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1952 & 1954


This is part of the material preserved by Mrs Edith Fisher the then Parish Clerk of Harvington. They were found in the attic of her house when it was being insulated at 7 Ragley Road Harvington where she lived until she died at the age of 93 in 1998. Her daughter Rosa and granddaughter Gillian wish these documents to be published for the village.

The material has been copied by Gillian as 54 pdf files and has been published and placed on the webpage called Parish Council.

The material is made up of three parts:-

  1. Coronation Minutes 1952-54 - an A5 exercise book of parish council notes relating to a coronation party held in 1953. The minutes were taken between the 11th November 1952 and 8th March 1954.
  2. List of Residents in 1949 - a small exercise book containing an electoral role of the village recorded, mostly in alphebetical order, between 11th November and 1st December 1949.
  3. Street Lighting - a number of documents relating to street lighting in the village in 1963.

Transcribed and arranged by Julian Rawes, Crooked Walls & Bryant Bayliffe of Brockworth, Glos.

images 125103 to 125457

PDF version of the original


[image 125103]

Harvington Parish meeting held on Tuesday the 11th November 1952

29 Parishioners were present
Chairman: - Mr R. L. Brazier

The Chairman explained that the meeting was called to discuss what arrangements should be made to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

The Rector explained that we should not to lose sight of the fact that the Coronation was a religious dedication, and he suggested that we begin the day with a religious service.

After further suggestions, the Rector made the following proposition, seconded by Mr R. L. Brazier.
The day to begin with a religious service. Tea & sports for the children. A tea for the old folks. A social & dance at night for adults only. It was agreed that the celebrations should

[image 125120 left]

take place on the day of the Coronation. It was agreed that a committee of 7 should be formed, with powers to co-op any other parishioners, and the following were elected.

Mrs R. L. Brazier    Mrs    Bayliss
  “    S. Cook         “    Brewer
  “    R. S. Coley     “    Shailer
  “    [Mr E] Gorin    “ F. Cresswell
  “    Haywood         “    Meredith

Revd Downey.

In order to avoid voting it was suggested that a committee of 7 be rescinded and a committee of 11 substituted. On being put to the meeting the voting was 27 in favour, 1 against.

It was agreed that the Committee should meet on Wednesday the 26th November 1952 at 7.15 pm.

E.H.Downey 26/11/52. Chairman [signed]


[image 125120 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee Meeting held on Wednesday November 26th 1952
The Rector the Revd E. H. Downey was elected Chairman on the proposition of Mr R L. Brazier, seconded by Mr R. S. Coley.
All members of the Committee were present, with the exception of Mrs Meredith.
The Minutes of the Harvington Parish meeting called to discuss the Coronation plans for the village were read and signed as correct.
Treasurer Mr E. Gorin was elected on the proposition of Mr R. L. Brazier seconded by Mr R. S. Coley.

Banking Arrangements. The Secretary was instructed to obtain the necessary forms from Messrs Lloyds Bank Ltd, High Street, Evesham to open an account.
It was proposed by Mr R. L. Brazier seconded by Mr R. S. Coley, that any two out of three should be authorised to draw cheques in payment.

[image 125240 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee Nov 26th 1952.

of accounts. The three to be the Chairman, Treasurer & Secretary. All members present were in favour.

It was proposed by Mr S. Cook seconded by Mr R. L. Brazier that it be resolved that having fixed a target to cover expenditure on the Old Folks Party, the children entertainment and sports and the Social evening, that any surplus remaining after the purchasing of bibles for all children under the age of 16, should be earmarked for some permanent memorial of the occasion.
It was proposed by Mr R. L. Brazier seconded by Mr R. S. Coley that we do not organise anything that will not be provided free of charge.
It was resolved by this Committee to carry out whatever arrangements should be made by voluntary subscription

[image 125240 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee 26 Nov 1952

The Subscriptions to be personally box collected by authorised collectors as a first measure.

The collectors & districts are as follows.

Mrs R. L. Brazier     6 from the Village Hall to Mill
  “ R. S. Coley       7 from Oldfields to Alcester Road
Mrs       Brewer    ) 4 The Leys Road
  “ F.    Cresswell ) 5 
  “       Baylis      1 Hughes Lane & down to the Grange 
                             & Main Rd, one side only
Mrs S.    Cook        9 From Pool House to Main Rd, one 
                             side of Village St only, & 
                             up to the Coach & Horses  
Mrs       Shailer     2 From The Steps to boundary, on 
                             other side of the road to 
                             the end of the Council 
Mr        Haywood     8 The Crest Hill
Mrs       Fisher      3 Ragley Rd.
Mr        Green      10 From Poplar Cottage to Oldfield, 
                             both side of the road.

