This is a conveyance dated 12th June 1967 which contains a schedule of past transactions back to 1920 plus subsequent memorandums from 1967, 1969, 1973, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1989.
This document confirms that numbers 28 & 29 Grange Cottages were part of the Grange Estate and had once been owned by Miss Morrow who was a relative and companion of Frederick Bomford the owner and occupier of the Grange. Unfortunately Jamie and Liz Wooton, the present owners of the Grange, have no knownledge of the Deeds therefore they are either lost or destroyed. This document therefore is of vital importance in filling in a missing history of both the Grange, Grange Cottages and the breakup of the Estate. The document not only gives us dates for the break up of the Grange Estate, but to other adjacent properties in the upper reaches of Grange Lane.
Julian Rawes, Crooked Walls, 2025.
[Title page dated 12th June 1967 (Grange001):]
[Memorandums dated 22nd February 1973, 17th November 1982, 3rd November 1967, 24th January 1969. (grange001a):]
[Pages 1,2,3, Conveyance (Grange002):]
[Pages 1, 2,3, (Grange002):]
[Memorandums dated 6th April 1984, 18th May 1984, 21st October 1986, 5th June 1989. (grange003a):]
[Estate plan in two parts (Grange004):]
[Worcestershire County Council plan (Grange005):]
[Plan of the Grange (Grange006):]
[Plan of 28 & 29 Grange Cottages (Grange007):]