1793 - 1926

We are both fortunate that these early deeds still survive and that we have been allowed access to this valuable archive, thanks to the present (2024) owner of the property. They are a treasure of early documents stretching back to the 18th Century and a vital sourse for not only the beginnings of Mill House but also for the mill. They cover a vital period of the mill's development as a major centre for bread making. Note the naming of the approach lane to Mill House as Mill Lane, and the descriptions of the surrounding lands including the aits in the river. Note also the use of certain words like barfsides, backsides and stanks.

There an Abstract of Title (No.2) ammountingto four large attached sheets containing a supplement to an Abstract of Title. This is a document dated to 1926 but referring to a mortgage in 1893, although concerning Ernest George Cooke Bomford, appears to be referring to Harvington Mill.

Mill House Deeds 01:         Lease between Mrs Catherine Arton and Mr John Barnes dated 1793, on one sheet of parchment.

This Indenture is dated 8th April 1793 between the seller Mrs Catherine Acton, widow of Bengeworth and the buyer Mr John Barnes, hosier of Tewkesbury.

Mrs Catherine Acton to Mr John Barnes ) Lease for a year, dated 8 April 1793

Sealed and delivered being first duly stamped in the
presence of us who noticed the words "John Barnes" to have
been written upon six several Rasures & the words "of
"Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester Hosier" and duly set to
the proviso or condition of redemption to be contained to have
been also written upon rasures and also noticed the several
Interlineations in the within written Indenture to have been
made before the same was executed

This Indenture made the eighth day of April in the thirty third year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
third by the Grace of God of Great Britain ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith and so fforth and in the
Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety three Between Catherine Acton of Bengeworth in the County of Worcester widow of the one part and John Barnes of
Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester Hosier of the other part Witnesseth that in consideration of the receipt of five shillings of lawful Money of Great Britain to the said Catherine
Acton in hand at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents well and truly paid by the said John Barnes the Receipt whereof to hereby acknowledges she the said Catherine
Acton hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said John Barnes his Executors Administrators and Assigns All that Messuage
or tenement commonly called or known by the name of the fforge and all those two Water Corn Mills commonly called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with their
Appurtenances situate lying and being in Harvington aforesaid in the said County of Worcester and in or near to the River Avon and the Ground and Soil whereon the said
Messuage and Mill stand And also all those several Closes or pieces or parcels of land lying near and belonging to the said Mills called or known by the several names of Concroft the
round Ait and the Mill Ait or by whatever names the same have heretofore been or are now called or known containing by Estimation five acres or thereabouts be the
same more or less And all that Allotment or parcel of land situate in the old Weirs in Harvington aforesaid and lately awarded and allotted to Charles Oldaker
Gentleman late Owner of the said Messuage Mill and premises and to the above in and by the award of the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament to enclose the
commonable Lands that Parish in lieu of and compensation for the freehold commonable Land and the right of Common thereunto belonging and which allotment
contained one rood and thirty four perch and is bounded on one of its West Sides and on the South Side thereof by the ffourth Allotment thereby awarded to Elizabeth
Marshall and Thomas Walford Marshall on another of its West Sides by an ancient furlong belonging to the Dean & Chapter of the Cathedral Church of
Worcester and Thomas Ramell and thereby exchanged on the North Side by an ancient Lane in Harvington called Mill Lane and by ancient furlongs there belonging to the
said Charles Oldaker and on the East Side thereof by Aits and Water belonging to the said Mill And also all that Soil and the Water Ground and Soil thereof belonging to the said Mill
And also all Toll benefit and Custom for grinding of Corn and Grain whatsoever And also all that yearly Rent of forty shillings payable by the Owner or Owners of the upper part of
the Navigation on the said River Avon for the Use of the Ground on which and the said Water in which the said Soil is erected And also all that free fishing in the river Avon
to the said Mills belonging or appertaining all which premises are now in the tenure or occupation of Edmund Smith as tenant thereof together with all Houses Outhouses
Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Courts Yards Backsides Hedges Ditches Trees Woods Underwoods Mill Pools Mill Dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds
Streams Waters Watercourses Rivers free ffishing fishing Places Ways Paths Passages Easements Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever belonging or in any wise
appertaining or to or with the same or any part thereof held used occupied or enjoyed accepted reputed deemed[?] taken or known as part parcel or member thereof or appurtenant thereunto And the
Revision and Revisions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issued and profits thereof To have and To hold the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements Rent free ffishing Hereditaments
and all and singular other the premises hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby bargained and sold with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said John Barnes his executors
Administrators and Assigns from the day next before the day of the date hereof for and during and unto the full end and term of one whole year there next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended
Yielding and Paying therefore unto the said Catherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns the Rents of one Pepper Corn at or upon the ffeast day of Saint Michael the Archangel next ensuing the date
hereof if the same shall be lawfully demanded To the Tenant that by virtue hereof and by ffour of the Statute made for transferring Uses into Possession he the said John Barnes may be
in the actual possession of all and singular the said provided hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby bargained and sold with their and every of their Appurtenances and may be thereby
enabled to accept and take a grant and Release of the ffreehold Reversion and Inheritance of the same premised to him the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns subject to the proviso or
condition of redemption to be contained in and by the said Indenture of Release and to and for none other Use trust intent or purpose whatsoever In Witness whereof the parties
first above named to these presents Indentures their hands and seals interchangeably have set the day and year first above written

Katherine Octon [with stamp]

Mill House Deeds 02:         An agreement between Mrs Catherine Arton and Mr John Barnes dated 1793, on one small parchment sheet.

The deeds retain two copies of this document which is interesting as normally one goes to each party. It is clear from these two copies is that they were created from one sheet and written so that one was reversed to the other and then separated by a cut in a wavy line so to prove both are genuine.

Winshaw / Worcester - Acton & Charles

This is the final Agreement in the Court of our Sovereign Lord the King at Westminster on the Morrow of the
Ascension of the Lord in the thirtieth year of the Reign of George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain ffrance
& Ireland King Defender of the ffaith &c. before Alexander Lord Longborough Henry Gould John Heath & John
Wilson justaces of our Lord the King & others then & there present & Between Catherine Acton Widow Plt[plaintiff?] And Samuel
Charles & Ann his wife defendants[?] of one Messuage two Mills two acres of Land five acres of Meadow five acres of
Pasture forty shillings Rent & free fishing in the River Avon with the Appurtenances in the parish of Harvington
where upon a plea of consent was summond between them in the same Court that is to say that the aforesaid Samuel
& Ann have acknowledged the aforesaid Tenant & ffishing with the Appurtenances to be the Right of her the said Catherine as
those which the said Catherine hath of the gift of the aforesaid Samuel & Ann And those those they have premises &
quitclaim from them the said Samuel & Ann their Heirs to the aforesaid Catherine & her Heirs forever And Moreover
the said Samuel & Ann have granted for them & the Heirs of the said Samuel that they will & Covenant to the aforesaid
Catherine & her Heirs & the aforesaid Tenants & ffishing with the Appurtainces against them the said Samuel & Ann & the said
of the said Samuel forever And ffurther the said Samuel & Ann have grantwed for them & the Heirs of the said Ann that they will
Coverant to the aforesaid Catherine & her Heirs the aforesaid Tenant & ffishing with the Appurtenances against them the said Samuel &
Ann & the Exors of the said Ann forever And for this Acknowledgement Demise Quitclaim warrenties ffine & Agreement the said
Catherine hath given to the aforesaid Samuel & Ann one hundred pounds Sterling.

Mill House Deeds 03:         An assignment of a mortgage dated 9th April 1793.

This is a large two-page parchment document. Two unusual words are mentioned in the text which are clearly related to river or ditch side conditions: stanks and backsides. Stank as in stinking or smelly and backsides may refer to and old word barf or barfside thought relates to vomit. In both cases the area described around the mill is wet, muddy, and probably at times quite smelly with plenty of stagnant water and ditches draining slow-running water into the river.


Front - sheet 1

Front - sheet 2

[Back 1:]
Mrs Catherine Acton
by the direction of
Mr Samuel Charles
Mr John Barnes

Assignment of a Mortgage in ffee
of a Mortgage Mills
and Land in the Parish of Harvington to secure Eight
hundred pounds and Interest at £4.10.0 per Cent
Dated 9th April 1793

[Back 2:]
Received on the day of the date of the within written Indenture of and from the
within named John Barnes the Sum of ffive hundred pounds being the full - £500
Consideration money within mentioned to be paid by him to me

Katherine Octon

Witness - Thos Blayney, - G Grosvenor

Received on the day of the date of the within written Indenture of and from the
within named John Barnes the Sum of three hundred pounds being the full - £300
Consideration money within mentioned to be paid by him to me

Saml Charles

Witness - Thos Blayney, - G Grosvenor

[Back 3:]
Sealed and delivered by the within named Samuel Charles
(being first duly stamped in the presence of

Thos Blayney of Evesham, G Grosvenor jun[?] Clerk

Sealed and delivered by the within named Katherine
Octon (being first duly stamped in the presence of
Thos Blayney of Evesham, G Grosvenor

[Front - sheet one:]
This Indenture made the ninth day of April in the thirty third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain ffrance and
Ireland King of the ffaith and so fforth and in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety three Between Katherine Octon of Bengeworth in the
County of Worcester widow of the first part Samuel Charles of the Parish of Cleeve Prior in the said County of Worcester Gentleman of the second part and John Barnes of Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester Hosier of the third part Whereas
by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing oath respectively the Lease the renter and the Release the eleventh day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety the Release being made or mentioned to be made between the
said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife of the one part and the said Katherine Acton of the other part They the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife in consideration of the Sum of ffive hundred pounds to them in hand paid by the said
Katherine Acton did grant and release unto the said Katherine Acton (in her actual possession then being by virtue of the said Indenture of Lease) her Heirs and Assigns All that Messuage or tenement commonly called or known by the name
of the fforge and all those two water corn mills commonly called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with their Appurtenances situate lying and being in Harvington aforesaid in the said County of Worcester and in or near to the River Avon and
the Ground and Soil whereon the said Messuage and Mill stand And also all those several Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land lying near and belonging to the said Mills called or known by the several names of the Concroft the round Ait and
the Ground and Soil whereon the said Messuage and Mill stand And also all those several Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land lying was and belonging to the said Mills called or known by the several names of the Concroft the round Ait and the
Mill Ait or by whatever names the some had theretofore been called or known containing by estimation five acres or thereabouts or the same more or less And all that Allotment or parcel of Land situate in the old Weirs in Harvington aforesaid
and lately awarded and allotted to Charles Oldaker Gentleman late owner of the said Messuage Mills and premises and to his Heirs in and by the award of the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament to inclose the commonable Lands in
that Parish in lieu of and compensation for the freehold commonable Land and the right of common thereunto belonging and which Allotment contains one rood and thirty four perch and is bounded as in the said Indenture of Release is
described And all that Soil and the Water Ground and Soil thereof belonging to the said Mill And also all toll Benefit and custom for grinding of Corn and Grain whatsoever And also all that yearly Rent of forty Shillings payable by the Owner or Owners
of the upper part of the Navigation on the said River Avon for the use of the Ground on which and the water in which the said Soil is erected And also all that free ffishing in the River Avon to the said Mills belonging or appertaining all which premises
and therein mentioned to have been purchased by the said Samuel Charles of and from the said Charles Oldaker and was then in the tenure or occupation of Edmund Smith as Tenant thereof to the said Samuel Charles together with all Houses Outhouses
Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Courts Yards Barfsides Hedges Ditches Trees Woods Underwoods Mill Pools Mill Dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds Streams Waters Watercourses Rivers free ffishing Places Ways Paths Passages
Easements profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever belonging in any wise Appertaining or to or with the same or any part thereof held used occupied or enjoyed accepted reputed owned taken or known as part parcel or
member thereof or Appurtenant thereunto and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof And also all the Estate Right Title Interest use Trust Possession Property Benefit Claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and
in Equity of them the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife or other of them in to or out of the same Hereditaments and Premises every or any Part or Parcel thereof To hold the same unto and to the use of the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and
Assigned for ever Subject nevertheless to the Proviso for Redemption of the said premises therein after contained and herein after mentioned And the said Samuel Charles did thereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said Ann
his wife covenant and grant to and with the said Katherine Acton her Heirs Executors and Administrators that they the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife would before the end of the then present Easter Term or in some subsequent or succeeding Term
acknowledge and levy one ffine Sur Conusance de droit &c with proformations[?] unto the said Katherine Acton and her Heirs of the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements Rent ffee fishing Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances
And it was thereby declared and agreed by and between all the said parties thereto that as well the said ffine in the said recited Indenture covenanted to be levied by the said parties and all and every other ffine and ffines common Recovery and
common Recoveries Conveyances and Assurances in the Law whatsoever theretofore or thereafter to be had made acknowledged levied suffered and executed of and concurring the said Hereditaments and Premises should be and enure and that the
Counsel and Counsels in the said ffine and ffines and the Recoveror and Recoverors in the said common Recovery and common Recoveries named or to be named and his and their Heirs should stand and be seized of the same Hereditaments
said premises to the use of behoof of the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to the Proviso therein after contained for Redemption of the said Hereditaments and Premises whereby it is agreed by and between the
said Samuel Charles and Katherine Acton that if the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators should pay unto the said Katherine Acton her Executors Administrators or Assigns the sum of ffive hundred pounds with
Interest for the same after the rate at the time and in the manner therein mentioned then and in that case the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns should and would at all times thereafter stand seized of the said Messuage Mills Lands
Tenements Rent free ffishing Hereditaments and premises with the Appurtenances or at the Request Costs and Charges of the said Samuel Charles his Heirs or Assigns should and would re----[?] the same to such other person or persons as he or
they should nominate To such uses upon such trusts and for such intents and purposes and for such Estate and Estates and subject to such Powers Provisors Conditions Restutions and Limitations and with such Remainders over and charges
and chargeable with such gross yearly or other Sum and Sums of Money as the said Samuel Charles by any deed or deeds in writing with or without Power of Revocation to be sealed and delivered by him in the Presence of and to be attested by two or
more credible witnesses should limit direct or appoint of or continuing the said Hereditaments and Premises or any part thereof free from all Incumbrances to be made or done in the mean time by the said Katherine Acton her Heirs Executors Administrators
or Assigned as in and by the said in part recited Indentures of Lease and Release reference being thereunto had will more fully appear the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife did in Easter time One thousand seven and ninety acknowledge and levy
the said ffine accordingly And whereas there is now due and owing to the said Katherine Acton upon Surety of the said Hereditaments and Premises the Sum of ffive hundred pounds only all Interest for the same having been paid to the
date of the oath hereof which said Sum of ffive hundred pounds the said John Barnes at the Request of the said Samuel Charles hath agreed to pay off and discharge and to lend the said Samuel Charles the further Sum of three hundred pounds
making together the Sum of Eight hundred pounds and accept the Security hereby made to him for the same Sums and the Interest thereof Now this Indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sum of ffive hundred
pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to the said Katherine Acton in hand at or before the Sealing and delivery of these presents well and truly paid by the said John Barnes at the Request and by the direction of the said Samuel Charles (testified by
his being a Party to and signing and sealing these Presents) the Receipt whereof she the said Katherine Acton doth hereby admit and acknowledge and doth acknowledge the same to be in full for all Principal and Interest money so due to her upon
the said in part recited Indenture of Release as aforesaid and thereof and therefrom and of and from the same and every part thereof doth acquit release exonerate and for ever discharge the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns
and every of them by these Presents And also in consideration of the Sum of three hundred pounds of like lawful money to the said Samuel Charles in hand also well and truly paid by the said John Barnes at or before the sealing and delivery hereof the Receipt
whereof the said Samuel Charles doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom doth acquit release and for ever discharge the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors and Administrators and any of them by these Presents and which said two several sums
of ffive hundred pounds and three hundred pounds make together the Sum of eight hundred pounds She the said Katherine Acton at the request and by the direction nomination and Appointment of the said Samuel Charles (testified as aforesaid) hath
bargained sold remised released quitclaimed and confirmed And the said Samuel Charles hath granted released ratified and confirmed and by these Presents the said Katherine Acton Doth bargain sell remise release quitclaim and confirm and the said Samuel
Charles Doth hereby grant release ratify and confirm unto the said John Barnes (in his actual Possession now being by virtue of a bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the said Katherine Acton in consideration of ffive shillings by Indenture bearing date
the day next before the day of the date of these Presents for the term of one whole year commencing from the day next before the day of the date of the same Indenture of Bargain and sale and by four[?] of the Statute made for transferring uses and
Possession) and to his Heirs All the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement water corn mills closes pieces or parcels of Lands Toll Yearly Rent of forty shillings ffree ffishing in the River Avon And all and singular other the Hereditaments and Premises hereinbefore
mentioned to be situate lying and being in the Parish of Harvington aforesaid in the said County of Worcester and in and by the said in part recited Indenture of Release of the eleventh day of May One thousand seven hundred and ninety granted and
released to the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their Appurtenances Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Courts Yards
Barfsides Hedges Ditches Mounds ffences Trees woods Underwoods Mill Pools Mill dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds Streams Waters Watercourses Rivers ffree ffishing Places Ways Paths Passages Easements
Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Messuage Mills Land Rent Hereditaments and Premises belonging or in any wise Appurtaining or accepted reputed occured ----[?] or known as part
Parcel or member thereof or Appurtenant thereunto And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof And also all the Estate & Right Title Interest use Trust Possession Property Benefit Claim and
Demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them the said Katherine Acton and Samuel Charles and each of them of in to or out of the said Hereditaments and Premises every or any part or parcel thereof and all deeds evidenced and
Writings touching or in any wise concerning the same Premises or any Part thereof To have and To hold the said Messuage or Tenement water corn mills closes Pieces or Parcels of Land toll yearly Rent free ffishing Hereditaments
and all and singular other the Premises herein before mentioned and hereby released and confirmed or intended so to be with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper use and
behoof of the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns for ever freed and discharged of and from the Proviso or Agreement for Redemption contained in the said recited Indenture of Release of the eleventh day of May One thousand seven
hundred and ninety but subject nevertheless to the Proviso or Agreement for Redemption herein after contained And this Indenture further witnesseth that for the considerations aforesaid and the better to secure the
Repayment of the said Principal Sum of eight hundred pounds and the Interest thereof and also in consideration of the Sum, of ten shillings of lawful money of Great Britain to the said Samuel Charles in hand at or before the sealing and delivery of these
presents well and truly Paid by the said John Barnes the Receipt whereof to hereby acknowledged So the said Samuel Charles in pursuance of the power and Authority given limitted and reserved to him in and by the said herein before recited

[Front - sheet two:]
Indenture of Release and all and every other Power and Powers Authority and Authorities to him given in him vested or him in any wise enabling in this behalf and in Exercise and Execution
thereof have limitted and directed and appointed and by this Present deed in writing sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and attested by the two credible persons whose names are intended to be
indorsed hereon as witnesses to the Execution hereof done limit direct and appoint unto the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns All the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement water corn mills closes pieces or parcels of Land toll yearly rent of
forty shillings free ffishing in the River Avon Hereditaments and all and singular other the Premises comprized in the said hereinbefore recited Indenture of Release and thereby granted and released unto the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns
with their and every of their Appurtenances and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders rights Issues and Profits thereof And also all the Estate Right Title Interest use Trust possession property Benefit claim and demand
whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of him the said Samuel Charles of in and to the same Premises To have and To hold the said Messuage or Tenement water corn mills closes pieces or parcels of Land toll yearly Rent ffree
fishing Hereditaments and all and singular other the Premises hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby limitted directed and appointed with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper
as and behoof of the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to the Proviso or Agreement for Redemption of the said Premises herein after contained that is to say Provided always and it is hereby discharged and agreed
by and between the said Samuel Charles and John Barnes that if the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators or any or either of them shall and do so well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Barnes his Heirs & Executors
Administrators or Assigns the ffull Sum of eight hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with Interest for the same of like money after the rate of ffour pounds and ten Shillings in the hundred by the year at or upon the ninth day of October next
ensuing the date hereof without any deduction or abatement for or in Respect of taxes charges Assessments or Impositions already taxed charged assessed or imposed or hereafter to be taxed charged assessed or imposed upon the said Premises hereby
granted and released or any part thereof or upon the said Samuel Charles his Heirs or Assigns or the tenant or tenants of the said Premises for the time being in respect thereof or upon the said Principal Sum of eight hundred Pounds and the Interest thereof
or upon the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns in respect thereof by Authority of Parliament or otherwise howsoever or for or in Respect of any other matter cause or thing whatsoever then and in that case the said John Barnes his Heirs
or Assigns shall and will at all times after such Payment made stand seized of the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements Rent ffree ffishing Hereditaments and Premises with the Appurtenances or at the Request Costs and Charges of the said Samuel Charles his Heirs
or Assigns shall and will convey the same to such other person or persons as he or they shall nominate to such uses upon such Trusts and for such Intents and Purposes and for such Estate and Estates and subject to such Powers Provisions conditions Restitutions
and Limitations and with such Remainders over and charged and chargeable with such gross yearly and other Sum and Sums of Money as the said Samuel Charles by any deed or deeds in writing with or without power of Revocation to be sealed and delivered by him in the presence
of and to be attested by two or more credible Witnesses shall limit direct of appoint of or concuring the same Hereditaments and Premises or any part thereof free from all Incumbrances to be made or done in the mean time by the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors
Administrators or Assigns or any person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them And in default of such limitation direction and Appointment in the mean time and until such limitation direction and Appointment shall be made and until
the Estate and Estates Interest and Interests thereby to be limitted directed or appointed shall concur and take Effect and also subject to any such limitation direction or appointment as shall be so made which the same shall happen not to be a complete and entire appointment of and
containing the whole of the said Hereditaments and premises and of and containing the whole Estate and Interest therein and as to so much and such part of the said Hereditaments and premises as shall remain unappointed or concuring which no complete limitation direction and
Appointment shall be made and as and when the uses and Estates therein or in any part thereof to be limitted directed or Appointed shall end and determine the said John Barnes his Heirs or Assigns shall after payment of the of the Sum of eight hundred pounds and the Interest
thereof and stand and be seized of the said Hereditaments and premises To the Use of the said Samuel Charles his Heirs and Assigns for ever And the said Katherine Acton doth hereby for herself her Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant Promise and agree to and
with the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns in manner following that is to say that the said Katherine Acton hath not save by these Presents made done committed or wittingly or willingly suffered any act matter or thing whatsoever whereof the hereby
released Promised or any part or parcel thereof are is shall or may be affected impeached charges or incumbered in the title charge Estate Interest or otherwise howsoever And the said Samuel Charles doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors Administrators covenant promise and grant to and with the said
John Barnes his Executors Administrators and Assigns in manner following that is to say that the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators or some or one of them shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Barnes his Executors Administrators
or Assigns the full Sum of eight hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain with Interest for the same of like money after the rate of four pounds and ten Shillings in the hundred by the year upon the ninth day of October next ensuing the date hereof within any deduction or abatement
whatsoever for or by reason of any taxes charged Assessments or Impositions or for any other Matter caused or thing whatsoever according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and of the proviso herein before contained And also that they the said Katherine Acton and Samuel Charles
now at the time of the Sealing and delivery of these presents are and stand or one of them is and standeth lawfully rightfully and absolutely seized of and in or well and sufficiently intitled unto the Messuage Mills Lands Tenements Rent ffree ffishing Hereditaments and all and singular other
the Premises hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby released limitted directed and appointed with their and every of their Appurtenances of a good and perfect absolute and indefray[?] Estate of Inheritance in ffee simple without any Reversion Remainder Trust Limitation of use
or uses power of Revocation or any other Restraint Matter Cause or thing whatsoever to alter change charge revoke make void lesson incumber or determine the same And that they the said katherine Acton and Samuel Charles now have in themselves or one of them hath in
himself or herself good right full power and lawful and absolute authority to grant release limit direct and appoint the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements rent free ffishing Hereditaments premises with their and every of their Appurtenances unto the said John
Barnes his Heirs and Assigns in manner and fform aforesaid according to the true Intent and meaning of these presents And further that if any default shall happen to be made of or in payment of the said Sum of Eight hundred pounds and Interest or any part
thereof contrary to the true Intent of these presents and the proviso and covenant in that behalf hereinbefore contained that then and immediately upon and at all times after such default it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns
peacefully and quietly to enter into have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said Messuage Mills Lands Easements Rent free ffishing Hereditaments and all and singular other the premises hereinbefore mentioned and intended to be hereby granted released limitted directed and appointed
and every part thereof with their and every of them of their Appurtenances the Rents Issued and Profits thereof and of every part thereof to have take and receive to his and their own use and benefit without the lawful Let Suit Trouble or Disturbance of or by the said Samuel Charles his Heirs or
Assigns or of or by any other person or persons whomsoever freed and discharged or otherwise well and sufficiently saved defended kept harmless and indemnified by the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators of from and against all former and other Gifts Grants
Bargains sales Leases Mortgages dowers used Trusts Wills Covenants Intails Statutes Merchants and of the Staple Hereditaments Issued judgements Extents Executions Acts Titles Troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever had made committed done or suffered
by the said Samuel Charles or to be and made committed same or suffered
by him his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or by any other person or persons whomsoever And moreover that at all times after default shall happen to be made of or in Payment of the said Sum of eight hundred pounds and Interest or any part thereof contrary
to the true subject and meaning of these presents and of the proviso and covenant in that behalf hereinbefore contained he the said Samuel Charles his Heirs and Assigns to all and every other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the
said premises or any Estate Right title trust or Interest of in to or out of the same or any part thereof shall and will upon the Request of the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns and at the proper Costs and Charges in the Law of the said Samuel
Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators or some or one of them make do acknowledge levy suffer and execute or cause or procure to be made done acknowledged levied suffered and executed any further or other lawful and reasonable act and acts and thing and things desired[?]
Conveyances and Assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better more perfect and absolute granting conveying assuring and confirming of the said Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted and released or so intended with their Appurtenances unto the said John Barnes his
Heirs and Assigns or to such other person or persons his or their Heirs as he or they shall nominate or appoint discharged of the proviso hereinbefore before contained and all power and Equity of Redemption of the said Samuel Charles his Heirs or Assigns of in or to the
same as by the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns or his or their Councel bound[?] in the Law shall be lawfully and reasonably devised or advised and required And the said Samuel Charles doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant
Promise and agree to and with the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns that he the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators shall and will within one month from the date hereof insure in the Sun ffire Office London or in
some other public and responsible office all the Buildings hereby granted and released from Loss or damage by ffire to the amount of eight hundred pounds and keep the said policy of Insurance on ffoot as long as any Money shall be due on the Present Security
to the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns And ffurther that the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or one of them shall and will yearly and every year during the Continuance of the same policy well and
truly pay or cause to be paid unto the Society of the Sun ffire Office in London or unto such other public and responsible Society granting the Policy of Insurance All money which shall become one on such Policy at the yearly time mentioned in and according to the
true Intent and meaning of the said Policy and that if by neglect or Omission of payment or by any other means the said Policy or any other policy of Insurance of the said Buildings from Loss by ffire should become forfeited or ineffirarons[?] for the purpose of
meaning the same from Loss by ffire that then the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators shall and will at his and their own proper Costs and charges upon every such Event and within one month after the happening of the same reinsure
the said Buildings for the said Sum of Eight hundred pounds against Loss by ffire in the said Sun ffire Office or some other public and responsible Office and shall and will duly yearly and every year pay the Insurance money according to the terms of every
such Policy In witness whereas the parties ffirst above named to these present Indentures their Hands and Seals interchangeably have set the day and year first above written.

