Ouseley were maryed the 20th day of August.
1600 - William Bayles and Joane Badger were maryed the XIIth day of June.
1602 - Symon Davis & Elsabeth Haynes were maryed the XIIth day of June.
1602 - John Leadon and Elinor Haynes were maryed the VIIIth day of July.
1602 - Humfry Deiguse and Joane Abell were maryed the 30th of September.
1602 - John Poole and Rose Chaunce were married the 16th day of Januarie.
1602 - John Perke and Magdalen Perkinson were marries the 11th of ffebru.

Page 73

1603 - Richard Richardes and Dorothie Owseleye were maryed the 28th daye of September.
1603 - Jhon Perkes and Rebecca Tomlins were marryed the 31th of October.
1606 - Richarde Wilkes and Alice Bearde were maryed the 3 of Julie.
1606 - Thomas Twittie and Katherin fferyman were maryed the XXXIth of Julie.
1608 - Simon Hyron and Elizabeth Prichet were maryed the 26th of Julie.
1608 - David Powell and Ursula Enterbury were maryed the 17th daye of Januarie.
1609 - Thomas Bounde and Annis Perke were maryed the 17 daie of November.
1609 - William Hobbins and Margaret Courte were maryed the 28 of November.

Image d0069
Book one:           Marriages.
1610 - William Bearde and Annis (blank) were maryed the 14th daye of October.
1611 - Richard G(?)raunge and Margery Walker were maryed the 20 daye of October.

Page 74

1612 - Thomas Haines and Anne Bearde were maryed the 21th of October.
1616 - William Bradleye and Alice Saunders were maryed the 24th daye of November.
1617 - William Hunte & Marie Johnsons were maryed the XIIIth of January. (T. gives 14th)

1618 - Tho: Feriman Junior was inducted into the Prosnage of Harviton Junii 3o.

1619 - William Woodward and Joane Johnsons weare married the 29th daie of April.
1621 - Samuell Haines and Ellnor Haines weare marryed the 13th daie of June.
1621 - Edward Johnsons and Magdalene Richardes weare married the 18th daie of Julie.
1621 - John Tysoe and Magdalene Bamford weare married the 30th daie of October.
1622 - John Kempe and Joane Russell weare married the 17th daie of Julie.
1623 - John Lench and Alice Wilkes were married the 25 day of October. (Not in T.)

Per presentacoem Decani et Caple wigorn
XIo die Novembris 1623o Tho: Archbold artm magistr inductus est in Rectoria eccles de Harvington 40o ao atatis sue

1625 - James Godfrey and Elizabeth Hurtle were married the third of May.

Tho: Archbold Rr. Tho. Heynes, Tho. Courte - gard.

Page 75

1625 - Stephen Oseley and Elizabeth Younge were married the XXIXth daie of September.
1626 - Thomas Heminge and Elizabeth Peeters(?) alias Wagstaff were married the second daie of May.
1626 - Thomas Nylame[?] & Marie Lechmore were married the second daie of October.
1627 - George Wilkinson and Alice Harward were married the sixte daie of July.


1632 - William Heminge and Marie Janes(?) were maried the XVIIIth daie of October.
1633 - Thomas Davuce/Daunce(?) and Katherine Dune were married the XXIXth daie of Aprill.
(the following in a later hand)
1662 - John Tysoe & Margaret Richards were married off September 29. Anno Domini.)

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Book one:           Marriages.
Page 76 is blank

The 3 marriages of 1660 are given under 1661 in the oblong book. J.D.

T. has under 1662 - John Tyroe & Margarett Richards mar. Sept 29 but it is not in oblong book. See note in oblong that marr. did not take place here.

T. gives 3 marr. not in T. [arrow pointing to 1685 on next page.] The 2 marriages of 1686 are not given in the oblong book. J.D.

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Book one:           Marriages.
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Register of all the Marriages that have been in the Parish church of Harvington since the year 1660.

1660 – John Abell and Anne Haines were married on the 18th day of April.
1660 – Francis Yardly and Hannah Hurst were married on the 26th day of December.
1660 – John Hughes and Elisabeth Willes were married on the 10th day of Febr:.
1662 - John Tysoe & Margaret Richards were married off September 29. Anno Domini. [To be found on page 75.]
1664 – John Smith and Mary Wills were married on the 29th day of October.

(For the year 1673 see page 39 from end A of an old oblong Book bound in parchment being an old Parishment Register.)

(Several were in T.)

1678 – Jonathan Maris and Mary Andrews were married the 9th day of January.

(See page 5 of the above Register from the end B.)

1682 – Matthew Holbrooke and Anne Perkes were married on the 16th day of April.
1682 – Thomas Applebee and Alice Wills were married on the 17th day of April.
1682 – Joseph Bradley and Mary Cox were married the 13th July.
1682 – Peter Creed and Elisabeth Bradley were married on the 2d day of February.
1684 – Francis Huband and Frances Yearnold were married on the 9th day of October.
1684 – Anthony Collet and Mary Pilkington were Married 19th (12) day of November.
1684 – John Bryenton and Mary Bradley were Married on the 30th day of December.
1685 – William Blackford and Alice Tysoe were married on the 2d day of November.
1696 – Mr Joseph Ash of Coventree and Mrs Mary Field of Evesham were married on the 9th day of October.
1686 – Mr Thomas Rudge and Mrs Margaret Milner of Evesham were married on the 30th day of December.

(For 1687 and 1688 see page [blank] of the above Register reckoning from the end B.)

1689 – Thomas Godfrey of Abbots Morton and Rose Ward of Harvington were married on the 17th day of May.
1690 – Allen Farmar of Evesham and Mary Watts of this parish were married on the 19th day of November, the banns being first - thrice published.

Page 78

1690 – John Huband of this Parish and Elisabeth Smith of Salford were married on the 4th day of December, the banns being first thrice published.
1692 – Thomas Fort of Bengworth and Mary Cotton of Evesham were married the seventh day of August, License being first obtained.

Image d0072
Book one:           Marriages.
1694 – Andrew Tailor of this Parish and Elisabeth Smith of the Parish of Middle Littleton were married upon the first day of June, the Banns being first thrice published.
1695 – William Yate and Anne Houghton were married upon the sixth day of May. Both being of the Parish of Arrow and Banns the thrice publisht.
1695 – John Chamberlaine and Eleanor Marshal both of Salford Parish were married the twenty third day of May. Licence being first obtained.
1696 – Thomas Howman of the parish of Hampton and Joane Rudge of the parish of Norton and Lenchwick were married on the twenty eighth day of January the banns being publish in their respective parishes according to Law.
1697 – Edward Parsons and Sarah Pearce were married upon the fourth day of May, the Banns being thrice publishd according to Law.
1697 – Thomas Wynn and Mary Johnson both of this Parish were married on the twenty eighth day of September, the Banns being thrice publishd according to Law.
1697 – John Hains of the Parish of Norton and Lettice Poydross of this parish were married on the twenty ninth day of 7br [October] the banns being publisht first according to Law.
1698 – Thomas Osborson and Sarah Grimmet both of the Parish of Bidford were married on the twentieth day of September, the Banns being first publisht thrice in the Parish Church of Bidford.
1698 – John Quarrel of the parish of Church Lench and Ann Emmes of this parish were married upon the twenty ninth day of September the Banns being thrice publish according to Law.
1698 – Matthew Mills and Mary Rose both of the Parish of Alcester were married upon the eighteenth day of March, by License.

Moses Hodges Rector.

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1699 – William Huxly and Mary Gold both of Evesham were married upon the 20th day of June: by License.
1699 – Thomas Pardway Senior and Susannah Tailor both of this Parish were married upon the twenty sixth day of June, the Banns being first thrice publishd.
1699 – Francis Huband Senior of this Parish and Ann Roff of the Parish of All Saints in Evesham were married upon the 30th day of July, the Banns being first thrice publishd.
1700 – Thomas Sperry of the parish of Hampton and Ann Marshal of this Parish were married upon the 23rd day of April, the Banns being first thrice publishd.

Image d0073
Book one:           Marriages.
1701 – Thomas Osborson of Bidford and Elizabeth Hobbins of this Parish were married upon the twenty eighth day of April, the Bann being first thrice publishd.
1701 – Edward Winter of Binton in ye County of Warwick and Mary Ollams of this Parish were married upon the 18th day of June, the Banns being first thrice publishd.
1701 – Thomas Tandy of Hoblench and Ann Huband widow of this Parish were married (the Banns being first in each Parish published) upon the 16th day of 7br [July]
1701 – Joseph Wright and Ann Lock of Norton were married upon the 14th day of October ye Banns being 1st thrice Published.
1702 – John Bodilee of this Parish and Frances Worral of the Parish of Norton and Lenchwick were married upon the fifth day of July, the Banns being first thrice publishd.

G. Atwood, Surveyor.

1702 – Mr Benjamin Parrott of the City of Bristol and Mrs Frances Stanford of Salford in the County of Warwick were married upon the twenty fourth day of September. Licence being first obtained.
1702 – William Rogers and Elizabeth Smith both of this Parish were married upon the thirty first day of October by Licence.
1702 – Thomas Haines of Salford in the Count of Warwick and Ann Brooke of Badsey were married upon the twenty first day of January, ye Banns being asked in each parish 3 times.
1703 – Samuel Whitford of Evesham and Ann Smith of Bengworth were married upon the first day of September by Licence.
1703 – Thomas Partenton of the Parish of Church Lench and Elizabeth Waring of this Parish were married upon the sixth day of October, by Banns.
1704 – Francis Dyson of the Parish of Inkbarrow and Ann Holtam of this Parish were married on the twenty first day of May 1704, by Licence.
1704 – George Smith of the Parish of Elmly Castle and Hannah Yarnold of the same were married on the fifteenth day of June, by Licence.
1704 – George Ewans of this Parish and Anne Stevens of Childs Wickham in the County of Gloucester were married upon ye 3rd day of August, by Licence.
1704 – Thomas Heath of the Parish of Church Lench and Joan Rommel of the Parish of Bishampton were married on the twentieth day of February 1704 by Banns.

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Book one:           Marriages.
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1705 – Michael Evetts and Margaret Stevens both of this Parish were married upon the first day of October, by Banns.
1705 – John Jones and Mary Rogers both of this Parish were married upon the fifteenth day of December, by Banns.

1706 [no entries]

1707 – George Rogers Junr. & Alice Evetts both of this Parish were married May ye twelfth, by Banns.
1707 – Thomas Chare & Anne Dyer Widow both of this Parish were married June ye twelfth: by Banns.
1707 – George Rogers, Senior & Abigail Saunders both of this Parish were married October ye sixth, by Banns.
1708 – Samuel Reeve & Margaret Johnson both of this Parish were married April ye 28th by Banns.
1708 – George Brewer & Anne Bodilee both of this Parish were married October ye 6th by Banns.
1708 – Mr George Biddle & Mrs Mary Pilkington both of this Parish were married December ye 27th by Licence.
1709 – Edward Allison of ye Parish of St. Miles in ye City of Coventry & Anne Jephcott of Bengworth in ye Borrough of Evesham were married December ye 2nd by Licence.
1710 – John Evetts of Cleve Prior in this county & Anne Goring of this Parish were married Sept 11th by Banns.
1711 – Charles Cocks M.A. Rector of Dumbleton in Gloucestershire & Mrs Anne Archer of Bevington in the Parish of Salford in the County of Warwick were married November ye 1st by Licence.
1711 – Henry Huband & Elizabeth Alcocks both of this Parish were married November 3rd by Banns.
1711 – Thomas Dove[?] of ye Parish of north & Middle Littleton & Sarah Emms of Fladbury were married upon ye 1st day of March, by Banns.

Cornelius Hopkins, Curate.

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Book one:           Marriages.
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1712 - James Yarnold of the Parish of Norton and Lenchwick and Elizabeth Haydon of this Parish were married upon the fourteenth day of September by Banns.
1712 - John Salter and Mary Phillips both of this parish were married on the Nineteenth day of October by Banns.
1713 - Thomas Johnson junr and Anne Smith both of this parish were married on the Seventh day of February by Banns.
1714 - Thomas Hemming and ELizabeth Field both of this Parish were married on the third day of October by Banns.
1714 - William Webb and Mary Salmon both of this parish were married on the fourth day of October by Banns.
1715 - Thomas Gibbs of the Parish of Haslor [Haselor] in the County of Warwick & Mary Osborson of this Parish were married by Banns December: ye 12th.
1716 - William Stokes and Elizabeth Osborson both of this Parish were married on the sixth day of October by Banns.
1716 - John Andrews of the Parish of Salford in the County of Warwick and Anne Squire of this Parish were married on the twenty seventh day of Febraury by Banns.
1717 - John Furnifull of ye Parish of Great Hampton in ye County of Worcester & Mary Rea of Charleton in ye said County were married on ye 23d day of January by Licence.
1718 - Thomas Rutter of ye Parish of Bidford & Sarah Salter of this parish were married on ye 3d of January by Banns.
1719 - Thomas Pearks & Elizabeth Hyan both of this Parish were marryed by Banns: June 16th.
1719 - Francis Buttler & Ann Round, Widow, both of ye Parish of Alcester in ye County of Warwick were married by a Certificate from Mr. Jowling Rector there, Feb: 4th.

Edw: Hale Curate. John Holbrooke & Tho: Maris - Ch. Wardens.

1720 - William Huband & Mary Griffin were Marryed by Banns, October 9th.

A. Williams Curt. Jon Holbrooke, Tho: Maris - Churchward.

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1721 – John Jones & Jane Gold were married by Banns, Novr 2nd.
1722 – John Spragge of the Parish of All Saints in Evesham and Mary Boughton of the Parish of Bengworth in this County were married upon the sixteenth day of May. By Licence.
1722 – Thomas Huband and Anne Dudley both of this parish were married upon the seventh day of October: by Banns.
1723 – George Rogers & Eliz. Clifford both of this Parish were married Decembr 26 by Banns.

A Williams Cur’t, Will Blackford, Martin Godfree – Churchwardens.

1724 – John Taylor & Margaret Winfield were married Septembr 10th pr Banns.
1725 – George Bennet & Joyce Smith both of this Psh were married Apr ye 14. 1725. pr Banns.
1726 – Mr Edward Whitehouse & Mrs Anne Halford both of ye Psh of Alcestr in ye County of Warwick were married Apr 8 pr Lic.
1726 – Richard Smith of ye Parish of St Laurence in Evesham and Eliz Elliots of this Psh were married Apr ye 12 1726 pr Banns.

1727 – No entries

1728 – No entries

1729 – John Knowles of ye Parish of Fladbury and Eleanor Ewans of ye Parish of Harvington were married July 27th pr Licence.
1729 – Joseph Bushel and Anne Stanly both of this Psh were married September 28 1729 pr Banns.

(for next marriages see the one entry on page 105 & then turn to page 66. J.D.)

[The following 8 entries are copied to here for convenience.]

1731 - John Perkins of South Littleton & Sarah Wells of Welford were married Apr. 19th pr Banns.

1731 - Benjamin Ewans & Sarah Godfrey were married Apr. 29th pr. Lic.
1731 - John Canning and Eleanor Maris were married June 10th pr. Banns.
1731 - Thomas Daniel & Mary Hughes were Married Augt. 22 pr. Banns.
1732 - Thomas Widens(?) & Anne Turner were married pr Banns Novembr. 16th.
1732 - William Ashmead of Alcester & Anne Caddick of Arrow in ye County of Warwick were married Decembr 1d pr Lic.
1732 - Anthony Roberts & Anne Sherard were married Decembr 13d pr. Banns.
1733 - James Goddard of Campden & Mary Ellits were married Apr 15th.

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Book one:           Burials.
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Burialles in and silhence the yeare of our Lord god 1570 in wch yeare Thomas fferiman was inducted Parson of Harvington.

Comput Aug:

1570 - Richarde Parsons was buryed the 6th day of June Anno Domini.
1570 – Margaret Hale was buryed the 6th of August.
1570 – Isabell Hignet was buryed the 30th day of August.
1571 – Richarde Enterbury was buryed the 7th day of November.
1571 – Margery Perkinson was buryed the Seconde day of Januarye.
1571 – Elsabeth Abell was buryed the 27th of ffebruarye.
1572 – William Wincote was buryed the 2th December.
1572 – Danie [Davie?] Jones was buryed the 30th day of Decembr.
1572 – John Enterbury was buryed the ffirste day of January.
1572 – John Hunte was buryed the 28th of January.
1573 – Alice Warner was buryed 29th of May.
1573 – John Abell was buryed the 13th of July.
1573 – Thomas Haynes was buryed the 30th of July.
1573 – Judith Strickelande was buryed the 19th of November.

Page 84

1574 – Elsabeth Abell was buryed the 11th of December.
1574 – Elsabeth Kempe was buryed the 25th of Marche.
1574 – Robert Perkinson was buryed the 5th of May.
1574 – George Smallman was buryed the 15th of Septembr.
1575 – Richarde Hunte was buryed the 15th day of July.
1575 – John ffeelde was buryed the 20th day of November.
1575 – Nicholas Prichet was buryed the 22th day of November
1575 – Alice Perkinson was buryed the 26th of November.
1575 – John Williets was buryed the 6th day of December.
1575 – Joane Hale was buryed the 28th day of December.
1575 – Thomas Perkes was buryed the 7th day of Januarye.
1575 – Thomas Willes was buryed the 18th day of Marche.
1577 – Richarde Haynes was buryed the seconde day of Aprill.
1577 – Rebecca Clerke was burye the 29th day of October.
1577 – Elinor Hunte was buryed the 15th of November.

Image d0078
Book one:           Burials.
1578 – Tho: Kempe sonne to John was buryed the 7th of August.
1578 – Katherine Abell was buryed the 8th day of October.
1578 – William Abell father of the said Katherine was buryed the 13th day of October.
1578 – Elsabeth Perkes the daughter of Thomas was buryed the 26th day of October.
1578 – Jane Haynes was buryed the 7th day of December.
1578 – Margaret Abell was buryed the 17th day of December.

Page 85

1578 – Elsabeth Haines was buryed the 6th of Januarye.
1578 – John Strikelande was buryed the 13th of Januarye.
1578 – Thomas Perkes was buryed the 14th of Januarye.
1579 – Alice Willes was buryed the 26th of Marche.
1579 – Alice Clarke killed in Stanleyes dovehouse was buryed the 11th day of October.
1579 – Thomas Kempe sonne to John was buryed the Seconde day of November.
1579 – Margery Savadge(?) was buryed the ffirst of Marche.
1580 – Betterice [Beatrice] and Margery Perkes, sisters, were buryed in one grave the 5th day of June.
1580 – Elsabeth Kempe was buryed the 4th of December.
1580 – Margaret Hunte was buryed the 8th of January.
1581 – William Walker was buryed the 26th day of May.
1581 – Thomas Chaunce was buryed the 21st day of June.
1581 – Richard Perkes was buryed the 10th July.
1581 – Valentyne Kempe was buryed the 15th day of July.
1581 – Joane Panter was buryed the 8th of Januarye.
1581 – Anne Paine was buryed the 20th day of Marche.

Page 86

1582 – John Perkes was buryed in Harvington Church: to the wch he bequeathed 40s. the 28th day of Aprill.
1582 – John Persons was buryed the 14th day of December.
1582 – Anne Perkes was buryed the thirde day of January.
1582 – Peter Enterbury was buryed the 7th of February.
1583 – Margaret Perkes was buryed the 4th day of Aprill.
1583 – W. Lette was buryed the 7th day of May.
1583 – Henry Enterbury was buryed the 11th day of May.

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Book one:           Burials.
1583 – John Haynes was buryed the 14th day of May.
1583 – (blank) Persons was buryed the 16th of Septembr.
1584 – ffraunces Willes was buryed the ffirst day of Decembr.
1585 – Robert Hignett was buryed the 11th day of September.
1585 – Magdalen Haynes was buryed the 5th day of Novembr.
1586 – William the sonne of John Willes was buryed the 19th of Aprill.
1586 – Margaret Pigion was buryed the 23rd of Aprill.
1586 – Joane the daughter of Elsabeth Hale was buryed the 27th day of Aprill.
1586 – Thomas the sonne of G. Kempe was buryed the 13th day of Auguste.
1586 – Thomas Perkes laborer was buryed the 4th of Septembr.
1586 – W. the Sonne of Peter Haynes was buryed the 30th of October.
1586 – Ursula Perkes the daughter of Phillip was buryed ye 8th of decembr.

Page 87

1587 – Elsabeth Haynes the mothr of T. Haynes was buryed the 22nd of October.
1587 – Henry Thorelsoe[?] was buryed the ffirste day of Decembr.
1587 – Henry Steevens was buryed the 13th of Decembr, infant.
1587 – Thomas Tomlins was buryed the 22nd of December.
1587 – An infante of G. Kempes unbaptized was buryed the 27th day of December.
1588 – Robert the Sonne of Robert Richardes was buryed te 20th day of Aprill.
1588 – An infant borne at Strikelandes unbaptized was buryed the 23rd of Aprill.
1588 – Elsabeth Perkes the daughter of Elsabeth Hignet was buryed he 14th day of June.
1588 – William Gervace was buryed the 16th of Auguste.
1588 – Thomas Haynes was buryed the 20th of Auguste.
1588 – Henry Harrison was buryed the 29th of December.
1588 – Edwarde the Sonne of Peter Haynes was buryed the 10th day of Januarye.
1590 – Elsabeth Hignet was buryed the 14th of May.
1590 – Humphery Panter was buryed the 20th of May.
1590 – William Willes was buryed the 4th day of Marche.

Page 88

1591 – Anne Wilson was buryed the 8th day of October.
1591 - John Kempe junior was buryed the 6th of Januarye.
1592 – William Pelforde was buryed the 14th of Aprill.

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Book one:           Burials.
1592 – Elsabeth Perkes the wife of William was buryed the 12th day of June.
1592 - A Childe borne at the mill was buryed; unbaptized.
1592 – Ed. Ouseley was buryed the 27th of December.
1592 – John Hale was buryed the 30th of December.
1593 – Henry Hunte was buryed the 27th of Marche.
1593 – George the Sonne of Wm: Abell was buryed the 15th day of May.
1593 – Magdalen the daughter of Richard Hemminge was buryed the 12th day of Auguste.
1593 – John the sonne of a strumpet delivered at William Chaunces was buryed the 21st day of September.
1593 – Alice Twiste was buryed the 30th October.
1593 – Robert Willes was buryed the 15th day of December.
1594 – Elinor Perkes was buryed the 5th day of October.
1594 – Anne Haynes, one of the daughter twinnes of Peter Haynes was buryed the 21st of Marche.

Page 89

1595 – John Hunte was buryed the 25th day of Marche.
1595 – Margaret the other daughter twinnes of Peter Haynes was buryed the 19th day of Aprill.
1595 – Alice Hope was buryed the seconde day of May.
1595 – Phillip the sonne of Phillip Perkes was buryed the 30th day of November.
1595 – Margaret the daughter of G. Kempe was buryed the Seconde day of December.
1595 – Ursula the daughter of John Sallowaye was buryed the ffirst day of Februarye.
1596 – Joane Hunte widdowe was buryed the 7th of July.
1596 – Alice Abell was buryed the 29th day of November.
1596 – A man Childe of Willm Willes borne deade was enterred the 30th of December.
1596 – Thomas Pedder was buryed the 20th of Marche.
1586 – Thomas the Sonne of Robert Harwarde was buryed the 21st day of Marche.
1597 – John Coxson was buryed the 4th day of Aprill.
1597 – Thomas Hale was buryed the 5th day of Aprill.
1597 – Katherine the daughter of William Abell was buryed the 7th day of May.
1597 – Anne Wilkes was buryed the 16th day of May.
1597 – Ellinor Reynoldes was buryed the 30th day of May.

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1597 – Peter Reynoldes was buryed the 21st day of June.
1597 – John Salowaye was buryed the 16th day of Auguste.
1597 – Elsabeth the daughter of the saide John Salowaye was buryed the 29th day of Auguste.
1597 – Alice Davyes and John Davyes her sonne were buryed both together in one pitt the 23rd day of October.
1597 – A woman childe of Robert Harwardes borne dead was enterred the 19th day of November.
1597 – Robert Pearce was buryed the 8th day of December.
1597 – Two women children of Richard Doogoods were buryed in One pitt the same day they were borne, viz: the 20th day of December: the one of them was christened and named Anne.

Roger Maunder, William Abell – Churchwardens.

1598 – William Wood was buryed the laste day of Septembr.
1598 – Willm Perkinson was buryed the 18th day of December.
1598 – Willm Piggeon was buryed the 9th day of January.
1598 – Phillip Hemminge was buryed the 11th day of Januarye.
1599 – A man childe of William Willes baptized was buryed the 22nd day of June.
1599 – Margery Haynes the mother of Peter Haynes the elder was buryed the thirde day of July.
1599 – Margaret Kempe the wife of John Kempe was buryed the 6th day of February, beinge ye firste day in lent the same yeere.

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1600 – John Abell was buryed the 6th day of Aprill.
1600 – A woman childe of William Willes unbaptized was buryed the 10th day of June.

Willm Parsons & Wam Walker – Churchwardens.

1601 – A woman childe of Isabell Archardes was borne at G. Strikelandes house unbaptized was buryed the XIIIth of Aprill.
1601 – olde Henry Perkes was buryed the 22th day of May.
1601 – John Haynes was buryed the XIIth day of October.
1601 – Margaret Roberts the mother of William Parsons wife was buryed the foresaide XIIth of October.

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Book one:           Burials.
1602 – Gillian Mealinge was buryed the Xth day of May.
1602 – Humphery Smith alias Bruton, a wanderinge traveller that dyed at George Strikelandes house, was buryed the XXIIth day of June.
1602 – Anne Petforde was buryed the 17th 0f August.

Jhon Willes & Wm Chaunce – Churchwardens.

1604 – Magdelen the daughter of Richarde Doogood was buried the 19 of Aprill.
1604 – Mary the daughter of Jhon Parkes was buried the 25 of May.
1604 – A man childe of Robart Harwardes borne dead was interred the 14th of August.

Page 92

1604 – A manchilde of William Willes was buried unbaptized the 25 of Novemb.
1604 – Elisabeth the daughter of Richarde Richardes was buryied the 23th of Januarie. Ao Ætatis 1o.
1604 – Joane Tayler was buried the 26 of January. Mother Allen was buryed the 6th of February.
1604 – Anne Davis and his Childe unbaptized were buried both in one grave the 9 of February.
1604 – Robert Richarde was buryed the 9th of March.
1605 – Millisent Abell the daughter of Wm Abell was buryed the thirde daye of November. Infans.

Jo: Willes & W: Willes – Churchwardens.

1605 - William Chaunce was buryed the first of December. He gave the Soomme of ffortye shillinges to the use of the poore in harvington: wch was duly payed and ys sette out to John Clifton upon hande for one yeare. Peter Haines gave his worde to the pishe for yt.
1606 – Peter Gyll the Soonne of Rebecca Gyll was buryed the 20 daye of Julye. Ao Ætatis 1o.
1606 – A childe of William Willes unbaptized was buryed the XIIth daye of October.
1606 – A man childe of Michael Persons unbaptized was buryed the 20 of December.

1607 – Peter haines, John Wylkes – Churchwardens, Ao
Tho: Feriman Rector – Peter Haines, To: Wilkes – Guardiani.

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1607 – Mary the daughter of Wm Abell was buryed the Seconde daye of June.
1607 – William Parsons was buryed the (blank) of December.
1607 – Joane the wife of Philip Perkes was buryed the first of Januarye.
1607 – Joane the wife of William Willes was buryed the ffifth daye of Marche.

Peter Haines, Jo: Wilkes by a newe election.

1608 – Margaret Parkes widowe a woman of great yeares was buryed the 26th daye of June.
1608 – Anne Perkinson widowe was buryed the 17th daye of August.
1608 – Anne the wife of Thomas Haynes was buryed the 8th Daye of September.
1609 – Eliner the Daughter of Edward Panter was buryed the Vth Daie of October. Ao Ætat 1o.
1609 – George the Soonne of John Strikeland was buryed the 30 daie of October. Ao Ætat 1o.
1609 – Thomas the Soonne of Robte Harward was buryed the XIIIIth Daye of Marche. Ao Ætatis 2o et di’d.
1609 – Thomas the soonne of William Abell was buryed the XX1th Daye of Marche. Ao Ætatis 1o.

Tho: Feriman Rector. Peter Haines, Jo Wilkes – Guard.

Page 94

1610 – Edward Willes was buryed the 28th daye of June beinge found dead and drowned in the Avon the 26th daye. Ætatis suæ 24o.

Fraunces Oseley, Wm Abell – Churchwardens.

1611 – John Perkes the Glover was buryed the 25th daye of Marche beinge Mondaye in the Easter weeke. Vir. [Vir = man/husband.]
1611 – John Wilkes was buryed the 20th daye of September. Senex. [Senex = old.]
1611 – Ellnor the daughter of John Blalocke was buryed the VIIIth daye of October. Ætatis suæ fere 3o.
1611 – Eleanor the wife of John Leyden was buryed the XIIIth of October. Ætatis suæ 51o.
1611 – Margaret the wife of John Willes was buryed the XVIth Daye of Januarie. Vetula. [An old woman.]
1612 – Ursula Abell having bene in London & there fallinge sicke came downe to the fathers and here continewinge about one moneth departed & was buryed the 27th daye of Julie. Ao Ætatis 26o.