E. H. Downey Chairman 22/1/53 [signed]


[image 125156 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee Meeting held on the 22nd January 1953

Present – Revd E. H. Downey (Chairman) Messrs r. L. Brazier, R. S. Coley, E. Gorin, D. Haywood & Mrs Baylis.

Apologies were received from Mr S. Cook, Mrs T. Brewer, Mrs T. Cresswell & Mrs W. Shailer.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read & signed as correct.

Collector’s Reports. The Chairman asked the collectors for their reports on how they had been received when they had made their collection. Taking it on the whole it was found that the parishioners were quite willing to contribute. There were just one or two who refused to give. There was also a marked interest in what form the celebrations were to take. It was also reported that some parishioners were willing to contribute something of a permanent nature, and it was decided

[image 125156 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee 22 Jan 1953

That if the parishioners so wished, their contributions could be earmarked.

Collection Boxes. These were opened and the amount in each was recorded. The total amount collected was £20.6s.9d. earmarked donations £5.16s.10d, making the total amount to be banked £26.3s.7d.

Bibles. The types of Coronation Bibles and Testaments and the comparative costs were considered, and the Chairman was asked to obtain a 3/6d Testament, and Bibles at 5/- and 6/6d each. It was suggested that, if required , further copies of the Bible and Testaments could be obtained.

It was suggested that the copies of the Bibles and Testaments should be displayed in Miss Spencer’s shop, and any parishioners wishing to purchase one should give their names to the collectors when they call.

[image 125215 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee 22 Jan 1953

It was also agreed that entertainment of some sort should be provided for everybody in the village at the same time. Weather permitting the aim will be to hold all festivities in the cricket field, apart from the dance in the Village Hall at night for the over 15s.

E. H. Downey Chaiman 26-2-53 [signed]


[image 125215 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee Meeting held on Thursday 26th February 1953.

Present: - Revd E. H. Downey (Chairman), Messrs R. L. Brazier, E. Gorin, D. Haywood, Mrs T. Cresswell, Mrs T. Brewer & Mrs W. Shailer.

Apology was received from Mrs Meredith.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed as correct.

Bibles for the Catholic children, It was proposed by Mr R. L. Brazier, seconded by Mrs Bayliss, that the Chairman should enquiries as to the type of bible that would be acceptable to the Catholic children.

Amplifier. It was proposed by Mr R. S. Coley, seconded by Mrs Brewer, that a letter should be sent to the Social Club asking them for the use of the Amplifier on June 2nd, also their fee for hiring same.

A letter also to be sent to Mr Marsh asking him if he would have one available for use in the open, also his fee for hiring

[image 125233 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee Feb 26th 1953.

Coronation Film – The question of the possibility of this film being shown in the village hall was discussed, and it was suggested that a letter should be sent to Mr A. Marsh asking him if it would be possible for him to arrange for this film to be shown in our village hall.

Television. The Clerk was asked to approach Messrs Willmott fletcher Ltd with regard to hiring a Television set for the village hall on June 2nd.

E. H. Downey Chaiman 24th March 1953 [signed].

24TH MARCH 1953

[image 125233 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee Meeting held on March 24th 1953.

All members were present. The Minutes of the last meeting were read & signed as correct.

Coronation Bibles. Two Bibles and three Testaments were passed round and examined, and one was provisionally selected:-

The following Sub Committees were convened with Mr Gorin & Mrs Fisher.

Sports Committee      Mrs E. Green    Convenor
                      Mrs D. Hayward, Mrs Meredith.
Catering              Mrs Baylis        Convenor
                      Mrs Baylis, Mrs Cresswell & Mrs Shailer.
Entertainment         Mr R. S. Coley  Convenor
                      Messrs S. Cook & R. L. Brazier.
Publicity             Mrs S Cook      Convenor
                      Messrs R. S. Coley & R. L. Brazier.

[Image 125251 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee 24 Mar 1953.

Publicity It was generally agreed that a circulated letter should be sent to every household in the village. The letter to embody the need for larger subscriptions, the general plan for the coronation celebrations and the names of all the children under 16 years of age on June 2nd.

Brooke Bond Tea wrappers. Mrs Shailer agreed to act as out agent I connection with this firm’s Coronation Gift Scheme.

Whist Drives. It had been agreed at the previous meeting that if the ladies on the Committee wished to they could organise Whist Drives in aid of the Coronation Funds. It was announced at this meeting that they had organised a series of Whist Drives, the first to be held on April 10th.