Katherine Arton [stampted & signed]

Saml Charles [stamped & signed]

Mill House Deeds 04:         A lease for a year dated 10th April 1798. This is a single-sheet document with the title on the back.

Lease for a year

Signed John Barnes


Signed Edmd Smith -------[?]

Dated 10th April 1798

Sealed and Delivered being
first duly stampt in the
presence of

Saml Barnes
Thos Williams

This Indenture made the Tenth day of April in the Thirty eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God
of Great Britain ffrance and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven
Hundred and Ninety eight Between John Barnes of Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester Gentleman of the one part and
Edmund Smith of Harvington Mill in the Parish of Harvington in the County of Worcester Miller and Thomas Smith of Winchcomb in the said County of
Gloucester Baker (a Trustee named by and on the part and behalf of the said Edmund Smith of the other part Witnesseth that for and in Consideration of the Sum of ffive
shillings of good and lawful money of Great Britain to the said John Barnes in hand well and truly paid by the said Edmund Smith at or before the sealing and delivery of these
Presents the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged He the said John Barnes hath Bargained and Sold And by these Presents Doth Bargain and Sell unto
the said Edmund Smith his Executors Administrators and Assigns All that Messuage Tenement now or heretobefore called or known by the name of the fforge And also
All those two Water Corn Mills commonly called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with their Appurtenances situate lying and being in Harvington aforesaid
in the said County of Worcester in or near to the River Avon and the Ground and Soil whereon the said Messuage Mills stand And also all those several pieces or
parcels of Land lying near and belonging to the said Mills called or known by the several names of the Concroft the round Ait and the Mill Ait or by whatsoever other name or
names the same Closes and Premises have heretofore been called or known containing by estimation ffive Acres or thereabouts be the same more or less And also all that
Allotment or parcel of Land situate in the old Ware in Harvington aforesaid and heretofore allotted and awarded to Charles Oldaker Gentleman late Owner of the said Messuage
Mills and Premises and his Heirs in and by the award of the Commissions appointed by Act of Parliament to inclose the commonable Lands in that Parish in lieu of and
compensation for his ffreehold commonable Land and the right of common thereunto belonging and which said allotment contained by estimation One Rood and Thirty four
perches and is bounded as in the said Award is described And also all that Lock and the Water Ground and Soil thereof belonging to the said Mills And also all Toll
Benefit and Custom for Grinding of Corn and Grain whatsoever And also that Yearly Rent of fforty Shillings payable by the Owner or Owners of the upper part of the Navigation
on the said River Avon for the Use of the Ground on which and the Water in which the said Lock is erected And also all that free ffishing in the said River Avon to the said dated
belonging or Appertaining All which said Premises were heretofore purchased by Charles Gentleman of and from the said Charles Oldaker and are now and for sometime part have
been in the Occupation of the said Edmund Smith as Tenant thereof to the said Samuel Smith Charles And also all and every the Buildings vested and made on the said Premises or any part thereof at
any time since the said purchase made by the said Samuel Charles from the said Charles Oldaker as aforesaid and now standing thereon or on any part thereof And all and singular other the
Lands Tenements and Hereditaments mentioned and comprised and granted and Released or intended so to be by Catherine Acton of Bengeworth in the said County of Worcester Widow and the said
Samuel Charles unto the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns in and by a certain Indenture of Release bearing date the ninth day of April One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety three
as therein expressed Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Courts Yards Backsides Hedges Ditches Mounds ffences Trees Woods Underwoods and the
Ground and Soil thereof Mill Pools Mill Dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds Streams Waters Water courses Commons and Common of Pasture Rivers free ffishing ffishing places Ways Paths Passages Easements
Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments Heredits and Apputs whatsoever the said Premises hereby Bargained and Sold or mentioned or intended so to be belonging or in any wise Appertaining And
the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Yearly and other Rents Issues and Profits of all and singular the said Premises To have and to hold the said
Messuage Tenement Water Corn Mills several Closes pieces or parcels of Land Allotments Lock Toll Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings Hereditaments and all and singular other the Premises hereinbefore
mentioned and hereby Bargained and Sold or mentioned or intended so to be with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith their
Executors Administrators and Assigns from the day next before the day of the date hereof for and during and unto the full end and Term of one whole Year from thenceforth next ensuing and fully to be
compleat and ended Yielding and paying therefore unto the said John Barnes his Heirs or Assigns the Rent of one pepper corn on the last day of the said Term of the same shall be lawfully demanded
To the intent that by virtue of these Presents and of the Statute made for transferring into possession they the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith may be in the actual possession of all
and singular the same Messuage Mills Lands Lock Toll Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances and thereby be enabled to accept and take a Grant
and Release of the ffreehold Reversion and Inheritance thereof to them their Heirs and Assigns To such Uses and Upon such Trusts and to and for such Ends Intents and purposes or in such Grant and
Release shall be mentioned expressed and declared of and concerning the same in Witness whereof the said Parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and
Seals the Day and Year first above written

J Barnes [signed]

Mill House Deeds 05:         A Release of a mortgage 11th April 1798. This is a large five-page parchment document with title of back.


Front - sheet 1

Front - sheet 2

Front - sheet 3

Front - sheet 4

Front - sheet 5

[Back 1:]
Release of a Messuage
Mills & Premises at Harvington

Mr John Barnes by the direction of
and tog[ether] with Mr Saml Charles


Mr Toms Smith -[?] Trustee

Dated 11th April 1798.

[Back 2:]
Sealed and Delivered the within named
John Barnes (being first only stampt) in the
presence of
Saml Barnes [signed]
Thos Williams [signed]
Sealed and Delivered by the within named
Samuel Charles Edmund Smith and Thomas
Smith in the presence of
Sarah Williams [signed]
Thos Williams [signed]

Recieved by me the within named John Barnes of and from the
within also named Edmund Smith the sum of Eight hundred and forty - £840 - 0s - 0d
Pounds being the full consideration money within
mentioned to be by him to me paid As witness my Hand the day of the date of
the within writtenIndenture.

Witness - Saml Barnes [signed] - J Barnes [signed] - Thos Williams [signed]

Received by me the within named Samuel Charles of and from the within
also named Edmund Smith the sum of Nine hundred and Sixty pounds - £960. 0s. 0d
being the full consideration money within mentioned to be by him to me paid
as witness my Hand the day of the date of the within written Indenture

Witness - Sarah Williams [signed] - Thos Williams [signed] - Saml Charles [signed] £1800. 0. 0.

[Front - sheet one:]
This Indenture Trinartite made the Eleventh day of April in the thirty eighth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord
George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain ffrance and Ireland King of the faith
and so forth And in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety eight Between John Barnes of Tewkesbury
in the County of Gloucester Gentleman of the first part Samuel Charles late of Cleeve Prior in the County of Worcester and now of Naunton
in the said County of Gloucester Gentleman of the second part and Edmund Smith of Harvington Mill in the Parish of Harvington in the said County of Worcester Miller and Thomas Smith of Winchcombe
in the said County of Gloucester Baker (a Trustee named by and on the part and behalf of the said Edmund Smith) of the third part Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date
respectively the Tenth and Eleventh days of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety the Release being made or mentioned to be made between the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife of the
one part and Katherine Acton of Bengeworth in the said County of Worcester widow of the other part They the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife in consideration of the Sum of ffive hundred pounds to them
in hand and paid by the said Katherine Acton as therein mentioned Did grant and Release unto the said Katherine Acton (in her actual possession then being by virtue of the said Indenture of Lease) her Heirs
and Assigns All that Messuage Tenement commonly called or known by the name of the Forge And all those two Water Corn Mills commonly called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with
their Appurtenances situate lying and in Harvington aforesaid in the said County of Worcester in or near to the River Avon and the Ground and Soil whereon the said Messuage and Mills stood And
also All
those several pieces or parcels of Land lying near and belonging to the said Mills called or known by the several names of the concroft the round Ait and the Mill Ait or by whatsoever names the same had
thentofore been called or known containing by estimation five acres or thereabouts were the same more or less And all that allotment or parcel of Land situate in the old ware [weir] in Harvington aforesaid and then lately awarded
and allotted to Charles Oldaker Gentleman late Owner of the said Messuage and Mills and to his Heirs and by the Award of the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament to inclose the Commonable Lands in that Parish
in lieu of and conpensation for his ffreehold commonable Land and the right of Common thereunto belonging and which Allotment contains by estimation One rood and Thirty four perches and is bounded as in the said
Indenture of Release is described And also all that Lock and the Water Ground and soil thereof belonging to the said Mills And also all Toll Benefit and Custom for Grinding of Corn and Grain whatsoever And also
All that Yearly Rent of fforty Shillings payable by the Owner or Owners of the upper part of the Navigation on the said River Avon for the use of the Ground on which and the Water in which the said Lock was erected And also
All that free ffishing on the River Avon to the said mills belonging or appertaining All which premises are therein mentioned to have been purchased by the said Samuel Charles of and from the said Charles Oldaker
and then were and still are in the occupation of the said Edmund Smith as Tenant thereof to the said Samuel Charles Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards
Courts Yards Backsides Hedges Ditches Tress Woods Underwoods Mill Pools Mill Dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds Streams Waters Watercourses Rivers fee ffishings ffishing Places Ways Paths Passages
Easements Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Premises belonging or in any wise appertaining or to or with the same or any part thereof held lived occupied or enjoyed
accepted reputed deemed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof or appurtenant thereunto And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof And also all
the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Possession Property Benefit Claim and Demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife or either of them of into or out of
the same Hereditaments and Premises every or any part or parcel thereof the same unto and to the use of the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to the proviso
for Redemption of the said Premises therein after contained and hereinafter mentioned And the said Samuel Charles did hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators and for the said Ann his wife
Covenant and Grant to and with the said Katherine Acton her Heirs Executors and Administrators that they the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife would before the end of the then present Easter Term or in
some subsequent or succeeding Term acknowledge and levy one ffine Sur Conusance do droit come ceo and so forth with proclamations unto the said Katherine Acton and her Heirs of the said Messuage
Mills Lands Tenements Rent ffree ffishing Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances And was thereby declared and agreed by and between all the said partys thereto that as well the said
ffine in the said reciting Indenture Covenanted to be levies as all and every other ffine and ffines Common Recovery and Common Recoverys Conveyances and Assurances in the Law whatsoever thentofore or
thereafter to be had made acknowledged levied suffered executed of and concerning the said Hereditaments and Premises should be and enure and that the connusee and conusees in the said ffine and ffines and
the Recoveror and Recoverors in the said Common Recovery and Common Recoverys named or to be named and his and their Heirs should stand and be seized of the same Hereditaments and Premises To the
Use and behoof of the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns for ever Subject nevertheless to the proviso thereinafter contained for Redemption of the said Hereditaments and Premises whereby it wan and is
agreed by and between the said Samuel Charles and Katherine Acton that if the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators should pay unto the said Katherine Acton her executors Administrators or
Assigns the Sum of ffive hundred pounds with Interest for the same after the rate at the time and in manner there in mentioned Then and in such Case the said Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns should
and would at all times thereafter stand seized of the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements Rent ffree ffishing Hereditaments and Premises with the Appurtenances or at the request Costs and Charges of
the said Samuel Charles his Heirs and Assigns should and would Convey the same to such person or persons as he or they should nominate To such uses upon such Trusts and for such intents and
purposes and for such Estate and Estates and subject to such powers and provisoes Conditions Restrictions Limitations and with such Remainders over and charges and chargeable with such Gross Yearly or
other Sum and Sums of Money as the said Samuel Charles by any Deed or Deeds in Writing with or not power of Revocation to be sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and to be attested by two or
more credible Witnesses should Limit Direct or appoint of or concerning the said Hereditaments and Promises or any part thereof free from all Incombrances to be made or done in the mean time by the said Catherine

[Front - sheet two:]
Acton her Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns And whereas in and by certain other Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date
respectively the Eighth and Ninth days of April the in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety three the Release being of
three parts and made or mentioned to be made between the said Katherine Acton of the first part the said Samuel Charles of the second part and the said John Barnes therein described to be of Tewkesbury
aforesaid Hosier of the third part
Reciting in the said Indenture of Release as or to the Effect herein before recited And Reciting That the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife did in Easter
Term One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety acknowledge and levy the said ffine accordingly And That there was then due and owing to the said Katherine Acton upon security of the said Heredits
and Premises the Sum of ffive Hundred Pounds only all Interest for the same having been paid to the day of the date thereof towhich said Sum of ffive Hundred Pounds the said John Barnes at
the request of the said Samuel Charles had agreed to pay off and discharge and to lend the said Samuel Charles the further Sum of Three Hundred Pounds making together the Sum of Eight Hundred
Pounds and to accept the security thereby made to him for the same Sums and the Interest thereof It is Witnessed that in consideration of the Sum of ffive Hundred Pounds to the said
Katherine Acton and of Three Hundred Pounds to the said Samuel Charles in hand paid by the said John Barnes as in the reciting Indenture of Release is mentioned the said Katherine Acton Did
Bargain Sell Remise Release quit claim and Conform And the said Samuel Charles Did Grant Release Ratify and Confirm unto the said John Barnes (in his actual possession then being by
virtue of the said Indenture of Lease and to his Heirs All the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement Water Corn Mills Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land Toll Yearly Rent of fforty Shillings free
ffishing in the River Avon and all and singular other the Hereditaments and Premises heretofore mentioned to be situated lying and being in the Parish of Harvington aforesaid
in the said County of Worcester and in and by the said in part recited Indenture of the Eleventh day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Granted and Released to the said Katherine Acton
her Heirs and Assigns and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their Appurtenances Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Courts Yards Backsides
Hedges Ditches Mounds ffences Trees Woods Underwoods Mill Pools Mill Dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds Streams Waters Watercourses Rivers free ffishing ffishing Places Ways Paths
Passages Easements Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments and Hereditaments whatsoever to the said Messuages Mills Lands Rent Hereditaments and Premises belonging or in any wise
appertaining or accepted reputed deemed taken or known as part parcel or member thereof or appurtenant thereunto And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and
profits thereof And also all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Possession property Benefit Claim and Demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them the said Katherine Acton and Samuel
Charles and each of them of into or out of the said Hereditaments and Premises every or any part or parcel or parcel thereof And all Deeds Evidences and Writings touching or in any wise concerning the same
premises To hold the said Messuage Tenement Water Corn Mills Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land Toll Yearly Rent free ffishing Hereditaments and all and singular other the Premises
therein before mentioned and thereby Released and Confirmed with their Appurtenances unto the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper Use and Behoof of the said John Barnes
his Heirs and Assigns for ever ffreed and Discharged of and from the Proviso or Agreement for Redemption contained in the recited Indenture of Release of the Eleventh Day of May One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Ninety but subject nevertheless to the Proviso or Agreement for Redemption in the now reciting Indenture contained and herein after mentioned And it is by the said now
reciting Indenture of Release further Witnessed that for the Consideration aforesaid and the better to secure the repayment of the said principal Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds and the Interest
thereof and other the Considerations therein expressed the said Samuel Charles in the pursuance power and authority given Limitted and reserved to him in and by the said therein and herein before
recited Indenture of Release of the Eleventh day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety and of all and every other power and powers authority and authorities to him given in him vested
or him in any wise enabling in that behalf and in Exercise and Execution thereof Did (the said reciting Indenture being by him the said Samuel Charles Sealed and Delivered as therein is mentioned) Limit
Direct and Appoint unto the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns All the aforesaid Messuage or Tenement Water Corn Mills Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land Toll Yearly Rent of fforty shillings free ffishing
in the River Avon Hereditaments and all and singular other the Premises in the said then and hereinbefore recited Indenture of Release mentioned and comprised and thereby Granted unto the said
Katherine Acton her Heirs and Assigns with their and every of their Appurtenances And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits thereof And
also all the Estate Right Title Interest Trust Possession Property Benefit Claim and Demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of him the said Samuel Charles of in and to the said Premises
To hold the same Premises with their Appurtenances unto the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns To the only proper use and behoof of the said John Barnes his Heirs and Assigns
for ever Subject nevertheless to the proviso thereinafter contained for redemption of the said Promises where it is declared and agreed by and between the said Samuel Charles and John Barnes that if the said
Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors or Administrators or any or either of them did pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Barnes his Executors Administrators or Assigns the full sum of Eight
Hundred Pounds together with Interest for the same after the rate in manner and at the time then mentioned and appointed Then and in such case the said John Barnes his Heirs or Assigns
should and would at all times after such payment made stand seized of the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements Rent free ffishing Hereditaments and Premises with the Appurtenances or at
the request Costs and Charges of the said Samuel Charles his Heirs or Assigns should and would convey the same to such other person or persons as he or they should nominate To such uses upon
such Trusts and proposes and for such Estate and Estates and subject to such Powers Provisoes Conditions Restrictions and Limitations and with such Remainders over and charged and
Chargeable with such gross Yearly and other Sum and Sums of Money as the said Samuel Charles by any Deed or Deeds in writing with or without power of Revercation to be Sealed and Delivered by him in the
presence of and to be attested by two or more creditable witnesses should Limit Direct or appoint of a concerning the same Hereditaments and Premises or any part thereof free from all Incumbrances to be made

[Front - sheet three:]
Or done in in the mean time by the said John Barnes his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any person or persons lawfully
claiming or to claim by from or under him them or any of them And in Default of or with such Limitation Direction
appointment and until the Estate and Estates Interest and Interests thereof to be Limitted Directed or appointed should commence
and take Effect and also subject to any such Limitation Direction or appointment as should be so made where the same should happen not to be a compleat and until appointment of and concerning the whole
of the said Hereditaments and Premises and as to so much and such part of the said Hereditaments and Premises as should remain unappointed or concerning which no compleat Limitation Direction
appointment should be made and as and when the uses and Estates therein or in any part thereof to be Limitted Directed or Appointed should end and determine the said John Barnes his Heirs or Assigns
should after payment of the said Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds and the Interest thereof stand and be seized of the said hereditaments and Premises To the use of the said Samuel Charles his Heirs and forever
As in and by the said several recited Indentures on reference being thereunto respectively had will more fully appear And whereas Default was made in payment of the said principal Sum
of Eight Hundred Pounds at the time in the said proviso contained in the said last recited Indenture of Release for that purchase limitted and the same Principal Sum is now due and owing to him
the said John Barnes upon his said recited security together with the Sum of Forty pounds                                                               for Interest thereof to the day of the date of these Presents which said principal
Money and Interest amount together to the Sum of Eight Hundred and fforty pounds                                                                     And whereas the said Edmund Smith hath contracted and agreed
to and with the said Samuel Charles for the absolute purchase of the said Messuage Tenement Water Corn Mills Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land free ffishing Hereditaments and all and singular other the
Premises hereinbefore particularly mentioned and recited and all and singular the Buildings thereon erected and made by the said Samuel Charles with their and every of their Rights Members
and Appurtenances and for the ffreehold ffee simple and Inheritance thereof in possession free from all Incumbrances whatsoever at or for the Price or Sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Pounds out of
which Purchase Money it hath been proposed and agreed by and between all and every the said party hereto that the said Sum of Eight Hundred and fforty Pounds                                            is due and
owing to the said John Barnes as aforesaid shall be paid off and Discharged to him and the residue of such Purchase Money being the Sum of Nine Hundred and Sixty Pounds
shall be paid to the said Samuel Charles and that thereupon the said recited Hereditaments and Premises shall be granted and conveyed as hereinafter mentioned Now this Indenture Witnesseth
that in pursuance of the said recited agreement and for and in consideration of the Sum of Eight Hundred and fforty Pounds                 of good and lawful Money of Great Britain to the said John
Barnes (at the special Instance and request and by the direction of the said Samuel Charles testified by his being made a party to and executing these Presents) in hand well and truly paid by the
said Edmund Smith at or immediately before the Ensealing and delivery of these presents The Receipt whereof the said John Barnes doth hereby admit and acknowledge and declare the same to be
in full payment satisfaction and discharge of and for all principal money and Interest due and owing upon or by virtue of the said recited security and thereof and therefrom and from every part
thereof he the said John Barnes doth request release exonerate and Discharge the said Edmund Smith and also the said Samuel Charles and each of them their and each of their Heirs Executors
Administrators and Assigns and every of them and also the said recited Hereditaments and Premises and every part thereof for ever by these Presents And also for and in consideration of
the Sum of Nine Hundred and Sixty Pounds                 of like lawful money of Great Britain to the said Samuel Charles in hand in like manner and at the same time likewise paid
by the said Edmund Smith The Receipt and payment of which said Sum of Nine Hundred and Sixty pounds                 to him the said Samuel Charles and also of the said Sum of Eight
Hundred and fforty pounds                 to the said John Barnes so to him paid by the said Edmund Smith as aforesaid (making together the Sum of One Thousand and Eight Hundred Pounds) has
the said Samuel Charles doth hereby confess and acknowledge and declare the same to be in full for the absolute Purchase of the said recited Messuage or Tenement Water Corn Mills Closes Pieces or
parcels of Land Lock Toll Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings Hereditaments and Premises with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances and of the freehold fee simple and
Inheritance thereof in possession of from all incombrances whatsoever and of and from the payment thereof and of every part thereof he the said Samuel Charles doth in like manner acquit Release
Exonerate and Discharge the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them and also the same Hereditaments and Premises and every part thereof And also for and
in consideration of the further Sum of ffive Shillings of like lawful Money to each of them the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles in hand in like manner and at the same time paid by the
said Thomas Smith the several Receipts whereof are hereby respectivelty acknowledged The said John Barnes (at the like special instance and Request and by the like direction and at the
Nomination and Appointment of the said Samuel Charles testified as aforesaid and at the like special special instance and request and at the like nomination and appointment of the said Edmund Smith
testified his being also made a party to and Executing these presents and so far as he the said John Barnes lawfully may can or ought) Hath Bargained Sold Aliened Remised Released quit claimed
and confirmed And the said Samuel Charles (at the like special instance and request and at the like Nomination and Appoitment of the said Edmund Smith testified as aforesaid in pursuance
and under and by virtue of the power and authority given Limitted and reserved to him in and by the said several hereinbefore recited Indentures of Release of the Eleventh day of May One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Ninety and the Ninth day of April One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Three and of all and every other power and powers authority and authoritys whatsoever to him given in him
vested or him in any wise enabling in this behalf and in exercise and execution thereof Hath Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Released Ratified and Confirmed Limitted Directed and appointed And by
these Presents by the said Samuel Charles duly signed sealed and executed in the presence of and attested by the two credible persons whose names are intended to be hereupon Indorsed as Witnesses to the