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Book one:           Burials.
1612 – Margaret an infant of a straylinge woman delivered in Strikelandes Barne was buryed the 26th of August.
1612 – Robert Mayner was buryed the 24th daye of Februarye having bene sick a inst weeke. Senex [Senex = Old.]
1613 – Audrey Allen was buryed the 28 of Marche: innupta [Virgin - crossed out]
1613 – George Kempe was buryed the 5th daye of June.
1613 – Thomas the Soonne of Michael Parsons was buryed the 26th daye of August. Ao etat: 2o.
1613 – John Willes was buryed the 26 of October. Senex [Senex = Old.]

Thos Feriman Rector. franc Oseleye, W. Abell – Guard.

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1613 – Roger Maunder was buryed the 9th daye of November. Senex [Senex = old.]
1613 – Sarah the daughter of Thomas Williams was buryed the XVIth Daye of Jauary (5 weekes olde).
1613 – Thomas Corte was buryed the 24th of January. senex [Senex = old.]
1613 – Magdalen Harward the wife of Robte Harward was buryed the 23 of February. Ao Ætatis fere 38o.
1614 – Joane Walker the Wife of William Walker was baptized the first Daye of Maie. Ao Ætatis 77o.
1614 – Dorothie Hurtle was buryed the first of Julie.
1614 - A woman childe of William Hobbins unbaptized was buryed the first daye of October.
1614 – Richard Hemminge the shepherde was buryed the XVIIth Daye of February.
1614 – Margarett Willes the Widowe of Edward Willes was buryed the 14th Daye of Marche having bene a Widowe 4 years and almost 3 quarters. Shee gave 40s to the use of the poore in harvington.
1615 – William Abell was buryed the thirde daye of Aprill beinge the morrow after Palme Sondaye.

W. Willes, H. Perkes – Churchwardens.

1615 – John Kempe Departed this life at Cambden the 25th daye of Aprill beinge St Markes daye, and was from thence brought to Harvington the morrowe after beinge the 26th daye and buryed then in the Church there. Ætatis suæ 80 et demd.

Tho: Feriman Rector. W. Willes, H. Perkes – Churchwardens.

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1615 – Ursula the wife of George Strikeland was buryed the 30th daye of July.
1615 – Humfrey the sonne of Ed. Panter was buryed the XVth of October, being about 5 monethes olde.
1615 – William Abell yonge man the sonne of Wm Abell Who departed this Life in Aprill last was buryed the 14th of November. Ætatis suæ 25o.
1615 – Magdalen Perkes Widowe was buryed the 23rd day of November. Ætatis suæ 34o.
1615 – Thomas Kempe was buryed the last daye of November.
1615 – John the sonne of John Blalocke was buryed the 23 daye of marche, beinge about 5 moneths old.
1616 – George Strikeland was buryed the ffifte daye of maie. Senex. [Senex = old.]
1616 – Wm the sonne pf Richard Richardes was buryed the 6th daye of Julye, beinge about a weeke old.
1616 – Martha the daughter of Simon Davies was buryed the 18 of Feb.

(T. gives this under 1617 & rightly so --[?] -------[?]).

Junii 3o Tho: Feriman Junior was inducted into the psonage of Harvington.

1618 – Roger Gardner was buryed the 19th of Aprill, Aged 24 years or thereabouts.
1618 – Elisabeth Oesleye widdowe was buryed the seconde daie of Januarie.

Thomas Ferryman Recto. Phillipp Perkes, Tho: Haines – Guardi.

Page 97

1619 – Mr Thomas fferyman prebendarie of the Cathedrall Church of Worcester and for the space of fortie & seaven yeares of this parish was buried in the Chauncell of the sayde parish the 12th daie of Julie. At whose funeral Mr Doctor Archbold one of the prebendaries of the Church of Worcester prched Revelation 7.v.9. Ætatis suæ 72 et dimid.

The sayde Mr Thomas fferyman gave to the Use of the poore in Harvington the sume of fortie shillings the stock for ever to remaine and the increase thereof to bee yearly distributed upon the sundaie nexte before Easter by the minister & Churchwardens.

1619 – Elizabeth Wilkes widdowe was buried the 28th daie of Julie.
1619 – Nicholas Hale was buried the 21th daie of Julie.
1619 – Anne Perkes was buried the 31th daie of Julie.
1619 – Richard Richardes was buried the 20th daie of October.

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[in pencil] (Tr. adds: Phillip Pearkes, Thomas Haines - [---------].)

1619 – Peter Haines was buryed the 24th daie of Januarie.

Tho: Feryman Rectr. Robte Harward, Tho. Abell – Churchward.

1620 – John Hunt senior was buried the 5th daie of Septembr.
1620 – William Jacksons was buried the 3d daie of ffebruarie.
1621 – Walter Walker was buried the 30th daie of Julie.
1621 – Phillip Perkes was buried the first Daie of October.
1621 – William the sonne of Thomas Abell was buried the 27th daie of October, 7 weeks olde.
1621 – Thomas the sonne of John Strikland was buried the 15th daie of Januarye.
1621 – Alice the daughter of William Bradly was buried the Xth of December.

Tho: Feryman Rector. Frances Oeslye, Tho: Bicknell – Churchwardens.

Page 98

1622 – Thomas the Sonne of Thomas Courte was buried the 20th daie of maie beinge about a weeke olde.
1622 - Sarah the daughter of John Blalocke was buried the XVIth daie of Julie. Ano ætatis 2o.
1622 – Elizabeth Parsons widdowe was buried the 25th daie of Julie.
1622 – Richard Wilkes was buried the 30th daie of August. Senex. [Senex = old.]
1622 – Alice the Daughter of Edward Johnsons was buried the 2 daie of September. Anno ætatis 2o.
1622 – Maudlin [Magdalen] the Daughter of ffrances Oeslye was buried the 22th daie of September. Ætatis suæ 13o.
1623 – Thomas Feriman M’r of artes and rector of Harvington was buried the 7th day of May. Ao Ætatis suæ 37o.
1623 – Robert Strikeland was buried the 18th Day of may. Anno Ætatis suæ 23o.
1623 – Joane the wieffe of Richarde Hemming buried 10 February. (not in T2)
1623 – John Parsons as he was named in the pasporte a poore wandering boy that died in Mr Wills his barne was buried 21o February.
1624 – Marie the Daughter of Adam Ingram was buried the third of May.
1624 – Elioner Hopkins alias Williams a Servantte maide at the parsonage was buried the XXVIth of December.

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Book one:           Burials.
1624 – Roberte the sonne of ffrancis Oseley (puer spei optime) was buried the XIIIth of February Ao Ætatis suæ 15o.
1624 – Thomas Garrett (Garnett ?) a poore young fellow who died in the Harwardes barne was buried the XXIIIth of March.

Tho Archbold Rr. Tho. Heynes, Tho. Courte – gard.

Page 99

1624 – Jane Mawnder Widow a verie aged woman was buried the XXIIIIth of March. Ao Din auxa computatoem Aug.
1625 – Anne the Daughter of John Kempe was buried the XVIth of Aprill.
1625 – John Leaden a verie poore aged man was buried the VIIIth of June.
1625 – Roger Tomes a narrow weaver and freeholdr was buried the eight daie of July.
1625 – Thomas Godfrey infans was buried the last daie of August.
1625 – Thomas Hyame infans was buried the VIIth daie of December.
1625 – Joane the Daughter of William Hunte was buried the (blank) daie of (blank).
1625 – John Perkes a young man and copie holdr was buried the XVIIIth Daie of March.
1626 – John the sonne of Thomas Bicknell was buried the 25th Daie of Aprill.
1626 – Elizabeth the daughter of M’ris Katherine Feriman widow slaine by a fall downe a paier of stayers wth a paier of Cizers in her hand was buried the Xth Daie of Auguste.
1626 – Margarett the daughter of Thomas Courte an infant was buried the XIXth Daie of October.

(a gap of 2¼ inches to bottom of page 99. J.D.)

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(Gap of 4¼ inches’ length at top of page J.D.)

1628 – Hanna the daughter of John Johnsons was buried the XXth daie of December.
1628 – Roberte the sonne of George Wilkinson was buried the XXIth daie of Januarie.
1628 – Isabell Haynes was buried the XIIIIth daie of March.

(Gap of 1 inch J.D.)

1629 – William the sonne of William Bradley was buried the last daie of September.
1629 – Joane Davies was buried the last daie of January. (in T. for 1630)
1629 – Edward the sonne of Edward Johnsons was buried the third day of ffebruary.

Page 102 (n.b. Dr. James here made a slip omitting 101. J.D.)

1630 – Roger the sonne of Thomas Dorell was buried the last daie of March.
1630 – Roberte a youth drowned the daie before in Avon was buried the XIIth daie of July.
1630 – John the sonne of Thomas Dorrell was buried the XVIIth daie of Julie.
1630 – John the sonne of Richard Evetts was buried the 4th of August.
1630 – A woman child of John Richards unbaptized was buried the XIIth daie of October.
1630 – Roger the sonne of Elizabeth Boseley was buried the XIIIth Daie of February.

[1630 - John Kempe buried 26 November.] (T. also gives John Kempe bur. 26 Nov 1630).

1631 – William Willes was buried the XIth Daie (T. gives VIIIth) of Aprill. He gave XXs to the stock for the poore.
1631 – Joane Courte widowe was buried the (blank) daie of May. (not in T.)
1631 – Anne the daughter of Frauncis Oseley was buried the XXVth daie of July.
1631 – Thomas the sonne of Thomas Dorrell was buried the second daie of November. (not in T.)
1631 – Symon Davies who died in Bratforton field as h came from Cambden faier was buried the XVIIth day of February.

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1632 – fortune the daughter of ffauncis Oseley was buried the last Daie of Aprill.
1632 – Anne the daughter of Thomas Leonard was buried the second Daie of May.
1632 – Marie the daughter of John Johnsons was buried the VIth daie of July.
1632 – (blank) the daughter of John Richards was buried the Xth Daie of July.
1632 – (blank) Heynes an aged man surving wth Thomas Courte was buried the XXIIIth Daie of December. He gave XXs to the Stock for the poore.

(gap of 1 inch. J.D.)

1633 – John Blalock was buried the XVth Daie of Aprill.
1633 – John the sonne of Charles Bennett was buried the XXVth daie of Aprill.
1633 – Joseph the sonne of John Richards was buried th XXXth daie of October.
1633 – John Richards was buried the XIIIIth daie of November.
1633 – John the sonne of William Tomes was buried the XXVIth of January.

Page 104

1633 – Anne the daughter of Thomas Williams was buried the XVIIIth daie of March 1633.

(gap of 1 inch J.D.)

1634 – Frauncis the sonne of Edward Johnsons was buried the VIth daie of Aprill.
1634 – Margarett Clerk a strainger brought to bed at Tho. Heynes his house was buried the XXIth daie of Aprill 1634.
1634 – Margerie the daughter of Thomas Courte was buried the last daie of Aprill.
1634 – Martha the daughter of Thomas Archbold was buried the XXXth daie of July.
1634 – Edward the sonne of John Willes was buried the XXVIIth daie of August. (T. gives last of July).
1634 – Alice the wieffe of Henrie Maynard was buried the second daie of November.
1634 – Richard the sonne of Charles Bennett was buried the XXVth daie of November.
1634 – fortune the wieffe of ffrauns Oseley was buried the XXIXth daie of November.
1634 – Anne Heynes widow was buried the XXVIIth daie of December.
1634 – Thomas the sonne of William Evetts buried the XIIth daie of February.

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1730 married - John Cowper & Eliz Fisher both of ye Parish of North Littleton were married Jan ye 17 1730 Banns.

(This entry follows page 82 and preceeds page 66. J.D.)

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A Register of the burials of the Parish of Harvington from the year of our Lord 1652 as they can be recovered in the year 1690. p M.H.Rectr. See page 84 of an Oblong Book bound in parchment being an old Parish Register from page 34 to page 38 – End A of the book.

1653 – William Evetts was buried the 6th day of November.
1653 – Katherine Tailor was buried the 6th day of January.
1653 – Thomas Holbrooke Junior was buried the 19th day of February.
1654 – Stephen Osely was buried the 5th day of April.
1654 – William Maris was buried the 12th day of April.
1654 – Margery Harward was buried the 18th day of April.
1654 – John Harris a child was buried the 12th day of May.
1654 – Mr William Bridges the Minister was buried the 3rd day of November.
1654 – Alice Johnsons the wife of Tho: Johnsons was buried the 14th day of November.
1654 – Anne Tysoe was buried the 18th day of November.
1654 – Henry Harris was buried the 17th day of March.
1656 – John Smith was buried the 6th day of March.
1658 – Thomas Johnsons the Elder was buried the 8th day of December.
1658 – Thomas Haynes was buried the 12th day of March.
1658 – Edward Johnsons the Elder was buried the 15th day of March.
1659 – Margaret Harris was buried he 21st day of April.
1659 – Anne Harris was buried the 28th day of April.
1659 – Henry Maynard was buried the 22nd day of May.
1659 – Margaret Ewans was buried the 29th day of May.
1659 – William Forrest was buried the 3rd day of June.
1659 – The Widdow Bradley was buried the 6th day of June.
1659 – Thomas Ewans was buried the 18th day of June.
1660 – Elisabeth the wife of John Wills was buried the 9th day of May.
1660 – John Haines was buried the 9th day of November.
1660 – Richard Hieron was buried the 15th day of January. (not in T.)
1660 – Mary Haines was buried the 8th day of February.
1660 – The widow Owsly was buried the 18th day of March. (T. give Aug. 5)
1661 – Mris Joane Feriman the wife of Mr Tho: Ferryman was buried the 21st day of May.

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Book one:           Burials.
1661 – Sarah the daughter of Edward Johnsons was buried the 30th day of May.
1661 – Thomas Harris was buried the 13th day of September.
1661 – Alice Bayton was buried 24th day of September.
1661 – John Evitts was buried the 14th day of October.

Page 107

1661 – William Bayton was buried the 1st day of March.
1662 – William Harris was buried the 14th day of May.
1662 – Robert Abel was buried the 6th day of June.
1663 – John Abel was buried the 2nd day of May.
1663 – Robert Harris was buried the 27th day of May.
1663 – Elisabeth Richards was buried the 7th day of December.
1663 – Mary Matthews was buried the 30th day of January.
1663 – Henry Perks was buried the 12th day of February.
1664 – Abigail Wills was buried the 30th day of August.
1664 – Elisabeth Matthews was buried the 6th day of November.
1664 – Thomas Holbrooke was buried the 26th day of January.
1665 – Thomas Abel was buried the 25th day of June.

[The following entry has been copied from elsewhere.]
1666 – Anne Clarke was buried the 18 day of Aprill. (omitted by Dr. H.)

1666 – Mary Hunt was buried the 16th day of November.

(Gap of one inch J.D.)

1669 – Mary the wife of John Smith was buried the 29th day of June.
1669 – Thomas the son of Thomas Pardway was buried the 1st day of October.
1669 – John Leonard was buried the 20th day of November.
1669 – Christian Tomes the wife of William Tomes was buried the 1st day of January.
1670 – Elisabeth Huxly the wife of Thomas Huxly was buried the 15th day of September.
1670 – Richard Samon was buried the 16th day of September.
1670 – Thomas Leonard was buried the 9th day of November.
1671 – Ede Leonard widdow was buried the 9th day of April.
1673 – Thomas Dier the son of Thomas Dier was buried the 25th day of January.
1674 – Jane the wife of John Holbrooke was buried the 3rd day of April.

(gap of one inch at bottom of page 80)

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(gap of 3 inches at top of page 80)

The following are copied from an old oblong Book, bound in Vellum, being an old Parish Register, and will be found in page 5 etc. reckoning from the end B.

1678 – Judith Harward was buried the 18th day of December.
1678 – William Hunt was buried the 22nd day of January.
1678 – Elisabeth Evetts was burie the 24th day of January.
1678 – Thomas Abel was buried the 24th day of February.
1678 – Edward Johnsons was buried the 22nd day of March.
1679 – Elisabeth the Daughter of William Holbrooke of Norton was buried the 15th day of August.
1679 – Thomas Godfrey the son of Thomas Godfrey was buried the 29th day of October.
1680 – Susanna the wife of George Blizard was buried the 27th day of April.
1680 – William Maris an infant was buried the 18th day of June.
1680 – Edward Holbrooke was buried the 19th day of June.
1680 – Elisabeth Ashwin widow was buried the 20th day of July.
1681 – John Pratt was buried the 10th day of July.
1681 – John Johnsons was buried the 11th day of January.
1681 – John Beard of Murcott was buried the 22d day of March.
1682 – Eleanor Maris the daughter of To: Maris was buried the 4th day of April.
1682 – Mrs Mary Bradley the wife of Mr Stephen Bradley was buried the 22d day of August.
1682 – John Wills was buried the 5th day of September.
1682 – Anna Maris the wife of (blank) Maris was buried the 4th day of September.
1682 – Susanna Abel was buried the 19th day of February.

Page 109

1683 – Valentine Abell was buried the 9th day of August.
1683 – Joane Pilkngton was buried the 1st day of September.
1683 – Mary the daughter of Tho: Godfrey was buried the 21st day of October.
1683 – Mary Paine was buried the 22nd day of December.
1683 – Thomas the son of Thomas Tysoe was buried the 10th day of February.
1684 – Eleanor the wife of Thomas Tysoe was buried the 25th day of March.
1684 – John Tysoe was buried the 8th day of June.

Image d0094
Book one:           Burials.
1684 – Mary the wife of Tho: Huxly was buried the 15th day of September.
1684 – John Clarke was buried the 29th day of October.
1684 – Jonathan Maris was buried the 22d day of December.
1684 – Jane Clark vagrant was buried the 4th day of January.
1685 – William Evetts was buried the 1st day of September.
1685 – Hannah Bunne was buried the 10th day of March.
1685 – Mary the wife of Edward Clark was buried the 23rd day of March.
1686 – Catherine the wife of John Taylor was buried the 20th day of February.
1687 – Eleanor the daughter of William Blackford and Alice his wife was buried the 9th day of April. See old register page 35 from end B.
1688 – Alice the wife of Tho: Haines was buried the 21st day of April.
1688 – Mr Giles Harward was buried the 24th day of April. He gave 5L to the towne stock.
1688 – William the son of John Evetts was buried the 14th day of September.
1688 – Elisabeth Godfrey widdow was buried the 30th day of October.
1688 – The Widdow Evetts was buried the 17th day of January.
1689 – The Widdow Darby was buried the 16th day of November.
1689 – Richard Harris was buried the 19th day of November.
1690 – Eleanor the daughter of Will: Blackford was buried the 21st day of May.
1690 – Hannah the wife of George Ewans was buried on the 4th day of January.
1690 – Margaret the wife of Edward Holbrooke was buried on the 6th day of January.
1691 – Anne the wife of Matthew Holbrooke was buried on the 11th day of June.
1691 – Alice the daughter of John Taylor was buried on the said 11th day of June.
1691 – Mr Kempe Harward was buried on the 3rd day of November.
1691 – Anne the daughter of John Harward was buried the 14th day of November.
1691 – John Johnsons was buried upon the 18th day of March.
1692 – Frances the wife of John Ellitts was buried upon the 22nd day of July 1692.

Moses Hodges Rect. Edw. Holbrooke, T. Perke – Churchw:.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1692 – Mrs Margaret Harward was buried upon ye last day of August.
1692 – Mary the daughter of Mr Hughes a Londoner and Anne his wife was buried upon the 20th day of November.
1692 – Thomas Huxly was buried upon the fifth day of March.
1693 – James the son of John Sanders was buried upon the 27th day of April.
1693 – Francis the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was buried upon the first day of October.
1693 – John the son of William Blackford and Alice his wife was buried upon the twenty first day of November.
1693 – Joane Forrest Widdow was buried upon the twenty eighth day of November.
1693 – Mrs Mary Harward Widdow was buried upon the fourteenth day of December.
1693 – Frances the daughter of John Ellits was buried upon the seventh day of January.
1693 – Mary Johnsons Widdow was buried upon ye tenth day of February.
1694 – Anne the wife of Francis Huband the Elder was buried upon the first day of April.
1694 – Sarah the Daughter of William Smith was buried on the sixth day of June.
1694 – Mary the Daughter of Henry Perkes was buried upon the twelfth day of November.
1694 – Anne Abel widow was buried upon the twenty first day of November.
1694 – John Bearne was buried upon the second day of January.
1695 – Elizabeth Gunn was buried upon the twenty fifth day of March.
1695 – Thomas the son of John Huband was buried upon the twenty first day of May.
1695 – Mary the daughter of Mary Hemming was buried upon the twenty third day of June.
1695 – John the son of Thomas Maris was buried upon the twenty first day of August.
1695 – Eleanor the wife of Thomas Pearce Senior was buried upon the second day of September.
1695 – Henry the son of Henry Clarke was buried upon the third day of October.
1696 – Mrs Alice Feriman was buried upon the twenty seventh day of January.
1696 – Eleanor the wife of Thomas Maris was buried upon the third day of March.
1696 – George the son of Thomas Maris was buried upon the twentyeth day of March.

Moses Hodges, Rector.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1697 – Hannah the daughter of Thomas Johnson was buried upon the 14th day of April.
1697 – Sibyl the wife of Thomas Johnson Senior was buried upon the eighteenth day of April.
1697 – Thomas Johnson Senior was buried upon the twenty fourth day of April.
1697 – Thomas Godfrey was buried upon the second day of September.
1697 – Mary the wife of Thomas Pardway senior was buried upon the twelfth day of January.
1698 – Thomas the son of Thomas Pardway junior was buried upon the third day of July.
1698 – Margaret Tysoe widow was buried upon the nineteenth day of August. Aged 92.
1698 – Joan Cox Widow was buried upon the twenty third day of August.
1698 – Richard the son of John Ellits was buried upon the eleventh day of November.
1698 – John Hughes a poore servant was buried upon the twenty eighth day of February.
1699 – Anne the daughter of John Ellits was buried upon the seventh day of December [written between the lines:] from Janr 1700.
1699 – Joseph Johnson was buried upon the tenth day of January.
1699 – Henry Perkes senior was buried upon the twenty ninth day of February.
1700 – Cornelius the son of Thomas Winn was buried upon the twenty seventh day of March.
1700 – Francis Huband senior was buried on the 5th day of June.
1700 – Anne the daughter of John Ellits was buried on the 10th day of October.
1700 – Richard the son of Edward Huband was buried on the 19th day of October.
1700 – Thomas Dyer was buried upon the third day of December.
1700 – William the son of John Evets was buried upon the 14th day of January.
1700 – John Taylor was buried upon the fourteenth day of February.
1700 – Susanna the wife of Thomas Pardway was buried upon the twenty sixth day of February.
1700 – Thomas Pardway senior was buried on ye 14th day of March.
1700 – Mary Godfrey Widow was buried on ye 16th day of March.
1700 – Elizabeth the daughter of Andrew Taylor was buried on ye 15th day of March.
1700 – Eleanor the wife of Thomas Pardway was buried on ye 24th day of March.

Moses Hodges, Rect.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1701 – Thomas Pardway was buried upon the 25h day of April.
1701 – John Sanders was buried upon the 28th day of April.
1701 – Anne the wife of John Bodilee was buried upon the first day of May.

Memorand. These eight last written grown persons died of a malignant fever of which but one grown person escaped.

1701 – Mary Bromly of Salford was buried upon the 9th of November.
1701 – William Abel was buried upon the tenth day of March.

G. Atwood Surveyor.

1703 – Richard the son of John Fletcher was buried upon the eleventh day of November.
1703 – Eleanor the daughter of Edward Parsons was buried upon the thirtyeth day of January.
1704 – Elizabeth the daughter of Francis Huband was buried upon the twelfth day of April.
1704 – Mrs Mary Hodges Widow was buried the twenty ninth day of April.
1704 – Anne Johnson was buried on the fifteenth day of June.
1704 – John Evetts was buried on the twenty first day of June.
1704 – Mary the daughter of Thomas Johnson was buried on the nineteenth day of July.
1704 – Amy the daughter of Abigail Sanders was buried on the ninth day of November.
1704 – Anne the daughter of Edward Huband was buried on the nineteenth day of November.
1704 – Mary Bodilee was buried upon the fifth day of January.
1705 – Mary the daughter of Edward Johnson of Worcester was buried upon the seventh day of March.
1705 – Thomas the son of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was buried upon the twelfth day of March.
1706 – Elizabeth the Daughter of John Huband & Elizabeth his wife was buried upon the fifteenth day of September.
1706 – John ye son of Moses Hodges D.D. Rector of Harvington & Martha his Wife was buried ye fifth day of November.
1706 – Eleanor Dyer Widow was Buried November ye Sixteenth.
1706 – Joane ye Wife of George Rogers was buried December ye 26th.

Cornelius Hopkins, Curate.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1707 – Eleanor the Daughter of Moses Hodges D.D. Rector of Harvington & Martha his Wife was buried April ye nineteenth.
1707 – Hester the Wife of Edward Huband was buried Ap: ye 23rd.
1707 – Thomas Maris was buried upon the eighteenth day of August.
1707 – Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Fetherston & Abigail his wife was buried upon ye 13th of February.
1707 – Susanna ye Daughter of John Ellits & Anne his wife was buried Feb. ye 20th.
1708 – Eliz. The wife of Thomas Johnson senr was buried Aprl ye 8.
1708 – Henry Perks ye Elder was buried on ye 8th day of June.
1708 – George Ewans ye Elder was buried on ye 19th day of November.
1708 – Johnathan Maris was buried ye 17th of January.
1708 – Anne Bearn Widow was buried the 19th of February.
1708 – Mr Pilkington was buried on ye 25th of February.
1709 – John Jones the Elder was buried on the 19th of April.
1709 – Mary the Wife of William Evans was buried July ye 4th.
1710 – Eleanor the Daughter of George Ewans deceased and Anne his wife was buried May ye 6th.
1710 – Elizabeth the Daughter of Richard Evetts was buried upon the 9th day of June.
1710 – Edward Parsons was buried upon the 28th day of June.
1710 – William Rogers (an infant poyson’d by his father) was buried upon the third day of July.
1710 – Hannah the wife of Thomas Johnson junr was buried Jan. 25th.
1711 – Anne ye Wife of John Ellits ye Younger was buried April ye 17th.
1711 – Anne Evetts Widow was buried upon ye 18th day od May.
1711 – Frances the Daughter of John Ellits Junr was buried May 29th.
1711 – Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas Winne & Mary his Wife was buried June ye 8th.

Cor: Hopkins, Curate.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1711 – Alice the Daughter of William Smith & Joice his Wife was buried June 15th.
1711 – John Evetts was buried upon ye 19th day of June.

These last 7 died of a malignant Feaver.

1711 – Anne the Wife of John Evetts was buried upon ye 28th of September.
1711 – John the son of Nicholas Marshall & Sarah his Wife was buried upon the 24th day of October.
1711 – Andrew Tailor was buried upon the seventh day of October.
1711 – Anne the daughter of the said Andrew [Tailor] was buried upon ye 21st of November.
1711 – John Abel was buried upon ye 9th day of February.
1711 – John ye son of Mr George Biddle & Mary his Wife was buried March 4th.
1711 – John Huband ye Son of Francis Huband & Frances his wife was buried upon ye 11th day of March.
1712 – Lucie Bailyes was buried upon the 23d day of June.
1712 – William Abell was buried the 22 day of February.
1713 – Thomas the son of Nicholas Marshall was buried on the 21st day of June.
1713 – Mary the daughter of George Rogers junr was buried on the fourteenth day of July.
1713 – Elizabeth Badsey Widow was buried upon the 26th day of August.
1713 – Eleanor the wife of Mr Thomas Harris of Evesham was buried upon the eighth day of November.
1713 – Edward Jones a Vagrant was buried upon the 25th day of Nov’br.
1713 – Margaret the wife of William Holbrooke of the parish of Norton was buried upon the 20th day of January.
1714 – Kemp the Son of Kemp Harward Gent. & Lucie his wife of St Margaretts parish London was buried Octob. 30th.
1714 – Mary Woollans Wid: was buried March 3rd.
1715 – Elenor Ellins was buried Aprill the thirtyeth day.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1715 - Anne Daughter of Thomas Johnsons junior Carpenter May 11th.
1715 - Helen Wife of John Chaunce was buried October the 7th.
1715 - Thomas Johnsons junior Carpenter was buried November the 1st.
1715 - Mary Heath Daugh. of Tho Pearce Decemb. 13th.

Thomas Taylor Curate.

1716 - John Son of Nicholas & Sarah Marshall Apr ye 3rd.
1716 - Richard the son of Richard Farley was buried on the tenth day of June.
1716 - Elizabeth the daughter of John Salter was buried on the thirteenth day of June.
1716 - Richard Jones was buried upon the twenty fourth day of August.
1716 - Henry Perkes was buried upon the fifteenth day of November.
1716 - Thomas Pearce Senr was buried upon the sixth day of January.
1716 - Magdalene Pearce was buried upon the sixteenth day of January.
1716 - William Evans was buried upon the third day of February.
1716 - John the son of Samuel Reeve was buried upon the sixth day of March.
1716 - George the son of John Jones was buried on the eleventh day of March.

Moses Hodges Rect.

1717 - John Ewans was buried upon the twenty sixth day of March.
1717 - George Rogers Labourer was buried Apr ye 21.
1717 - Joseph Son of Samuel Reeve buried Apr ye 30.
1717 - Mary Haines ? was buried January ye 9th.
1717 - Mary Jones was buried February ye 14th.
1717 - Thomas Johnson was buried February ye 28th.
1717 - Thomas Perks was buried March ye 10th(?).