E. H. Downey, Chairman 21.4.53. [signed]

21ST APRIL 1953

[image 125251 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 21st April 1953.

Present. Revd Downey (Chairman), Messrs R. L. Brazier, R. S. Coley, E. Gorin, D. Haywood & S. Cook. Mrs Baylis, Mrs Brewer, Mrs T. Cresswell, Mrs Meredith & Mrs Shailer.

Apology for non attendance was received from Mr R. S. Coley.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read & signed as correct.

Permanent Memorial. It was proposed from the Chair that a fifth Sub Committee should be formed for a Permanent Memorial. This was agreed to and Mrs Cook was appointed Convenor, with Mr Gorin & Mr Hayward.

Circular letter. It was proposed by Mr R. L .Brazier, seconded by Mr Gorin, that a circular letter should be sent to every house. The letter to be delivered by the collectors. The form at the foot of this

[image 125309 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee 21st April 1953.

Letter to be collected and ---------- to Mr Cook as soon as possible.

Catering Committee. This Committee had decided to provide a meal for all. The suggested meal was to be 2 sandwiches, 1 sausage roll & 2 fancy cakes. The tea to be at 4.30 prompt. The number to be catered for 700. Ices to be provided for the children only. Cost £42.0.0d.

Beer. It was discussed whether we should provide beer etc., and it was generally agreed that it should definitely not be allowed in the Village Hall. As regards the sports field it was agreed that beer could be give as prizes for the men’s sports.

Cups & Plates. It was proposed by Mr E. Gorin, seconded by Mr R. L.

[image 125309 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee 21st Apr 1953.

Brazier, that 700 cups & 500 plates should be ordered.

Sports Committee. This Committee had drawn up a programme to cover 43 races. The amount of money estimated to cover the prizes was £20. The suggested prizes – 5/- 1st, 3/- 2nd & 2/- 3rd.

Announcer    -    Mr Bryan Brazier.
Starter      -    Mr Meredith
Judges       -    Mrs Cresswell, Haywood, Meredith. Messrs Bayley, Haywood & Gorin.
Prizes New coinage with the exception of the tug of war.

Childrens Prizes to be presented at 5 o’clock, Adults in the Village Hall.

Fancy Dress It was reluctantly agreed that in view of the time it

image 125327 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee 21st April 1953.

would take to hold a fancy dress parade, not to hold one.

Insurance. Mrs Fisher was asked to contact the Police in connection with the matter.

E. H. Downey. Chairman. 7th May 1953.

7TH MAY 1953

[image 125327 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee meeting held on Thursday the 7th May 1953.

All members were present. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed as correct.

Cricket Pavilion & Field. It was reported that the Harvington Cricket Club had offered the Coronation Committee the use of the Cricket Pavilion and field for the Coronation celebrations. The offer was accepted.

Village Hall. It was also reported that the Village Hall Committee had agreed to let the Hall to us free of charge on Coronation day.

The Secretary reported on the enquiries she had made concerning Insurance.

A letter listing 3 people in County Homes was passed over to Mr Cook.

Distribution of Bibles. It was suggested that the distribution of the Bibles should be at a united service either in the

[image 125343 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee 7th May 1953.

Church or in the Churchyard at the war memorial. The service to be held on the Sunday before the Coronation at 3 O’clock.

Coronation Mugs. It was agreed to leave the distribution of these mugs in the hands of the Sub Committee. Printed Programme. It was proposed by Mr Gorin, seconded by the Revd Downey, that the Publicity Sub Committee should spend up to £5 for Printed Programmes.

Decorated Houses. It was agreed that 2 prizes should be given for the 2 best decorated houses. It was proposed by Mr R. S. Coley, seconded by Mr R. L. Brazier, that £2-10-0d should be given for the best decorated house, & a prize of £1 for the runner up. The houses to be judged by

[image 125343 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee 7th May 1953.

independent judges Mr T. Goodman & Mrs Stokes failing these Mr Cook or Standing Committee to use their discretion.

Ices. It was proposed by Mr Gorin, seconded by Mr Cook, that ices should be provided free for the children, the adults to pay.

The Revd E. H. Downey agreed to present the prizes.

Gas. Mr Gorin agreed to see Mr Smith of Harvington Trailers about a cylinder of gas & burner.

The Entertainment Committee reported that the Amplifier was laid on.

Television Mr New to be asked to look after this.

Mr Coley reported that he was looking into the matter of the music for the

[image 125359 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee May 7th 1953.