[Front - sheet four:]
Execution hereof by him) the said John Barnes Doth Bargain Sell Alien Remise Release Quit Claim and Confirm And the
said Samuel Charles Doth Grant Bargain Sell Alien Release Ratify and Confirm Limit Direct and
appoint unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith (in their actual possession now being by virtue of a
Bargain and Sale to them thereof made by the said John Barnes in Consideration of ffive Shillings by Indenture bearing date the Day next before the Day of the date of these presents for
the Term of one whole year commencing from the day next before the Day of the date of the said Indenture of Bargain and Sale and by force of the Statute made for transferring of uses in to possession
and to their Heirs and Assigns All that the said recited Messuage or Tenement now or heretofore called or known by the name of the fforge And also All those the said two water corn
mills called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with their appurtenances situate lying and being in Harvington aforesaid in or near to the said River Avon and the Ground and
Mill Ait containing by estimation ffive acres or thereabouts be the same more or less And all that the said allotment or parcel of Land situate in the old Ware in Harvington aforesaid
lately awarded and issued to the said Charles Oldaker as hereinbefore recited containing One Rood and Thirty four Perches And all that the said Lock and the Water Ground and Soil
thereof belonging to the said Mills And also All Toll Benefit and Custom for Grinding of Corn and Grain And all that the said Yearly Rent of fforty shillings payable by
the Owner or Owners of the Upper ait of the Navigation on the said River Avon in the use of the Ground on which and the water in which the said Lock is erected And also All
that the said free ffishing in the River Avon to the said Mills belonging or appertaining And also All and every the Buildings erected and made on the said Premises or any part
thereof at any time since the said purchase of the said Messuage and Mills by the said Samuel Charles from the said Charles Oldaker as aforesaid and now standing thereon or on any part
thereof and thereunto belonging And all and singular other the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments mentioned and comprised and Granted and Released or mentioned and
intended so to be by the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife unto the said Katherine Acton in and by the said recited Indenture of Release of the Eleventh day of May One Thousand
Seven Hundred and Ninety and by her the said Katherine Acton and the said Samuel Charles Granted Released and Conveyed or mentioned and intended so to be unto the said John
Barnes in and by the said recited Indenture of Release of the Ninth Day of April One Thousand Seven and Ninety three and every part and parcel thereof Together with all House
Outhouses Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Courts Yards Backsides Hedges Ditches Mounds ffences Trees Woods Underwoods and the Ground and Soil thereof Mill pools
Mill dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds Streams Waters Watercourses Commons and Common of pasture Rivers free ffishings ffishing places Ways Paths Passages Easements
Profits Commodities Advantages Emoluments Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever to the said to the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted
Released and Conveyed or mentioned and intended so to be or any part thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining or to or with the same or any part thereof now or at any time heretofore usually
and of right held used occupied possessed or enjoyed or accounted reputed accepted deemed taken or known for or as part parcel or member thereof or appurtenant thereunto And the Reversion
and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Yearly and other Rents Issues and Profits of all and singular the said Premises And all the Estate Right Title Interest Use Trust Possession Benefit
property claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles and each of them of into or out of the said Hereditaments and
Promises and every or any part or parcel thereof And all Deeds Evidences Muniments and Writings touching or in any wise concerning the same Premises or any part thereof To have
and to hold
the said Messuages or Tenements Water Corn Mills several Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land allotment Lock Toll Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings Hereditaments and
all and singular other the Premises hereinbefore mentioned and hereby Granted Released and Confirmed Directed Limitted and Appointed or expressed and intended so to be with their and every of
their Rights Members and Appurtenances unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith their Heirs and Assigns To the Use of said person and persons and for such Estate and
Estates Interest and Interests and to and for such Ends Intents and Purposes and upon such Trusts and Charged and Chargeable or such manner and form and Subject to such powers of
Revocation (and new appointment and other powers provisoes conditions Limitations Declarations and agreements as the said Edmund Smith shall at any time or times and from
time to time by any Deed or Deeds Instrument or Instruments in Writing to by him only executed in the presence of and attested by one or more credible Witness or Witnesses or in
and by his last Will and Testament in Writing or any Writing purporting to be or in the Nature of his last Will and Testament to be by him duly made and executed in the presence and
attested by three or more credible Witnesses Grant and Release Order Direct Limit or Appoint or Give or devise the same And in default of or until such Grant Release Order Direction Limitation
or Appointment or Gift or device in case any such shall be made of the same be not an absolute Disposition of the whole Estate and Interest of and in the Premises then subject thereto and
as and when the Estate or Estates Interest or Interests to be thereof Granted Released Ordered Directed Limitted or appointed or given devised created shall respectively end or determine and
as to such part or parts of the same Hereditaments and Premises and all such Estate and Interest therein of which no such Grant Release Order Direction Limitation or appointment or Gift
or Device shall be effectively made as aforesaid To the Use and Behoof of the said Thomas Smith and his Heirs during the natural Life of the said Edmund Smith In Trust nevertheless to
and for the only benefit and advantage of the said Edmund Smith and his Assigns And from and immediately after the Determination of the Estate so Limitted in Use to the said Thomas Smith

[Front - sheet five:]
During the Life of the said Edmund Smith as aforesaid To and for the only proper Use and Behoof of the said Edmund Smith his Heirs and Assigns for
ever and to for or upon no other Use Befoof Trust Intent or purpose whatsoever And the said John Barnes doth hereby for himself his Heirs
Executors and Administrators Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Edmund Smith his Heirs and Assigns in manner following (that is to
say) that he the said John Barnes hath not at any time heretofore made or executed any former or other conveyance of the said Premises hereby Granted Released and Conveyed or mentioned or intended so
to be or of any part or parcel thereof nor made done or committed nor wittingly or willingly caused procured permitted or suffered to be made done or committed any Act Deed Matter or Thing whatsoever whereby or by
reason or means whereof the same Premises or any part thereof are is can shall or may be impeached charged affected or incumbered in Title charge Estate or otherwise howsoever And the said Samuel Charles
doth hereby for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators Covenant promise and agree to and with the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Executors and Administrators in manner following (that is to say) that
they the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles now at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents are and stand or one of them is and standeth lawfully rightfully and absolutely seized of and in or
well and sufficiently intitled unto the said Messuage Mills closes pieces or parcels of Land Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings Hereditaments and all and singular other the Premises hereinbefore mentioned and hereby
Granted and Released Directed Limited and Approved or mentioned and intended so to be with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances of a good sure perfect lawful absolute and indefeasible Estate of
Inheritance in fee simple to them or one of them their or one of their Heirs without any Reversion Remainder Trust Limitation of Use or Uses power of Revocation or any other Restraint Matter Cause or Thing whatsoever to alter
Change Charge revoke make void lesson incumber or determine the same (Save and Accept as appears by these presents) And that they the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles now have in themselves or any of
them hath in himself good right full power and lawful and absolute authority to Grant Release Limit Direct and appoint the same Messuage Mills Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings
Hereditaments and Premises with their Appurtenances unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith their Heirs and Assigns to the Uses and in manner aforesaid and according to the purport true intent and meaning
of these Presents And also that he the said Edmund Smith his Heirs and Assigns shall and lawfully may from time to time and at all times for ever hereinafter peaceably and quietly enter into and
upon have hold Use Occupy possess and enjoy the said Messuage or Tenement Mills Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land Allotment Lock Toll Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings Hereditaments and all and singular
other the Premises hereby Granted and Released Directed Limitted and appointed or mentioned and intended so to be with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances and the Rents Issues and
profits thereof have receive and take to and for his and their own proper Use and Benefit without any Set suit Insurance Denial Trouble Molestation or Interruption whatsoever of from or by the said
John Barnes and Samuel Charles or either of them their or either of their Heirs or Assigns or of from or by any other person or persons whomsoever claiming or to claim the same Premises or any party
thereof by from or under or in trust for them or either of them And that free and clear and freely and clearly Acquitted Exonerated and Discharged or otherwise by him the said Samuel Charles his
Heirs Executors or Administrators well and sufficiently saved defended kept harmless and in demnified of from and against all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales
Leases Estates Mortgages Jointures Dowers Right and Title of Dower Uses Trusts Wills Covenants Intails Statutes Merchant of the Staple Recognizances Issues Judgements Extents Executions Acts
and of from and against all and singular other Estates Titles Troubles Charges and Incumbrances whatsoever either already had made done committed occasioned or suffered or to be had made
done committed occasioned or suffered by him the said Samuel Charles his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any other Person or Persons whomsoever claiming or to claim the
same Promises or any part thereof by from or under him or them or any or either of them And ffurther that he the said Samuel Charles his Heirs and Assigns and all and every
other Person and Persons whomsoever having or claiming or who shall or may have or do in any Estate Right Title Trust or Interest of into or out of the said Messuage or Tenement Mills Closes
Pieces or Parcels of Land Allotment Lock Toll Yearly Rent ffree ffishing Building Hereditaments and Premises hereby Granted and Released Directed Limitted and Appointed or mentioned and
intended so to be by from or under or In Trust for him or them or any or either of them shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon the request and as the proper costs and charges
of the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns make do acknowledge levy suffer and execute or cause and procure to be made done acknowledged levied
Suffered and Executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts Thing and Things Deeds Devices Conveyances and Assurances in the Law whatsoever be the
same by ffine ffeofment Common Recovery or Recoverys or other matter of Record or otherwise howsoever for the further better more perfect and absolute Granting Releasing Conveying and
Assuring Directing Limitting and Appointing the same Messuage or Tenement Mills Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land Allotment Lock Toll Yearly Rent free ffishing Buildings Hereditaments
and all and singular other the Premises with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances unto and to the Use of the said Edmund Smith his Heirs and Assigns for ever
as by him the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns or any or either of them his their or any or either of their Counsel learned in the Law shall be
reasonably devised or advised and required In Witness whereof the said parties to these Presents have hereunto interchargeably set their Hands and Seals the day and year first
herein written

John Barnes [signed], Saml Charles [signed], Edmd Smith [signed], Thos Smith [signed]

Mill House Deeds 06:         Will of Edmund Smith dated 22nd August 1812. This is a single-sheet document with the title on the back.

[Side 1]
Will of Mr Edm Smith
of Harvington Miller

Dated 22nd Augst 1812

[Page 1:]
Edmund Smith

In the name of God Amen I Edmund Smith of
Harvington in the County of Worcester Miller Do
make this my last will and testament in manner following
(that is to say) I do hereby direct that all my just
debts which I shall owe at the time of my Decease
& also my funeral & testamentary expenses shall be
paid as soon as soon after my decease as conveniently
may be & do charge & make chargeable all my Estate
& effects real & personal with the payment of the
same And I give devise & bequeath (subject to the
payment of my Debts & funeral expenses) as aforesaid
All my Freehold & Copyhold Estates Mill Lands &
Premises (that is to say) All that Freehold Mill
Lands & Premises situate at Harvington aforesaid now
in my own occupation And also my Copyhold
Cottages & Land at Harvington aforesaid now in my
own occupation held under the Dean & Chapter of Worcester
containing together by Estimation Five acres & a half
be the same more or less And all other my real chattels
real & Copyhold Leasehold & other Estates Lands &
Premises I may have at the day of my death in the
Kingdom of great Britain unto my dear Brother Henry
Smith of Evesham in the County of Worcester
Mercer & my Brother in Law Richard Hirst
Gentleman of Winchcomb in the County of Gloucester
& Mr Sam Sheaf of Barton in the County of Warwick
Farmer (whom I hereinafter nominate & appoint
Executor of this my will) their Heirs Executors
Administrators & Assigns for & during all such Estates &
Interests at the time of my decease I shall have therein
respectively & according to the nature & tenure
of the same respectively Upon Trust that they my
said Trustees or the survivor of them his Heirs
Executors & Administrators shall & do within 12
months next after my Decease by Public Action or
Private sale as to them shall deem best sell the
same together with all my Household Furniture

[Side 2]

[Page 2]
plate linen china Books stock in Trade & all other my Estates
both real and personal and of what nature soever for the
most money & best price which can be obtained for the
same & shall & do call receive and get in all such part or
parts of my Estates & Effects as shall consist of Moneys
or securities for Money & do thereupon with all convenient
speed divide the Monies arising by such sale or sales & what
shall be called in as is last mentioned (that is to say)
Unto my Sister Hester her Executors Administrators
or Assigns Two full parts or shares thereof To my Sister
An Charles her Executors Administrators or Assigns One
other share To my Brother Henry his Executors Administrators
or Assigns One other share To my Sister Elizabeth Hirons
her Executors Administrators or Assigns the remaining
Fifth share or Part thereof And I do hereby direct
that if either of them my said Brothers or Sisters shall
happen to die in my Life time without issue him
or her surviving then the part or share of him or her
so dying shall go to the survivor or survivors of them
his her or their Executors Administrators or Assigns
share & share alike & be paid by said Trustee or the
survivor of them or his Executors Administrators or accor-
dingly Provided always nevertheless that in
case either of my said Brother or Sisters shall depart
this life in my Lifetime having any child or children
of his or their Body then I direct my said Trustees &
the survivor of them his Executors or Administrators
to pay & supply the share or shares which such
Father or Mother if living would have been entitled
to receive unto & amongst all & every child or children
of him or her so dying if more than one equally share
& share alike & if but one of them to such one only absolutely
And I do hereby constitute & appoint the said Henry
Smith Richard Hirons & Samuel Sheaf Trustees &
Executors of this my last will & testament And I
do hereby further declare it to be my Will & direct that
my Trustees & Executors or either of them shall not be
responsible or accountable for or charged or chargeable
with more of the aforesaid Estate or Effects or the Monies
arising therefrom than he or they shall actually receive

[Side 2]

[Page 3]
or shall come to their respective hands by virtue of that my
Will in the Trusts thereof nor with nor for any loss or
deduction which shall or may happen of the same or
any part thereof so as such loss happen without their
or one of them wilful neglect or default but each for
himself & his own Acts & Deeds only And also that it
shall & may be lawful for my said Trustees & Executors
& the survivors of them in the first place by & out
of my said Estates & Effects or the Money ensuing there-
from to deduct & reimburse himself & themselves
respectively all such Costs & Charges & Expenses as he
or they shall sustain expend & & be put unto in or
about the execution of this my Will or the Trust
thereof or any thing in any wise relating thereto
And it is my will & meaning that the receipts of
my said Trustees Executors without the junction of each
other shall be a good & sufficient discharge or good &
sufficient discharges for so much Money as shall in
such receipts be expressed or acknowledged to be received
& that it shall not be necessary for the purchaser or
purchasers of my said freehold - copyhold hereditaments
Premises or & other my real - personal Estate above - are
directed to be sold to see or attend to the application
of the purchase Money or any part thereof & that
the receipt of my said Trustees executors or either
of them shall be effectual discharge to such purchaser
or purchasers And lastly I do hereby revoke all
former & other will and Wills by me at any time
heretofore made & do declare this only to be my last
Will & Testament - In Testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand & seal this 22nd day of August

Edmd Smith Signed Sealed

Published & Declared by the said Testator Edmund
Smith as & for his last Will & Testament in the
presence of each other have subscribed our Names
as Witnesses

George Baylis Farmer Harvington
Jas. Walker Millwryght
John Heritage Millwryght

Proved at -[?]rs Commons 17 Jany 1818 by Mr Henry
Smith & Samuel Sheaf surviving Executors
Testor died 12th Decr 1818 & was buried at

A true copy of the
Probate 20th Aprl 1818
CH Winterbotham Clerk & W Cheek Evesham
Wm Headley Evesham

Mill House Deeds 07:         A Demise/Indenture dated 10th April 1817. This is a large three-page parchment document with the title etc. on the back.

Front - sheet 1

Front - sheet 2

Front - sheet 3

[Back 1:]
Dated 10th day of March 1817

Mr Edmd Smith
Messrs Hartland & Co.

Demise of Messuage Mills and
Land at Harvington for securing Banking

[Back 2:]
Recd this 9th Day of Jany 1822 Return
Three thousand pounds - being the amount of
Principal and Interest due on the within mortgage and I
do hereby engage that myself and partners shall execute
a transfer of the within premises to Mr Thomas Walford
Marshall who hath[?] and us -----[?] to above[?] ------[?]
he shall appoint or ------[?] at his Costs

Witness: Nathl Hartland

[Back 3:]
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of
W[?] Cheek Sol Evesham
-[?] Winterbotham his Clerk

Page 1:
This Indenture made the tenth day of March in the fifty second year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight
Hundred and seventeen Between Edmund Smith of Harvington Mills and in the Parish of Harvington in the County of Worcester
Miller of the one part and Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger of Evesham in the
said County of Worcester Bankers and Copartners of the other part Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date
respectively the Lease the tenth and the Release the eleventh days of April which were in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred
and ninety eight the Release being made or expressed to be made between John Barnes of Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester
Gentleman of the first part Samuel Charles of Naunton in the said County of Gloucester Gentleman of the second part and the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith of Winchcomb in the said County
of Gloucester Baker of the third part After Reciting as therein is recited It is Witnessed that in consideration of Eight hundred and forty pounds to the said John Barnes at the request and by the
direction of the said Samuel Charles paid by the said Edmund Smith and in consideration of Nine Hundred and sixty Pounds to the said Samuel Charles paid by the said Edmund Smith the respective
receipt of which said sums of Nine Hundred and sixty Pounds and Eight hundred and forty Pounds so paid by the said Edmund Smith making together One Thousand Eight hundred Pounds the said
Samuel Charles did hereby acknowledge and also in further Consideration of five shillings to each of them the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles paid by the said Thomas Smith The said John
Barnes at the request and by the direction of the said Samuel Charles and at the nomination of the said Edmund Smith Did bargain sell alien remise release quit claim and confirm and the said
Samuel Charles by virtue of the power and Authority reserved to him in and by a certain Indenture of Release bearing date on or about the eleventh day of May in the year One Thousand seven hundred
and ninety and another Indenture of Release bearing date on or about the ninth day of April in the year One Thousand seven hundred and ninety three in the now reciting Indenture of Release
particularly recited Did by the now reciting Indenture executed by the said Samuel Charles in the presence of the two persons thereon indorsed as witnesses to the due execution thereof grant bargain
sell alien release ratify and confirm limit direct and appoint unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith (in their actual possession then being by virtue of the said Lease) All that
Messuage or Tenement now or heretofore called or known by the name of the Forge And also all those two Water Corn Mills called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with their
appurtenances situate lying and being in Harvington aforesaid in or near to the River Avon and the Ground and Soil whereon the said Messuage and Mills stand And also all those several Closes pieces
or parcels of Land called by the several names of Concroft the Round Ait and the Mill Ait containing by Estimation five acres or thereabouts be the same more or less And also all
that Allotment or parcel of land situate in the old Ware in Harvington aforesaid awarded as therein mentioned containing One Rood and thirty four perches And also all that Lock and the Water
Ground and Soil thereof belonging to the said Mills And also all toll benefit and Custom for grinding of of Corn and Grain And also all that yearly rent of forty shillings payable by the Owner
of the Upper part of the Navigation on the said River Avon for the Use of the Ground on which and the Water in which the said Lock is erected And also all that free fishing in the said River
Avon to the said Mills belonging And also all and every the Buildings erected on the said Premises at any time since the purchase of the said Messuage and Mills by the said Samuel Charles
and then standing thereon or on any part thereof and thereunto belonging And all and singular other the Messuage Lands Tenements and hereditaments granted and released by the said Samuel
Charles and Ann his wife unto Catherine Acton in Mortgage as therein particularly mentioned and by said Catherine Acton and the said Samuel Charles granted and released in mortgage
unto the said John Barnes as therein particularly mentioned Together with all Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Couts Yards Hedges Ditches Mounds Fences Trees Mill Dams
Stanks Banks floodgates ponds streams waters fishing places ways paths passages Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements and Premises belonging or appertaining
And the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders yearly and other rents issues and profits thereof And all the Estate Right Title Interest use trust possession claim and demand whatsoever
both at Law and in Equity of them the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles therein To hold the same with their appurtenances unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith their Heir and
Assigns To the Use of such persons and for such Estates and Interests and for such purposes and upon such Trusts and charges in manner and form and subject to powers of revocation
and new appointment and other powers provisos limitations and agreements as the said Edmund Smith should by any deed or deeds to be by him executed in the presence of and attested by
one witness grant release order direct limit or appoint with remainder To the Use of the said Thomas Smith and his Heirs during the Life of the said Edmund Smith In Trust for the said
Edmund Smith and his Assigns and with remainder To the Use of the said Edmund Smith his Heirs and Assigns for ever And whereas the said Edmund Smith is in the habit
of transacting business in account with the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger in their profession or business of Banking and on such account there is now due from
the said Edmund Smith to them the sum of Eight hundred and forty three Pounds of lawful Money current in Great Britain which the said Edmund Smith doth hereby acknowledge
and as the said Account so kept by the said Edmund Smith with the said Bankers is and as intended to be a floating account and such as is usual to be kept between Bankers and their Customers
and in consequence thereof the said Edmund Smith may be in the Course of such Account sometimes indebted in a larger sum and sometimes in less than the said sum of Eight Hundred
and Forty Three Pounds it hath bee agreed by and between the said Edmund Smith and the said and the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger that the
said Messuage Mills Land and Premises with their appurtenances shall be appointed demised and granted by the said Edmund Smith to them their Executors Administrators and Assigns
for securing all Monies which the said Edmund Smith now is or at any time or times hereafter may be indebted to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and
Nathaniel Hartland the Younger in any manner howsoever on such transactions with them in banking is aforesaid not exceeding the sum of three Thousand Pounds Now
therefore this Indenture Witnesseth
that in pursuance of the said Agreement and for and for and in consideration of the said sum of Eight Hundred and Forty three Pounds
so due and owing is the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger as hereinbefore mentioned and in further consideration of the sum of ten