Edwd Kenwicke Curate.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1718 - Martin son of Martin and Eleana Godfrey was buried Janry ye 24th.

Edward Hale Curate. John Holbrooke & Tho. Maris - Churchwardens.

1719 - John Ellits senior was Buryed March 2d.
1720 - Elinor Ewans Widow was buryed May 12th.
1720 - William Abel was Buryed September 25th.
1720 - Samuel Reeve was Buryed December 16th.
1720 - Mary ye daughter of John Phillips was Buried Feb. 14th.
1720 - Hester ye daughter of William Stokes was Buried March ye 9th.

Andrew Williams Cur. John Holbrooke, Tho: Maris - Churchwardens.

1721 - Sarah Perks was Buried September ye 25th.
1721 - Michael ye son of Robt Pugh & Anne his wife was buried October ye 15th.
1721 - William Taylor was Buried Decembr ye 27th.
1721 - Elizabeth ye daughter of Nicholas & Sarah Marshall was buried January ye 11.
1721 - John ye Son of Francis Godfrey & Mary his wife was buried February ye 24th 1711.
1722 - Lydia ye wife of Titus Knight was Buried March ye 29th.
1722 - Anne ye Wife of John Phillips was Buried Apr ye 6th.
1722 - William the son of John Salter and Mary his wife was buried on the twentieth day of April.
1722 - Sarah the daughter of William Hughes was buried upon the 8th day of June.
1722 - Alice the wife of George Rogers was buried upon the 28th day of October.
1722 - Mrs Mary Harward Senr was buried upon the twenty fourth day of January.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1723 - William Hughes was Buried upon ye 3d day of June.
1723 - Alice ye wife of Wm Blackford was buried June ye 6th.
1723 - Anne ye Daughtr of John Huband was buried March 13.

A. Williams Cur'te. Will Blackford, Martin Godfrey - Churchward.

(Gap, J.D.)

1724 - Henry ye Son of John Fetherston & Abigail his wife was buried Jan'ry ye 6th.
1724 - Wm Smith was buried Septembr ye 24o.
1724 - June ye wife of John Jones was buried Octobr 1th?
1724 - Margaret Ewans Widow was buried Octobr 15.

(Gap, J.D.)

1725 - Margaret ye wife of John Osborson was buried Apr 3.
1725 - Mary Maris Widow was Buried Spetembr 30th.
1725 - Thomas Haines ye Son of John Chamberlain & Catherine his wife was buried Novembr 16.
1725 - Elizabeth ye wife of George Rogers was buried Decembr 20.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1726 - Titus Knight was buried March 28th.
1726 - Thomas ye Son of John Osborson Junr & Mary his wife was buried May 5.
1726 - Mary Multon was buried Augt 16.
1726 - June Abell Wid. was Buried Decembr 2d.
1726 - Abigail ye wife of John Fetherston was Buried Decembr 2d.
1726 - Mary ye daughtr of Charles Ange & Martha his wife was buried Dec 9.
1726 - Joseph ye Son of John & Mary Salter was buried Febry 10th.
1726 - Jane ye Daughtr of John Salter & Mary his wife was buried March 5.
1727 - John Salter was buried Augt 19th.
1727 - Mary ye wife of Thomas Huband was buried Augt ye 20th.
1727 - Elizabeth Wife & Thomas ye Son of Henry Huband were buried Augt 24.
1727 - John Ewans was buried Septembr ye 8th.
1727 - Elizabeth Taylor Widow was buried Septembr 23d.
1727 - Frances ye wife of Edward Huband was buried Octobr 5.
1727 - Thomas Pearce Senr was buried Octobr 27.
1727 - Sarah ye late wife of Thomas Pearce deceased was buried November 16.
1727 - Rob? Pugh was buried January 9.
1727 - Thomas Winn was buried Febry 18.
1727 - Eliz. ye wife of John Huband was buried March ye 19.

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Book one:           Burials.
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1728 - William Blackford was buried July 26th.
1728 - John ye Son of Richard & Margaret Evetts was buried Augt 31.
1728 - Sarah ye daughter of Nicholas & Sarah Marshall was buried Octobr 2th.
1729 - Francis Godfrey was buried March 25.
1729 - Francis Huband was buried Apr 10th.
1729 - William Reeve was buried May 3d.
1729 - John Osborne Senr was buried May 17th.
1729 - Henry Quiney was buried May 22d.
1729 - William Lampit was buried May 22d.
1729 - Eleanor ye wife of Martin Godfrey and Jonathan Maris were buried June ye first.
1729 - Richard Evetts Senr was buried June 17.
1729 - Edward Huband was buried July 6.
1729 - Joseph Miles was buried July 21st.
1729 - Thomas Maris was buried July 28th.
1729 - John ye Son of ye Widow Quiney was buried October 10th.
1729 - Mary Lee was buried Decembr 14.
1729 - John ye Son of John Osborne & Mary his wife was buried Janry 2d.
1729 - Mary ye wife of John Osborne was buried Janry 11th.
1729 - John Huband was buried Febry 18th.

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1730 - Mrs Elizabeth Harward was buried Apr 25.
1731 - Sarah ye wife & Tho. ye son of Thomas Huband were buried July 5.

See p.66. [Page 121 is blank.]

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Book one:           List of Rectors.
Page 122

For the Rectors of Harvington preceding those on this page see page 123.

1725 - The Rev’d Mr Benj: Woodroff A.M. Prebendary of Worcester was inducted into this Rectory May 8, 1725.
1726 - The Rev’d Mr Matthew Forester A.M. was inducted into this Rectory October (blank) 1726.
1749 - The Rev’d Ben Mence A.B. was inducted into this Rectory December 30 1749-50.
1750 -The Rev’d John Arnold M.A. (collated by the Bishop of Worcester) was instituted on November 18. 1750 and inducted on (blank).
1771 - The Rev’d David Carpenter B.A. a minor Canon of Worcester was instituted on December 19. 1771.
1784 – The Rev’d Matthew Lamb D.D. the Prebendary of Worcester was instituted in 1784.
1797 – The Rev’d Thomas James D.D. Prebendary of Worcester and late Master of Rugby School in Warwickshire was inducted Septr 16. 1797.

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Book one:           List of Rectors.
Page 123

A register of the several Rectors and Incumbents that have had any legal or pretended right to this Rectory of Harvington since the year of our Lord 1570 being the twelfth year of the reigne of Queen Elizabeth.

[margin note] Per Praesentationem D. Deconi et Capitati Wigon

[The margin note above covers the following 2 paragaphs]

Mr Thomas Ferryman A.M. Chaplin to Nicholas Bullingham the Ld Bishop of the Diocese, and Prebendary of Worcester was inducted into this Rectory the 28th day of March 1570 and remained Rector of this Church for above seven and forty years and then resigned to his Son.

Mr Thomas Ferryman A.M. who was Inducted into the sd Rectory June the third 1618 and dying in May 1623 was succeeded by Mr Thomas Archbold A.M. who was Inducted into this Rectory the eleventh day of November 1623 and was sequestred in the late unhappy times, into his place was put by the Committee (as is supposed). Mr William Bridges who came in about the year 1643 and died in November 1654. To whom succeeded.

Mr Stephen Baxter A.M. presented to this living by Capt (blank) Bohun (who had bought this towne in Cromwells time) and was removed for Nonconformity on the 24th of August 1662.

[margin note] Per Praesentationem D. Deconi Regie per Tepsun.

[The margin note above covers the next paragaph]

Mr Nathaniel Tomkins B.D. Prebendary of Worcester was Inducted in the year 1662 into this rectory: and soon after making this living void by being Instituted into the Rectory of Upton on Severn held the living for some years without Institution but afterwards was Instituted a 2d time into this living upon the (blank) of (blank) 167- and died 1681. To be succeeded.

[margin note] Per Praesentationem D. Deconi et Capitati praedicti.

[The margin note above covers the next three paragaphs]

Mr William Hopkins B.D. and Prebendary of Worcester who was Instituted into this Rectory upon the twentieth day of April 1682 and made the sd Rectory void by Cession 1683. After him succeeded.

Dr John Jephcott D.D. and Prebendary of Worcester who was Instituted on the twenty sixth day of November 1684 and made the Rectory void by Cession on the 27th of July 169-.

Mr Moses Hodges A.M. who was Instituted and Inducted into the said rectory at Harvington on the second day of August 1690.

See page 122

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Book one:           Donors to the poor.
Page 124

These several persons hereafter named have in theire Christian charitie geaven particular summes following to remayne as a stock to be imployed for the benefit and to the releife of the poore in the pishe of Harvington.

Imprs [Imprimis] geaven by William Chaunce the sume of   XLs.
Margarett Willes widow                                   XLs.
John Wilkes                                              XLs.
Mr Thomas fferiman the eldr. Parson of this parishe      XLs.
Elizabeth Wilkes widow                                   XXs.
Mr Thomas fferiman the younger parson of this parishe    XXs.
(blank) Heynes                                           XXs.
Mr Robert Harward (this in later hand J.D.)              XLs.
In toto 12L wch this present time is in the hands of Mr Robert & Mr Kempe Harward upon their bond to pay it unto the two electinge churchwardens one Tuesday in Easter weeke next and the use thereof one good friday to be then distributed to the poore by the minister & Churchwardens. 4 Maie 1634.

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Book one:           A Terrier.
Page 125

A Copie of a note delivered me from Mr feriman by Dr Charlett wch as it seemed was cut oute of some little paper booke of Mr Tho: feriman my immediate predecessor & written wth his hand.

April 22 1617 – A note of the leyes [land, probably unploughed] of (?) belonging to the Rectorie of Harvington. Taken by Directions of Peter Heynes, Phillip Perkes, Roger Tommes, Richard Hemming and Symon Davise.

Im [Imprimis] Three Leyes John Stricklands hedg one [on] the easte side & William Wills ley for Perkes ground one the weste. ffive leyes more A leye of Roberte wheelers one the East side & five leyes of Tho Bicknells one the weste. ffive leyes more joyning to & lying one the north side one Roberte Wheelers leye wch lyeth next the brooke two leyes of John Strickland one the easte.

Three Leyes Tho Abell 2 one the South side & Peter Heynes one one the mill(?) side.

Fower leyes shooting into Tho Bicknells leasow, Tho heynes (blank) one one the west side And widow wilkes on the Easte.


Three leyes John Stricklands three leyes one the west side & Tho Abells two leyes one the Easte.

This was copied into this booke the 27th of Maie(?) 1625 by me Tho: Archbolde.

Image d0110
Book one:           Baptisms, Marriages & Burials.
Baptisms, Marriages,& Burials

the original entries of which will be found in the Oblong book, and some of which Dr Hodges copied into the old register though not verbatim et literatim or with unfailing accuracy.

Image d0111
Book one:           Baptisms.


From End A.

Page 1.

1653 - William the sonne of Tho. Abell & Katherine his wife was baptized the 23 of Aug.
1653 - Micha the sonne of John Harris & Joane his wife was baptized the 5 day of Feb.
1653 - Anne the Daughter of William Harris & Sibilla his wife was baptized the 5 day of March.
1653 - Thomas the sonne of Tho: Holbrooke & Mary his wife was baptized the 19th day of Feb.
1654 - Margaret the Daughter of John Clark & Anne his wife was baptized the 12 day of May.

Page 3.

1658 - Anne ye Daughter of Robt Matthews & Anne his wife was Baptized Stemb. 12.
1658 - John ye Sonne of Thomas Ewans & Eleanor his wife Baptized Novemb. 14th.
1658 - William ye sonne of William Ibbins & Eleanor his wife was Baptized January ye 2d.
1658 - John ye Son of Simon Knight & Joane his wife was baptized Febr. 6t.
1658 - Anne ye Daughter of Richard Figgot was baptized Febr. 6t.
1659 - Henry the sonne of Thomas Holdbrook & Mary his wife was Baptized April 24th.
1659 - John ye son of Wm Harris & Sybill his wife was Baptized July ye 24th.
1659 - Richard ye son of John Evetts & Audrey his wife was Baptiz'd January ye 8th.
1660 - Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Harris & Margaret his wife was Baptized June 28.
1660 - Richard ye son of Richard Adam & Elizabeth his wife was baptized Jane 16th. (not in Tr.)
1660 - William ye Son of Thomas Dyer & Eleanor his wife was baptized Nvember 1st.
1660 - John ye son of Thomas Harris & Anne his wife was Baptized Decemb. 14.
1661 - Mary ye Daughter of Thomas Abel & Katherine his wife was Baptized April ye 14th.
1661 - Joseph the son of John Johnsons & Mary his wife was baptized ye same day April 14th.

Image d0112
Book one:           Baptisms.
1661 - Mary ye Daughter of Francis Hibbet & Anne his wife was baptized Jun. 23.
1661 - John ye sonne of John Taylor & Katherine his Wife was baptized Novemb. ye 5t. (8th in T.)
1661 - Margaret ye daughter of John Harris & Margaret his wife was Baptized January ye 12th.
1661 - John ye sonne of Richard Haines & Mary his wife was baptized February ye 6t.
1662 - John ye son of Edward Holdbrooke & Margaret his wife was baptized June the 10th.
1662 - Magdalene ye Daughter of Tho: Pierce & Margaret his wife was baptized Aug. 5t.
1663 - ffrancis Huband the sonne of ffrance & Anne his wife was baptized the 24 of November. Witnesses: Anthony Sammon, Thomas Smith & Mary Wills. (page 5.)
1663 - Susanna Taylor daughter of John Taylor & Catherine his wife was baptized the 24 of November. Witnesses: [blank] Dyer, Mary Jonsons & Sara Witte.
1663 - Anne Haines daughter of Richard Haines & Mary his wife was baptized the 25 day of November. Witnesses: Peter Haines, Anne Darby & Anne Abell.
1664 - John Jonsons son of John Johnsons & Mary his wife was baptized the 8 day of May. Witnesses: John Smith, Thomas Smith & ffrancis Davis.
1664 - Thomas Holbrooke the sonne of Edward Holbrooke & Margaret his wife was baptized the 5 day of October. Witnesses: Anthony Sammon, John Holbrooke & Mary Harward.
1664 - Anne Leonard daughter of John Leonard & Idith his wife was baptized the 28 day of December. Witnesses: Thomas Jonsons, Sara Witte & ELizabeth Straine.
1665 - John Smith the sonne of John Smith & Mary his wife was baptized the 14 day of September. Witnesses: John Wills, William Tomes & Margaret Wills.
1665 - Elizabeth Jonsons daughter of Thomas Johnsons junior &

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Book one:           Baptisms.
- - - Elizab: his wife was baptized the 28 day of September. Witnesses: Thomas Jonsons, Dorothey Rose & Elizabeth Troolove.

Page 7.

1665 - Elizabeth Haines Daughter of Richard Haines & Mary his wife was baptized the 6 day of January. Witnesses: Robert Dyzon, Margaret Pearce & Elizabeth Darby.
1665 - Mary Taylor Daughter of John Taylor & Catherine his wife was baptized the 23 day of January. Witnesses: Thomas Bristo, Janne Chere & Anne Harris.
1665 - Edward Holbroke Sonne of Edward Holbroke Junior & Margaret his wife was baptized the 18 day of february. Witnesses: William Holbroke, John Smith & Mary Holbroke.
1666 - Elizabeth daughter of Morris Wollams and Mary his wife was baptized May the 17.
1666 - Benjamin the son of John Smith and Isabell his wife baptized the 19 day of June.
1666 - Alice the daughter of Thomas Tiso and Elnor his wife was baptized the 29 day of August.
1666 - John son of John Elets and Frances his wife was baptized the 3 of October.
1666 - Mary the daughter of John Tarrin & Sara his [wife] was baptized the first of November.
1666 - John Huband the son of Frances Huband and Anne his wife was baptized the second of January.
1666 - Mary the daughter of Robert Matthews was baptized the 14 day of January.
1666 - John the son of William Abell was baptized the 20 0f January.
1667 - Thomas Tyso the sonne of Thomas Tyso and Elner his wiffe was baptized the IX day of December.
1667 - Thomas Linard the sonn of John Linard and Ede his wiffe was baptized the 16 day of febary.
1667 - Joan Tarrand the dafter of John Tarrand and Sara his wife was baptized the twenty 4 day of March.
1668 - Andrew Taylor the son of John Taylor and Catherin his wife was baptized the XI day of febbruary.

Image d0114
Book one:           Baptisms.
1668 - Edward hubun the sonn of Francis Hubun and Ann his wife was baptized the 14 day of februray.
1668 - John Peares the son of Thomas Peares and Marlin his wiffe was baptized the 8 and twenty day of february.
1668 - Mary Haines the daughter of Richard Haines and Mary his wiffe was baptized the forst day of November.
1669 - Thomas Prate the sonne of John Prate and Mary his wiffe was baptized the 28 day of March.
1669 - Thomas ye son of Thomas Pardway & Mary hisa wife baptized June ye tenth.
1669 - Anne ye daughter of Robert Trigge & Anne his wife travellers born in ys parish & baptized Octob. 17th.

Page 11.

1669 - Jane the daughter of William Abell and Jane his wife was baptized March 24th.
1670 - Thomas Holbrooke the son of Edward Holbrooke and Margrett his wife was baptized November the 13th.
1670 - Thomas Jonson the son of Thomas Jonson and Elizabeth his wife was baptized January the 10th.
1671 - William Haynes the son of Richard Haynes and Mary his wife was baptized March the 24th.

Page 39.

1673 - Ann the daughter of Francis Huband was baptized the 8 of Aprill.
1673 - Mary the daughter of Kemp Harward was baptized the 14 of May.
1673 - Joyce the daughter of Edward Holbrooke was baptized the first of June.
1673 - George the sonn of Richard Haines was baptized the seventh day of June.
1673 - Mary the daughter of Thomas Johnsons was baptized the fiftennth of ffebruary.

from End B.

Page 5.

1678 - Thomas the Son of Thomas Maris and Elenor his wife was baptized September ye 8th.
1678 - Edward the Sonne of William Abel by Joan his wife was bapt. Janry the 22nd.
1678 - Mathias Holbrooke son of Edward Holbrooke and Margrat his wife was Baptized May ye 29th.

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Book one:           Baptisms.
Page 7.

1679 – Francis the Son of Richard Haines by Mary his wife was baptized May ye 29th.
1679 – Elizabeth the Daughter of William Holbrooke by Esther his wife was baptized August ye 16th.
1679 – Alice the daughter of John Evets by Anne his wife was baptized October the 26th.
1679 – Tho: the sone of Tho: Godfrey by Mary his wife was baptized October ye 26th.

Page 9.

1680 – Willm Maris the Son of Tho: Maris by Elenor his wife was bapt: May 30th.
1680 – Anne Johnson the daughter of Thomas Johnson Junr by Elizabeth his wife Sept. 16th.
1680 – Willm Abell the son of Willm Abell by Jane his wife Novbr. 28th.
1680 – Edward Rogers the Son of George Rogers by Joane his wife was bapt: January the 16th.

Page 11.

1681 – Alice Taylor ye daughter of John Taylor by Catherine his wife baptized July ye 3rd.
1681 – Wilm Maris ye son of Tho. Maris by Elenor his wife was baptized August ye 7th.
1681 – Elenor Maris ye Daughter of Jonathan Maris by Mary his wife was baptized September ye 18th.
1681 – Thomas Dyer ye Son of Willm Dyer by Ann his wife was baptized December ye 18th.
1681 – Matthew Tustin ye son of Francis Tustin by Frances his wife was baptized January ye 27th.

Page 13.

1682 – Richard Evetts ye sonn of Jo. Evetts by Ann his wife was baptized March ye 4th.
1682 – Jonathan Maris ye sonn of Jonathan Maris by Mary his wife was baptized March ye 20th.
1682 - Mary Bradley the Daughter of Stephen Bradley by Mary his wife was baptized the 27th of July.

Page 15.

1683 – Judith ye Daughter of Tho: Taylor by Judith his wife was baptized May ye 9th.
1683 – Eliz. Ye Daughter of Henry Perks by Anne his wife was baptized June ye 1st.
1683 – Margarett ye daughter of Tho. Jonson Junr by Eliz: his wife was baptized June ye 19th.
1683 – Joseph ye sonne of Tho. Maris by Elinor his wife was baptized Octob ye 10th.
1683 – Mary the Daughter of Tho. Godfrey by Mary his wife was Baptized Octob. ye 20th.
1683 – Tho: ye sonne of Matthew Holbrooke by Ann his wife was baptized feb. ye 7th.

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Book one:           Baptisms.
Page 17.

1684 – George the sonne of George Rogers by Joane his wife was baptized Septemb. ye 22d.

Page 19.

1685 – Tho. ye sonne of Tho. Godfry by Mary his wife was baptized July ye 26th.
1685 – Benjamin ye sonne of Tho. Maries by Elenor his wife was baptized Aug ye 9th.
1685 – John ye sonne of Francis Huband by Frances his wife was baptized Septemb.23d.
1685 – John ye sonne of John Sanders by Abigail his wife was baptized January ye 3d.

Page 21.

1686 – Elenor ye Daughter of Wm Blackford and Alice his wife was baptized Jan 16th.
1686 – Alice ye Daughter of Wm Blackford and Alice his wife was also Baptized Jan 16th.
1686 – Catherine ye Daughter of John Taylor by Catherine his wife was Baptized Feb. 20th.
1686 – Elizabeth ye Daughter of Francis Hibbet by ffrances his wife was Baptized March 20th 1686/7.

Page 27.

1687 – ffrancis ye son of ffrancis Ballard & Mary his wife was baptized ffeb. 26.
1688 – Catherine ye Daughter of Thomas Haines & Alice his wife was baptized April 15th.
1688 – Elianer ye Daughter of Henry Pearks by Ann his wife was baptized May 30th.
1688 – Tiso ye Son of Willm Blackford by Alice his wife was baptized July 5th.
1688 – Michael ye Sonne of John Sanders by Abigail his wife was baptized September 9th.
1688 – Mary ye Daughter of Thomas Godfry by Mary his wife was Baptized September 20th.
1688 – ffrancis ye Son of Thomas Wight by Mary his wife was Baptized October 14.
1688 – Henry ye Son of ffrancis Huband Jun. by ffrances his wife was Baptized December 23.
1688 – Roger ye Son of Jonathan Maris by Mary his wife was Baptized ffeb 6th.
1689 – John ye Sonne of George Rogers by Joan his wife was Baptized July 21.
1689 – George ye Son of Thomas Maris by Elianer his wife was Baptized Sept 22.
1689 – William ye Son of John Evetts by Ann his wife was Baptized December 8.

Image d0117
Book one:           Baptisms & Marriages.
1689 – Thomas ye Son of George Ewans by Hannah his wife was Baptized Januery 28th.
1689 – Mary ye Daughter of ffrancis Ballard by Mary his wife was Baptized ffeb. 27.
1690 – Elianer Douty ye Daughter of Joseph Douty by Ann ffluck was Baptized Ap. 16.
1690 – Elianer ye Daughter of Willilam Blackford by Alice his wife was Baptized May 15th.
1690 – Samuel ye Son of John Sanders by Abigail his wife was Baptized June 1st.


End A.

Page 50.

1661 – John Abell & Anne Haynes were married April 18th their banes being askt according to Law.
1661 – Francis Yardley & Hannah Hurst were married Decemb. 26.
1661 – John hughes & Elizabeth Willes were married Febr. 10th.
1664 – John Smith and Mary Wills were married October 29th but not in Harvington Church. (these 5 words in a later hand J.D.)

End B

Page 5.

1678 – Jonathan Maris and Mary Andrews were married the 9th of January.

Page 13.

1682 – Matthew Holbrook & Ann Perkes were married ye 16th of Aprill.
1682 – Tho. Applebee & Alice Wills were married ye 17th of Aprill.
1682 – Joseph Bradley & Mary Cox were married July ye 13th.
1682 – Peter Creed & Elizabeth Bradley were married ffeb, ye 2nd.

Page 17.

1684 – ffrancis Huband & ffrances Yarnold were married October ye 9th.
1684 – Anthony Collett & Mary Pilkington were married November ye (blank).
1684 – John Bryenton and Martha Bradley were married December ye 30th.

Page 19.

1685 – William Blackford and Alice Tysoe were married November ye 2nd 1685.
1686 – (No marriages under this heading tho. Dr Hodges gives two and 3 are in the transcript. J.D.)

Page 23.

(1687 heading has the full J.D.)

1689 – Thomas Godfry of Abbots Mourton & Rose Ward of ye Parish of Harvington were marryed May 17th.

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Book one:           Burials.

End A

Page 34.

1653 – Willia Evits was buried the 6 of Noveber.
1653 – Katharin Tayler was buried the 6 day of January.
1653 – Tho: Hholbrooke Junior was buried the 19th Day of Feb.
1654 – Steeven Osely was buried the 5 day of Apr.
1654 – William Maris was buried the 12 day of Apr.
1654 – Margery Harward was buried the 28 of Apr.
1654 – John Harris a child was buried the 12 of May.
1654 – Mr William Bridges was buried the 3 of Novem.
1654 – Ales Jonsons the wife of Tho. Jonsons was Buryed November the 14th.
1654 – Anne Tysoe was buryed November the 18th.
1654 – Henry Harris was buryed the 17 Day of March.

Page 35.

1656 – John Smith was buryed ye 6th of March.

Page 36.

1658 – Thomas Johnsons ye Eldr was buryed Decemb 8th.
1658 – Thomas Haynes was buryed March ye 12th.
1658 – Edward Johnsons ye elder was buryed March 15th.
1659 – Margaret Harris was buryed April 21st.
1659 – Anne Harris was buryed April 28th.
1659 – Henry Maynard was buried May 22.
1659 – Margaret Ewans was buryed May 29.
1659 – William Forrest was buryed June ye 3d.
1659 – Widdow Bradley was buryed June 6t.
1659 – Thomas Ewans was buryed June 18th.
1660 – Elizabeth ye wife of John Willes was buried May ye 9th.
1660 – John Haynes was buryed ye 9th of 9 vemb. [old style 9th month - new 11th – November]
1660 – Richard Hieron was buryed January ye 15th.
1660 – Mary Haynes was buryed Febr 8th.
1660 – ye Widdow Owsly was Buried March ye 18th.
1661 – Mris Joane Ferriman ye wife of Mr Tho. Ferriman was buryed May 21.
1661 – Sarah ye Daughter of Edward Johnsons was buryed May 30th.
1661 – Thomas Harris was buryed Septemb 13.
1661 – Alice Bayton was buryed Septemb 24th.

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Book one:           Burials.
1661 - John Evitts was buryed 8 tober 14th. [see above – 8 = October etc.]
1661 – William Bayton was buried March ye 1st.
1662 – William Harris was buried May ye 14th.
1662 – Robert Abel was buryed June ye 6th.
1663 – John Abell was buried May the 2nd.
1663 – Robert Harris was buried the 27 day of May.
1663 – Elizabeth Richards was buried the 7 of December.
1663 – Mary Mathewes was buried the 30 day of January.
1663 – Henry Pearks was buried the 12 day of ffebruary.

Page 38.

1664 – Abigaile Wills was buried the 30 day of August.
1664 – Elizabeth Mathewes was buried the 6 day of November.
1664 – Thomas Holbrooke was buried the 26 day of January.
1665 – Thomas Abell was buried the 25 day of June.
1666 – Anne Clarke was buried the 18 day of Aprill. (omitted by Dr. H.)
1666 – Mary Hunte was buryed the 16 day of November. (no year is given & a line separates it from the previous entry).

Page 9.

1669 – Mary ye wife of John Smith buried June 29.
1669 – Thomas ye son of Thomas Pardway buried Octob. ye first.
1669 – Mary ye wife of John Smith buried June 29.
1669 – Thomas ye son of Thomas Pardway buried Octob. ye first.

Page 36.

1669 – John Leonard was buried November the 20th.
1669 – Christian Tomes the wife of William Tomes was buryed January the first.

Page 38.

1670 – Elizabeth Huxly the wife of Thomas Huxly was buried Septr the 15th.
1670 – Richard Samon was buried Septr the 16.
1670 – Thomas Leanerd was buried November the 9th.
1671 – Yeedy Leonard widow was buryed the 9th of Aprill.
1673 – Thomas Dier the sonn of Thomas Dier was buryed the five and twentith of January.
1674 – Jane the wife of John Holbrooke was Buryed the third of Aprill.

End B

Page 5.

1678 – Judeth Harwood was buryed the 10th (?) of December.
1678 – William Hunt was buryed ye 22nd of Janry.
1678 – Elizabeth Evetts was buryed ye 24 Ibid [as above month]
1678 – Thomas Abell was buryed ye 24th of ffeb.
1678 – Edward Johnson was buryed March ye 22nd.

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Book one:           Burials.
Page 7.

1679 – Elizabeth the daughter of William Holbrooke and Margaret his wife both then inhabitants of Norton was buryed August ye 15th.
1679 – Tho. Godfrey the son of Tho. Godfrey by Mary his wife was buryed the 29th of October.

Page 9.

1680 – Susanna Blizard the wife of George Blizard was buryed Aprill the 27th. 1680 – Willm Maris the sonne of Tho Maris by Elenor his wife was buryed June 18th.
1680 – Edw. Holbrooke was buryed June ye 19th.
1680 – Elizabeth Ashwin widow was buryed July ye 20th.

Page 11.

1681 – John Pratt was buryed July ye 10th 1681.
1684 – John Johnson ye sonn of John Johnson by (blank) his wife was buried ye 4th January.
1681/2 – John Beard of Murcott was buried in ye Churchyard of Harvington March ye 22d 1681/2.

