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Dr Peter Prattington (1771-1840) was an antiquary who lived in Bewdley and spent thirty years gavering historical material for Worcestershire. He never published his work, which was deposited in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries in London and is now contained in a series of bound volumes. Some years ago the manuscript was microfilmed by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, a copy of which was given to Worcestershire Record Office. Much of his material is arranged by parish and it is the section on Harvington which interests us here.

The microfilms are on open shelves: box 27 includes Harvington's incumbents and is dealt with under the history of the rectors of Harvington; box 13 (volume 18), includes Parochial notes etc., in which there is a section on Harvington; box 42 contains an extensive index to Worcestershire's clergy. Unfortunately, although Prattinton's hand writing is generally good, it is often small and faint. Most of his eclectic mix of material has been gathered from sources such as Nash's History of Worcestershire. The origins of his material, generally written in the margins, are difficult to decipher. Other sources were the unpublished material of Thomas Habington who died in 1647, and the works of Dr Charles Littelton etc. His reference to Church Notes may refer to his own possible visit to Harvington on 26th August 1812. Following are the 23 images/pages relating to Harvington.

The first part of this section deals with early records of Harvington, in particular Anglo-Saxon charters, often taken from duplicate sources. The latter part deals mostly with memorials and items inside the church and is of particular value in that it records what was in the church on 26th August 1812 possibly referring to Dr Prattinton own visit the church - a long time before Revd Winnington Ingram's major restoration in the 1850s. The main revelations are unrecorded memorials dedicated to the Revd Hodges family; the wife of a previous cleric; the mention of the 'singers' (minstels) gallery and the vestiges of the rood screen.
Julian Rawes, Crooked Walls, 2023.

Nash's History of Worcestershire
Carlisle's Topographical Dictionary
Hemming's Cartulary
Habington manuscript for Worcestershire
Lyttelton manuscript Church Notes 26th Aug. 1812


Image 1:

Hab Ms v.2:-
Hereforton. Now corruptly called Harvington.

This towne is richly seated in the Vale of Evesham bounding east & north Sawford Com. Warcs. & there confining our shire, west on Churchlench & all here well neighboured with wood, the greatest want of the vale & not encumber'd with foul ways this country's infamy & south it lieth on the fair meadows of the River of Avon which divideth it from Cleeve Prior & Offenham.

Nash v.1. p.576:-
Harvington in the middle division of the Oswaldslow Hundred.

Carlisle Top Dict.:-
locally situate in the upper division of the hundred of Blakenhurst.
bounded East by Cleeve & Littleton north by Sawford & the Lenches, west by Norton & Lenchwick, south by the pastures on the banks of the river of Avon, dividing it from Offenham.

Exton 1742:-
Halverton alias Harvington

Image 2:

Nash v.1. p.5 - Eliz. (1563) / 576:-
It contained 20 families, now 49 according to the Returns made to Bishop North AD 1776

Carlisle Top. Dict.:-
The Resident population of the Parish in 1801 was 262.

Nash Ibid>:-
It pays to the Land Tax at 4d in the pound. 85.13.8.

Nash Ibid:-
It paid to the poor in the year, 1775. 66£.

Carlisle Top Dict.:-
The money raised by the Parish Rates in 1603 was 272.8.5½ at 5s.7d in the pound

Image 3:

Harvington - from Heming [Hemming's Cartulary]

316 - Possessions of the Monks
314 - List of Oswaldslow Hundred
329 - Deneberts Grant
347 - Saxon Boundaries
390 - Deneberts Gift recorded
392 - Boundary
499 - Boundary
520 - Oswaldslow Deed
572 - Death of Denebertus
575 - Monastic Verses
for - Wiburgestoke a place mentioned with Hereforton

Image 4:


Heming's Cartulary
" " tun

Wiburgestoke' acl, Wiburga Stoke.

306 - Ipia Ecclesia tenet. Herefortun cum Wiburgestoke ibi 3. hid: geld.

314 - Ibd Hertortune c. Wiburga Stoke 3 hid.

329 - Deneberht Bp of Worcester gives the land at Hereforda of which the quantity is two cassati - to Eanswith for life if she survives him, - to repair & keep clean the Indumentum (cloths) of the church & renew, & on her death to return to the church. Witn: Eadger, Eadberht.

392 - Dio Herefordtune, (Bp Wolstan's catalogue of the Possessions of the Church, as Heads of Chapters concerning each.

499 - Domesday - here called Herferthun.