Page 2:
Shillings of lawful Money of and current in Great Britain to the said Edmund Smith in hand at or before the sealing and delivery of these
presents well and truly paid by the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged He the said Edmund Smith in exercise and pursuance of the power and authority
given and reserved to him in and by the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Release Hath directed limitted and appointed
and Hath hereby granted demised and set over and by these presents sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and
attested by the credible person who hath hereon indorsed his name as Witness to the due execution hereof Doth direct limit and appoint and Doth hereby grant demise and
set over unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Executors Administrators and Assigns All those the said Messuage
or Tenement Water Corn Mills Closes pieces or parcels of Land Allotments and Lock Toll yearly rents free fishing Buildings and other the Premises particularly described in and
released limited and appointed in and by the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Lease and Release And Also All that paper Mill erected and built on part
of the said Premises with the Rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging now in the possession of John Gould (or persons claiming under him) under and by
virtue of a lease granted thereof by the said Edmund Smith With all privileges and advantages reserved in and by the said Lease to the said Edmund Smith
his Heirs and Assigns unto the yearly and other rents payable to him and them for the same Together with all other Erections buildings and improvements erected made and
done on the said Premises or on any part thereof by the said Edmund Smith And Together with all Courts Yards backsides Hedges Ditches Mounds Fences Trees Locks Keys
latches Bolt bars Chimney Pieces Grates Cupboards features affixed and fastened to the said to the said Premises or any part thereof Machinery and all Matters and things used or
for the time being to be used in and about the said Mills in the grinding and dressing of Corn Mill Pools Dams Stanks Banks Floodgates Ponds Streams Waters Watercources
Commons Common of Pasture ffishing Places Ways Paths Passages Easements Profits Commodities advantages and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage Mills Lands
Tenements and Premises hereby appointed and demised or intended so to be or any part thereof belonging or appertaining or to or with the same or any part thereof now or at
any time heretofore usually held used occupied possessed or enjoyed or accepted reputed taken or known as or for part parcel or member thereof or appurtenant thereunto And all
the Estate Right Title Interest use Trust possession benefit claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of him the said Edmund Smith into and upon or out of
the said Premises or any part thereof And all Deeds Evidences and Writings relating to or in anywise concerning the said Messuage Mills and premises hereby appointed and demised
or intended so to be in the custody or power of him the said Edmund Smith or which he can obtain without suit at Law or in Equity To have and to hold the said
Messuage or Tenement Mills pieces or parcels of land lock toll yearly and other rents buildings and all and singular other the premises hereinbefore described and hereby appointed
and demised or intended so to be with their and every of their Rights members and appurtenances unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Ellis Hartland and Nathaniel
Hartland the Younger their Executors Administrators and Assigns from henceforth for and during and unto the full End and term of One Thousand years thence next ensuing
and fully to be compleat and Ended without impeachment for or on Account of any manner of waste Yielding and Paying therefore yearly and every year during the said term unto the
said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees and Assigns the rent of one pepper Corn only of the same shall be lawfully demanded Provided Always and it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the
said parties to these presents that if the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees or Assigns do and shall from time to time well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Nathaniel
Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Executors Administrators or Assigns the balance of such bankers account as and when and from time to time as the
same shall be required by the said Nathaniel Hartland John Ellis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Executors Administrators or Assigns or keep the same down in the
usual manner between Bankers and their Customers together with all Interest lawfully due and to be due and owing to these from the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Executors or
Administrators or such banking account And also all legal discount commission and postages to which the said Nathaniel Hartland John Ellis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland
the Younger now are or to which they their Executors Administrators may be entitled to have and receive from the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Executors Administrators or such
banking account for Bills or notes discounted or for any other Transactions on such banking account or if the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees Executors or Administrators do and shall within one month
after request in writing made by the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger or any of them their or any of their Executors Administrators or Assigns well and truly pay or
cause to be paid unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Heirs Admons or Assigns the clear balance which shall appear to be due and owing to them from the said
Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors or Admins including all Interest discount commission and postages as aforesaid and close such banking account without any defalcation deduction or abatement
whatsoever or any Account whatsoever whether parliamentary parochial or otherwise howsoever then and from thenceforth and from and after such payment the said Term of One Thousand Years hereby
appointed and granted and these presents with every clause matter and thing herein contained shall cease determine and be utterly void to all intents and purposes whatsoever anything herein contained to the
contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding And the said Edmund Smith Doth hereby for himself his Heirs appointees Exors Admons and Assigns covenant promise and agree to and with the said Nathaniel
Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons and Assigns that he the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors or Admons shall and will and well and truly pay or cause to be
paid unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons or Assigns all and every sum and sums of Money which the said Edmund Smith now is indebted or which
to his Heirs Exors or Admons shall or may from time to time hereafter stand indebted to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons or Assigns in their said
possession or business of Bankers together with all Interest Commission and postages thereon when and as often as and as soon as the same shall from time to time be demanded as usual with Bankers by the said
Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger or either of them their or either of their Executors Administrators or assigns And also that he the said Edmund Smith now hath
in himself good right full power and lawful and absolute Authority to appoint grant and demise All and every the said Messuage Mills and Premises hereby or intended to be hereby appointed

Page 3:
Demised and granted and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their Rights Members and appurtenances unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Ellis
Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons and Assigns in manner and form aforesaid And Moreover that if default
shall happen to be made in any of said respective payments so to be made by the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors or Admons
as aforesaid at the times appointed by the proviso hereinbefore contained for payment thereof contrary to the true intent and meaning thereof and of these presents that then and from
thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Nathaniel Hartland John Ellis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons or Assigns into and upon all and
singular the said Messuage Mills Land and Premises hereby appointed demised and granted or expressed or intended so to be and into every part and parcel thereof with their and every
of their rights members to enter and the same peaceably and quietly to have hold use occupy possess and enjoy and the rents issues and profits and profits thereof thereof and of every part thereof to have
receive and take to their own use and benefit for and during all the residue and remainder of the said sum of One Thousand years without any manner of the let suit trouble disturbance molestation
Eviction claim or demand of or by the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors and Edmons or of or by any other person or persons whomsoever And that free and clear and freely clearly and absolutely
acquitted released and discharged or otherwise by the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors Admons or some or one of them well and sufficiently saved defended kept harmless and indemnified of and from all and
all manner of former and other gifts grants bargains sales feoffments devises Trusts jointures Dowers Wills Entails leases Mortgages Releases Demises assignments rents Arrears of rent fines amercements Debts
duties statutes recognizances judgments Executions Extents and of from and against all other Titles charges incumbrances and demands whatsoever at any time heretofore had made done committed executed
or suffered or hereafter to be had made done committed executed or suffered by the said Edmund Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors and Admons or any other person or persons whatsoever And Further that
from time to time and at all and every time or times after default shall happen to be made of or in any of the said several and respective payments so to be made by the said Edmond Smith as
aforesaid contrary to the above written Proviso and Covenant in that behalf and the true intent and meaning of these presents He the said Edmond Smith his Heirs appointees Exors Admons and assigns
and all and every other person or persons whomsoever having or lawfully claiming or who shall or may have or lawfully claim any Estate Rights Title or Interest of into or out of the said
Messuage Mills Land and Premises hereby appointed and demised or mentioned or intended so to be or any part or parcel thereof by from under or in Trust for him or them shall and will
upon every reasonable request of the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Edmons or Assigns but at the Costs of the said Edmond
Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors Admons or Assigns make do acknowledge levy suffer and execute or cause or procure to be made done acknowledged levied suffered or executed all and every such
further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts Deed and Deeds thing and things conveyances and assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better more perfect and absolute
granting conveying and assuring the said Messuage Mills Land and Premises hereby appointed and demised or mentioned or intended so to be and every part and parcel thereof with
their and every of their Rights members and appurtenances unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons and
Assigns for and during all the residue of the said term of One Thousand Years hereby appointed and demised which shall be then to come and unexpired freed and absolutely discharged
of and from the above written proviso or agreement for redemption and all Equity thereof or thereupon as by the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland
the Younger their Exors Admons or Assigns or their any or either of their Counsel learned in the Law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required And Lastly that he the said Edmond
Smith his Heirs Appointees Exors Admons shall and will during the security hereby made keep the sums of One Thousand Five Hundred Pounds insured on the said Messuage or Tenement Mills buildings and
Premises hereby appointed and demanded or intended so to be in some good public fire insurance office in such manner as that the same may be always kept insured from loss or damage by
fire during the continuance of the security And also that all and every such policy and policies of insurance shall be duly and effectually assigned unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis
Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons and Assigns with full power to sue for recover have take and receive the monies thereby insured and all benefit and
advantages thereof And that the said policy or policies of Insurance and all monies thereby insured and all benefit and advantage thereof shall stand and be a security unto the
said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Exors Admons and Assigns for the repayment of the said Banking account in manner as
aforesaid And in case the said Edmond Smith his Heirs Appointees Executors or Administrators do or shall at and time or times thereafter refuse or neglect either to keep or
continue the said Messuage Mills and Premises insured from fire as aforesaid or to pay the premium or consideration Money and duty from time to time to become due and payable
so the policy or policies of Insurance thereof that then and in either of the said cases it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland
and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Executors Administrators or Assigns n their own names to take out of any such Fire insurance office one or more policy or policies or
any sum not exceeding the said sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Pounds for the Insurance of the said Messuage Mills and premises or any part thereof from and against
loss or damage by fire under such premium or Consideration Money to be paid for the same as is customary and then and in such case the said Messuage
Mills and Premises and their Appurtenances and such policy or policies of Insurance and all monies thereby insured shall stand and be a Security unto the
said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their Executors Administrators and Assigns is well for such monies as shall
be disbursed and laid out in taking our such policy or policies and for such premium or consideration money as aforesaid and lawful Interest for the same as for the said
Banking account and that as fully and effectually as the said Messuage Mills and premises are hereby made a security for such Banking Account as aforesaid In
whereof the said Parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Edmund Smith [signed]

Mill House Deeds 08:         A Demise/Copyhold Indenture dated 10th April 1817 on three parchment sheets.

This is a large three-page parchment document with the title etc. on the back.

Front - sheet 1

Front - sheet 2

Front - sheet 3

[Back 1:]
Dated 10th day of April 1817

Mr Edmd Smith to Mrs Hester Smith
Demise of a Messuage Mills and Premises
at Harvington for securing £1739 subject to a prior
Mortgage thereon - and Covenant to surrender
Copyhold premises there as a further secuity

[Back 2:]
Digned sealed and delivered in the presence of

J.M. Cheek Solr Evesham
-----[?] Cheek his Son

Sheet 1:

This Indenture made the tenth day of April in the Fifty seventh year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third By the
Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King defender of the Faith and in the year of our
Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen Between Edmund Smith of Harvington Mills in the
Parish of Harvington in the County of Worcester Miller of the one part and Hester Smith of Harvington aforesaid
Spinster of the other part Whereas by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the Lease the Tenth
and Release the Eleventh days of April which were in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and ninety
Eight the Release being made or expressed to be made between John Barnes of Tewkesbury in the County of Gloucester Gentleman of the first part Samuel Charles of Naunton in the said County of
Gloucester Gentleman of the second part and the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith of Winchcomb in the said County of Gloucester Baker of the third part After Reciting as therein is
recited it is Witnessed that in consideration of Eight hundred and Forty Pounds to the said John Barnes at the request and by the direction of the said Samuel Charles paid by the said Edmund
Smith and in consideration of Nine hundred and sixty Pounds to the said Samuel Charles paid by the said Edmund the respective receipts of which said sums of Nine hundred and Sixty Pounds
and Eight hundred and Forty Pounds so paid by the said Edmund Smith making together one thousand Eight hundred Pounds the said Samuel Charles did thereby acknowledge and also in further
consideration of Five shillings to each of them the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles paid by the said Thomas Smith the said John Barnes at the request and by the direction of the said
Samuel Charles and at the nomination of the said Edmund Smith Did bargain sell alien remise release quit claim and confirm and the said Samuel Charles by virtue of the power and authority
reserved to him in and by a certain Indenture of Release bearing date on or about the eleventh day of May in the year one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety and another Indenture of Release bearing
date on or about the Ninth day of April in the year one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety three in the now reciting Indenture of release particularly recited Did by the now reciting Indenture
executed by the said Samuel Charles in the presence of the two person thereon indorsed as Witnesses to the due Execution thereof grant bargain sell alien release ratify and confirm limit
direct and appoint unto the said Edmund Smith (in their actual possession then bring by virtue of the said Lease) All that Messuage or Tenement now or heretofore
called or known by the name of the Forge And also all those two Water Corn Mills called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with their Appurtenances situate lying and being in
Harvington aforesaid in or near to the River Avon and the Ground and Soil whereon the said Messuage and Mills stand And also all those several Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land called by the
several names of the Concroft the Round Ait and the Mill Ait containing by Estimation Five Acres or thereabouts be the same more or less And also all that Allotment or Parcel of Land situate in
the old Ware in Harvington aforesaid awarded as therein mentioned containing one rood and thirty four perches And also all that Lock and the water Ground and Soil whereof belonging to the said
Mills And also all toll benefit and custom for grinding of corn and grain And also all that yearly rent of forty shillings payable by the owners of the Upper part of the Navigation on the said River Avon
for the use of the Ground on which and the water in which the said Lock is erected And also all that free fishing in the said River Avon to the said Mills belonging And also all and every the Buildings
erected on the said Premises at any time since the purchase of the said Messuage and Mills by the said Samuel Charles and then standing thereon or on any part thereof and thereunto belonging
And all and singular other the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments granted and released by the said Samuel Charles and Ann his Wife unto Catherine Acton in Mortgage as therein
particularly mentioned [insert] and by her the said Katherine Acton and the said Samuel Charles granted and released in Mortgage unto the said John Barnes as therein particularly mentioned [end]
Together with all Edifices Buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards Court Yards Hedges Ditches Mounds Fences Trees Mill Pools Mill Dams Stanks Banks Floodgates Ponds Streams
Waters Dishing Places Ways Paths Passages Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the said Messuage Mills Lands Tenements and Premises belonging or appertaining And the Reversion and Reversions
Remainder and Remainders Yearly and other Rents Issues and Profits thereof And all the Estate Right Title Interest use Trust Possession claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them
the said John Barnes and Samuel Charles therein To hold the same with their Appurtenances unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith their Heirs and Assigns To the Use of such
persons and for such Estates and Interests and for such purposes and upon such Trusts and chargeable in such manner and form and subject to such powers of revocation and new appointment
and other powers provisos limitations and agreements as the said Edmund Smith should by any deed or deeds to be by him executed in the presence of and attested by one witness grant release order
direct limit or appoint with remainder To the use of the said Thomas Smith and his Heirs during the life of the said Edmund Smith
In Trust for the said Edmund Smith [insert] and his Assigns and with remainder To the use of of the said Edmund Smith [end] his Heirs and
Assigns for ever And whereas the said Edmund Smith is seized and possessed of certain Messuages or Tenements heretofore one Messuage or Tenement and in the Occupation of Edward Skinner[?] and Ann
Read and two Closes of Arable Land containing together about Five Acres and a half all situate in the parish of Harvington in the County of Worcester late in the occupation of Thomas
Walford Marshall but now of the said Edmund Smith or his Undertenant granted to him the said Edmund Smith by a Copy of Court Roll from the Dean and Chapter of Worcester in the year one Thousand
seven hundred and Ninety seven and Ninety seven for certain lives in the Copies of Court Roll mentioned with benefit of renewal of such Copyhold Messuages lands and Premises And Whereas the said Edmund Smith is
indebted to the said Hester Smith in the sum of One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ten Pounds for the Money lent and advanced by the said Hester Smith appears by an account this day stated and
admitted between them And Whereas the said Messuage Mill Land and Premises described in the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture where by Indenture of demise bearing date the tenth day of
March past granted demised limited and appointed unto Nathaniel Hartland the Elder John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their executors Administrators and Assigns
for one thousand years for securing to them in manner therein mentioned their banking account with the said Edmund Smith to an amount not exceeding three thousand Pounds
And Whereas the said Edmund Smith in order to secure the payment of the said One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ten Pounds to the said Hester Smith together with the Costs Charges and Expenses
of these Presents and for various professional matters paid by her arising out of this Concern making together the sum of one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds
with lawful Interest on such Sum of One thousand six hundred and thirty nine pounds hath proposed to her to demise the said Messuage Mills Land and

Sheet 2:
premises last mentioned and to covenant in manner hereinafter mentioned for the surrender of the said Copyhold premises in deed[?] form of Law to her as a security for the
same to which she the said Hester Smith hath agreed Now therefore this Indenture Witnesseth that to carry into effect such
proposal and agreement and in consideration of the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds so due and owing to the said
Hester Smith as hereinbefore mentioned and in further consideration of the sum of Ten shillings of lawful money of and current in Great
Britain to the said Edmund Smith in hand at of before the sealing and delivery of these presents well and truly paid by the said
Hester Smith the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged He the said Edmund Smith in exercise and pursuance of the power and authority
hereby granted demised and set over and by these presents sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and attested by the credible person who hath hereon indorsed his name as witness
to the due execution hereof Doth direct limit and appoint and Doth hereby grant demise and set over unto the said Hester Smith her Executors Administrators and Assigns All those
the said Messuages or Tenements Water Corn Mills closes pieces or parcels of land allotments Lock Toll yearly rents free fishing buildings and other the premises particularly described in and
released and limitted and appointed in and by the hereinbefore in part recited Indentures of Lease and Release And also all the paper mill erected and built on part of the said
premises with the Rights Members and appurtenances hereto belonging now in the possession of John Gould or persons claiming under him under and by virtue of a lease granted thereof
by the said Edmund Smith with all privileges and advantages reserved in and by the said Lease to the said Edmund Smith his heirs and assigns and the yearly and the other rents payable
to him and them for the same Together with all other Erections Buildings and improvements erected made and done on the said premises or on any part thereof by the said Edmund
Smith And together with all courts Yards backsides hedges ditches mounds fences trees locks keys latches bolts barns chimney pieces grates cupboards fixtures affixed and fastened to the
said premises or any part thereof Machinery and all matters and thing used or for the time being to be used in and about the said mills in the grinding and dressing of Corn and Flour
Mill pools dams stanks banks floodgates ponds streams waters watercources commons common of pasture fishings fishing places ways paths passages easements profits commodities advantages
and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage Mills and tenements and premises hereby appointed and demised or intended so to be or any part thereof belonging or appertaining or to
or with the same or any part thereof now or at any time heretofore usually held and occupied possessed or enjoyed or accessed reputed taken or known as or for part parcel or member
hereof or appurtenant thereunto And all the Estate Right Title Interest use Trust possession benefit claim and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of him the said Edmund
Smith into and upon or out of the said premises or any part thereof And all Deeds Evidences and writings relating to or in anywise concerning the said Messuage Mills and premises hereby appointed
and demised or intended so to be in custody or power of him the said Edmund Smith or which he can obtain without suit at law or in Equity To have and to hold the said Messuage
or Tenement rents pieces or parcels of land Lock Toll and other yearly and other rents buildings and all and singular other the premises hereinbefore described and hereby appointed and demised or intended so to be with
them or any of their rights members and appurtenances unto the said Hester Smith her executors Administrators and Assigns from henceforth for and during and unto the full end and term of Two
thousand years next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended Subject to the payment of the payment of the said Banking account and subject to the said term of One thousand years in securing the
same and without impeachment for or on account of manner of waste Yielding and Paying therefore yearly and every year during the said term unto the said Edmund Smith
his heirs appointees and assigns the rent of one Pepper Corn only of the same shall be lawfully demanded Provided aways and it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the said parties
to these presents that if the said Edmund Smith his heirs appointees or assigns do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Hester Smith her Exors Admons or Assigns the said sum
of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine Pounds with lawful Interest for the same without any deduction whatsoever on the Tenth day of October next ensuring then and from henceforth and from and
after such payment the said term of Two thousand years hereby appointed and granted and these presents as far as respect the said freehold Messuage hereditaments and premises with every clause matter or thing within
contained shall cease determine and to utterly void to all intents and purposes whatsoever anything herein contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding And the said Edmund Smith Doth hereby
for himself his heirs appointees Exors Admons and assigns covenant promises and agree to and with the said Hester Smith her Exors Admons and assigns that he the said Edmund Smith heirs appointees
Executors or Admons shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Hester Smith her Exors Admons or Assigns the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and nine pounds with lawful Interest thereon
on the Tenth day of October next without any deduction whatever demand according to the aforesaid provos And also that he the said Edmund Smith now hath in all good right full
power and lawful and absolute authority to appoint grant and demise all and every the said Messuage Mills and premises hereby or intended to e hereby appointed demised and granted and any part
and parcel thereof with their and every of their right members and appurtenances unto the said Hester Smith her Exors Admons and assigns in manner and form aforesaid And Moreover that if
default shall happen to be made in payment of the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds by the said Edmund Smith his heirs appointees Exors or Admons at the time and in manner
aforesaid according to the above written promise That then and from thenceforth it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Hester Smith her Executors Administrators and Assigns into and upon all
and singular the said Messuage Mills Land and premises hereby appointed demised and granted or expressed or intended so to be and into every part and power thereof with their and every
of their rights members appurtenances to enter and the same peaceably and quietly to have hold and occupy possess and enjoy and the rents power and profits thereof and of every part
thereof to have receive and take to her and their such use benefit for and during all the

Sheet 3:
residue and remainder of the said term of two thousand years without any manner of let suit trouble disturbance molestation eviction claim or demand of or by the
said Edmund Smith his heirs appointees Executors Administrators or of or by any other person or persons whomsoever and that free and clear
and freely clearly and absolutely acquitted released and discharged or otherwise by the said Edmund Smith his heirs appointees Executors and
Administrators or some or one of them well and sufficiently saved defended kept harmless and indemnified of and from all and all manner
of former and other gifts grants bargains sales feofments devices trusts jointures dowers wills intails leases mortgages releases demises assignments rents
arrears of rents fines amercements debts duties statutes Recognizances judgments executions extents and of from and against all other titles charges and
incumbrances whatsoever of any time heretofore at any time heretofore had made done committed executed or suffered or hereafter to be had made done committed
executed or suffered by the sad Edmund Smith his heirs appointees executors or administrators or any other person or persons whatsoever save and except as appears by these presents And
that from time to time and at all and every time and times after default shall happen to be made of or in payment of the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds
and Interest or any part thereof contrary to the above written proviso and covenant in that and the true intent and meaning of these presents He the said Edmund Smith his heirs
appointees Exors Admons or Assigns and all and every other person or persons whomsoever having or lawfully claiming or who shall or may have or lawfully claim ant Estate Right Title
or Interest of into or out of the said Messuage Mills Land and premises hereby appointed and demised or mentioned or intended so to be or into and upon the Copyhold premises hereinbefore
mentioned and which are hereinafter covenanted to be surrendered or any part or parcel thereof by from under or in trust for him or them shall and will upon any reasonably request
of the said Hester Smith her Executors Administrators or Assigns but at the Costs of the said Edmund Smith his heirs appointees Exors Admons or assigns make do acknowledge levy suffer
execute or cause or promise to be made done acknowledged levied suffered or executed all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable Act and Acts Deed and Deeds thing and things
Conveyances and assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better more perfect and absolute granting conveying and assuring the said Messuage Mills Lands and Premises hereby appointed
and demanded or mentioned or intended so to be and for the legally surrendering and conveying the Copyhold premises hereinafter covenanted to be surrendered and every part and parcel
thereof with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances unto the said Hester Smith her Executors Administrators and Assigns for and during all the residue of the said term of
two thousand years hereby appointed and demised as far as respects the said Messuage Mills and Premises which shall be then to come and unexpired and as to the said Copyhold premises for all his
and their legal and credible Estate and Interest therein absolutely freed and discharged of and from the above and hereinafter written provision and the above agreement for redemption and all
equity thereof or thereupon as by the said Hester Smith her Executors Administrators or Assigns or her or their Council learned n the Law shall be reasonably devised or advised and required And
this Indenture further witnesseth
that as a further security for the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds and Interest and in further consideration of Ten
shillings of like lawful money to the said Edmund Smith in hand at or before sealing and delivery hereof paid by the said Hester Smith the receipt whereof is hereby also acknowledged He the said
Edmund Smith for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators Doth hereby Covenant promise and agree to and with the Hester Smith her Executors Administrators and Assigns That the said Copyhold
Messuage Lands and premises and all the Estate and Interest of him the said Edmund Smith therein the full benefit of the lives for which the said premiss are now holden shall stand and be a
security for the repayment to the said Hester Smith her Executors Administrators or Assigns of the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds and lawful Interest
thereon on the tenth day of October next And that he the said Edmund Smith his heirs Exors or Admons shall and will at any time or time hereafter at her and their costs at any
Court or Courts Baron to be held for the Manor of Harvington aforesaid either in open Court or out of Court or at any special Court to be called for the purpose or by any other legal means
according to the custom of he said Manor surrender into the hands of the Lords of the said Manor the said Copyhold premises or therein according to custom to charge the said Copyhold premises legally with
the said payment of the said One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds and Interest To the Interest that the said Hester Smith her Executors Admons or Assigns may obtain a new
grant to be made of the said Copyhold premises for the present Law now existing in the same or for every other life or lives to be nominated by the said Hester Smith her Exors Admons or Assigns
so that she and they may become legally and equilaby possessed of all the Estate and Interest of the said Edmund Smith therein and that she and they may be legally admitted to the said
premises according to the custom of the said Manor Provided Always that if the said Edmund Smith his heirs Exors or Admons shall pay to the said Hester Smith her Exors Admons or Assigns
the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds with lawful Interest for the same on the said tenth day of October next then these presents and every clause matter and thing
herein contained as far as respects the said Copyhold premises shall cease anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding And lastly the said Edmund Smith doth hereby
for himself his heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns further Covenant and agree with and to the said Hester Smith her Exors Admons and Assigns that whatever sum or sums of money she or they shall
pay or expend in such surrender and admittance or in the renewal of the said Copyhold premises for any new life or lives in him of the present lives or any of them or for any subsequent life or lives
for which the said premises during the security hereby intended to be made may be hereafter and from time to time held according to the custom of the said Manor and also whatever sum or sums of money
she or they may lay out or copied in ensuring the said Freehold and Copyhold buildings and premises or any of them from fire shall be charged upon the said Freehold and Copyhold premises and that
neither of them shall be redeemed or redeemable by the said Edmund Smith his heirs Exors or Admons without payment of all such last mentioned monies together with lawful Interest thereon to the said
Hester Smith her Exors Admons or Assigns as of the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds and its Interest In witness whereof the said Edmund Smith hereunto set his hand
and seal the day and year first above written.