Permanent Memorial. In the event of there being any surplus over, the following suggestions were put forward:-

   1          Fund to decorate the Village Hall
   2          Seats
   3          Bus shelters
   4          Playing field with equipment 
Press Report. The Revd Downey agreed to put a report in this months Church Magazine.

E. H. Downey [signed]

21ST MAY 1953

[image 125359 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee meeting held on Thursday the 21st May 1953.

Apologies for non-attendance were received from Messrs R. L. Brazier & R. S. Coley.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read and signed correct.

Printed Programme. It was proposed by Mr S. Cook, seconded by Mr D. Haywood that the previous minute allowing £5 to be spent on printed programmes should be rescinded and the amount of £7 be substituted. On being put to the meeting this proposition was agreed to.

Further details of the Printed Programme are as under:-

No to be printed                 £500
Cost of printing                 £3.
Use of the block of the Queen    £3-3-0d
Price of the Programme           6d each.
[image 125422 left]

Harvington Coronation Committee May 21st 1953.

The £7 to cover the cost of printing covers also the cost of Royalties on the Queens photograph.

The layout of the Programme was gone into thoroughly, and the draft copy as presented by the Chairman the Revd Downey, was approved.

Television. It was reported that Messrs Willmott Fletcher Ltd, were willing to loan the Committee a Television set to be used in the Village Hall on Coronation day. The Clerk was instructed to accept this offer.

Insurance. It was proposed by Mr S. Cook, seconded by Mrs Baylis that the Committee take out a Policy in respect of the Coronation Day Festivities for Third Party risks. This was agreed to.

It was proposed by Mr Cook, seconded

[image 125422 right]

Harvington Coronation Committee 21st May 1953.

By Mr Gorin that we insure with the Commercial Union Assurance Co. Ltd. For the sum of £5000 any one accident, the premium required being £1-13-0d.

Gift from New Zealand. It was reported that 40 tins of meat had been received which was a gift from New Zealand.

It was proposed by Mrs Meredith, seconded by Mr Haywood, that these should be handed to the Catering Sub Committee. All were in favour.

Ices. It was agreed that ice cream & lolly pops should be provided free for the children, also one ice for the adults. Extra lemonade & ices to be paid for. It was agreed that any extra expense in connection with the Amplification arrangements should be left in the hands of of the Treasurer.

E.H. Downey, Chairman 27/5/53. [signed]

27TH MAY 1953

125440 left

Harvington Coronation Committee 27th May 1953

Present:- Revd E. H. Downey, Chairman. Messrs E. Gorin, D. Haywood & S. Cook, Mrs brewer, Mrs Cresswell & Mrs Baylis.

The Minutes of the last meeting were read & signed correct.

Arising out of the minutes: The item extra Lemonade & Ices to be paid for. This item was reconsidered, and on the recommendation of the Catering Committee it was agreed that no money should be asked for providing for in providing extra ices for all and

2. that Lemonade could be provided ad lib without charge.

Television. Mr Coley to arrange for supervision during Whist Drive.

Audit of Accounts. The Chairman & Treasurer to arrange for the accounts to be audited by independent auditors. It was also proposed that at a convenient

125440 right

date after the Coronation a general parish meeting be convened to approve the accounts and arrangements.

Decorating Village Hall. It was proposed that the Entertainment Committee should get in touch with the Womens Institute to appoint a team to decorate the Village Hall. The Ladies were willing to decorate the inside of the Hall.

Coronation Day June 2. It was agreed that if it should rain on the day of the Coronation the children should have their tea in the Village Hall in the afternoon, entertainment for the adults in the evening. The races to be arranged for the first convenient date.

It was also agreed that relatives of the parishioners and bone fide visitors should be treated as villagers.

E. H. Downey, Chairman 8.3.54 [signed]

8TH MARCH 1954

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Harvington Coronation Committee 8th March 1954.

Present :- Revd E. H. Downey, Chairman, Messrs Coley, S. Cook, R. L. Brazier, E.Gorin, D. Haywood, Mrs Meredith, Mrs Baylis, Mrs Brewer & Mrs Cresswell.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and signed as correct.

Adoption of Audited Accounts. The Hon. Treasurer presented the accounts and asked for their adoption. This was seconded by Mr . R. L. Brazier.

The chaiman asked for a vote of thanks to the Hon. Treasurer, coupled with him , the Hon. Auditor Mr G. Barratt Jones, for the way in which the accounts had been prepared & audited.

Balance in hand £15-15-1d. The disposal of this balance was thoroughly discussed and it was agreed that it should be spent on a circular seat to be placed round the tree in the

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Harvington Coronation Committee 8th March 1954.

Village Green.

[last entries for the Coronation Committee]