520 - -- -- utem Herefortun juxta auenam juro supplendo ut diximus

572 - obituary Anno 822 Deneberht 9th Bp died qui ledil. nobis de Patrononico suo manerium de Herfortune.

575 - Monastic vones[?] - Herfortone patre nobis datur a Deneberhto

347 - Saxon Boundaries

390 - Deneberthus Herefordtun 814.f144. (Names of persons who gave Land to the Church. Query this reference.

Dis synd tha land gemaera to Hereforda. ærest
andlang auene Þ tut eumeth to Wistanes bryge &
Þonon æfter tham broce Þ hit cymeth to heopan
hylle. of tham hylle Þ hit cymeth to heoram
of Þællan tham Þ æfter tham sice to hunig streote Þ thær eft
innon auene.

Nash v. pp:-
These are the boundaries at Hereforda - first along Avon where it cometh to Wistans Brige &
thence after that brook, whence it cometh to Heapan (Sycamore) Hill from the Hill the Hill
thence it cometh Crærsa Well thr beside that drain to hunig Hommes Street & there again into Avon.

Image 5:

Hereforda was the original name at least that is the name in Deneberht's gift. Denebeht died in 822 - his Deeds conveyed from the Church for one life - viz. to Eanswithe, who was to mend clean & renew the Church vest----[?] the quantity 2 cassetti which after appear to be reckoned hides.

Image 6:

These are the land boundaries to Hereforda - first is along Avon that it cometh to Wistans Bridge & thereon after that brook that hit cometh to Heapan hill from that hill that it cometh with crærsa well & after that to honnig hommes streote & there after into Avon.

Image 7:

Nash v. 2>-
This being the patrimony of Deneberhtes the ninth bishop of Worcester was by him as a dower to his spouse the church of Worcester about the year of Christ 800.

King Edgar receiving this from all worldly exactions doth enfranchise it with the Liberties of Oswaldslow Hundred.

-----uger) and Walter Bishop of Worcester doth confirm to the Priory & Religious Houses here also thieir ancient tithes and though they were disturbed in the possessions of them by Sir Richard de Pipplinton knight yet the pope delegating the controversy to be heard and determined by Willm de Udum ("Verdun" Thos) archdeacon of Gloucester, Thomas de Fornaco (Fornais Thos) Canon of Wells & Thomas, parson of All Hallowes (Rr of All Sts Thos) (a) the knight desisted & confessed the fault.

in margin - (An 1200 - Temp Rc. - M. Episcopo Wig.) [A.D. 1200, temp. Rich.I. D. ct Cap. f.52.]

---n Hab Ms:-
(a) before him this knight confessed the tithes to belong to the church of Worcester & renounced all his right & title to the same & Alardus Ruppe cler. to whom the aforesaid Sir Richard had given the said Tithes renounced also his right & title to the same Mauger Bishop by his Deed testified & confirmed the same. R. Dee & Cap . f.52.

Image 8:

Hab v. 2:-
In another like Commission from Pope Gregory (a) to the Priory of Malvern & Isseley (Estley I think) Sir Thomas Rupe (of Herforton) knight being accused by the Prior & Monks of Worcester for troubling them in taking the Tithes of the knights own demesnes in Herforton, the matter was so ended ss this Knight (b) secured the Priory for the dafe enjoying of the said tithes by his Oath & deed. Witnessed by Dominicus Mauritius Pincerna de Oversley (Sir Maurice Butler or Botiler (Estley near Aulcester) of Ouresley now Ousley I think) &c. Thos which I write not only to shew the state of this Manor & Patronage, but also what men of worth then lived here whose names are now buries in silence.

-----[?] in Hab. Ms.
(a) dated at Rc ate. 7. Kal Ap, 6th year of his Pontificate 1232.
(b) [nothing]

----n in Hab. Ms / --- Reg. 1. Dec & / --- of IIb iiia:-
promised bona fide that the Priory should quietly enjoy the said tithes & that neither he
nor his men should give them any molestation therein & he bound himself with an oath
to perform the same, & himself his heirs & successors in a penalty of an 100sh.

Image 09:

--y 73 d / Job IV 6 b [Domesday Book]:-
The land of the church of Worcester. The same church holds Herfertham
cum Wiburgestoke. There are three hides geldable. In demesne are two
carucates & twelve villans & three Borders with six carucates.
There are four servants & one maid acres of meadow. It was & is worth fifty shillings.