Edmund Smith [signed]

Mill House Deeds 09:         Abstract of Title dated 1st April 1818. This is an important document being a schedule of legal events which took place between 1751 and 1817.

This is a worn and decayed 20-page document, which not only lists the then existing deeds from 1851 to 1818, but also helps to explain and interpret the somewhat dense material in the deeds.

It is believed to have been drawn up by J.M. Cheek of Evesham, Sol. for Nathaniel Hartland who had, along with family members, a financial interest in the Mill House Estate. The document was created to explain ownership transactions, occupiers and their various enterprises from 1751 onwards. The following transcription has attempted to interpret and expand the heavily abbreviated document so that one is more able to understand this Abstract of Title. It is hoped that conclusions of this expansion are correct however interpretations will in some cases will be incorrect. There is much family history here concerning the owners.

Only some of the documents referred to are still extant in the Mill House Deeds, while there is are Mill House transactions which not referred to in this document. The conclusion here is that the estate may have been divided in or after 1818 and some of the documents transferred to another holding. Here follows a listing of documents referred to in this Abstract plus an indication of which documents are still extant in our bundle of deeds. It maybe that the documents referred to still exist amongst the deeds relating to the Mill, which is now under separate ownership.

27th & 28th September 1751 - Indentures of Lease & Release
30th September 1751 - Indenture of Demise
9th March 1770 - Agreement
March 1776 - death of Charles Oldaker 18th March 1778 - Memoriam
10th June 1780 - Indenture of Demise
15th June 1780 - Deed Poll
19th/20th June 1780 - Indentures of Lease & Release
1786 - Indenture of Fine
17th March 1787 - Award
3rd/4th April 1788 - Indentures of Lease & Release
1790 - Indenture of Fine
10th/11th May 1790 - Indentures of Lease & Release
8th/9th April 1793 - Indentures of Lease & Release - Mill House Deeds
10th/11th April 1798 - Indentures of Lease & Release - Mill House Deeds
24th 1803 - Indenture of Lease
23rd June 1807 - proved will of Thomas Handy
28th May 1816 - death (and Will of 1815) of Joseph Phipps
10th Novemeber 1817 - Indenture of Demise
12th December 1817 - (1812) concerning will of Edmund Smith - Mill House Deeds

Pages 1,2,3

Pages 4,5,6

Pages 7,8,9

Pages 10,11,12

Pages 13,14,15

Pages 16,17,18

Pages 19,20


                  Abstract of the Title of
                  Mr Edmund Smith's Trustees to a
                  Messuage Mills Premises at
                  Harvington in the County of
                  Worcester sold to Mr Thomas
                  Walford Marshall in mortgage
                  to Messrs Hartland & Co & Miss
                  Hester Smith respectively

                  Cheek, Evesham

[Page 1]

                                 Abstract of the Title of Mr Edmund Smith's Trustees
                                 to a Messuage Mills and Premises at Harvington in
                                 the County of Worcester sold to Mr Thomas Walford
                                 Marshall in Mortgage to Messrs Hartland & Co for
                                 securing Banking Account and to Miss Hester
                                 Smith for securing £1739 and Interest

27th & 28th September 1751
                   By Indentures of Lease & release of these dates the Release between Thomas
                   Handy of Outhill in the Parish of Studley said County of Warwick Tanner
                   only son of & Heir of Thomas Handy then late of North & Middle Littleton
                   in the County of Worcester Yeoman deceased on the body of his wife
                   Hannah (late Hannah Eyres lawfully begotten) of the one part & Charles
                   Oldaker of Cleeve Prior in the County of Worcester Miller & Francis
                   Allcock of Fladbury same county of Worcester Miller of the other part
                           Did grant bargain sell remise release alien & confirm unto
                   said Oldaker & Allcock (in their possession &c.)
                                All that Messuage or Tenement & Ground thereto adjoining called the
                                Crow Croft
                                And also all the Mills called Harvington Mills with
                                their & every of their appurtenances situate standing
                                lying & being on or near the River Avon in the parish
                                of Harvington in the said County of Worcester then in the
                                possession of Joseph Smith (who rented the said premises
                                of the said Thomas Handy at the yearly rent of £34)
                                Together with all Houses Outhouses Edifices Buildings Neights Meadow
                                Pasture Ground Ways water watercourses Boats Stanks
                                Floodgates Fish & Easements profits commodities Hereditaments& appurtenances
                                whatsoever thereto belonging
                                And the Reversions 7C.
                                And all the Estate &c.
                                And all other the lands Tenements & hereditaments whatsoever of him the
                                said Thomas Handy situate lying and being in the the said
                                parish of Harvington
                                And all Deeds &c.
                   To hold the same unto & to the use of said Charles Oldaker Francis Allcock
                        their Heirs & Assigns for ever
                            To be holden of the Chief Lord or Lords of the Fee by the rents
                            Services accustomed 
                   Covenant from Thomas Handy for general[?] warrenty
                   That he was seized in Fee
                   Had good right to Convey

[Page 2]

                                     For Peaceable possession free from Incumbrances &
                                     For further Assurance
                               Agreement that all fines Recoveries &c. then levied or to be levied should
No fine was levied
of these sums by these         Enure
parties made During the years        To the use of said Oldaker F Allcock in fee  
1746-7-8-9, 1750 & 1751                                                   Exorcised by said Thos Handy
                                                                          Received for consideration Money indorses
                                                                          & duly attested


30th September 1751                                      By Indenture of demise by way of mortgage of this date made between said Charles
Thomas Handy died 10th April 1803                               Oldaker & Francis Allcock of the one part said Thomas Handy of the other part
aged upwards of 80 years &                                            
by his Will dated 1st May 1801                                      said Charles Oldaker & Francis Allcock in consideration of £450 to them paid by
he appointed his wife Nanny Handy                                   said Thomas Handy   
John Moore of Middle House near                                          
Redditch in parish of Tardibeg [Tardebigge] in ye                      Did demand grant bargain sell set to farm let unto said Thomas      
said county of Worcester & Thomas Beach Eades                          Handy      
of Feckenham in said County of Worcester Gentleman Extrix & Exor            All said abstracted Premises by the same description as in   
   But by a 2nd codicil to such will dated                                     
6th April 1803 after receipt & Appointment of Exors                         last abstracted Indenture                 
by his wife & said Thomas Beach Eades had                            
since died said Testator appointed George Eades                             Together with all houses &c.
of Feckenham Gent. & Philip Handy of                                          
Croule in said county of Worcester (jointly with said                       and the Reversion &c.
Nanny Handy & John Moore) Exors of his                              To hold the same unto said Thomas Handy his Executors &c. for the term
------[?] & Codicils                                                                   
   All the Exors proved in Canterbury                               of 500 years                                 
23rd June 1807.                              

Nanny Handy John Moore & Philip                                     at the rent of a pepper corn             
Handy are all since dead &                                    Prove for making void the now abstracting Indenture or payment by said 
Mr George Eades of Feckenham is now                           Oldaker & Allcock their Heirs Executors &c. unto said Handy his Executors &c. of the
(April 1818) the surviving Exor.                              sum of £450 & Interest as therein mentioned
                                                                    Covenant from Oldaker & Allcock for payment of mortgage Money
                                                                    & Interest        and
                                                                          Covenant from Handy for quiet possession by Oldaker & Allcock
                                                                          till default
                                                                          Executed by Oldaker & Allcock
                                                                          Received for consideration Money indorsed
                                                                          & duly attested


                                   The said Francis Allcock by agreement which does not appear among the
                                   Title Deeds (but which is referred to in the release from his Coheiresses
                               hereinafter abstracted resigned his Interest in the Harvington Estate to the said
9th March 1770          Charles Oldaker and The said Charles Oldaker by his will of this date
                               amongst other directions devisions bequeaths therein contained
                                     Did direct his Exors thereinas named immediately on his
                               decease to pay off the mortgage charged upon the Mills called Harvington
                               Mills in said County of Worcester
                                     And after bequeathing to his wife Elizabeth Oldaker during his life

[Page 3]

                               an annuity of £25 charged upon the said Mills
                                     Testator gave bequeathed to his son William Oldaker
                                                 all that Stack of Mills called Harvington Mills with 
                                                 the appurtenances
                                     And to his Heirs & Assigns for ever
                                           Subject nevertheless to the payment of the said Annuity of £25 to
                                           Testator's wife Elizabeth Oldaker for life
                               And all the rest residue de---[?] of his Messuages Lands Tenements Premises Goods
                               Chattels real & personal Estate of what nature quality or kind forever
                               after his debts funeral Expenses & other Legacies & annuities[?] were first paid
                                     Testator gave devised[?] & bequeathed same to his said son William Oldaker his
                               Heirs Exors & Administrators for ever
                                           And appointed said William Oldaker sole Exor.
                                                                          Executed by Testator in the 
                                                                          presence of 3 witnesses
                                                                          Proved at Worcester
18th March 1778
                   By Memoriam indorsed on the hereinbefore Abstracted Indenture of mortgage ye
                   30th September 1751 said Thomas Handy did acknowledge to have received of said
                   William Oldaker the £450 due on such mortgage
15th June 1780
                                                By Deed Poll of this --[?] to
                                                Reciting the 1st hereinbefore abstracted Indenture of Lease & Release of the 27th & 28th
                                                September 1751
Mr Francis Allcock died in October
1765 leaving the late W Welch of                And the Indenture of Demise of the 30th September 1751
Evesham. The late Jos Crump of                  And Reciting that by an agreement entered into between the said Francis Allcock and
the same place F Robt Woodward                  Charles Oldaker the said Francis Allcock for the consideration therein contained
& Martha Thompson of Fladbury                                             
Exor & Extrix                                            Did relinquish & give up all his Estate Title & Interest in

                                                 the said premises to the said Charles Oldaker so that the whole of

Mr Charles Oldaker senior died                   the same became the property of the said Charles Oldaker
in March 1776 leaving his
son William Oldaker sole Exor.                   but which said Agreement was lost or mislaid & could not be found

                                                 And that since such agreement said Charles Oldaker departed this life

     By the death of Mr Allcock                  Leaving 1st made his will which by he gave said Premises to his son
the lifetime of Mr Oldaker the
legal Estate vested in Mr Oldaker                William Oldaker chargeable with said Annuity of £25 to said Elizabeth Oldaker
by rights of survivorship & the
equitable Interest arising from the              for life
agreement only is released by this deed.
                                                 And Reciting that since the decease of said Charles Oldaker said William Oldaker

                                                 his son had paid off & discharged the said sum of £450 and all Interest

                                                 due thereon

                                                 And reciting that said Francis Allcock had also departed this life leaving his

                                                 4 daughters  as Coheiress viz: Mary - Joyce - Frances & Elizabeth the 3 former of

                                                 whom were married - Mary to the Revd Hudson Boyce of Fladbury

                                                 Clerk - Joyce to Thomas Fretwell of Upton Hole in the Parish of Blockley

                                                 Yeoman - Frances to Charles Oldaker of Fladbury aforesaid Mealman                                 

[Page 4]

                                     for of said Charles Oldaker deceased
                                 said Hudson Boyce & Mary his wife - Thomas Fretwell & Joyce his wife
                                 Charles Oldaker & Frances his wife & Elizabeth Allcock for the considerations therein
                                     Did remise release for ever quit claim unto said William Oldaker (therein
                                 described as of Stratford on Avon Miller & Mealman) in his full possession
                                 & seizen then being
                                                   All such rights Estate Title Interest & demand whatsoever as them the said
                                                   conveying parties thereto[?] then had or aught to have if the
                                                   now abstracting Deed Poll had not been made on or to all
                                                   said abstracted Messuage Mills Close & Premises with their appurtenances
                                                   and the reversions &
                                 To hold the same unto the use of William Oldaker his Heirs
                                 & Assigns for ever so that neither of them the conveying parties
                                 or either of their Heirs or other persons should have or claim any Estate
                                 or Interest in the same premises but from all action Estate or Interest in the said
                                 Premises should be utterly excluded
                                          Covenanted from Hudson Boyce & wife, T Fretwell & wife, W Oldaker his wife & Elizabeth Allcock for further
                                                                          Executed by all parties & duly
10th June 1780
                                By Indenture of Demise of this date Between said William Oldaker (son & devisee[?]
                                of said Charles Oldaker deceased) & Elizabeth Oldaker (wife of Charles
                                Oldaker) of the one part and John Purser of Mickleton County of Gloucester
                                Gentleman of the other part
                                            Reciting the will of said Charles Oldaker deceased hereinbefore abstracted
                                It is witnessed that the said William Oldaker & Elizabeth Oldaker in consideration of £300
                                to said William Oldaker paid by said John Purser
                                            Did demise grant bargain sell unto said John Purser
                                                         All said abstracted premises then said to be in the occupation
                                                         of John Smith
                                                         with all houses &c.
                                                         and the reversion &c.
                                                         and all the Estate &c.
                                            To hold the same unto said John Purser his Exors &c. for the sum of
                                            £300 at the yearly rent of of a Pepper Corn
                                subject nevertheless to a Proviso for making void the now abstracting Indenture on payment
                                by said William Oldaker his Heirs Exors &c. unto said John Purser his Executors &c. of sum of
                                £300 & Interest therein mentioned
                                                         Covenant from William Oldaker for payment of mortgage money & Interest
                                                         that he had good right to demise

[Page 5]

                                            For peaceable possession free from Incumbrances
                                            For further assurance
                                            For insurance

                                                                          Extracted by said William & Elizabeth
                                                                          Oldaker rect[?] for consideration 
                                                                          Money indorsed & duly
19th & 20th June 1780
                                 By Indentures of Lease & Release of these dated the ret[?] between said William Oldaker
                                 & Avis his wife of the one part & said Charles Oldaker (Brother of said William Oldaker
                                 & party to the Deed Poll hereinbefore abstracted) of the 2nd part
                                            After Reciting the last abstracted mortgage to said John Purser
                                            And that said Charles Oldaker had contracted[?] for the purchase of said premises
                                            at £700 out of which he was to dedicated the said £300 to pay to said John Purser
                                            in discharge of his mortgage.
                                 It is witnessed that in consideration of £400 to said William Oldaker paid by said Charles Oldaker
                                 & of £300 to be paid by said Charles Oldaker to said John Purser in discharge of
                                 his said mortgage (making together the sum of £700)
                                            They the said William Oldaker & Avis his wife
                                                   Did grant bargain sell alien & release & confirm unto said Charles Oldaker
                                                   in his possession &c.
                                                          All that messuage or Tenement formerly called or known by the
                                                          name of the Forge.
                                                          And all those 2 Water Corn Mills commonly called Harvington
                                                          Mills with their appurtenances situated in Harvington aforesaid & in
                                                          or near to the River Avon & the Ground & Soil wherein
                                                          the said Messuage & Mills stand
                                                          And also all those several Closed pieces or parcels of land
                                                          lying near & belonging to the said mills called or known by the
                                                          several names of Cowcroft [usually Concroft] the Round Ait & the Mill Ait or
                                                          by other names the same had theretofore been or were then
                                                          called or known containing by estimation 5 acres or thereabouts were
                                                          the same more or less
                                                          And all that Lock water Ground & Soil thereof relating to
                                                          said mill
                                                          And also all Toll benefit & Custom for Grinding of Corn & Grain
                                                          And also all that yearly rent of 40 shillings payable by the owner or
                                                          owners of the Upper part of the Navigation on the said River
                                                          Avon for the use of the ground on which the water in which
                                                          the said Lock was erected.
                                                          And also all that free fishing in the River Avon to said Mills belonging

[Page 6]

                                                          or appertaining.

                                                          All which said premises were then in the Tenure or occupation
                                                          of John Smith as Tenant thereof to the said William Oldaker
                                                          Together with all Houses &c.
                                                          And the reversions &c.
                                                          And all the Estate &c.
                                                          And all Deeds &c.
                                 To hold the same unto & to the use of said Charles Oldaker his Heirs & Assigns
                                 for ever
                                                    Covenant from William Oldaker for himself & wife to levy a Fine which
                                                    should enure to the use of said Charles Oldaker in fee
                                                    Covenant from William Oldaker that he was seized in fee
                                                    Had good right to convey
                                                    For peaceable possession free from Incumbrances (except ye said mortgage term
                                                    of the 16th June 1780 which was intended to be assessed to attend the
                                                    Inheritance & which the said Charles Oldaker did thereby covenant to pay
                                                    off & discharge)   And
                                                    Covenant for further assurance
                                                                          Executed by said William Oldaker
                                                                          & wife recited for consideration money
                                                                          indorsed and duly
January Term 26th George the 3rd [1786] 
                                            Indentures of Fine between said Charles Oldaker Plt[?] William Oldaker and
                                            Avis his wife Deforts[?] of
                                                          One messuage, 2 mills, 2 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow
                                                          5 acres of Pasture - 40 shillings rent & free fishing in ye River Avon
                                                          with the appurtenances in the Parish of Harvington.

23rd December 1786
                                            By Indenture of Assurance of this date between said John Purser of the 1st part
Joseph Phipps died 28th May 1816            said Charles Oldaker of the 2nd part and Joseph Phipps of Cropthorne
& by his will dated 29th November 1815      in the County of Worcester Gentleman of the 3rd part
appointed his wife Elizabeth Phipps his
Nephew John Hemming of Buckle-                    Reciting the Indenture of Demise of the 16th June 1780 hereinbefore abstracted
hampton Gentleman & Francis Oldaker of            and the Indentures of Lease & Release ----[?] hereinbefore [?] abstracted
Pershore Gentleman Extrix & Exor all of           and that there was due from said Oldaker to said Purser £300 only
whom duly proved same in
Canterbury 31th August 1816                 It is witnessed that in consideration of said £300 to Purser paid by said Charles Oldaker
All the Exors are now                       & of 5 shillings to Purser & Oldaker paid by Phipps
(April 1818) living.
                                                  said John Purser
                                                           Did by the direction of said Oldaker bargain sell assign transfer set
                                                  over unto Joseph Phipps
                                                           All said messuage Mills premises comprised in said mortgage
                                                           and all the estate &c. 

[Page 7]

                                                          To hold same unto said Joseph Phipps from thenceforth for all the
                                                          residue of said term of 500 years
                                                            Upon Trust for said Charles Oldaker his Heirs & Assigns & to attend[?] the
                                                          Covenant from Purser that he had sone no Act to incumber
                                                                          Executed by said Purser &
                                                                          Charles Oldaker receipt[?]
                                                                          for consideration
                                                                          Money indorsed & duly
17th March 1787
                                                          By Award of the Commissioners of this date in pursuance of an Act
                                                          passed 26th George 3rd for inclosing the open & commonable lands in the Parish
                                                          of Harvington aforesaid
                                                                 The said Commissioners did allot unto said Charles Oldaker & his Hier in lieu
                                                          of his freehold Corn Lands & right of Common there
                                                                 All that allotment or parcel of land situate in Old Weirs
                                                                 containing 1 rood 34 perches bounder on one of its west sides & on the south
                                                                 side thereof by the 4th allotment thereby awarded to Elizabeth
                                                                 Marshall & John Walford Marshall an annor[?] of its west
                                                                 sides by an ancient Inclosure belonging to the Dean & Chapter of Worcester
                                                                 & Thomas Rammell & thereby exchanged - on the north side by an ancient
                                                                 Lane in Harvington aforesaid called Mill Lane and by an ancient
                                                                 inclosure belonging to said Charles Oldaker - & on the eastward side
                                                                 thereof by aits & water belonging to said Mill - the fences on the west
                                                                 & south adjoining the 4th allotment of said Marshalls to be kept
                                                                 in  repair at the expense of said Oldaker & the occupiers of said Oldaker
                                                                 allotment for ever

3rd & 4th April 1788
                                                By Indentures of Lease & Release of these dates the release between Charles Oldaker
                                                of the one part Saml Charles of Hinchwick in the parish of Condicot County
                                                of Gloucester Gentleman of the other part
                                                in consideration of £700 to said Charles Oldaker paid by the said Saml Charles
                                                the said Charles Oldaker
                                                Did grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto said Samuel Charles (in his
                                                possession &c.
                                                       All said Messuage Mills & Premises by the same description as
                                                       in the hereinbefore abstracted Indenture of Release of the 20th Jun
                                                       1786 only adding that from the award as above abstracted the
                                                       allotment of 1 rood 34 perches were inclosure all then still in the
                                                       possession of said John Smith
                                                       Together with all Houses &c.  