Page 13

1682 – Elenor Maris ye Daughter of Jonathan Maris by Mary his wife was buried ye 4th of Aprill.
1682 – Mary Bradley ye wife of Stephen Bradley was buried August ye 22d 1682.
1682 – John Wills was buried September ye 5th.
1682 – Anna Maris ye wife of (blank) Maris was buried September ye 5th.
1682 – Susanna Abell was buried ye 19th of ffebruary.

Page 15

1683 – Valentine Abell was buryed Aug. ye 9th.
1683 – Joane Pilkington was buryed Sept ye 1st.
1683 – Mary ye Daughter of Tho. Godfrey by (blank) wife was buried Octob. ye 21st.
1683 – Mary Paine was buried Decemb ye 22.
1683 – Tho. ye Sonne of Tho. Tysoe by (blank) wife was buried ffeb. ye 10th.

Page 17.

1684 – Eleanor ye wife of Tho. Tysoe was buried March ye 24th .
1684 – John Tysoe was buried June ye 8th.
1684 – Mary ye wife of Tho. Huxly was buried September ye 15th.
1684 – John Clark was buried Octob. ye 29th.
1684 – Jonathan Maris was buried Decemb. ye 22d.
1684 – Jane Clark, Vagrant was buried January ye 4th.

Page 19.

1685 – William Evetts was buryed Septemb. ye 1st.
1685 – Hanna Bunne was buryed March ye 10th.
1685 – Mary ye wife of Edward Clark was buryed March ye 23rd.

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Book one:           Burials.
Page 21

1686 - Catherine ye wife of John Taylor was buried ffebruary 20th.

Page 35

1687 - Elianor ye Daughrer of Willm Blackford by Alice his wife was buried Aprill 9th. (T. Sept 1686.)
1688 - Alice ye wife of Tho. Haines was buryed Apr. 21.
1688 - Mr Giles Harward was buryed April 24th 1688.
1688 - William ye son of John Evets ny Anne his wife was buryed September 19th.
1688 - Elizabeth Godfrey widdow was buryed October 30th.
1689 - Widow Darby was buryed November 16th.
1689 - RIchard Hains was buryed November 19.
1690 - Elianor ye daughter of William Blakford by Alive his wife was Buryed May 21st.


Image d0122
Book two:           BOOK 2 - Cover.
Copy of
Vol 2, 1734-1812 Baptisms & Burials
1734-1752 Marriages
1755-1812 Marriages

Image d1001
Book two:           First page of Vol.2.
A Register of all the Christenings, Burials & Marriages in ye Parish of Harvington, in the Deanery of Pershore & Diocese of Worcester from Lady Day 1734.

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Book two:           Baptisms/marriages/burials.


Baptized – April 16th Anna Daughter of John Canning & Eleanor his Wife.
Baptized – April 28th Elisabeth Daughter of Henry Fletcher & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – July ye 6th Henry Son of John Holbrooke & Ann his Wife.
Baptized – August ye 25th Mary Daughter of Edward Philips & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – September ye 8th George Son of William Huband & Hannah his Wife.
Baptized – October 9th William Son of John Osborson & Anne his Wife.
Buried – October 20th Mary Salter.
Baptized – November 8th Thomas Son of George Ewans & Mary his Wife.
Married – December 2nd Thomas Black & Elizabeth Partridge (by Licence).
Baptized – December 8th Mary Daughter of John Harward & Elizabeth his Wife privately, brought to Church Dec: 29th.
Buried – December 26th Lawrence Hyon.
Baptized – January 21st Eleanor Daughter of William Millard & Martha his Wife.
Buried – March 6th Sarah Marshal.
Baptized – March 21st Alice Daughter of Thomas Blackford & Anne his Wife privately.


Baptized – April 16th Alice Daughter of Thomas Blackford & Anne his Wife was brought to Church.
Baptized – April 20th Matthew Son of Richard Merryman & Elizabeth his Wife.
Buried – May 8th Robert Johnson.
Buried – May 15th Edward Morris.
Buried – June 15th George Ewans.
Buried – August 17th Anne Wife of Thomas Blackford.
Married – September 28th Samuel Richardson & Sarah Reeve (by Banns).
Married – October 26th Benjamin Knight & Sarah Bennet (by Banns).
Buried – October 26th William Smith.
Baptized – October 29th Martyn Son of Benjamin Ewans & Sarah his Wife privately, brought to Church November 21st.
Baptized – January 4th Moses Son of George Bennet & Joyce his Wife.
Baptized – March 20th John & Eleanor Son & Daughter of John Canning & Eleanor his late Wife privately.
Buried – March 20th Eleanor Canning.


Buried – March 31st John son of John Canning & Eleanor his late Wife brought to church.

Image d1003
Book two:           Baptisms/marriages/burials.
Baptized – April 13th Elizabeth Daughter of John Holbrooke & Anne his Wife.

Matthew Forester Minister

Married – July 4th Richard Reeve & Mary Huband (by Banns).
Baptized – July 8th John Son of Thomas Widhouse & Anne his Wife.
Buried – July 8th John Canning.
Buried – July 10th George Rogers.
Baptized – August 15th Mary Daughter of Samuel Richardson & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – November 13th Theodosia daughter of Richard Stephens & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – December 2d Elenor Daughter of Benjamin Knight & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – December 21st Mary Maris.
Baptized – December 28th Mary Daughter of Richard Merriman & Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – January 12th John Son of William Millward & Martha his Wife.


Baptized – June 1st Frizwith Daughter of William Blackford & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – August 21st Henry Son of Richard Reeve & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – September 11th Sarah Daughter of Samuel Richardson & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – November 29th Thomas Son of William Morton & Esther his Wife.
Married – December 17th Thomas James & Mary Godfree (by Banns).
Baptized – December 30th Benjamin Son of Benjamin Ewans & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – March 22d John Chamberlain.


Baptized – April 1st James Compton Son of James Fisher & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – April 4th Eleanor Daughter of Henry Fletcher & Mary is Wife.
Baptized – May 2nd Elizabeth Daughter of John Osborson & Anne his Wife.
Buried – May 4th Elizabeth Osborson.
Buried – May 18th Benjamin Ewans.
Baptized – May 28th Thomas Son of Thomas Widhouse & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – May 31st Anne Daughter of John Holbrooke & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – June 4th Elizabeth Daughter of William Huband & Hannah his Wife.
Buried – December 7th Hannah Abell.
Baptized – December 29th Mary Daughter of William Atkins & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – Elizabeth Daughter of Samuel Richardson & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – January 5th Nicholas Son of Windsor Field & Mary his Wife.
Buried – February 27th John Taylor.

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Book two:           Baptisms/burials.
Baptized – March 1st Thomas son of Francis Smith & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – March 2d William Son of William Millward & Martha his Wife.

Matthew Forester Minister


Buried – March 26th Roger Maris.
Baptized – April 15th William Son of Samuel Merryman & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – July 1st Mary Daughter of James Fisher & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – July 14th Elisabeth Daughter of Samuel Farley & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – August 26th Anne Daughter of William Blackford & Sarah is Wife.
Baptized – September 2d Valentine Son of Benjamin Knight & Sarah his Wife.


Buried – March 28th John Son of William Hughes & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – May 8th Eleanor Daughter of Benjamin Ewans & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – September 21st William Son of Samuel Richardson & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – October 1st William Son of Francis Smith & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – October 4th William Richardson.
Baptized – October 19th Frances Daughter of William Quiney & Mary his Wife.
Buried – November 4th Frances Quiney.
Baptized – November 16th Anne Daughter of Alice Walker unmarried.
Buried – November 21st George Biddle.
Baptized – November 23d William Son of James Fisher & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – January 18th Sarah Daughter of John Turner & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – January 22d Elisabeth Daughter of Thomas Owen, Clerk & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – February 19th Anne Daughter of William Millward & Martha his Wife.


Buried – August 2d Mary Pilkington.
Baptized – September 1st William Son of William Hansen & Margarett his Wife.
Buried – September 9th Elizabeth Pugh Daughtr of Robt. & Ann Pugh.
Buried – September 30th Anne Maris.
Buried – October 17th Margaret Campden.
Baptized – November 5th Anne Daughter of William Huband & Hannah his Wife.
Baptized – November 22d Mary Daughter of Thomas Widhouse & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – November 29th George Son of William Atkins & Anne his Wife.

Image d1005
Book two:           Baptisms/marriages/burials.
Baptized – December 2nd Samuel Son of Benjamin knight & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – December 26th Thomas Abel.
Buried – December 31st Mary the Wife of George Biddle.
Buried – January 18th Thomas Maris.
Buried – January 28th Francis Haines.

Matthew Forester Minister

Buried – February 22d Martyn Godfree.
Baptized – February 28th Henry Son of William Coigney & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – March 1st Frances daughter of Thomas Owen, Clerk & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – March 4th Mary Daughter of William Blackford & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – March 7th Henry Coigney.


Buried – April 19th William Abel.
Buried – May 2d William (erasure) Fisher (erasure).
Married – June 29th Thomas Campden & Sarah Marshall (by Banns).
Baptized – July 13th William son of James Fisher & Mary his Wife.
Buried – September 25th Rebeccah Wife of Andrew Williams, Clerk.
Buried – November 2d Mary Abel.
Buried – November 20th Joseph Godfree.
Baptized – January 23rd Anne Daughter of Richard Merryman & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – February 20th Anne Daughter of Edward Philips & Mary his Wife,
Baptized – March 8th Mary Daughter of William Coigny & Mary his Wife.


Buried – April 13th Frances Huband Widow.
Buried – May 8th Hannah Reeve Spinster.
Baptized – May 12th Elizabeth Daughter of Richard Reeve & Mary his Wife.
Buried – May 20th Richard Merryman.
Baptized – May 27th Sarah Daughter of William Millward & Martha his Wife.
Baptized – June 12th Anne Daughter of Samuel Farley & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – June 23d Mary Daughter of Thomas Campden & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – July 17th Sarah Daughter of John Francis & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – August 17th Anne Wife of John Osborson.
Baptized – October 8th Sarah Daughter of Thomas Marshall & Elisabeth his Wife.
Married – October 29th James Houghton & Mary Mitchel (by Banns).

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Book two:           Baptisms/burials.
Baptized – December 26th Susannah Daughter of Samuel Richardson & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – January 17th Anne Daughter of John Walford & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – February 26th Anne Daughter of James Fisher & Mary his Wife.


Buried – March 29th Mary Godfree Spinster.
Baptized – April 11th Anne Daughter of William Atkins & Anne his Wife.

Matthew Forester Minister

Baptized – May 16th Mark Son of John Turner & Elisabeth his Wife.
Buried – May 23rd Mark Turner.
Baptized – November 9th George Son of William Blackford & Elisabeth his Wife.
Buried – November 20th Thomas Maris.
Baptized – December 9th William Son of John Mealin & Alice his Wife.
Baptized – February 17th Diana Daughter of William Huband & Hannah his Wife.
Buried – March 17th Mary Godfree.


Baptized – April 11th Thomas Walford Son of Thomas Marshal & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – April 15th Sarah Daughter of Thomas Owen, Clerk & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – April 29th Thomas Son of William Millward & Martha his Wife.
Baptized – April 29th John Son of William Coigny & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – June 27th George Son of Thomas Widhouse & Anne his Wife.
Buried – July 4th George Brewer, Clerk of this Parish.
Buried – September 22d Katherine Farley.
Baptized – September 30th Mary Daughter of John Francis & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – October 4th John Son of John Walford & Mary his Wife.
Buried – October 6th John Walford.
Baptized – October 6th Margaret Daughter of Samuel Richardson & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – October 27th William Son of Benjamin Ewans & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – November 29th Margaret Evetts.
Baptized – December 8th Richard Son of John Turner & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – December 10th John Son of Joseph Smith & Mary his Wife.
Buried – December 25th John Holbrooke.
Baptized – February 23d Joseph Son of Benjamin Knight & Sarah his Wife.


Buried – April 15th Elisabeth Ricketts.

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Book two:           Baptisms/marriages/burials.
Baptized – April 16th John Hornsby ye bastard Son of Elisabeth Merryman.
Buried – June 5th John Harward.
Baptized – July 26th Thomas Son of Thomas Campden & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – August 3d Mary Atkins.
Baptized – September 9th Elisabeth Daughter of Thomas Marshal & Elisabeth his Wife.
Buried – September 18th Thomas Smith.
Baptized – September 28th Elisabeth Daughter of Thomas Morris & Anne his Wife.
Married – October 6th Robert Deeves & Anne Brewer (by Banns).
Baptized – December 27th Anne Daughter of John Mealing & Alice his Wife.

1746 – Matthew Forester Minister

Buried – January 6th Mr George Biddle.
Buried – January 11th John Hornsby ye Bastard Son of Elisabeth Merryman.
Buried – January 14th George Widhouse.
Baptized – January 30th Anne Daughter of William Coigny & Mary his Wife.
Buried – February 5th Elisabeth Doutal. [Dontal?]
Baptized – February 19th William Son of Richard Rommel & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – February 19th Samuel Millbourne the Bastard Son of Elisabeth Higham.
Married – February 26th William Blundel of Church Lench & Eleanor Coigny of this Parish (by Banns). [Davenport wrote 'Baptized']
Baptized – March 2d Thomas Son of William Atkins & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – March 14th Elisabeth Daughter of William Blackford & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – March 16th William Millward.
Baptized – March 17th Valentine Son of John Osborson & Mary his Wife.


Buried – April 9th Sarah Turner.
Buried – July 15th Diana Huband.
Married – October 6th James Jelfs of Salford & Mary Allcocks of ye Parish (by Banns).
Baptized – October 17th Anne Daughter of Joseph Smith & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – November 3d Thomas Son of James Clements & Margaret his Wife.
Baptized – November 22d Anne Daughter of John Francis & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – January 9th Mary Wynne from Clieve.
Baptized – January 15th Henry Son of William Blundell & Eleanor his Wife.
Buried – January 28th Henry Blundell.
Buried – February 29th John Ellitts from Clieve.

Image d1008
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized – April 24th Frances ye Bastard Daughter of Margaret Woodward.
Baptized – May 2d Mary Daughter of Thomas Morris & Anne his Wife.
Buried – May 17th Samuel Hyon.
Baptized – May 22d Lucy Daughter of Samuel Richardson & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – July 13 Elizabeth Daughter of Richard Rommel & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – Sept 2 Mary Daughter of Mr Jonathan Norris & Frideswide his Wife.
Buried – Nov 8 Hannah Huband junr.
Baptized – Jan 12 George Son of Thomas Widows & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – Jan 20 Henry Son of William Coigny & Mary his Wife.
Buried – Feb 12 John Phillips.
Baptized – March 14 James Son of George Shekel & Martha his Wife.


Buried – April 2 Elisabeth Harrison.
Baptized – April 17 Sarah Daughter of Benj: Ewins & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – May 28 Thomas Son of John Surman & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – May 31 William Son of Joseph Smith & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – June 18 Nicholas Son of Thomas Marshal & Elisabeth his Wife.
Buried – July 8 Nicholas Marshal senr.
Buried – Sept 1 Rachel Jones.
Baptized – Sept 11th Hannah the Daughter of Willm Atkins & Hannah his Wife.
Baptized – Sept 18th Anne Clark.
Baptized – Octr 24th Angell Son of Elizabeth Hay.
Buried – Decr 21st Anne Huband.


Buried – Janry 9th Anne Clarke.
Baptized – Jan 14 Eutycle (?) Daughter of Wm Tovey & Mary his Wife.
Buried – Feb 2 Richard Farley.
Baptized – Feb 3 John & Richard sons of Richard Ramel & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – Feb 6 Sarah Wife of Richard Ramel.
Baptized – ffeb 18th William Son of William Blundell & Eleanor his Wife.
Baptized – ffeb 18th Eleanor Daughter of William Blackford & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – ffeb 25th Elizabeth Wife of John Turner.

Image d1009
Book two:           Baptisms/marriages/burials.

Baptized – April 1st Michael Son of Thomas Morris & Anne his Wife.
Buried – April 14 Ramel junr.
Buried – May 13th Hannah Daughter of William Atkins & Ann his Wife.
Baptized – May 18th William Son of James & Margarett Clements.
Baptized – July 14th Timothny Son of Wm & Susannah Turner.
Baptized – Septr 2d Hannah Daughter of John Surman and Mary his Wife.
Buried – Septr 3th William Marshall.
Baptized – Octr 5th Mary Daughter of Robt Deaves & Anne his Wife.
Buried – Octr 20th Anne Cartwright alias Brewer.
Baptized – Novr 9th Elizabeth Daughter of John ffrancis and Sarah his Wife.
Buried Decr 23th Nicholas Marshall of Abbots Moreton.
Baptized – Decr 22d James Son of Joseph Smith & Ann his Wife.
Buried – Janry 3 Elizabeth Blackford.
Buried – Janry 8th James Smith.
Buried – ffebry 15th Ann Coigny.
Buried – March 7th Michael Pugh of Stratford.
Baptized – Joseph Son of George Shakle & Martha his Wife.


Buried – May 7 Hannah Maris.
Baptized – May 10 Anne Daughter of Mary Butler.
Baptized – June 16 Mary Walford Daughter of Thomas Marshal & Elisabeth his wife.


Baptized – ffeby 2d ffrancis Son of Thomas Widows & Ann his Wife.
Buried – March 18th Mary Deaves.
Buried – March 19th Ann Butler.
Baptized – March 19th William Son of William Blackford & Sarah his Wife.
Married – March 30 John Widows & Elisabeth Merriman were married by Banns.
Buried – May ye 24 Mrs Catharine Chamberlaine.
Baptized – June ye 6 Jane Daughter of Thomas Morris & Anne his Wife.
Married – June 18 Joseph Knight & Anne Goodwin both of this Parish married by Banns.
Buried – July 9 Mrs Mary Harward was.
Buried – July 19th Edward Son of John Osberson & Mary his Wife.
Buried – Sept 23 N.S. William Blundel junr.

Image d1010
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized - Nov. 19 Cecilia Daughter of John Surman & Mary his wife.
Baptized - Dec 31st George & Benjamin Sons of Benjamin Ewins & Sarah his wife.


Buried - Janry 11th George & Ewins were.
Baptized - June 26th William Son of William Woodward & Hannah his wife.
Baptized - August 24 Alice Daughter of Thomas Marshall & Elisabeth his wife was.
Buried - August 29 Thomas Milward was.
Buried - September ye 4 John Huband was.
Buried - November ye 6th Mary Wife of Joseph Smith was.
Baptized - Novr 22d Thomas Miller the Son of Thomas and Mary Miller.


Buried - February ye 2 Sarah Harward.
Baptized - April ye 5 Anne Daughter of Thomas Morris & Anne his Wife.
Baptized - August ye 20 Anthony Son of Joseph Knight & Anne his wife.
Baptized - September ye 22 Sarah Daughter of Nicholas Marshal & Mary his wife.

Baptized - October ye 27 Betty Daughter of William Blackford & Sarah his wife.
Burial - November ye 11 Timothy Turner.
Baptized - November ye 26 Rebecca Daughter of William Blundel & Eleanor his wife.


Baptized - January ye 9 James Kilsbey Son of Mary Butler.
Buried - February ye 23 James Kilsbey.
Baptized - March ye 2 William Son of John Surman & Mary his wife.
Buried - April ye 4 Mary wife of George Rogers.
Baptized - May ye 11th Sarah Daughter of Richard Rommell & Anne his wife.
Baptized - June ye 22d Joseph Son of William Tovey & Mary his wife.
Baptized - July ye 3d Sarah Daughter of William Woodward & Mary his wife.
Baptized - Novbr ye 2d John Son of Nicholas Marshall & Mary his wife.
Buried - Decbr ye 4th George Buckle an infant.


Baptized - Jan ye 20 Nicholas Son of Thomas Marshal & Elizabeth his Wife.
Buried - March ye 9 Joshua Hancocks.
Baptized - March ye 28 Samuel Son of Mary Butler.
Baptized - April ye 4 George Bennet Son of Eleanor Knight.

Image d1011
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.
Baptized – May ye 2d Mary Daughter of Joseph Knight & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – June ye 20th Thomas Son of Thomas Morris & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – July ye 13th Mary Daughter of Henry Perkes Milward & Elizabeth his Wife.
Buried – September ye 8 Mary Huband.
Baptized – Septembr ye 26 John Son of William Blackford & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – October ye 26 Richard Wilson.


Baptized – Febry 15th Anthony Son of Joseph Smith & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Aprill 10th Elizabeth Daughter of John Surman & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – April 30 William Son of William Coigny & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – June 12 Wilson Son of Nicholas Marshal & Mary his Wife.
Buried – June 10 Elisabeth Hyon Widow.
- August 9 Entered in the new Register
Buried – Sept 4 Rebecca Blundel.
Buried – Sept 11 Sarah Wilson Widow.
Baptized – Octr 31st Anne Daughter of Willm Woodward & Hannah his Wife.
Buried – Decr 4th William Maris.
Buried – Decr 16th William Son of John Surman & Mary his Wife.


Baptized – March 28th Joseph Son of Joseph Knight & Anne his Wife.
Buried – Aprill 5th Rebecca Coigney Widow.
Buried – April 26 John Widows.
Buried – April 30 Elisabeth Fisher.
Buried – July 5 Margaret Reeve.
Buried – July 24 Sarah Wife of Francis Smith.
Buried – Aug 6 Sarah Rommel.
Baptized – October the 1 William Son of William Blondel & Eleanor his Wife.
Baptized – Oct 24 Sarah Daughter of William Morris & Anna his Wife.
Buried – November the 7 Mr Thomas Marshall.
Baptized – Dec 21 Benjamin son of Joseph Smith & Mary his Wife.
Buried – Dec 25 Anne Huband senr.

Image d1012
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized – January ye 7 Catharine Daughter of Nicholas Marshal & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – January 22 George Son of William Clarke & Mary his Wife.
Buried – January 27 Catharine Marshal.
Baptized – Feb 28 John Son of Henry Perkes Milward & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – March 26 William Son of Thomas Marshal & Elisabeth his Wife.
[Buried] – April 3 Mary Widows.
Baptized – April 29 Sarah Daughter of Thomas Morris & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – May 1 John Son of Henry Holbrook & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – May 1 Alice Daughter of William Blackford & Sarah his Wife.
Buried – May 19 Mr Thomas Walford.
Buried – July 26 John Godrey.
Buried – Aug 22 Richard Rommel.
Buried – September 23 Mrs Sarah Marshal Widow.
Baptized – December ye 2 Mary Daughter of Richard Squire & Elisabeth his Wife.


Baptized – March ye 19 Samuel Son of William Woodward & Hannah his Wife.
Baptized – March ye 25 Hannah Daughter of William Clark & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – March 26 Mary Daughter of John Surman & Mary his Wife.
Buried – August 4 George Rogers.
Baptized – September 7 Elisabeth Daughter of Joseph Knight & Anne his Wife.


Buried – January 16th Joseph Maris.
Buried – Febry 9th Mary Lampit Junr.
Baptized – March 13th Mary Daughter of Joseph Smith & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – March 27th Charles Son of Willm Sale & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Aprill 20 Elisabeth Daughter of Willm Ainge & Ann his Wife.
Buried – June 9th Mary Daughter of John Surman & Mary his Wife.
Buried – July 23rd Alice Wife of John Mealin.
Baptized – Augt 9th Sarah Daughter of Thomas Cownley & Eliz: his Wife.
Baptized – August 30 Anne Daughter of Thos Williams & Eliz. His Wife.
Baptized – Septr 6 Lydia Daughter of Thos Morris & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – Sept 20 Sarah Daughter of William Smith & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – Sept 24 Sarah Daughter of William Taylor & Mary his Wife.

Image d1013
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized – April 9 Mary Daughter of Henry Holbrook & Mary his Wife.
Buried – June 15th William Morris.
Buried – Augt 17th Thos Morris.
Baptized – Augt 22d Sarah Daughter of Joseph Smith and Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Sept 5th Sarah Daughter of Thos Hawker and Jane his Wife.
Baptized – Sept 12th Sarah Daughter of Perkes Millward and Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – Oct 31st Charles Taylor the Son of Ann Phillips.
Buried – Nov 7 Thos Widdows Junr.
Buried – Decr 15 John Osberson.
Buried – Decr 16 Sarah Knight.
Buried – Decr 29th Mrs Mary Walford Widow.


Baptized – Jany 16th John Son of James Cooper & Hannah (?)
Baptized – Jany 25th William Son of John Surman Junr & Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – ffeb (?) 6th Richard Son of William Clark & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Feb 16th Mary Daughter of Ann (?).
Baptized – Feb 24th John Son of John Williams & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – March 27 Elisabeth Daughter of William Taylor and Mary his Wife.
Buried – June ye 2 Sarah Daughter of Henry Perkes Millward & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – June 14 Mary Daughter of Wm Smith & Eliz. His Wife.
Buried – June 26 Lydia Daughter of Thos Morris & Anne his Wife.
Baptized – July 10 Mary Daughter of Thomas Cownley & Elisabeth his Wife.
Baptized – August 17th Betty Daughter of William Sale & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Decr 27th Thomas Son of Richd Squire & Eliz. his Wife.


Baptized – Aprill 1st Thomas Son of Thomas Williams & Mary his Wife.
Buried – May 21st Anne Pugh.
Baptized – June 17th Hannah Daughter of Joseph Smith & Mary his Wife.
Buried – [June 17th] John Surman.
Baptized – July 22d Mary Daughter of Wm Merryman & Margaret his Wife.
Baptized – Octr 21st Sarah Daughter of Valentine Knight & Elizabeth his Wife.
Buried – Nov 1st John Taylor.
Baptized – Decr 1st Thomas Son of Thomas Hawkes & Anne his Wife.
Buried – Decr 26th Mary Morris.

Image d1014
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized – Janry 10th Elizabeth Daughter of John Smith & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – ffebry 8th Wm Son of Henry Holbrook & Mary his Wife.
Buried – ffebry 13th Wm Holbrook.
Buried – Aprill 6th Eliz. Godfrey.
Baptized – April 21st Thos Son of George Barnet & Elianor his Wife.
Buried – May 6th Mris Eliz. Hinckes Widow.
Buried – July 19th Mr Nicholas Marshall.
Baptized – July 23d Thos Son of Wm Smith & Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – Octr 13th John Son of Wm Taylor & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Octr 27th Wm Son of Richd Squire & Elizabeth his Wife.


Baptized – Janry 5th Mary Daughter of Wm Sale & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Janry 6th Hannah Daughter of John Cale & Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – Janry 19th John Son of John Huband & Anne his Wife.
Buried – March 23 Mary Lampit Widow.
Baptized – March 28 William Son of Henry Perkes Milward & Betty his Wife.
Baptized – April 6 Joseph Son of John Smith & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – April 13 Mary Daughter of William Woodward & Hannah his Wife.
Baptized – May 11 Lydia Daughter of Elisabeth Morris.
Buried – July 10 Eleanor Johnson.
Buried – Sept 21 Francis Smith.
Buried – Nov 11 Mary Joiner.
Buried – Decr 30 A man unknown taken out of the River.


Baptized – Janry 18th Ann Daughr of John & Ruth Loveman.
Baptized – Jany 18th Willm Son of John & Hannah Canning.
Buried – Jany 25th Margery Taylor Widow.
Baptized – Feby 4th Mary Daughr of Willm & Hannah Woodward.
Baptized – Feb 8th Hannah Daughr of Valentine & Eliz. Knight.
Buried – March 5th Elizabeth Daughr of Willm & Mary Taylor.
Buried – March 12th Thomas Huband.
Baptized – March 29th Joseph Son of Thos & Ann Hawkes.
Baptized – ffebry 15th Mary Daughter of Ann Blackford.
Baptized – June 21st Sarah Daughter of Sarah Millward.

Image d1015
Book two:           Baptisms/Burials.
Buried – July 3rd William Millward.
Baptized – July 12th John Son of Willm & Margarett Merryman.
Buried – July 13th Margarett Merryman.
Baptized – Augt 2d Joseph Son of Tho Cowley & Elizabeth his wife.
Baptized – Augt 30th Mary Daughter of Richard & Mary Bennett.
Baptized – Octr 11th Henry Son of John & Ann Huband.
Buried – Novr 21st George Bennett.
Baptized – [Nov] 27th John Son of Wm & Elizabeth Smith.


Baptized – Feby 26th William Son of John & Elizth Cale.
Baptized – March 13th John Son of William & Ann Brown.
Buried – April 24th Mary Osbiston.
Baptized – May 8th Robert Son of William & Mary Sale.
Buried – July 14th Mary Farly.
Buried – Septr 4th Sarah Wife of Samuel Richardson.
Buried – Sepr 28th Joseph Son of George Barnet & Eleanor his Wife.
Baptized – Octobr 16th Sarah Daughter of Jno Smith and Mary his Wife.
Baptized – Octr 23rd Lydia Merriman Daughter of Wm & Susanna his Wife.


Baptized – Jan 8th Mary Daughter of Thos & Anne Hawkes.
Baptized – February 5th Elizabeth daughter of Richard & Mary Bennett privately.
Baptized – March 5th John Son of Joseph & Ann Knight.
Baptized – April 23rd Ann Daughter of Valentine & Elizabeth Knight.
Baptized – August 20th John Son of Sarah Edwin.
Baptized – Septr 18th Martha Daughter of John & Mary Smith.
Baptized – October 1st John Son of Richard & Elizabeth Squire.
Buried – October 2d Ann Daughter of Valentine & Elizabeth Knight.
Baptized – October 15th Hester Daughter of John & Ann Huband.


Baptized – Janry 2th Thomas Son of Thomas & Elizabeth Cowley.
Baptized – April 8th Joseph Son of George & Eleanor Barnet.
Baptized – June 17th John Son of John & Elizabeth Cale.
(no particulars) Septr 9th Richd Son of Wm & Susanna Merriman.

Image d1016
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.
Buried – Octr 12 Friswith Wife of Jonathan Norris.
Baptized – Oct 12 John Son of Wm and Mary Seale.
Baptized – Nov 10 Anne Daughter of John & Mary Smith.
Buried – Dec 21 Anne Ballard.


Buried – Feb 11 John Son of Wm Elizabeth Smith.
Baptized – Feb 24 Elizabeth Knight Daughter of Mary Fox.
Baptized – May 10 Anne daughter of Valentine and Elizh Knight.
Baptized – May 26 John son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Knight?).
Baptized – Dec 26 Wm son of Thomas and Anne Hawkes.


Baptized – Jany 1 Sarah son of George and Eleanor Barnet.
Baptized – Jan 10 George son of John and Anne Huband.
Baptized – Jan 12 Wm son of Richd and Mary Bennet.
Buried – Mar 2 Wm son of Thos and Anne Hawkes.
Buried – April 16 (Anne?) Tandy Widow.
Baptized – May 17 Hanah Daughter of John and Mary Smith.
Baptized – June 7 Mary Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Cale.
Baptized – June 11 Elizabeth Daughter of Wm and Mary Taylor.
Baptised – June 28th George Son of Wm and Eleanor Adkins. (Aug?)
Buried – July 15 Willm Blackford.
Buried – October 15th Ann Daves.
Baptized – Oct 15th Rhoda Daughter of William Sale & Mary his Wife.


Baptized – Jany 10th Jonas Son of Hanna Sermon.
Baptized – January 17th Jane Daughter of John & Anna Canning was.
Buried – Janry 19th Benjamen Knight was.
Baptized – February 7th Sarah Daughter of John & Elizabeth Romel was. p. Stepn Donne Curate.
Buried – February ye 15 Mary Biddle.
Buried – February 18th William Hugon.
Baptized – February 21st Hanna Daughter of Thos & Ann Hawks. p. Step. Donne.
Baptized – February 21st Elizabeth Daughtr of William & Susanna Merimon. p. Step Donne Curate.

Image d1017
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.
Baptized – February 28th Ann Daughter of Frances & Elizabeth Widdows.
Baptized – February 28th George Son of John & Elizabeth Cale.
Buried – March 3rd Thos Hains Chamberlain.
Buried – March 26th Richard Rieve.
Buried – March 30th Henry Hugon.
Baptized – April 25th Joseph son of Samuel and Elizabeth Knight.
Buried – May 6th Sarah the Daughter of John & Sarah Bennet of Rishford.
Baptized – May 9th Allis Daugr of Richard Bennet & Mary his Wife.
Baptized – June ye 6th Mary Summers Daugr of Ann Panter a Base Child.
Baptized – July 18th Joseph son of Valentine & Elizabeth Knight.
Buried – July the 31st Jonathan Norris.
Buried – August 1st Elizebeth Rieve.
Baptized – November the 7th Mary Daughter of William Oty Day.
Buried – November the 28th Elizabeth Daugr of Richard & Mary Bennet.
Baptized – December 5th William son of John & Mary Ainge.


Baptized – February 6th John Son of Mary Goring a love Child.
Buried – Apl 27th Elizabeth Harrod.
Baptized – May 15th John Son of George & Eleanor Barnet.
Buried – July 12th John an Infant of Mary Goring.
Baptized – October 2d Thomas son of James & Elizabeth Pestridge.
Baptized – October 23rd Benjamin son of John & Mary Smith.
Baptized – November 13th Thomas Son of Richard & Mary Bennet.
Buried – Novembr 16th Edward Morris.


Baptized – Jan 1st Charles Son of John & Ann Hughon.
Buried – Jan 3rd Ann wife of the sd John Hughon.
Baptized – February 5th Hester Easter Daugr of Sarah Neddal a base Child.
Baptized – April 6th Shusanna Daughter of William & Shusanna Meriman was.
Baptized – June 11th William son of Samuel & Elizabeth Knight was.
Buried – Sepr 12th Sarah the Wife of Benjamin Ewins,
Baptized – Decr 15th William the Son of John & Mary Smith.

Image d1018
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.
Buried – Decr 15th Thomas Weedhouse.
Baptized – Der 31 Mary ye Daughter of Jno & Elizabeth Ramell.
Buried – Decr 31st Valentine Knight. NB Given in ye Visitation at Pershore July 19th.


Buried – Janry 9th Ann Blakefield.
Baptized – February 11th Jonathan ye Son of George & Elinor Barnett.
Buried – February [Jonathan Barnett] 13th as above.
Buried – Feby 13th Hannah Hughborn.
Buried – Feby 16th Elinor Barnett.
Baptized – Feby 13th George ye Son of William & Mary Sayer.


Baptized – March 10th Thomas ye Son of John & Mary Hainge.
Buried – April 11th Robert the Son of William & Mary Sale.
Buried – Thomas the Son of Richard & Mary Bennett.
Baptized – April 21st Samuel the Son of Joseph & Susannah Phelps.
Baptized – April 21st Alice Daughter of Elizabeth Knight.
Buried – April 21st Ann Widhouse.
Buried – May 12th Jane Bennett.
Buried – May 18th Samuel Richardson.
Baptized – June 18th Sarah the Daughter of John Cale & Elizh his wife.
Buried – July 25th Sarah [Cale] as above.


Baptized – August 25th Sarah the Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth Cale.
Baptized – September 11th John the Son of Matthew & Hannah Gardiner.
Buried – October 8th James the Son of George & Martha Shacle N.B. 27 years.
Buried – Novr 10th Daniel Hemming.
Baptized – November 29th James the Son of John & Mary Smith.
Buried – Decembr 6th William Sale.
Baptized – December 9th John the Son of Anthony & Mary Knight.


Baptized – Mar 10th James the Son of James & Elizh Pescot (c/s Pin Phelps 1778).
Buried – March 11th Elinor Ewins.

Image d1019
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized – April 2d Thomas the Son of Samuel & Elizh Knight.
Buried – May 4th Edward Phillips.
Baptized – June 15th Richard the son of Richard & Mary Bennett.
Baptized – June 22d Matthew the son of William & Susannah Merryman.
Baptized – December 22 Thomas the illegitimate child of Mary Goring.


Buried – Janry 17th John Mealing.
Baptized – Februery 5th Joseph the Son of John & Elizabeth Cale.
Buried – February 19th John Hunt.
Buried – February 25th James the son of John & Mary Smith.
Baptized – March 21st Thomas the Son of John & Elizabeth Ramell.
Baptized – March y 22d Sarah the Daughter of Sarah Hunt Widow.
Buried – April 1st John the Son of George Barnett.
Buried – April 12th Sarah the Daughter of Sarah Hunt.
Buried – April 28th Thomas the Son of Samuel & Elizh Knight.
Buried – July 22d Susanna Turner Wife of Wm Turner.
Baptized – July 31st Susanna the Daughter of Joseph & Susanna Phelps.
Baptized – Sepr 16th John the Son of John & Catharine Hodges.
Baptized - November 1st Michael the son of James & Sarah Jones.
Baptized – September 26th Sarah Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Skinner.
Baptized - December 6th Thomas son of John Smith & Mary his Wife was.
Baptized – December 31st Benjamin the Son of Samuel and Elizabeth Knight was.
Buried – Decr 11th Betty Iron.


Buried – Feby 21st Sarah Woodward.
Buried – March 5th Susannah Phelps.
Buried – April 27th Sarah Hawks.
Baptized – May 13th Mary Daughter of James & Elizabeth Pestridge.
Baptized – Decr 14th Sophy Daughter of James & Sarah Jones.


Baptized – Febry 3d William Son of William & Susannah Merryman.
Buried – Febry 10th Elizabeth Merryman.
(next entry is entirely erased J.D.)
Buried – April 16th Mary Woodward.

Image d1020
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.
Baptized - May 4th Hannah Daughter of George & Lucy Barnet.
Baptized - May 4th Eliz: Daughter of John & Elizabeth Cale.
Baptized - Mar 10th Thomas Son of Richd & Sarah Winter.
Baptized - May 16th William Son of Edward & Mary Stiles.
Burial - Mar 14th Mary Marshall.
Baptized - Jun 7th Philis ye Daughter of Anthony & Mary Knight.


- (an entry entirely erased J.D.)
Buried - May 6th Mary Niddal.
Buried - May 14th Thomas Hawker.
Baptized - [no date] Ann Winter daughter of Richard and Sarah [no surname].
Buried - July 6th Mary Sekief(?).
Buried - [no date] Mary Huband.
Buried - 6ber 16th Rhoda Sale. [June]
Buried - 6ber 31st Mary Phillips. [June]
Buried - Novr 18th Jno Canning.
Buried - December the 30 Thomas Colwey.


Baptized - Jay the 16 Mary the illigitimate Child of Joys Tovey(?).

Baptized - Fey the 3 Jonathan the son of Samuel and Elizabeth Knight.
Baptized - [Feb] the 13 Sarah the daughter of Thomas and Ann Hawkes.
Baptized - [Feb] the 13 Shusanah the daughter of Jhon and Mary Smith.
Baptized - May the 12 Elizabeth the daughter of Richard and Sarah Winters.
Baptized - [May] the 19 Ann the daughter of William and Elizabeth Houghton.
Baptized - [May] the 26 Alice the daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Skiner.
Buried - July the 13 Thomas Hawkes.
Buried - August the 1 Mary Reeve.
Baptized - Dcr the 9 William the son of George Adams and Ann his wife.
Baptized - [Dec] the 27 George the son of George Barrit and Lucey his wife.
Buried - december the 16 Jane the daughter of Ann Morris.
Buried - [Dec] the 20 Mary Quiney.
Baptized - [Dec] the 25 bety the daughter of James and ELizabeth Pestridge.
Baptized - Dec the 26 Catharina the daughter of Jhon Hodges and Catharina Hodges.

Image d1021
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Buried - January the 10 Elizabeth Shakel.
Buried - [January] the 25 mary Tovey. (see 1782)
Baptized - Feby 23d Job the Son of James Jones & Sarah his Wife.
Baptized - Apr 27 Ann Daughter of Thos Osburn & Mary his wife.
Baptized - May 25 Thos Clarke.
Baptized - June 8th Sarah Daughter of Anthony Knight & Mary his Wife.
Baptized - July 13th Ann Osburn Daughter of Richd Winter & Sarah his Wife.
Buried - Augt 11th Catherine Smith daughter of John and Mary Smith.

1784 (1 Octobr 1784 Duty begin of 3d each.)

Baptized - Jany 5 Coventry Atkins Son of Thomas and Ann Atkins.
Buried - Feby 16th Richard Squire was.
Buried - June 2nd Mary Godfree was.
Baptized - July 4th Charlotte Daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Skinner.
Baptized - July 18th Samuel son of William and Elizabeth Houghton.
Buried - August 21 Michel Morris was.

Recd Duty to 1 Octob 21d J. Brown.


Baptized - Novbr 7 Sarah daughter of George and Lucy Barnet.
Baptized - Novbr 22 Nancy Daughter of James and Sarah Jones.
Buried - Novbr 28 Samuel Son of William and Elizabeth Houghton.


Buried - Jany 2nd Sarah Bennett of the parish of Salford.
Baptized - Jany 3rd James Son of George and Ann Adams was.
Baptized - March 1st William Son of Thomas and Hanah Read was.
Buried - March 2nd George Son of Molly Sale pauper.
Baptized - April the 6 James Son John and Catherine Hodges was.
[Buried] - April 14th Betty Blackford died.
Baptized - June 1st James Son of John and Mary Smith. (Copied to this place.)

Image d1022
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized(?) - June 26(?) Sarah daugr of Samuel and Mary Woodward.
Buried - Aug 21 Charlotte Daughter of Edward and Elizabeth Skinner was.
Baptized - Sept 8th John Son of Thomas and Mary Osborne.

Recd Duty for 7 Baptized 3d 1.9; 4 Burials 3d 1. J. Brown.


Buried - March 11th John Morris was.
Baptized - March 18th John son of John and Mary Marshall was. (Copyed to this place.)
Baptized - Sep y 1st John s. of William and Elizabeth Morris was.
Baptized - May 15 Thomas Son of Thomas and Ann Adkins.
Baptized - May 24th William Son of Gorge and Lucy Barnett.
Buried - June 20th Benjamin Ewans aged 76 was.
Baptized - Sepr 24 William Son of William and Elizabeth Houghton.
Buried - Sepr 27th Mary Ramell of Hampton was.

Duty paid to this place

Baptized - Novr 5 Mary Daughter of Thomas and Hannah Read was baptized, Pauper.
Baptized - Novr 5, Elizabeth Daugr of Samuel and Elizabeth Knight.
Buried - Novr 7th Elizabeth Knight the infant.
Buried - Novr 7th Elizabeth Knight the mother.
Baptized - Novr 13th William Son of Richd and Elizabeth Warren.
Baptized - Decr 4 Ann Daughter of Ann Mason spurious was. [In this case spurious = bastard.]
Baptized - Dr 10 Elizabeth Daughter of Sarah and George Savage.
Buried - Decr 10th Catherine Farley aged 67 was buried, Pauper. (Copied to this place.)


Buried - Jany 28th Thomas Adkins was buried, pauper.
Buried - April 7th James Merryman was buried, Pauper.
Buried - April 28th Sarah Jopson was buried, Pauper.
Buried - June 18th William Quiney Aged 69 from Hampton.
[Buried] Aug 1st George Gould from Littleton Parish.

* - (Here comes an entry crossed out & apparently reading thus:
Baptized - John Son of William and Mary Morris April 12 87 J.D.)

Image d1023
Book two:           Baptisms/burials.

Baptized - Augt 12 Hopefull Son of Edward Skinner (a comical Taylor) and Elizab his wife.
Baptized - Sepr 2nd Eleanor Daughter of William and Elizab Morris.
Buried - Sepr 5 Elizabeth Smith, pauper.
Baptized - Sepr 16 Ann Daughter of Samuel and Mary Woodward, pauper.
Buried - October 19th Elizabeth Knight, pauper.
Buried - November 30th Eleanor Blundell.
Buried - October 2nd Mary Taylor, pauper.
Buried - Decr 23rd Hanah Woodward, pauper.
Buried - Decr 30th William Blundell.


Buried - January 13th William Blundell son of the above.
Buried - January 27th Mary Clarke, pauper.
Baptized - Feby 24th Henry Son of Joseph and Mary Knight.
Buried - Feby 24th Joseph Pestridge, Pauper.
Buried - Febry 24th William Merryman, Pauper.
Buried - March 20th Elizabeth Savage.
Baptized - March 23rd Thomas S. of Thomas and Elizabeth Perkins.
Buried - March 23rd Susanna Merryman, Pauper.
Buried - April 7th Theobe Blackford.
Baptized - April 13th Mary D. of John & Mary Marshall.
Baptized - May 4th Ann D. George and Lucy Barnett. Copyed to this place, Vistior.
Buried - July 13th Elizabeth Woodhouse was buried.
Baptized - Octr 19 Wm Son of Joseph & Sarah Shakel, by Mr Gower, received 3d T. Heynes.
Buried - Novr 17th Nancy White, by Mr Wormington, received 3d T Heynes.

T. Heynes commenced Curate at Xmas 1788*.


Baptized - Janry 10 John & Hannah Son & Daugr of James & Elizth Pestridge, pauper.
Baptized - Febry 1 Thomas Son of Wm & Eliz Houghton.
Baptized - March 7 Mary daur of Geo & Ann Adams.
Baptized - June 14 Thomas son of Joseph & Sarah Hawkes.

* Burials from this time separately entered. J.D.

Image d1024
Book two:           Baptisms.
Baptized - July 19 Mary daur of Edward & Sarah Bury.
Baptized - Decr 20 Henry son of Wm & Elizth Morris.
Baptized - Decr 20 Wm son of Wm & Elizabeth Morris.
Baptized - Dec 27 Sarah daur of Wm & Sarah Caudle.
Baptized - Dec 28 Thos Son of Wilson & Alice Marshall the same half baptd July 14th.

1790 - Taxes pd in to this place.

Baptized - January 10th Rhoda daur of Jas & Sarah Jones.
Baptized - February 14 John son of Moses & Ann Bennet.
Baptized - [February 14] Mary daugr of do. [do = as above]
Baptized - March 14 Catherine daur of Josh & Mary Knight.
Baptized - Apl 25 Josh son of Josh & Sarah Hawkes.
Baptized - May 2 Wm son of Saml & Mary Woodward.
Baptized - [May] 30 Edwd son of Edwd & Elizth Skinner.

Wm Hutchinson commenced Curate June 27th 1790.

Taxes pd in to this place.


Baptized - July 18th John the son of John & Sarah Edwin.
Baptized - July 18? George son of Thos & Ann Dunn.
Baptized - July 25th Elizabeth daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Perkins.
Baptized - Decr 12 William son of William & ELizabeth Morris, privet baptized.


Baptized - Fy 6 Ann the daughter of Joseph & Sarah Shakel.
Baptized - [Feb] 13 Elizabeth the daughter of Richard and Mary White.
Baptized - March the 1 Alice the daughter of Edward and Sarah Bery.
Baptized - April the 17 John the son of Thomas and Mary Squires.

Taxes paid in to this place.

Baptized - May the 1 William the son of Wilson and Alice Marshall.
Baptized - June the 26 George son of James and Elizabeth Pestridge.
Baptized - July the 24 John son of Henery and Bety Newman.
Baptized - November the 13 Michel son of William Houghton & Elizabeth.

Image d1025
Book two:           Baptisms.

Baptized – January the 1 Susanna daughter of William & Mary Tovey.
Baptized – January the 15 Charles son of James & Sarah Jones.
Baptized – April the 8 Hannah daughter of George & Ann Adames.
Baptized – April the 10 William son of William and Elizabeth Morris. Tax paid in to this place.
Baptized – June 17 Joseph son of William and Sarah Coddel.
Baptized – July 1 Elenor daughter of Joseph and Sarah Hawks.
Baptized – July the 15 Charles son of Edward and Elizabeth Skiner.
Baptized – August 5 John the Elegatamate Child of Lydia Meryman.
Baptized – August the 19 William son of John and Sarah Edwin.
Baptized – December the 30 Thomas son of Thomas & Ann Adkines.


Baptized – February the 17 Ann daughter of Joseph & Mary Knight.
Baptized – February the 24 Benjamin & Thomas sons of Mary Mils.
Baptized – March the 3 Elizabeth Smith bery daughter of Edward & Sarah bery.
Baptized – March the 17 William son of Thomas & Mary Squires.
Baptized – March the 24 Wilson son of Wilson & Alice Marshall privately. [see below]
Baptized – March the 31 Anthoney son of Henery & Bety Newman.
Baptized – April the 14th Charles son of Thomas & Elizabeth Pirkins.
Baptized – July 3rd Wilson son of Wilson & Alice Marshall publickly baptized.

Taxes pd up the this place.

Baptized – Novr the 10 Elizabeth daughter of Samuel & Mary Woodward.
Baptized – December the 25 William son of Mathew & Hannah Ganner Full baptized aged 6 years March the 10.


Baptized – Jan the 5 John son of John and Jane Gibes.
Baptized – February the 9 Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth Houghton.

[Baptized] – February the 23 Moses son of James and Sarah Jones.

Tax paid up the this place.

Baptized – July the 13 Sarah daughter of Hannah Bickerstaf.
Baptized – July the 20 Mary and George daughter and son of Moses and Ann Benit.
Baptized – July the 27 Sarah daughter of Thomas and Mary Squier.
Baptized – August the 24 Sarah daughter of George and Ann Adams.
Baptized – Nover the 2 William son of Joseph and Sarah Hawks.

Image d1026
Book two:           Baptisms.

Baptized – January the 18 Thomas son of John and Sarah Edwin.
Baptized – February the 1 Mary daughter of Henry and Bety Newman.
Baptized – March 15 Mary dar of Willam & Mary Tovey.
Baptized – [March] the 22 Ann daughter of John and Jane Gibs.


Baptized – February the 8th privately Francis son of Wilson and Alice Marshall. Brought to Church May the 28.
Baptized – December the 25th Joseph son of Joseph & Mary Knight.
Baptized – December the 27th William son of Joseph & Sarah Cowley.


Baptized – Feby the 26th Hannah Daughter of the Widow Elizabeth Perkins privately. Brought to Church March the 20.
Baptized – March the 20 Mary the Daughter of Thomas & Sarah Freeman.
Baptized – April 24th William Son of William and Sarah Caudle(?).
Baptized – May 1st William Son of Moses & Nanny Bennett.
Baptized – May 1st Mary Daughter of Thomas & Mary Squire.
Baptized – July 7th William Son of Mary Tovey. Received into the Church the 27th Decr.
Baptized – Septemr 2nd Sophia daughter of Samuel & Mary Woodward.
Baptized – September 11th John Son of William & Elizabeth Houghton rec’d into the Ch. Jan 15th 1797.
Baptized – December 12th Edmund the Son of Wilson Marshall and Alice his Wife (privately) received into the Church the 8th of June 1797.
Baptized – Decemr 27th Martha base Daughter of Sarah Timms.


Baptized – January 15th William Son of John & Mary Gould.
Baptized – Feby 25th Mary Daughter of Thomas & Anne Atkins.
Baptized – March 8th William Son of Henry & Elizabeth Newman.
Baptized – March 12th William Son of John & Jane Gibbs.
Baptized – April 23d Elizabeth Daughter of John & Sarah Paddock.
Baptized – April 23rd (privately) Phoebe Daughter of James & Sarah Jones
Baptized – Sepr 17 John Son of Joseph & Sarah Cowley.
Baptized – Oct 15 Thomas Son of Joseph & Sarah Cowley.
Baptized – Dec 24 Sarah Daughter of William & Mary Tovey.
Baptized – Dec 24 Ann Daughter of Richard & Sarah Carless.

Image d1027
Book two:           Baptisms.

Baptized – Jan 28 Elizabeth Daughter of Moses & Ann Bennet.
Baptized – March 18th Thomas Son of Thomas Vale & Mary Ramel.
Baptized – June 17th George Son of Joseph & Sarah Hawkes.

(The Rev’d Dr Thos James, Prebendary of Worcester became Rector of Harvington from April 15th 1797).

Baptized – July 8th William Son of Thomas and Elizabeth Freeman.
Baptized – Septr 5 Mary Anne daughter of Wilson and Alice Marshall received Novr 7 99.
Baptized – Septr 20 Mary daughter of Mary Anchor.
Baptized – Septr 20 Thomas son of George and Anne Adams.
Baptized – Decr 23 James son of James and Anne Ingles.
Baptized – Decr 25 William son of Joseph & Mary Knight.


Baptized – Feby 2d Mary daughter of Thomas and Mary Smith rec’d Sept 20 1798.

[next line crossed out]

Baptized – March 3rd George son of Mary Hawks.
Baptized – March 31st Alice daughter of William and Elizabeth Houghton rec’d onto the Church.
Baptized – April 28 William son of William & Anne Goddard.
Baptized – Aug 11th William son of Benjamin and Mary Stephens received.
Baptized – Augt 25 Mary Anne daughter of Jothan & Betsey Hale received.
Baptized – September 22d Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth Smith, born 19 August 1794 received.
Baptized – September 22d Thomas son of William and Elizabeth Smith, born 11 February 1796 received.

[next line crossed out]


Baptized – January 5th David son of James & Sarah Jones.
Baptized – January 5th Hannah Daughter of Sophia Jones.
Baptized – March 16th Elizabeth Daughter of Wm & Ann Boston. [Maybe a Bourton]
Baptized – April 27th Thomas Son of Moses & Ann Bennet.
Baptized – April 27th Anne Daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Newman.
Baptized – April 27th Mary daughter of John & Sarah Paddock recd Novr 2d.

(a Goddard entry blotted out)

Image d1028
Book two:           Baptisms.
Baptized – Novr 2d 1800 Mary Daughter of John & Sarah Paddock.
Baptized – Novr 16th Mary daughter of Wm & Sarah Goddard.
Baptized – Decr 21st wm son of Thomas & Mary Squires.


Baptized – Feb 17 Elizabeth daughter of Edward Lloyd Harford & Elizabeth his wife.
Baptized – March 16th Richard son of Richard and Sarah Waters (weaver).
Baptized – March 29th John Son of Mary Ancer (Base born).
Baptized – June 5th Anne daughter of Benjamin and Mary Stephens.
Baptized – June 28 Joseph son of Joseph and Sarah Cowley.
Baptized – Octr 4 Ann daughter of Jothan and Elizabeth Hale.
Baptized – Octr 17 George son of Richard and Sarah Careless received since.
Baptized – Novr 29 John son of Thos & Mary Smith.
Baptized – Dec 13th Robert son of Elizabeth Jordin. Base born.
Baptized – Decr 20th Charles son of Samuel & Mary Woodward.
Baptized – Decr 20th Sarah daughter of Jacob & Ann Ryland.
Baptized - Decr 27th Joseph son of James & Hannah Ingles.


Baptized – March 21st Samuel son of Wm & Elizabeth Houghton.

(The Church was covered with a new lead roof and the Chancel also covered afresh with lead)

Baptized – June 27 William son of Willm and Hannah Pestridge.
Baptized – July 18 Mary daughter of Willm and Ann Bourton.
Baptized – Novr 21st Mary daughter of Edward and Elizabeth George.


Baptized – Feby 27th James Son of William & Sarah Goddard.
Baptized – March 13th Benjamin Son of Benjamin & Mary Stephens.
Baptized – March 20th James Son of John & Elizabeth Hoods.
Baptized – April 10th James Son of Thomas & Mary Squires.
Baptized – June 5th Thomas son of Henry and Elizabeth Newman.
Baptized – June 30th Joshua son of Richard and Sarah Careless received Sepr 11th.
Baptized – Decr 4th Nicholas Son of Richard and Sarah Waters.
Baptized – Decemr the 25 William son of Jothan and Betey Hale.


Baptized – May 27 Hannah daughter of John and Jane Gibbs born May 5th.
Baptized – June 3d Sarah daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Knight born March 13.


Image d1029
Book two:           Baptisms.
Baptized – April 1st John son of William & Sarah Williams born Feby 5th 1804. Registered April 1st by me H.P. Cooper Curate.
Baptized – May 9th George Son of William & Mary Tovey born March 13th 1804. Registered and Bapt March 6th By me H.P. Cooper Curate.
Baptized – July 15 Nicolas son of Wilson and Elizabeth Marshall privately.
Baptized – July 24 Anne & Sarah twin daughters of Thos and Mary Smith – privately received August 12.
Baptized – July 25 Thomas son of Samuel and Mary Woodward – privately received Aug 19.
Baptized – Sepr 1 William son of John and Mary Pitt – privately – recd Octr 28th.
Baptized – Sepr 4 Philip son of William and Priscilla Skinner privately. Rec 25 December.
Baptized – Octr 28th Elizabeth Daughter of Jacob & Ann *Rimall *Riland certainly (footnote).
Baptized – Novr 3d Ann Daughter of John & Sarah Paddock.
Baptized – December the 25 John son of Nancy Jones.


Baptized – Feby 3d John son of Benjamin & Mary Stephens.
Baptized – Feby 10th John son of Joseph & Sarah Cowley.
Baptized – March 17 Job son of James and Hannah Ingles.

(see the other page XXX turn over)

Baptized – Apriel the 7 Thomas son of William and Hannah Pestridg.
Baptized – April the 14 Mary daughter of William and Elizabeth ho?ghton [Houghton?].
Baptized – May 26 Ann daughr of Mary Ancer.
Baptized – June 2nd Phoebe daugr of William & Elizabeth Sarail. [Sale?]
Baptized – [June] the 23 Mary Ann daugr of Joseph & Sarah Hawks born June the 17 1804.


Baptized - Sepr the 22 John son of James and Alice Pestridg.
Baptized – Sepr the 29 Hannah dar of Henry and Bety Newman.
Baptized – December 25 John son of Jothan and Bety Hale.


Baptized – Fey the 2 Joseph son of Moses and Ann Bennet.
Baptized – February the 9 Ann daughter of Jacob and Ann Rimal.
Baptized – March the 6 Ann daughter of William and Mary Tovey.
Baptzed – * Mary daughter of Richard and Sarah Carlis. *April 6th F.H.

Image d1030
Book two:           Baptisms.
The following is a copy of the Baptisms from the time of my entrance upon the Curacy of Harvington March 35th 1805. Fras Homfray.


Baptized – April 7th Thomas Son of William Pestridge by Hannah his Wife.
Baptized – April 14th Mary daughter of William Houghton by Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – May 26th Ann illegitimate daughter of Mary Anker.
Baptized – June 2d Phoebe daughter of William Sarrill by Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – June 23rd Mary Anne daughter of Joseph Hawkes by Sarah his Wife born June 17h.
Baptized – Sepr 22d John son of James Pestridge by Alice his Wife.
Baptized – Sepr 29th Hannah daughter of Henry Newman by Betty his wife.
Baptized – Dec 25h John son of Jothan Hale by Betsy his wife.

Fras Homfray Curate


Baptized – Feby 2d Joseph son of Moses Bennett by Anne his Wife.
Baptized – Feby 9th Ann Daughter of Jacob Riland by Ann his wife.
Baptized – April 6th Ann Daughter of William Tovey by Mary his Wife.
Baptized – April 6th Mary Daughter of Richard Carless by Sarah his Wife.
Baptized – May 25th Isaac illegitimate Son of Mary Hale.
Baptized – June 15th Sophia Daughter of John Paddock by Sarah his wife.
Baptized – June 24th Maria Daughter of Francis Homfray, Clerk, curate of Harvington by Harriett his wife born June 12th.
Baptized – July 27th Elizabeth Daughr of John Hughes by Mary his wife.
Baptized – Augt 13th William Son of George Riddle by Hannah his wife.
Baptized – Novr 16th Sarah Daughter of Richard Waters by Sarah his wife.


Baptized – Jany 11th Mary Daughter of George Stephens by Mary his wife.
Baptized – Feby 18th Charles & George twin sons of Thomas Vale by Mary his wife.
Baptized – Feby 22d Alice Dauhter of William Bourton by Ann his wife.
Baptized – July 26th Sophia daugr of Richard Carless by Sarah his wife.
Baptized – July 26th – Jane the illegitimate daughter of Hannah Hawkes born June 22d 1806.

Image d1031
Book two:           Baptisms.

Baptized – Sepr 20th David son of George Riddle by Hannah his wife.
Baptized – Sepr 20th Sarah daugr of William Houghton by Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – Oct 1st Emily daug of Thomas Bate by Mary his wife.
Baptized – Oct 11th John illegitimate son of Elizabeth Vicaridge.
Baptized – Octr 25 Joshua Son of James Inglis by Hannah his wife.
Baptized – Nov 5th Crispin Son of William Skinner by Priscilla his wife.
Baptized – Nov 20th Mary daughter of Joseph Cowley by Sarah his wife.


Baptized – Feby 14 William son of William James Barber by Elizabeth his Wife.
Baptized – Jany 12th Juliana Rachel daughr of Francis Homfray Curate of Harvington by Harriett his wife, born Jany 11th
Baptized – June 5th Maria daugr of Jacob Riland by Ann his wife.
Baptized – November the 27 Lydia daughter of John and Mary Hughes.
Baptized – December the 11 Jesse Son of William and Priscilla Skiner.
Baptized – Dec the 26 Joshua son of Johan and Bety Hale.

Thomas Thomas commenced Curate at Harvington June 26 1808. June 9th Sent to Court July 9 by T. Thomas curate.


Baptized – Jan 13th Mary daughter of Wm & Sarah Richman.
Baptized – Jan 13 Sarah daughter of Thomas & Sarah Mathews.
Baptized – April 27 Frederick Son of Jhon & Sarah Paddock.
Baptized – May 14 Charles Son of Jhon & Cathrine Harbone.
Baptized – June 12 Evey Daughter of Richard & Sarah Carliss.

Sent to Court by T. Thomas Curate.


Baptized – Janry 3rd Harriet Daught of Wm & Elizth Bullock.
Baptized – Janry 3rd Jonas and Jesse twin sons of James and Hannah Inglis.
Baptized – Augst 27th Hannah daughter of Willm & Sarah Williams.
Baptized – July 14 John Son of William & Ann Bourton.

July 24 Sent to Court by T. Thomas Curate .


Baptized – Janry 14th Eliza daugr of Jacob & Ann Riland.
Baptized – March 14 Joseph Son of Mary Bates base born.

Image d1032
Book two:           Baptisms/Burials.
Baptized – June 9 Mary daugr of John & Mary Hughes.
Baptized – June 9 John Son of Benjamin & Mary Stephens (or Stevens).
Baptized – June 9 John the illegitimate son of Elizabeth Sorril. William the Husband was with the Worcestershire Militia.
Baptized – June 9 Jesse Son of Jothan & Betsy Hale.
Baptized – June 9 Robert Son of Thomas & Mary Hawkes.
Baptized – July 4th Jane baseborn of Mary Smith widow.


Baptized – Janry 20th Ann Daugtr of William & Ann Warren.
Baptized – Janry 26 Addiline Daugtr of William & Elizth Bullock.
Baptized – Janry 26 Jhon Son of Jhon and Ann Halford.
Baptized – July 5th John Son of Thomas and Sophia Matthews.
Baptised – Augst 9th Mary Ann Rachel daughter of Henry & Mary Harris. She was born in Ireland.
Baptized – Augst 9th Mary Ann daughter of William & Sarah Gardener.
Baptized – October 20th Mary Ann Caroline Daughter of James and Caroline Pester.
Baptized – Nov 17 Joseph Son of Thos & Cathrine Harbone.
Baptized – Nov – Jhon Son of Jhon & Mary Hughes.
Baptized – Dr 25th Joseph Son of William & Mary Pestridge.

May 16 (?) Sent to Court by Thomas Thomas Curate.

(Burials from 1788 at other end of register. J.D.)

T Heynes commenced Curate at Xmas 1788.



Buried – Janry 1st Edward Williams from Chasleton Oxon.
Buried – Janry 15th John the son of James & Eliz: Prestidge pauper.
Buried – Janry 15th Sarah daur of Geo & Lucy Barnet.
Buried – Janry 25th Hannah Prestidge pauper.
Buried – Febry 2d Wm Barnet.
Buried – [Febry] 4 Mary Sale.
Buried – [Febry] 12 Hannah Cooper.

Image d1033
Book two:           Burials.

Buried – March 10 Mary Adams.
Buried – [March] 18 Henry Huband.
Buried – [March] 23 John Godfree.
Buried – Augt 17 Wm Clarke.
Buried – September 11th Sarah Morris.
Buried – October 21st Sarah Savage.
Buried – [October] 22nd Sarah Rammel.
Buried – Decr 25th Henry Morris ) twin
Buried - [Decr] 28th William Morris ) infants

The Tax is paid to this place.


Buried – Apl 27th Martha Shakel.
Buried – November the 30 Thomas Dun.


Buried – Jany the 30 William Morris.
Buried – Fey the 21 Thomas Surman.
Buried – March the 1 Elizabeth White.

Tax paid to this place.

Buried – May the 3 George Dun.
Buried – November 12 Edward Duram pauper.


Buried – April the 10 John Codel.
Buried – [April] the 25 Robard Deaves pauper.

Taxes pd up to this place.

1793 - 1794?

Buried – Octr the 28 Ann Shakel p [p = pauper?]
Buried – Novr the 25 George Shakel p [p = pauper?]


Buried – February the 2 Jonas Surman.
Buried – [February] the 23 Mary Bery daughter of Edward and Sarah.

Tax paid to this place.

Buried – July the 2 Elizbeth Bery (?) daughter of Edward & Sarah.

Buried – October the 19 Sarah Marshall aged one week.


Buried – February the 28 Elizabeth Morris.
Buried – July the 9 Thomas Perkins.
Buried – August 8th Joseph Shakel.

Image d1034
Book two:           Burials.

Buried – March 2nd John Pearson.
Buried – May 12th Catherine the wife of Joseph Knight.
Buried – September 4th Sophia daughter of Samuel & Mary Woodward.
Buried – December 25th William son of Thomas & Mary Squire.


Buried – January 26th Martha base daughter of Sarah Tims.
Buried – Feby 3rd William Turner from Bishampton aged 94.
Buried – February 26th Mrs Chamberlain. [wife or widow of a Gentleman?]
Buried – March 21st Mary the Wife of Thomas Squire.
Buried – June 10th Hannah daughter of William Canning.
Buried – Octr 3rd John Bennett from Long Marston.

The Rev’d Dr Thos James Prebendary of Worcester and late Master of Rugby School in Warwickshire became Rector of Harvington from April 15th 1797.


Buried – July 7th Charlotte Person.
Buried – Aug 13th Nicolas son of Wilson and Alice Marshall.
Buried – Septr 7th Alice wife of Wilson Marshall.
Buried – Octr 2 Thomas Blomer (late Lieutenant in the 102d Regiment).
Buried – Octr 25 Mary wife of John Marshall.


Buried – May 6 William son of William and Anne Goddard.
Buried – May 24 Anne wife of William Goddard.


Buried – Feby 3d Elizabeth Morris.
Buried – Novr 6th Ann Wife of George Adams.
Buried – May 13th Richard Waters.
Buried – Novr 1st Elizabeth Wife of John Cale.
Buried – Decr 27th Charles Woodward.

Image d1035
Book two:           Burials.

Buried – Jany 7th Itey (?) Day.
Buried – Sepr 2 Ann Stephens.
Buried – Novr 3d Matthew Garner.
Buried – Decr 11th Timothy Gibbs.


Buried – March 31st Richard Waters.
Buried – April 13th William Osborn.
Buried – July 25 Charles Perkins.
Buried – December the 29 Sarah Parker.


Buried – June 21st William Taylor junr.
Buried – Octr 28th Hannah Cale.


Buried – July the 14 George Barnet.
Buried – [July the] 14 Elizabeth Barnet.
Buried – September the 20 Edward Waters an infant.
Buried – December the 14 Thomas Smith.


Buried – January the 23 John Stevens (a child).
Buried – June 3rd Ann Morris Widow 83 yrs.
Buried – June 17 John son of Thomas Heecks.
Buried – Sepr 22 William Taylor aged 73.
Buried – Oct 19th William Riddle an infant.


Buried – April 5 Sarah Proctor found drowned.
Buried – Sepr 11th William Young.
Buried – October the 6 Elizabeth Marshall widow.
Buried – Decr 4th David son of George Riddle an infant.
Buried – Decr 15th Wilson Marshall of the Hill ag 62.
Buried – D. 27 John Canning ag 72.


Buried – Jany 1 Sarah Bury.
Buried – Feby 8th William Son of Henry Newman an Idiot.
Buried – June 5 Crispin Son of Wm Skinner, shoe maker an infant.

Image d1036
Book two:           Burials.
Buried – July the 26 Sarah Wife of Samuel Knight.
Buried – November the 20 Richard Carlis.
Buried – [November the] 20 John Carlis.

Sent to Court by T. Thomas Curate.

The above father and Son were killed by the fall from a Cart at Marriage Hill in the Parish of Bidford, verdict accidental death. Sent to Court by T. Thomas Curate (this his smudged out J.D.).


Buried – July 17 Emely daughter of Thos & Mary Bates.
Buried – Augst 10 Ann Millward (Spinster).
Buried – Sept 27 William Turner (Weaver).

Sent to Court by T. Thomas Curate.


Buried – January 10th James Cooper (Rag Merchant).
Buried – Feb 20 Elizth Warren wife of Richard Warren.
Buried – May 26th John Westbury (Paper maker).
Buried – Augst 13 Hannah wife of William Pestridge.
Buried – Octbr 12 Hannah wife of Wm Brookes of N. Littleton.

May 14 Sent to Court by T. Thomas Curate.


Buried – April 23rd Richard Warren (farmer).
Buried – February 3d Anthony Knight (wheelwright).
Buried – June 17 William Houghton (labourer).

Sent to Court by T. Thomas.


Buried – Jan 20th Jane daugtr of Mary Smith Baseborne.
Buried – March 16 Joseph Knight (Senior wheelwright).
Buried – March 18 Joyce Tovey (Spinster Shopkeeper).
Buried – June 3rd James Jones (labourer).
Buried – Augst 11th Mary Morris (spinster) from Esham.
Buried – Augst 21st Sarah Bathelor (spinster).
Buried – Novbr 2nd Edward Skinner Senior (Taylor).

Sent to Court May 17th by Thomas Taylor Curate.

Image d1037
Book two:           Volunteers.
(on the back cover: by Dr James)

In the year 1803 the following persons, being inhabitants of Harvington, generously offered their services, as Representatives of the Parish, in the Army of Defence, and therefore are here recorded with honour.

Volunteers in the Yeomanry Cavalry for Worcestershire under the Honble Col. Cocks.

George Baylis.
William Warren.
John Marshall junr.

Volunteers for the Infantry
John Marshall junr who afterwards became a member of the Yeomanry Cavalry in the same year.
Henry Harris.
Richard White.
Job Jones.
Richard Robins.

Image d1038
Book two:           Marriages.
Register No.3

Marriages 1755 – 1812.

1: 1755 4 Aug. - Henry Perkes Millward, husbandman of Hn. & Elizabeth Houtton (Houghon), banns / sp. Of Hn. Witnesses: Francis Shekel, John Meek. Banns by Peter Cassey Curate.

2: 1757 Aug 9. - Samuel Hobday, wid. of Honeybourne. & Anne Hancocks, wid of Harvn (Hancock Banns). Witnesses: Samuel Halford, William Belcher. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

3: 1757 10 Nov. - William Morris, husbandman of H. & Anna Canning, sp of H. Witnesses: Thomas Morris, Joseph Maries. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

4: 1757 10 Nov. - William Clarke husbandman of H. & Mary Bennit sp. of H. Witnesses: Joseph Knight, Joseph Maries. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

5: Banns only. 1758 June 18, 25 & July 2. - Henry Holbrook if H. & Mary Churchley of Alcester. By Peter Cassy Curate.

6: 1760 21 Sep. - Thomas Cownly of H. & Elisabeth Beck of H. Witnesses: Jonathan Norris, John Canning. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

7: 1760 13 Oct. - John Surman of H. & Elisabeth Surman of H. Witnesses: Jonathan Norris, John Canning. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

Image d1039
Book two:           Marriages.
8: 1760 21 Oct. - William Smith of H. & Elisabeth Melen of H. Witnesses: Thomas Hains Chamberlain, John Melen. Banns by P. Cassy Curate.

9: 1760 29 Oct. - William Taylor of H. & Mary Harward of H. Witnesses: John Canning, Henry Bollard. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

10: 1751 3 Sep. - John Andrews, bach. of Great Hampton. Anne Holbrook sp. of H. Witnesses: John Bellingham, John Canning. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

11: 1762 16 April - Thomas Hawkes, bach of Taberton in Buckland, Gloucs. & Anne Tovey of H. Witnesses: Jon’n. Norris, Joyce Tovey. Banns by P. Cassy Curate.

12: 1763 10 Oct. - William Merriman of H. & Margaret Smith of H. Witnesses: Edward Skinner, John Cannin. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

13: 1764 16 Oct. - John Cale of H. Elizabeth Huband of H. Witnesses: Jonathan Norris, Ann Huband. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

14: 1764 22 Oct. - John Huband of H. & Ann Edwin of H. Witnesses: John Norris, John Canning. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.

Image d1040
Book two:           Marriages.
15: 1765 8 Jan. - John Smith, bach. of H. & Mary Tovey, sp of H. Witnesses: Samuel Jones, Mary Smith ‘ye Mother in Law’ Licence by Peter Cassy Curate.
16: 1765 14 Jan. - George Barret of H. & Eleanor Knight of H. Witnesses: Jon’n Norris, Edward Skinner. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.
17: 1765 17 Jan. - Thomas Edwin bach. of Church Lench & Mary Coigny of H. Witnesses: Jon’n Norris, John Edwin. Licence by Peter Cassy Curate.
18: 1766 4 March - John Canning of Stratford on Avon. & Anna Morris of H. & Witnesses: Jon’n Norris, John Canning ‘the father’. Banns by Peter Cassy Curate.
19: 1767 30 Nov. - Richard Painter of Cropthorn & Ann Huband of H. Witnesses: Jon’n Norris, Sarah Marshall, Mary Norris. Banns by J. Arnold, Rector.
20: 1769. 30 March - William Field of All Saints, Evesham. & Mary Norris, sp. of H. Witnesses: Thos Rowney, Anne(?). Licence by Jos. Harper.
21: 1769. 30 Sep - Francis Sheaf of 'Biddeford', Co Worc. & Mary Surman. Witnesses: John Millinerior(?) John Canning. Banns by Erasmus King Curate.

Image d1041
Book two:           Marriages.
22: 1770 25 Jan. - George Dudley of S. Laurence, Evesham. & Mary Buttle of H. Witnesses: Richard Squire, John Canning. Licence by William Etwall Minister.
23: 1770 13 Oct. - James Pescot of H. & Eliz. Cornock of H. Witnesses: Joseph Gander, John Cannen. Banns by E. Cooper Clerk.
34: 1770 21 Oct. - Samuel Knight of H. & Eliz. Partington. Witnesses: John Canning, Ann Richards. Licence by E. Cooper, Rector of Evesham.
25: 1771 29 March - John Buckingham of Long Compton & Mary Lacy of H. Witnesses: William Smith, Joseph (?). Licence by Thomas Ashfield Curate.
26: 1771 28 May - Joseph Cale of H. & Elizabeth Morris of H. Witnesses: John Canning, Anna Morris. Banns by Thomas Ashfield Curate.
27: 1771 5 Dec. - Henry Morris of Ashton Underhill & Susannah Yarnold of H. Witnesses: Robert Lunn, Richard Morris. Banns by Thomas Ashfield curate.
28: 1772 13 Jan. - William Day of Bishampton & Uty Tovey of H. Witnesses: Wm. Tovey, John Canning. Licence by Thomas Ashfield Curate.

Image d1042
Book two:           Marriages.
29: 1772 11 June - John Rommell of H. & Elizabeth Hemming of H. Witnesses: R’d Jones, Eliz’th Jenks. Banns by Thomas Ashfield Curate.
30: 1772 9 Nov. - John Read of Cropthorn & Marg’t Richardson of H. Witnesses: John (Stak[?]), Ann Richardson. Banns by W. Boyce Clerk.
31: 1773 31 Aug. - John Ainge of H. & Mary Farley. Witnesses:. Rich’d Collet, John Cannen. Banns by Step’n Donne Curate.
32: 1773 13 Dec. - John Knight of Salford & Ann Richardson of H. Witnesses: William Knight, John Cannen. Banns by Step’n Donne Curate.
33: 1775 8 May - Joseph Hawkes of Laverton, Co. Glouc. & Jane Morris of H. Witnesses: John Hugon, John Cannen. Licence by Step’n Donne Curate.
34: 1775 6 Aug. - Joseph Felper of H. & Susanna Richardson of H. Witnesses: John knight, John Cannen. Banns by Step’n Donne Curate.
35: 1775 30 Oct. - Mathew Gardener of H. & Hanna Sirman (Sirmon, banns) of H. [Surman] Witnesses: Valentine Knight, Anthony Knight. banns by Step’n Donne Curate.

Image d1043
Book two:           Marriages.
36: 1775 30 Oct. - Anthony Knight of H. & Mary Perkins of H. Witnesses: Valentine Knight, Matthew Gardner. Banns by Step’n Donne Curate.
37: 1778 1 April - James Jones, bach of H. & Sarah Morris sp. of H. Witnesses: W. Bonaker, John Cannin. Licence by John Southall.
38: 1778 14 Sep. - George Barnett, wid of H. & Lucy Richardson, sp of H. Witnesses: Joseph Phelps, Jno Cannin. Banns by Jno Southall Curate.
39: 1778 27 Sept. - Richard Winter, bach of H. & Sarah Edwin, sp of H. Witnesses: James Barnett, John Canning. Licence by Jno Southall.
40: 1778 21 Nov. - Edward Skinner, bach of H. & Betty Blackford, sp of H. Witnesses: Jno Canning, William Canning. Banns by John Southall.
41: 1779 15 Feb. - Thos Harris, bach of H. & Ann Ellit, sp of H. Witnesses: George Adams, Ann Loyd. Licence by David Carpenter Rector.
42: 1779 6 Sept. - Edward Hiles,(?) bach of H. & Mary Goren(?), sp of H. Witnesses: Edward skinner, John Canning. Banns by David Carpenter Rector.

Image d1044
Book two:           Marriages.
43: 1781 31 Oct. - John Hornby, bach of Bidford. Epenatus Biddle of H. & Witnesses: James Hodges, Ann Sale, Samuel Knight Clerk. Licence by D. Carpenter.
44: 1782 8 April - William Houghton, bach of H. & Elizabeth Gould, sp. Witnesses: Samuel Knight John Perkes. Banns by J. Williams pro hoc Vice.
45: 1782 23 July - George Adams & Ann Woodward. Witnesses: Samuel Knight Mary Harrison. Banns by J Williams.
46: 1783 9 June - Richard Farley of Bishampton & Mary Turner of H. Witnesses. William Read Samuel Knight. Banns by Mr Williams.
47: 1783 17 June - Joseph Knight of H. & Mary Harris of H. Witnesses: Henry Harris Samuel Knight. Banns by J. Williams Curate.
48: 1783 4 Aug. - Thomas Read of H. & Hannah Clerk of H. Witnesses: John Bates Samuel Knight. Banns [by] Sam’l Mew Curate.
49: 1783 25 Sept. - Samuel Mew, bach of H. & Fanny Smithson of Salford. Witnesses: John Marshall Thomas Osborne. Licence by George Graham Curate of Alcester.

Rec’d duty. J. Brown.

Image d1045
Book two:           Marriages.
50: 1784 14 Oct. - Samuel Woodward of H. & Mary Pearson. Witnesses: John Cropper, Samuel Knight. Banns by Saml Mew, Curate.

51: 1784 11 Nov. - John Haywood of Church Salford, Warw. & Sarah Marshall of H. Witnesses: Alice Gould, Wilson Marshall. Licence by Saml Mew, Curate. Rec’d duty. J. Brown. Copied to this place for the Visitation.

52: 1785 27 Oct. - George Savage, bach of H. & Sarah Milward sp. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Wm Houghton. Banns by J. Jennings, Curate of Offenham.

53: 1785 10 Nov. - John Marshal bach. of H. & Mary Trenfield of Childswickam, Glouc. Witnesses: Sarah Taylor, Samuel Knight. Licence by Samuel Mew, Curate.

54: 1786 8 May - Richard White of H. & Mary Knight of H. Witnesses: John White, Samuel Knight. Banns by Samuel Mew, Curate. Copied to this place.

55: 1786 12 Dec. - Joseph Smith of Ragley, Warwickshire. & Elizabeth Smith of H. sp. Witnesses: John Smith, Mary Smith. Copied to this place by Saml Mew, Minister.

56: 1787 3 Oct. - Moses Bennett of H. & Ann Roberts of H. Witnesses: Thomas Reed, Samuel Knight by Saml Mew, Minister. Banns.

Image d1046
Book two:           Marriages.
57: 1787 10 Oct. - Thomas Perkins of H. & Elizabeth Evans of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Wm Archer. Banns by Saml Mew, Minister.

58: 1787 19 Oct. - Joseph Hawkes of H. & Sarah Cook. Witnesses: Joseph Knight, Samuel Knight by Saml Mew, Curate. Banns.

59: 1787 31 Oct. - Edward Bury, bach of H. & Sarah Smith sp. of H. Witnesses: Elizabeth Knight, Thos Smith by Wm Warmington, Vicar of Norton. Banns. Copy’d.

60: 1789 23 April - John Knight, bach. of H. & Elizabeth Mason sp. of H. By Thomas Heynes Curate. Witnesses: Sarah Taylor, Samuel Knight. Banns.

61: 1790 18 May - John Edwin [of H.] & Sarah Clark [of H.] Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Thomas Smith, by Thomas Clerk. Banns.

62: 1790 11 Oct. - Henry Newman, bach of H. & Betty Hale sp. of H. Witnesses: Samuel knight, Martha Wilkes by William Hutchinson. Banns.

63: 1790 1 Nov. - Samuel Page, bach of H. & Sarah Ewans of H. Witnesses: William Morris, Sarah Ashwin by William Hutchinson Curate. Banns.

64: 1791 8 May - John Cooper of H. & Hannah Rogers of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight Sarah Turner. By Wm Hutchinson Curate.

Image d1047
Book two:           Marriages.
65: 1792 28 Nov. - Thomas Smith of H. & Mary Waters. Witnesses: William Houghton, Samuel Knight by Willm Hutchinson Minister. Banns.

66: 1795 2 Feb. - Joseph Goring of H. & Sarah Matthews of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight by Wm Hutchinson Minister. Banns.

67: 1797 13 July - Richard Careless of Middle Lytleton, bach. & Sarah Hawker of H. sp. By Licence. (with Consent of Ann Hawkes her Mother). Witnesses: Joseph Hawkes Samuel Knight, by Wm Wormington Minister.

68: 1798 12 March - William Goddard bach. of H. & Hannah Bann sp. of H. Witnesses: Matthew Bloxham, Samuel Knight by John Bartlam. Banns.

69: 1798 28 May - Jotham Hale bach. H. & Betsy Gardner sp. of H. Witnesses: Benjamin Stephens, Samuel Knight. By J. H. Dixon, Curate. Banns.

70: 1798 18 Nov. Benjamin Stevens bach. of H. & Mary Tarran sp. of H. Witnesses: James Cooper, Samuel Knight. By Matthew Bloxham Curate. Banns.

71: 1799 24 Sept. - William Goddard, wid. of H. & Sarah Shakel, wid. of H. Witnesses: William Caudle, Samuel Knight by Matthew Bloxham Curate. Banns.

72: 1799 26 Nov. - Thomas Squires wid. of H. & Mary Bennet of Cropthorne. Witnesses: Thomas Tandy, Anne Tandy by Wm Wormington at the Request of the Curate. Banns.

Image d1048
Book two:           Marriages.
73: 1800 22 Sep. - John Pitts of H. & Mary Allchurch of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Sarah Allchurch. By G.D. Cooper, Off Minister. Banns.


74: 1800 14 Nov. - Wm Pestridge of H. & Hannah Bickerstaff of H. Witnesses: Jas. Bickerstaff, Hannah Bickerstaff by H.P. Cooper, Curate. Banns.

75: 1802 5 Jan. - Samuel Knight of H. & Sarah Jones of H. Witnesses: Ann Jones, Edmd Jinks by H.P. Cooper, Curate.

76: 1802 2 Feb. - Edward George of H. & Elizabeth Perkins of H. Witnesses: Elizabeth Kinching, Samuel Knight by H.P. Cooper, Curate. Banns.

77: 1802 29 June - John Hoods (of Cheddar near Wells Somerset) of this Parish, bach. & Elizabeth Taylor sp. of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Thomas Hawkes by Thos James, D.D. Rector.

78: 1802 26 July - John Kelley wid. of Norton & Sophia Jones of H. Witnesses: Sarah Cale Samuel Knight, by Thos James D.D. Rector.

79: 1803 14 May - William Salmons of Bretforton & Hannah Paine of H. Witnesses: Ann Turner, Samuel Knight by H.P. Cooper Curate.

80: 1803 1 Sept. - The Rev’d John Wingfield D.D. of College Precincts, Worcester. & Mary James sp. of H. Witnesses: Thos James, Junr, Arabella James. By T. James, Rector. Licence.

* - One of the above viz. no 5 is a Register of Banns only & not of marriage.

Image d1049
Book two:           Marriages.
81: 1803 22 Oct. - John Timms of H. & Alice Smith sp. of H. Witnesses: Sophia Handley, Samuel Knight by T. James D.D. Rector. Banns.

82: 1803 12 Dec. William Williams of Salford & Sarah Cole of H. Witnesses: William Wagstaff, Hannah Cale by H.P. Cooper, Curate. Banns.

83: 1804 5 Dec. - William Sarrill & Elizabeth Shakell of H. Witnesses: John Shakel, Sarah Sarrill by H.P. Cooper Curate. Banns.

84: 1805 5 July - Edward Arnold Warwick, grocer of Henley in Arden in the parish of Wootten Warren & Matilda Charles sp. of H. Witnesses: Francis Charles, Ann Charles by Fras Homfray Curate. Licence.

85: 1805 31 Dec. - William Brookes of north Littleton bach. & Hannah Hawkes sp. of H. Witnesses: Joseph Hawkes, Mary Hawkes by T. Thomas Curate of Cleeve. Licence.

86: 1806 6 Sep. - Thomas Vale of Salford wid. & Mary Rammell of H. sp. Witnesses: William Clark, Samuel Knight by Fras Homfray Curate. Banns.

87: 1807 23 March - John Emmes of Norton & Anne Houghton of H. sp. Witnesses: Richard Emmes, Samuel Knight by Fras Homfray, Curate. Banns.

88: 1808 5 April - William Warren bach. of H. & Ann Charles sp. of H. Witnesses. Elizabeth Charles, Wm Harbidge. By Fras Homfray, Curate. Licence.

Copied to this place for the visitation 1808.

Image d1050
Book two:           Marriages.
89: 1808 14 Nov. - Giles Bagg, bach of Welford, co Glouc. & Allice Skinner sp. of H. Witnesses: Hopeful Skinner, Catherine Skinner by T. Thomas, Curate. Banns.

90: 1809 4 Jan. - Joshua Allen bach. of Church Lench & Catherine Knight sp. of H. Witnesses: John Marshall, George Baylis by T. Thomas Curate. Banns.


[--] 1809: 23 Feb. - Samuel Stone Charles of Stow on the Wold & Mary Marshall of H. sp. Witnesses: John Marshall, Sarah Hayward by T. Thomas Curate. Licence.

93: 1810 23 May - Daniel Davies bach. of H. & Elizabeth Watkins wid. of H. Witnesses: Alice Lacket (?) Samuel Knight by T. Thomas Curate. Banns. Sent to Court, T. T. Curate.

94: 1810 16 Oct. - John Halford of Salford bach. & Ann Paine sp. of H. Witnesses: Wm Smith, Samuel Knight by T. Thomas Curate.

95: 1811 13 May - Thomas Phelps of Besford bach. & Ann Barnett of H. sp. Witnesses: Mary Smith, Samuel Knight by T. Thomas Curate. Banns.

96: 1812 3 Feb. - William Pestridge wid. of H. & Mary Anchor sp. of H. Witnesses: Alice Pestridge, Edward Skiner. Banns.

This register includes 94 marriages. J.D.

* - This entry is not numbered, and No. 92 is omitted. The error is in numbering & no marriage is omitted. J.D.

Image d1051
Book two:           Marriages 1814-1837.
Register No.


1: 1814 2 Oct. - John Taylor of H. & Mary Reeve of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, George Ewans Meads by Charles White. oft ? [officiating] minister. Banns.

2: 1815 12 Oct. - Richard Shrop of Studley bach. & Elizabeth Woodward of H. sp. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Ann Walker by T. Eades Minister. Banns.

3: 1815 8 Nov. - Francis Nichols of Overbury & Mary Bennet of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Geo. Digby by William Digby Rector. Banns.

4: 1816 4 July - Joseph Nichols of Alcester & Ann Gills of H. Witnesses: John Stanley, Elizabeth Green, Samuel Knight by Thos Eades Curate. Banns.

5: 1817 12 Oct. - Anthony Newman bach. of H. & Elizabeth Perry sp. of H. Witnesses: Samuel Knight, Henry Hemming by William Digby Rector. Banns.

6: - is a blank space.

7: 1817 11 Nov. - Edward Hile of H. & Elizabeth Woods wid. of H. Witnesses: Samuel Page, Sarah Godhard Samuel Knight Clerk by Thos Eades Curate. Banns.

Image d1052
Book two:           Marriages 1814-1837.
8: 1818 30 Jan. - Thomas Thornhill of H. & Mary Smith of H. Witnesses: Hariot (?) Water, Dianna Water, Samuel Knight Clerk by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

9: 1818 18 Feb. - William Bishop of H. & Mary Anker of H. Witnesses: Anthony Newman, Mary Taylor, Samuel Knight Clerk, by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

10: 1818 7 Oct. - Job Osbourne of H. & Elizabeth Holtham of H. Witnesses: Ann Osborn, Samuel Knight Clerk. Licence.

11: 1819 1 Feb. - Thomas Neale bach of H. & Mary Squires sp. of H. Witnesses. George Neale, Susanna Squires, Samuel Knight Clerk by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

12: 1819 2 June - George Knight, wid. of H. & Eizabeth Roberts wid of Riffle. Witnesses: John Peace, Mary Pearce, Samuel Knight Clerk by Thos Eades Curate. Licence.

13: 1819 26 Aug. - William Grove bach. of Cowhoneyborn & Mary Odkins sp. of H. Witnesses: W. Marshall, Mary Grove by Thos Eades Curate. Banns.

14: 1819 19 Oct. - William Adams bach. of H. & Sarah Goddard sp. of H. Witnesses. John Hancsele, Mary Adams Samuel Knight by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

Image d1053
Book two:           Marriages 1814-1837.
15: 1820 13 Jan. - John Hancock bach. of H. & Mary Adams sp. of H. Witnesses: Thomas Paddock, Rhoda Jones, Samuel Knight Clerk by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

16: 1820 27 Jan. - William Marshall bach. of H. & Phoebe Jones sp. of H. Witnesses: Moses Jones, Ann Jones, Samuel Knight Clerk by Thomas Eades Curate. Licence.

17: 1820 26 Aug. - Thomas Paddock bach. of H. & Rhoda Jones of H. Witnesses: John Squire, Elizabeth Edwin by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

18: 1821 27 Feb. - Job Baylis bach. of H. & Elizabeth Edwin sp. of H. Witnesses: John Burch, Ann Squires, Samuel Knight Clerk. By Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

19: 1821 5 March - Thomas Chambers bac. of S. Pancras’ Middlesex & Elizabeth Charles sp. of H. Witnesses: Edward Thompson, Amy Thompson, William Chambers, Henry Chambers by Thomas Eades Curate. Licence.

20: 1823 31 March - Isaac Coldicott of North Littleton bach. & Ann Warren wid. of H. Witnesses: John Marshall, Amy Hartridge by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

21: 1823 16 June - Thomas Biven (Bevin, signature / b) of H. & Mary Saunders sp. of H. Witnesses: Job Osburn, Elizabeth Osborn, Samuel Knight Clerk by Thomas Eades Curate.

Image d1054
Book two:           Marriages 1814-1837.
22: 1824 12 Dec. - William Trotman bach. of Cheltenham & Elizabeth Minn Court of H. Witnesses: E. M. Court, Anne Thayer Ann John Alcocks by Thos Eades Curate. Licence.

23: 1825 10 Sep. - Thomas Earl Pearse of S. Laurence, Evesham & Elizabeth Gould of H. sp. Witnesses: George Jarrett, Hannah Garness by Thomas Eades Curate. Licence.

24: 1826 28 Dec. - Edward Skinner of H. bach. & Elizabeth Derrick of North & Middle Littleton sp. Witnesses: William Derrick, Caroline Kesterton by Thomas Eades Curate. Banns.

25: 1827 13 March - Henry Mander of H. bach. & Mary Matthews of H. sp. Witnesses: Thos Stephens, Thos Paddock. Banns.

26: 1827 2 Oct. - Lazarno Mander of H. wid. & Mary Clark of H. wid. Witnesses: James Whitworth, Sarah Whitworth. Banns.

27: 1828 7 April - Wm Reeves of H. bach. & Phoebe Sorrel sp. of H. Witnesses: John Prestage, Martha Mander, Thos Paddock. Banns.

28: 1828 28 May - John Prestage of H. bach. & Martha Mander of H. sp. Witnesses: Henry Mander, John Prestage, Elizabeth Matthews, Martha Mander, Thomas Paddock. Banns.

(the X of the marr’d couple are clearly given twice. J.D.)

Image d1055
Book two:           Marriages 1814-1837.
29: 1829 26 Feb. - John Ashborn of Hampton bach. & Mary George of Harvn. Sp. Witnesses: Joshua Ingles, Mary Freeman. Banns.

30: 1829 14 October - Samuel Mander of Bidford bach. & Elizabeth Matthews of H. sp. Witnesses: George Gardner, Mary Mander & Thomas Paddock. Banns.

31: 1829 18 Dec. - John Pestridge of H. bach. & Mary Payne of H. sp. Witnesses: James Tarrant, Mary Hawkes and Thos Paddock. Licence.

32: 1831 28 Dec. - John Butler of Salford bach. & Sarah Heritage of H. sp. Witnesses: Charles Skinner, Esther Tovey. Banns.

33: 1833 27 May - James Chamberlain of H. bach. & Charlotte Sale of North & Middle Littleton wid. Witnesses: Joshua Ingles, Mary Hawkes. Banns.

Spaces on p.12 for Nos 34, 35 & 36 are blanks & the next no 37 starts page 13 on 4 Nov 1835.

37: 1835 4 Nov. - Wm Pestridge of H. & Anne Prosser of H. Witnesses: Sarah Mathews, John Pestridge. Banns.

Image d1056
Book two:           Marriages 1814-1837.
38: 1836 2 May - Richard Hampton of All Saints, Evesham bach. & Ann Paddock of H. sp. Witnesses: Charles Edwin, Harrier Smith. Banns.

39: 1836 22 May - George Ainge of Weethley bach. [Wheatley?] & Elizabeth Halford of H. sp. Witnesses: John Halford, Caroline Halford. Banns.

40: 1836 21 June - Henry Farley bach. of H. & Ann Brooks sp. of H. Witnesses: Thos Brookes, Lydia Farley. Banns.

41; 1836 30 June - John Stokes of Pauntley co Glos. bach. & Hester Maria Ranford of H. sp. with mother’s consent. Off. Min. [Officiating Minister] George Hall vicar of Tenbury. Witnesses: John Allen Stokes, Frederick Stokes, Sarah Davis Zachary, Hester Stokes and Louisa Ranford. Licence.

42: 1837 12 January - John Bullock bach. of H. & Harriet Bullock sp. of H. Witnesses. James Bullock, Adilaide Bullock. Licence.


Image d1057
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.

Copy of

Image d2001
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Transcripts now in Registry at Worcester copied November 1920 by James Davenport, rector and presented by him for preservation with the Registers in the Church safe to the Rectors and Churchwardens of Harvington.

Image d2002
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Baptized in Ao Domini 1614.

Harvington April 17o Maria filia Simonis Davies baptiz
Novemb. 30o Wilihelmus filius Thomae Feriman Jan. baptiz.

Matrimonia in eodem anno Nulla

Funera in eodem Ao.
Joanna uxor Willi. Walker sepulta fuit 1o Maii
Dorothea filia W. Hurtle sepulta 1o Julii.
Ricus Hemminge Sep: 17o Feb.
Margareta Willes vidua Sep 14o dic Martii.

(a paper T. worn away at right hand side.)

Image d2003
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington: A note of Christenings Marriages & Burials in the yeare of or Lorde god 1616.


  1. John the Sonne of Tho: Feriman the younger was baptized the 25th Daye of Marche.
  2. Alice the Daughter of Simon Davies was baptized the 27th daye of Mrche.
  3. John the Soonne of Richard Hunte was baptized the 27th of Maye.
  4. William the Soonne of Tho Haynes the 28th daye of June.
  5. William the Soonne of Richard Richardes the 29th daye of June.
  6. Mary the daughter of John Hunte the 23th daye of October.
  7. Alice the daughter of Tho Abell the 17th daye of November.
  1. William Bradleye and Alice Saunders were maryed the 24th of November.
  1. George Strikeland was buryed the 5th daye of Maye.
  2. William the soonne of Richard Richardes the 6th daye of Julie.
Tho: Feriman, W. Willes, H. Perkes.

Image d2004
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A note of all such Christenings, marriages & burials as have happened in Harvington Ao domini 1617.
  1. Alice the daughter of John Blalocke was baptized the VIth daye of Aprill.
  2. Katharin the daughter of Tho: fferiman the younger was baptized the VIth daye of Maye.
  3. Henry the sonne of Henry Perks baptized the 2o July.
  4. Thomas the soonne of Nicholas Hale baptizd 17o Septemb.
  5. Richard the sonne of Wm Bradley baptized the 24 of Septemb.
  6. Richard the sonne of Rich. Richards baptized the same day.
  1. William Hunte and Marie Johnson were matyed the 14th of January.
    Martha the daughter of Symon Davise was buried Feb: 18.

Image d2005
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A true coppie of the names of all Persons Christened, married and buried in the parish of Harvington since the 25th daie of March 1619 till the 25th daie of March 1620.


Sarah the daughter of John Hunte was baptized the first daie of Maie. Witnesses: William Woodward, Katharine Wright & Marie Hunte.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Johnsons was baptized the 4th daie of Julie. Witnesses: Tho Abell, William Hunte & Elizabeth Hunte.
Roberte the sonne of Thomas Bicknell was baptized the 25th daie of Julie. Witnesses: Roberte Harward, John Barringe & Isabell Marchall.
Thomas the sonne of Thomas Abell was baptized the same daie the 25th. Witnesses: Thomas fferyman, Thomas Bicknell and Joane Abell.
Nathan the sonne of Richarde Hunte was baptized the 7th daie of September. Witnesses: George Kempe, Roger ffeilde & Katharine Write.
Joane the daughter of Thomas Courte was baptized the 10th daie of October. Witnesses: William Savage, Joane Courte and Joane Harwarde.
William the sonne of William Bradly was baptized the 9th daie of November. Witnesses: William Willes, Thomas Abell and Elizabeth Kempe.
Roger the sonne of Thomas Dorrell was baptized the 14th daie of November. Witnesses: Roger Tommes, John Kinman and Elizabeth Haines.
Joane the daughter of Thomas Haines was baptized the 19th daie of December. Witnesses: Roger Tommes, Joane Courte & Ann Willes.
Barthollmewe the sonne of Thomas fferyman was baptized the 9th daie of ffebruarie. Witnesses: Thomas Barnell

Image d2006
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.

John Salmon & Elizabeth Rutter.


William Woodward & Joane Johnsons were married the 29th daie of April.


Thomas fferyman prbendarie of the Cathedrall church of Worcester & for many yeares Parson of this Parish was buried the 12th daie of Julie, Ætatis suæ 72.
Elizabeth Wilkes widdowe was buried the 28th daie of Julie.
Nicholas Hale was buried the 21th daie of Julie.
Anne Perkes was buried the 31th daie of Julie.
Richard Richardes was buried the 20th daie of October.
Peter Haines was buried the 24th daie of January.

Tho: Feryman, Rector ibm. Roberte Harward, Thomas Abell - Churchwardens.

Phillip Pearkes, Thomas x Haines - Sydemen.

Image d2007
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington Anno Domini 1620

A true coppie of all the names of such persons as have been Christened, married & buried since the 25th daie of March 1620 till the 25th daie of March 1621.


Elizabeth the daughter of William Hunte was baptized the 20th daie of August. Witnesses: John Johnsons, Elizabeth Hunte & Elizabeth Birche.
Sarah the daughter of John Blalocke was baptized the 8th daie of October. Witnesses: Phillip Perkes, Margaret Bagget & Alice Lucas.

Image d2008
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington Anno Domini 1621. A true copie of the names of all persons christened, married and buried in ye Parish of Harvington since the 26th day of March 1621 till the 25th day of March 1622.



Alice the Daughter of Thomas Bicknell was baptized the 2th day of Aprill.
Alice the Daughter of Edward Johnsons was baptized the 22th day of June.
Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Feriman was baptized the 12th day of August.
William the sonne of Thomas Abell was baptized the 29th day of August.
Margarette the Daughter of William Abell was baptized the 3d day of September.
Samuell the Sonne of John Hunt was baptized the 4th day of November.
Alice the Daughter of William Bradely was Baptized the 24th day of November.
James the Sonne of Symon Davise was baptized the 3d day of Februarie.
Thomas the Sonne of William Hunt was baptized the 17th day of March.


Samuel Hains and Ellnor Hains weare married the 13th day of June.
Edward Johnsons and Magdalene Richardes were married the 18th day of Julie.
John Tisoe and Magdalene Bamford were married the 30th day of October.


Walter Walker was Buried the 30th day of Julie.
Phillip Perkes was Buried the first day of October.
William the sonne of Thomas Abell was Buried the 27th day of October.
Thomas the Sonne of John Strikeland was Buried the 15th day of Januarie.

Image d2009
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
(1621 continued)

Alice the daughter of Alice Bradelie was buried the Xth day of December Thomas Feryman Rector. Tho Bicknell, ffrancis Oselye - Churchwardens.

Image d2010
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
1623o Harvington - A copie of the Register of the Christenings weddings and Burialls within the said pishe for the yere 1623.


Anne the daughtr of William Hunte was baptized the 29th daie of October.
Meriall the daughtr of Thomas Heynes was baptized the sixte daie of January.
Richard the Sonne of Thomas Archbold was baptized the 18th daie of January.
John the Sonne of Edward Johnsons was baptized the same 18th daie of January.
Marie the daughtr of Adam Ingram was baptized the 25th daie of January.

Weddings – none.



Thomas fferiman Mr of Artes and Rector of Harvington was buried Septimo Maij.
Roberte Strickland was buried the 18th of May.
Anne Kempe widow was buried the first daie of January.
John Parsons a poore wandering boy was buried 21 February.

Tho: Archbold R’r. Franc Oseley, Tho Bicknell – Gard.

Image d2011
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
(1627 missing in Registers, page cut out.) Harvington – 1627

A copie of the registr of the Christeninges, Weddings and burials in the p’she of Harvington. AD 1627.


Thomas the Sonne of Richard Dyer was baptized the XXVth daie of March 1628.
Elizabeth the daughter of William Abell was baptized the XXIIth daie of Aprill.
Marie the daughter of Richard Hieron was baptized the XXVth daie of Aprill.


George Wilkinson and Alice Harward were married the sixte daie of July 1627.


Joane Abell widow was buried the xiii daie of Aprill 1627.

Tho: Archbold Rector. Richard #, Tho: heyes + (# possibly Evens (cf T 1628) (+ this name a little doubtful: possibly henes. But Heynes or Haines is probably meant (cf. T. 1619 & 1628))

Image d2012
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
1628. Baptisms & part of Burials missing in Register. Page cut out.

A copie of the Register of Christeninges weddings and burials in the pishe of Harvington. AD 1628.


John the sonne of Thomas Leonard was baptized the XXVIth daie of July 1628.
Hanna Johnsons the daughter of John Johnsons baptized the Vth daie of October 1628.
John the sonne of William Bradley was baptized the XIIIIth daie of December 1628.
Richard the sonne of Richard Hieron baptized the XIth daie of January 1628.
Thomas the sonne of Henrie Perkes baptized the XVIIIth daie of January 1628.
Robert the sonne of George Wilkinson was baptized the XXth daie of January 1628.

Weddings none


Robert the sonne of George Wilkinson was buried the XXIth daie of January 1628.
Isabell Maynard was buried the XVth daie of March 1628.

Tho: Archbold Rector. Tho Heynes, Richard Evens – gard.

Image d2013
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.

Harvington 1630 - A true copie of the Register of Weddings Christeninges and burials in the pishe of Harvington Anno Dni. 1631.

Weddings none


William the Sonne of Valentine Abell was baptized the XXIXth daie of March 1630.
Christopher the sonne of Thomas Archbold was baptized the 8th daie of April 1630.
Elizabeth the daughter of John Johnsons was baptized the third daie of April 1630.
Richard the sonne of James Godfrey was baptized the third daie of July 1630.
Roger the base sonne of Elizabeth Bose was baptized the 27th daie of August 1630.
Kempe the sonne of Kempe Harward was baptized the XXIth day of December 1630.
Anne the daughter of Thomas Leonard was baptized the XXVIIIth daie of December 1630.


Roger the sonne of Thomas Darrell was buried the last daie of March 1630.
Roberte Richardes was buried the 12th Daie of July 1630.
John Darrell was buried the XVIIth daie of July 1630.
Roger the bastard child of Eliz. Boseley the XIIIth February 1630.
John Evetts was buried the 4th of August 1630.
John Kempe was buried XXVIth daie of November 1630. (This not given Reg.)
Joane Davies an ould widow was buried the last daie of January 1630. (This appears under 1629 in Reg.)
A woman child of John Richards unbaptized was buried 12 October 1630.

Kemp Harward, Thomas X Wagstaffe his marke – Church Wardens. Tho: Archbolde Rector.

Image d2014
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington 1631

A copie of the Register of Christenings weddings and burialls in the pishe of Harvington. Anno Dni. 1631.


Annys the daughter of John Tysoe was baptized the XXVth daie of March AD 1631.
Samuell the sonne of Thomas Heynes the elder was baptized the XXIIth daie of May.
Francis the sonne of Thomas Archbold was baptized the IXth daie of June 1631.
Sara the daughter of William Bradley was baptized the XXVIIth of November.
Elizabeth the daughter of John Wills was baptized the first daie of Jauary 1631 (computacoe Anglicana).
Francis the sonne of William Abell was baptized the XXIIIth daie of January.
Richard the sonne of Richard Dyer was baptized the tenth daie of ffebruarie.
Marie the daughter of Thomas Johnsons was baptized the first daie of March.
John the sonne of William Hunte was baptized the first daie of March.
John the sonn of John Johnsons was baptized the XVIIIth daie of March AD 1631 (comp. Angl.).

Weddings none


William Wills was buried the VIIIth daie of Aprill 1631.
Anne the daughter of ffrancis Oseley was buried the XXVth daie of July.
Symon Davies was buried the XVIIth daie of ffebruarie Anno Domini 1631.

Tho. Archbold Rector. John Wills, Thomas Abell – gardiani.

Image d2015
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington 1633

A copie of the Register of weddings, christenings & burialls in the parishe of Harvington Anno Dni 1633.


Thomas Daunce & Katherine Dunne were married the XXIXth daie of Aprill 1633.


1: Marie Magdalene the daughtr of Thomas Archbald was baptized the XXVIIIth daie of March 1633.
2: Thomas the sonne of John Tysoe was baptized the first daie of November 1633.
3: Richard the sonne of William Abell was baptized the XVIIth daie of November 1633.
4: John the sonne of William Evetts was baptized the first daie of December 1633. ( Nov 1st)
5: [There is no number 5.]
6: John the sonne of Wm Tomes was baptized the 24th daie of January 1633.


1: John Blalock was buried the XVth daie of Aprill 1633.
2: John the sonne of Charles Bennett was buried the 25th daie of Aprill 1633.
3: Joseph the sonne of John Richardes was buried the XXXth daie of October 1633.
4: John Richards was buried the XIIIIth daie of November 1633.
5: John the sonne of William Tommes was buried the XXVIth daie of January 1633.
6: Anne the daughter of Thomas Williams was buried the 18th daie of March 1633.

Tho. Archbold Rector. Henry Perks, Ed: Holbroke - Churchwarden.

Image d2016
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington 1634

A coppie of the Register Booke of Christenings, Weddings and Burialls in Harvington in the year of or lord God 1634.


[1:] Frances the son of Edward Johnsons was baptized the second day of Aprill 1634.
[2:] Abigall the daughter [of] Margaret Clarke who was as she said the wife of John Clarke of Bartley was baptized the second day of Aprill 1634.
[3:] Thomas the son of Valentine Abell was baptized twentieth of Aprill 1634.
[4:] Margery the daughter of Thomas Court was baptized the twentieth day of Aprill 1634. (The Regr gives Roberte son of.)
5: Martha the daughtero of Thomas Archbald was baptized the XXIIIIth of July 1634.
6: Samuell the sonne of William Hunt was baptized the ? day of August 1634.
7: Richard the son of Charles Bennet was baptized the XXIIIth of November 1634.
8: Margarit the daughter of James Godfree was baptized the three and twentieth of November 1634.
9: Marie the daughter of Kemp Harward was baptized the last day of November 1634.
10: Thomas the son of William Eveets was baptized the sixt day of February 1634.
11: John the son of Richard Dyer was baptized the XII? day of February 1634.
12: Marie the daughter of John Holbroke was baptized the XIXth day of February 1634.
13: Elionor the daughter of William Tomes was baptized the XXIIth of February 1634.
14: Thomas the son of John Johnsons was baptized the XXVth day of February 1634.

Weddings wee have had non.

Image d2017
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.

1: Frances the son of Edward Johnsons was buried the sixt of Aprill 1634.
2: Margarit Clarke was buried the XXIth day of Aprill 1634.
3: Margerie the daughter of Thomas Court was buried the last day of Aprill 1634.
4: Martha the daughter of Thomas Archbald was buried the XXXth day of July 1634.
5: Edward the son of John Willis was buried the last day of July 1634. (Reg. gives XXVII August.)
6: Alice the wife of Henry Mainner was buried the second day of November 1634.
7: Richard the son of Charles Bennet was buried the XXVth of November 1634.
8: Fortune the wife of Frances Owsley was buried the XXIXth of November 1634.
9: Anne Heynes widdow was buried the XXVIIth day of December 1634.
10: Thomas the son of William Eveets was buried the XIIth day of February 1634.

Tho: Archbolde Rector. Henry Perkes, (name decayed) - Churchwardens.

Image d2018
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript taken out of the Register of the Prish of Harvington for theese deverall yeares hereafter named of all the Christenings Burialls & Weddings there. By us whose names are hereunto subscribed the 12th day of May 1663.

Anno 1660

Elizabeth the daughter of John Harris & Margarett his wife was Baptized June the 28th.
William the Son of Thomas Dyar & Elenor his wife was baptized November 1st.
John the Son of Thomas Harris & Anne his wife was baptized Decembr 14th.


Elizabeth the wife of John Wills was Buryed May the 9th.
John Haynes was buryed January 15th.
Mary Haynes was buryed ffebruary 8th.
Widdow Owesley was buryed August 5th.

Anno 1661


Mary the Daughter of Thomas Abell & Katherine his wife was baptized Aprill 14th.
Joseph the Son of John Johnsons & Mary his wife was baptized the same day.
Mary the daughter of Francis Hibbott & Anne his wife was baptized June 23th.
John the Son of John Taylor and Katherine his wife was baptized Novembr 8th.
Margarett the daughter of John Harris & Margarett his wife bapt: January 12th.
John the Son of Richard Haynes & Mary his wife was baptized ffebruary the 6th.


Mrs Joane fferryman the wife of Mr Thomas fferryman was Buried May the 21th.
Sarah the daughter of Edward Johnsons was buryed

Image d2019
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
May the 30th.
Thomas Harris was buryed September the 13th.
Alice Baynton was buryed September the 24th.
John Evitts was buryed October the 14th.
Willm Baynton was buryed March the first.


John Abell & Anne Haynes werew mattyed Aprill 18th: theyr Banes being published according to Order.
Francis Yardley of Worcester & Hannah Hurst of Evesham were Marryed December 26th.
John Hues of Quinton & Elizabeth Wills were Marryed ffebruary the 10th.

Anno 1662


John the Son of Edward Holbrooke & Margarett his wife was Baptized June 10th.
Magdalen the daughter of Thomas Pearce & Margarett his wife was bapt. Aug. 5th.

[Burials] William Harris was buryed May the 14th.
Robbert Abell was buryed June the 6th.


John Tysoe & Margarett Richard were Marryed September the 29th.

Kemp Harward, Richard Haines - Churchwardens.

Image d2020
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Register of the Christenings and Burialls in the Pish of Harvington 1663.


Francis Huband the sonne of Francis was baptized 24th of November. Witnesses: Anthony Sammon, Thomas Smith & Mary Wills.
Susanna Taylor the daughter of John Taylor was baptized the 24th of November. Witnesses: Harris Diers, Mary Jonsons & Sara Witte.
Anne Haines was baptized 25th of November. Witnesses: Petter Haines, Anne Darby & Anne Able.


John Abell was buried May 2d.
Robard Harris was buried May 27th.
Elizabeth Richards was buried December 7th.
Mary Mathewes was buried Jannuary 30th.
Henry Pearks was buried February 12th.

John Wills, George Ewans - Churchwardens.

Image d2021
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington Register of Christenings and burialls for the yeare 1664.


John Jonsons the sonne of John Jonsons was baptized the eight day of May.
Thomas Holbrooke the sonne of Edward Holbrooke was baptized the first day of October.
Anne Leonard was baptized the eight and twentyeth day of December.


Abigaill Wills was buried the thirtyeth day of August.
Elizabeth Mathewes was buried the sixth day of November.
Thomas Holbrooke was buried the six and twentyeth day of January.

John Wills, George Ewans - Churchwardens.

Image d2022
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A true and parfecte transcripe Taken out of the Register booke of Harvington neere Evesham for ye yeare 1665.


John ye son of John Smith and Mary his wife was baptized September 14.
Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Jonsons and Elizabeth his wife baptized September 28.
Elizabeth daughter of Richard and Mary Haines was baptized January the 6.
Mary daughter of John Taylor and Catherin his wife was baptized January 23.
Edward son of Edward Hlbrooch [Holbrook] and Margarett his wife baptized Feb. 8.


Thomas Abell was buried June 25 aged 88.

Richard Salmon, Henry Perkes - Churchwardens.

Image d2023
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A true and parfect transcript taken out of the register booke of Harvington for the yeare of our Lord god 1666.


Elizabeth daughter of Morris Wollams and Mary his wife was baptized May the 17.
Benjamin the son of John Smith and Issabell his wife was baptized the 19 day [of] June.
Alice the daughter of Thomas Tiso and Elnor his wife was baptized the 29 day of August.
John the son of John Eletes and Frances his wife was baptized the 3 day of October.
Mary the daughter of John Tarrin and Sara his wife was baptized the first of November.
John the son of Frances Hubond and Anne his wife was baptized the 2 day of January.
John the son of William Abell and Jone his wife was baptized the 20 of January.


Wid? Anne Clarke was buried the 18 of Aprill
Widoe Haines was buried the 19 day of July.
Mary Hunt was buried the 16 day of November.

Image d2024
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Harvington. A true and perfect Coppy of all the Christenings weddings and burialls from March 25 1668 unto March 25 1669.

(Richard Haines, erased)


Mary Daughter of Richard Haines and Mary his iwfe was Baptized November 1.
John son of Thomas Peirce & Margaret his wife was Baptized ffebruary 20 1668.
John the son of Francis Huborne & Anne his wife was Baptized ffebruary 2d 1668.
Andrew the son of John Taylor & Ane his wife was Baptized ffebruary 6th 1668.
Thomas son of John Prate & Mary his wife was Baptized March 20th 1668.

Weddings - nihil
Burialls - nihil

Image d2025
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
The Transcript of ye weddings Christenings & of buryings in ye parish of Harvington for ye year 1670.


Thomas ye sonne of Edward Holbrooke & Margaret his wife was baptized ye 13th day of November 1670.
William ye sonne of Thomas Johnsons & Elizabeth his wife was baptized ye 10th of ffebruary 1670.
William ye son of Richard Haynes & Mary his wife was baptized ye 24th of March 1670.


Elizabeth ye wife of Thomas Hucksley was buried Sept 15th 70.
Richard Sammon was buried September 16. 1670.
Thomas Leonard was buried November ye 9th 1670.
Eedy ye wife of John Leonard was buried Aprill 9. 1671.

Robt Blondell Cle. Thomas Clarke, Thomas Tisoe – Churchwardens.

Image d2026
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Gap in Register & oblong book for this year 1671.

The transcript of all the Weddings Christenings & Burialls in the pish of Harvington in the County & Dioss of Worcester. Taken out of the Register of the said parrish the 17th day of March: Anno 1672: vizt -


William Lanton of Cleeve & Elizabeth Weere marryed the 19th day of October 1672.