Image 10:

Nash v.1. p.576:-
With the Priory it continued till the Dissolution, soon after which it was given >br> to the Dean & Chapter & the manor belongs to them at present.

The Custom of the manor was for the Lord, who is the Dean & Chapter of Worcester
to grant three lives in possession & three Reversion - the widow to
have her free Bench - a deads year - fines arbitrary. Upon death of
every Tenant in possession in herriot due. - Here is a Court Leet
& Court Baron. The full improved value of all the :-
Leaseholds 41 12s 1;
Copyholds 130 9s 11.

This is taken from the parliamentary survey made in the time of Oliver Crom-
well; at present the Chapter only grant for four lives: two in possession
and two in reversion.

Harvington lock & weir has been repaired with some of the payments & as it is
said ever the Statues from Evesham Abbey. Irelands Views on the Avon 8vo. p.228.

Image 11:


Arch Deacon of Glou[cester]
Thomas de Furnais Canon of Wills
Parson of All Saints

Richd de Pipplinton
Qu. Mauger or Walter
Sir Thomas Rupe
Sir Maurice Butler

Walter de Gray 1214
Mauger Bishop 1198

Mon:[?] of Sir Thoms
Church Lench Sir Wm Keyt.
Atch Lench. Dean of Westmr.

The mill in Demesne - is there still one.

---- of Harvington sd to be taken from Evesham Abbey [in pencil and faint]

In the Saxon Boundaries we have Wiburgestoke
Wistans Bridge
Heoren - Hill or sycamore Hill
Crærsa well or Creswell
Hunig mannes street or Hunigham street.

[Nash, Lenches - Churchlench, v.2. p.80. 38 Ed. I. it was the manor of William Rudulf c. This Ruculf was probably the same with Rupe, a knightly family in these parts. Sir Thomas Rupe had lands in Harvington. Ed.]

Image 12:

Hab Ms v.2:-
The College of Worcester presenteth to this Rectory & so hath the Priory formerly done
as before is manifest

Nash v.5 p.576 Exton 1742:-
A Rectory in the Deanery of Pershore

Thos Pah & Ine:-
Eccla de Herforton vol. 10. Marcas. Præter hoc porcio Ptions Wygorm in decimis
1291. 19. Ed.1.
Perceptis & retentis vol. 25s Præter hoc . . . . . vol. 1. Mare

Nash v.1. p. xiii - 1291. 19. Ed. 1:-
Ecca de Herforton (-)
Pret' groc pore. per. Wygorn in x. retent - papt.
Pret h in pecunia.
Taxal Decim
10m. 1.m.
25d 2s 6d
1m 16d
(t) abbatis. A[hngd
Prior Book Ms & Tlow -[?].

Thos Pah & Ine)
K Exton 1742 )
& C-----[?] Ms. ) - It is valued in the Kings books at 15 . 6 . 8. Tenths 1 - 10 - 8.

Exton 1742., Prox & Syn Eprise iiis.
Nash v.1.p div.
Bishops Procurations 2.8
Archdeacons 2.0
Pentecostals .4½

Image 13:

A pointed niche in south wall behind the pulpit.
Upon seats with sentences of scripture carved in capitals on their tops
the date of 1582 occurs on them in several places & in one instance
the minute addition of 24 Januani. I Kempe & G strikeland were also carved on them.

Image 14:

Nash v.1 p.576:-
The church is dedicated to St James.

Exton 142:-
Church & Chancel not ----ed[?].

There are six windows in the chancel. Several fragments of painted glass in the angles of the windows.

Chancel flagged, several glazed tiles.

In the south wall of chancel a piscina with trefoil head the upper part serving as shelf.

Font of stone round on a round base, very deep, leaded.

Remains of a rood loft screen handsomely carved.

A corbel in Mr Williams seat, against wall dividing the church & chancel.

In the chancel there was a herse.

Modern singing Gallery.

Church notes:-
There is a clock & three bells.
On the 1st Jesus be our sped 1625
2nd Soli deo gloria pax hominibus. John Holbrook, Valentine Abill. C. W.
3d Modern - John Rudhall Gloucester Fecit 1805.

Nash V1, p.577:-
The register begins in the year, 1570 when Mr Thomas Ferryman was Rector. He was four years domestic chaplain to Bishop Nicholas (Heath) & was with him August 8. 1575 when Queen Elizabeth came to the Bishops Palace at Worcester & stayed there a whole week in the parish. See the Parish Register. [In righthand margin] ---- in list of ----- book[?]

Image 15:

Church notes Aug 26 1812:-
Benefaction table in Harvington Church.
These several Persons hereafter mentioned have in their Christian Charity given
to the use of the Poor of this Parish of Harvington to remain as a stock for
ever, and the increase hereof to be distributed on Good Friday by the
Minister and Church wardens yearly: particularly are as follows.
William Clark 1605 gave Forty shillings.
Margaret Wilkes 1614 gave Forty shillings.
John Wilkes 1619 gave Forty shillings. Mr Thomas Ferriman Rector 1619 gave Forty shillings.
Elizabeth Wilkes Widow 1619 gave Forty shillings.
Mr Thomas Ferriman jun: Rector 1623 gave Twenty shillings.
Mr Heynes 1692 gave Twenty shillings.
William Wilkes gave Twenty shillings.
Mr Robert Harward gave forty shillings.
Mr Giles Harward 1688 gave five Pounds.
The above sums joined to their Interest for some few years, and
certain contributions among the Parishioners, purchased 120L in the
Four Per Cent Government Annuities June 18 1796.
Mr Wilson Marshall gave Five Guineas to be added to the above stock
Dec. 5th 1807.

Image 16:

Hab. Ms v.2:-
In this church on the south wall of the chancel is an escutchion without colour of three horse heads with necks couped & bridled, within a border engrailed. These are with colours in the choir of Worcester's cathedral church given by Mr Thomas Ferryman once prebend there. But in Hereforton one hath set over him a memorial in English rhyme which because its bitterly glanceth against his ancient Familiers I think best to be omitted.

His son Thomas Ferryman is buried with the same arms. On the east wall of the chancel both lately Parsons of Hereforton.

----[?] in Hab. Ms:-
* Upon the death of Mr Thomas Ferryman the younger pastor of this church

Both just yet neither of them vape the Grave
I was their friend for now they ever be
In Heaven enjoying each ones company. F.R.
We have coveted no names silver nor gold nor apparel Acts.20.33.

[?]Thos in Hab. Ms:-
On a freestone monument (with two pillars against south wall of chancel, arms, at top, three horse heads erased with a border engrailed)

Mr Thomas Ferryman near 48 years Rector of this church & Prebendary of
Worcester Was buried near this, on the 8th day of July AD 1619 Ętat suæ

He was a:-
(Faithful Minister
(Prudent Peacemaker
Humble Christian.

Church notes Aug 26 1812:-
[On a tablet below - The memory of yr just is blessed but ye remembrance of ye wicked
shall rot. Pro: 10.7.]

The memory of ye just is blessed, but ye Remembrance of ye wicked
shall rot pro: 10:7.

Church Notes 26th Aug 1812
* These verses are on a stone tablet set into the East Wall of the Chancel. The Arms are not visible.

Image 17:

Church Notes:-
(a) impaling Parti per saltire an eagle displayed in chief & another in balls[?].

Image 18:

Thos[?] in Hab Ms. / Church Notes Aug 26 1812:-
On a marble stone below communion Rails

Arms 3 crescents in a canton a crown impaling a fess lozengy between two Ea
gles displayed. - Mary the widow of Moses Hodges of Sulgrave in the County
of Northampton was here interr'd April ye 29.1704, Aged 83.
They both liv'd & dyed in the fear & favour of God & in constant communion
with the Church of England as by law established. The Remains of this Gen
tle woman were removed to Sulgrave 1724.

(On another next to it. Inscriptions in lozenges.)
John the / son / Moses Hodges DD. / died Nov. 3rd 1706 aged / 2. yeares and four / months.

Eleanor / the daughter of / Moses Hodges DD / died April 18. 1707. Aged 8 months.

(On another near the north entrance of chancel. Stone decaying Date of the year gone.)
Hic tremulatar Maria Uxor (una cum filea) Stephani Bradeley clici. quð de hae. vita. myravit Aug. 20 1682.

In the Body of the church lie several of the Harwards under flat stones.

1: Here lieth the Body of Mr Kemp Harward, who departed this life the 29th of August 1673

2: Mary widdow of Mr Kemp Harward ye elder, she died the 7th of December 1693 aged 80

2nd Row.
1: Here lieth the Body of Mr Kemp Harward who departed this life October 30. 1691

2:Here lieth the Body of Mr Giles Harward who departed this life the 19th April 1688

3: The Revd Edward Williams departed this life 24th of December 1788 in the
sixty fourth year of his age

3rd Row.
1: Margaret ye Daughter of Mr Kemp Harward ye elder died the 23rd of August 1692
aged 33.

2: Mary Harward Daughter of Mr Kemp Harward ye elder died ye 10th of January
1722/3 aged 76.

Image 19:

On a veined marble monument inlaid with suma, with a flamming man, against
the south wall of the church, near the singing Gallery.

Vault on other side of wall.

Near this place are deposited the remains of
Mary Ramell (form. Norris) wife of Thomas Ramell of Hampton Gent /
and Daughter of / Jonathan and Fritzwith Norris / of this place/
She departed this Life on the 23rd day of Sepr/1786 / In the 39th/. year of
her Age. / Distinguished by an amiableness of Manners / and
affability of deportment / Expressive of the truest excellence of
Heart. / Her Veneration for the Almighty / was exemplified by a
strict attention / to every moral and religious duty, / And the
many social qualities she exerted among her Friend and Neighbours /
have endear'd her Memory to all who Knew her, / Who with an
affectionate regards / excited by the remembrance of her Virtues / Sin
cerely Lament their loss.

In the east corner against North Wall of Church (in Mr Williams Seat)
in this Inscription on an oval white marble Tablet
Near this Place lie the Remains of the Revd Edward Willi
ams, Late Rector of Chastleton in the County of Oxford, who departed this
life ye 24th of Dec. 1788, Aged 64 Years. He was the son of the Revd
Andrew Williams & Rebecca his wife who was sister of Kemp Har
ward M.D. of Bourton on the Hill in the County of Gloucester.
Arms below - Gules three eagles displayed double headed sable & on an
Escutcheon of Presence. Azure a chevron between three crescents argent.

Image 20:

Nash. v.1. p.577:-
The Register begins in the year 1570 when Mr Thomas Ferryman was Rector.

Image 21:

Of the first two crescents of the second & chief one and in base. Crest on a
wreath a goats head (in bronze) erased langued gules; gorged with
ducal coronet or.

Moses Hodges D.D. was in Religious
and loyalty, an ornament to the Church
of England.
and by his orthodox preaching and pious
example a great encourager of all Christian
duties, especially that of Charity,
which crowned all his virtues.
Worn out with indefatigable pains
In the discharging of his parochial duty
as vicar of St Mary's in Warwick.
He retired to Harvington in the County of
where he was Rector, and resigned his soul
to God
Novr 21. 1724, in the 62 year of his age.
He married Martha, the daughter of John
Jephcott D.D.
by whom he left only four daughters, Mary,
Anna and Lydia. Martha the eldest being
married to Daniel
Danvers, Esq. but by his unspeakable grief
in his life time
as a testimony of their gratitude to the best
and dearest

[on side to left:-]
Arms Hodges impaling Jephcott viz.
azure on a fess argent three cocks heads erased, Gules
between 3 stars of eight points, Or.

[on side to right:-]
of Relations this monument was erected by
Martha, the widow and Mary the Daughter
of Moses Hodges, D.D.

Image 22:

Dr Moses Hodges Rector of Harvington.
An Epitaph in the church of Selgrave in the Co. Northampton
Against the south wall in the aisle of the church are three elegant
monuments in bas-relief of beautiful variegated marble orna
mented with Ionic columns and topped with urns burning viz. The
first of which is a joint monument, as may be understood by
the inscriptions following

To the memory of
John Hodges Esq and Moses
Hodges Doctor of Divinity
John Hodges of Sulgrave was
in Religion
an orthodox, conscientious, exemplary pro
in loyalty
an inflexible, zealous and dutiful subject
in private trust.
An active ------[?] and peaceful manager
in public charity
a wise liberal Christian Benefactor
Having trust and endowed a charity school for the poor children
with 4£ --[?] annum for ever, as also given to a -----[?] to be
Distributed in bread on 18d per day ---[?] Lords Day to the poor
families has only such as a -----[?] divine exempt service.
He departed this life Febry 8th 1723-4.
Arms for Hodges Or, in a canton Sable a ducal coronet of the first

Image 23:

[1] - Hereforton or Harvington

Sir Thos Rupe had lands here (Church Lench)

[2] - Worc -. Feb. 11 1818
Harvington. to be sold
Mr Edm. Smith v Corn Mills
lately erected
Paper mill let to Mr Phillips 50£ for
30 yrs from 1802.

[3] - Harvington The Tow ------[?] ford

(Nash. Up 1. ------[?]:-
q. from pref: to Hickes Thos)