[Page 8]

                                                                          And all the Estate &c.
                                                                          And all Deeds &c.
                                                  To Hold same unto & to the use of said Samuel Charles his Heirs & Assigns
                                                  for ever
                                                              Covenant from Oldaker that he was seized in fee
                                                              That he has good right to convey
                                                              For peaseable enjoyment by Samuel Charles free from Incumbrances
                                                              For further assigments   
                                                                          Executed by said Charles
                                                                          Oldaker receipt for
                                                                          Consideration Money in-
                                                                          dorsed and duly                                                                                             

10th & 11th May 1790
                                                          By Indentures of Lease Release the release between said Samuel Charles then
                                                          of Cleeve Prior in the County of Worcester Gentleman & Ann his wife of the one
                                                          part Katherine Acton of Bengeworth in the said County of Worcester Widow of other[?]
                                                               In consideration of £500 to Charles and Uxor [wife] paid by Acton
                                                          They did grant Bargain sell alien release and confirm unto said Acton (in
                                                          her possession &c.)
                                                                       All said Messuage Mill & Premises by the same description as in
                                                                       last Indenture save with the addition that the said Premises
                                                                       were lately bought & purchased by said Charles of said Oldaker
                                                                       & were then in the occupation of Edmund Smith
                                                                       Together with all Houses &c.
                                                                       And the reversions &c.
                                                                       And all the Estate &c.
                                                                       And all Deeds
                                          To hold same unto & for the use of said Acton her Heirs & Assigns for
                                                     Covenant that Charles & Uxor should as of Easter term then present
                                                     levy a fine to enure unto & for the use of said Acton her Heirs & Assigns
                                                     for ever
                                          Subject to the proviso thereinafter contained
                                               Proviso for reconveyance of said Premises (in payment by said Charles his Heirs
                                          Executors &c. to said Katherine Acton her Executors &c. of £500 with Interest at 4½ per
                                          Century on the 11th November then next) to such person as Charles should
                                   To such uses upon such Trusts for such Estates & subjected to such limitations & charged as said Charles
                                   should by deed executed in the presence of 2 witnesses limit direct or appoint remain[?]

[Page 9]

                                  To the use of said Charles his Heirs & Assigns for ever
                                          Covenant from Charles for payment of mortgage money & Interest
                                          That he was seized in fee
                                          Had good rights to convey
                                          For quiet enjoyment free from Incumbrances in case of Default
                                          For further assignment         And
                                          For insurance
                                                                          Executed by Charles & Uxor
                                                                          rect[?] for consideration Money indorsed &
                                                                          duly attested
Easter Term 30th George 3rd (1790)
                                          Indentures of Fine between said Katherine Acton Plt[?] and Samuel Charles and
                                          Ann his wife Deforc[?] of
                                                           One Messuage & Mills 2 acres of Land 5 acres of Meadow
                                                           5 acres of Pasture 40 shilling rent & free fishing in the river
                                                           Avon with the appurtenances in the Parish of Harvington

8th 9th April 1793
[Mill House deeds 1,2,3]                 By Indentures of Lease and Release of these dates the Release between
                                         said Katherine Acton widow 1st part, said Samuel Charles 2nd part and John
                                         Barnes of Tewkesbury Hosier 3rd part
                                                  Recited the last abstracted Indenture of Lease & Release
                                                  and that there was due & owing to said Katherine Acton £300 only which
                                                  said John Barnes had agreed to pay off & to lend said Charles £300
                                                  more on the security
                                         It is witnessed that in consideration of £300 paid to Acton (at the request of Charles)
                                         by the said Barnes & of £300 to said Charles paid by said Barnes
                                                  said Katherine Acton (at the request of said Charles)
                                                  Did bargain sell remise release quit claim & confirm & said Charles
                                         Did grant release ratify & confirm unto said Barnes (in his possession)
                                                  All said Messuage Mills Land Toll yearly rent free fishing hereditaments
                                                  premises thereinbefore mentioned & by said Release of 11th May 1790
                                                  granted to said Acton with their appurtenances
                                                  Together with all Houses &c.
                                                  And the reversion &c.
                                                  And all the Estate &c.
                                                  And all Deeds &c.
                                         To hold same unto To the use of said John Barnes his Heirs & Assigns
                                         for ever freed from the Provisoe contained in said recited Indenture of Mortgage but
                                         subject to the proviso thereinafter contained
                               And it is by the now abstracting Indenture further witnessed that for the considerations
                               ass[?] & for better securing said £800 & in consideration of 10 shillings to said Charles paid by

[Page 10]

                         said John Barnes
                                  He said Samuel Charles in pursuance of the power reserved to him
                         in the hereinbefore abstracted Indenture of Release to him
                                  Did limit direct & appoint unto said John Barnes
                                              All said abstracted Premises
                                              And the reversion &c.
                                              And all the Estate &c.
                                  To hold same unto To the use of said John Barnes his Heirs & 
                                  Assigns for ever
                         Proviso that unpayment by said Samuel Charles his Heirs Exors &c. unto said John Barnes
                         his Exors &c. of the sum of £800 & Interest as therein mentioned said Barnes his
                         Heirs & Assigns should reconvey said Premises to such person as said Charles should
                                  Upon such Uses & Trusts &c. as said Charles by any deed &c. executed
                                  in the presence of 2 witnesses should limit or appoint with rem[?]
                                         Covenant from Katherine Acton that she had done no act
                                         to incumber
                                         Covenant from said Charles for payment of the Money
                                         That he the said K. Acton were seized in fee
                                         That good right to convey
                                         For peaceable entry on default
                                         For further assurance        and
                                         For Insince[?]
                                                                          Executed by said Katherine
                                                                          Acton Samuel Charles receipts
                                                                          for the respective consideration
                                                                          Money indorsed & duly attested
                                                                          in the presence of

10th & 11th April 1798
[Mill House deeds 4 & 5]                         By Indentures of Lease and Release of these dates the Release between said
                                         John Barnes of the 1st part said Samuel Charles 2nd part & Edmund Smith
                                         of Harvington aforesaid Miller & Thomas Smith of Winchcombe Baker (a
                                         Trustee for said Edmund Smith) 3rd part
                                                    Reciting the Indentures of Lease & Release of the 10th & 11th days of May
                                                    And the last abstracted Indenture of the 8th and 9th days of April 
                                                    And reciting that Default was made in payment of said Principal Money
                                                    & Interest & that said Principal sum of £800 was due on said Mortgage with
                                                    £40 for Interest thereon

[Page 11]

                                                    And reciting that said Edmund Smith had contributed[?] for the purchase of premises
                                                    & of the buildings erected by said Samuel Charles thereon at the sum of £1800
                                                    out of which the said sum of £840 was to be paid to said Barnes
                                          It is witnessed that in consideration of £840 to said John Barnes (by the annuity[?]
                                          of said Charles) paid by said Edmund Smith in full for all principal & Interest due on said
                                          Mortgage & of £960 to said Samuel Charles paid by said Edmund Smith (making together
                                          £1800 in full for the purchases of said hereditaments & premises & also in consideration of 5 shillings
                                          to said Barnes & Charles paid by said Thomas Smith
                                                    The said John Barnes at the request of said Samuel Charles & at the
                                          appsd[?] of said Edmund Smith
                                                             Did bargain sell alien remise release quit claim & confirm 
                                                    and said Samuel Charles (at the like appointment of said Edmund Smith) & under
                                                    by virtue of the power & authority limited to him by the Indentures of
                                                    re-[?] of the 11 May 1790 & the 9th April 1793
                                                             Did grant bargain sell alien release ratify & confirm limit
                                                    direct & appoint unto said Edmund Smith & Thomas Smith (in their
                                                    possession &c.)
                                                             All that the said Messuage or Tenement then or theretofore called
                                                    the Forge
                                                    And also all those the said 2 water corn mills called
                                                    or known by the name of Harvington Mills with
                                                    their appurtenances situate in Harvington aforesaid in or near
                                                    to the River Avon and the ground & soil whereon
                                                    the said Messuage & Mills stand
                                                    And also all those the said several Closes Pieces or Parcels of
                                                    land called by the several names of the Concroft the
                                                    Round Ait & the Mill Ait containing by estimation 5 acres or thereabouts
                                                    to the same more or less
                                                    And also all that allotment or free of Land situate in the
                                                    Old Ware in Harvington aforesaid lately awarded to the said
                                                    Charles Oldaker as therein recited containing 1 rood 34 perches
                                                    and all that the said Lock the water Ground & Soil thereof
                                                    belonging to the mills
                                                    And also all Toll rent & custom of grinding of Corn & Grain
                                                    And also all that the said yearly rent of 40 shillings payable by the
                                                    owner or owners of the upper part of the Navigation on
                                                    the said River Avon for the use of the Ground on which & the water
                                                    in which the said Lock is erected
                                                    And also all that the said free fishing in the River Avon
                                                    to said Mills belonging or appertaining
                                                    And also all & every the buildings erected or made on the
                                                    said premises or on any part thereof at any time since the said

[Page 12]

                                                    purchase of the said Messuage & Mills by the said Samuel Charles of ----[?]
                                                    Charles Oldaker as assessed then standing therein or on any party
                                                    thereof thereunto belonging
                                                    And all & singular other the Messuage Lands Tenements heredita-
                                                    ments & comprised & granted & released by said Charles & wife unto
                                                    said Katherine Acton by the therein recited thereinbefore abstracted Indenture
                                                    of release of the 15th May 1790 by the said Katherine Acton & Samuel
                                                    Charles released[?] & conveyed unto said John Barnes by the therein
                                                    also recited & last abstracted Indenture of release of the 9th day of April
                                                    Together with all Houses &c.
                                                    And the reversions &c.
                                                    And all the Estate &c.
                                   To hold same unto said Edmund Smith & Thomas Smith their Heirs
                                   & Assigns
                                          To the use of such persons for such Estates & Interest for such
                                          Ends intents purposes & upon such Trusts & charged
                                          & chargeable in such manner & form & subject to such
                                          powers provisos &c. as said Edmund Smith should by any deed or
                                          Instruction[?] in writing executed in the presence of one or more
                                          witnesses pr by his last will or any writing in the nature
                                          thereof to be executed by him in the presence of 3 or more
                                          witnesses grant release order direct limit or appoint give
                                          or demise the same                                   Remainers[?]
                                          To the use of said Thomas Smith & his Heirs during the life of said Samuel
                                          In Trust for said Edmund Smith & his      assigns    Remainers[?]
                                          To the use of said Edmund Smith his Heirs & Assigns for ever
                                   Covenant from said John Barnes that he had done no act to incumber
                                   Covenant from said Samuel Charles that he the said John Barnes were seized in
                                   Had good right to convey
                                   For peaceable possession free from Incumbrances    And
                                   For further assurance
                                                                          Executed by said John Barnes
                                                                          Samuel Charles Edmund Smith
                                                                          & Thomas Smith recited
                                                                          for the respective consideration
                                                                          attested in the presence
                                                                          of 2 witnesses

[Page 13]

24th 1803

                                           By Indenture of Lease of this date made between the said Edmund Smith
                                   of the one part and John Gould of Harvington aforesaid Paper Maker of
                                   the ---[?]
                                           In consideration of the yearly rent Covenants & Agreements thereinafter reserved
                                   & contained on the part of said John Gould his Executors &c.
                                           said Edmund Smith
                                   Did grant demise lease set to farm let unto said John Gould
                                                     All that piece or parcel of Ground situate near the
                                                     River Avon on the East side of a certain Corn Mill
                                                     on the said River called Harvington Mill in the Parish
                                                     of Harvington aforesaid in the said County of Worcester then
                                                     in the occupation of said Edmund Smith on which said
                                                     John Gould had lately erected a paper mill & that
                                                     House the dimensions form & bounds of which were
                                                     more particularly mentioned & described in a plan thereof
                                                     drawn in the Margin of ye now abstracting Lease
                                                     Togther with free & uninterrupted use of Enjoyments in
                                                     common with said Edmund Smith his heirs & assigns & the
                                                     Owner & Occupiers of said Mills for the time being of the
                                                     water wheel in which the Aparatus thereto belongs or the 
                                                     east side of the said Corn Mill (which had then been lately
                                                     made & set up at the joint expense of said Smith & Gould)
                                                     to be used & enjoyed by said John Gould his Exors &c. with 
                                                     interruption from the hours of 2 in the morning till
                                                     2 in the afternoon of each day during said term
                                                     And also free use & enjoyment in Common with said
                                                     Edmund Smith his heirs & assigns of the water used &
                                                     necessary for working the said wheel
                                                     And also free use & enjoyment of the foot path or way
                                                     for persons on foot along the Banks raised against the
                                                     Avon on the west side thereof for himself the said John
                                                     Gould his Executors &c. Friends Workmen Servants to land
                                                     from the said River Avon opposite the Paper Mill then in
                                                     the occupation of said John Gould situate in the parish
                                                     of North & Middle Littleton & to pass & repass from said
                                                     landing place to & from the said premises
                                                     And also free use &c. in common with the said Edmund
                                                     Smith his heirs & assigns of the horse & waggon road
                                                     leading from the town of Harvington to said Mill with
                                                     full use & Enjoyment of a horse & waggon road or way
                                                     of proper width for the purpose from the tenement of said
                                                     road to said Corn Mill to be continued & pass the whole length

[Page 14]

                                                     of the south East & north sides of the Paper Mill Vat
                                                     house & builds at the north west Corner of said Paper Mill
                                                     used as an Engine house
                                                     Together with full free use & enjoyment in common with the
                                                     said Edmund Smith his Heirs & Assigns of the Bridge across part
                                                     of the Mill Pond at the north East Corner of said Corn Mill
                                                     with the usuaul road or way thereto as the same was then
                                                     used & enjoyed for the purpose of drawing up the gate of said
                                                     water wheel
                                                     Together with full uninterruption & exclusive use & enjoyment of
                                                     the small Pond of water situate before the River Avon &
                                                     said Paper Mill on the north side thereof as the same
                                                     was then used & enjoyed by said John Gould as a setler or
                                                     reservoir for water for the use of said Paper Mill with
                                                     full liberty at all times during said Term to open the
                                                     Garth in with any Pipes then were laid or any drain
                                                     then existed to or for said Paper Mill or from said Pond
                                                     to said River Avon to repair same or lay fresh Pipes or
                                                     drains doing as little damage thereby as may be to said
                                                     Edmund Smith his heirs or assigns which said Pond was on
                                                     no account to be more than 20 feet diameter but if the
                                                     same was[?] not then so large then the said John Gould his Exors or
                                                     administrators might at his & their costs & charges increase it to
                                                     that dimensions but not greater
                                                     And also a sufficient road or way round said pond as a Horse
                                                     cart or waggon way from the said Paper Mill to said
                                                     And also all that piece of Land situate on the north side
                                                     of said Paper Mill in a line with said Builds then used as
                                                     an Engine house containing by admeaasurement 10 feet square be
                                                     the same more or less for said John Gount his Exors or administrators
                                                     lay coal or rubbish thereon or for any other similar
                                                     And also all that other small piece of land situate
                                                     opposite the fire place in the wall of said Vat house containing
                                                     6½ feet from the North east corner aforesaid Vat House & 
                                                     12 feet from the north east corner of said Paper Mill with
                                                     free & uninterrupted use & enjoyment of a Foot road
                                                     or way from the back Door of said Paper Mill to the fire
                                                     place in the wall of said Vat house as the same was
                                                     then used & enjoyed by said John Gould
                                                     And also free use & enjoyment in common with said Edmund
                                                     Smith his heirs & Assigns & the owner & occupiers of said

[Page 15]

                                                     Corn Mill premises of the landing place then used by
                                                     said Edmund Smith for landing his coal and other commodities
                                                     out of Barges upon said River Avon & free & uninterrupted
                                                     use & enjoyment of the way or road as then used and
                                                     enjoyed for the hauling & drawing said coals & commodities
                                                     upon & from said landing place to said Paper Mill
                                                     Together with all ways &c. full enjoyment of all sluices weirs
                                                     stanks Pools & dams of water then used or necessary for
                                                     the full enjoyment of said water wheel & apparatus with their

                                   To hold same unto said John Gould his exors &c. for the term of 30 years
                                   To hold same unto said John Gould his executors &c. for the term of 30 years
                                   from the 29th September then last
                                            At the yearly rent of £50 free from all taxes &c. (Land tax
                                   excepted) payable quarterly on the 25th December 25th March 24th June &
                                   29th September in each year the full payment to commence from the 25th December
                                   then last
                                            Covenant from said John Gould for payment of rent & taxes
                                            For keeping in repair said Paper Mill & the walls Fences Pipes Gutters
                                            watercourses sinks & Drains & appurtenances belonging to said Premises (same
                                            in case of accident to the outwalls not caused by the wilful 
                                            default of said John Gould his Exors &c. leaving for said Edmund Smith
                                            his Exors &c. the soil which should be got out of said Pond or setler
                                            when cleansed 
                                            For keeping the water wheel or Apparatus in repair fit for joint use
                                            That he they would at his & their costs as often as said water wheel
                                            should be unfit for joint use erect build & make a new water wheel with
                                            necessary apparatus of the same dimensions for the same
                                            joint purposes as that then in use
                                            That he would plaister keep plaistered the ceiling of aid Paper so as to
                                            prevent the steam damp or smoke from injuring the corn & or property
                                            of said Smith to be placed in the rooms & buildings to be erected by said Smith in
                                            pursuance of the said Covenant thereinafter contained over said Paper Mill
                                            The peaceable sur--[?] of said premises at the end of the term with all
                                            Doors Locks Keys Latches Bolts Bars Staples Hinges Window shutters
                                            partitions & water wheels then thereof to be used with said
                                            Save & except the Machinery & or fixtures mies[?] & things
                                            affixed fastened to said Paper Mill premises employed by
                                            the tenant in manufacturing Paper then or thereof to be
                                            erected fixed or fastened by the tenant on said Premises which
                                            with the materials of which said walls & builds then used at
                                            the Vat house

[Page 16]

                                            Together with materials of the walls buildings the north west corner
                                            of said Paper Mill then used as an Engine house might be taken
                                            down at the end of said term by the Tenant as appropriated to
                                            his own use upon his erecting (in insurance of the Covenant
                                            thereinafter contained) walls under the respective timber lintels
                                            them lying across the east & north walls of said Paper Mill
                                            That said Tenant should on removing said walls & builds of said Vat house
                                            said builds at the north west corner of said Paper Mill erect under
                                            said Lintels a brick wall of at least 18 inches thick to range
                                            with the east & north walls of said Paper Mill To fill up the
                                            space between the respective Piers
                                            For entry by the landlord for notice to repair
                                            That the Tenant shall not let set or assign the premises than that of
                                            a paper maker without consent of Landlord in writing
                                            That Tenant should insure the said Paper Mill, water wheel &
                                            premises lay out the Most in new building in case of Fire if
                                            not sufficient employ his own Monies to make up the
                                   Proviso for entry by Landlord in case of Default of payment of rent or
                                   performance of Covenants
                                            Covenant from Landlord that he would not draw off or lessen the
                                            water for the use of said water wheel during the hours above
                                            mentioned save for so long only as should be necessary for the
                                            repairs of said Corn Mill or of the weirs stanks banks or
                                            navigation of said river Avon & then no longer then should be
                                            absolutely necessary
                                            That Landlord should pay or allow the land---[?] and
                                            For peaceable enjoyment by the Tenant
                                                                          Executed by said Edmund Smith
                                                                          & John Gould & duly

                        By Memoriam indorsed on the back of said Lease signed by said Edmund Smith &
                        John Gould testify that it was agreed that all roads way made or to
                        be made in pursuance of such lease should be repaired kept in
                        repair at the equal expense of the Parties That the Tenant should at
                        the end of the term take away the lead or iron Pipes which might
                        be laid down & used by the Tenant about said Mill & premises

                        Said Joseph Phipps the Trustee died having made his will Dated 29th
                        November 1815 whereof he appointed his wife Elizabeth Phipps his nephew John

[Page 17]

                                   Hemming & Francis Oldaker Executrix & Exors who all Duly proved same in the
                                   Perogative Court of Canterbury 31 August 1816
10th November 1817
                                   By Indenture of Demise of this date between said Edmund Smith
                                   Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland & Nathaniel Hartland the Younger of
                                   Evesham in the County of Worcester Bankers Copartners of the other parts
                                             Reciting the Indentures of Lease Release of the 10th & 11th April 1789
                                             And that said Edmund Smith was in the habit of transacting business
                                             in account with said N. Hartland J.A. Hartland & N. Hartland the Younger
                                             in their profession or business of Bankers & or such account there was
                                             due from said Edmund Smith to them the sum of £843 & as said account between
                                             the parties was intended to be a floating account whereby said Edmund
                                             Smith might be sometimes indebted in a larger & sometimes
                                             in a less sum then should £843 it had been agreed that said Messuage
                                             Mills premises should be appointed & demised to them as a security for such
                                             banking Account not exceeding £3,000
                                   It is witnessed that in consideration of said £843 so due to said Copartners & of
                                   10 shillings by them paid to E. Smith
                                             said Edmund Smith (in exercise of the powers reserved to him by 
                                   said recited Indenture of release
                                             Did direct limit & appoint       And
                                                        Did thereby grant demise & set over unto said N Hartland John
                                   Allis Hartland & Nathaniel Hartland ye Younger
                                                               All said Messuage Mills Land allotment Lock Toll yearly
                                                               rent free fishing buildings & other the premises described
                                                               in and released & appointed by the therein recited and
                                                               hereinbefore abstracted Indentures of Lease & Release
                                                               And also all that paper mill erected & built on part
                                                               of said premises thereto belonging then in the possession of John Gould
                                                               (or persons claiming under him) under & by virtue of a
                                                               Lease granted thereof by said Edmund Smith hereinbefore abstracted
                                                               with all privileges & advantages reserved by said Lease to said
                                                               Edmund Smith his heirs & assigns and the yearly & or rents pay-
                                                               able for same
                                                               Together with all other erections buildings & improvements erected &
                                                               made on said premises or any part thereof by said Edmund
                                                               And together with all Courts Yards &c.
                                                               And all the Estate &c.
                                                               And all Deeds &c.
                                   To hold same unto said N Hartland John A Hartland & Nathl
                                   Hartland the Younger their Exors &c. from thenceforth for the Term                                          

[Page 18]

                             of 1,000 years (sans waste) at the yearly rent of a pepper corn
                       Proviso for making void the now abstracted Indenture on payment by said Edmund Smith his
                       Heirs appointees or Assigns from time to time unto said N Hartland J A Hartland 
                       & N Hartland the Younger their Exors &c. of the Balance of such Banking Account when
                       requested with all Interest discount considerations & posts[?] due thereon or on payment of 
                       such Balance & call Interest discount &c. & closing such banking account within 1 month after
                       request in writing by said Copartners their Exors &c.
                       Covenant from said Edmund Smith for payment of Banking Account Interest &c.
                            For peaceable entry in case of Default
                            For further assurance       And
                            For insurance

                                                                    Executed by said Edmund
                                                                    Smith and duly

                       By Indenture of Demise of this date made between said Edmund Smith
                       the of the one part & Hester Smith of Harvington aforesaid Spinster of the other part
                       Reciting them the Indentures of Lease and Release of the 10th & 11th
                       April 1798
                       And that said Edmund Smith was indebted to said Hester Smith
                       in £1710 for Mortgage
                       And reciting that said Messuage Mills premises were by said last abstracted
                       Indenture demised & appointed to said N Hartland J A Hartland Natheniel
                       Hartland the Younger their Exors &c. for 1000 years for securing the
                       banking account of said Edmund Smith with them to an amount not
                       exceeding £3,000
                       And reciting that said Edmund Smith in order to secure the payment
                       of said £1710 to said Hester Smith together with certain cash & professional &
                       business therein mentioned to have been paid by her (making together £1739)
                       had proposed to her to demise said Messuage Mills Premises & to covenant for
                       the surrender of certain Copyhold premises therein mentioned as a security for
                       the same
                  It is witnessed that in consideration of said $1739 so due to said Hester Smith &
                  of 10 shillings to said Edmund Smith paid by said Hester Smith
                       He said Edmund Smith in pursuance of the power reserved to him
                  by said abstracted Indenture of release of 11th April 1798
                           Did direct limit & appoint          And
                  Did thereby grant demise set over unto the said Hester Smith
                  All said abstracted hereditament premises by ye same description &
                  in last abstracted Indenture
                  And all the Estate &c.