Thomas the Son of Thomas Pardoe & Isabell his wife was Baptized the ffifth day of May.
Thomas the Son of John Taylor & Katherine his Wife was Baptized the Ninth day of May.
Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Ellits & ffrances his Wife was Baptized the Seventh day of July.


William Tomes was Buryed the Nineth day of August.

By mee Robbrt Blondell Cl: Thomas Holbrooke, John Smith - Churchwardens.

Rec: 4d.

N.B. 1673 appears in Register, 5bpt. 1 burial.

Image d2027
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Gap in the Register & oblong book for this year.

A Transcript for ye parish of Harvington for ye year 1674.

Marriages – none.


Jane ye daughter of John Prate was baptd Octobr 12.
Peter ye sonne of Rich. Haines was baptd ffeb 23.
Willm and Anne ye sonne & daughter of John Taylor was bapt. Febry 23.


Judeth ye wife of Henry Perkes was buryed Feb. 18th.

Valentine Abell, John Holbrooke – Churchwardens.

No Baptisms in Register from Feb 1673 to Sept 1678.
No Burials in Register after 3 Ap. 1674 till Dec 1678.
No Marriages in Register between 1664 and 1678.

Image d2028
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Nothing in Regr or oblong book for this year.

A true Transcript of the Marriages Christenings and burials for the yeare 1675.


Thomas Johnsons and Sybilla Harris were marryed Aprill 4th.


Alice the daughter of George Rogers by Joane his wife was baptized Sep: 20.


Elnor Evans the wife of Willm Evans June 29th.
Kemp Harwood Senr Gentleman was buryed Augst the 26th.
Katherine Abell widdow Decbr. 27th.
Isabell Johnsons the wife of Tho. Johnsons was burd: Decr 28.
Thomas Holbroke was burd. March 2nd.
Sarah Tarrat widow was burd. March 9th.


Image d2029
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Nothing in Regr or oblong book for this year.

A true transcript of the Marriages Christenings and Buryalls from Eastr 76 to Easter 77 in the parish of Harvington is a ffoll: [folio]

Imprimis – Marriages

Thomas Johnsons and Sybill Harris were marryed Aprill ye 3d 1676.
Thomas Trent of Upton upon Severn and Susana Phillips of Harvington were marryed July ye 5th 1676.


Alice Huband the daughter of Francis Huband by Anne his wife was baptized Augst 17th 1676.
Mary Rogers the daughter of George Rogers by Joane his wife was bapt. May the 22d 1676.
Alice Abell the daughter of Willm Abell by Jane his wife was bapt. February ye 9th 1676/7.
Anna Maris the daughter of Tho. Maris by Elenor his wife was bapt. ffeb. 26th 1676/7.
John Evetts the sonne of John Evets by Ann his wife was bapt. March ye 4th 1676/7.
John Taylor the sonne of John Taylor by Katherine his wife was bapt. April the 1st 1677.


Mary Forrest was buryed July the 17th 1676.
Mary Johnsons ye wife of Edw: Johnsons was buryed Sept. 4. 1676.

John Holbrooke, Vallentine Abell – Churchwardens.

Ba back occurs – “Transcript exhibition infra Decanatum de Pershore in Anno Dni 1676”.

Image d2030
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A true Transcript of the Marriages Christenings and burials for ye yeare of our Lord 1678 for ye parish of Harvington.


John Shelton and Anne Harris was marryed the 11th day of September.
Jonathan Maris and Mary Andrew were marryed the 9th of January.


Mathew Holbroke the Son of Edward Holbroke was baptized the 6th of May 1678.
Thomas the Son of Tho: Maris September the 8th.
Edward the Son of William Abell Janry the 22nd.


William Hyerne was buryed June the 18th.
Judeth Harwood was buryed December the 10th.
William Hunt was buryed January the 22nd.
Elizabeth Evets was buryed January the 24th.
Thomas Abel was buryed ffebruary the 24th.
Edward Johnson was buryed March the 15th.

Jonathan Coore Cur’t. To Mr Tomkins Rector.
John Holbroke, Thomas George – Churchwardens.

Image d2031
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A true Transcript of all ye Marriages Christenings and Burials in the parish of Harvington in ye yeare 1679.

Impr’s: - No Marriages


Francis the son of Richard Haines by Mary his wife was baptized May ye 29th 1779.
Elizabeth the daughter of William Holbroke by Esther his wife was baptized Augst ye 26th.
Alice the daughter of John Evets by Anne his wife was baptized October the 26th.
Thomas the sonne of Tho: Godfrey by Mary his wife was baptized October 26th.


Elizabeth the daughter of William Holbroke and Margaret his wife was buryed Augst 15th.
Thomas Godfrey the sonne of Tho: Godfrey by Mary his wife was buryed October the 29th.

Jonathan Coore Cur’t. to Mr Tomkins Rector.
Richard Haines, Henry Perke – Churchwardens.

Image d2032
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A true Transcript of all the Christenings Marriages and burialls in the parish of Harvington in the yeare 1680.

Imp’s – Christenings

Willm Maris the Son of Thomas Maris by Elenor his wife was bapt. May the 30th.
Anne Jophnson the Daughter of Tho. Johnson by Elizabeth his wife., Sept the 26th.
Edward Rogers the son of George Rogers by Joane his wife was bapt. January the 16th.

No Marriages.


Susanna Blizard the wife of George Blizard was buried Aprill the 27th.
Willm Maris the sonne of Thomas Maris by Elenor his wife was buryed June the 18th.
Edward Holbrooke was buryed June the 19th.
Elizabeth Ashwin widow was buried July ye 20th.

Jonathan Coore Cur’t to Mr Tomkins Rector.
Henry Pyrkes, Richard Haines – Churchwardens.

Image d2033
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript taken out of the Register booke of Harvington in the county and Dioces of Worcester for the yeare 1681.


Alice the Daughter of John Tayler bapt. July 3.
Will. the son of Tho. Mayris bapt August 7th.
Elianor the daughter of Jonathan Mayris bapt December 18th.
Tho: the son of Tho: Dyer bapt Decemb 18th.
Mathew son of ffrancis Tustin bapt Jan 27.

Weddings – none.


John Pratt buried July 10th.
John son of John Johnsons buried January 11th.
John Beard buried March the 22th.

Step Bradley Cur: Tho Pilkington, Willm Holbrooke.

Image d2034
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A true Register of all Marriages Christenings and burialls in ye parish of Harvington in the year 1682.


Matthew Holbrook & Ann Perks were married the 16th of Aprill 1682.
Tho: Applebee & Alice Wills were married the 17th of Aprill 1682.
Joseph Bradley & Mary Cox were married the 13th of July 1682.
Peter Creed & Elizabeth Bradley were married ye 2d of February 1682.


Richard Evetts ye sonn of Richard Evetts by Ann his wife was baptized March ye 4th 1682.
Jonathan Maris ye sonne of Jonathan Maris by Mary his wife was baptized March ye 20.
Mary Bradley ye Daughter of Stephen Bradley by Mary his wife was baptized July ye 27 1682.


Mary Bradley wife of Step: Bradley was buried August ye 22d 1682.
John Wills was buried September ye 5th 1682.
Anna Maris ye wife of Tho: Maris was buried ye 5th of September 1682.
Susanna Abell Widdow was buried ffebruary ye 19th 1682.

Willm Holbrook, Tho: Pilkington – Churchwardens.
Step: Bradley Cur.

Image d2035
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A transcript of all ye Marriages Christenings and (blank) in ye Parish of Harvington in the year 1683.

Marriages – none


Judeth ye Daughter of Tho: Taylor by Judeth his wife was Baptized May ye 9th
Elenor ye Daughter of Henry Perks by Ann his wife was baptized June ye 1st.
Margaret ye Daughter of Tho: Johnson by Elizabeth his wife was baptized June ye 19th.
Joseph ye Sonne of Tho: Maris by Elenor his wife was baptized Octob: ye 10th.
Mary ye Daughter of Tho: Godfry by Mary his wife was Baptized Octob: ye 20th.
Tho: ye sonne of Matthew Holbrooke by Anne his wife was baptized Feb: ye 7th.


Valentine Abell was buried Aug: ye 9th.
Joane Pilkington was burried Sept: ye 1st.
Mary the Daughter of tho Godfry by Mary his wife was buried Octob. ye 21st.
Mary Paine was buried Decemb. ye 22.
Tho: ye sonne of Tho Tysoe by Elenor his wife was buried Febr. Ye 6th.

Step: Bradley Cur.
Tho: Tysoe, Matthew Holbrook – Churchwardens.

Image d2036
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript of all ye Marriages Christenings and burials in ye Parish of Harvington in ye year 1684.


Francis Huband & Frances Yearnold were married Octob: ye 9th.
Anthony Collett & Mary Pilkington were married November ye 12th.
John Bryenton & Martha Bradley were married Decemb. ye 30th.


George ye Sonne of George Rogers by Joane his wife was baptized Septemb. 22d.


Eleanor ye wife of Tho: Tysoe was buried March ye 24th.
John Tysoe was buried June ye 8th.
Mary ye wife of Tho: Huxly was buried Septr 15th.
John Clark was buried October ye 29th.
Jonathan Maries was buried Decembr 22d.
Jane Clark (Vagrant) was buried Janry 4th.

Step. Bradley. Cur.
Tho: Tysoe, Matt: Holbroock.

Image d2037
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A transcript of all Marriages Christenings & burials in ye parish of Harvington in ye year 1685.

Marriages – none.


Thomas ye sonne of Tho: Godfry by Mary his wife was baptized July 26th.
Benjamin ye sonne of Tho: Maris by Eleanor his wife was baptized Aug: 9th.
John ye sonne of Francis Huband by Frances his wife was baptized Septemb: 23d.
John ye sonne of John Sanders by Abigal his wife was baptized January ye 3d.


William Evetts was buried Septemb ye 1st.
Hannah Bunne was buried March ye 10th.
Mary ye wife of Edward Clark was buryed March ye 23d.

Step: Bradley Cur: Tho; Maris, Tho: Perks – Churchwardens.

Image d2038
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A True & pfect Transcript of all the Christenings Marriages & funerals that have been in ye pish of Harvington in the diocese of Worcester for ye yeare ending March 26 1687 [1686].


January 16. 1686 Elianor & Alice daughters of Wm Blackford.
February 20. Catherine ye daughter of John Taylor.
March 20. Elizabeth ye daughter of Francis Hubert Junr.


November 26. 1686 Thomas Baning & Isabel* (*No surname given after altered Elizabeth name).
Octobris 13. 1686 Joseph Ash & Mary ffield.
December 30. 1686 Thomas Rudge & Margaret Milner.


ffeb. 20. 1686 Catherine ye wife of John Taylor.
April 9. 1687 Elianor ye daughter of Wm Blackford.

Jo: Jephcott J.T.D. Rector.
Thomas Perkes, Tho: Maris – Churchwardens.

Image d2039
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript taken out of the Register Booke of the parish of Harvington of all the Marriages Christenings and burials that were in the years 1687


ffrancis the Son of ffrancis Balard by Mary his wife was baptized February the 26. 1687.


Elianer the Daughter of William Blackforde by Alice his wife was buried September 9th 1687.

John Wills, George Ewans – Churchwardens.

Dr Jephcot deb.

Image d2040
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript of the Christenings, Marriages and Burials that were in the parish of Harvington in the year 1688.


Katherine ye Daughter of Thomas Haines by Alice his wife was Baptized Apr. 15. 1688.
Elianer ye Daughter of Henry Pearkes by Anne his wife Baptized May 30th 1688.
Tisoe ye Sonne of William Blackford by Alice his wife Baptized July 5th 1688.
Michaell ye Sonne of John Sanders by Abigall his wife Baptized Septr 9th 1688.
Mary ye Daughter of Thomas Godfrey by Mary his wife Baptized Septr 20th 1688.
Francis the Sonne of Thomas Whight by Mary his wife Baptized Octobr 14th 1688.
Henry the Sonne of ffrancis Huband by Frances his wife Bapt December 23d 1618.
Roger the Sonne of Jonathan Maris by Mary his wife was Bapt ffebry 6th 1688.

Marriages – none.


Alice the wife of Thomas Haynes was buried April 21st 1688.
Mr Gyles Harward Buried April 24 1688.
William the Sonne of John Evets buried Septr 19th 1688.
The Widdow Godfrey Buried Octobr 30th 1688.
The Widdow Evets buried Janury 17. 1688.

Jo: Jephcott Rector. John Wills, Geeorge Ewans – Churchwardens.

Image d2041
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript of the Christenings Marriages and Burialls that were in the Parish of Harvington in the year in the year of our Lord 1689 taken out of the Register booke for the said Parish by us whose names are subscribed.


John ye son of George Rogers by Joan his wife was Baptized July 21st 1689.
George ye Son of Thomas Maris by Elianer his wife was Baptized Sept. 22d 1689.
William ye Son of john Evetts by Ann his wife was Baptized Decber 8th 1689.
Thomas ye Son of George Ewans by Hannah his wife was Baptized January 28th 1689.
Mary ye Daughter of ffrancis Ballard by Mary his wife was Baptized Feb. 27th 1689.

Marriages – none.


Anne Darby widow was buryed November 16th 1689.
Richard Hains was buryed November 19th 1689.

Thomas Pilkinton, Thomas Hains – Churchwardens.

Image d2042
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A copy or Transcript of the Christenings Marriages and burials which were in the Parish of Harvington Diocese of Worcester, A.D. 1690.


April ye 16th was baptized Eleanor Doughty the daughter of Joseph Doughty and Ann Fluck.
May ye 15th was baptized Eleanor the daughter of William Blackford and Alice his wife.
June ye 1st was baptized Samuel the son of John Sanders and Abigaill his wife.
November ye 23d was baptized Elisabeth the daughter of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife.


November ye 19th were married Allen Farmar of Evesham and Mary Watts of Harvington.
December ye 4th were Married John Huband and Elisabeth Smith.

Burialls 1690

May ye 21st was buried Eleanor the daughter of W. Blackford.
January 4th was buried Hannah the wife of George Ewans.
January ye 6th was buried Margaret the wife of Edward Hollbrooke.

Moses Hodges Rect. Ibid.
The marks of Thomas Pilkington, Thos. Hains – Churchwardens.

Image d2043
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Coppy or Transcript of the register book of the parish of Harvington for the year of our Lord God 1691. Anno Regni Willielmi et Marie Regis et Regina Anglia etc. 3to et 4to.


Anne the daughter of John Huband and Elisabeth his wife was baptized upon the 18th day of October.

Marriages – none.

Burialls Alice the daughter of John Taylor was buried on the said 11th day of June.
Mr Kempe Harward was buried on the 3d day of November.
Anne the Daughter of John Huband was buried the 14th day of November.
John Johnsons was buried upon the 18th day of March. 1691.

Image d2044
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript or Coppy of the Register booke of the parish of Harvington for the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety and two.

Christenings – 1692.

Mary the daughter of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptized upon the 6th day of April.
Margaret the daughter of Francis Hughes and Margaret his wife was baptized upon the 16th day of October.
James the son of John Sanders and Abigaill his wife was baptized upon the said 16th day of October.
Francis the Son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptized upon the 30th day of January.

Marriages 1692.

Thomas Fort of Bengworth and Mary Cotton of Evesham were married the seventh day of August. Licence being 1st obtained.

Burials 1692.

Frances the wife of John Ellits was buried upon the 22d day of July 1692.
Mrs Margaret Harward was buried upon the last day of August.
Mary the daughter of Mr Hughes a Londoner and Ann his wife was buried upon the 20th day of November.
Thomas Huxly was buried upon the fifth day of March. Harvington 1692. Signature Tho. Pearks, Ed. Howbrook – Churchwardens.

Image d2045
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Coppy or Transcript of the Register booke for the Parish of Harvington in the Diocese of Worcester for the year one Thousand Six hundred ninety and three.

Christenings - 1693

Anne the daughter of Francis Huband and Frances his wife was baptized upon the ninth day of May.
Thomas the Son of John Huband and Elizabeth his wife was baptized upon the thirteenth day of September.
Hannah the daughter of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was baptized upon the 17th day of September.
Joice the daughter of William Smith and Joice his wife was baptized upon the twenty fourth day of September.
John the Son of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptized upon ye twenty second day of October.
Frances the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptized upon the seventeenth day of December.

Marriages – none.


James the son of John Sanders was buried upon the 27th day of April.
Francis the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was buried upon the first day of October.
John the son of William Blackford and Alice his wife was buried upon the twenty first day of November.
Joane Forrest Widdow was buried upon the twenty eighth day of November.
Mrs Mary Harward widdow was buried upon the fourteenth day of December.
Frances the daughter of John Ellits was buried upon the seventh day of January.
Mary Johnsons widdow was buried upon the tenth day of February.

Moses Hodges Rector.
Tho: Haines, Wm Blackford – Churchardens.

Image d2046
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
An exact Coppy of the Register of the parish of Harvington in the County and Diocese of Worcester for the year 1694.


1694 - Martha the daughter of Moses Hodges Rector of this church and Martha his wife was baptised upon the twenty fifth day of May.
1694 – John the Son of Thomas Godfrey and Mary his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of June.
1694 – John the Son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptised upon the first day of July.
1694 – Mary the daughter of Henry Perkes and Anne his wife was baptised upon the seventh day of November.
1694 – Thomas the Son of Thomas Johnson and Hannah his wife was baptised upon the sixteenth day of January. Thomas Johnson the Great Grandfather and Thomas Johnson the Grandfather of the child being godfathers.
1694 – Elisabeth the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptised upon the thirty first day of January.
1694 – Anne the daughter of Andrew Tailor and Elisabeth his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of March.
1694 – Henry the Son of Henry Clarke and Elisabeth his wife was baptised upon the nineteenth day of March.


1694 – Andrew Tailor of this Parish and Elisabeth of the Parish of Middle Littleton were married upon the first day of June, the Banns being first thrice publisht.


1694 – Anne the wife of Francis Huband the elder was buried upon the first day of April.
1694 – Sarah the daughter of William Smith was buried on the sixth day of June.
1694 – Mary the daughter of Henry Perkes was buried upon the twelfth day of November.
1694 – Anne Abel widdow was buried upon the 21st day of November.
1694 – John Bearne was buried upon the second day of January.

Moses Hodges Rector. Tho Haines, Will Blackford.

Image d2047
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript of the Register of the Parish of Harvington in the County and Diocese of Worcester for the year of our Lord 1695.

Births and Baptisings.

1695 – Mary the daughter of Edward Hemming and Mary his wife was baptised upon the seventeenth day of April.
1695 – Moses the son of William Smith and Joice his wife was borne upon the twenty sixth day of July and baptised upon the fifteenth day of August.
1695 – John the son of Thomas Maris and Eleanor his wife was borne upon the seventeenth day of August and was baptised upon the same day.
1695 – John the son of Thomas Pardway junior and Eleanor his wife was borne upon the eighteenth and baptised upon the nineteenth day of January.


1695 – William Yate and Anne Houghton were married upon the sixth day of May. Both being of the Parish of Arrow and the Banns there thrice publisht.
1695 – John Chamberlaine and Eleanor Marshall both of Salford parish were married upon the third day of May. Licence being first obtained.


1695 – Elisabeth Gunn was buried upon the twenty fifth day of March.
1695 – Thomas the son of John Huband was buried upon the twenty sixth day of May.
1695 – Mary the daughter of Mary Hemming was buried upon the twenty third day of June.
1695 – John the son of Thomas Maris was buried upon the twenty fourth day of August.
1695 – Eleanor the wife of Thomas Pearce senior was buried upon the second day of September.
1695 – Henry the son of Henry Clarke was buried upon the third day of October.

Moses Hodges Rect. John Emes, William Abell – Churchwardens.

Image d2048
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript or Coppy of ye Register booke of ye Parish of Harvington in the County & Diocese of Worcester in ye rear of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety six.

Births and Baptisings

1696 – Thomas ye son of John Osborston & Margaret his wife was borne on ye twentye second day of Aprill & baptised upon the third day of May.
1696 – Hester ye daughter of Edward Huband & Hester his wife was borne uppon the nineteenth day of June 6 baptis'd uppon ye twenty first day of June.
1696 – Thomas ye son of ffrancis Huband & ffrances his wife was borne uppon the thirty first day of August & baptis'd uppon ye sixth day of September.
1696 – Robert ye son of Thomas Johnson & Hannah his wife was borne uppon ye seventh day and baptis'd uppon ye twelfth day of September.
1696 – Anne ye daughter of Henry Clarke & Elizabeth his wife was borne uppon ye Nyneth and baptis'd uppon ye fifteenth day of September.
1696 – Frances ye daughter of John Ellits & Anne his wife was borne uppon ye Twenty second day and baptis'd uppon ye twenty fifth day of September.
1696 – Mary ye daughter of Moses Hodges (Doctor of Divinity) and Martha his wife was borne uppon ye twenty fifth and baptis'd uppon ye Twenty sixth day of September. 1696 – Eleanor ye daughter of John Huband & Elisabeth his wife was borne uppon the Third & baptis'd uppon ye eight day of November.
1696 – John ye son of ffrancis Hughes & Margaret his wife was borne uppon the Twenty second & baptis'd uppon ye Twenty Nineth.
1696 – Eleanor ye daughter of Thomas Maris & Eleanor his wife was borne uppon ye Twenty fourth day of February & was baptis'd ye third day of March.
1696 – Thomas ye son of John Fletcher & Anne his wife saw borne uppon the Twenty sixth day of February & was baptis'd uppon the Nyneth day of March.

Image d2049
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Marriages - 1696

1996 – Thomas Hooman of ye parish of Hampton & Joane Rudge of the parrish of Norton & Lenchwick were married on ye Twenty Eight day of January ye Banns being publishd in their respective Parrishes according to Law.


1696 – Mris Alice Ferriman was buried uppon ye twenty seventh daye of Januarye.
1696 – Eleanor ye wife of Thomas Maris was buried uppon ye third daye of March.
1696 – George the son of Thomas Maris was buried uppon the Twentyeth daye of March.

Examind and taken by me – Moses Hodges Rector.
John Emes, William Abell – Churchwardens.

Image d2050
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript or Copy of the Register booke of the parish of Harvington in the County of Worcester for the year one thousand six hundred ninety and seven.

Births & Baptisings.

1697 – John the Son of Andrew Tailor and Elisabeth his wife was borne the twenty seventh and baptisd upon the twenty eighth day of April.
1697 – Henry the son of Henry Perkes junior and Anne his wife was borne upon the fifth and baptisd upon the eighth day of July.
1697 – Edward the Son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife baptisd upon the nineteenth day of December being borne of the tenth of the same.
1697 – Anne the daughter of Edward Parsons and Sarah his wife was borne upon the seventh and baptisd upon the sixteenth day of February.
1697 – Thomas the Son of Thomas Winn and Mary his wife was borne upon the seventh and baptisd upon the nineteenth day of February.


1697 – Edward Parsons and Sarah Pearce were married upon the fourth day of May, the Banns being thrice publishd according to law.
1697 – Thomas Winn and Mary Johnson both of this Parish were married on the twenty eighth day of September the Banns being thrice publish according to law.
1697 – John Haines of the Parish of Norton and Lettice Poydross of this Parish were married on the twenty ninth day of September the Banns being publisht first according to Law.


1697 – Hannah the daughter of Thomas Johnson was buried upon the 14th day of April.
1697 – Sibyl the wife of Thomas Johnson Senior was buried upon the eighteenth day of April.
1697 – Thomas Johnson senior was buried upon the twenty fourth day of April.
1697 – Thomas Godfrey was buried upon the second day of September.

Image d2051
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
1697 - Mary the wife of Thomas Pardway senior was buried upon the twelfth day of January.

Moses Hodges Rector. Thomas X (the mark of) Pilkington, Thomas Haines - Churchwardens.

Image d2052
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Transcript of the Register of the Parish of Harvington of the year 1698.

Baptisings – 1698

1698 – Thomas the son of Thomas Pardway junior and Eleanor his wife was borne upon the thirty first day of March and baptisd upon the tenth day of April.
1698 – Adam the son of Thomas Johnson & Hannah his wife was borne upon the twenty second and baptised upon the 24th day of July.
1698 – Richard the son of John Ellits and Anne his wife was borne and baptisd upon the seventh day of November.
1698 – Richard the son of William Smith and Joice his wife was born upon the tenth and baptisd upon the 12th day of February.
1698 – John the son of John Fletcher and Anne his wife was borne and baptised upon the twenty first day of February.

Marriages in the year 1698

1698 – Thomas Osborson and Sarah Grimmet both of the parish of Bidford were married on the twentieth day of September the Banns being first publisht thrice in the Parish Church of Bidford.
1698 – John Quarrel of the Parish of Church Lench and Anne Emmes of this Parish were married upon the twenty ninth day of September the Banns being thrice publish according to Law.
1698 – Matthew Mills and Mary Rose both of the Parish of Alcester were married upon the eighteenth day of March by Licence.

Burials for the year 1698

1698 – Thomas the son of Thomas Pardway junior was buried upon the third day of July.
1698 – Margaret Tysoe widow was buried upon the nineteenth day of August.
1698 – Joan Cox widow was buried upon the twenty third day of August.
1698 – Richard the son of John Ellits was buried upon the eleventh day of November.
1698 - John Hughes a poore servant was buried upon the twenty third day of February.

4d Rec.

Moses Hodges Rector. Thomas Pilkington, Thomas Haines – Churchwardens.

Image d2053
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A transcript of the Register of Harvington for the year of our Lord 1699.


1699 – Elizabeth the daughter of John Bodilee and Ann his wife was born upon the fourth and baptizd upon the 19th day of April.
1699 – John the son of John Osborson and Margaret his wife was born upon the 19th and baptizd upon the twenty fifth of May.
1699 – Richard the son of Edward Huband and Hester his wife was baptizd upon the 3d day of September.
1699 – Edward the son of Henry Clarke and Elizabeth his wife was baptizd upon the 28th day of October.
1699 – Anne the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptizd upon the 28th day of November.
1699 – Mary the daughter of Thomas Pardway jun. and Eleanor his wife was baptizd upon the 14th day of January.
1699 – Thomas the son of John Huband and Elizabeth his wife was baptizd upon the 21st day of February.
1699 – Thomas the son of William Blackford and Alice his wife was baptizd upon the ninth day of March.
1699 – Cornelius the son of Thomas Winn and Mary his wife was baptizd upon the 17th day of March.

Marriages 1699

1699 – William Huxly and Mary Gold both of Evesham were married upon the 20th day of June by Licence.
1699 – Thomas Pardway senr and Susannah Tailor both of this parish were married upon the twenty sixth day of June the Banns being first thrice publishd.
1699 – Francis Huband senr of this parish and Ann Roff of the parish of All Saints in Evesham were married upon the 30th day of July, the Banns being first thrice published.

Image d2054
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
Burials 1699

1699 - Anne the daughter of John Ellits was buried upon the Seventh day of December.
1699 - Joseph Johnsons was buried upon the tenth day of January.
1699 - Henry Perkes Senior was buried upon the twenty ninth day of February.

Moses Hodges Rector of Harvington. Henry Perkes, Richard Walker - [Churchwardens].

Image d2055
Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
A Copy or Transcript of the Register of the Parish of Harvington in the County and Diocese of Worcester for the year of our lord 1700.


1700 – Mary the daughter of Thomas White and Hannah his wife of Bromicham was baptizd upon ye 21st day of April.
1700 – William the son of Peter Haines Citizen of London and Ann his wife was baptizd upon the 29th day of August.
1700 – Hannah the daughter of Thomas Johnson jun. and Hannah his wife was baptizd upon the 8th day of September.
1700 – Anne the daughter of John Ellits and Anne his wife was baptizd upon the 9th day of October.
1700 – Mary the daughter of Francis Hughes and Margaret his wife was baptizd upon the eleventh day of October.
1700 – Eleanor the daughter of Thomas Pardway sen. And Susanah his wife was baptizd upon the 13th day of October.
1700 – Anne the daughter of John Fletcher and Anne his wife was baptized upon the 11th day of January.
1700 – Thomas the son of Thomas Blondel and Mary his wife was baptized upon the twenty sixth day of January.
1700 – Elizabeth the daughter of Andrew Taylor and Elizabeth his wife was baptized upon the 13th day of February.
1700 – Elizabeth the daughter of Thomas Winn and Mary his wife was baptized upon the fifteenth day of March.


1700 – Thomas Sperry of the Parish of Hampton and Anne Marshal of this Parish were married upon the 23d of April, the Banns being first thrice publishd.


1700 – Cornelius the son of Thomas Winn was buried upon the twenty seventh day of March.
1700 – Francis Huband senior was buried upon the fifth day of June.

Image d2056

Book three:           Bishop's Transcripts.
1700 – Anne the daughter of John Ellits was buried on the 10th day of October.
1700 – Richard the son of Edward Huband was buried on the 19th day of October.
1700 – Thomas Dyer was buried upon the third day of December.

1700 – William the son of John Evetts was buried upon the fourteenth day of January.
1700 – John Taylor was buried upon the 14th day of February.
1700 – Susanna the wife of Thomas Pardway senior was buried upon the twenty sixth day of February.
1700 – Thomas Pardway senior was buried on the 14th day of March.
1700 – Mary Godfrey widow was buried on the 16th day of March.
1700 – Elizabeth the daughter of Andrew Taylor was buried upon the 16th day of March.
1700 – Eleanor the wife of Thomas Pardway was buried the 24th day of March.

Moses Hodges Rector. Henry Perks, Richard Worker – Churchwardens.


Image d2057