[Page 19]

                        And all Deeds &c.
                 To hold same unto said Hester Smith her Exors &c. from thenceforth for the
                 term of 2000 years
           Subject to the payment of said Banking Account to said Copartners & to the term of
           1000 years for securing the same (sans waste) at the yearly rent of a Pepper Corn
                 Proviso for making void the now abstracting Indenture on payment by said Edmund
                 Smith his Heirs Exors &c. unto said Hester Smith her Exors &c. of $1739
                 & Interest thereon after the rate therein mentioned on the 10th day of October then
                       Covenant from said Edmund Smith for payment of Principal Money & Interest
                       That he had good right to demise
                       For entry on Default &c.
                       For further assurance
                       Covenant to surrender certain Copyholds therein mentioned as a further security

                                                                          Executed by said Edmund
                                                                          Smith and duly
12th December 1817
           The said Edmund Smith departed this life & was buried at Winchcombe having
           made his will bearing date of 22nd August 1812 whereby after directing the payment
           of all his just debts Funeral & Testamentary Expanses as soon as Convenient
           after his decease
                      He gave & bequeathed (subject to the payment of his debts funeral expenses
                 as aforesaid) inter alia
                             All that his freehold mills land premises situate at
                             Harvington aforesaid then in Testator's own occupation
                             And all Lands premises which he might have at the day
                             of his death in the Kingdom of Great Britain
                 Unto his Brother Henry Smith of Evesham aforesaid Mercer his Brother
            in Law Richard Hirons Gentleman of Winchcombe & Mr Samuel Sheaf of Barton 
            in the County of Warwick Farmer their Heirs Exors &c. for & during all such Estates
            & Interests at the time of his decease as he should have therein respectively & according
            to the nature & tenure of the same respectively
                 Upon Trust that they ye said Trustees or the survivor of them therein His
                 Exors &c. should within 12 months after Testator's decease by public auction
                 or private sale sell the same together with his household furniture
                 & other effects for the most Money they could obtain for same
                 And should thereupon divide the Monies arising thereby & other the Most therein
                 mentioned into 5 equal shares (that was to say)
                             Unto Testator's sister Hester her Exors &c. 2 shares thereof
                             To Testator's sister Ann Charles her Exors & 1 other share

[Page 20]

                             To Testator's Brother said Henry Smith his Exors & one other share And
                             To Testator's Sister Elizabeth Hirons the remaining share
                 with benefit of survivorship on the death of either of said Legatees with
                 Issue in Testator's lifetime
            And Testator of his said will appointed said Henry Smith Richard Hirons & Samuel Sheaf
            Trustees & Executors
                 And (amongst other things) directed that it should not be necessary for the
            purchaser or purchasers of his said Freehold or Copyhold hereditaments premises & other his
            real or personal Estate above directed to be sold to see to the application of the
            purchase Money but that the reciting of the Trustees & Exors should be a sufficient discharge
                                                                                     Executed by Testator in
                                                                                     the presence of 3

             Proved in Perogative Court 17 January 1818 by said Henry Smith & Samuel Sheaf the
             surviving Executors
                     Mr Richard Hirons departed this life before August 1817 & was buried at

I hereby acknowledge that the several above mentioned
Indentures Wills and other assurances excepting only the
demise to Miss Hester Smith --[?] the Will of Mr Edmund
Smith and in our having ---[?] Security to us for the
Three thousand pounds and Interest due from him to us
                                   1st April 1818
                                            Nathaniel Hartland senior
                                            for Partners & Self
Mill House Deeds 10:         One-year Lease dated 30th March 1818. Note the beautiful copper-plate writing displayed in this document.


Front - sheet 1

[Back a:]
Dated 30th March 1818

Lease for year

Mr Henry Smith
and others
Mr Thos Walford A

[Back b:]
Signed sealed and delivered by the within
named Thomas Smith in the presence of

--[?] Winterbotham
Clerk to Mr Cheek
Sol Evesham

Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Henry
Smith and Samuel Sheaf in the presence of
--[?] Winterbotham

This Indenture made the thirtieth day of March in the fifty eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
third by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the
ffaith And in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen Between Henry
of Evesham in the County of Worcester Draper Samuel Sheaf late of Barton in the County
of Warwick but now of Dorsington in the County of Gloucester Gentleman and Thomas Smith
of Winchcombe in the said County of Gloucester Gentleman of the one part and Thomas Walford Marshall of Harvington in the said County of Worcester Gentleman
of the other part Witnesseth that in consideration of five shillings by the said Thomas Walford Marshall in hand paid to the said Henry Smith Samuel Sheaf and Thomas Smith at or before the
execution thereof the receipt whereof to hereby acknowledged They the said Henry Smith Farmer thereof and Thomas Smith Have and each every of them Have bargained
and void And by these Presents Do and each and every of them Doth bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Walford Marshall All that messuage or tenement now or heretofore
commonly called or known by the name of the fforge And also all those two water corn mills commonly called or known by the name of Harvington Mills with their
appurtenances situate lying and being in the parish of Harvington aforesaid in the said County of Worcester in or near to the river Avon and the ground and soil whereon
the said messuage and mill stand And also all those several closes pieces or parcels of land called by the several names of Com Croft the Round Ait and the Mill Ait
containing by estimation five acres or thereabouts be the same more or less And all that allotment or parcel of land situate in the Old Weir in Harvington aforesaid awarded
to one Charles Oldaker on the Inclosure of the open and common fields of Harvington aforesaid containing by admeasurement one rood and thirty four perches and all
the lock and the water ground and soil thereof belonging to the said mills And also all toll benefit and custom for grinding of corn and grain And also all that yearly
rent of fforty shillings payable by the owner or owners of the upper part of the navigation of the River Avon for the use of the Ground on which and the water in which the said Lock is
erected And also all that free fishing in the River Avon to the said Mills belonging or appertaining And also all that paper mill erected and built on part of the said
premises with the buildings and appurtenances thereto belonging now in the possession of John Philips under a Lease thereof granted by the said Edmund Smith
deceased to one John Gould And all other the erections and buildings erected and made on the said premises or any part thereof at any time
since the purchases of the said messuage and mills by the said Edmund Smith from one Samuel Charles and now standing thereon or on any part thereof
and thereunto belonging And all and singular other the messuages lands tenements and hereditaments granted and released and bounded in and by certain Indentures of Lease
Release appointment and demise mentioned and recited in an Indenture of Release dated the day next after the day of the date hereof and hereinafter mentioned
or referred to Together with all houses outhouses edifices buildings barns stables gardens orchards courts yards barfsides ditches hedges mounds fences trees woods
underwoods and the ground and soil thereof mill pools mill dams stanks banks flood gates ponds streams waters watercourses commons and common of pasture
rivers free fishing fishing places ways paths passages easements profits commodities advantages emoluments hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said
messuage mills lands tenements hereditaments and premises hereby bargained and sold belonging or in any wise appertaining And the reversion and reversions remainder
and remainders yearly and other rents issued and profits of all and singular the said premises To have and to hold the said messuage or tenement water corn mills
Paper Mill closes pieces or parcels of land lock toll yearly rent free fishing hereditaments and premises hereby bargained and sold with their appurtenances unto the
said Thomas Walford Marshall his executors administrators and assigns from the day next before the day of the date of these presents for and during and unto the
full aid and term of one whole year from their next ensuing and fully to be complete and aided Yielding and Paying therefore unto the said Henry
Smith Samuel Sheaf and Thomas Smith the rent of one pepper corn on the last day the said Term if the same shall be demanded To the Intent that by
virtue of these presents and by force of the Statute made for transferring used into possession the said the said Thomas Walford Marshall may be actually possessed of
all the premises hereby bargained and sold and be thereby enabled to accept and take a Grant and Release of the reversion and inheritance thereof to him his
hairs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs and assigns for ever In Witness whereof the said parties
to these presents have hereunto set hands and seals the day and year first above written.

Henry Smith [signed] Samuel Sheaf [signed] Thomas Smith [signed]

Mill House Deeds 11:         Release dated 31st March 1818, consisting of five large parchment sheets with title with page six on reverse of page two.

Back of sheet five:

Front - sheet 1:

Front - sheet 2:

Front - sheet 3:

Front - sheet 4:

Front - sheet 5:

Front - sheet 6 on reverse of page 2:

[Back 1:]
Dated 31st day of March 1818

Messrs Henry Smith and Saml
Sheaf Trustees and Executors of
Mr Edmd Smith deceased and


Mr Thos Walford Marshall

Release of a Messuage Mills
and premises at Harvington
Worcestershire in fee Subject to
a Mortgage of £3000 thereon to
Messrs Hartlands And Surrender of
a Term of 2000 years therein by Miss
Hester Smith.


Messrs Hartlands
said Mr Marshall

Deed Poll indorsed on 2nd --in[?]
being a merger of term of 1000 years
granted as within to them

Dated the 9th day of January 1822

[Back 2:]
Received on the day of the date of the within Indenture of
and from the within named Thomas Walford Marshall the
sum of One thousand four hundred and fifty Pounds in full         1450£
for the consideration[?] Money within mentioned to be paid
by him to us

Hester Smith [signed]

Witnesses: --[?] Winterbotham

[Back 3:]
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Thomas
Smith and Hester Smith in the presence of

--[?] Winterbotham
Clerk to W Cheek Sol Evesham

Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Henry
Smith and Samuel Sheaf William Smith and Thomas
Walford Marshall in the presence of

Hy[?] Winterbotham

[Front - page 1:
This Indenture made the thirty first day of March in the fifty eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
third by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the faith and in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen Between Henry Smith of Evesham in the
County of Worcester Draper and Samuel Sheaf late of Barton in the County of Warwick but now of
Dorsington in the County of Gloucester Gentleman surviving trustees and Executors named and appointed in
and by the last will and Testament of Edmund Smith heretofore of Harvington in the County of Worcester Miller deceased of the first part Thomas Smith of Winchcombe in the said
County of Gloucester Gentleman a trustee nominated on the behalf of the said Edmund Smith in and by the Indentures of Lease and Release hereinafter recited of the second part Hester
of Harvington aforesaid spinster of the third part William Smith of Evesham aforesaid Miller of the forth part and Thomas Walford Marshall of Harvington
aforesaid Gentleman of the fifth part Between by Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the tenth and eleventh days of April which were in the year one
thousand seven hundred and ninety eighth the Release being of three parts and made between John Barnes of Tewkesbury in the said County of Gloucester Gentleman of the first part
Samuel Charles late of Cleeve Prior in the said County of Worcester but then of Naunton in the said County of Gloucester Gentleman of the second part and the said Edmund Smith
since deceased and the said Thomas Smith of the third part After Reciting thereon that by certain Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the tenth and eleventh
days of May which were in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety the Release being made between the said Samuel Charles and Ann his wife of the one part
Katherine Acton of Bengeworth in the said County of Worcester widow of the other part and by a fine levied as of Easter Term in the thirtieth year of the reign of his present Majesty
King George the third in pursuance of a Covenant for that purpose contained in the said therein recited Indenture of Release All and singular the messuage or tenement Water
Corn Mills Closes pieces or parcels of land Lock Toll yearly Rent ffishing hereditaments and other the premises situate at Harvington in the said County of Worcester therein and
hereinafter particularly described and hereinafter also released and conveyed or intended so to be with their appurtenances were for the valuable Consideration therein mentioned
granted and released unto and to the use of the said Katherine Acton her heirs and assigns for ever But by way of Mortgage only and for securing to her and them the repayment
of the sum of ffive hundred pounds and Interest thereon after the rate of the time and in manner therein mentioned And further Reciting therein that by certain other
Indentures of Lease and Release bearing date respectively the eighth and ninth days of April which were in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety three the Release
being made between the said Katherine Acton of the first part the said Samuel Charles of the second part and the said John Barnes of the third part All the messuage or
tenement Mills land Lock Toll yearly Rent ffree fishing hereditaments and other the premises granted and released unto the said Katherine Acton in and by the therein recited
and hereinbefore mentioned Indentures of Lease and Release with their appurtenances were for the valuable consideration therein mentioned appointed released and described[?]
by the said Katherine Acton and Samuel Charles unto and to the use of the said John Barnes his heirs and assigns for ever but by way of Mortgage with and for
securing to him and them the sum of Eight hundred pounds and Interest thereon after the rate at the time and in manner therein mentioned And further Reciting
in the now reciting Indenture of Release that there was due to the said John Barnes on the said on the said recited security to him the said Principal sum of Eight hundred
pounds together with fforty pounds for Arrears of Interest thereon And that the said Edmund Smith had contracted with the said Samuel Charles of the Purchase of
the said messuage mills and hereditaments at the sum of One thousand eight hundred pounds out of which it had bee agreed that the said sum of Eight hundred &
forty pounds should be paid to the said John Barnes His by the Indenture of Release of the eleventh day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety
eight Now in recital Witnessed that in pursuance of the said therein recited Agreement and in consideration of Eight hundred and forty pounds to the said John Barnes
by the direction of the said Samuel Charles paid by the said Edmund Smith in full for all Principal money and interest due on the said recited Mortgage and of Nine
hundred and sixty pounds to the said Samuel Charles also paid by the said Edmund Smith making together the sum of One thousand eight hundred pounds in full for the
purchase of the said hereditaments and premises (the respective receipts whereof are thereby acknowledged and in consideration of five shillings to the said John Barnes
and Samuel Charles paid by the said Thomas Smith the said John Barnes (at the request and by the direction of the said Samuel Charles and at the consideration and appointment
of the said Edmund Smith testified as thereon mentioned) Did bargain sell alien remise release quit claim and confirm And the said Samuel Charles (at the like request nomination
and appointment of the said Edmund Smith testified as aforesaid Did grant bargain sell alien release ratify and confirm limit direct and appoint unto the said Edmund
Smith and Thomas Smith (in their Possessions being by virtue of the said Indenture of Lease) All the said messuage or tenement Water Corn Mills land Toll yearly Rent
ffree fishing and other hereditaments and premises therein and hereinafter particularly described and hereinafter also released and conveyed or intended so to be And also
all and every other buildings and made on the said premises or on any part thereof at any time since the purchase of the said messuage and Mills by the said Samuel
Charles of one Charles Oldaker and then standing thereon or on any part thereof and all other messuages lands tenements and hereditaments granted and released by the said
Samuel Charles and Ann his wife unto the said Katherine Acton in and by the said therein recited and hereinbefore mentioned Indenture of Release of the eleventh day of May
one thousand seven hundred and ninety and by the said Katherine Acton and Samuel Charles granted released and converted unto the said John Barnes in and by the said
therein recited and hereinbefore mentioned Indenture of Release of the ninth day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety three with their rights members and
appurtenances To hold the same unto the said Edmund Smith and Thomas Smith their heirs and assigns To the use of such person and persons and for such Estate and
Estates Interest and Interests and to and for such and intents and purposes and upon such trusts and charges and chargeable in such manner and form Subject to such Powers
of Reversion and acts appointment and other Powers Provisoes Conditions Limitations Declarations and Agreements as the said Edmund Smith should by any Deed or Testament
in writing to be by him duly executed in the presence of and attested by [insert] one or more credible witness or by his last will and testament in writing or any writing in
the nature thereof to be by him duly executed in the presence of and attested by [end] three or more credible witnesses grant release order direct limit or appoint or give or devise the

[Front - Page 2:
Same and in default of or with such Grant Release Order Direction Limitation ot Appointment Gift or devise or so far as the same should not extend and ----[?]
to and on the determination of the same To the Use of the said Thomas Smith and his heirs during the life of the said Edmund Smith In trust for the said Edmund Smith and
his assigns and from and immediately after the determination of that Estate during the life of the said Edmund Smith To the Use of the said Edmund Smith his heirs and
assigns for ever And whereas by Indenture of Demise by way of Mortgage bearing date on or about the tenth day of March which was in the year one thousand eight
hundred and seventeen made between the said Edmund Smith of the one part and Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger of Evesham
aforesaid Bankers and Copartners of the other part After Reciting therein the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Lease and Release of the tenth and eleventh
days of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight And Reciting that the said Edmund Smith was in the habit of transacting business in account with
the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger in their Possession or Business of Bankers and that on such account there was and
from the said Edmund Smith to them the sum of Eight hundred and forty three pounds and that as the said Account between the said parties was intended to be a
floating Account and such as was usual to be kept between Bankers and their Customers whereby he said Edmund Smith might be in the remise of such account
sometimes indebted in a larger sometimes in a less sum than the said sum of eight hundred and forty three pounds it had been agreed that the said messuage mills
land and premises with their appurtenances should be appointed secured and granted by the said Edmund Smith to the said Copartners their executors administrators
and assigns for securing all monies which he then was or thereafter might be indebted to them on such Banking transactions not exceeding the sum of Three
thousand pounds It is by the Indenture of Demise of the tenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventeen now in recital witnessed that in pursuance
of the said agreement and in consideration of Eight hundred and forty three pounds so due to the said Copartners as aforesaid and of ten shillings by them paid
the said Edmund Smith He the said Edmund Smith (in exercise and pursuance of the power and authority given and reserved to him in and by the hereinbefore in
part recited indenture of Release Did on the now reciting Indenture sealed and delivered with the formalities as therein mentioned direct limit andappoint and Did
thereby grant demise and set over unto the said Nathaniels Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger All those the said messuage or
tenement Water Corn Mills Closes pieces or parcels of land allotments Lock Toll yearly Rents free fishing Buildings and other the premises particularly described
in and released limitted and appointed by the therein and hereinbefore in part recited Indentures of Lease and Release And also all that Paper Mill erected
and built on part of the said premises with the appurtenances then in the possession of John Gould (or persons claiming under him) under and by virtue of
a Lease granted thereof on the said Edmund Smith Together with the rights members and appurtenances thereto respectively belonging To hold the same unto
the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their executors administrators and assigns from thenceforth for the term
of One thousand years without Impeachment of waste at the yearly Rent of a Pepper Corn Subject nevertheless to the Proviso in the now reciting Indenture
contained for making void the same on payment of the balances from time to time to become out on the Banking Account of the said Edmund Smith with the said
Copartners Together with all Interest discount Commission and postages to accrue thereon in manner therein particularized And whereas by a certain other Indenture
of Demise by way of Mortgage bearing date on or about the tenth day of April which was in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventeen made between
the said Edmund Smith of the one part and Hester Smith of Harvington aforesaid Spinster of the other part After Reciting therein amongst other things the hereinbefore
in part recited Indentures of Lease and Release of the tenth and eleventh days of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and that the said Edmund
Smith to as indebted unto the said Hester Smith in the sum of One thousand seven hundred and ten pounds for money sent and advanced by her and Reciting
that the said messuage mills land and premises therein and hereinafter described were by the hereinbefore in in part recited Indenture of Demise of the tenth day
of March one thousand eight hundred and seventeen and appointed unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the
Younger their executors administrators and assigns for the term of One thousand years for securing to them in manner therein mentioned their Banking Account
with the said Edmund Smith to all amount not exceeding Three thousand pounds And Reciting that the said Edmund Smith in order to secure the payment
of the said One thousand seven hundred and ten pounds to the said Hester Smith together with the Costs and Professional Business therein mentioned to have been
paid by her making together the sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds with interest thereon had proposed to her to demise the said
messuage mills lands and premises and to Covenant for the surrender of certain Copyhold premises therein mentioned as a Security for the same It is by the
Indenture of Demise of the tenth day of April one thousand eight hundred and seventeen now in Recital witnessed that in consideration of the said sum of One
thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds & due and owing from the said Edmund Smith to the said Hester Smith in manner as aforesaid and of ten
shillings to him paid by the said Hester Smith and the said Edmund Smith in exercise and pursuant of the Power and Authority reserved to him in and by
the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Release of the eleventh day of April one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight Did by the now reciting
Indenture sealed and delivered by him with the formalities therein mentioned direct limit and appoint grant demise and set over unto the said Hester Smith

[Front - Page 3:
And the said messuage mills lands hereditaments and premises hereinbefore mentioned and referred to and therein and hereinafter particularly mentioned and
described and hereinafter also granted released and conveyed or intended so to be with their appurtenances To hold the same unto the said Hester Smith her executors
administrators and assigns from thenceforth for the term of Two thousand years at the yearly Rent of a Pepper Corn Subject nevertheless to the payment of the said Banking
Account to the said Copartners and to the term of One thousand years for securing the same And subject also to Proviso in the now reciting Indenture contained for
making void the same on payment by the said Edmund Smith his heirs executors or administrators unto the said Hester Smith her executors administrators or assigns
of the sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds and interest thereon after the rate at the time and in manner therein mentioned And whereas the said Edmund
Smith departed this life on or about the twelfth day of December last having first made and published his last will and Testament in reciting any executed and attested as required by
the trusts of the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Release to him of the eleventh day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and as the Law requites for the
devising of Real Estate thereby after directing the payment of all his just debts funeral Expenses and Legacies and charging the same on all his Estate and Effects both real and
Personal She gave devised and bequeathed all his freehold and Copyhold Estates mill lands and premises [insert] (that is to say) All that ffreehold Mill Lands
and Premises [end] situate situated in Harvington aforesaid then in his own occupation And
all his Copyhold Cottages and land therein described And all other his Real Chattels Real and Copyhold Leasehold and other Estates lands and premises in the Kingdom of Great
Britain unto his Brother the said Henry Smith his Brother in Law Richard Hirons Gentleman since deceased and the said Samuel Sheaf their heirs executors administrators
and assigns for and during all such Estates and Interests as at the time of his decease he the said Testator should have therein respectively and according to the nature of
tenure of the same respectively upon trust that his said trustees or the survivors of them his heirs executors or administrators should within twelve months next after
his decease by Public Auction or Private Sale as to them should seem best sell the same together with all his Household furniture and other effects therein mentioned
for the most money that could be obtained for the same and should thereupon divide the monies arising by such sale or sales and other his monies therein mentioned
into five equal shares for the benefit of his Sister the said Hester Smith his Sister Ann Charles his Brother the said Henry Smith and his Sister Elizabeth Hirons according
to the shares and proportions and in manner therein mentioned And the said Testator did thereby appoint the said Henry Smith Richard Hirons (since deceased) and Samuel
Sheaf trustees and executors of his said will And did thereby direct that it should not be necessary for the Purchase or Purchasers of his said Freehold or Copyhold hereditaments
and premises and other his Real or Personal Estate thereby directed by him to be sold to see or attend to the application of the Purchase money or any part thereof but that
the receipt of his said Trustees and Executors or either of them should be an effectual discharge to such Purchaser or Purchasers And whereas the said Richard Hirons
departed this life in the lifetime of the said Testator leaving the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf him surviving And whereas sale was made of the Estate
and Effects of the said Edmund Smith by the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf (the surviving Trustees and Executors of his said will in pursuance of the directions in
such will contained And the said William Smith was then and there declared the highest bidder and Purchaser of the messuages mills lands hereditaments and premises
hereinbefore mentioned and hereinafter particularly described and hereinafter also released and conveyed or intended so to be being Lot 2 described in the Particulars of
such sale at or for the price or sum of ffour thousand seven hundred pounds And the same messuage mills land hereditaments and premises were as aforesaid purchased by
him the said William Smith on the part and behalf of and In trust only for the said Thomas Walford Marshall at the said William Smith doth hereby admit and acknowledge
And whereas there is now due and owing to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathenial Hartland the Younger on the Banking Account of the
said Edmund Smith deceased with them and secured on the said messuage mills lands hereditaments and premises the full sum of Three thousand pounds only as the said Henry
Smith and Samuel Sheaf do hereby respectively admit and acknowledge And whereas there is also now due and owing to the said Hester Smith on the said recited
security to her original Principal sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds together with interest thereon from the date of the said Security And
2 whereas
the said Thomas Walford Marshall did pay down by way of deposit money on the said Premises the sum of Two hundred and fifty pounds so that there
is now due and owing from him on account of the said Purchase money the sum of ffour thousand four hundred and fifty pounds only and it hath been agreed between
the said Thomas Walford Marshall and the said Nathaniel Hartland and John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger that the said sum of Three thousand pounds
so as aforesaid now due and owing to them shall continue and remain secured on the said messuage mills lands hereditaments and premises And it hath also been agreed
between the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf and Thomas Walford Marshall and the said Hester Smith that the remainder of the said sum of ffour thousand four
hundred and fifty pounds (after deducting therefrom the said sum of Three thousand pounds) shall be paid to the said Hester Smith in part discharge of the sum of One
thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds and interest so as aforesaid now due and owing on the said recited Security to her and that the term of Two thousand
years granted to her by the said Edmund Smith in and by the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Mortgage of the tenth day of April one thousand eight
hundred and seventeen for securing the same shall be assigned and assured by her unto the said Thomas Walford Marshall in manner hereinafter mentioned And
it hath been also agreed between the parties that the said Thomas Smith as such trustee for the said Edmund Smith his heirs appointees and assigns as
hereinbefore mentioned shall join the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf in conveying the same messuage mills lands and hereditaments unto the said Thomas
Walford Marshall his heirs and assigns in manner as hereinafter mentioned Now therefore this Indenture witnesseth that in pursuance and

[Front - Page 4:
Part performance of the said agreement and for and in consideration of the said sum of Three thousand pounds so as aforesaid now due and owing to the said Nathaniel Hartland
John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger on the said recited Security to them and of the Covenant of the said Thomas Walford Marshall hereinafter contained for indemnifying the
said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf therefrom And also in consideration of the sum of One thousand four hundred and fifty pounds hereinafter mentioned to be paid by the said Thomas Walford
Marshall to the said Hester Smith in part discharge of the said sum of One thousand seven hundred and thirty nine pounds and Interest so as aforesaid remaining due and owing to her making
together with the said sum of Three thousand pounds and the said deposit money so paid as aforesaid the full sum of ffour thousand seven hundred pounds which the said Henry Smith and
Samuel Sheaf to hereby acknowledge to be in full for the absolute purchase of the messuage mills land hereditaments and premises hereinafter particularly described and hereinafter also released
and conveyed or intended so to be And also in consideration of ten shillings a piece of good lawful English money to the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf and Thomas Smith in hand at or
before the sealing and delivery hereof well and truly paid by the said Thomas Walford Marshall the receipts whereof are hereby respectively acknowledged They the said Henry Smith and
Samuel Sheaf and the said Thomas Smith (according to their respective Estates and Interests in the premises but not further or otherwise and at the request and by the direction of the said
William Smith testified by his being a party to and sealing and delivering of these presents Have and each and every of them Hath bargained sold aliened released and confirmed And
by these presents at such request and by such direction as aforesaid and so testified as aforesaid Do and each and every of them Doth bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said
Thomas Walford Marshall (in his actual Possession now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made for one whole year by the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf and
the said Thomas Smith in consideration of five shillings by Indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of these presents and commencing from the day next before
the day of the date of the same Indenture of Bargain and Sale and by force of the Statute made for transferring uses to Possession) and to his heirs and assigns All that messuage
or tenement now or heretofore commonly called or known by the name of the fforge And also all those two Water Corn Mills commonly called or known by the name of Harvington Mills
with their appurtenances situate lying and being in the Parish of Harvington aforesaid in the said County of Worcester in or near to the River Avon and the ground and soil whereon
the said messuage and mills stand And also all those several Closes pieces or parcels of land called by the several names of the of the Concroft The round Ait and the Mill Ait containing on a
estimation five acres or thereabouts or the same more or less And all that Allotment or parcel of land situate in the Old weir in Harvington aforesaid awarded to one Charles Oldaker
or the Inclosure of the open and Common fields of Harvington aforesaid containing by admeasurement one rood and thirty four perches and all that Lock and the water Ground and Soil
thereof belonging to the said Mills and also all toll rent and custom for grinding of Corn and Grain And also all that yearly rent of fforty shillings payable by the Owner or Owners of
the upper part of the Navigation of the River Avon for the use of the ground on which and the water in which the said Lock is erected and also all that free fishing in the River Avon to
the said Mills belonging or appertaining and also all that Paper Mill erected and built on part of the said premises with the buildings and appurtenances thereto belonging now in the possession
of John Phillips under a Lease granted thereof by the said Edmund Smith deceased to one John Gould hereafter mentioned And all other the Erections and Buildings erected and made on
the said premises or any part thereof at any time since the purchase of the said messuage and mills by the said Edmund Smith from the said Samuel Charles as aforesaid and now standing
thereon or on any part thereof and thereunto belonging And all and singular other the messuages lands tenements and hereditaments mentioned and comprised and granted released or otherwise
assured by the several hereinbefore in part recited Indentures of Lease and Release appointment and demise any or other of them Together with all houses outhouses edifices buildings barns stables
gardens orchards courts yards backsides hedges ditches mounds fences trees woods underwoods and the ground and soil thereof Mill pools Mill Dams Stanks Banks ffloodgates Ponds Streams waters
watercourses Commons and Common of Pasture Rivers free fishing Places ways paths passages easements profits commodities advantages emoluments hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the
said messuage mills lands tenements hereditaments and premises hereby granted released and conveyed or intended so to be or any part thereof belonging or in anywise appertaining or to or with the
same or any part thereof now or at any time heretofore usually held used accepted possessed or enjoyed or accepted reputed deemed taken or known as or for part parcel or encumber thereof
appurtenant thereunto had the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders yearly or other rents issues and profits of all and singular the aid promises and all the Estate Right Title interest
use trust possession benefit property therein and secured whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of them the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf and Thomas Smith and each and every of them
of in and to the same or any part thereof And all Deeds Evidences and writings relating to or in anywise concerning the title to the same hereditaments and premises now in the hands custody
or Power of the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf or either of them or which they or either of them can procure or obtain without Suit at Law or in Equity To have and to
the said messuage or tenement Water Corn Mills Paper Mill closes pieces or parcels of land Lock Toll yearly Rent free fishing hereditaments and all and singular other the premises
hereinbefore particularly described and intended to be hereby released and conveyed with their and every of their rights members and appurtenances unto the said Thomas Walford Marshall his
heirs and assigns To the only proper use and Behoof of the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs and assigns for ever and to for and upon no other use and intent or purpose whatsoever
subject Nevertheless to the said sum of Three thousand pounds so as aforesaid now due and owing to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the
Younger and to the term of One thousand years in and by the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Mortgage to them recited for securing the same and subject also to the Lease granted
by the said Edmund Smith deceased to one John Gould of the Paper Mill and its appurtenances (part of the hereditaments and premises hereinbefore described and intended to be
hereby released and conveyed by Indenture bearing date on or about the twenty fourth day of June one thousand eight hundred and three for the term of Thirty years at the then
yearly Rent of fifty pounds per annum and subject to the Covenants and agreements in such Indenture of Lease contained on the part of the Lessor and Lessee of the said premises by such
Lease demised to be observed and performed And subject to the Chief Rent or other annual Payment of Three pounds seventeen shillings charged upon and payable out of

[Front - Page 5:
Said messuage with lands hereditaments and premises or some part thereof to the Dean and Chapter of Worcester And the said Henry Smith and Samuel
Sheaf do hereby for themselves severally and respectively and for their several and respective heirs executors and administrators but not the one for the other of them or for the heirs executors
or administrators of the other of them but each for his own acts deeds heirs executors and administrators only covenant promise and declare to and with the said Thomas Walford Marshall
his heirs and assigns that the said Edmund Smith did not in his lifetime to the knowledge or belief of the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf or either of them make do or execute and
that they the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf have not nor hath either of them at any time since the decease of the said Edmund Smith made done committed or executed or
wittingly or willingly occasioned or suffered any act deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby or wherewith or by reason or means of the said messuage or tenement mills
Closes pieces or parcels of land hereditaments and premises hereinbefore described and intended to be hereby released and conveyed or any part thereof are is can shall or may be
in anywise impeached charge affected or incumbered in title estate or otherwise howsoever And the said Thomas Smith doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and
administrators also covenant promise and declare to and with the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs and assigns that the said Thomas Smith doth not at any time or
times heretofore made done committed or exercised or wittingly or willingly occasioned or suffered any act deed matter or thing whatsoever whereby or wherewith or by reason
or means whereof the said messuage or tenement mills lands hereditaments and premises hereinbefore described and intended to be hereby released and conveyed or any part
thereof are is can shall or may be in anywise impeached charged affected or incumbered in title estate or otherwise howsoever And this Indenture further witnesseth
that in further pursuance of the said Agreement and for and in consideration of the sum of One thousand four hundred and fifty pounds to the said Hester Smith in hand
at or before the sealing and delivering of these presents well and truly paid by the said Thomas Walford Marshall (at the request and by the direction of the said
Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf testified as hereinbefore mentioned) the receipt whereof she the said Hester Smith doth hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom
and of and from the same and every part thereof doth acquit release and discharge as well the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs and assigns as the said Henry
Smith and Samuel Sheaf (as such trustees and executors as aforesaid) their heirs executors administrators and assigns and every of them for ever by these presents she the
said Hester Smith (at the request and by the direction of the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf testified as hereinbefore mentioned) Hath bargained sold assigned
surrendered and yielded up And by these presents (at such request and by such direction as aforesaid and so testified as aforesaid) Doth bargain sell assign surrender and
yield up unto the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs and assigns All the aforesaid messuage or tenement Water Corn Mills Paper Mill Closes pieces or parcels
of land Lock Toll yearly Rent free fishing and all and singular other the premises in and by the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture od Demise of the tenth day
of April one thousand eight hundred and seventeen secured and granted unto the said Hester Smith with the rights members and appurtenances thereto respectively belonging
and all the Estate Right title and interest of her the said Hester Smith in and to the same To the End and Intent that the residue and remainder now to come and
unexpired of the said term of Two thousand years of and in the said messuage mills lands and premises may be consolidated with and merged and extinguished in the
Freehold and Inheritance of the same and that the said messuage mills lands and premises may from henceforth be and remain freed and discharged from the said sum of One thousand seven
hundred and thirty nine pounds and Interest so as aforesaid charged and made chargeable thereon and every part and parcel thereof And the said Hester Smith both
hereby for herself her heirs executors and administrators covenant promise and declare to and with the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs and assigns that the
said Hester Smith hath not at any time heretofore made done committed or executed or wittingly or willingly occasioned or suffered any act deed matter or thing whatsoever
whereby or wherewith or by reason or means whereof the said messuage mills lands and premises or any part thereof are is can shall or may be in anywise impeached
charged affected or incumbered or the said term of Two thousand years therein assigned surrendered or made void or voidable in title estate charge existence duration or
otherwise howsoever And lastly the said Thomas Walford Marshall doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and and administrators covenant promise and agree to and with
the said Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf their heirs executors administrators and assigns that he the said Thomas Walford Marshall shall and will well and truly pay
or cause to be paid unto the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger their executors administrators or assigns the said
sum of Three thousand pounds and all Interest to become sue thereon from the day of the sale hereof and shall and will indemnify and save harmless the said
Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf (as such surviving trustees and executors of the said Edmund Smith deceased as aforesaid) their heirs executors and administrators
and the heirs of the said Edmund Smith deceased and their each and every of their Estates Goods and Chattels of and from the payment of the same and every part
thereof and of and from all actions suits Costs Charges and Expenses for or on account thereof or under the Covenants and Agreements on the part of the said Edmund
Smith his heirs executors and administrators contained in the hereinbefore in part recited Indenture of Demise to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland
and Nathaniel Hartland the Younger or in any manner relating thereto In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands
and seal the day and year first above written.

Henry Smith [signed] Samuel Sheaf [signed] Thomas Smith [signed] Hester Smith [signed] William Smith [signed]
Thomas Walford Marshall

[Front - Extra page on reverse of page 2 dated 1822:
To all to whom these presents shall come unto or concern Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger
all of Evesham in the County of Worcester Bankers and Copartners send greeting Whereas the three thousand pounds principal
money within recited or mentioned to be due to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger on
the within recited Security of the tenth day of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and seventeen from the within named
Henry Smith and Samuel Sheaf as executors of the within named Edmund Smith and subject to the payment of which by the within named Thomas Walford Marshall with
lawful Interest thereon from the date of the within Indenture the within release and conveyance was made to and to and to the use of the said Thomas Walford Marshall in Fee hath been with
all Interest thereon duly paid by the said Thomas Walford Marshall to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger as they as hereby respectively
admit and acknowledge Now know ye that in consideration of the sum of three thousand pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain and Ireland current in Great Britain
to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger in hand at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents well and truly paid by the
said Thomas Walford Marshall the receipt of which being in full for all principal and Interest due and owing to them on the within reciting mortgages or security they the said Nathaniel
Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger do hereby respectively admit and acknowledge and thereof and therefrom and of and from the same and every part thereof
do and each and every of them doth acquit release and discharge the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs executors and administrators and every of them for ever by these
presents They Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger have and each and every of them hath bargained sold assigned surrendered
and yielded up and by these presents do and each and every of them doth bargain sell assign surrender and yield up unto the said Thomas Walford Marshall his heirs and
assigns All the within described messuage or tenement Water Corn Mill Closes Pieces or Parcels of Land Allotments Lock Toll yearly Rent Free fishing Buildings Paper Mill and
other the Premises within particularly described and mentioned to be demised by the within named Edmund Smith to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and
Nathaniel Hartland the younger for the term of One thousand years by the within recited Indenture of Demise bearing date on or about the tenth day of March in the year one
thousand eight hundred and seventeen And also the said Indenture of Demise And all and every other Deeds Evidences and writings now in the hands Custody or power
of the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniels Hartland the younger or either of them relating to the said premises or which they can procure without part
And also all the Estate Right Title Interest property possession term of year benefit claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and
Nathaniel Hartland the younger and each and every of them of in to and out of the said messuage mills and premises and every part thereof Freed and absolutely discharged
of any from the payment of the within mentioned sum of Three thousand pounds so due to the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the
younger and from all Interest due thereon To the Intent and purpose that the residue and remainder of the said within mentioned term of One thousand year so vested
in the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger and all benefit and advantage of them and each and every of them therein may be
---[?]ged and extinguished in the Freehold and Inheritance of the said Thomas Walford Marshall his Heirs and Assigns of and in the said messuage mills and premises freed
and absolutely discharged from all principal and Interest due on the within mentioned Security of the tenth day of March in the year One thousand eight hundred and seventeen
And the said Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger do hereby for themselves jointly and severally and for their joint and several
Heirs Executors and Administrators covenant promise and declare to and with the said [insert] Thomas Walford Marshall his Heirs and Assigns
that they the said [end] Nathaniel Hartland John Allis Hartland and Nathaniel Hartland the younger have
not nor hath any or either of them at any time heretofore made done committed or wittingly or willingly occasioned or suffered any act deed matter or thing
whatsoever whereby or wherewith or by reason or means whereof the said messuage mills lands and premises or any part thereof or the said term of One thousand years
or either of them are is can shall or may be in anywise impeached charged affected assigned surrendered or encumbered or made void or voidable in Title Estate Executed
duration or otherwise howsoever In witness whereof the said Parties to these Presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the ninth day of January in the second
year of the Reign of of our Sovereign Lord George the fourth by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland king Defender of the Faith and
in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty two.

Received on the day of the date of the above Deed Poll of and
from the above named Thomas Walford Marshall the sum
of Three thousand Pounds being the consideration money         3,000.0.0
above expressed to be paid by him to us.

Nathl Hartland [signed]
John Allis Hartland [signed]
Nathl Hartland [signed]

Witness the signing by
Nathaniel Hartland and
John Allis Hartland

SI[?] Winterbotham
Witness the signing by
Nathaniel Hartland the younger
JMG Cheek

Signed sealed and delivered by the above named
Nathaniel Hartland and John Allis Hartland
being first duly stamped in the presence of

S -[?] Winterbotham Sol Tewkesbury

Signed sealed and delivered by the above named
Nathaniel Hartland the Younger being first duly
stamped in the presence of

JMS Cheek Sol Evesham

Nathl Hartland [signed]
John Allis Hartland [signed]
Nathl Hartland [signed]

Mill House Deeds 12:         Counterpart Lease and plan between Ernest George Cooke Bomford Esq. and The Vale of Evesham Flour Mills Company Ltd, dated 6th September 1893, consisting of three pages and a plan.

Dated September 6th 1893

Ernest G C Bomford Esqr


The Vale of Evesham
Flour Mills Company Limited


of Harvington Mill and other
Messuages lands and hereditaments
situate at Harvington in the County
of Worcester


[Lease page one:]
This Indenture made the sixth
day of September
One thousand eight
hundred and ninety three Between Ernest George Cooke
of Spring Hill Hadbury in the County of Worcester Farmer
of the one part and The Vale of Evesham Flour Mills
Company Limited
having registered Offices at Evesham in
the said County of Worcester of the other part Witnesseth that
in consideration of the rent hereinafter reserved and of the Lessee's
covenants hereinafter contained the said Ernest George Cooke Bomford
(hereinafter called "The Lessor") hereby demises unto the Vale of
Evesham Flour Mills Company Limited (hereinafter called "The
Company") All that water corn Mill and block of buildings
situate and being on the River Avon at Harvington in the said
County of Worcester now and for some years past occupied by Mr John
Leonard Sisam as tenant thereof known by the name of "Harvington
Mill" Together with the mill stones mill wheels machinery and
other appliances therein And the pieces or parcels of pasture and
orchard land thereto adjoining and belonging and the osier beds
sluices mill ponds mill dams stanks banks ponds currents
streams and watercourses appurtenant to the said premises And
also all that
the messuage or tenement with the garden thereto
adjoining and belonging now or late in the possession of the said
John Leonard Sisam or his undertenants and the two cottages in
the occupation of Thomas Sisam Together with the Malthouse and
buildings situate adjoining or appurtenant thereto All which
lands buildings messuages tenements and hereditaments are
situate and being in the Parish of Harvington aforesaid and are
more particularly delineated and described in the copy of the ordnance
survey map attached to these presents and thereon coloured or edged
with pink And also all that the Fishery and Eeling or the
exclusive right of catching fish and eels in the said River Avon
as such Fishery Eeling and rights have been heretofore held with
or enjoyed as appurtenant to the said Mill and Land Together
with all powers rights immunities privileges and appurtenances
whatsoever incident or appurtenant to or necessary for the full
enjoyment of the said Fishery To hold the said hereinbefore
described premises unto "The Company" for the term of Seven
from the twenty ninth day of September One thousand
eight hundred and ninety three and for such further time at the
option of "The Company" as hereinafter provided Yielding and
therefore during the first two years of the said term the
yearly rent of One hundred and twenty pounds and during
the third and subsequent years thereof the yearly rent of One

[Lease page two:]
hundred and thirty pounds by equal half yearly payments
on the twenty fifth day of March and the twenty ninth day of
September the first payment to be made on the twenty fifth day of
March next And also during the second year thereof (together with
the rent hereinbefore reserved) provided that and in case the Bakery
business proposed to be carried on in part of the premises by the
Company shall be so carried on and shall realise a net profit of
Two hundred and fifty pounds at the least to The Company for that
period the additional yearly rent of Ten pounds by equal half
yearly payments as aforesaid And during the third and subsequent
years of the said term (together with the rent hereinbefore reserved)
provided the said Bakery business shall realise a net annual profit
of Five hundred pounds at the least to The Company the additional
years rent of Twenty pounds by equal half yearly payments as aforesaid
And the Company hereby Covenants with the Lessor in manner
following that is to say That the Company will pay the rent and
additional rents hereby reserved at the time and in manner aforesaid
and will also pay all rates taxes and assessments whatsoever which
now are or during the said term shall be imposed or assessed upon
the said premises or the Landlord or tenant in respect thereof by
authority of Parliament or otherwise (except the Land tax and the
Landlords property tax) And also will at all times during the
continuance of the tenancy hereby created keep the interior of the said
Mill Malthouse and Mill buildings and the machinery therein in
such repair order and condition as the same now is and so deliver
up to the Lessor at the end thereof ordinary wear and tear and
damage by fire or flood excepted Provided always and it is
hereby declared
that if the said yearly rent or additional rent
or any part thereof shall be in arrear for the space of twenty one days
next after any of the days whereon the same ought to be paid as
aforesaid whether the same shall or shall not have been legally
demanded or if there shall be any breach or non observance by
The Company of any of the Covenants hereinbefore contained then
and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful for the Lessor at
anytime thereafter into and upon the said demised premises or any part
thereof in the name of the whole to renter and the same to have again
repossess and enjoy as in his former estate Provided always
and it is hereby declared and agreed
that The Company
may at their option continue the tenancy hereby created for the further
term of Seven years by giving to the Lessor a notice in writing of
such intention at anytime during the sixth year thereof And
the Lessor hereby Covenants with the Company that he will maintain
and keep in a proper state of repair and condition the exterior of
the said Mill tenements and other buildings and also that he will

[Lease page three:]
keep in good order and condition all weirs sluices banks and
provide all materials for repairing or renewal to sluices and water
wheels hereby demised for and during the continuance of the tenancy
hereby created And that The Company paying the rent hereby reserved
and observing and performing the Covenants and conditions herein contained
and on their part to be observed and performed shall and may
peaceably and quietly possesses and enjoys the said premises hereby demised
during the tenancy hereby created without any lawful interruption from
or by the Lessor or person rightfully claiming form or under him
In witness whereof the Lessor has hereunto set his hand and
seal and The Company have herewith affixed their corporate seal
the day and year first above written

The Company Seal of the Vale of
Evesham Flour Mills Company
Limited was hereto affixed in the
presence of

Isaac Admit[?]
A M[?] Smith         Directors

Wm Smith Secretary

Mill House Deeds 13:         Abstract of Title dated 1895, which appears to have nothing to do with Harvington Mill. It is concerned with the Green Hill Estate on Green Hill Evesham. The document refers to transactions between Messrs Albert William Byrch (Solicitor), Thomas Cox (Solicitor) & Alfred Espley (Merchant) dated 14th December 1894 and referring back to an indenture citing dated 6th September 1890 between Herbert New and Roper & Philpin. Herbert New was a Solicitor. This document in the Harvington Millhouse deeds appears to be missplaced. A copy of the document will be given to the owners of Green Hill House and the original either retained within the deeds or transferred to the Record Office in Worcester.

Mill House Deeds 14:         Single sheet copy of letter from Estate Duty Department from E. Freeth, concerning Ernest G C Bomford dated 23rd January 1903.

Mill House Deeds 15:         Supplemental Abstract of Title (Lot 5) of Benjamin Bomford, Ernest Martineau & James Fergusan Bomford dated 1924, consisting of title page and three pages of text.

Mill House Deeds 16:         Abstract of Title (Lot 5) of Benjamin Bomford, Ernest Martineau & James Fergusan Bomford dated 1924, consisting of title page and eight pages of text.



Page 1 & 2:

Page 3 & 4:

Page 5 & 6:

Page Page 7 & reverse:

Page Page 8:

Mill House Deeds 17:         Envelope containing items relating to a trust of the will of Mr Ernest George Cooke Bomford to Mrs Harriet Grice, plus a conveyance of freehold land messuage mill and premises, dated 11th May 1920. Associated with the envelope is a letter and three related items.



Two items: